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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 12, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: good friday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope having a good friday i am maria bartiromo. it is friday, april 12, 8:01 east coast we are waiting citigroup earnings this morning we are got jpmorgan, wells fargo stocks mixed, and bank earnings are certainly setting the tone for the broader averages dow industrials down 65 nasdaq down 70, citigroup earnings out to cheryl casone with numbers. cheryl: earnings per share not adjudicative a, youing 58 street looking for a buck 23, 21.1 billion street looking for 20.4 billion stock higher under a percent going into the number, still is, one of the
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first things that crossed, though headed count reduction 7,000 you has the to see that happening, you know they are closing out this quarter with head count reduction 7,000, credit card losses on loans, we talked about 21.8 billion, and then also, talk about the fact that they are looking at four year 2024 guidance, for revenue, 80 -- 81 billion, overall looks like a pretty decent report each big bank is throwing money into the fdic fund that got eaten by sell-off bank last year, citigroup itself putting this more than 200 billion dollars, into the fdic fund, 251 million dollars excuse me 251 million, will overall pretty
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decent report going with citigroup, as you can being see stock reacting, looking like a are better story up little more than 2 1/4 percent. that could be on the forecast for my initial first flush on numbers first quarter total cost credit 2.36 billion first quarter net credit loss 2.3 billion a wash on that, overall pretty decent quarter, chris watching as well. maria: stock up 2 1/4% chris your thoughts. >> citigroup strong 17% up for the year dow only up 8 i think that frazier had a long runway when you talk about regulate people off market responds positive jamie dimon double beat citigroup struggling more so many ways has more systemic problems layoff a headed right direction market responds positivity bibanking will benefit from interest rates higher longer, to banks at
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least through fourth quarter. >> would you buy banks here. >> i would walking the regional banks before we backed off that we think too much real estate thing is really we see real chop out there for regional banks the big banks the place to be we like it a lot. cheryl: quick i think forecast i leave you with that i think the forecast getting, you are in net interest income forecaster for the year slightly down my be seen as a positive. maria: great point thanks, cheryl stock up 1 1/2% thank you chris for being here great analysis, we will see you soon, time for hot topic of the hour edward learns pressed karine jean-pierre for the president to explain why claiming that inflation was skyrocketing when he walked into oval office watch this. >> the president said, he came into office, inflation was
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skyrocketing, it was 1.4% in january, 2021, 11th consecutive month under 2% was president misleading. >> when president took office you know a pandemicing closing down businesses closing down schools drastically disrupting the supply chain. >> i didn't say supply chain he said inflation was skyrocketing. >> we had a supply chain that was disrupted so that is what the president was speaking to lacing out. >> is president honest about inflation. president had to take historic action dealing with disruption in supply chains. maria: welcome in 2020 when biden tweeted this, quote unlike this president i will do my job and take responsibility i won't blame others. maybe he won't actually since he is -- misleading everybody saying inflation was skyrocketing we know not true it was 1.4% the finning of this president's term joining
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me for power hour fox news contributor, political editor guy benson waiting on kellyanne conway will join us shortly. >> thanks for being here. >> what about that, i mean can you getaway with this, joe biden saying that inflation was skyrocketing when he walked into the office? i mean let's face it. 1.4% went to 4% in a hurry, 6%, 9% in a hurry because of all the trillions of dollars spending the democrats pushed through, object joe biden's watch he signed into law. >> well freudian term maria? projection? the skyrocketing inflation happened under joe biden not under donald trump here is the thing if you want to attack trump for any reason, there is a whole buffet to go to at least have a point you can raise, this is not just misleading what we heard from
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the president and -- karine jean-pierre it is a lie, i give ed credit for pushing back he asked a question specific, airtight question, about a claim made by the president of the united states trying to gaslight us about inflation, and what was happening when he took over, and karine jean-pierre this is what press secretarys typically do usually more adept skillful than she is answer ad different question answer abouted supply chain which a issues, he said the best not a what we're talking about not what the president said he was talking about skyrocketing inflation not supply chain stuff she said well he there were supply chain issues once again car marine that is not the issue that was not the question that was asked i think very clear, by her refusal inability to even address anything to do with substance of that question is admission that the president was lying about this, and the good news i guess silver lining maria is he is not going to get away
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with it on this issue american people do not believe him on the economy, they do not prove of his performance on economy particularly on inflation, you ask americans who did a better job on that issue? double digits for trump they can talk try to pretend oh, you don't really remember correctly, actually, we do we don't believe you because you are not telling the truth. maria: the issue, really, guy, this goes back to policy don't you agree? i mean talking about seven trillion dollars in spending it is too many dollars chasing too few goods that was the core reason that inflation took off when it did, is continuing to be elevated since joe biden took office climate change agenda the more joe biden tries to kill os phosphorus higher oil prices go talk being crude oil close to 86 dollars a barrel up to 90 dollars a barrel that is not good that is underlying
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issue for inflation. guy: all goes into the bucket of policy. policy absolutely made so much worse than it needed to be, look. there is some truth, to what white house said well other countries around the world also dealt with inflation, and not all the fault of president biden. that is true. that is a fair point to make, unlike the one trying to make here. but policy absolutely, he wanted trillions more of spending was two votes away from getting it in the senate. maria: you know what? i mean unfortunately, the public is feeling it our team hit streets of new york city for a bartiromo boulevard to see how americans feel about soaring price the sticker shot watch this. >> i can -- a huge deal, like should be considered, the present administration think something consider affecting
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whoever -- >> we have the wrong person in office i don'te told my wife this morning making more money now than ever did in my life -- >> more money at grocery store, going out to eat everything all prices have gone up, so part to save money hard to afford coffee necessary to keep interest rates high i think you are seeing inflation rate curve. >> cost for everything gone up, like inflation, throws like 8%, and salaries not being increased the same rate, makes it difficult to keep up. >> sometimes, the grocery store bill higher than -- or, getting delivery food it is getting ridiculous. >> put it this way my wife used to come out with five bags pay probably 300 coming out with two bags paying 300.
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>> the biden administration, i have wasted it prize going up wages down under joe biden joining us "new york times" best-selling author fox news contributor, former to president trump kellyanne conway joining the conversation thank you for being here. your he reaction to what you just heard as well as joe biden misleading the public by telling us that inflation was skyrocketing when he walked into oval office the beginning of his term we know is just not true. kellyanne: white house allows to fly the problem for the president and karine jean-pierre guy benson pointed out people in street of new york no one believes it they associate rising prices falling wages with joe biden economic policies, the fact president biden has vested in things we can't see, we can't
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touch we can't enjoy. was probably, the issue number one for him, why? because he does things like inflation reduction act no such thing it was a green deal. et cetera, all things that you can't point to say joe biden did that, people do go to groceries gas pump say joe biden did that. he could turn this around they just don't want to he can invite grocers in manufacturers, farmers kamala harris to go to designer to talk with abortion is she going to grocery store trying to talk to anybody trying to meet cost of in fees, people trying to foured necessities not luxuries trying to eat to live. >> essentials, food fuel shelter. all the essentials, running away pricing we will keep a spotlight on this back with kellyanne conway guy benson in one minute's time. we'll be right back.
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. maria: welcome back. . fbi director christopher wray testified yesterday about importance of fisa and reauthorization, and amidst threat of terrorist attacks house lawmakers expected to vote before 9:00 a.m. this morning to reform the murder kellyanne conway you're thoughts on reauthorization of fisa very tool that president trump's critics used against him in 2016 and spied on his campaign. kellyanne: there is no question, i mean i was campaign manager for successful conclusion weren'ts talking to people in moscow talking in membering lenburg county north carolina, invited over 250,000 times maria this is a man-made crisis director wray is trying to mitigate, it is it, where is the where is
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the same passion, and alacrity trying to stop 8 million from over the border chinese nationals to ecuador coming up to southern border, by flight and by car by suv, nobody seems concerned that the same kind of fisa reauthorization to stop terrorism from being here, it is somehow been -- completely multipled by their policies i am glad some kren are calling them out work requirement many republicans demand biden is opposing is reasonable come ports with fourth amendment we all have still have a constitutional not a paper towel very reasonable to have a warrant requirement there i take wry at word unfortunately we couldn't be twr attack mainly because of biden's watch the totally open border, intent dollars over decades to protect other nation's borders
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sovereignty can't do it here, of course, threat increased can't do this without a warrant requirement. maria: look, how long did we all know that the russia collusion story was made up? for years i would say this is not true this doesn't make sense there was no accountability whatsoever. guy had fbi not abused their power abused the fisa, tool maybe people would have a different outlook on this but because we've seen over and over and over again induce of surveilling ordinary american citizens there is pushback what jim jordan said yesterday kellyanne said a warrant needed to surveil american citizens. >> foreign citizens don't have fourth amount rights if there are threats obviously, we need to do whatever we need to do be aware of that but key point you are making maria, is there has been such an he ro shun of trust in so many institutions over recent years when you
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look at yes russia collusion hoax was a lie but no the threat is not a lie, how do you reconcile those make americans feel confident, that the tools that are needed to stop one thing won't keep being abused? that is sort of the tension that we're seeing playing out. maria: yeah, jim jordan said there will be times when if it is an emergency terrorist situation that they will make the case, and do the surveillance for ordinary american citizens swept up in potential foreign bad actors is not the right path. >> well, i think that is -- republicans are making. maria: go ahead. kellyanne: quickly sorry guy we are disrespecting what happened on 9/11 all people suffered, can you imagine after 9/11 us letting 8 million plus people in here, and looking the other way at
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potential threats for terrorism not just southern border but all the way around what a difference 23 years later, that we are looking the other way. just terrible, i want everybody to think where we were on 9/12 what we felt about terrorists in this country learning to fly hour plans, murdered americans. >> tens of thousands people found terrorist watch liz two million gotaways joe biden's watch no idea what motivations are they don't want to get a apprehend took 19 people, for to take down the trade centers on 9/11 that is right big banks kickoff earnings season navellier associates founder chief investment officer louis navellier is here are watching "mornings with maria" live on
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fox business. stay with us. . .
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back. take a look at fultz an who are away from the opening bell for a friday, we are at lows of the morning here as the big banks kickoff first-quarter earnings season dow industrials down you 106 nasdaq down 89 we have heard from jpmorgan, wells fargo, citigroup this morning all reported double beats this
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morning better than expected earnings and revenue, jpmorgan posted a profit revenue that beat expectations, but the full year outlook for net interest income came in light wells fargo profits of short net income interest income falling 8% citi posting that double beat we hear from others next week about goldman sachs, morgan stanley bank of america all coming out next week amidst busiest week first full week first quarter, next week what with will be driving markets next week navellier associates founder chief investment officer louis navellier great to see you. thank you so much for being here your reaction to what you are hearing so far beginning of earnings season your expectancies overall for the earnings picture. >> well, the banks, kind of odd year-over-year comparisons not ideal a back up in rates philadelphia fed report credit card delinquencies are at the
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highest rate ever monitored started in 2012, credit scores lowest level in four years there is concerns banks going to have issues, and with my daughter earlier in the week works for morgan stanley, 11% yields on private credit you know default there no you with a you can get 11% yield not have defaults very interesting. great point about potential for defaults what we've been waiting for next shoe to drop but in middle of all this we're seeing a creeping inflationary story get worse, look at commodities, things like copper, gold, oil, in fact oil prices are higher this morning, after the week's inflation data opec+ announcing leaving global oil demand expectations unchanged cut forecast for non-opec supply growth to one million dollars a day this year once
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again talking about you know, supply demand situation favoring higher prices oil at 86.46 what is the implication. >> going to slow economy too obviously, lost a million barrels a day in march because mexico curtailed, qatar, iraq -- oil this moment is up because of the -- anticipation going to be a retaliation on israel, and that is wild reported right anonymous they say attacks today or tomorrow we will see how good u.s. intelligence is. but, everybody is on edge don't want escalation in the middle east, and so oil is going to be high through september because we have big demand. and seems -- simple as that. obviously, i found amusing biden administration told ukraine to stop attacking
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russian refineries after attacking three they attacked a fourth one, you know it is interesting ukraine is like not behaving because apparently want money, and, so, i just find it interesting another wild card to throw in two. hot spots across the globem me russia-ukraine or wide-open border the unknown of that the "the wall street journal" is reporting this iranian attack from iran on israel expected in next two days so sure, that is, obviously, we're watching nerve-wracking looking at oil get impacted but this also has an impact on the macrostory in the united states. if in fact prices stay elevated no reason to believe oil going down what does that mean for macrostory and stock market in 2024 louis?
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>> first of all, we have a very strong dollar, because looks like europe is going to cut rates before we are okay? they've telegraphed june rate cut i thought moving in and then with europe bank of england, because rates backed up we're going to wait longer, and so going to have a very strong dollar the big news, of course, it happened today china announced their imports s exports plunged again in ppi report yesterday you had prices for wholesale goods decline a tenth % but that is fifth decline in if the last six months we are starting to import inflation from china we have a strong dollar makes our imports a little bit cheaper, and so i think there are some green chutes on inflation. >> you want to take to the sidelines for a moment as things settle out or buying
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stocks right here? >> no, i am still buying stocks i don't have earnings issues, the next two quarters very easy comparisons molds say top 35% marketplace to be you saw we had profit-taking this week, nvidia super micros buying pressure on dips a good sign. so, i donate own financials they are going to have tougher year-over-year comparisons but normal earnings third week of the month we are going to start to shine the congr congressmen. >> we are going to rally up to november. maria: all right. we leave it there good you, sir. >> okay. thank you. >> all right. louis navellier break president trump demanding a debate with president biden as soon as possible, as americans, increasingly ready
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to see a head-to-head match up our power panel weighs in on that you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . things will go wrong for your customers. but your business can make it right, with watsonx assistant.
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senators urging chuck schumer get going on mayorkas impeachment trial cheryl casone with details. cheryl: that is right, maria. , more than 40 republicans, senators calling for impeachment trials of homeland security alejandro mayorkas sent a letter to chuck schumer with demands crew offed colleagues of trying to table the trial when it reaches senate johnson marsha blackburn, among signing the letter schumer was not responded to request for
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comment. >> boeing revealing company executives got extra 500,000 dollars jet percolation he revelation on the heels of investigation by "the wall street journal", they were recorded as business travel they flew on boeing private jets there are fec rules guidance how they are classified when you use a company jet for personal travel counts as taxable income. >> masters kicking off round one, early lead shooting 65, the first round with 8 birds bogey completely 18 holes in career best round here is what he sad to say before the the first day. >> well always great getting off to hot start 3 under first three holes kind of gets you he settled i knew it was a tough day with wind even tomorrow a lot of patience riders around this golf course, putting good, good
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iron shots driving well, wind maybe -- together especially out here you got to do everything well. cheryl: one stroke behind him shooting 66 sinking six birds, lowest score 25 round to masters tiger woods one under in 17th overall competinging with winds up to 45 miles per hour, is looking to make the cut for record-breaking, 24th time maria. with rain in forecast this weekend i have a feeling northeast masters on a lot of televisions, back to you. maria: thank you so much trump campaign calling for presidential debates to take place much earlier than proposed by debate commission and more often former president trump andp biden said about potential for upcoming debate, watch. >> time for crooked joe biden the worst the president in the history of the united states,
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and i to debate we have to talk about what he is doing, and where we are going. we owe it to our country, we owe it to all americans. any time anywhere any place. >> -- the debate you right now do you accept? >> i -- not long -- >> fox news poll finds 64% voters think it is extremely important to or very important to debate, 35% say not at all-important. more news from fox poll 72% voters also said shows weakness if a presidential candidate skips a debate, kellyanne conway reaction. kellyanne: great questions from fox news pollsters, the big watchword in 2024 election is strength, the opposite is weakness opposite of strength is failure traveled to debate stage why? democracy of information that
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president trump led in white house tweeting out, under wing air force marine won press come into oval office consistently continues on debate stage we can access people want people achieve president of united states free of charge instantly most did he mocktizing effect the trump campaign saying look new normal post-covid is that millions of people going to vote before the first debate in-between first and second debate that happened in 2020, then, of course, president trump got covid second the third second one canceled happened in 2022 fetterman had banked 700,000 votes before -- before debate was odd one only debate number one google search after that was how do i change my vote, so, we need we definitely need more debates
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not fewer i don't know what joe biden is talking about when he said if i were donald trump i you would want to daefb me too if biden that true to "bidenomics" he should inspect about it did he no evidence joe biden can stand 90 seconds anywhere threshold question debates not under oath i think joe biden will be under fire for lying to american people in previous presidential debate had no contact with his son son's colleagues about bhis dealings we know that is not true thank you jamie comer. maria: i spoke with president trump this year, in january he sat for an hour and a half, i i don't think joe biden can sit an hour and a half in interview. >> or stand. for an hour and a half to kellyanne's point a weird answer from biden if i were
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him i would want to debate me too that seems like a self own i am not sure if he realized that but if i were my opponent i would want to deb me i am so weak incoherent ol team doesn't want me to debate he wanted to debate me kind of real point maybe a slip from the concurrent president about former president, i would be very surprised could i being one would like to be wrong would be very surprised if three maybe not even two presidential debates in cycle i think we will see one or zero that is my guess i think the biden team wants to minimize the chances for a big mess up on national stage, i think as long as polls are close not feeling really behind, i think probably going to stick with that what they're going to say we're not going to give a platform we're not going to dignify insurrectionist, by the way, he refused to debate in primary as well that is i think claim they are going to
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make to a justify decision probably leaning toward because it is telling they won't commit to this. >> president trump with speaker mike johnson talking about election integrity issues, this is what trump are supporters want to know rnc former president are in sure a transparent election this this time. >>. kellyanne: only thing we as nation still do, from covid times is delay -- i am sure flying around on planes kids if schooling not around kitchen island how voting the same way in covid but we are i think it is important that feel people their vote counts, easier to vote harder to cheat i think we got to get people vote early i think means 6:30 a.m. november 5 if new normal would love to see president trump first lady melania trump vote for him in florida when early voting starts if he does that millions will follow. >> have that is the thing if you are going to do early
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voting you have to do early debates, september? is going to be first debate? >> no let's do it now, by the way, joe biden refuses to debate, you are going to see more trump than you just saw on that video he is going to put out more videos "sleep joe" afraid to debate me looking like a guy filled with energy vying vigor stamina debate joe biden through videos if i were biden would i accept the dhal. maria: let's take a short break headed back down to the boulevard where americans think taxing day monday are you ready for it you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . ♪ ♪ , get up off that thing ♪ ♪ get up off of that thing ♪
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♪ . maria and julio thought their life would never slow down. then one day, it finally did. you were made to find inner peace. we were made to track flight prices to paradise.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. boulevard maria: welcome back well tax day arrived monday is your tax deadline with president biden proposing 5.5 federalizing new taxes in seven trillion-dollar budget our team went to streets of
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new york city to see how americans feel about the taxes they are paying on president biden's watch. >> am i seeing more in taxes than ever, yes, definitely. >> especially better under trump, so,. >> one thing trump did, limited like write-offs stuff like that a kind of hurts average person like myself. >> in new york insane -- having -- cities i like, all taxes in new york paying so much i didn't think about leaving but something i would consider. >> "the wall street journal" editorial border writes irs most wanted 00,000 dollar man they report 63% of new irs
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audits last year aimed at middle class filers, how do you like that 200,000 dollar man. guy: surprise. and by that i mean not a surprise at all this is what republicans argued during debate misnomer if you are going to massively increase irs make them have more teeth more muscle add agents not just coming after corporate fat katz millionaires billionaires they are coming off middle-class working people, you have seen more audits for average folks republicans tried to add an amendment into the bill, that the irs would be banned from increasing the percentage of lowering income people getting targeted only for the rich democrats unanimously killed it in senate they knew this
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was going to happen this is i think such a failure by the democrats one that was precisely predicted. >> who would announce 5.5 trillion dollars in new taxes in an election year kellyanne? there aren't enough billionaires millionaires to raise money that's want to pay for their climate change agenda. kellyanne: of course, not why political innocents people under mil class pollsters like research are against biden particularly on economy, the border israel-hamas very much so on economy they fear that trump tax cuts signed into law 2017 will expire at you anset the lived all boats i think president trump will not wrong strong loo on energy dependence, agenda expanding tax cuts more for middle class
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i am also the idea irs, 63% or 200,000 dollars or lower most important part in my view people are so, upset nervous abouting weaponization of our government see what doj, fbi, obviously, lots of different i think once in a while fda frankly now they see with irs coming for you, and they say look, biden pretends going after you bipartisans private jets but really going after people many have to hiefr accountants lawyers when audited, so i don't understand this white house at all they are living in parallel universe i am happy to see it. >> the one you have to pay taxes on gains on paper. i mean, you buy into stock stock market goes up, then you pay taxes on that it year? and then next year stock market goes down? it just it is amazing. that this is actually a place
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looking for revenue, we will take a break whether we come back are you having to be penned up find out why this horse is hanging outs at a train stop big buzz of the morning you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . ♪ . ♪ . . monday vivek ramaswamy from
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trump opponent to superpews senator mike braun voting to impeach alejandro mayorkas wednesday new york city grapples with influx of migrant crime, cleef john shell joins me thursday citigroup releases biggest 2024 deals on radar, friday power hour back, debating the biggest issues, right here on "mornings with maria." . (♪) at enterprise mobility, our experts always see another road.
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maria: welcome back. it's time for the big buzz of the morning. just horsing around. biif stearpds on a train platform -- bystanders in sydney were greeted by a runaway racehorse. the horse was safely returned to its trailer. what do you do if that happens? if kellyanne, your reaction. >> i love it. i think it's a metaphor for all those people in hollywood who swear they're going to move to australia, canada or new zealand if donald trump gets reelected. follow the horse, everyone. make good on the promise. maria: yeah, going if to the moon, right? [laughter] >> go. one-way ticket. maria: guy, your reaction. >> australia was i founded as a penal colony, so this horse is very on brand, i think, for the aussies. [laughter] maria: guy, it's been great having you where. kellyanne conway, guy benson is, thank you so much for joining us this morning. we are about 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a friday. take a look at where we stand
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here with the major with banks reporting earnings this morning and send sending markets lore. the dow jones right now down 270 points. we've got the nasdaq down 1700. jpmorgan ceo jamie dimon says it's quite clear the american economy is strong. on the conference call he says credit card chargeoffs are normalizing. he also says there are some cracks in subprime auto. this is all coming out of the call this morning. of course, we know at the ceo of jp morgan has been quite skeptical of a soft landing, and if he has talked about the stimulus money keeping inflation at a elevated levels. the stock this morning was up 3.5% despite beating earnings and revenue expectation, but coming in a little light on net interest income. we'll keep following the banks. a lot more next week, join us for the rest of the first quarter earnings reporting season. that'll do it for us. i will see you tonight on maria bart row -- bartiromo's "wall street. have a good one. stu, take it away we. stuart: all right, good


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