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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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consumer price index for the month of march showing that inflation is above expectations, for a third month in a row. here's former president trump slamming president biden for this persistent high inflation. >> biden has totally lost control of inflation. it's back. it's raging back. the number today is very high, very bad. it's higher because they exclude variouvarious categories. the number is out of control. biden has no idea what the hell he's doing. he's the worst president in the history of our country. maria: president biden says he's made progress on inflation. he says he thinks there will be another rate cut this year. >> i stand by my prediction that before the year is out there will be another rate cut. we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we're in a situation where we're in better situated than we were
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when we took office, where inflation was skyrocketing. and we have a plan to deal with it. maria: biden claims inflation was skyrocketing when he took office. he was fact checked by edward lawrence who writes that the reality when president trump prn took office was 1.4%. it does up as high as 9.1% on biden's watch. prices are up 18.9% from january of 2021 to march of 2024. so prices up 9.1% since the month that president biden took office. his had statement is false when he said inflation was skyrocketing. ashley, i'm interested in your thoughts in terms of joe biden being so sure about this rate cut. okay. so so he comes to the podium and says i'm sticking to my prediction that the r the rate s
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coming, it might be a month delayed. did he speak to jay powell? >> i think this issue will continue to haunt him, inflation as well as every single major issue that faces american people, whether it's gas prices, whether it's insurance. they know they're not better off than they were three and-a-half years ago. so the fact that keeps talking and running on bidenomics for republicans i'm like keep saying that because everyone's go goino hang it around your neck. maria: if trump was saying we're going to have a rate cut and it's going to be a month delayed. the mainstream would be all over him. how does know specifics about a rate cut. you're not supposed to be colluding with the federal reserve. there's many people who think the fed will be political and cut rates to help joe biden. >> i don't know why we're talking about rate cuts. if the economy is as strong as
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this biden administration wants everyone to believe, if inflation is re accelerating, there's no need for a rate cut. the only need for a rate cut at that point in time would be for purely political reasons. it seems that jay powell and president biden are somehow, some way in cahoots, having some sort of off-the-record conversation. maria: i spoke yesterday with jim grant. he was pretty sure the fed was aligned with the democrats and will get political and cut rates because joe biden wants it. here's jim grant are from yesterday. >> i believe the fed itself regards a potential second term for donald trump as a clear and present danger to the country. maria: so that's why-- >> the fed is politically very much aligned with the democratic party. maria: president trump told me he would not reappoint jay powell so there's truth to that, that they're afraid of donald trump but to be so in bed with
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the fed at a time that we're not sure what we're going to do is wrong. >> absolutely. but if they don't do the rate cut by june it's not going to matter politically. with my political hat on, he has to do it in june or of it's not going to make a difference by the time voters make up their mind. the rule of thumb is in regards to political voters they make up their mind by july. so if they don't make the cut by june which is why he kept saying in the next month, going back to your point. >> right now there's an 18% chance of a rate cut by june. 18%. i find it highly unlikely. and maria when you interviewed jim grant and i forget who the other individual was, they both speculated that there may not be a rate cut at all this year. maria: that's right. >> and in fact, i think we're at the point right now where you actually have to begin talking about the possibility of a rate hike. maria: that's what jim grant has been talking about. he said that the last time he came on the program. the other one was phil orlando
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who said right now we have a slim to none chance of a rate cult in june, that slim has just died. ron klain reportedly blasting biden for not focusing on what matters to the american people, that's inflation and the price of groceries. according to politico, klain is complaining that biden's focus is on infrastructure, saying there's too much talking about bridges, not enough talking about eggs and milk. this us giving sticker shock to the american people every day. >> why do you think lower income are starting to pivot away from biden and towards trump. inflation is the most regressive tax in the country, will disproportionately impact lower income people, middle america. last month the headline number for the jobs report was we added over 300,000 jobs. when you look under the s surfa, we lost 6,000 full-time jobs and
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added part-time jobs. the recent everyone is getting a second job is because the paycheck doesn't last the whole month anymore. >> who are the jobs going to? not necessarily native important americans but new immigrants. we they that data. but we did internal polling at the heritage foundation. we found the things that people cared about across the board every political stripe, gas, groceries and rent. so ron klain is right for once in his entire life and i don't think biden should focus on it because people worry about gas, groceries and rent but that's where they're going to vote. there's precedent for this type of collusion as well. look at what biden did before the 2022 midterms, he drained the strategic oil reserves. they a absolutely will do these kind of things for partisan politicking to get the result in november. >> they'll do it again before the election. maria: it's incredible to me this whole thing with the democrats saying that donald trump is a threat to democracy. meanwhile, biden is breaking every norm. he's talking to the federal
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reserve. he's giving us hints about when we're going to get a rate cut. he's telling the supreme court who the heck do you think you are, i'm going to do student loan debt forgiveness regardless of what you say, they say it was unconstitutional. who is the threat to democracy? >> it's obviously him. hyou can't circumvent the supree court. maria: he is. coming up, another read on inflation is out, we have the march producer price index out at you 8:30 a.m. eastern. will it cause the big stink the cpi did yesterday with the selloff in stocks. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations for that and for rate cuts and some strategists say wages are the key. jim jordan is with me live in the 8:00 a.m. hour. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: welcome back. it's time now for the word on wall street. top investors watching your money. joining me now, marianne bar. dagtell.also with us is mark te. i want to get your take on the fed and a markets, yesterday we had the selloff, dow industrials down 400 points after the hotter than expected consumer price index. that is decreasing expectations that the federal reserve will cut rates in june. the wall street journal writing that the federal reserve's cuts are a matter of if, not when. take a look. there we go. the fed's march meeting minutes reveal the central bank wants more confidence that inflation is moving towards the 2% target.
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this morning we wait on the producer price index. ebbing on mists are expe expecta -- economists are expecting a gain of three tenths of a percent month over month. >> inflation is a little sticky. year to year, it's still declining. the trend is still down. it can be a little bit bumpy you long the way. what's giving me confidence is wages aren't really growing on a year to year basis, they're still coming down. so that should help temper inflation going forward. but certainly the market has to reprice because interest rates are rising based on this i data. so we're in the middle of a market get correction. i-car market correction. we think this is a great buying opportunity. many of our clients really came into this year thinking that we were going to have a recession. and not economic growth. and they held back and they're still sitting in a lot of cash.
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i think this pullback is giving clients an opportunity to actually deploy that cash into the eb eb equity market. maria: we don't know what the earnings season will bring. the next focus is the earnings season. there's a story i was reading yesterday from bloomberg, california lenders have outsize property debt concentration, foreclosure filings are ramping up, raising risks ofs losses. the banks kick off the first quarter earnings season tomorrow. these banks are not going to show the upset that some of the smaller lenders might because of i'll of the real estate loan performance piling up but what is your take on the earnings season kicked off by the banks in. >> to your point, the commercial real estate exposure is certainly higher with those smaller regional banks. as a percentage of their portfolio, tends to be a much larger percentage. big banks are more insulated from that. you look at what's going positive for the big banks. i mean, trading ref news are
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going to be up -- revenues are going to be up. wealth management, asset management business, recurring revenues should be reel vatted. -- elevated. mergers and acquisitions should be coming back online because there's more visibility about where interest rates are going to in the future. the issue is loan loss provisions. that is the issue. are they going to start worrying about bad debt? the consumer right now has over $1.1 trillion of credit card debt. like there are going to be -- there's going to come a time where these banks are going to have to realize they're going to have to write off this debt because the consumers can't afford to pay the bills. maria: it's a great point. i mean, jamie dimon has been raising the red flag on debt, on a national level, personal level. so what do you make of what he's been saying in terms of the potential of this economy really slowing down? you saw the annual letter yesterday. he talked about all of the stimulus. look, the inflation reduction act, fiscal responsibility act,
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forgiveness of student loan debt, all of the stimulus is thrown at the fed which is trying to deal with the tsunami of spending while also reining in rates. >> that's a positive for the equity market. when we look at what biden has signed and starting to really trickle into the economy this year with 6.2 trillion of cash, when we do that as a percentage of gdp, our economy is flush with cash. yes, there's going to be pockets of consumers that struggle. we do acknowledge that. but net worth is at a record all-time high. and the economy is growing. all the economic indicators are to us look like they bottom and they're growing. when we look at earnings estimates revisions which are the best correlation to the stock market, they're rising. and jamie dimon talked about artificial intelligence and how it's going to transform the economy. that is going to be bullish for the markets. maria: we'll see when the market starts focusing on debtor and will it actually focus on
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$36 trillion in debt. we spend a a trillion dollars roughly every 100 days. >> it's obviously a big problem. it's easy for the economy to grow by $340 billion last quarter when you take $834 billion in new debt and pump it into the economy. to your point about a lot of clients being worried about recessions, well, that's why we haven't p entered recession yet. we're artificially injecting money into the economy. maria: we'll see. >> i totally agree. maria: it's great to see you. >> wonderful to see you. maria: thank you so much. mark, you're with us all morning. we're grateful for that. quick break and then house speaker mike johnson's agenda takes a blow while the house rejects the renewal for fisa. congressman scott perry is here to weigh in on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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that i went to the scif and got a confidential briefing, another perspective on that to understand the necessity of the fisa, how important it is to national security. maria: that was mike johnson yesterday after runs voted against the bill to renew section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act or fisa. former president trump wrote this on truth social before the vote. kill fisa, it was illegally used against me and many others. they spied on my campaign. jim jordan will join the program in the next hour. he is inviting fbi director christopher wray and attorney general merrick garland to testify before his committee this summer. fisa expected to be one of the topics discussed. joining me now is pennsylvania congressman scott perry, a member of the transportation and infrastructure committees, a retired army national guard brigadier general. thank you for being here. tell me your thoughts on fisa. >> great to be with you here,
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maria. i think we can get to a solution. here's what's not working. washington predetermined outcome. that's what you saw yesterday. we've known this has been coming. we've been working on it for months. washington wanted an outcome and they set the conditions to get the outcome that they wanted, not the outcome that the american people want. the fbi and the intelligence agencies have been forced toed a mitt over and over again -- admit over and over again hundreds of thousands of illegal queries, a fancy term for search. they've been searching the american people illegally and this bill would actually allow them to do it. it was set up to you allow them to continue to do it and likely to expand their illegal spying on americans and there are a number of us that said we absolutely cannot accept that and we're not going to accept that. maria: i was told by george papadopoulos as well as carter page that they were spied illegally because the fbi wanted to take down trump.
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this was during the whole russia collusion lie nonsense. here they were two years ago. you had no idea you were being surveilled. >> yeah. conversations with him intensified right the month before my illegitimate fisa warrant in september 2016 where the defamatory articles are placed by the d. they c. >> the judge you approved the final fisa warrant. they were illegally breaking into my residences and taking unauthorized photos of my personal belongings. at the very same time they're also paying this guy who was involved in the russia hoax and helped start russia hoax. >> i had nothing to do with the russians. what the informants were telling me was tree sho treason. maria: that's the exculpatory
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evidence they didn't present to the fisa court. >> that's absolutely correct. thcherry picking strange information. maria: your thoughts, congressman. >> well, the president said at that period of time they spied on his campaign and as you recall, the mainstream media and the general washington establishment and certainly the left said that he was crazy and it's just more trump lying and misinformation and disinformation. again, they have been forced to admit they've done that. of course it has changed the world and the course of history. this is the time to get this right. this is why we have demanded very robust and real reforms, not just show reforms, but real reforms. and most of us, myself included, have said we have to do whatever we have to do with foreign actors that might provide hostility towards the united states of america but when it comes to people in america, when it comes to american citizens, you abide by the constitution
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and you get a warrant which means there has to be probable cause. it has worked for hundreds of years and it is our standard in america and that's why one of the reasons people want to come to america because they know and they want to know and have the confidence that they don't live in a police state. i would say this, maria. people say all the time, well, we give our information to google or we give our information to online sellers, so on and so forth none of those folks have the ability to arrest you at the end of a gun and that's the difference with the government having this awesome power and awesome authority. maria: are you going to be able to actually see a change with the same players at the wheel at the fbi? i mean, come on. let's face et it. you've got the fbi leadership wanting to take down trump from day one. couple of years into it, they're spying on him even while he's a sitting president of the united states. couple of years later, we've got the same cast of characters telling us the hunter biden laptop may not be real and it's russian disinformation.
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i mean, it's over and over again with the same cast of characters. and they're still running the fbi. so are you really going to move the needle here? >> you're absolutely right, maria but we have to -- this is the first step at moving the needle. there can be more robust steps taking. this is the first step and the appropriate step for the legislature to take. beyond this there's going to be an election in november and that change of personnel at the fbi can be affected then and i hope and suspect it will be. maria: let me move on because georgia congre congresswoman mae taylor greene says no deal was reached yesterday when she met with house speaker mike johnson. the two discussed green's threat to oust johnson, bring a motion to vacate. she's been outspoken about her doubts of his leadership after the consistent continuing resolutions you keep agreeing to. where does this stand? >> i think the sword hangs over mike johnson's neck and i would just say yesterday's actions probably didn't win a whole lot
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of new advocates unfort notly for the speaker but i still certainly think there's time for him to get the ship right. i think that representative taylor green in her letter made a very compelling case. the american people elected republicans and put us in the majority to change the course and the direction that the left has taken this country, the hard left radical turn that it has taken us on and at this point we haven't been that effective. it's not all speaker johnson's fault but the time for him to step up is right now. maria: what is it going to take for you to secure the border? and you know, treen foreign poln general. president biden is slamming israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over and over again over the death of seven humanitarian aid workers, a tragic situation. biden keeps pushing for a cease fire in the fight against hamas even though we don't have a word on whether or not we're going to see hostages released. watch this. >> i think what he's doing is a
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mistake. i think it's outrageous that those four or three vehicles were hit by drones and taken out on a highway so i would -- what um calling for is for the israelis to just call for a cease fire, you allow for the t six, eight weeks, total access to all food and medicine going into the country. maria: is that the right tact? >> well, this is coming from a man who sits behind a security detail. it also comes from a man who botched the afghanistan withdrawal which by the way who never y apologized for the killg of afghan women and children, generally speaking innocent civilians that were out trying to get water. that was an american strike as well under his command and so i would urge the prime minister to make sure that israel is safe and israel is secure and do whatever is necessary to make sure that happens and don't take
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any military or interest tea strategic advicefrom president . as the former defense secretary said, he's been on the wrong seed of ever major foreign policy, strategic circumstance for the past 40 years and this case is no different. maria: certainly has been stunning to see him attack net ya netanyahu in this public shog in the m mydel of literally's israeli fight for its life and survival. thank you very much. >> god bless you, maria. maria: and to you. quick break, christopher olivarez is here rea acting to alejandro mayorkas' drilling on capitol hill yesterday and whether or not we'll see an impeachment trial after the break. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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to you by comcast business.
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maria: welcome back. deadly storms flash flooding slamming lower mississippi valley and the gulf coast. cheryl casone with details. >> the streets of new orleans are completely swamped by floodwaters, severe storms pummeling the gulf coast. several roads and underpasses are impassable after heavy rain drenched the city. a tornado ripped through the city of slidell. several people hurt, homes and businesses damaged. and look at this, a car is flipped on its side. emergency crews found a woman trapped inside. they did pull her to safety. the mayor says the city hasn't
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soon this much damage since hurricane katrina in 2005. in mississippi, a trailer is leveled to the ground and a family member of the homeowner said a tornado ripped the trailer from the anchors and flipped it several times. the super weather is headed east threatening to delay the master's tournament in georgia which is supposed to tee off this morning. we shall see. well, amazon's ceo just releasing the annual letter to shareholders, just within the last hour. he committed to continue to cut costs at amazon while investing a.i. he highlighted the streaming side of the business and advertising is off to a strong start. he mentions cutting costs even further by focusing on order fulfillment and inventory placement. the company also plans to launch its first production satellites this year. let's take a lack at the stock this morning -- look at the stock is the this morning in the premarket. shares of amazon are a little
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lower. not bad. maria: everybody's a sage now. they all want annual letters. oh, the annual -- we have one more major headline. cheryl, over the weekend, ran the paris marathon. [cheers and applause] maria: go cheryl, go cheryl. how was it? >> it was great. i really n joyed it. it was a bucket list race for me. i always wanted to do it and basically you go through all of the sights of paris, in front of the eifel tower, the louvre and the finish line is the arch de triomph. thank you for the french people dwpeopleyelling over and over, o cheryl. go cheryl. and i ate all the pho fondue.
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maria: what a great trip it sounds like you had. >> thank you, maria. it was really great. thank you for your support. the whole "mornings with maria" team is so great with my races. you are all so sweet about it. maria: where is next? >> right here in new york, baby. back to new york city. so, yeah. ma.maria: have they gotten the bridge money grab situation squared away. >> i would say myself and one of your team members will be running it. i will say this. i had my new york hat on when it was at the race expo. i had so many people come up to me and say have you run the new york marathon, i'm like yeah, like seven times. they're like we can't come in. we want to come to new york city. so you know, that's i think why the race in november is so important to us as new yorkers. maria: of course. all right, cheryl. [laughter] maria: thank you so much. congratulations to you, cheryl.
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>> thank you. maria: now to the border crisis. alejandro mayorkas testifying in front of congress yesterday just one day after the house delayed sending the articles of impeachment to the senate. here's mayorkas before the house you appropriations committee. watch. >> would you call it a crisis at the southern border. >> yes, i would. >> it was reported in january of this year that at a meeting with border patrol agents that you said that the current rate of release for illegal immigrants apprehended at the southern border is above 85%. one, did that conversation take place and two, is that number accurate? >> congressman, i'm not familiar with that number and i'm not certain to which conversation you refer. >> i guess my question is, is that figure of 85%, is i it accurate? >> i'll have to follow up with you, congressman and provide you with the data you request. maria: joining me on the phone
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is texas department of public safety lieutenant christopher olivarez. great to talk with you. mayorkas admitted the surge at the border is a crisis but deflected when asked if the current release rate of illegal migrants into the country was above 85%. what do you think it is? how many people are they actually releaseing into the country after processing versus deporting those? >> well, good morning, maria. thanks for having me on. of course, you know, one thing that we've seen over the last three years is this constant act a of deflection where they refue to any questions, questions that are critical and important for the american people to know how many illegal immigrants have been released into the country, how many got away, how many threats to public safety and national security, the illegal immigrants that have been apprehended from special interest countries and those are questions that are critical and important to the american people and they refuse to acknowledge that because for one, they know
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how detrimental that's going to be as far as admitting to their failures as a result of this current border crisis so i mean, it's unfortunate we continue to see this especially over the last three years with all these hearings. there needs to be accountability. i don't foresee it will make any change on the border, as far as holding the secretary accountable. we need serious action, actual executive authority for the federal government to secure our border. until then, texas will continue to maintain that forefront and that's what we've been doing for the last three years. you're aware of that. maria: we have your shot up now so we can see you. i want you to tell us where you are in terms of that razor wire. we see the apprehensions going down in texas because of that razor wire. president biden is reportedly planning to issue an executive order which would limit the migrant surge at the southern border, this is from axios. axios reporting that while it's
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notify nail, such an executive orders is likely by the end of april. secretary mayorkas was asked about this yesterday. watch this. >> are you aware, are you in any discussions with the president about executive orders that would relate to border security and/or immigration. >> congressman, we are consistently evaluating what options are available to us. we do that on a regular basis. maria: lieutenant olivarez, what can you tell us about the state of you a affairs in texas? >> well, maria, you visit touced theborder numerous time. we've talked numerous times. governor abbott launched operation lone star in march of 2021. all the tremendous work that they've been doing over the last three years are a testament of their hard work and the fact that texas is stepping up, texas has not backed down. that's because of our leadership that we have in texas with governor abbott, the lieutenant
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governor, legislatures that have been able to provide us with tools and resources and the funding to do our job more efficiently and as a result of that what you've seen in texas with the physical barriers we have placed, that has decreased the full bar of illegal border crossings significantly. right now, in texas, 24% of all illegal border crossings are accounted for in texas. you have 76% of all illegal border crossings are now taking place in san diego, arizona, and new mexico. it's because of the fact that texas is m making it less he desirable to cross or enter the state illegally and we've pushed it further west because of the hard work we've been doing. maria: thank you for that hard work. let me get your the on what biden claims because the president keeps claiming his power is limited. let's just reiterate that on his first day in office president biden signed executive orders that ended several existing programs that limited immigration. the data take show the impact ie
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four fiscal years before biden took office, the department of homeland security had an average level of illegal border crossings just under 500,000. in the last fiscal years the average is just under 2 million, four fold increase, 10 million people on his watch and the first executive order reversed the trump administration's wait in mexico policy. i'm immigrantswaited in mexico y were approved. now they wait in the united states. mawhen president biden sayshe cs flat because we know what he's done. >> that is misleading. lead we know whywe're in the cr, why texas has to step up because of the failures from the federal government. every policy that was working that a was effective, that was controlling, slowing the flow of illegal immigration, preventing criminals from entering our country and causing harm. now we're seeing this increase
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of illegal immigrants that are causing these crimes throughout the country and the fact is, the american people, they are the ones that are suffering because of this. the federal government they have the executive authority to take action. they've had it over the last three years. the question should be raised is, well, if you're looking for that federal authority right now or the executive authority right now, well, you have you the executive authority when you reversed every policy thats was working, that was keeping our country safe. so they had have those tools. they have those resources. the problem is that right now they're putting politics ahead of the safety and security of our country. maria: well the other thing he did was he did an executive action on the expansion of benefits to anybody you awaitig adjudication of the cases, the most important is a renewable five year work permit. the drug cartels, they're the middlemen. they see this, that they can, you know, get drug -- they can get these five year work permits for the people that they're bringing across the border so they're welcoming people but then they're raising their
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price. people many are being raped. can you tell us what's happening to the young girls that are coming across the border and working with these drug cartels? >> well, i mean, of course going back to what we were talking about as far as the executive authority, not only have they failed to actually execute any type of executive authority but they continue to incentivize illegal immigration, that's why we see the constant flow of illegal immigrants coming into the country. the cartels have operational control, they're controlling the flow of people that are coming across, the drugs that are coming across and the federal government has given up that authority, the fact that they've been able to enrich themselves and become more powerful really shows we have significant threats right now in terms of the public safety and national security because of a direct result of the failure of the policies. maria: i'm worried about the sex exploitation and the drugs from the drug cartels. >> exactly. exactly, maria. maria.the women and children arg
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exploited, sexually assaulted. we have over 900 children in the beds, there's no telling what -- maria: thank you very much for the state of affairs quick break and then the cost owning a car keeps going up. fox business' kelly saberi at an illinois car dealership with more. >> reporter: more americans have to owe more on their car loans than the car is worth. i'll tell you why that's a problem, coming up.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials.
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“the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. to finally lose 80 pounds and keep it off with golo is amazing. i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? i did! golo's a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. (soft music)
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maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz. the latest cpi report yesterday showing auto insurance and car reairs were among the top items rising in price year over year, fox business' kelly saberi is live at a buick gmc m in illins this morning. >> reporter: i have woody wood woodford, the president of woody buick gmc here to talk about what we're experiencing with these new car problems for people who own a vehicle. let's first talk about the cost of repairs, woody.
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why are we seeing repairs cost more. >> the cost of oil is up. the cost of goods is up, after the pandemic with all the suppliers, labor, we're a union shop automatic raise every year. and the customers, you give them good service and quality, they question the price but they go ahead and do it. we give value with it. we wash the car vacuum the car, rrotate the tires, have nice condiments for them. if you keep the customers happy, you'll keep the customer. we can't control the cost. every avenue what goes in a oil change is affected by the new prices that's out there and it's a lot for us to retain our customers. we have to deliver value. the cost is -- it can't be controlled by the dealer. all we can do is try to you assist our customers with discounts. they also get loyalty points when they buy a new car. there's all kinds of ways but i don't know when it's going to --
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i don't know if it's ever going to go back. >> reporter: thank you, woody. this as about half of all used car sales have folks in a negative equity loop and more folks are paying more on their loans than had they are for the value of their vehicle. maria: kelly, thanks very much. this was one of the most stark numbers m th in the whole inflan report yesterday in terms of motor vehicle insurance up 22%. repair up also in the double digits. motor vehicle repair up 11.6%. >> it's crazy. the cost of maintaining a car continues to go up. in fairness, new cars were down 1% year over year, used cars were down 2.2% year over year. the issue is no consumers feel that. the reason they don't feel that is because auto interest rates under president trump were below 5%, average interest rate right now, 8.22%. when most people finance the their cars they're not feeling
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the fact that prices have come down a bit. maria: i love when president biden says we've done all we can on inflation. what does he do they keeps funding money. the fed has been reining in inflation. what did you biden do to rein in inflation. >> he's fiscally screwing up the fed is trying to do from a monetary standpoint. maria: when we come back we're waiting on more inflation news this morning, will it be the market mover that yesterday's cpiwas. we'll bring you the impact. first, the hot topic of the hour is coming up right after the break. stay wi with us. ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪
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and you're in business. make now the future at good thursday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it, it i hope you are having a good mornings this morning thursday, april 11 before 8:00 a.m. east time for hot topic of the hour democrats nervous trump is wooing centrists from biden saying should be left up
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to states posted reaction to democrats on truth social. >> you know the democrats are reeling, when they have no response to my recent statement on abortion other than oh he is only kidding the only issue they have the only issue they think they have is on abortion, now all i say is the states are handling it, it is totally killed that issue. maria: your reaction. >> i think that -- first of all, a great response. but i think abortion is a really, really hard issue for republicans i actually one hundred percent agree with his response lever it up to state whats court said i am probably not as conservative as some people on this i think do i think democrats are nervous about it. maria: yeah. it is true because of the way reacting probably spot-on on that. >> i think it is politically satisfy very conservative trump's record protects rights in america if he runs on that
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against biden for the pro-lifers like me need apieced, not federal government decision, i have said for awhile when you look at abortion as an issue trump's position has been very moderate, right? and i think politically, it was a great move for him to essentially say hey, this is a hot potato i am kick it back to the states not touching it let them figure it out that is going to be law of the land as in the law of the state. for those specific states i think the right way to do it. >> leave it to trump take on this issue straightaway, have an answer for it, because you are right republicans have -- >> this issue, check this out trump greeting supporters yesterday at a chick-fil-a after atlanta fund-raiser watch how he interacts with american people.


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