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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 10, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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on the east coast time for the hot topic of the hour. a new york judge releasing four of the five venezuelan migrants without bail. they were accused of viciously attacking cops while robbing a manhattan target store, the attack sending one of the officers to the hospital. two of those migrants accused of wrestling, shoving, slapping the police while resisting arrest. they have lengthy rap sheets, including trespassing and larceny. however new york city mayor eric adams is not calling for them to be deported. watch this. even with, those who are undocumented and those who are migrants and asylum seekers, if you are repeated offender of a violent act in this city after you serve your time, you need to leave this city. that is my position. that's his position. but they're not leaving the city. lee no. they're committing additional crimes. they're destabilizing the quality of life. it is getting worse. not better, and it's not
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going to get fixed until you have people who are in a position like being the mayor of the city of new york, calling on the president of your own party to use the powers that the president has to secure the border instead of playing politics. so much. i remember mayor adams said not that long ago, that what is happening is going to destroy the city. and everyone said, great, thank you. you're finally saying what's on everyone's mind. but if you listen to the rest of the speech, he says, the cause of it is those maga republicans. it's like, really? this is an opportunity to actually fix it. for a judge to be releasing these people without bail for you, we have a problem that goes beyond prosecutors who are refusing to prosecute, even in cases where prosecutors are asking for bail. you have judges in jurisdictions like this who aren't setting bail. you're not supporting the law enforcement the way that you need the costs are astronomical. if you are not going to actually lead in these positions to fix a problem like
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this, then get out of the way and let someone else be the mayor of the city of new york, who's actually going to be courageous and fearless in tackling this. so is he basically meek and afraid to say we're deporting them because then the white house won't give him money? this is a this is a sanctuary city. he's defending the sanctuary city status of this city in new york city. they have a law that they passed to allow non-citizens to vote. hundreds of thousands of voters now, the supreme court in the state, the state's lowest court, says it's unconstitutional. but right now they are appealing it to the new york state court of appeals. they want to give non-citizens the right to vote in this state, so that the trajectory right now is actually quite the opposite direction. and in new york city, you can't coordinate and cooperate with ice. instead, you you attack, you vilify these these ice agents who want to do their part again to enforce the law, enforce the rule of law is what you referenced earlier. and there are a lot of voters in this city who might be longtime democrat voters, independent
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voters who are fed up. they've had enough, and they want a change of direction. well, i think you just said it, carol. the jig is up. okay. the reason the border is wide open is because it's actually a positive for democrats and their congressional races. look at the census. yeah. no, this is so frustrating because it is putting polish six and power over what is right for the american people. and people are getting frustrated in new york, in chicago and places where normally they have gone along with this. we need leaders to stand up and say we were wrong about this whole sanctuary city status. we were wrong, but they're never going to do that. maria, like you said, because it gives them votes, it gives them additional money and they don't care that they are destroying these major cities in america. all they care about is their own power. it's unbelievable. and president biden now claims that he's examining what kind of power he has to shut down the border. i mean, examining you're the commander in chief. you walked into the oval office in 2021 and you overturned all of
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trump's security. there's your power. well, three years into it, he's starting to examine what he can do. let's be clear. six months before the next election, right? right. let's. yeah sharpen that pencil. and as you commented earlier, maria , there were over 90, presidential decree isn't the right word, but that he unwound which president trump had put in place, which gave him power and he purposely unwound them. it's so insincere. it's so transparent. it's insincere and it's transparent. it's insincere because you know that there's an agenda there. it's transparent because you can see what the agenda is and the agenda, as we are all discussing, is buying votes. imagine, imagine being so desperate for power that you are willing to support the entry of criminals into this country because you want their vote. it's sick invasion. not just it's not just joe biden, it's the democrats as well.
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chuck schumer, okay, house speaker mike johnson is delaying sending the articles of impeachment to the senate purposely because he's trying to get around to what chuck schumer is going to do. this, of course, is going to delay the trial of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. and it's going to delay it until next week. the reason is the senate republicans are warning that majority leader chuck schumer was planning on tabling the trial ahead of the weekend and then sending everybody home, sending the senators home. president biden telling univision in a new interview that republicans are responsible for this border crisis. and he claims he's looking into a border executive order. watch this. we're examining whether or not i have that power. i would have that power under the legislation when the border has over five, 500,000 people, 5000 people a day trying to cross the border because you can't manage it, slow it up. there's no there's no guarantee that i have that power all by myself. without legislation. then what is he talking about? lee? he's so full of it. he. i mean, and by
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the way, this is beyond incompetency. this is on purpose. this crisis at the border has been done deliberately, as as adam just pointed out. and you did earlier, maria, actions on day one of this administration, he proved on day one he knows his powers. how can he be researching or or asking around for what powers he has when he himself has already put signature down on paper to. unroll executive orders on day one, stopping construction of the border wall, attacking our customs and border patrol agents, getting rid of remain in mexico, ramping up catch and release. he got rid of title 42 without a replacement. these actions were done by the executive branch unilaterally on their own. president biden does not need a new act of congress in order to secure a border. trump did agreements. carol with mexico, guatemala, venezuela. he, along with pompeo, ratcliffe. i spoke with all of them. i spoke with ratcliffe, pompeo, trump. i
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know exactly the agreements that they put in place to ensure that any illegals coming here would have to remain in mexico, obrador agreed to it. joe biden walks in and overturns it all. now obrador wants $20 billion sent to latin america to stop everything. yeah it is disgusting. he is the commander in chief. he is derelict in his duty to protect the security of this country. he is not doing what it is that he's supposed to be doing. the oath that he's taken to the constitution. and to lee's point, there are so many things that he has done that have completely tossed the constitution to the side that on this it's an emergency. this is where he's going to say, oh, i don't know if i have the power. you can you can cancel student debt, but you don't have the power to secure the border. come on, i don't i don't think people are buying this, i really don't, but you're right. student debt. right? i mean, there you go. canceling all those student debt. i mean, who do those supreme court justices think they are, right? really let's take a break. we are just getting started this hour. coming up, house speaker mike
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johnson was supposed to send those articles of impeachment of alejandro mayorkas to the senate today, but it is being delayed because of what we just discussed. new york congresswoman claudia tenney is here. she'll walk us through the issues. you are watching mornings with maria live on fox business. stay with us. money in one hand, you say throw that money in the air. you say yes and say, boy, that money. you want it, sing it, sing it. throw that money in the air. they say it, they say you. i'm fired up doing my same dance business. it's not a 9 to 5 proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go tos that keep us going. the places we cheer, trust, hang out and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business, powering more businesses than anyone powering possibilities. chronic
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this trial happen, republicans will respond. watch tabling this impeachment articles is a nuclear option in our estimation. this is a nuclear option. and it will necessitate some type of nuclear retaliations. joining me right now with more is congresswoman claudia tenney, a member of the house ways and means committee and the science, space and technology committee. congressman, it's great to see you as always. thanks very much. i want to get your take on the thinking here. why mike johnson would delay you know, what chuck schumer could have done and what would be a retaliation from the republicans if, in fact, schumer decides to table this trial? well, first of all, you know, we just never stops the violations of law. and i heard just a little bit on your show before with the great former congressman lee zeldin, our wonderful candidate for governor. look, the president has the powers under the immigration and nationality nationality act. he has direct powers to control the border,
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to determine who is qualified, who what you know, what person may impose a danger on this country and to prevent them from coming in so we could go back and relook at some of the evidence that's coming in the secret night flights that have come in that the biden administration has put in play, violating >> if you are going to bring dangerous people, unvetted people across our border through the flights and drop them in new york city, there's 36,000 who have come into new york city while mayor adams and governor hochul keep blaming the governor of texas, this is actually the biden administration that's paying for this. we remember the secret night flights to westchester county few years ago, all of these flights are coming in. when i went to the el paso sector myself, i saw people getting on flights, children getting on flights and flown all over the country, with unaccompanied -- these are unyou
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unaccompanaccompanied minors. there were also adults. the president has the ability to be able to handle this but he's not. while the senate doesn't have the votes, they want to make sure we have an ironclad case that we're going to send. maybe there's amendments. maybe we're trying to give the senate the time to realize this is the number one issue facing voters including chuck schumer from my state who i hear it every day, a state that is ddangerous, giving licenses to illegal immigrants, that passed the green light law, has cashless bail, has allowed people in our state, police officers cannot detain people. the only reason laken riley died is because we have a law that prevented the new york from time policedepartment from keeping ts person suspected of committing crimes and being part of a gain. maria: senator mike lee is saying during trump's term we
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had a whole impeachment trial against president trump and now chuck schumer won't even think about having a trial for alejandro mayorkas. you mentioned the secret flights. 36,000 people flown into new york city. look at what he's done to florida, flying 326,000 people into miami with no advance notice to the governor there. i spoke with ron desantis about it on sunday. watch this. did you have any warning that the president was sending 326,000 illegals into my am had? >> they don't give us notification on any of that. it's not constitutional. he's legalizing people in foreign countries and buying them plane tickets and flying them into the united states. you could have a plane that lands in miami with 200 people on it and there may be eight or 10 of these folks that he's illegally legalized so we're suing him on that with other states. we don't think it's lawful. we don't think it's
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constitutional. maria: lee zeldin, this is incredible. jump in here with congresswoman claudia tenney because when you think about what's already taken place at the border, 10 million people illegally coming in on joe biden's watch and yet he doesn't want the border to look as bad as it is so he starts flying them in. >> and doing it be they the dead of night. maria: dead of night, secret. >> the american people want answers. they want to know who is coming. maria: unbelievable. >> we want to know that people who are coming in are being vetted. what do you know about these people? there's a big deal made about vaccinations, parents are told kids can't show up to school in september if they don't get vaccinations. what about the health dynamics? maria: there's tuberculosis cases right now in chicago. >> and congresswoman tenney, i want to get your thoughts on something related to the impeachment articles being sent over to the senate. you would think that if senator
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schumer and the democrats were confident that mayorkas was doing his job, that they would look forward to an opportunity on the floor of the senate to talk about what a great job mayorkas is doing. what does it tell you about mayorkas, the fact they want this to go away, they don't want to have the conversation? >> well, lee, exactly. they don't want any of these senators the in vulnerable states who are looking like they have great competition, it's all about politics. they're.they're afraid of losine senate seats, they don't want to take a vote for or of against mayorkas. that's the reason. it's always politics with the democrats. it's always politics. it's always about the lust for power and that's what they do. everything they can, whether election interference, whether it's lawfare, malicious prosecution by people, whether it's alvin bragg, latisha james. let me tell you something.
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if lee zeldin were our governor, he would have fired alvin bragg. that's one of the things he ran on. why hasn't kathy hochul fired alvin bragg? she said i stand up for the people of the state. why hasn't she fired this guy? she could easily do that. he's going after law abiding citizens in new york instead of protecting us and this is exactly -- this is malicious prosecution, it's what we face every day. maria: that's what the nypd is telling us about recidivism, why are you allowing recidivism, why are you not firing alvin bragg to a allow criminals to do it over and over again. i'll call your office today. i'd love an answer. marjorie taylor greene is slamming speaker johnson for delaying the mayorkas trial. she sent a letter to all house republicans explaining why she filed a motion to vacate the speaker. did you get that letter? >> i haven't seen it.
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i've soon it in the news. i'm sure it probably came through e-mail to my staff but you can not run with scissors when we're in such a perilous situation with our country. the only thing that stands between total loss of our country -- this is surrender -- is making sure that we can maintain this very slim majority in the house of representatives. i think it's a grave a error to try to vacate the speaker right now who by the way i think is a wonderful person who is doing an amazing job in an impossible situation. we don't have the votes and he is keeping us aplo afloat so wen win the elections in they the fall. we don't have a lot of option ofs. i wish some of our team with would stick together. maria: mike gallagher didn't stick with you. now he's leaving, can't have a special election. why did he do that? ?that's exactly -- we wonder why -- and by the way, maria, there are a lot of really good people who have announced their retirement and they're going to stay to the end because they care about our country, they're serving their constituents and
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they understand service and i think that's really important to understand, there are good people that are still there fighting the fight every day. maria: congresswoman, thank you. good to see you this morning. claudia tenney in new york. >> thank you. maria: we'll be right back. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar.
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a much more dangerous world, many more hostile adversaries and with that backdrop investors are increasingly looking at defense as a hot investment. venture capitalists invested $100 million in tech startups, expecting the government to ramp up the military. defense software company finding venture backed companies receive less than 1% of the $411 billion defense department contracts in the last fiscal year. joining me is a man who knows this better than most, managing partner and palentire he coeco-founder, joe lonsdale. assess the backdrop for us in terms of how you look at allocating capital with regard to defense. does that mean drones? does it mean technology? tell me how you're investing in this environment. >> as a venture capitalist there's two things that matter, you want to back the best
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talents and things that are possible now that weren't possible before. where are new possibilities created. there's gaps in defense. you have giant monopoly companies, a lot merged in the '90s and a lot have not been innovating the last 30 years. there's new possibilities they're not taking advantage of. china is. that means we have stuff to do. maria: exactly. i think the marriage of defense know-how and technology could be incredibly powerful, right? tell me about that. >> there's all sorts of new possibilities, thanks to a.i. you obviously have all sorts of you autonomouses vessels, drones. with the navy you have you amazing people running the navy. we don't build ships the same way. you can build lots of small ships, thousands of hem they. of them. give them autonomous abilities and make the navy more powerful. maria: china right now has a larger navy than the united states. >> it does. maria: how big of a worry is this f f for you as we see
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hostilities coming from communist china every day. >> 15 years ago we thought we could work with them, thought china was opening up, thought we would go there and partner. it made clear a decade ago that xi jinping is a true communist, he's forcing the building of weapons, china is in a lot of trouble economically. that means they're likely to be expansive and dangerous. we have to deter them. maria: i wonder how you see this as a major investor in this stuff, the fact there are chinese companies trading on our exchanges tied to the chinese mill he tri. what does that mean? that means american investors are funding the expansion of our number one adversary by buying those companies. >> it's not a good situation. a lot of people want to work in china and that seemed like a good thing to do. now it's clear they're our adversary, working against our interest, we have to change up the rules, stope engaging with
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them in the same way. maria: i wish the pent b gone understood the investment -- pentagon understood the investment angle. where specifically do you want to allocate capital? >> drones are a big thing. the war in ukraine as we're watching both sides making hundreds of thousands of drones to send to each other and there's anti-drone probabilities as well. there's a new company doing lots of things there. there's -- maria: i love him who runs the company, palmer. >> he's a great guy. palentire is doing key work there. anti-drone stuff is cool. you can shoot electronic weapons and turn off drones very far you away. there's counter drone technology being created. it's important we deploy this stuff with the best companies.
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we shouldn't be able to beat the prime by 10x. we can. they're not using the best engineers. maria: why not? >> you know, you have a big giant culture that becomes a monopoly and it spends more time on virtue signaling, being politically correct, making sure it has god knows what internally as opposed to having the very best tech culture running it. if you don't have the best engineers running your company that a want to work for them, they don't want to work for most of the big, giant companies. maria: you mentioned andral industries, they're working at the border with their camera and drone technology, right? >> they're doing perimeter security and doing it cheaper, you can watch everything going on across the border. it's not across the whole border. maria: i have to ask about boeing. this is a sad situation. one of the world's laster defense contractors, a gem for america for a long time, a whistleblower is claiming that the company took short cuts during the production of the 787
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dream liner. boeing says the claim is absolutely inaccurate, that it's confident in the safety of the plane which of course the ceo is departing, testifying april 17th and we'll watch that testimony where he examines the plane mak maker's safety culture. the down this morning is down a fraction. how do you read boeing. >> it's the same thing we're seeing. safety culture, sure. is it a culture of substance, having the smartest people making sure they push things forward or is it focussed on virtue signaling that has nothing to do with the best technology. they become full bureaucrats and waste their time on nonsense. it's a scary thing. maria: it is a scary thing. you backed so many companies and founded so many important companies in o our infrastructue in this great country. tell us about the power of a.i. and the backdrop of the best of
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america and how you can invest in it. >> america wins when the productivity of our nation goes up, take technologies and deploy them to he create more wealth. america is ahead in a.i. right now, a.i. is going to improve productivity in a lot of different industries. there's a lot of people in europe celebrating how much they're regulating it. a lot of people here are trying to he replicate it. we're going to winnd create wealth for everyone. maria: is that one of the barriers, regulation, that is stopping the u.s. from president bushing even more innovative on this -- from becoming even more innovative on this. >> a lot of companies are overly regulated. we're still attracting the best and brightest. we have a huge lead in that area. it's key for our nation, one of our big big advantages. maria: you're focused on defense and healthcare and the marriage of technology in both those areas, right? >> these are both such over regulated areas. healthcare for example, there's a lot of ways it could work
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better with a.i. that the rules don't allow. there's lots of ways the health system monopolies try to stop new ways the interest disrupting them. we have to stop stop this. maria: where is the growth opportunity in the public markets. >> i do things in the private markets. i think it's similar in the public markets. invest in areas where there's gaps, that are over regulated, haven't allowed technology to spread, there's gaps there. healthcare is a good example. maria: the university you started in texas, how are things going there? >> neil ferguson and barry weiss, we have a university of austin, we're admitting our first class right now, will have 100 amazing students. people are turning down top colleges to come. maria: that's fantastic. we love what you're doing. quick break and then jim grant is here in the house with his take on the economy and whether he still believes we're not going to see any rate cuts this year. the word on wall street is coming after the break.
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you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. a first of its kind ruling in michigan as two parents are sentenced for their son's crimes. lauren simonetti with details right now. lauren. >> maria, the parents of ethan crumbly both sentenced 10 to 15 years in prison yesterday. back in february, two separate juries found both guilty of involuntary manslaughter. their conv convictions connectid
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to the oxford high school shooting. they were found to have ignored their son's pleas for mental health assistance while buying the firearm used to kill four classmates. congress woman l he lee accusd of misinformation. watch here. >> you need to take the opportunity to come out and see a full moon, it's the complete rounded circle, made up mostly of gases. that's why the question is why or how could we as humans live on the moon? are the gases such that we can do that? i don't know about you, i want to be first in line to know how to live and to be able to survive on the moon. that's another planet which we're going to see shortly. >> jackson lee getting slammed for saying the moon is made up of gases and that it's a planet. she used to lead the house
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sciences committee on space. she responded on x, saying obviously i misspoke and meant to say the sun but as usual republicans are he focused on stupid things instead of stuff that matters. what can i say, foolish thinkers lust for stupidity. at least she addressed it. [laughter] >> california's $20 minimum wage causing even more problems. this tiktok video going viral, showing a drive-through sign features a deal at mcdonald's which is 40 piece mcyou inning s and two large fries, with tax it's $27. the tik tiktoker laments don't u get a drink with that. mcdonald's prices have doubled in the past decade. we call this a triple word fail.
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scrabble going to see a big change, they're coming out with two versions, one that's original and one that's less competitive. scrabble together has helper cards and a more simple scoring system the. it's less competitive and more inclusive. you can't make this stuff up. maria: this is what we're getting now. it's a sign of the times, lauren. >> if i were a gen z, 28 and younger, i would boycott mattel's new game and say i want to be competitive. i'll buy the original, thank you very much. maria: lauren, thank you. wow. what a sad state of you affairs. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining us now, jim grant. it's always a pleasure. >> nice to be here. maria: i want to start off with what we're expecting today. we've got the consumer price index in about 45 minutes. we had two hot readings in
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january and february. what are your expectations for march? >> well, there was a big trade e in the derivatives market yesterday showing someone knows something and that something appears to be a softer than expected cpi reading this morning. if that trade is indicative of what's going to come, we'll certainly know soon enough but it looks to be a happy number for the stock market. maria: tom lee, i was looking at his research, he said this is the first quote, unquote, clean number because january and february have seasonality attached to it. he said it's going to be a soft number, indicate inflation is coming down, markets will rally. should we be reading into one month in that regard? >> no. it's not clear even if it's slightly softer than expected that softness is a statistically significant measure. you have to stand back a little bit and look at the trend and
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look at what is underlying the data. so what might be underlying coming months of cpi numbers is the -- are the not so latent forces of inflation that insod cincludesuch thing, including te remilitaryization of the world, all of the investments in green technology, a.i. itself is a huge demand on the so-called analog or old economy, transformers prices going up, power shortages, the need for more power, great projection, future demand for power. so it seems to me that whatever this morning holds by way of a cpi reading, that we are looking at a future of higher than expected inflation. i think this is the age of inflation. maria: and that could be underlined by looking at the price of oil , wher where oil hs
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gone, crude is up to 85, $86 a barrel. >> commodities are rallying as well. maria: copper, gold. >> and fed r federal finances,t more rather than less inflation. we're running at a trillion dollar plus deficit, not annually but every six months or six weeks, one forgets. maria: unbelievable. it's a trillion dollar deficit because the interest to hold the debt of $36 trillion is expensive. let's talk about the fed. the futures market pricing in a 58% chance of an interest rate cut at the june meeting. raphael bostik says he's looking at one rate cut this year, he's open to changing his view in economic outlooks change as well. the last time we were together here in the studio you said, look, the fed may decide to
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change the inflation target, maybe it's not 2%. maybe they move it up. you were not -- you said maybe the fed could raise rates. what are you expecting from the federal reserve this year? >> i think the fed really, really wants to cut. wants to cut because for one thing the leverage portion, meaning the indebted portion of the economy is going to gag at much higher interest rates, r&d will be in trouble with perhe -e fed wants to cut. certainly president biden wants desperately for something to happen a to reduce interest rates. donald trump, a former real estate promoter, himself wouldn't mind rate relief to enable his portfolio to do better and therefore his campaign funding to do better. maria: so you're saying both sides would love a cut?
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>> yeah. i mean, i think -- i don't know -- i'm looking for the party of balanced budget and monetary probity. that party has not been organized so far. you don't see any press for it. your guests so eloquently put out it earlier, the beg issue for people seems to -- big issue for the people seems to be the border, despite the immense deficit numbers, the horrific debt service costs that are emerging i don't see a single candidate for higher office saying anything about proliferating debt or magic money that is cons conjured to finance them. the public credit, a phrase of alexander hamilton, is friendless. this is a clear and present risk to american -- the american fiscal solvency and also it's a
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continuing pressure on the underlying rate of inflation. maria: i think you make such an important point. senator rand paul raised it with us so many timeses. he had great things to say about you. but what i'm looking at the fed in 2024, you know, jay powell may want to cut rates going into the election or gets criticized for doing so. when you look at the actual backdrop, gold prices hitting fresh record highs this week, fueled by buying momentum. wall street journal writing this year's commodity rally is reflecting a better economy but also could be a setback to interest rate cuts. global commodities up almost 12 this year, outperforming the s&p 500. in terms of what this means for the fed move, if the fed sees commodities going up and oil going up and cpi, food going up, how is it going to cut rates? >> well, there's all sorts of ways to pitch these data. there are as many ways as there are economists so the fed might say well, you know, yes, the
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latest numbers are not very -- are not very good for us. however, we see a future of this. so -- maria: you can spin et it any y you want. >> you can. the fed in the past has. i believe that the fed itself regards a potential second term for donald trump as a clear and present danger to the country. maria: so that's why they'll get involved. >> the fed is politically very much you aligned with the democratic party. those numbers turn up in campaign donations which are part of the public record and i think the fed perhaps without realizing it's doing something in the way of a political move would be inclined to read the numbers and an interest rate reduction positive way with in the back of its mind the threat of another trump presidency. maria: wow. that's incredible.
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so i think what i hear you saying is that the federal reserve wants to cut interest rates. the backdrop will be mixed because this morning we could get a softer cpi but longer term more months out in the career you're expecting inflation stays elevated. >> i think so. i think we're looking at a phase of inflation, a cycle of inflation. in the '70s the inflation rate can did not go up continuously over the course of 10 or 12 years. there were three distinct cycles and each one peaked and pulled back and when they pulled back people say aha, we are so glad this is over. volcker himself breathed a sigh of relief when he was in the treasury they 1971. so you never know. anyone who pretends to know is either very young or is kidding himself or herself. maria: real quick before you go, would you put money to work in commodities today given that we've seen this runup, the momentum is there. does it have legs to keep going?
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>> let me say with respect to the gold market, the gold price itself, it's up, new records. what's lagging are the gold miners, i think it reflects a lack of interest in the sector on the part of western investors, americans in particular. if you're looking for a part of the market that is still value laden, with the assumption that the gold price stays where it is, does better, gold mining shares would seem to be a reasonable choice. maria: i actually got an idea you out of you on -- jim grant, it's great to see you. thank you so much. >> you're entirely welcome. maria: grant's interest rate observer founder, jim grant here. we'll be right back. t cashbackin. not a game! we're talking about cashbacking. we're talking about... we're not talking about practice? no... cashbacking. word. we're talking about cashbacking. cashbacking. cashbacking. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited.
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. general motors self-driving vehicles coming back to the roads for the first time since october. fox business' kelly o'grady now with more. kelly, good morning. >> good morning. cruz is back on the road following a safety issue last fall. the driverless car company plans to resume operations in phoenix with people behind the wheel for now. general motors says they're
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resuming manual driving to create maps and gather road information using human driven vehicles without autonomous systems engaged, it's a critical step as we work towards returning to our driverless mission. they ground the fleet after a woman was dragged 20 feet in the san francisco streets. following the shutdown, the co-founders resigned and nine executives and a quarter of the workforce was laid off. six months later they're hoping to relaunch the self driving service. we spoke with the regulators, they said cruz reapplied for autonomous and passenger permissions. it is currently under review. getting it back on the road is key for general motors. it was set to be a critical part of doubling the company's revenue by 2030. that segment was projected to reach 0 of billion in -- 50 of billion in revenue by the end of the decade. this is not the only company going full steam ahead.
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waymo is expanding to los angeles. elon musk r revealed tesla will rereveal the robo taxi in augus. when you have the consumer perception of safety, that could be a really hard issue to overcome. back to you. maria: it is. we'll see if it -- you know, if buyers are there when they figure out the cars are back. kelly, thank you. thank you.adam your thoughts. >> you couldn't pay me to be near a robo t taxi. no thank you. maria: >> carole? >> i don't al alexa, siri. i have seen so many of these 3450s. >> hard pass. maria: stay withs us. we've got the hot topic of the hour after this. stay with us.
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