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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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shareholders. it is not like what happened -- look what happened at disney just a week or two ago. i mean blackrock, vanguard voted with disney. hey, you know, iger appointed, he had his hand-picked successor fail miserably. now he gets paid millions upon millions of dollars to come back. all he managed to do coming back is get his butt kicked by ron desantis. maybe he should go back to making movies families take their children to see, i don't know. we're looking at companies with solid boards with lots of experience. liz: that includes waste management,ppg and teradyne. ed, come back again. we had a lot of breaking news. [closing bell rings] ed cofrances co, international assets advise sy ceo. tomorrow "shark tank"'s robber
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herjceic. larry: welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. senate voted that articles were unconstitutional. 51-48. one senator voting present. republican senators are lining up to adjourn the senate. we'll update you get a new vote on second and last article. whatever comes. house speaker mike johnson come up with a 95 billion-dollar five-part package for foreign aid funding and foreign control. mr. johnson will be here in just a few minutes to talk about the whole story. oh, by the way, fed head jay powell throws in the towel on rate cuts. not going to be any rate cuts, probably in my lifetime. we have linda mcmahon and mike falkander are down at afpi conference in fort worth, texas.
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if that were not enough, we have joe concha, mark simone, liz peek, kevin mccarthy, strap in, this will be the most fun we ever had. start with some new ground. i want to make a couple points about the middle east oil and so forth. european foreign ministers visiting tel aviv in order to persuade prime minister netanyahu not to retaliate against the unprecedented iranian bombings last saturday. of course biden administration continues to pressure israel to do nothing. and then, along comes white house national security advisor jake sullivan with a statement yesterday, get this, announcing that new sanctions will be placed against iran in the wake of the israeli attack and then sullivan announcement was pathetic, a complete non-event a total nothing burger. he said that biden is quote, coordinating with allies and
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partners including the g7 and with bipartisan leaders in congress. all this on something called a comprehensive response. then sullivan added that in coming days the u.s. will impose new sanctions targeting iran. blah, blah, blah. oh, and sullivan reminded us that in the last three years the u.s. has sanctioned over 600 individuals and entities connected to terrorism. really? so what? what sanctions were these except little tiny pieces of paper? because the bidens eased sanctions on iran. iran's oil production has gone from less than a million barrels a day in donald trump's last year, to currently 3.2 million barrels per day. that according to a reuters survey. the bidens have nothing to stop this. although estimates do vary, iran stepped up oil trade could be worth as much as $100 billion to
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them. of course that's $100 billion funneled to their terrorist client states, hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, et al., all attacking israel. the bidens haven't done a thing about this. no ships have been stopped. no impoundments. who is iran's biggest customer by the way? china. according to ship tracking data from vortexa, china bought 1.5 million barrels of day of iran oil in the first 10 months of last year. 50% above pre-sanction peaks according to chinese customs in 2017. 60% above. china's october imports from iran are estimated to reached about 1.45 billion barrels a day. that is the highest monthly level ever according to vortexa.
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isn't that something? what about all those sanctions? our top adversary, china. wait a minute, our top enemy china. china is also buying plenty of oil from russia, violating those sanctions as well. iran is selling drone missiles to russia, despite sanctions, raising even more money and fueling the ukraine war as well as the israeli war. bidens have done nothing, nothing. so why hasn't joe biden publicly chastised china for financing two wars against the united states threw illegal import of russian and iranian oil? where is the public warning? i'm reading through a reuters story today. it was dated yesterday april 16th. iran's unprecedented drone strike on israel, is unlikely to prompt dramatic sake shun sanctions action from the biden
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administration due to wore roys about boosting oil prices and aping gearing top buyer china. oh, my gosh, angering top buyer klein. i'm sure the righter story is right. all along the bidens are worried more about gasoline prices than israel's security or for that matter american security. if they would reopen the fossil fuel spigots and drill, baby, drill like donald trump argues, oil would be closer to $40 a barrel than today's 90. that could put iran back into bankruptcy but no, the green new deal is more important than protecting israel. oh, did i mention mr. trump? one thing he taught me years ago was how to use tariffs for trade and non-trade purposes. mr. trump uses the threat of massive tariffs on mexico to get them to agree to a remain in border policy with 25,000
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mexican troops. i wonder, in order to cripple iran and stop all this oil production and sales among rogue nations and american enemies, might mr. trump, make that a president mr. trump, tell china he's going to double the tariffs on every single one of your import unless you stop buying iranian oil? might he put it out there in full public view, embarass the chinese and then hammer home the tariffs? i think he might. you know what, folks? i'm going to go ask him and that's my riff tonight. all right, joining me now, we have mike falkander, chief economist at america first policy institute. joining us in fort worth, texas. we'll probably have linda mcmahon, chair of afpi joining us shortly. falkander, welcome down there in
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texas. let's see, we have some sound from fed chair jay powell. take a listen to what he said. >> the recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate that it's likely to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence. that said, we think policy is well-positioned to handle the risks that we face if higher inflation does persist. we can maintain the current level of restriction for as long as needed. larry: all right, they're throwing in the towel. no rate cuts. that is my reading. shouldn't have talked about it in the first place. what do you think, mike falkander? >> well, larry it seems like yet again jay powell ask late to the party. he was very late recognizing inflation was coming in 2021 with all of the biden spending that was going on. it took him forever to recognize that inflation was not transitory. he eventually had to retire that word. now he is finally recognizing that maybe interest rates alone are not going to calm markets
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and calm consumers when it comes to all of these price increases. look, larry you and i have been talking for a long time that you cannot simultaneously have regulatory policy and fiscal policy throwing gasoline on a fire and then think that jerome powell's fire hose can dampen all of the inflation that those things are causing. you know, unless and until the biden administration is going to switch gears, cut back on all the spending including the student loan forgiveness we've talked about, deregulate, particularly in the energy sector. as you said, drill, baby, drill there is every reason to believe inflationary pressures will continue which is why the market thinking six rate cuts earlier this year never made any sense. the market thinking we would get rate cuts in the first and second quarter this year and powell talking about three rate cuts this year, it is about time the fed sees there is nothing changing to cut back on the inflationary pressures. larry: basically the cpi in the first quarter up 4.6% at an
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annual rate, 4.6. the fed's target is two. by the way, jay powell's so-called favorite core measure this this is gobbledygook, i will read it, core cpi, ex-rents, i don't know what that means i've been doing this stuff 50 years, that is up 8.2 at annual rate. whatever it is it is four times the fed target. finally he is throwing in the powell. the hotlanta gdp tracker said 2.9 in the first quarter, so the economy is very resilient. so there is no reason in this planet earth for the fed to ease interest rates, otherwise they would be accused of juicing the economy to reelect joe biden and they wouldn't want that accusation hurled at them, would they, mike falkander? >> well, let me add on another number which is that the jobs reports recently have not demonstrated the need for the fed to try to curtail the rate
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levels they're at right now but why was jerome powell ultimately late to raising interest rates in the first place? my view he was more concerned about getting reappointed than he was actually being the fed chairman. so the idea they're going to settle american people that politics is played no role in powell's management of the federal reserve i think is mistaken. look at the extent to which powell continued to monetize all the excessive spending. the idea that back in the end of 2021, that they needed to still be buying mortgage-backed security the or engaged in quantitative easing when we had already largely recovered from the pandemic, inflation was surging, and yet powell was more concerned about making sure that his nomination and confirmation went through. so i'm not at all surprised if he were to engage in some kind of a, i hope that he won't engage in a political act but given the powell's tenure it would not surprise me if i saw
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politics playing a role in his interest rate management. larry: you're so mean, you know that? i thought you were a nice guy, falkander. you're so mean to jay powell. >> larry more than anything i try to be honest with you. larry: there is a rumor we have the great linda mcmahon here from fort worth, texas. there she is, chairman, chairperson of america first policy former cabinet members, small business administration, hi, linda, welcome back. linda, you're just in time. i will play a nasty joe biden quote about the trump tax cuts, the ones that completely failed across the board and only helped rich people. here is joe biden talking about your tax cuts, linda mcmahon. take a listen, please. president biden: donald trump embodies that failure. he wants to double down on trickle down. his failure starts with his two trillion dollar tracks cut that overwhelmingly benefited wealthiest and biggest corporations and exploded the federal debt. larry: there you go.
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little "bidenomics" for to you make your day. you know, i would have thought, linda, looking at the actual evidence, that virtually every person and every sector of the u.s. economy benefited from the trump tax cuts, including middle income people, low income people, including a record low poverty rate, including record low unemployment rates for blacks, whites, hispanics, women, young people, you know that's the numbers i read. national bureau of economic research, all confirming this kind of thing but joe biden doesn't agree, linda mcmahon. do you have a response? >> well i do. because the facts are clear. just compare the trump economy to his. we don't have to guess. it is not what trump promises he will do, it is what he already did. tax cuts and jobs act went into effect and what happened. we know our economy grew, more small businesses started, there was great access to capital.
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entrepreneurs were able to utilize parts of the tax cuts, you know, writing off their capital investment in the year that it was made. more businesses started. they can look at the economy t was flourishing until covid hit. we were just flourishing. coming out of covid because those policies were still in place the economy started as you quite accurately called it all the time, the v-shaped economy t was on the way back and that's what biden came into, the v-shaped economy. the growth we're seeing the jobs he are claiming to created, a lot of those jobs coming back on the economy after covid. tax cuts do work. we had greater revenues, larry. how many times you told me, larry. >> greater revenues went up. larry: i'm looking at statistics income from the irs.
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mike falkander, distinguished economist at maryland university, those are, here is the last one linda mcmahon, joe biden wants to raise taxes by somewhere between four and five trillion dollars. donald trump wants to extend the trump tax cuts, probably be worth a couple of trillion dollars, although it is going to pay for itself like it did. which one is going to help the economy more, a five trillion dollar tax hike or a tax cut? i ask you, linda mcmahon? >> well, larry, it is just easy, that is a layup question. you know the tax cuts will help the economy. we've shown it with reagan. we showed it with clinton even. larry: yes. >> when trump came in, clearly tax cuts do increase revenues and the economy flourishes. larry: you would think but then again mr. biden doesn't think. linda mcmahon, thank you. michael 2358 falkander, thank you. >> thank you, larry. larry: house speaker mike johnson graciously agreed to
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come on, to talk about his 85 billion-dollar foreign aid package, foreign aid and border control. will give us the scoop. we're grateful for that. i will take a quick break and we'll be right back with speaker johnson. ♪.
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larry: all right, great honor, joining us now speaker of the house, mr. mike johnson who has been gracious enough to come on the show. he has got himself a new package. it is a five-part package, helping israel, helping ukraine, selling tiktok, closing the border, things like that. mr. speak, i know you're a busy chap and we do appreciate you coming on. i will let you start this for the next, 30, 60 seconds. tell us what you want to emphasize, sir? >> yeah, thank you, professor kudlow anytime you ask i try to accommodate. it is a busy day here. we got a lot going on. this is really important measure for the house. what we've done is taken the senate supplemental bill, we improved the process and the policy, and that is a really important thing. what we've done, for example, in the ukraine piece of this, we added the loan instrument concept. the repo act, the seizure of corrupt russian oligarchs assets to be used in funding ukraine.
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we introduced a lot of new accountability and oversight that congress has responsibility to do, and the strategy shift as well. we'll require within 45 days the white house to deliver to congress a meaningful plan, what is the endgame here what is the objective, how will we accomplish this and bring this conflict to an end. by the way, larry on the ukraine piece. 80% of what we spend here goes to america's industrial defense base. that is replenish our stocks and weapons. that's is really important thing as well. so the house will do its will here. we'll have a rigorous amendment process to the underlying legislation. what a concept, larry, regular order where every member ghettos vote their own con, conscience. we'll begin with border. republicans emphasized from day one, the bored hears to be secured. we made that a part of legislation this week as well. so we can put the flag in the
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ground one more time. larry: it seems like it is all there. congrats at least in the development. you will vote on it when you vote on it. mr. speaker, just one quick thought, i'm sure you didn't hear my riff because you were out doing something else but i'm so furious, the bidens refuse to lift a finger to sanction either iran or china. iran is selling china a record volume of oil exports according to surveys, 1 1/2 million barrels per day. overall iran is producing 3 1/2 million barrels per day. donald trump had bankrupted them back in 2019 and 2020 and the bidens don't lift a finger. i know it's not part of the legislation but you know what? it just occurs to me every now and then, somebody ought to say to china, you either stop buying this oil and financing this war against israel and the united states, or, we're going to double or even triple the
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tariffs on your exports to the u.s. that's something trump would do if he were president. i mean really put the wood to them the way the bidens refuse to? >> absolutely. i spent last friday with president trump down at mar-a-lago and we talked a lot about that. he speaks of those things all the time. you have to be tough on your adversaries. the problem is, you and i both know, larry, this president is projecting weakness on the world stage. that is why all of our nation's enemies are acting so provocatively. for the israel example, president biden and chuck schumer have been criticizing israel and appeasing iran. the strategy should be exactly the opposite. we should be helping israel and they have been turning their backs on them. of course this encourages xi, it encourages china. when they see we're not going to stand strong and we're not going to put the flag in the ground so to speak and hold the line they're going to act, they're going to move. we're concerned about what china may do in taiwan. we talk about it all the time.
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we're certainly concerned about iran's open aggression against israel, our dear friend and ally. russia of course is still on the march in ukraine. we have to stand strong. a strong america is good for the entire world. we bring stability and peace. the perception that america is strong is important and has been since world war ii. we cannot let down on that responsibility. larry: amen to that. so, mr. speaker, you know i keep reading that some of your critics want to replace you because you're not dealing with the border. but my notes tell me this package as a border component in it, "remain in mexico," title 42, essentially the core piece of the original hr.2. steve niller's election integrity proposal with the voter i.d. component. you talked to trump the other day, last weekend about the election integrity stuff. so the border is, the border is in here. remain in mexico, title 42, i don't understand this whole business they want to replace you as speaker. i just wanted you to comment on
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it because it seems to me like you've a full-fledged package here? >> well, look we do. some of my colleagues want the speaker of the house to have a magic wand f we could close the border ourselves we would do done it a long time ago. with he passed hr.2 a year ago. it is sitting on chuck schumer's desk. that had all the components, change asylum, processes and problems, end catch-and-release, reinstate "remain in mexico." all the things president trump had done biden did the opposite. that has been the problem. we pass resolutions. we pass the laws. they sit in chuck schumer on his desk, because the democrats run the senate, the democrats run the white house. they want an open border. the voter eye i.d. you would hao prove you're a u.s. citizen in a u.s. election is critically important. we'll move that in the days ahead. that is what we wrack talking about at mar-a-lago. american people deserve this.
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the border is catastrophe. the reason we're bringing to the floor, end the border catastrophe act. it is aptly named, it is on hearts and minds of every american. i've been in 23 weeks, larry the last seven weeks, traveling around the country. upstate new york, midwest, deep south. everyone knows we must do. if you have don't have secure border you don't have sovereignty or security. you don't even have a nation. larry: that is part of the package, part of your legislative proposal? >> we're, rook we'll move all those measures again this week. of course, as expected that part will sit right on chuck schumer's desk. they will show the american people again where their resolve is. i think we all know. so speaker, another point you mentioned, mayorkas, both articles of the mayorkas impeachment were vote the down today. chuck schumer rides again.
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speaking of recalcitrance. republicans tried to put up a bunch of adjournment amendments votes. i guess all that failed. i don't know everything i knead to know. looks like mayorkas is getting off scot-free. what is the next step? you don't the issue to do regardless of mayorkas. biden, you hear rumors, mr. speaker, that he is going to use some executive authority 212-f, 287-g. i don't see anything. i don't see a darn thing. i don't see anything on sanctions against iran and i don't see anything about sanctions to close our border? >> no. that's why we put sanctions in the legislation here to go after iran and china and russia because the white house is not doing that. and on the border look i've been telling the president since the day i got the gavel, literally next morning october 267th, we met at the white house and we talked about the border and we've been talking about it with his staff and with him. everybody in his orbit ever since. we're demanding that they use the executive authority.
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larry, i delivered to the president myself a menu of eight executive actions he could take under existing federal law. he acts as though he has no ability to do that or he doesn't believe it is true. it is nonsense. it is in the black remember law. he does not want to close the border. that is clear to everybody. why everybody asks me around the country? i think we know. they want to turn them into voters. they want to affect the outcome of the census in couple years. if they distribute illegals, we think as many as 16 million are in the country now, around the country strategically, they would meet that objective. that is something that we must combat. that is what house republicans are absolutely committed to do on behalf of the american people. larry: mr. speaker, another point i want to ask you about, have some fun here. you're so great with your time, so gracious with your time, so inflation's a big issue. jay powell's thrown in the towel. there will not be any rate cuts this year because inflation is actually getting worse this year than it did last year. you talked about the border problem and law and order and
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the crime associated with it as mr. trump has. i got another one for you. joe biden on tax day, which was monday, as you know, joe biden decided that raising taxes is a much better economic growth and opportunity approach than cutting taxes. and says the trump tax cuts just benefited a few wealthy people. i thought it benefited almost every nook and cranny of the economy. now can the house do anything, you know, the kudlow catechism, the laffer catechism on supply-side tax cuts at least stir the pot, at least tickle just a little bit? i always thought lower taxes was a better idea than higher taxes, mr. speaker? >> yeah. you're trying to apply way too much common sense for washington. you know, larry, in the house republicans we have the smallest majority in u.s. history. one vote margin. we're using that because the republicans are 100% united on this idea. you lower the tax burden on the american people in order to spur on the economy, more investment,
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job growth and more economic opportunity, for more people. we've done that. we showed it. i came in when president trump did. you were in the administration, 2017. i got to congress the same year. wow, we did an extraordinary job. you helped engineer that. we had the greatest economy in the history of the world, larry, not just in the u.s. right before covid. everyone was doing better. why? we went back to basic principles and cut taxes and regulation, dramatically on that latter count. that is what allowed the economy to boom again. this is not rocket science. these are policy choices. we have to get back to it. larry: speaker johnson, very gracious on your time. hope the package works out for you. appreciate it, sir, thank you very much. >> thank you, my friend. good to see you. larry: we'll take a quick break, we have mark simone, joe concha, if that weren't enough we have liz peek in addition to all of that. on kudlow.
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that was a very clear-headed speaker mike johnson. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back ♪ in any business, you ride the line between numbers and people. what's right for the business and what's best for everyone who depends on it.
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urge let's talk about a little politics. talking about donald trump will take the state of new york in the general election? how much fun is that. mark simone, wor radio show. liz peek. lee zeldin lost by 300,000 votes in the last election which ain't bad. mr. trump talking about it yesterday when he was up in harlem visiting a visiting bobo bodega. >> i love this city. running for president. >> four more years! >> we think we can win new york. larry: so, liz peek, i will
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start with you, while the new york political establishment from the white house on down actually is trying to railroad and weaponize him and put him in jail for 700 years, there he is up at a bodega doing some good, talking to some folks, getting a heck of a good reception, i know it is smart. what do you make of this. >> i think it is ambitious, optimistic, i tell you what he will do pretty well in new york compared to the past, i'm guessing, because new yorkers are so frustrated. all the issues that donald trump is campaigning on resonate here. the border, our city is overrun by people here illegally. and by the way i talked to three hispanics today who will vote for donald trump. larry: really? >> why? because their neighborhoods are being trashed by all their people here illegally. they're bringing drug trading, all the things they don't want in their neighborhoods. i can't tell you how offended hispanics who are here illegally are by what is going on at the southern border, larry. it is a real problem for
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joe biden i think. i mean, i hope. i thought donald trump going up to harlem, feeding into the wellspring of frustration, anger was, completely brilliant. larry: just like joe biden going to the rockettes in radio city music hall, not raising all that money compared to what trump raised, trump going to long island in the wake of that cop tragically killed by illegal criminal. joe concha i think he wants to do a rally in madison square garden and wants to do one in yankee stadium. >> wow. larry: i have thought i would throw that out there. >> if you told me january 7, 2021, he had plans to do that while running for president i would say you're crazy. after seeing reception in harlem, like at the chik-fil-a down in atlanta, if you watch other networks he should have been driven out by protesters saying we can't be around this person he was warmly embraced by
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both those places. this is bringing back memories of ronald reagan going to harlem before an election, people thought that was crazy and it turned out it was a good strategy. overall will donald trump win new york? probably not, but other states that people aren't talking about right now, like virginia, for example, is probably very much in play. joe biden is underwater in almost every state in this country including new york. so while maybe he can pull it out because that is how new york votes he may have to spend more money and more time in places he didn't expect to. that is the whole thing. >> that is a big deal. larry: i will tie biden down, exactly right. cause him to spend some of that radio city music hall rockette money. mark simone, have you come in a minute. i have another quote on the trial and reverse effect. hold on a second. here comes some more trump. >> every legal scholar, every legal pundit, said there should be no trial. this is not, there was nothing done wrong. this is all politics. this is coming out of the
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white house. we're doing better now than we have ever done. i think it is having reverse effect. you know why? all i want is fairness. larry: i love that. we want trump in the background. mark simone what do you make in of this trial? >> they had a jury fill out questionnaire about any possible bias. they didn't have the judge fill out a questions nair. democrats watch the video, should be stairfied, harlem should be a democratic neighborhood. they love trump up there. he will do this all the time. he will if to a different crime site a different disaster, migrant center, do these appearances. larry: brought it among themselves, treating him so badly, not letting him go to his son's graduation down in south florida. but the point is, i don't, i was looking at some polls. people don't think he was guilty. most people sort of scratch their head including legal
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scholars. not just jonathan turley but a lot of legal scholars across the board, i don't mean to exclude jonathan's a smart guy, you have left-of-center people sort of scratch their head. what is he being tried for? we don't know? >> the non-disclosure agreement, call it herb money to make it sound bad is perfectly legal. larry: personal, personal payment. what is wrong with a personal -- something by the way, lawyers, i mean, i'm not even sure trump knew, he probably said go ahead and do this. take care of this for me. this is what happens when you're a big business guy. >> remember the debate, bloomberg admitted he signed dozens of hush money agreements. larry: that's very telling. >> trump is this is what you call it a legal expense. write the check. a lawyer, doing a document. it is a legal expense. larry: liz peek, i'm not advocating it, it is very hard to figure this out, particularly in light of the fact that there is supposed to be a federal election crime involved. they can't name it in the indictment an furthermore, the
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federal election commission looked at this and rejected this. >> yeah. i mean it's a little bit like remember during the financial crisis you had those financial instruments were tiered one on, all of sudden turned out there was nothing there they all collapsed? you remember multilayered financial instruments. that is kind of what this is. you have 39 misdemeanors, that can only become translated into felonies if there is an attached felony. but as you point out no one has been able to discover the attached felony. if you don't give that to the other team for discovery, then it's really not, you're not playing correctly, you're not legally, properly behaving. i have mean this is all just baloney. larry: even democrats, cy vance wouldn't look at it. >> more than creative. it is completely -- larry: joe concha, i will do this as kare million shot, liz peek wrote this top of
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fox news digital. marjorie taylor-greene is an idiot. she didn't do the headline. she wrote the piece. you you saw speaker johnson for a while, covered the waterfront, what is your honest appraisal. >> authentic. no-nonsense. he is not there to put on a share. he is not there to go viral. here are the problems, here is what i do within my limits, this is what we'll try to do moving forward. the bottom line, republicans had a larger majority they could ran through some of things they want. he doesn't have that. he has to compromise. whether kevin mccarthy or speaker johnson, whoever else may be after him, that aspect of republican party kicks him out nothing will change because the numbers aren't there. larry: i happen to like marjorie taylor-greene quite a bit, putting that aside he is doing what he can do. he made that very clear. he does not have a bulletproof majority in the house for sure. he doesn't have any majority in the senate for second sure. he's got the foreign funding is
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in this but he has got the border bill in this also. he has got the close the border stuff from hr.2. he has election reform in this. he is even trying to do some sanctions on china and iran which of course the bidens refuse to do because they're worried about gasoline prices. i don't have any sympathy with people that want to replace him. i just don't see it. what exactly are you going to change, get, who, why, where? >> you listen to the new york sports radio, right? larry: i do periodically. >> before aaron rodgers we have to replace this jets quarterback. who is your option behind him? how does the team get better? who is behind mike johnson. marjorie taylor-greene should offer to be speaker, see how that goes because nothing is going to changes because the numbers aren't there. they don't have the senate, or numbers in the house. what are we talking about this. larry: liz, you would be for marjorie taylor-greene for speaker? >> no. to your point, she doesn't have a candidate she is backing.
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that was the case when kevin mccarthy was thrown out too. the people who threw them out, mat gates in particular, he doesn't have a candidate could win consensus, majority vote. this is democracy. if she doesn't like the bills going out, she votes against them. that is what she has got. got one district in georgia, plus 22. that is her big selling point. it is not a big group of people, deal with it. shut up and by the way when donald trump came out and said he supported michael johnson, that should have been enough for all these people who are back benchers. they said we'll make this work because that is the game. >> everybody is a rino, over under, trump carrying new york state. >> reagan did it twice. can you imagine a private citizen running for president and winning? he has done the i amable before. he will do it this time. larry: taking over. >> save the tape.
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larry: former house speaker kevin mccarthy was optimistic about republicans winning the house, senate and the white house. white house. i'm kudlow. we'll be right backat about afr? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: a few days ago, headline in the "new york sun," speaker mccarthy predicts victory for
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trump, a republican boost in the house, and a senate flip in november. aforementioned kevin mccarthy is here. i love an optimist. i love a bull and i love kevin mccarthy. kevin, so, listen you're very optimistic. give us a couple thoughts on this. let's begin with mr. trump? >> well i'm optimistic because that's what the data shows. let's go back to the last election. president biden won that election by 48918 votes. so if you take the polling from then and compare it to today, president trump is really at the exact same place he was then. the difference is, president biden was plus 10 favorability then. he is minus 20 now. i think if the election was today it wouldn't even be close. president trump would win big. you're seeing it, even talking about new york. you're not mentioning michigan. you're not mentioning pennsylvania, arizona, or georgia. president trump has been leading
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in those swing states for a number of months and now we're looking at black american percentage, up to 22%. if president trump gets above 13%, democrats will never win the white house. and you look at his growth with hispanic voters. we've watched that in congress, winning the districts along the border. we were the first party ever to have a mexican-born individual elected to congress. i think this is a unique situation here and it grows. now the senate has a much different map. they're not all up at once. they only need to one one seat. think about it, manchin and sinema are not running for re-election. look at ohio in the swing, you look at montana. we have really good candidates. i want to give a credit to senator daines. he has done a good job running the senatorial committee. he paid attention in the primaries. if you look at the house, i've been fortunate. i've been leader for five years.
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we won every single cycle. when president biden was on the ticket last time it was the first time since 1994 not one republican incumbent lost. i picked up five seats in california, five in new york, in oregon, arizona, all places republicans were losing but today the numbers are better. it is easier to win seats in the house this cycle than the last two. remember, the democrats tried to redistrict new york. they didn't do very well. they tried wisconsin. they didn't get to do that. north carolina had redistricting and three democrat incumbents didn't even run for re-election. so you pick up three seats there. democrats got another seat in alabama. we have a little competitiveness t looks chaotic in congress right now. the only way republicans in the house don't maintain the majority or grow is themselves. because of the chaos the money has dropped significantly which hurts. the democrats have a money advantage now when we were in the minority we were able to raise more money than them in
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the majority. larry: i think it is important. i think mike johnson is doing this. keep the focus on biden and schumer, democratic policies. i think he, if he stays with that, kevin, but kevin, it is really, i'm glad to hear your optimism. i was going to say one footnote. we're running out of time, i know larry hogan in maryland, i know he is liberal republican but he is a republican. he is a republican and he will line up on the republican side. that could be, you could wind up with a three, four, seat senate majority in the senate. last 15 seconds? >> i'm a big supporter of larry hogan. he won re-election of governor and again. i don't call him a liberal republican. i call him a common sense republican. this guy is conservative on issues as well. remember he represents his state. he governs. he governs in a manner his state wants. this is a chess game. democrats will have to spend millions to try to defeat him. that is a whole new game when you expand the playing field
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even further. larry: optimistic kevin mccarthy. wonderful to see you, kevin. thanks so much. folks i will be back with the last word. please stick around.
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5:00 pm
larry: just saying it's time to slam down the china-iran oil trade. and you know what? if you have to do it, double or triple the tariffs on all a chinese exports to the united states. joe biden won't do it, but i bet you donald trump will. and then liz m


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