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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: biden inflation on its we suffering again. did someone say it's time for c. david: larry, tram inflation ish lunar eclipse.
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david: everyone going with the . i'm david asman in for elizabet. "the evening edit" starts right. inflation up more than expected. new cpi data showing prices up . actually march the 3 straight md and joining me now to discuss td spending guy and it's all covered. steve, i want to play a little sound from president biden today and i eluded to it with larry and i want to get your reaction. roll the type. >> i stand beside my prediction and may delay a month or so and we don't know what the fed will do for certain. we have dramatically reduced
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inflation from 9% down to close to 3% and in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office. we have a plan to deal with it. david: steve, inflation was skyrocketing when president biden took over in january of 2021. do you want to correct the record for us, please? >> sure will, david. inflation 2-2.5% and moderate inflation rate and the month trump left office in january of 2021, inflation rate was, ready, david, 1.6%. in 18 months, bidening to the inflation rate from 1.6% to 9.1%. by the way, i wouldn't even think it would be possible to screw things up that quickly. now, by the way, even as a statistic on the screen, david, with all due respect, it's
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misleading and year over year the inflation visit 3.35%. david: doug, we've seen oil and gold go up and it's the indication and for the moment, i got to say, heck with the indicators and american families know when they go to a grocery store, they know what they're seeing. they know they're paying more when they try to buy a car, they know they can't afford to high interest rates and it's the house and the feeling americans have and let's also be absolutely clear, the deficit spending of the biden administration is responsible for this inflation. is it not in >> it did an enormous amount to light the fire and begin with and american rescue plan, $2 trillion into a hot economy and was the beginning of that inflation and steve said inflation was well under 2 when that hit the economy and we were not even
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before you knew it and unlike the fed and put their foot on the gas and done a u turn, we've done nothing and seeing big spending bills and deficit financed and making the fed's job harder in the near term and setting up big debt in the long term and it's absolutely the wrong place to be. david: biden saying it's trump tax cuts causing the deficit and point of fact, tax revenue increased 48%. close to 48% since the tax code. trump tax code was put in place. look at receipts by the way, 4.89 trillion. that's how much we received in tax revenue in 2022. in 2019, we had a spending plan and in 2019, federal budget for 2019 was 4.45 trillion and we'd of had not just a balance budget
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but a surplus of $44 billion if we hadn't had all the biden spending programs. >> i work for donald trump and even on his way out, we passed a spending bill and we probably need it and i want to be fair here. your point is correct, if we could go back to the pre-covid spending levels and get rid of all the extra programs, and that would include by the way, david, hundreds of billions of dollars for student loan mailouts. we could come pretty close to balancing the budget. if joe bind was on, he'd say we're dealing with the prices by raising taxes again. you don't have to be a phd economist to understand that raising taxes won't grow the economy and no formula for prosperity. david: doug, obviously during the pandemic, donald trump had to put out money in the economy because the economy was switched off. not only in the united states but all over the world.
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all of that spending and pandemic spending timed out and all of the biden spending is permanent. he's raised the level a couple of trillion dollars so he changed the whole ball game. how do we get that back under control? >> we have to get it back under control. you're right in that and we needed to spend money during the pandemic. i don't think there's a single person who studied the situation and didn't think in march of 2020, the federal government had to respond. and it did. and it did it very effectively. we ended up entering 2021 when biden took office growing at 6.5%. i'd like to have that number back. it had every to do with raising
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defdeficits and the chips and science act and innation reduction act and trillions of dollars in these so called "clean energy subsidies". it's not solving the productivity growth in the long term. it's hard to be upbeat about the fiscal situation and i've been doing it my entire adult life and never that bad and no appetite to take action and fix it. david: steve, i'm running out of time here. again, we get back to the beginning that it's what have we achieved with all the trillions of dollars in spending and peep don't like evs now anymore than they liked them less than when they first heard about it. they can't buy stuff on credit because interest rates are so high and don't feel safe. that's another whole issue and it's affecting businesses as they're closing shops in new york and la and chicago. all that money didn't achieve all that much, do it? >> no, we got windmills and we have solar panels and have evs
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that people don't want to buy. i'm going to give joe biden credit, this is the first president in my lifetime or presidential candidate that told americans i'm going to raise your taxes and trump saying he's going to cut them. this isn't complicated. david: we remember what happened to mondale when he did that. biggest loss in the country ever. steve moore, doug, great short term orientation see you guys. thanks for starting the show. turning to this, 2024 presidential election psychountil full swing and two presumptive nominees not holding back any punches. watch. >> biden is the worst president in the history of our country. he's corrupt and incompetent and can't put two seasonses together. >> in your view constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? >> donald trump. seriously. donald trump uses phrases like we're going to eviscerate the constitution. he's going to be a dictator on day one much the idea he was
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sitting in office, i'll show you before you leave, off the office office and attack on the capitol. and destruction and mayhem and people were kill of police officers and died and call them political heros and patriots. david: with me now for reaction is fox news contributor and you should have heard during that sound bite, author tammy bruce joining me now. unlike 2020, tammy, we department have a biden record back then. now we have one. >> no, that was unfortunate and i love that previous conversation you just had. this shows america the prices they're experience and i think ability they're experiencing with crime and more is not
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because of things around the world and supply chain and these are policy decisions and seeing that giant cloth of 32 trillion. david: up to 35 now by the way. >> it matters. these are things when it comes to what the fed can do. for someone like me that's not an expert like you, it can get scary and people in the white how seeing that inflation was over 5% and they don't change their policy. then they want to raise taxes despite what you've shown, which is recent history of what happen when is you do that and what happens when you cut them. americans realize i think that so much is at stake that it's due to policy and why joe biden like in that clip can't discuss the details of policy because they like what's going on for some strange kind of mountain malevolent reason, there's no reason of changing. david: everybody else sees what
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those figures show and that it's more expensive to buy everything you can't buy anything on credit anymore and that includes the base. he's lost a lot of support with what used to be considered sort of part of his base he never used including latinos. a new poll showing that level of support has dropped again. >> they want to quite us and the fact is the economy makes us all americans. we all have that same experience and that brings us together. david: what about the attempts by biden to focus on january 6 to focus on comments, you know, just twisting some of the comments trump-appointed made offhand that he likes to do. do you think the fear factor will work this time and some say it worked in 2022 during the midterms. >> yes, i actually have a book coming out in july called fear itself. looking at fear being used to manipulate society and it can work if you don't have alternative ways of looking at ththings and if you aren't
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thinking about not going with covid and how that can happen. they're going on that and hoping he can do and hoping that americans have had enough and we see what prices are to pay and it hurts the country and i don't think. it's a new age. david: here itself i love them. nothing to fear but fear itself. >> that's correct. david: tammy bruce. thank you. president biden hosting japan prime minister at the white house sending a direct message to china after tbi director christopher wray warns china is the twining threat of our generation. greg steube on whether a direct attack could come from china. that's next.
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throwing ifs whole government at undermining the security and economy of the rule of law world. david: welcome to the show, congressman greg steube. white supremacists lost their lead in that race in terms of the biggest threat according to the tbi. that's a very serious threat from the fbi. >> i was going to say i'm glad to hear people in the biden administration not say that climate change is the number one security threat to the country and talk about china. if you go back to john ratcliffe under the trump administration, he told us before trump was out of office that the number one national security threat against the united states was the chinese communist party, and that was over three years ago. it's nice to actually hear people in the administration speak the truth and we speak for the moment and talk about the hacking of instrategies structure and energy companies
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and the power grid and think for a second that china was able to hack our power grid and communications and americans didn't have power or the ability to talk to one another how detrimental that would be to the average every day americans just a day without their cell phone and power. david: well, or could be even worse than that. what if they get -- or infrastructure like water facilities and our banking records and et cetera. they really could. when i say that they are a threat to our national security, it's not necessarily that they're going to invade all though some would look at southern boarder and huge increase in the number of chinese nationals that have come in, it's a 6,000% increase over the past couple of years. in fiscal year 2021, over 2,000 chinese crossed and 2023 jumped to 24,000 and fiscal year 2024 it's already up to 22,000.
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do you suppose that any of those, many come in unvetted by our security forces that some of those might be a part of some means to hack our national security system in terms of all out assault on what we have by their hackers? >> i think the vast majority are and tick of increase was when the biden administration took office and there was an open southern border and our enmy saw a green light at southern boarder and ability to invade and put people here and over 40,000 chinese communist party and 30,000 russians, afghans, you name it have been coming in through the southern border because they know there's an open boarder and a weakness there in our country. i believe that's also the number one national security threat to the american people is safety and security at southern border. they're looking for an opening and have one at the southern boarder and they're absolutely going to go after -- think about
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this, everything is online and available through websites. if they have the ability to hack the websites whether financial websites, infrastructure, like you said water or energy, that could have a huge detrimental affect on the american people. david: you say you have no doubt that most of the chinese migrants coming across the border were sent here by the ccp? >> 100%. that's my belief and think about the got aways that are coming to the country not because they want to live the american dream but because they want to do us harm. david: we got to leave but one final note about you personally, a lot of people have been asking, how's your health after that fall from the ladder? >> i'm doing great and thank you for the many miracles on that day ask thank you for asking. the minute many prayers to the people across the nation
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contributed to my healthy recovery. david: prayers work. good to see you again. thank you for being here, kongman. congressman mark alfred coming up after a recent trip to israel and anti-israeli protest continue to grow nationwide and president biden says prime minister netanyahu is making a huge mistake in gaza. plus, former acting ice director tom homan on calls for deportation of two migrants from venezuela after another attack on nypd officers last week. is it time for sanctuary cities to start cooperating with ice to get rid of the violent criminals who have been slipping across our border s? all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪
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accident in questioner house republicans delaying till next week sending impeachment articles on alejandro myoyardens to the senate and allowing more
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time for depute without pressure of imposing weekend. the crimes are violating laws related to immigration border security and making false statements while under oath to congress. joining me now is former acting ice director tom homan. tom, great to see you. thank you for being here. there are reports that senator schumer is going to try and bury it before it goes to a trial. somehow use some spreed yuri colins to do that -- procedure to do that as leader of the senate. the word is out. americans can clearly see. you don't have to be by the border to see that what he was saying about the secure border was not true. >> no, it's not. i think that congress, senate, republican and democrat deserve the taxpayers and u.s. citizens that pay their salary deserve to hear the evidence. they can make a determination and the american people have right to hear the evidence and house is investigated for last
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year to make their determination and secretary lied under roth and that's a felony, and i think he needs to be held accountable. let the people hear the evidence. david: if donald trump is elected in november, how difficult is it going to be to restore security at the bordered? >> i think we can knock the border down pretty quick. we brush off the trump plans to include remain in mexico and catch and release and continue building the wall. i think we can lock it down pretty fast because we've proved how with the policies on the trump administration. for the big deal and main release in the united states, how to locate them and remove them. david: how do you do that? deporting millions of migrants who have come into the country, many of whom, some would say most of whom have not been vetted problemmerly is going to be a very difficult operation. hao how do you get it done? >> david, that is their plan. they overwhelm the system. they know you can't remove
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12 million, 15 million, 18 million people so they overwhelp the system. they have asylum hearing five, seven years down the road and they know in five or seven years down the road and have several u.s. citizen kids and now the republican senators call me why did you remove him, he has two u.s. citizen kids. he didn't have them when he came here and ordered removed and came here and had kids and now he's immune? this is what this administration has done. they purposely overwhelmed the system to make it impossible to remove those david: and, tom, the worst part is so many are involved in illegal criminal activity. some were just let out of jail and we have another case of new york cops getting beaten by migrants who had rap sheets and already let out in four of the five were arrested santa claus
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rally already been let out because new york cops are not able to cooperate with your guys at ice because of sanctuary cities. what do you make of that? >> first of that, shame on mayor adams and he wore that nypd badge and shield for decades and forgot what it's like to be an nypd officer and became a politician. him and governor hochul to change this tomorrow, they could end sanctuary city policies and sanctuaries are sanctuaries for criminals. ice wants cassioppi tess to jail. access to jail and riker's island and nypd already made a decision to lock somebody up or made the decision to arrest somebody. that's who ice ped to talk to. they done want to talk to victims or witnesses like the left keeps pushing that. well, if you do that, then victims and witnesses will be afraid to come to the police. no, no, no. that's a bunch of crap. we want access to bad guys and governor adams needs to make that change. if he's true to his heart, he needs to do it.
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david: by the way, the worst is when ice agents took down the child rapists in boston without the cooperation of police. police were allowing child rapists to run around and do horrible, horrible things in boston and the police couldn't cooperate with ice to track them down and ice thank god tracked them down themselves without the help of a sanctuary city. that's appalling and child rapists are allowed to roam free on the street asks it's appalling. this whole sanctuary city thing gets me riled up. i know it does you too. tom, great so see you, my friend. appreciate it. anti-israel protesters back on capitol hill after surging capitol hill demanding a ceasefire. griff jenkins in dc where the latest. griff. reporter: hey, good evening, david. about 50 of the protesters yesterday were arrested and that clearly didn't top them trust worthy coming back today and going after senator josh hawley
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chanting stop the genocide and holding up red painted hands in his face and haully responded saying, anti-israel cooking crazies back in the halls of the senate calling his reel a terrorist state -- israel a terrorist state after the game group descended on the calf fear ya yesterday. watch. the red hands signifies too much blood being spilled in gaza and some israelis it conjures up memories of a palestinian youth of actual blood of two idf soldiers lynched by a mob in 2000 and president of human rights voices tell digital red hands is the emaculation of jews in a -- emasculation of jews in a bloody defeat. back in november, these bloody hand prints painted on the gates
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of the white house. meanwhile in dearborn, michigan, the rhetoric is escalates with chants of death to america at a demonstration sunday and the organizer appearing to call for revolution. >> it's not genocide joe that has to go. it's the entire system that has to go. reporter: the white house responded saying they support the right to peacefully protest but denounce any and all violent rhetoric. david. david: all right, griff jenkins, thank you very much. joining us for reaction from the house arms services committee congressman mark auford. you just returned and is israel getting nervous our alliance is falling apart? >> we met with prime minister netanyahu and herzog and her heh goldburg snapple and captive for 189 days and his arm blown off by the islamic terrorists and
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the israeli people have a resolve that i've never seen before. is this is video that we took at supernova site where 200 some people were killed and many taken hostage and dragged across the border. the israeli people have a resolve i've never seen before in my life from any nation at any time. they resolve to do two thing and the other media may be telling you the idf is pulling out of gaza. they're regrouping for a surgical strig on the four battalions that remain. four battalions of the terrorists. they're resolved to wipe them out or capture them and totally annihilate hamas and bring them home. the 138 hostages that are held and many pregnant by the rape of the terrorists and 40 of them unaccounted for. they don't know where they are. they could have been shipped off to other terrorist ourselves. david: let me get specific on the anti-israeli crowd in
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correct me if i'm wrong and one chief is rashida tlaib. and that phrase from the river to the sea. how she described from the river to the sea in an x posting in november. from the river to the sea is aspirational call for freedom, human rights, and peaceful coexistence. not death, destruction or hate. well, actually the protester in dearborn, michigan, talking about death to america. what he said in 2021 about that phrase. roll tape. >> from the river so the sea, means the absolute annihilation of the zionist regime and it's a cancer in the middle southeast in the world. there is no way to deal peacefully with such an entity. david: that doesn't sound like peaceful front pushing test about freedom and israel.
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that doesn't sound like it's all about coexistence, not death, destruction, or hate. i think rashida tlaib has it dead wrong and is dumb for having it that wrong or she know what is she's doing. what do you think? >> she's either ignorant or a liar and i'll let the viewers decide. it's from the jordan river and completely annihilate israel and they've been there some 80 years now. imagine living in your house for several decades and the neighbor to your right and left and person across the street, house behind you, all all want you out of the neighborhood and more so they want you dead. wiped out. that's exactly what israel is facing. the pressures cops from hezbollah now and the proxy groups that fired 30 rockets at a hotel that we were staying at, members of congress, thank god we weren't there, we had left an hour beforehand. but it is amazing the level of
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hatred and israel has ever right to exist and we have to support them. david: well, i don't understand why biden's willing to risk our alliance with israel for a group that has no interest in anything peaceful and in fact not only wants to get rid of israel but talks about death to america. just to me, it make no sense. but we've got to leave it at that. congressman, thank you for being here. next, a house oversight and actability committee chairman james comer to talk about the potential of another october surprise by the intel municipality before the november election. the house blocks a procedural vote for fisa reauthorization bill and first checking in with dagen and sean for next hour on the bottom line. >> hey, david. mayorkas wasn't on the hill today but wasn't there for the impeachment. he was there to ask for more money. congressman michael here on that as well as six months into the fiscal year, we've borrowed another trillion and fiscal budget hot line johnson from
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wisconsin joining us. >> monica crowley on joe biden that his legacy is helping to change the lives of ordinary people. sure did. he jacked prices, inflation sky high, shoot, gasoline up 50% under biden's reign. meantime, he's dulling out 400 plus billion to people who didn't feel like paying student loanloans and ashley moody, atty general of florida trying to put a stop to that. it'll happen, top of the hour.
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hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i had just left a checkup with my doctor, and i'd weighed in at 345 pounds. my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking the drug, i gained all the weight back and then some. that's when i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement,
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i noticed a change within the first week, and each month the weight just kept coming off. with golo, you can keep the weight off. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. her uncle's unhappy. i move so much better because of cosentyx. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: new ways to crack down on pandemic fraud or pandemic ended and that's going for them and it and other federal agencies recovered more than 1.4 billion in stolen covid relief money
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1.4 billion the daj aerodynamic nouns it had recovered pails in comparison and actually took place and government accountability estimates total amount of fraud committed during the pandemic was likely between 100 billion and 135 billion in taxpayer dollars and between 11% and 15% of the total amount of unemployment benefits and after the pandemic and going to fraud and the holdings about this particular topic. it's support for covid fraud
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crackdown. david: meanwhile and going for them and we'll move closer to the we'll have october surprise from intel bureaucrats trying to derail another trump presidency and key to preventing this and moving to reform the fisa courts and remember them used illegally by fbi to spy on americans and house just blocked a procedural vote for a bill to reauthorize the controversial. going to pass a bill. committee chairman and james comer. good to see you, chairman. thank you very much. going for 2016 and 2020 and going to unhinge and dismantle the trump presidency and going for them and going for them truth social and putting it up
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here and many others and they spied on my campaign and can we fix that before the november elections. fix in place and this was something that jim jordan and jerry nadler worked in a bipartisan way to fix it and fisa supposed to be spy so-to-speak and survey the terrorist and what happened is our intelligence community abuse that had and going with that and especially for americans and going out of flavor. and i done want to see that repeated with the whole deal falling apart on and wasn't a compromise and nadler had an amendment that would require the
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intelligence committee to get a warrant and that's the fourth amendment and going before they can survey and americans and unfortunately going with those republicans on the intelligence community and mike turner and intelligence community and can't have many americans and the current makeup of intelligence community and unfortunately there are and that's what the turmoil is over. i agree with president trump. i don't want to see our intelligence community have the tools to abuse political opponent. david: you want to tweak it rather than get rid of it. rather than kill it the way donald trump did. focus on one case and the poster boy and fisa and lawyer kevin admitted, openly admitted he falsified evidence in order to get a fisa warrant from the courts to spy on a member of trump's team, carter page.
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so is there some way of changes fisa to prevent people like him from getting a warrant from the fisa court even if he's lying about the evidence he has? >> yeah, i think there is and that's what the original intent of the bill led by jim jordan would do. unfortunately what we're going to see is the deep state activist and left wing activist bureaucrats that are in the leadership positions in these intelligence communities and they'll continue to try and abuse that power if they're not held accidentable. and that's the -- accountable and that's the biggest dysapt in congress is republican -- disappointment in the congress is holding them accountable and the very least we can do is require the intelligence community to get a warrant before they go after and spy on anyone that's an american. david: some people say it goes with a situation that we need a
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wholesale change. is there going to be a october surprise before the november election with the intel people involved in the anti-trump behavior? >> i wouldn't be surprised if there weren't. i have zero confidence in the intelligence community and they've been able to get away with things that they should have already been at the very least terminated if not incarcerated for. so nothing would surprise me, and i think we need to do everything in our ability in congress to limit them from having tools necessary to repeat that. david: chairman james comer, thank you for coming in. always appreciate it. long time npr rips hi employer over a long time political bias. that's next. ♪
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david: nationsal public radio on defense after senior ed editor released an article blasting the company for its biased. saying here is how we lost america's trust. . >> after a while we started covering trump in a way that like a lot of legacy news organizations, we were trying to damage his presidency, to find anything we stock harm him, what he latched on to was russia collusion, like a lot offing or nations as a write it was catnip and a lot based on shoddy documents.
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david: for reaction welcome byron york fox news contributor, we had an answer, a response from npr, they said, this the senior editor. i and my colleagues and leadership team disagree with the assessment of quality of our journalism and integrity of our newsroom processes, how is the dc elite processing this? are they talking it about it at all. >> a little bit, membership -- many of them listen to npr. is very popular among democrats in washington. there is no doubting when he said in the article, you listen to very much npr, you realize it is a daily warm bath of affirmation if you are a liberal, there is no doubt about it and also, berliner says he looked into
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the political affiliations of the people who work at npr who live in district of columbia and found 87 of them to be democrats, zero to be republicans. that is pretty -- right there. david: we have a progressive liberal on our staff, here at fox news, juan williams who had a dust up with npr a while ago and talked about this article by berliner. rolling tape of that. >> not only did they fire me, they called me a psycho, said horrible things about me publicly, it does not surprise me what me said, this was before trump lore, they are a very much an an insulated codre of people who think they are right, they have a hard time with people who are different. from even for me, i don't think that i'm any wild-eyed
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conservative but they thought i was too conservative of a black guy for their kind of company. david: should taxpayers who do not agree with npr be forced to pay for manage they don't agree -- for something they don't agree with. >> it -- answer seems obviously no. if you -- you are right, if you ask npr, are you government funded, they will say only 1% of our funding is from the government, corporation for public broadcasting, another government organization gets about a half billion a year, they give a lot of money to public radio stations in country who then turn and use that money to buy npr's programs. a good deal of npr's money comes from the government. david: very quickly, all of those pulitzers and other awarded awarded to journalists, some of them
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were parroted by npr, were they returned? or any of them received the award say we regret having received these. >> sorry, i'm laughing, of course, not, no one will say you know that stuff i wrote about collusion that did not happen. david: it reminds me of a line from mccarthy athe guy said, have you no shame, senator, do you remember, that they keep awards for stories that turned out to not be true, byron thank you. i am david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, thanks for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. >> thank you, david. dagen: i am dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean duffy, welcome to "the


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