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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: this is billy joel. he is well known. on sixth avenue today after the eclipse.
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should have seen it yesterday. 6 avenue was packed with people looking at the eclipse. let's get going. 10:00 eastern to the money please. the dow opened higher, down 50. nasdaq was up 78 points, now it is up 55. the 10 year treasury yield down a fraction but still that lofty levels, oil still around $86 a barrel and bitcoin, dropped below 70 grand. that's the markets on tuesday morning. president biden is the giveaway president, giving away your money, giving away our country. he hopes in return he gets your vote. the latest is community college, he wants to give that away too. role it. >> president biden: i have been pushing the senate reelected i
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will push it hard and get it done next time is make community college tuition free. [cheers and applause] >> president biden: won't need loans at all. it will cut in half the cost of going to college. if we do this the economic angle far outweighs the costs. that's not hyperbole, that's the truth. stuart: it is so easy, isn't it? community college reduced remedial high school and you pay for it. biden will give it away if he gets a second term. same with student loans. he wants taxpayers to take over part of the debt for 48 million people. he gives, you pay. i could extend the point. biden is giving our country away. if there is 's no penalty for sneaking in by the million, legal immigrants play by the rules, they go through the process, they see the value. biden gives it away along with housing education, food, phones, healthcare.
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what worries me is as a political strategy it might work. in some quarters, something for nothing is attractive. votes can be bought and biden runs the master class in vote buying. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ >> reporter: de roy murdock, i call it vote buying. politically it might work. it might attract votes. >> the deal with this sort of approach it might by some votes, but more people say it is not 3. this isn't coming out of his bank account. this is coming from taxpayers. the more people will say i had to pay for it and i paid them back. there will be more people upset about free stuff, not just
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american citizens but illegal aliens coming over, free phones, free hotel rooms, free mental health care, all of that and more people will be upset seeing this giveaway of our money. and who will benefit from this money and support biden. stuart: if 40 million people get a benefit by having biden give stuff away some of those people will vote for biden, don't know how many. >> as to inflation, one of the biggest in the country. stuart: the deficit, talking hundreds of billions of dollars. >> the spending for illegal aliens, the number one issue in the country, concerned about illegal aliens. stuart: this is outrageous. anti-israel protesters chanting death to america during a rally in dearborn, michigan. role tape. >> ask us if israel has the
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right to exist, the chant death to israel has become of the most logical chant shouted across the world today. [shouting] >> it's not genocide joe that has to go about the entire system has to go. [shouting] stuart: you shake your head and this. this is in dearborn, michigan. that is clean-cut anti-semitism. how will biden deal with that? >> it is anti-semitism and anti-american, got to be standing with israel and let israel finish the job in gaza. the anti-american part, if they hate america so much why don't they leave? number 2, you can give terrible slogans like this, my concern is people who come across the border. 11 people came across the border on the terrorist watch list under biden 351.
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and in real estate, some may be here to kill us. and kill us. this is a huge national security problem at the white house has 0 concern. lauren: and the general motors. >> this is michigan. stuart: thanks for being on the show today. actress jennifer lewis is warning black people what to expect if trump wednesday election. lauren: it is an unhinged rant that slams trump as a vindictive autocrat and slams any american that considers voting for him. >> he will punish everybody.
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let me tell you how i know this. [bleep] >> i know it because i know what mental illness looks like. that mania is unstoppable. he is hitler. he didn't come to play. lauren: she is angry and she's trying to scare black people and say if you vote for trump he is coming to get you, put you in cages, he said that in the piece. most americans see past such scare tactics. where is the volume for that? can you scare someone to motivate them to turn out to vote. >> this is so absurd. donald trump was president for four years, don't remember black folks being put in cages. this didn't happen. what i saw was the lowest black on employment rate in american history and that is why we see trump enjoying 28% support in
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certain polls. stuart: donald trump was the only person who closed the income gap. the only person, it is under biden. stuart: thanks for your contribution to the show. the democratic national committee is accusing robert f kennedy junior's campaign of spoiling their strategy. tell me more. lauren: a self identified kennedy campaign staffer says trump can only win in november if rfk junior is also on the ticket because kennedy hurts biden. here's the quote. if it is trump versus biden, biden wins. 6 days, 7 days a week. anything can happen. had to lead block biden from winning the presidency? that is the number one priority for me, the kennedy voter and the trump voter, both consider biden our mutual enemy.
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this is how the dnc fired back saying that is a lie. they accused kennedy of supporting trump, saying the quiet part out loud, he's a spoiler for donald trump. stuart: my bottom line is kennedy is on the ballot and takes votes away from biden. lauren: he's a democrat from a democratic family with a liberal vice president shall pick. i would say so. stuart: thanks. the dow is down 50, nasdaq is up 50, the gentleman is named ken fisher, a star on wall street and is with us today. why does the fed not matter in the bull market? >> it was an honor. normally, when the fed hikes rates, that pools up the cost
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of the deposit base of banks making it unprofitable for banks to lend. we go into recession. market falls in anticipation of that, typically doesn't want to bounce back until we start cutting rates but the link isn't always there, and this time as they raise rates the cost remains below 1% the whole time. depositors have been anchored to their fears after covid and banks keep lending, 5% with under 1% cost and make money on the loan. stuart: got it. i read the stuff you put out and i'm intrigued. what happens at the bull market operable for the fat lady sings. would you care to explain that? >> that settled texas phrase. of function, before you get to
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the bull market, you always get to the point where low-quality ipos are coming out in very good volume. high quality ipos, just a few of them, that is the early phases. ipos frothing forward, bull markets were born on pessimism, that is the classic sign. >> early into optimism. we kind of think the skepticism phase which is early an opportunity, and people often think it's a light switch.
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and high optimism, when bull markets had a first birthday. they always in all of history as long as you go back get a second one and as i like to say, whenever we had a second year of the president's term like 2022 that had a negative s&p 500 return, the fourth year has been positive every time since the bottom of the great depression. we when we are going to go up some more. it it is a bloom market. thankful reassuring us. you know what you are talking about. appreciate that. thank you. there's a problem with the cybertruck, tesla, stock is actually up today but there is indeed a problem with the cybertruck, kelly o'grady has been covering this. what is the problem?
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>> and we see a lot of debt malfunctions, dying after traveling just one mile randomly breaking on a wide open road and they are listening accusations that the rollup was rushed. you zoom out, it's anything but a smooth road for elon musk and has a, they are facing a host of head wents including ev hesitancy and an interview, that he insisted ev adoption is going well despite the entire industry seeing a huge drop in total deliveries and customer frustration. according to gallup, even less people now say they were driving ev than last year. let's get to 9 reports that tesla is scrapping its low cost model, price is going to be key when competing with those chinese ev companies. chinese automakers have been far more successful at bringing a low cost model to market, undercutting haslam.
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and and the leader in electric car selling. and the accusations of the cyber truck, needs to go up. >> it needs to go up. appreciate it, some senators want to know why biden has freed up sanctions relief or iran. it could be used to fund terrorism. benjamin netanyahu has set a date for the invasion of rafah. he says it is essential to defeat hamas. kt mcfarland will deal with that. it's a crisis, next. (marci) so, how long have you lived here?
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(opponent) over forty years. (marci) and how are the restaurants around here? are they good, bad, meh? what's the average household income? is there a mall? i don't know. a hair salon? where do you get your hair done? (opponent) you gonna move, or what? (marci) oh, i'm sorry. it's a lovely neighborhood. (luke) marci, we've gotta go. (marci) i'm coming! (luke) we've got seventeen thousand more parks to visit. (marci) you wanna give me a hand? (luke) we bring you the best neighborhood info. (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. your record label is taking off.
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stuart: on the markets the dow is down 10, nasdaq up 57. happening now, the senate banking committee holding hearing on the administration's move to waive more sanctions on iran, unlocking get $10 billion in frozen funds. k t mcfarland is with us. why is the administration doing this? are they cozying up to iran for nuclear deal? surely not. >> the same obama administration members, same staff people with this unrequited love affair saying if we are nice to iran, then iran is a heavily responsible player, they will be good guys we will get along with the. they've shown time and time
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again. and the biden ministration has enriched iran. they canceled sanctions or stopped enforcing sanctions so iran can sell its oil and because of biden's policies of wanting to have high oil prices when iran sells the oil, gets a lot of money for it and the other thing is various places where the united states has unfrozen assets are allowed other money to go to the tune of $100 million. that's why iran has been able to fight this war because they haven't got hamas to hezbollah to the houthis. they didn't do it during the trump administration. stuart: talking of $10 billion by freeing up these sanctions, what do we get? do we get anything for this? >> not only do we not get
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anything, they are not getting american from hamas. they don't have access to the red sea maritime trade group. and goes all the way down the coast of southern africa. and oil and everything, fears of inflation. >> a date has been set for the invasion of rafah, essential for victory against hamas. will biden try to stop benjamin netanyahu from finishing the job? >> absolutely. to withdraw troops from southern gaza, the biden
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administration says unless you withdraw, we won't give you spare parts or resupply or share intelligence, it's hard for israel to fight the war without american support. the israeli people are behind. and behind the policy of finishing the job and you don't finish the job of destroying hamas unless you route them out in southern lebanon. the leaders of hamas are alive and well. it's like going after al qaeda and not getting usama bin laden and look what that got us, 20 years of terror throughout the world. stuart: in the level war, we are threatening our ally, we are not going to give you any weapons if you continue the war. i think that's a betrayal of our ally, a betrayal of israel, and i want to know what's happening in the democratic party with betrayal like that and division like this. what's going on?
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>> you know what's going on? biden is willing to sacrifice israel for 10, 20,000 voters in michigan because he is worried if he doesn't get the muslim american vote in michigan he doesn't get michigan and doesn't get the presidency. he is willing to sacrifice israeli security to chase those voters, the same guys in the streets of dearborn chanting death to america. a bunch of guys chanting death to america. stuart: is he the worst president of foreign policy in modern history? >> yep and it's not even close which i think he is the worst president for domestic and foreign policy. stuart: kt mcfarland, thanks for being with us and being honest. appreciate that. let's move on. progressive democrat says biden's stance on israel will be difficult for voters in one state. good morning to you.
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what is he saying? ashley: that would be jamal bowman, the congressman from new york who says biden's policy on the war in gaza will make it difficult for young people in wisconsin to support the president. here's what he told msnbc. >> yes, because we always have a problem engaging voters of color, young people in certain demographics, it will be harder now because of how we respond or not respond very well, what's happening in gaza so it is a cause for concern. that's why it's encouraging to see organized happening across the country and this continues to push the president in the right direction to call and get a cease-fire, end the suffering, bring humanitarian aid and create a pathway to peace. ashley: in the wisconsin
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primary, 50,000 democrats cost uninstructed votes in contrast to the vote to the israel/hamas or. they point out biden only carried wisconsin in 2020 by 20,000 votes which may explain why the president may be pandering to the extreme left. will he when did you hear about the two state solution biden has? the two states are michigan and wisconsin. that was lauren's joke. lauren: i was speaking. ashley: that's all right. stuart: thanks very much. students are skipping school as chronic absenteeism continues to rise. the teachers unions are to blame, she's going to be on the show. ucla under fire after medical students, medical school students were forced to attend a structural racism course led by a pro-hamas instructor. william longinesse has the
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story next.
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stuart: on the markets this morning, one hour's worth of business, dow is down 60, s&p
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down 6, nasdaq struggling to hold onto a 5 point game. let's start with google. i think that is at a new all-time high. lauren: it hit 150 moments ago. google is introducing a new armed design ai chip, 30% better performance, the fastest chip available in the cloud today and much more energy efficient to google cloud customers. it is a 2.5% gain at a 15 month high, citigroup, get ready for explosive price upside over the next three years. bank of america raising freeport mcnamara into a 3. 9 price target. copper supply crisis. why? copper is used in the wind
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turbine, the generators, the components the power green energy, we don't have enough of them. it is a winning issue. stuart: a cannabis company. lauren: quarterly revenue disappointing. with free cash flow this year, look at this, raising 21%, taking the other cannabis down too. stuart: the black market is killing legalized weed. lauren: looking at earnings report, you see the confused alcohol drinks, that market is doing very well. the weed is hurting. stuart: jewish faculty at ucla feeling after freshman medical students were forced to sit through a structural racism course led by a pro-hamas speaker. william, what happened during this class? >> reporter: an embarrassment for the university.
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ucla employs a handful of activists in residents who lecture students on social justice issues, this particular one says medicine is white science killing black and brown people. jewish professors stepped over the line, but students in a chant for free palestine and no one stopped her. >> not only are they considered unclean and public. >> reporter: lisa garcia, one of ucla's paid activists in residents, a mandatory class called structural racism and health equity where she had medical students pray to mama earth. >> ucla describes garcia as a former homeless and incarcerated poverty scholar. on x she said the hamas attack was not terrorism, that's justice. in the classroom, she led
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students in a chant to free palestine. >> asked for free palestine. >> reporter: in a letter to ucla, the jewish faculty resilience group described the lecture is disturbing. some students were visibly uncomfortable, reportedly singled out for potential discipline. >> shouldn't be speaking about preaching -- freeing palestine which violates the policy of staying neutral or forcing people to pray to god or gods. >> reporter: group allowing garcia to speak said it is a jihad message to the public. fox obtain these slides from an earlier health equity class taught by different instructor. >> laced into this class for reasons i don't understand are race theories, anti-semitic tropes, anti-semitic statements, anti-semitic pictures. >> reporter: ucla refused to respond to our questions about the anti-semitic class, what is your response from them?
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stuart: thank you very much indeed. 26% of students were chronically absent from school last year. in 2019 it was 15%. chronically absent means students miss 18 days of the school year. carol, why is this? chronic absenteeism, is this the pandemic? >> it's not the pandemic. it's the response the pandemic. that is one of the things going forward we have to be clear about. the pandemic closed schools in march of 2020, may of 2020, by follow 2,020 was no longer the pandemic closing schools but really bad policies politicians pushed by a special interest group, the teachers unions and it carried over. they said schools were nonessential. a lot of parents, very hard to get the genie back in the bottle. they allowed this to go on for
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years, to keep schools close for another school year in 2021 but were unsuccessful. the message is heard loud and clear, school doesn't matter. stuart: is it true that connick absenteeism of minority students? >> it's happening more in minority communities and generally low income communities. that's another thing people don't get. a lot of the get rich people and upper-middle-class people, their kids went to school. you have a situation like california where public schools were closed but private schools were open. gavin newsom's kids went to school. other kids didn't. it's hurting the poor. i predict on your show a million times this was going to happen. it's obvious the poor would be hardest hit by it. i grew up in brooklyn. i know what it was about and it was clear to me that it was going to be the poorest kids who were hardest hit. stuart: tragedy, what a disgrace.
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i want to get back to the ucla, the freshman medical school students forced to sit through a lecture by a pro-hamas speaker. part of their structural racism and health equity class. is this how we teach medical students to be doctors? >> i used it as a teachable moment for my own kids and if anybody ever tells you to get on the ground and pray to mama earth i want you to stay in your seats and i will back you up 100%. there was one student that i heard did not move from their seed. seat. i want that to be my kid which you can't let crazy people tell you what to do and that is the thing. jewish groups and jewish students and jewish professors pushing back on this but not about the anti-semitism and anti-israel, it's a lunatic they allowed to speak to their medical students. it should be everyone, not a
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former homeless drug addict covering their face, 95% of their faith should not speak to medical students. this is hard and ucla needs to have more flak, not just jewish professors. stuart: what does that have to do with being a good doctor? sometimes your head explodes in america these days some things are so ridiculous. thanks for illuminating everything. peter buttigieg, the transportation secretary, tried to downplay the crime in dc despite having his own personal security detail. buttigieg said crime was worse under trump. we've got the story for you. outrage dollars in texas confronted squatters is one of them climbed through a window of the resident home. the squad said they have a right to live there. we speak to the owner of the home next.
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stuart: squatter showdown. the owner of a million-dollar home torched by squatters in new york city last year speaking out about the unwelcome intruders. what is he saying about them? ashley: it is insanely intruders keep coming back. he was a 53-year-old mta worker who by his brooklyn home for 1.1 million in 2017. squatters moved in. when the homeowner tried to move them out a fire got at the
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property. he said i got a couple of contractors and they started working on the house and next thing you know i got a call from the fire department the house is burned out, somebody got in there and torched my house. that's when i found out it was a squatter living there. the squatters had more rights than the homeowners. on the owner of the house, how much more can i do? i need help. he's not alone. squatters have become a menace throughout the city, in part because of a post pandemic jump in homelessness but not only that. new york city grant squatters possession after 30 days leaving owners no other week course but to face a lengthy battle in court. one word, ridiculous. stuart: i will second that one. take a look at this. outraged homeowners in texas confronted a squatter who they called climbing through the winter to enter their home. watch this. >> squatters breaking into my
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house, squatters break into my house, interrupting my work, recording them. >> i can show you this, right? you're breaking the law. stuart: abraham mendez is the owner of that house and he joins me now. are you back in the house? >> we are not back in the house. it is a timeless matter for all of america. we've not gone back to the house because we are in fear lest he had a weapon and we didn't want these things in our house and he has as much right to carry more weapons into the house as i would. i said to the police officer he's an intruder and it's been less than 30 days and according
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to a constable, he's not supposed to be there. stuart: what are you doing now? you've got to go to court and how long will that take you? >> we had a court date for the 10th of this week pushed to the 16th. on the 16th, from what we read it is leaning heavily towards the direction and he was that the 11th day, he only had 72 hour notice. i gave him two weeks which will look well for the judge but this is texas. this is the type of texas where some months ago a woman was killed for throwing a candle let police officers and was shot to death. this is texas, where apparently people go through and make up a store like i had this ride with
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no proof, and they go with it. stuart: you've got to pay for lawyers to go to court and how much damage of they done to the property? >> thus far, $2000 of damages, monetarily, more than that reaching 7000 for mortgage payments, and illegally tapping into electricity with compliance coming out. we tried to go about our hazard that could be condemned, haven't heard back from that one. we tried some evidence. stuart: we feel for you. i am glad we use this program
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to show what's happening even in texas. tell us what happens. look at this one. a major step protecting women's sports. the national association of intercollegiate athletics just approved banning transgender athletes. we have that story. the justice department refuses to hand over audio recordings, they would demonstrate the president's true cognitive condition. >> got to make you understand ♪ never going to let you down ♪ never going to run around ♪ and dessert you ♪ never going to say goodbye ♪ never going to tell a lie ♪ and hurt you ♪ asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: i've got the market in the red, setting another all-time high, looking at $2367 per ounce. 10:51 on the east coast means it is kilmeade time. the department of justice refused to hand over the audiotapes of biden's interview with robert her.
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seems to me they will do anything to cover-up biden's cognitive disabilities. what do you say on that? >> i read the transcript. it is painful. it is so painful. he does not stay on any subject. you hear the staff saying that's very interesting but get back to the question. i got halfway through the transcript and wanted to shoot myself. to hear him meandering like this over the course of hours. in the back of my mind, what must he be thinking knowing october 7th was taking place and the massacre was happening in israel, 1200 people plus are dead, hamas is responsible, hostages taken and he is just meandering reflecting on his topic, unable to explain how everything got in his house. unable to save where 40 years of intelligence got there, saying in a smug way i didn't
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take the stuff but when i broke down top-secret material and kept on my index cards and left with it, didn't know it was going to be a problem. you said to your ghostwriter look at the intelligence documents, i don't think anyone knows i have them. he had no good answer for that but to hear it on audio would be detrimental and the attorney general will say it's all politics. i don't care what you do, i'm not giving it to you and this is where it ends. stuart: they will subpoena the tapes but whether they get them is another story. 18 million people tuned in to watch the ncaa basketball championship, the largest audience for any basketball game including men's, women's, college professional in since 2019. women's scores heating up this year, aren't they? >> a couple things are happening.
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you have a personality just like boxing, we need at tyson and dolly, and they are interested. and how the coaches scheme plays. if you can tell me about the players and why i should care, i am watching and that's what they did. the greatness of their play and the fact we could follow the same teams up again a year ago. we were there 95-96 when they launched two indoor basketball leagues.
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and and general zaidi, and an undefeated team, we thought we headed in the mid-90s and my hope is women watch, i need girls to watch and women to watch. the guys will watch anything. now we need women to watch and the girls to grow up and say sorry, there's a game on, i am staying inside or bring me to madison square garden to watch the liberty play. stuart: the national association, they banned transgender, i call that a step ahead. a good step forward. what say you? >> they care about women and girls sports. if you care about that, that should be your first priority. the whole transgender is a person's decision, you won't be eligible to apply. they've got to show the courage
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to say we are making a rule and if you don't like it, i am sorry, you consume us but you will be wrong and note coach can take a play run they don't want to. coaches need to come -- they go a long way to banding together and saying this is not right. sending everybody back on saturday when you said what you said. stuart: under pressure, she did say it. still ahead, indiana senator mike brown on another round of student loan handouts. jimmy failla on the prediction that biden will not be the candidate in november. jane pointer on how her company will take people to the edge of space. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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>> it's a separation of


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