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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 15, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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how many small businesses in america 33, 36, 49, 42, million, actually of the honor of being first. >> i'm very honored, 36 million, number two. >> number 442.4 million. >> i'm going with number four. the answer is only 33 million as small business declined of having fewer than 500 employees.
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small business have 62 million people. time is up for asked. "coast to coast" starts now. >> i want to focus on something rather startling that is the yield on the ten year bond, it is the highest it's been and half a year. despite that that the fact that borrowing costs are going up as it shows signs of this economy is humming along. much longer than expecte worries about what's going on in the middle east, i want to flip around to the stock market in the environment. very well take a look at this the stock market, the dow up 142-point declining oil coming off their highs, those two developments not expected. the bond thing you could see but two out of three working in the markets favor. we're going to go over all of this with jay woods freedom capital market strategist. what he makes of this conundrum. in the meantime the big thing that can be overwhelming the market if it goes the wrong way. jennifer griffin on the fallout at the pentagon as we wait to see what the israelis plan to do
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in response to the missile attack. >> this marks a rubicon moment in the middle east after iran's attack on israel failed on saturday night. it's the first time iran has prior ballistic missiles or any from iranian territory at the state of israel fortunately the u.s. ms. military and the allies were ready and to shoot down 99% of the 300 plus drones and missiles launched by iran over a five hour. it takes 12 minutes for a ballistic missile from iran to reach israel those were incredibly tense on saturday night. at one point the commanders in the president national security team at the white house were watching is 100 ballistic missiles were launched simultaneously with the intent of overwhelming missile defense shield half of those we learned failed in-flight this video shows the usss carney and based
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in the eastern mediterranean using a missile to shoot down one of the six ballistic missiles that the u.s. military intercepted president biden called the commanders force squadrons whose shot down more than 80 iranian attack drones. >> both these squadrons are incredible absolutely incredible and made an enormous difference saving a lot of lives. >> mr. president we thank you for your work this is for 94 commander and were mighty proud to have a partner contribution. >> french, british and jordanian shot down some of the drones while protecting jordanian airspace u.s. missile in iraq shot down a ballistic missile as it flew over iraq. it was very little damage to israel with only seven landing on israeli soil and no debts
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this chapter military history will be studied in years to come as a textbook of allied missile and air defense commander general eric carrillo coordinated indeed conflicted a complicated allied defense of israel were the first time ever concluded arab countries, jordan defended his sovereignty in airspace and we learned that saudi arabia and the uae provided real-time intelligence that helped track the incoming missiles allowing allies to shoot them down. defense secretary lloyd austin is hosting mohammed shia' al sudani at the pentagon this afternoon we went jennifer thank you for that jennifer griffin at the pentagon. aishah hasnie on capitol hill where a move to make sure israel gets what it needs financially that would include package of aid so far not exactly gone the way republican said it would. >> innovated lawmakers as a way to put it. good afternoon run the hunt for speaker johnson right now i
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believe he is here were trying to find out more details about the possible foreign aid package. we know house republicans are going to huddle at 530 for a policy conference meeting. there is good to be contention around what goes in to the israel aid package in the talk about the 17 bills on the floor this week that has to do with condemning iran and supporting israel. all eyes are on the israel aid package and whether ukraine gets attached to it. the white house wants speaker johnson to take up the senate passed foreign aid package that includes ukraine and taiwan the new house appropriation tom cole is optimistic that the iranian attack will probably help move ukraine aid here speaker johnson telling fox that is open to former president trump's idea about turning aid for ukraine into a loan. listen to this.
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>> i had a great visit at mar-a-lago on friday and were 100% united on the big agenda items. when you talk about aid to ukraine he introduced the loneliest concept which is really important and has a lot of consensus as well as the other ideas. will send her package and put something together and send it to the senate get the obligations complete. >> any israel aid is going to takeoff progressives. reminding followers how aoc was crying when congress passed money for the iron dome and 2021. the other moving part is mayorkas impeachment set to take place tomorrow at 2:00 o'clock. once that happens the senate freezes up leadership or has to figure out how to do two things at the same time. neil: that seems to defy what's happened in the past. will watch it closely. aishah hasnie. we have doctor peter, the colonel of the u.s. army retired executive officer during the iraq war knows of what he speaks.
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let me ask if israel wants to respond and plans to respond to the iranian action despite our warnings letting go, they have trouble they have to go through jordanian airspace, iraq airspace, what do you think. >> there today need a lot of help to get it done. they don't have the in-flight capability to get their bombers all the way to iran without flying over the friendly nations and i don't think those nations will open their base which means israel would have to do anyway and then take the condemnation violating somebody else's airspace will until. i don't think it's a smart move for them but they may feel that they have to establish deterrence and do it anyway. neil: the message from the president by extension from the united nations in the western nation that the israeli should take the win. the president but as the wall
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street journal points out. is it a win if iran can attack israel with any consequent is, say what you will with the effectiveness of this attack where all of the missiles failed to do their thing. it showed that iran has the capability to flood the air with a lot of them. i'm wondering if there's no consequence for that. >> remember the iranian action was a response to an israeli strike in syria that killed two commanders. israel is ahead in this game and they suffered very little retaliation that proved to iran that missiles and drones can be shot down. i think it's a win for israel and if they want to expand the war then they will retaliate but they have enough and on their hands with gaza and has blogs
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well. neil: i know you're not an investment guy you're into far more life-and-death. i get an interesting read from the market that we don't need to worry about the israeli response in the country for wishing that it be that damaging are they ahead of themselves and cocky what hurdles do you still see. >> i think the market safer response comes it'll be proportional and not a wider war if you saw the markets tank they would factor in israeli iranian conflict for the long haul. i don't see that coming and i think very few people see that coming in the market see that as well. neil: a canny read of the markets. i'm going to move on to something else that may be what is going on is the notion when
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you say a response on the part of israel that that would trigger similar counter response by the iranians. we could go back and forth forever. >> yes you could that's why the israeli government would be well advised not to do something overt perhaps a cyber action or hitting israeli proxies around the middle east and calling it a day. they have as much on their hands as they can handle right now without drawling iran into the conflict. neil: thank you very much. we were mentioning the stock market and the curious reaction. the dow i was mentioning earlier despite the higher interest rates in the ten year note in and out of a six month high all the major averages are moving ahead, the hope and the colonel was pointing out, half will prevail but it's an anomaly to see interest rates backing up to
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the degree that they are that was a much stronger-than-expected retail sales report that showed people were buying at 710 higher than the year before. whether that is indicative of something that would not necessarily be inflationary in the eye of the beholder we have the freedom capital market chief global strategist, what do you think of that it's weird to see interest rates backing up but stocks soaring regardless. >> you let off your show talking about the ten year yield and i look the last time it rose above 4.6% which was october and it was the speed of the rise. we did 10% correction last october as a tenure rally this year it is different. we've been able to withstand the higher for longer narrative but it's starting to wear a little bit then. i'm looking at price action today we had a nice rebound. we had five sellouts in the s&p 500 of 8% or more intraday which we had on friday and we rallied each time we still have buy the
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dip mentality the dip buying has me a little scary we have great earnings, j.p. morgan was solid despite cloud headwinds coming from jamie dimon city, wells, goldman knocking it out of the park that's with the dow was up so much. the thing that has me concerned the rally does not feel like it has legs were looking at things point by point. earnings season will take priority but price of oil didn't retrace much gold remains elevated there are things that we don't have a catalyst to take us higher given geopolitical concerns one more slipup as we had the apprehension wednesday and friday last week and we can have the normal 5% correction which brings us to 5%. if the tenure does like it's on a path towards 5% and i don't think it could get there anytime soon but we get the 4.75. how long can the market
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withstand that when interest rates are not about to be cut anytime soon. i don't know i think were in a digestive and give a little bit back in will look at things one data point at a time. we're going to look at things here earnings at a time and when you have good financials not being the catalyst to take us higher there was standing and holding on the gains they're not taking us higher. i watch procter & gamble the biggest staple later this week let's see what they say their guidances but geopolitical concerns and the seasonality are in play and i don't see the catalyst taking us higher and the fed isn't going to be the catalyst no reason to cut at this point in time. >> some say at all this year. >> if they're going to do it, pce next friday that will be the one thing that's continued to go their way at 2.8%. we had three consecutive rises in the cpi. let's see if the pce digest this a little bit better that's their
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preferred measure. if we get hotter there's no way they can cut in june and stays at 2.8%, maybe they do maybe the last rate hike to five and a quarter of five and a half was unnecessary. i think there is a narrative and spoke that they want to get one cut under their belt to 5% before the election cycle really takes hold. if they don't do it in june i can't see them cutting anytime before the election. neil: will watch it closely. great to see you again. freedom capital market global strategist pre-the pce the personal consumption, kind of follows what folks like us are doing when were spending our money there is a component of food and energy is particularly important. i never understood the ways of removing food and energy for many number. i understand the goal to keep a clean number but food and energy have a nasty way of disrupting that.
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were on top of on average folks and how they're dealing with development halfway around the world. you know the drill you get word of the event as we did with october attacks of hamas and israel in the market has a knee-jerk concern response, that occurred over the weekend this latest attack by iran on israel occurred over the weekend, time for the market to digest so far not worried but people can be different. after this. ( ♪ ) i got injured, um, my back got injured very bad. i was off work for about a year. did physical therapy, did...
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. neil: not exactly the quid pro quo the market we have a warm aged in the middle east here's the israel in iran could escalate, so far that's not happening oil prices are coming down. there was a knee-jerk run-up in basically europe vulnerable to the particular oil but it's even come down in their own oil market has come down edward lawrence following these fast-moving developments at the white house. >> when you taken this totality you talk about the iran shock but ukrainian drones have struck 18 refinery targets this year alone. all of that pushing to a price of oil of $85 a barrel that's worth having $85 a barrel in the
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u.s. you have u.s. refineries switching over to the summer blend of gas, if that's passed on to consumers pushing gas prices in this area all of this putting pressure on regular gallon of gasoline recording to aaa $3.63 20 cents more than a month ago and about the same price as last year the american petroleum institute says new rules from the interior department added fees and regulations that will keep gas prices higher into the future. >> there's an old expression if you want more of something you should tax it lasts and if you want less of something you should tax it more. what the administration is doing with the new rural is undercutting american production on federal lands. >> he says discouraging future investment the president's plan to refill the petroleum reserve have been canceled because of the higher oil prices.
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we've not seen an indication that he wants to release more the administration will tell you the solution to higher gas prices rest with buying an electric vehicle or source tells me they told him to speed up the force transition. >> we believe this is working and what the president has promised and we want to see the manufacturing industry for the future of this country and that's what we see them with the presidents working towards. >> polls may indicate that the president or the people don't like paying the higher gas prices and their quitting that with the president's policies. neil: thank you very much. charles payne is here and we wanted to get him on to call him as down because is good history in perspective if you get lost in the middle of a war a lot of people start saying i love your picture been a great investor but i want to sleep at night and i'm getting concerned, what do you tell them. >> he used the operative word, history knowledge and history is
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the most critical thing for a lot of investors, understand where we have been and what the market has done before any given year you can help pull backs in a correction and every now and then you have a crash. once you understand that it helps you when you eventually come to these situations. still it's really, really tough one of the things i do a lot at a special call with my subscribers 3000 people registered because i sense this was happening. two things happen people make a lot of money they want to make money on every idea. how comes when on this. be cool my man, initially they come on they want to buy and hold if i can make 20% every three or four months i'd be happy. first thing people get too excited then the expectation go off the rails yet the real and the expectation, you can do well
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but sometimes there is nothing you can do, last week there was nothing you could own in the stock market did well the only stock that was up with apple, then i would say if you're going to buy these companies and you want to be part owner of these companies think about it this way these companies be around when you die it may sound a little morbid but the fact of the matter is you're freaking out about a company that is $27 billion every three months, these are companies that are going to be around. ballwin is going to be around it might be an all time high all they need is a new ceo. even the toughest stocks that have the toughest letting right now these are great established names. if it's a brand-new name or a name he took a flyer on understand why you bought in the first place. did you buy something to be a cornerstone of your long-term portfolio more than likely you've done enough due diligence and know it's going to be okay. it doesn't feel good when it's down if it's down in the rest of the market is up that's when
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people start to freak out. neil: how do you guide them to the black swan developments something out of the blue like iran attacking israel. i don't a reaction to get to these events would be longer-term that it is these days. i say going back to what started the work but i can go back even further it's not like it used to be, guide us with how you deal with the geopolitical? >> everything is shortened. if you go back to the 60s was eight years now at six months. it's really amazing there is so much money pouring into this. so many instruments. one thing i've never done and i say never certainly not in the last 20 or 30 years is good all-cash i do mitigate exposure. into the be 100% maybe 80%. put some cash on the sideline. neil: was the other 20%.
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>> cash but not all cash. neil: what you do with high flyers that cut down do you keep them they might be good longer-term bets and long after you die how do you play that. >> i think a big mistake a lot of people make with a high flyers is high beta names will lessen is up 1% they may be up 2% or 1.5% so when the market is up the upper form and then when the markets down there getting hammered people say i'm going to use a 2% stop loss you get stopped down two days later and it'll go to a new high and you kill yourself. you have to be ready to hold onto extreme volatility and understand two years ago meta everyone thought meta was done facebook was done everyone wrote it off. since then it's up 300%. >> one of the best performers. >> this happens over and over again and puts the volatility if
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you're going to buy something extraordinary volatile yet to be ready to build the volatility or take a loss quickly but you can't have them both ways where you can have a stop loss, you're going to find yourself if you're not being nimble and using your brain as opposed of the 3% stop loss you might as will not buy the stock. >> let's say early nvidia investor units soaring they say pigs get slaughtered and all of that, i'm going to get out but if you got i would hit 100 or 200, how do you play that's an anomaly. >> you got me i got out of nvidia to early in supermicro but huge gains. you can't beat yourself up. there are people that set a good keep holding then you try to encourage them, maybe right calls against the position, do something to mitigate a sharper turn but i'm glad you brought this up. people want to be on the high flyers and wake up in a stock up
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20%. remember any stock is up 20% one day could be down 1% one day. except that when you go into it and then you'll be okay but a lot of people don't accept that. neil: you are like the beatles and you're getting this all the time now when you go out on the hustle. >> i love going out once or twice a month especially off the beaten path. i'm to go to kokomo indiana i've never been there and can't wait. miami was really phenomenal, the money show. i'm to do three of those this year. you go out there this is our audience. questions that you're asking me i get to talk to them and find out what their feeling. >> you like the taylor swift. people just come to you. neil: do you tell your kids when you have all the success, i'm in on the gravy train. my wife and i say the kids are getting nothing.
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>> one kid is unrealistic about things but is young, my daughter has done an amazing job but my oldest granddaughter, by the way i took her to acting class saturday them kickboxing then to the mall favorite restaurant and i went to supporters for the first time and i won't go when there again until i get a black belt in karate but i was talking to a week ago my favorite thing every saturday i take her to acting class we were talking about class and one of the teachers that he was the richest people in the world and she said she's the richest on the second richest in the elon musk is the third. neil: that about right. neil: you're a rock star. charles payne making money host coming up in 90 minutes, just for the energy he's running around. i prefer to be hannibal lector, rolled me out on the gurney, that's the best i can do a lot more the dow up 73 points. thanks to charles, the s&p and
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and what's best for everyone who depends on it. solving today's challenges while creating future opportunities. it takes balance. cla - cpas, consultants, and wealth advisors. we'll get you there. neil: i wanted to cover something very hard to see the show today read actually allotted days but today we were trying to show west texas intermediate the benchmark from the u.s. quoted oil, that is down i don't know what we were showing before but it didn't look like west texas
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intermediate. that's where oil is much like a lot of energy related, they are down right now so this haven buying and frantic buying and clustering around oil and energy when we have a dustup in the middle east that is not playing out today. oil prices falling but do not assume that the danger has passed in the middle east. trey yingst in tel aviv. i was watching you during the weekend stunningly good and so fast on your feet but i'm wondering my friends in the markets are getting ahead of themselves thinking the danger has passed, what are you hearing if that is their thought process, there's unpredictable days ahead in the middle east and we don't know how the israelis are going to act in the work cabinet met today for more
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than three hours and they trying to determine what the response might be and hundreds of drones and missiles, many intercepted outside of israeli airspace in a moment for the history books in israel has never seen in the past the direct attack from iranian soil. included the timing of the scope of such an entailed engine is really counterattack there is" nation with the americans and on the briefing today a senior air force commander in the israeli air force explained u.s. central command played a critical role in helping the israelis to shoot down missiles and drones before they reached major population centers. the iranians are making their first statements following this attack over the weekend saying this. >> our device of the criminals in this regime is to appreciate
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respond principle and measured at from committing more wicked acts which will bring an calculable consequences to the regime itself more than anyone else. instead of using inappropriate world about iran. >> israel is walking a tight rope. they do not want to drag the middle east to a broader regional war but they also don't want iran to feel that it can freely attack israel from its own territory. neil: thank you for that. trey yingst in tel aviv. the former idf spokesperson and senior fellow at the foundation for defense of democracy. thank you very much for taking the time. i will ask you what i touched on with trey yingst the idea that some of the people in the financial market say we are over the worst of this is real is probably not going to respond, things will calm down but i can't get over the fact that
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iran did attack israel better than 300 crews and ballistic missiles and luckily they did not all get through but it could've been very different. i'm not taking anything away from israel and the defense forces in the effort to make sure that did not happen but i wonder if her getting ahead of everything is okay. >> first of all thank you for having me and i would not bad at all on israel not retaliating and i don't think route of the woods yet by any stretch of the imagination. i think israel has been at the receiving end of iranian violence for far too long indirect fire for the last half a year of iranian proxies in last night for the first time direct fire from iran this is not something that israel can abide by and leave unchecked in israel is planning and taking his time the official statement
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by israel we will retaliate when we find it suitable and at the location and timing and strength of our choice that is basically the line i would not advise people to think this is done and over with. i don't think it is and what i hope whatever israel will do it'll be together with the u.s. and u.s. support and regional support stakeholders like the saudi's, the immigrants who have a vested interest in rolling back iran in the malign activities in the region. neil: it doesn't look like that support is there. it might change but it looks like joe biden has said and this is the typical western response, take the win and i understand is it a win of the stability and it goes on answered in iran launches an attack of this sort unprecedented that it would beg for a response.
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but i guess the fear western leaders and those in the neighborhood who you would have to get permission to use airspace in case of jordan and iraq and some of the others that all of a sudden you are up against the wall. you can never win anything by defense not in sports, not in war and nothing anything else. when you look at the map between 600 miles in a thousand miles away that is the distance that iran fired all of their missiles towards israel and when you look at the bottom line we cannot let the sliding go unchecked and i have great faith eventually american leadership for american global standing i know it's
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necessary not only good but absolutely necessary for us to retaliate against iran in rollback their territory. at the end of the day i think that's behind closed doors and that agreement will be reached. i don't think israel is asking for active participation but i think that were asking for support which i think is legitimate. neil: it does seem that a response would be warranted necessary. we will follow that closely. just to update you on this, saudi arabia's latest country to acknowledge it did not have to acknowledge a volunteer the information that it was helping defend israel against iran with jordan trying to knock down the missiles as they were coming israel's way. obviously some of these countries that participate and help out over the weekend, they seem to be indicating that they would not be so inclined if there was a follow-up counter
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response on the part of israeli. secondly i want to bring you up-to-date on the development concerning of the middle east united airlines has canceled a flight into tel aviv monday and tuesday's flight from washington to jordan. an abundance of caution, this is the latest to ringback activity in the area and to check things out before it commits to expanding in the area. stay with us. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old.
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neil: we are following present abide with the iraqi prime minister, what was weird with the missile assault, dive rockies with the aerospace on novavax, that's a little touchy convention. but charlie gasparino has been looking at this and what shoe could drop next. it's fair to say all of this is over and they're getting ahead of themselves. >> israel is signaling to the white house because they speak to people who get paid a lot of money to know what's going on in the world and we hear from the white house these are wall street executives, ceo types that they are going to counterattack. no one knows exactly what they're going to do but when i ask people will the be significant there like yeah. one thing you have to realize
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iran is no match technologically or militarily from israel. if israel does counterattack it will hit its targets. but the trying to figure out is how many of the targets do they really want to hit. neil: how does iran respond. >> the human toll, the civilian toll on that, do they go after military installation and then for them to come back. if you can go tit for tat with israel and your iran, your going to lose. neil: what if israel has no allied support for apollo would've attack. >> that's another story. >> the the point that the by data administration has come even his own party, yoga whole republican party supporting israel, do what you gotta do, yet half of the democratic party saying to which you gotta do a very vocal part which is the far left and it's really putting him
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in a very difficult position. i think his presidency, people talk about trump being on trial and this and that. his presidency is playing out right here in real time on this issue and the story and where it gets really tricky. if there are bombs flying every now and then, oil markets will react. neil: that the black swan development. >> oil spikes i don't know what it's doing today. it's down a little bit but not crazy. prices are down. there you go, people are breathing a sigh of relief but never take this to short-term as given. if you play out the worst case scenario they start flying and we get bombs going back and forth, oil prices spike the fed rate cut off the table and if that happens, the markets are going to react and that is right into 2024, not a good sign if you are joe biden. neil: charlie gasparino, thank you so much.
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could that be the stuff of which the market disruption or something more severe in people talk about a meltdown if it gets to that kind of degree. advisor group ceo. one thing about meredith in case you don't know, she sold accurately 2008 financial crisis. when no one did. and particularly in financial issues, great to see you again. do we have that to look forward to, it's not couldn't quite play out like that? >> is very hard to compare. what's going on in the middle east is scary and messy. from my perspective what went on in the great financial crisis was messy but clean in terms of leverage situation this is a geopolitical issue and the leverage is out of the system for most of the market. neil: we as a country are fairly leveraged, there's the issue. >> there is no doubt about that at the federal level there's an
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obscene amount of leverage and that's what's kept the economy going as strong as it has which is untethered government spending. that at some point it's very difficult to tell when. i talked to a lot about estates being over levered and it's very difficult to know when exactly that happens but the short term that the market is validated and got a lot of validation from company's earnings releases. delta reported last week really strong earnings the banks have reported encouraging earnings. if you want to hang your hopes on the fact that the capital market are going to come roaring back in cheaper financial like a goldman sachs mab wells fargo. there is enough for people who want to invest a market to hang onto and if they want to be calloused or not pay attention
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to geopolitical risk there is enough diversion for them to do that. neil: in case everything hits the fan i always think about this, you are so ahead of the fan hitting. our banks in better shape to absorb those body bugs. >> the large banks are much, much better shape. the smaller banks are not going to have the geographic exposure. what is interesting all the big banks that are recorded have much lower global exposure than they did during the financial crisis. largely because china has so dramatically. the u.s. is much more important to the overall growth, that is a good thing because the u.s. is the strongest growing market, large market out there and obviously growing but there is so much risk within the u.s. market. it is very different it was a
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one trick pony back then. everybody was exposed to the mortgage market and everybody was over levered some banks not only originated but they bought bad loans. it was a worse scenario leverage that was held. it's very different now but that probably means if everyone expects it to hit were no one expected and n to all hit theirs could be something that would expect that won't hit. neil: we will watch closely, hopefully then is not now but meredith whitney there could be something like this. always good catching up with you. it is #eight trial and it is on, donald trump has had a devil of a time being harsh about it after this.
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donald trump hush money has just begun and prosecutors are already pushing to be held in contempt for violating the gag order eric shawn outside of the new york supreme court. >> the jurors have not brought into the courtroom to pick a jury and already the prosecutors from manhattan da alvin bragg's office want the former president held in contempt of court for violating judge gag order in attacking witnesses stormy daniels and michael cohen by posting negative things about them on true social. prosecutors want to find a thousand dollars each for a total of 3000, witnesses, jurors and lawyers and family members are off-limits. it is something the former president doesn't like. he posted this on true social this morning. i want my voice back the cricket judges gag me unconstitutional. the other side can talk about me but i'm not allowed to talk about them, rigged trial. >> this is an assault on our country and it's a country that is failing in a country run by
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incompetent very much involved in this case. it's an attack on a political opponent that is always is. >> the judge has ruled a setback for the trump side that the national enquirer playboy, playmate cara mcdougall can be allowed into evidence the trial right now is on a lunch break and we expected to be back in the judge said after lunch. neil: how long to get a poll of jurors. it could take about two weeks or so, they're calling it at 500 people every couple of days to go through this trial. it'll be a very long exhaustive process. the trial should take a month and a half. thank you very much. eric shawn at the supreme court. surrendering some gain


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