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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 15, 2024 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 15, tax day 8:00 a.m. on the east coast i hope you are having a o good morning time for hot topic of the hour foreign policy on capitol hill the house expected to put 17 brilliantly on the floor related to israel targeting iran after iran attacked
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israel fox business hillary vaughn live with more. good morning. >> good morning, maria. after iran's attack over the weekend it is putting pressure on congress to pass aid for israel something they tried but failed to do, since october 7, when hamas attacked them but president biden is tired of waiting he held a call to congressional leaders yesterday told them get it done republicans, democrats can't comree on how to do that republicans, in the house passing israel aid package last fall offset with cuts to irs funding sitting on chuck schumer's desk because democrats want it lufrmd with ukraine aid don't want cuts to the irs. >> we've understood the urgency from the very beginning a few days after i became speaker back being in october passed ill support package going to try this week, the details of that package are put together right now. >> speaker johnson has a bill senate passed iflz funding
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massive 95-billion-dollar national security supplemental but marries money with ukraine with funding for israel some republicans threatening johnson's speakership if he brings its up for a vote. >> the fastest way to get any done is to have the senate package that is already passed on a bipartisan basis in the u.s. senate, that is sitting on mike johnson's desk bring it to a vote we know o it will pass but he has been reluctant to do that had you know majorie taylor greene threatening his job over ukraine funding. >> there is a third option johnson could cobble his supplemental has something for everyone, like providing ukraine aid but making it a alone former president trump raised as an idea maria. maria: yes. mike johnson yesterday told me in that exclusive that he is in fact considering that loan semantics he a page from trump playbook see if that comes to fruition, this week hillary
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thank you, hillary vaughn on capitol hill, there is also the potential for seizing sovereign russian assets to raise money or lifting administration moratorium on new lng export projects could lose votes on the democrat side joining me former cia station chief, fox news contributor daniel hoffman joining me for power hour former state department spokesperson polaris national founder, morgan ortagus, fox news contributor author of the march to majority newt gingrich back with us great to see everybody. thank you so much for being here let me kick it off with you reaction to hillary's report how this plays out. >> well, i think look. we are still on edge right now in me iran launched most significant trick in the history of the middle east
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over 300 cruise missiles, being, risk tolerance based on the fact united states israel had the significant tension particularly last couple months, after hamas loss launched that brutal atack if israel decides not to strike launch a counterstrike paradigm changed open season for to iran tar israeli homeland if israel wants a strike based on on readout of president saturday even phone call with benjamin netanyahu the president reported said take win don't launch a strike if israel launches strike will further drive a arage between united states and israel i think iran's long game in the region. maria: i understand you are talking about interception of
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he missiles drones looking like victory, 300 missiles, drones coming at israel 99% intercepted by israel and allies u.s. military as well how do you call 300 drones missiles at you a win? >> it is a tactical success u.s. naval destroyers air force should be lauded for their precision ability to did he have israel's home labld as well as israel tos defense, kingdom of jordan the risk a strategic failure again we risked establishing a paradigm where iran has established a precedent to launch attack on israel homeland if israel attacks works the other way iran a nuclear threshold state israel may decide to strike iran target iran's nuclear program. maria: can get very, very
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dangerous for the world, in a very few minutes here morgan jufrn in biden administration, slammed for lack laughter of deterrents. >> watch this. >> iran in this moment. >> don't, i have one word. don't to any actor, state or nonstate. trying to take advantage of this crisis to attack israel. don't. >> just one word. don't. >> okay, morgan, they did, former secretary of state pompeo writes on x, so much for don't when your secretary of state declares near morala equivalence between good ally israel, you get bad guys wreaking destruction. >> yeah my former boss lit nail on the head no surprise not only did they say don't to iran also said don't to
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millions of migrants across the border continue to come krst border don't to russia, russia invaded ukraine we saw what ever taliban, in august of 21, maria i got back from a week in taiwan i can tell you, biden's deterrence failures around the world scare me but they scare me most, in the indo-pacific what could happen, if that theatre there are a number of hot spots i don't say with glee dan and i both working in national security for decades to see biden administration fail as deterring iran from attacking israel, russia from invadeing ukraine, to deter the gangs, all of the criminal activity at the border all intertwined,
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you can say what you want about trump great thing working for him is that whenever we came to the table i sat down with mike pompeo at table whole world knew we meant. >> people didn't know what to expect from donald trump so there was a fear factor they weren't sure. >> well, i think a huge difference, when biden said don't, i think the point that 300 times, non of missiles, 335 times iranians did, what is his response he said don't to putin putin ignored him, invadeed ukraine said don't to iran, this administration was zero credibility in terms of keeping its word frankly having 335 missiles and drones fired at you, is an act of complete warfare, israelis
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could respond in disciplined way take out iranian warship in red sea helping direct houthi missiles could do a number of other stuff targeted would i be very surprised if if prime minister netanyahu is going to accept failure of biden's aths do nothing that invites iranians to figure out another way to attack israel. >> thank you so much for joining us great analysis from you just getting started we will be back, with newt gingrich, and morgan, president trump, said attack on israel would never have happened if he were president as job's don't strategy clearly failed the topic of the hour you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. .
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nightmare lies with would be person, crooked joe biden. former president trump blaming president biden for attacks on israel he writes on truth social, this attack quote would not have happened if i was still in the white house, a new "the wall street journal" op-ed, writes the attack should at least cause mr. biden and fellow democrats, to end their cold war, with israel over gaza to say this is an opportunity for trump he should drop his own ambivalence declare undefied support i spoke with foernl director national intelligence john ratcliffe on "sunday morning futures" watch . >> are you expecting a response from israel? to iran? >> absolutely. and i think there should be
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there must be joe biden doesn't have red lines they get crossed the israelis do have red lines a kinetic task by iran into israel a red line must be answered i think i would will act alone consider should consider a strong response, anything from iranian oil infrastructure, iranian military installations iranian leadership or perhaps iranian nuclear facilities nuclear programs. >> newt gingrich reaction? newt: i think joe has become a target no matter what he says you know in the end he won't do anything, we failure in afghanistan, has been a failure at ensuring that uk has resources, has been a failure, in terms of helping israel, and i think, to suggest a country can launch over 300 missiles and drones, have no consequence i think is
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very dangerous, and remember iranians learning from this the chinese are learning from this the russians are learning from it if message is united states will help defensively but, by the way, you will suffer no costs, you are asking for more attacks, and greater danger i think that is very dangerous situation. maria: it really is morgan your thoughts. >> completely agree with the speaker. speaker gingrich, i was obviously, watching monitoring closely maria, literally the smoke had not cleared still in the middle of the attack, we started to see the biden pentagon white house starting to spin already what we later ended up hearing throughout the weekend oh this is -- they missed, that sort of thing, it was unbelievable to me the smoke had not cleared from attacks we were already trying
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to tie ill's hands behind their back as relates to a response. again, what was unprecedented about this attack was not just the number of drones missiles used that is a massive problem as speaker pointed out but a big problem this was intent of this attack from inside iran to attack inside israel you had them fighting out last decade that is something we're used to obviously, where israel damascus got the irgc generals that helped plan october 7 attack according to juice aluminum post, fighting out in sair hezbollah hamas territorial insurions into israel we have great air dvrs some failed mid flight but attempt try to attack israel
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territory yally a new wave let me say three years, three years, of pacifying appeasing iran billions in sanctions relief beginning of iran six billion dollars for american hodges weeks before october 7 attack even though administration says oh we froze it all appeasement actions past three years leads us to tie, so deterrence failure doesn't happen overnight it is three years policies chasing iran around the world begging them back in jcpoa not implementing u.s. sanctions that got us where we are today. >> speaker, it goes further than that, you've got a public fight, with bibi netanyahu in plain site in public view with chuck schumer saying we want new elections, you know, netanyahu no longer serves people of them israel, you
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know even though biden said you know our support of israel is ironclad adds but we will not be part any of retaliation to iran. >>. newt: they called iranians -- >> the administration, gone back to obama, the john kerry secretary of state consistently prior iranian they consistently bent over backyards for iranians tolerated iranian proxies shooting at killing americans tolerated houthis, backed by iranians, no matter what iranians do always one more excuse from biden for american inaction, but again imagine you are the ayatollah sitting in tehran fired 300 missiles, other against israel nothing happens there there are no consequences? you are going to facing -- people beyond being paper
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tigers you are going to think they are clowns no sense of historically reality this is very, very dangerous. maria: yep let's take a short break come back march retail sales ten minutes time talking about state of the s consumer and this economy former toys "r" us chairman ceo, you can say
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okay, that's uncalled for. projectile . maria: welcome back march retail sale out six minutes' time few moments we will get breaking numbers, and see if there is an impact to this rally underway dow industrials up 232 points, highs of the morning, ahead of data, month-over-month, expecting increase 3/10 of a percent and for stripping out autos expecting increase 4/10 of a percent joining me to get ahead storch adviser ceo former target is vice chairman, thank you so much for being here you've been critical of some numbers regarding the consumer you strip back onion seeing real weakness using their 401(k) credit cards, et cetera, who you would you access consumer
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ahead sales numbers for last month. >> consumer clearly struggling every time i read reportedlies the consumer remains healthy you sort of have to lav take a look what happened last month retail shaelz grew by 1.5% year-over-year inflation grew by more than 3%, consumer is going backwards they get the check out see what they have, they cost more than last year put items back the same amount money less for it i don't understand, everybody saying consumer healthy balance sheets deeper if debt more buy now, pay later, et cetera,, you look where shopping shopping at valu, retailers looking for deals, are spending more on necessities than nice to have this item not defined of a thriving
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consumer. >> unfortunate of michigan index nor april falling more than expected so sentiment is also negative there, and one of the issues i think is the cost of everything, right look where oil is look being where gold is commodities, price of a steak, up 28% year-over-year. >> exactly what i am talking about, kind of absurd to say consumer sales are growing s consumer is healthy more than one hundred percent growth is simply inflation in prices doesn't feel very good to consumers they know it nobody is fooled by that what you see in that survey. >> talk to me about inflation, what you are expecting, here, because, we are all talking about rate cuts i don't know i think really, a little much of a presumptive attitude to believe we are getting all rate cuts while inflation is where it is last inflation report totaled months january
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february massive. >> i don't see how inflation can come down fed doing what they are doing band-aid we know what is driving inflation, it is government spending still, very, very high by historical zbodz to college days economics. s supply and demanded when government send more than it takes it pumping the economy drives inflation o o no way to solve is that raising interest rates a little bit certainly fed can't afford to take rates down when inflation is higher than the target i don't see anything going to change that dynamic, in near-term not before the election. >> you've been really investing around the whole idea of you know value. tell me where value is in terms of your own investments right now because you are right, people have been gravitateing to walmarts of
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the world, that is why, you know, that chinese company is doing so well, temu, trying to -- it is trying to replace walmart your reaction in terms of investing in real estate where growth is given this backdrop you are talking about. >> right look retailers that i consistently suggested are the ones going to win in this environment are the same i am sorry to be a broken record it is pretty much what happened walmart thriving continue to do well, look at walmart target gap same-store sales who is growing the most walmart has been growing latest report up 4%, target shrinking in terms of -- down 4% clearly a huge gap again indicates the consumer i think going to continue until dynamic is -- in that environment tjxing amazeingly well, people going for value
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costco continues to be just the best retailer out there in terms of performance, you can't forget amazon, look they are the leader by far, the most rapidly growing segment the e-commerce area best retailers in this environment they are going to keep being the best. maria: do you expect oil prices elevated or to get worse your take there? this is it also underlying problem here, oil. >> i am not an oil economist, my thoughts are given the geopolitical tensions pretty hard to see how oil is going anywhere but up we have to see what happens a lot of factors affect the price of sill certainly supply and demanded is one in terms of is economy growing, i understand -- people drill getting oil produced looks like responding to global stage we have to say looks protest stressful right
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no. >> the stress around so-called shrink people are stealing things has to have impact on bottom line some retailers. >> well absolutely, the theft we've seen in other social media mobs things off a shelf the other thing interesting that is happening, retailers ripping out checkouts so much money putting in last decade what finding is that self-checkout dramatically increased theft, some on popular people slicing skipping item other times accidental i guess -- no doubt not working. >> hold that thought march retail crossing the tape. cheryl: hotter than expected not justified for inflation month month higher by excuse me .7% .7% street looking for gain .3 a jump .7, you strip
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out -- autos a bigger story 1.1% to the upside, street looking for gain .4, so that is hotter than expected, then the -- wow. . the year-over-year, 4%, we didn't get estimate for that 4% as gerry mentioned a moment ago previous was 1.5% this is 4% -- anyway this is hotter than expected looking for 703 billion total number if you strip out the gasoline sales that jumped to.1% was stronger than february, we saw decrease in car parts sales, and overall, you know, strip out gasoline .6% very strong i got new york fed i want to mention came in worse than expected, came in negative 14.3 only looking for drop 7.5, maria.
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again, you know -- it is -- the market not reacting but i think if you get a strong number, like we are getting, looking at this this makes argument you might be delaying rate hikes day a little bit back to you. maria: you would think the market would get, negatively impacted still holding on to 218 point rally in dow industrials, gerry how do you see it hotter than expected cheryl hotter than expected retail sales much hotter than expected is look what cheryl told us 7/10 of a percent weaker than expected much weaker than expected new york fed empire state negative 3.3 expecting negative 10. >> hotter than everyone expected i want to caution that it is recommend hard just to look at march sales in the absence of april, in retail we talked about march an april together that is because
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easter, moves around this year easter in march last year was in april so going to have to see what happens in april the government tries to control for that by deseasonlizing the numbers technical say we know easter in march try to alter numbers the numbers they report not actual sales but adjusted sales we will take in a grain of a salt what happens in march until we see rebound effect one way or the other in april because april -- having said that i want to underscore look at core retail number increase 3.6% year-over-year, and inflation we saw 3.5%, ppi level that we heard last week, what you are basically seeing again is keeping up with inflation, but not doing you know, any better than that. again wait until you see april numbers to judge this period. maria: gerry a pleasure thanks very much for walking us through that good to see you gestural storch joining us
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on retail quick break we'll be right back with our power panel next morgan ortagus newt gingrich in the house former speaker of the house. . ♪ the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward the further we all go.
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a challenging jury
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easier to finds a stray manatee in manhattan than someone a national trump supporter one of the most hostile jurisdictions to trump going to be reflected in the jury pool they are not going to be asked about political leanings he can assume going to have a motivated judge fairly hostile jury one of the things that i think, alvin bragg is counting on this is an absurd case and he is counting object the fact jury may not demand a lot once they see who is behind the defense
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table. >> jonathan turley with me "sunday morning futures" jury selection for former president trump so-called hush money trillion criminal trial in manhattan, he is accused of falsifying records to high true nature of payments sent to former lawyer paid off to keep alleged fair with trump quiet speak dependingrich you came out with a new letter you write president donald trump will walk into courtroom as champion over 80 million americans fighting for constitutional rielths rights of 331 million americans. >> this is a political trial that we've never seen in america, the case itself totally ridiculous, and would not stand up in any kind of honest court you can say bragg is a total democrat sellout, judge is a total left wing
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democrat, an effort to destroy a political opponent something i don't think we've ever seen in american history this kind of abuse of the law violation of the constitutional in a reasonable world trump would not be under trial i think, frankly, the case would ultimately be thrown out based on totally phony reinterpretation of the law, bragg, you puts felons back on streets doesn't want to lock up anybody even if a -- criminal -- for donald trump different totally purely political the key thing not just trump walking in there it is champion of well over 80 million americans consistently supported him fighting for rights of 330 million americans to not have this kind of judicial abuse apply to them. >> i talked to john ratcliffe about this yesterday he said a hunger a sung jury after all
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25% of the vote in new york, will go to trump, he believes. 25% i know that, you know, what we just heard a moment ago from jonathan turley said you can't find a interest support there this is a worry rat clibrought up to me worries me jungmann could be trying to weed out trump supporters do you worry about that. >> i assume the judge will do everything he can to bias the case with everything from rulings to how they pick jurors the newsletter that i did, gingrich 360 this is a political trial, of the champion of literally more than 80 million americans, the whole case is totally phony no serious layer thinks it is a
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real reasonable case i cite in newsletter lawyer after lawyer left wing lawyers global democrats saying the matter of law this case is ridiculous what you have is alvin bragg left wing professional democrat doing everything he can to rig the game the judge who is a left wing professional democrat doing ig to rig the jury the faction of the case are so bad some point reasonable human beings go i can't do this. >> morgan new polling from the "new york times," finds just 25% of voters view president biden's views in office as mostly good for the united states, 42%, said they remember president trump time in oval office as mostly good for america, a group of major news outlets including fox news, cnn, abc, cbs you are urging presidential candidate to publicly commit to 2024
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debate we've not heard any commitment from the biden team, president trump has said over and over again i want to debate biden anywhere any day, here is the last time president said it just last week watch this. >> time for crooked joe biden the worst the president in the history of the united states and to debate we have to talk about what he is doing, and where we're going we owe it to our country, we owe it to all americans. any time, anywhere, any place. >> -- >> bringing the debate right now do you accept? >> [chuckling]. >> not -- >> morgan reaction. morgan: i don't know what joe biden is scared of would be first time modern political history two did a debate if he refuses to do so i think probably in the end going to
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do it because going to face so much pressure listen the american people this is not just republicans, the polling shows that democrats, independents are concerned about biden's age and his health, and he needs to get out on the debate stage prove he can last entire debate, as president american people are electing a president in november for the next four years, people have questions if you look at polling this is not just republicans it is democrats and independents, have real concerns, about this is stamina and ability to carry kout his term over the next four years that is all the more reason, by the way, vice presidential debate, normally interesting to see what maybe future of either are party certainly skwooefbl vice president kamala harris if reelected could end up being president so i think the biden campaign is going to have to take all of this, very
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seriously, both the president and the vice president, need to debate, and stop being seared if you want to be leader lead the country you should be able to handle 90 minutes or two hours debate. >> first debate expected in september. that is after early voting already, so -- you know right there, why isn't there a debate yearling than that? stay right there morgan, newt we are coming back and taking our viewers live to tel aviv israel for update after iran's attack this weekend trey yingst is live on the grounds now trey. >> maria i just had a briefing with top israeli air force official gave new detail on what took place over the weekend, more after the break. . n make this plac e i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business.
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whating took place part of reason ooilgs so sufficiently shooting down hundreds of missiles and drone had help from americans and other cancellation partners planned ahead of time the top general of centcom in israel in days leading up to attack had intelligence ahead wanted to get ready for this attack, all this comes as president biden meets today, with iraqi prime minister, will speak with biden about situation in middle east understanding there are many iranians proxies that operate out of iraq part of the threat i would has to consider as they determine how to respond to this attack by iran over the weekend. as we speak israeli war cabinet meeting in fell revive to determine how they will strike back against iranians a variety of options being considered israeli media
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reports agreements between scope scale timing to you an israel applies take place. >> are you expecting a response from israel sooner rather than later do you have any intelligence in terms of what the thinking is there in terms of the response? >> israelis very carefully to the to project what plans are, but many options on the table could strike back initially but do risk the iranians coming back with another counterattack then back-and-forth that could lead to region towards a broader war something i israelis and americans hope to avoid they could make a plan wait to strike iranian facilities later or that is being discussed in the tel aviv we do expect more to come out in the days that follow about how israel might strike back
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maria. maria: trey, thank you stay safe owing in israel trey yingst morgan ortagus your reaction. morgan: i think a lot happening today israeli away cabinet meeting trey was talking about there are options, israel could look to target iranian missile facilities, military facilities, i think what you will see no matter what israeli response is they will do what iran doesn't do hamas doesn't do hezbollah doesn't do they will do everything to avoid the loss of life, civilian life inside iran that is incredibly for, by the way, because this regime is on tenuous grounds in iran women have been protesting several years against this regime, so that the regime ayatollah knows a tenuous grip on power even inside their country the security council supposes to meet this afternoon we have
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not seen over past month united states have israel back at security council i certainly home they do so today complufbl any resolution detailed by china or russia, important to the united states to stand up to i would say, important for the united states to start standing up to iran at security council plenty things the united states could have been doing like, for example, as i pointed out over the weekend they allowed expiration of the ban against iran, on the drones missiles we saw saturday night that was banned at u.n. biden administration let that expier. >> the administration speaking out of boeblth sides of mouth yes our support for o israel is irowner clad, by the way, we will not be part of any retaliation, after 300 missiles, drones were shot at
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israel. >>. newt: obama and biden administration to somehow we can become ally of iran build an american iranian relationship will stabilize the middle east of course, if you watched iranians ayatollah went on tv two months ago said to iranian people death to america is not a slogan district to america is iranian policy so pretty hard to see how -- also want to tell you this morning, one of the most important things that should happen this week, is that the house republicans should get their act together, with democrats whatever it takes they need to pass aid to both ukraine and israel it is well late i think time now to get it done, and this should certainly give a sense of urgency, about getting that money, to our allies. maria: speaker should it be in form of a loan.
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>> fdwi.c did it with great britain in world war ii there are ways to solve it they need to get the votes get it done. maria: we will be right back with more you are watching "mornings with maria" live fox business. stay with us. . .
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>> welcome back we are following the conflict in the middle east all morning long. we are final thoughts as speaker newt gingrich. final thoughts we appreciate your time. >> i think this is a very
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important week for america to get his act together, passing the aid bill is extremely important and i think president biden, you say don't there has to be consequences when others do and i think he has to support israel if they make a decision with an all-out attack on their country requires a counter attack. >> we will see. >> i agree with the speaker and president trump by the way has endorsed the supplemental as long as it's alone in the house should follow president trump's lead. second don't forget as much as we talk about iran and israel it was a matter of weeks ago that three americans were killed in jordan from iranian drones so there's an ever present daily threat to american service members in the region. >> there sure is. newt gingrich, morgan ortagus we


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