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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good tuesday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it i hope you are having a good tuesday morningtize april 9 just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour president biden announcing more student loan handouts for up to 30 million people debt has grown because of unpaid interest this new plan would give borrowers 20,000 dollars loan forgiveness regardless of income while no price tag on
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this plan the committee for responsible federal budget says will cost tens of billions of dollars your taxpayer money biden bragging about going around supreme court speaking in madison wisconsin yesterday. >> tens of millions of people's debt literally about to get canceled. my republican friends elected officials sued us supreme court blocked us didn't well that didn't stop us, sincerely we continue to find alternatives to reduce debt payments, not challenging it. >> supreme court justices who do they think they are the "wall street journal" editorial board writes biden latest lawless student loan forgiveness supreme court blocked biden administration 430-billion-dollar write-off who do adjudications think they are king joseph showed
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them monday wavg roilal, cancellation debt for 30 million borrowers, joining us from former arkansas governor presidential candidate mike huckabee, blankley fellow kaylee mcghee white, your reaction? >> joe biden continues to amaze me going to apply off voters that he probably has but most outrageous part of this maria, is that he is doing it a as insult people didn't go out buy more than they could afford not everybody went to a college so expensive ended up with six figures of debt some to o community college some did what i did worked rare end off, 40 hours a week i was a chump should have waited till joe showed up he would have paid it off another question what about people plumbers he
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electricians bought pickup trucks to be work vehicle going to pay off truck being? why not? if you are going to pay off people because you know they vested in their own future, then pay everybody off, the people who had to buy store front absurd insult to the intelligence of america, and addition to all of that, joe is basically shaking his fist at the supreme court says i don't need o no stinking supreme court to tell me what is constitutional, outrage. maria: that is right, kaylee, this from the guy who says it is donald trump that is a threat to democracy. your reaction to all of this. by the way, even though everything the governor said is right it worked for joe biden last election kaylee. perhaps going to work again pep is buying young people. >> certain counting on it we all know that the reason that he continues to flaunt supreme
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court push through forgiveness plans has seen recent polls realizes donald trump gaining among young verts unprecedented in election cycles the biden campaign panicking remarkable about recent forgiveness bailout first round essentially stopped interest from crewing on certain loans this one essentially tells same borrowers they in every have to pay interest off might be nice on those mortgage interest rates that all americans are now having to pay at 7, 8% because of biden's reckless spending of course, they are not his yell voting bloc the young voters took out tens of thousands student loan debt are the other thing i will note hypocritical from the biden administration, that in one breathth touting amazing economy that they built all jobs they added, yet, in the same sentence also claiming that those jobs are not enough. for college graduates to pay
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off student loan, when one is economy great? are jobs working? or does everyone need help make off debt. maria: yeah i mean it is are there other groups out there that he could go at do this sort of thing buy votes you think he may? all spending let's not forget what forgiving student debt is more surplus what jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon is warming about you all shareholders letter high deficit spending may send interest rates soaring talks about stimulus out there, in his letter to shareholders writing think it is important to note that the economy is being fueled by large amounts of government deficit spending past stimulus this may lead to stickier inflation higher rates than markets expect huge fiscal spending trillions needed each year for green economy, the remill tarization
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told me in january singing the a while i don't think joe biden is getting the memo. >> where does fed fit in jamie right now priced in three rate cuts fwoibl or three in 2025 do you agree with that i am. >> i am a skeptic i look at a lot of things forget economic model, two trillion dollars fiscal deficit, the infrastructure, the green economy, the remilitarization of the world restructuring of trade all inflationary, that looks more 1970s to me, so i think there is a chance here that people should be prepared for inflation comes down bounces around maybe bounced up a little bit implied curves will change. >> governor notice that when the president talks about the so-called success having
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"bidenomics" he leaves out inflationary there a you go to the grocery store giving us stickr shot. >> jamie dimon making a lot of sense here kind of refreshing to see somebody in the highest echelons of business speaking in a way that the average american can understand it, dpraifrngly already feeling it, joe biden doesn't understand keeps talking about how many jobs created, a lot of americans out there saying i think goodness all jobs created because i am holding down four of them to try to buy bacon bread burt that is the problem for many americans, joe biden is the threat. >> other issue kaylee the fact you look at jobs numbers the majority of the bulk of jobs under joe biden has gone to foreign born workers, illegals. >> also if you look at take a closer look at the report many jobs saying were created are government jobs high paying white collar jobs, actually
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the latest jobs' report reported that zero manufacturing jobs were added to the economy. that should also tell you something, and i want to point out that the student loan bailout you made a really a good point you were saying essentially, being introduced by biden administration i go one step further say that is new welfare program the administration is introducing here, what they are essentially saying that you can go to college, i can take out all this debt, the colleges can charge as much as they want for those degrees you will essentially get that free never is expected to pay any back, that is how he is bribing young american voter. maria: unbelievable let's slip in a short break just getting started a quick break one biden administration member downplays another, major problems for every day americans our panel reacts to that don't miss it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ keep on ♪
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r. >> the simple tax simple reality are right here staggerings in the face including the fact i can safely walk my dog to the capital today in a way you couldn't do when we all got here. >> yeah transportation secretary pete buttigieg downplaying a crime job he can safely walk dog through the district without mentioning security detail he travelers about hours before drew a quadrupled shooting six miles west of the capital building triem soared last year hoimentsdz up 35% compared to 2022 with robberies up 67% violent crime up almost 40% governor huckabee reaction. >> this guy has no
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self-awareness at all the fact being escorted by arming security everywhere he goes talks about how safe he is, of course, he is safe. why don't you arm the left of the d.c. residents who are not so safe? because d.c. won't allow them to protect themselves. you know. him saying that everything is just wonderful reminds me of a scene in the remove naked gun neilson sands in froocht building blowing up fires everywhere tells them there is nothing to see let's move on nothing to see. that is pete buttigieg right there has is personal security force taking really good care of him and his dog. maria: now, not just your phone or purse that they may steel from you kaylee it is your entire home, the "new york post" editorial out with a new op-eding new york city squatters jumped as much as
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20% in two years thanks democrats, the post writes the currents system officers countless opportunities for the squatters to delay facing consequences, through procedural loopholes the city never a miracle of efficiency choked to the gills with backlog of cases thrown into limbo by drastic covid overreaction, kaylee, i mean i feel like living in another you universe people coming in taking over your home you have to go through a year of legal issues, to get your home back. because they rights squatters have. >> insane another reflection soft-on-crime policies put into place by democrats especially big cities policies reflect one thing favoring criminals catering to people convicted charges of committing crimes against
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law-abiding citizens you are right you months long processes to restore rights you loss i want to say to pete buttigieg for a moment i live in washington, d.c., i don't say lightly but he does have an insane amount of privilege that he is projecting here just another classic biden administration tactic when you want argue with statistics can't argue with facts gaslight american public make them think they are stupid for correctly identifying the problems that are right in front of their eyes, i live in d.c. crime is very bad, this is not just a republican sentiment on hill or rest of the district, many of the democrats who live in this city i have spoken with will be first to agree crime is out of control the fact our city the democrats running our city will not do anything about it, it, is an insult to all law-abiding citizens. maria: sure is, you know. i mean the squatting issue, if ever there was something that is geg under people's skin it is this losing your home to a
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squatter, and i tell you, florida governor ron desantis actually put a spotlight on how week joe biden is when he immediately acts on squatters in florida, by outlawing anybody who goes into somebody else's house tries to take it over joined me on sunday to explain what he did last week, watch. >> important for our state to lay down the law because we have a lot of seasonal residents not just a wealth people we've got a lot of middle income retirees, they spend most year in florida maybe go to pli, or wisconsin, or new york or even canada for the summer. how it could be possible, or acceptable for them to come back from summer, and have find out somebody moved into their home, and there is very little they can do about it immediately they got to wait seven, eight months to go through a process? that is unacceptable property rights if you don't have
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property rights enforceable you will not have a free society. >> good for ron desantis taking on joe biden's lawlessness. >> commonsense approach it just makes sense, a congratulations to governor desantis florida hur quickly stepping in my understanding this was a bipartisan bill democrats aren't as stupid as some in washington, think this is okay, it is not okay. i thought a brilliant move to say if you have a house in florida, we're not letting some goon, come in take it over make you act like you are criminal because you try to get them out, nobody in his right mind can possibly believe that squatting is a legitimate form of being a citizen. this is -- is crazy beyond crazy can't get my arms around it. >> why are so many to having fight to get their home back? >> hire lawyers? >> yeah because, we have
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people running the government who have lost their ever losing minds on the side of crime rather than on the side of law. it defies all common sense and reason refreshing to see fox like desantis step in say not here we're not going to have it, he is what is going to likely happen even more people with taillights leaving new york headed to florida already significant as it is. maria: you have joe biden, crying that he doesn't have power to do anything, with the border, this, doesn't have power wants more power, ron desantis did it walked into white house joe biden did overturned all trump security in place, then, of course, the other policy of excess spending data on deck for month of cmi out tomorrow ppi out thursday could change the
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rate cut plan we talk about it with piper sandler chief economist, you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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maria: welcome back. so will we or won't we see a rate cut furts market pricing in 51% chance for interest rate cut at the june meeting the lowest showing since october, expectations have
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been dropping, jpmorgan chairman jamie dimon warnings high deficit spend coming send rates soaring above 8% in annual letter to shareholders this week writes it is important to note that the economy is being fueled by large amounts of government deficit spending and past surplus, this may lead to stickier inflation higher rates than market expectancy, i spoke with leading bank on this program in february he said the same thing, that inflation will bounce around, but spending is the issue, watch. >> where does fed fit in jamie right now priced in three rate cuts this year possibly two or three rate cuts in 2025. do you agree with that. >> i -- i am a skeptic, i look at a lot of things forget just economic modeled for a second, two trillion dollars fiscal deficit, the infrastructure, the green economy, the remilitarization of the record restructure of trader all inflationary looks more 1970s
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to me, i think there is a chance here that people should be prepared for that inflation comes down then bounces around bounced up a little bit implieding curves will change. >> all of that is in jamie dimon's annual letter joining me right now to discuss more of piper sandler managing director senior economist, great to see you. thank you so much for being here, i should point out that the stimulus has not stopped flowing even though i know you a lot of your colleagues in the industry have been wondering when is stuff going to stop when it does negative is for consumer with president biden project student loan debt forgiveness that stimulus is flowing. >> i totally agree longer term a bigger problem one thing unprecedented, about the debt make up right now kind of ought 10 years, increasing deficits, at well above our nominal gdp speed limit for the economy never happened in
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the history of the united states. what this does, it is remove crowding out effect, by the industry economic growth ultimately, over within 10 years generating more interest expense than nominal gdp growth probably eight years from now starting point this is under the assumption that you don't extend tax cuts don't have a recession, probably much more than 2.6 trillion-dollar deficit that the cbo penciled in -- 10 years from now i think an issue issue ultimately if only way out is going to be fed monetize, i agree with jamie inflationary problem for market, inflation is probably under control, as come off with government especially
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household sector yet more incrementally i think structurally we have to consider deficit issue how unprecedented it is i. maria: something has to give right something has to give when you have to spend money to pay your interest on your debt. what does that give? it is higher taxes on next generation the next we all say oh, leaving this problem to kids our grandkids, that is what we're talking about, tax increases are coming, because the money has to come from somewhere access where we are inflation right now, the cpi number out tomorrow as i know circumvents expecting month-over-month up 3/10 of a percent, 3.4% year-over-year pci out thursday you say more disinflation is coming what are you expecting from numbers are these market movers? >> there we are, i think this disinflation happening the course last 12 months largely
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pride into the market would be a surprise if we got a reacceleration say back half of the year for markets i think you are going to see continue deflation, good side of the equation consumers pricing data for march, deflating most rapid level since early covid when demand was pretty terrible so good side of the equation seems to play significantly sticking in insurances insurance paying catch up, our insurance is a problem home owners insurance creep um stickiness, take out shelter very lagging in nature we know across the country a lot of supply multifamily coming in more pressure, in that space you are significantly below kind of fed far sequential runway basis further out, beyond the
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cycle if we don't get the debt issue under control going to talk with a structurally higher inflation, projection. maria: i am wondering if this is going to be a discussion point in the earnings guidance calls coming up has what is your sense first-quarter earnings going to be talking about earnings impacting stocks in weeks, as first-quarter earnings, reporting period begins this friday major banks reporting. . . >> i think big thing here with earnings, again we saw this, this morning as well small business, sentiment survey, the weakest results since 2012 profits numbers just look disastrous some the -- if continues to outperform significantly taking share from the lower cap sectors mid-cap earnings basically flat lined, small cap has been, pretty terrible since 2022 peak the further down path you go down to small business sector kind of mom and pop, mom and pop in a
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recession three years, i think you are going to have more of this bifurcation forward big companies taking price down if it greens growing share short-term pain for long-term gain will squeeze companies more you will continue to see from a big theme standpoint more bifurcation where large companies doing fine from earnings standpoint further down you go worst performance is. maria: great to get insights on all of this thanks so much. >> pleasure as always. >> from piper sandler joining us is president biden time on 2024 ticket running out podcaster rogan believers his time is almost up before democrats turn him in for somebody else you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. ♪ ♪
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maria: welcome back, new this morning norfolk you you southern reaching agreement after last year's train derailment in ohio. lauren: 6 hundred million dollars that is the headline number the agreement in principal resolved class action lawsuit from claims in 20 mile radius of last year's site, in in -- compensation for rebuildinged local bids
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you can see the dip right there a couple months ago, new york appeals court rejecting former president's motion to delay his hush money criminal trial brought on by alvin bragg trumpard pulling quantitative analysis shows fair i am parshal jury cannot be selected jury selection will begin monday. salt lake city the hottest job market according to "the wall street journal", moody's analytics, look at over 380 cities across the country criteria like unemployment, labor force participation wages, workers running to utah last year because it is affordable and plenty of job opportunities particularly in tech, florida also hot job market, jacksonville orlando tampa making the top 10 list
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right behind salt lake city. >> uconn huskies back to national champions beating perdue 75 to 60 perfect. >> amazing run. it is a uconn, the huskies make history back-and-forth national champions. lauren: what does it feel like second time uconn, securing 6th national championship with win last night, in a tie with north carolina fird most championships in college basketball bin ucla kentucky difference all uconn titles have been won in the past 25 years. huskies guard, named most out standing of the you are tournament more than 7 asists through six games in you march
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madness helped first back-and-forth title winners since 2007 big congratulations to the huskies. maria: absolutely, from me also, thank you. the department of justice refusing to release the audio recordings of president biden's interview with former special counsel robert hur dodger did hand over the ghost writer transcript to appease house respects as they gait biden mishandling of classified documents as senator and vice president, mike huckabee kaylee mcghee white with me this morning, mike reaction. >> i think i need a phone call to federal prison may make room for merrick garland put him inequity to peter navarro put in prison because he just simply did what he has supposed to do, what every person has done since george washington's administration that is recognize the separation of powers. he was charged with contempt of congress they didn't let
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him finish his appeal before they put him in the pokie, this is absurd, there is just a thumbing your nose at congress when it comes to dealing with republicans in congress, democrats get away with it. doesn't matter, merrick garland, this is crazy needs to stop i hope congress petitioning hard gets to take merrick garland to a newsroom with bars on it. maria: unbelievable that they put peter navarro in prison walking to turn himself in he said they came for me, and they will come for you. that was his final line. . >> steve also in prison four months defying congressional subpoena part of the larger pattern of defiance by biden
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doj to refuse to cooperate, i encourage everyone read latest transcript of interview between doj lawyers and u.s. district court judge aghast at doj's insistence that it was able to plot its standards on this issue she could not believe doj lawyers arguing that if lawyers did not have to comply with congressional subpoenas because remember dodge is blocking the two lawyers allegedly involved in doj's decision to not bring certain felony charges against hunter biden, they've been blocking for past several months arguing we go charge other people for defying congressional subpoenas like navarro or bannon but our lawyers can do whatever they want she was amazed at hypocrisy on supply, this is a pattern of defiance, by the biden administration and, again, just goes to show how
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little they care about the rule of law how little they are care about norms biden always like to claim he defends. >> you mentioned steve bannon serving jail time peter navarro in jail look at people they put in jail for january 6 have not done anything were in washington didn't even realizes what was going on sitting in prison, and then you know you've got murderers, like murderer of laken riley was in jail out again all people committing serious crimes processed out on the street again and again and again how shameful. >> it is a part of those policies i mentioned earlier are that cater to criminals, punishing law-abiding citizens i think that more attention needs to be drawn to the january 6 cases because again there seems to be, an over
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disproportionate application to as i mentioned have not even been charged with serious offenses. maria: i would like to see how many fbi agents were in plainclothes that day i really would there is some horrible stories about that as well all right. take you back to that podcast joe rogan experience, mike joe rogan reveals when he thinks democrats are going to replace president biden on the ticket watch this. >> got till may. >> no way i feel around may going to pull him i think no problems the country understands, and newsom is going to have his support fully, and, kamala going i don't want to be president i am cool being vice president. maria: do you all think newsom? you've got miranda devine "new york post" dr. jill biden's in any way priority putting herself first as country flounders under joe writes with kamala harris berpetual
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drag on opinion polls the biden brain toughed believe first lady, i -- >> i think we need to remember democratic parties main objective to main taun power keeping biden in race going to help win the white house will keep biden in the race if they feel a legitimate risk to maintain power will dump him, the question is who are they going to replace him with they can't replace with camera i don't think they can replace him with gavin newsom i thinkity divisive would not win a general election they have a very short list of qualified candidates who they could being realistically put before public few months before general election. >> we want to know who is directing joe biden if former dnc chairwoman donna brazile
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revealed frustration over media coverage said no one listens to the president when he speaks watch this governor. >> president biden doesn't talk about wars very often should you absolutely, not just in illed, ukraine he is the commander in chief absolutely should speak out more we should cover what he is saying often when he speaks nobody listens. >> nobody is listening governor. >> the reason there are not listening because they can't understand him mumbling through the thing the most interesting thing in miranda devine's column the phrase biden brain trust, that is an oxy moron if i ever heard one the truth is biden's says stuff, but it doesn't make sense he can't read his tell promise tr i agree no big issue with personality democrats put forward not about a person it is about their power. that is what they are
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interested in, they really could put forest, gump in run for president might win all they do is raise money scare people, and make false accusations the media and social media collude with them a whole section there season of bernies, joe biden playing role of bernie being propped up probably unaware of surroundings, doesn't matter who is in the office because somebody else is will holding the strings. >> absolutely we are not sure exactly who it is but pretty evident joe is not making up every morning in complete command, at 2:00 didn't start until noon. biden administration out of touch with americans pushing
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for strongest ever climate change rules, regulations, fewer americans want to buy electric vehicles at all our panel weighs in on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ♪ . i bought the team! kevin...? i put it on my chase freedom unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash.
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maria: welcome back new gallup poll shows more americanson own electric vehicles than last year 44% polled this year say they would consider going electric later versus 55% say the same last year kaylee waiting for this to take fire your thoughts. >> fewer americans are interested in buying electric vehicles can't afford electric vehicles the biden administration trying to bribe with subsidies, they are too expensive for vast majority average price 40 to 60,000 dollars for electric vehicle that doesn't include stalling your home charging station, the coast of main tans the cost of the fact you have to replace the battery within
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five years, costs tens of thousands of dollars not practical not cheap this is why americans are rejecting them amazing the biden administration continues to force this on the public anyway. maria: the other issue, i see, mike, is the fact that the components are made in china, so all this bs about oh, we're going to move our supply chains out of china so we're not you know -- constrained by what they send us in timeline will send it they are making us more reliant on china batteries are made there. >> i think there's two reasons americans basically choose the cars they choose. some americans choose because of either the luxury money doesn't matter looking for features for prestige one set of buyers real vanityly small most americans buy a car because it is practical. because it gets where they need to go at affordable price, right now electric car doesn't meet that criteria. it is not practical, didn't
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you get them to grandma's house and back, does cost a lot of money as kaylee mentioned cost of having to retrofit your home for charging station, the very expensive battery so just not practical. not that americans won't like one day to have an lefshg car but not stupid they want a karl serve immediacy for the most part for most americans electric car just isn't practical. maria: lets faces it will efforts in place to be done with fossil fuels, governor maybe the case where americans won't be able to buy when they want the infrastructure may not be there because of this administration's ambulance to do away with fossil fuels. >> the reason we ought to go to market-based economy when it comes to vehicles, fuel if we get to place more affordable cleaner better, fine but we're not there, so
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we have lots of fossil fuel it works energy-independent are first in time 57 years under president trump i think a lot of americans would like to go backing there fume affordable some sense of reliability not filling cars with something out of middle easter venezuela. maria: we will take a short break come right back stay with us you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪ ♪ .
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♪ maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, you get a rare solar eclipse. did you like it? what did you think? americans taking to the streets, the spectacle spanning across 15 u.s. states. governor, did you go outside? did you check it out? what was your reaction? >> it was magical. yes with, i was out there, it came right over little rock. we had a perfect view for it. the weather was just great. if it was e incredible. my wife has some chickens, ands it was one of the funniest things was all of her chickens just kind of huddled together when it got dark.
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i think they the thought it was time to go to bed. but it was an amazing moment, and just for it to get pitch dark and all of your outdoor lighting to start the coming on, it was really a peck tack the lahr site -- spectacular sight is, something to behold. lots of people came from around the country, and i think they were glad they did. maria: yeah, it's true. you were right there there in the path in arkansas. in new york i was waiting for it to get dark, it didn't. dusty and i were waiting all morning for the actual eclipse, and hen with it happened, i just felt like, i don't know, it was o.k. i took a few good shots of it. but then it didn't really get so dark as much as i expected, kaylee. what was your experience like this? >> yeah. down here in d.c. it was a little bit underwhelming as well because we weren't in the direct path. my parents up in michigan said they had a pretty good view to have eclipse. ing to be honest, i did not go out and look at it because i did not invest in one of the handy
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dandy pairs of solar glasses. maria: oh, yeah. >> i needed the glasses. i thought about pulling a donald trump and just squinting up at it anyway, but i decided to save my retinas the trouble. maria: yeah. i'm glad you didn't do that. no, i had the glasses, and you could really see it with the glasses. it was cool. i'm glad we experienced it. kaylee mcghee white and mike huckabee, it's been great having you this power hour, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you. great to be with you. maria: we will see you soon is. 30 minutes away from the hoping -- opening bell on wall street, a market that is higher at this point. the momentum continues, dow up 43, the nasdaq up 70. all hands on deck tomorrow, the consumer price index right here, live, 8:30 a.m. eastern. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. a direct challenge to president biden, israel's bibi netanyahu says an invasion of rafah is going to happen. he says, quote, there is a


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