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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 18, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning. thanks very much for joining us. i'm maria bartiromo. it is thursday, april 18. i hope a good morning 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour tensions on hours floor yesterday during committee hearing on china james comer democrat congressman raskin arguing over biden family influence peddling, watch. >> is joe biden took nine-million-dollar dollar bribe from china why aren't you impeaching him for that. >> what? who says we're not. >> you want to move for impeachment i thought main agenda item. >> this is a hearing on -- you have an obsession with russia, and trump you all you've got therapy. >>. >> what business did joe biden's family owe what business were they in hotels, social media company did they have golf courses did they
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have casinos. >> joe biden was senator of the united states and wrote a book he said he made most money every made in his life millions of dollars on his book he gave a million dollars -- >> that is what his family did that is why ukraine, kazakhstan, ro rania china, russia, that is why they pay thew family money because joe biden -- >> government no -- nobody in government paid anyone any money. maria: we have evidence from letter from the oversight committee to joe biden detailing all money biden family has taken in, and james comer writes you have saertdz your family has not made money from china, however, committee has identified approximately 10 million dollars originating from china connected to biden influence peddling. former business associates of your family have testified you personally met with multiple individuals from china, collectively sent millions of dollars to your family this is just china joe this is not kazakhstan ukraine, russia, we
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know that hunter biden got money for a porsche, got two diamonds, as well we want to know what those gifts that money was paying for cause there is the committee writes there is no legitimate business to warrant such money. >> the argument no evidence against joe biden and his family is absolutely absurd but go deeper on history of jamie raskin, the impeachment manager of the second trump trial was about january 6. january 6th trump impeachment was really devoid of evidence mostly about feelings how people felt how upset there's want evidence that trump ordered people into capital there was pt evidence presented that trump collude to yr mini democracy all jamie raskin crying about the feelings how he felt, the emotional too. to what happened january 6, now, the gall, to have him say
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no evidence we have testimony, records, evidence, and cospir torz tony bobulinski, is bizarre to prosecute tend that doesn't exist. >> also pushing russia collusion story no evidence he pushed for it said he did in addition to trying to take trump down in that impeachment trial trump called zelenskyy to say look what biden family has done trump was right, in fact the house oversight committee, is accurate in numbers, stunning. >> it is so funny because like, joe was saying like well they have records, and they have eyewitnesses, james comer or the point so good, even an explanation for where money came from why don't they say it? they were in blink business?
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because there is no explanation, this is may having that there is no curiosity from main should say there is something inherently wrong with fact somebody will serve in public life a public servant everyone gets filthy rich out of it something in herently wrong with our system should be worthy of a serious look certainly isn't from democrats side of the house. >> they declined james comer invitation no answer why biden family took in millions of dollars. 10 million dollars to write a book? i don't know anyone made 10 million dollars a book i have written four made ten dollars combined all four of them. >> as relates to this whole
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impeachment thing, like number one i believe president biden was complicit, number two i don't think there is going to be a smoking gun that is definitely going to implicate him i think that is bunch of -- >> there are smoking gns what you are saying i think that you don't think doj is going to deem those actually -- >> not going to provide access to the first place. maria: all in this letter, letter that i have in upon the of me lays out what the oversight committee is saying smoke guns. >> this complicated spider web transactions mit con ludicrous republicans should run on intrrs, border security what they need to do. >> when you don't the a willing partner to move the needle they have to make
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border security a variety to have you say only thing republicans want to talk about security they don't have any willing partner in the white house or democrat side. >> deeper than that there is institutional problem when someone can get away with this type of blatant corruption, maybe not a a smoking gun joe biden himself didn't benefit but like john's point, there is type of smoke to ignore, and to allow someone to get away in a bigger problem than the election results, or any actual criminal prosecution how shameful of raskin not to question what money is adam schiff, began goldman. >> a cover man said, it is a book that wasn't joe biden saying that that was jamie raskin. maria: good point a lot coming up speaker with of the house mike johnson pushing for saturday vote on three foreign aid bills totals more than 5 million dollars after
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rebellion from win threats to remove him from off thes byron donalds is here don't miss that. you gotta -- ♪ ♪ ♪ you gotta ♪ ♪ . there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality.
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. maria: welcome back house releasing the text of three foreign aid bills more than 95 billion dollars, 60 billion to ukraine, additional 26 billion to israel, 8 billion for taiwan speaker mike johnson announcing rules committee will reefs text on a border security bill measures as "remain in mexico" fixing the broken asylum parole approaching rebuilding portions of wall majorie taylor greene says support growing for her motion to oust the speaker posted on x, chuck
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schumer bragged on senate floor about speaker johnson giving democrats of course they want in foreign war bill for ukraine johnson is not our speaker he is theirs the question how much longer will conference tolerate this speaker johnson is not backing down. >> -- are you willing to risk leaving your job over the funding. >> listen. my philosophy you do the right thing let chips fall where they may history judges us for what we do this a critical time critical came in world stage. >> joining me byron donalds members house he freedom caucus a pleasure to see you. thanks very much for being here reaction to all of this. >> well my reaction simple maria. this bill shouldn't pass the house for one very important reason, take israel we should support israel, that fund should go go through the house, that is something myself a lot of other members have been could imploring leadership to do for a month
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now, we could have done it cleanly for a month sent back to the senate if chuck schumer and joe biden want to veto that funding in a is on them but israel is our ally in the region, one of the longest allies in our country's history we should stand behind them when it comes to ukraine, we have already sent 114 billion dollars to ukraine, joe biden is the one basically fritter that had away no strategy delays on delivering materiel no clear mission what leadership has told republicans, for about 8 to nine months is that there will be no more there will be no more new ukraine funding until we secure our southern border, we are being told this week that no, we have to give up that, we can't do it, because of what is happening in ukraine to this point. i told leadership, that the southern border is just as much of a national security crisis, agency is what is happening in ukraine.
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we have to take care of home first once you do that votes will be there to support juning. but the speaker and leadership made a decision do not follow through on that promise that they made, to house republicans that puts us at impasse we are at. maria: is speaker johnson tough enough? >> honestly i do not believe that he is. i think this bill is essentially the senate package chalked chopped up into three so members can vote each package but merge them back together and send it to the senate, that is just senate deal right there. there has been no consequence for the democrat senate or white house, for leaving our border open, for allowing fentanyl to flow through streets allow uprising of measles mumped tuberculosis those have come back not to say munition the niner cities
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that are overrun overwhelmed by this illegal immigrant cries cited by joe biden and his administration, so house republicans have been very clear a long time this week skr our border we can take about funding but to do this the way it is happening isn't going to work maria let me also say this, the loan portion of this promised, when you read text 50% of the proceeds can be forgiven by joe biden, this november, that is not a loan maria that is -- that is foolish necessities yourself telling us we are going to have ukraine pay us walk you read the text you see that that is not going to happen. i was banker before a politician we would never write a loan covenant in real world have a happens too often in washington. maria: i saw that the president could forgive the loan altogether so why making believe it is a loan when it is actually a -- could be forgiven, i mean look. this debate, is being talked about, all over not just the house but the senate as well,
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people are worried in the republican party, that you are once again getting rolled over, and you are still on nancy pelosi's budget still not secured the border i spoke with kentucky senator rand paul about it first time he spoke out, against the house speaker, with me on sunday, watch this. >> you know i haven't supporting foreign aid real in ten nur senate i did support foreign aid pailed for to israel not long ago passed in the house then every democrat voted against foreigner aid paid for. i would say to speaker johnson hold your grand slow cojones industrial fortitude for goodness sakes you already passed aid to illed tell chuck schumer when ready to take it up take it up it is go on the ground to be paid for. maria: what is going on the speaker also went forward with fisa even though, it was gens many republicans' wishes that
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amendment for before american citizens in there he isn't force amendment for the yuan what is going on with speaker johnson in meetings when you are not there, i -- i mean why is he doing flip-flops? >> i can't speak to what is happening in the meetings when i am not in the room when i happen to be in some rooms i think jaeshg trying to get all information to make consolidation but i am blunt with you, maria i think getting -- from staff from other members on choil trying to accomplish the thing they are trying to accomplish, and not looking at the totality of all the issues, not just facing republicans, but facing the american people. last bust not alleviate on capitol hill this isn't about politics it is about bare knuckles negotiations you got to look other people in the eye and demonstrate to them that you are serious about your position, and that nothing else can move forward until that position is either
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addressed or at a minimum seriously debated ought you have to do look at senate yesterday with mayorkas they refused to have even serious debates on senate floor about issues to ignore the will of members in the house, simply because you want to protect joe biden, is not good enough for me not good enough for many republicans, in the hr. maria: is mike johnson going to make it? >> i am not sure, look. i think a motion to vacate in grand scheme is not a goody right now i do not support that, but i am telling you there are real issues here, that can be resolved, but what is going to take, is a much more strategic view of how you are going to move through these issues like i said at the top we need to stake care of israel that needs to happen immediately if chuck schumer joe biden decide that they want to table that like senator paul just said in your clip or they want to veto that that is an issue for the president, and his party, it is not an issue for
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republicans, because americans stand behind israel joe biden las a decision what is more important? voters in michigan? or what all the voters in the united states are asking for, and our allies in the middle east have stood by us through thick and thin. maria: amazing republicans can't move needle at all we see impact of wide-open border living in cities migrant crime chuck schumer ended the impeachment trial, of alejandro mayorkas yesterday even before it began democrats quickly voted to move both articles of impeachment unconstitutional trial ended under four hours we are we are watching democrats want to show, despite the american people are getting kwakd bib bad policy is there anything more you can do? >> honestly, not without house leadership house leadership has a decision to make are they going to stand firm for the american people? or are they not?
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are they going to fall for about hims of the bureaucrats on capitol hill always have a different view who is a lapping m real world? are they going to do what needs to be done to preserve protect this nation, our border situation, is the most major national security crisis in the country, owed of our debt position house leadership has not done anything substantial in either one of those, >> is we will watchful congressman, good to see you. thanks so much off if your work we appreciate you byron donalds in d.c. .
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guàrdelos bien y devuélvalos el 27 de abril, día nacional de recolección de medicamentos recetados organizado por la dea, administración para el control de drogas. encuentre un sitio de recolección en maria: welcome back futures we are nearing highs of the morning, we got a firmer tone dow industrials expected up 72 points the open this morning, nasdaq up 28 s&p higher by 7, interest rates around 4.6%, the market turning around early we saw decline now yield on ten year up 1 1/2 basis points 4.602% as investors worn whether or not we will see any cut in interest rates after jerome powell signaled rates would be higher loaning if inflation
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persists every time jay powell speaks he says "overtime" will get there overtime, giving himself room there. >> without a doubt with inflation accelerating over the course last few months to point 0.4% month-over-month data now consistently, i don't see any cuts this year in fact i do think they are going to talk about a hike i don't know will hike but i think it is at least going to be a discussion, within the fed. but market obviously, over this quarter so far only about three weeks in has not liked the fact rate cuts pushed back market down 4%. >>. maria: down 5% second quarter a rough week for second quarter after very strong first quarter. mark: like nvidia sold of this week, some of the invincible toxin last year
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through first quarter showing that they are mortal can be taken down obviously, nvidia way up over the course last few years look. this is spooking investors to be expected you would expect a drawdown to the tune of 14, 15, 16% election year really saw nothing the first quarter maybe the beginning of it. maria: i am wondering if beginning to second quarter is beginning of a bigger sell-off later in the year because once market figures out what you've known, by the way, james grant new jim granted he tore of the interest rate observer joined me in march first one to come out and throw out rate cuts how about a rate hike in march. >> you are not expecting a cut in rates anytime soon. >> no o. the thing well they might decide, the three-ish is fine, are. >> 3% inflation. >> yes concern over inflation, and to focus on financial
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statement if they would define it but i think there is also a chance maria this year fd raises if confronted, with an accelerating rate of inflation, feel they have no choice pop who is to say that the 3.2% thing couldn't go up, 80 dollar oil no longer 70. >> now 80 on oil, larry lindsey writes given take note what jay powell said given strength of the labor market progress on inflation so far, it is appropriate to allow restrictive policy further time to work, let data voluntarilying outlook guide us said fed chair. >> restrictive policy needs more time to work it is not restrictive right now we are at 5 1/2% fed funds rate the index bloomberg financial conditions index monetary policy loose as loose today as they were at depths of the
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pandemic when interest rates were zwer everyone having stimi checks in their mailbox. >> larry lindsey says action comments from powell not reflective of a single rate cut postponed it signal permanently off the table wells fargo investment senior global strategist scott is rate cut off the table. >> we've got two cuts penciled in if i had to guess would be september, december, but certainly if we're wrong on that projection there is fewer cuts you can you can make a rational argue zero cuts cpi going to see self 3% prints on headline cpi later this year, but it is going to be tough to get it below this year anyway, below 2.8 something like that fed wants to cut i don't think data of allows much. >> a cut in september appears
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off politico given the fact election in november going to get criticized for trying to keep joe biden in the white house. >> i think, rather do it, you know june, july something like that you know the data is not going to be there when you have inflation, headlines cpi core cpi when between 3 and 4% call it 3 1/2 i mean, that is not going to allow the fed to cut i mean i would say there is visually no chance, that seeing a cut next couple meetings. >> no chance next couple meetings scott if seeing no chance of a rate cut this market has been rallying on idea getting three, six, whatever rate cuts doesn't that tell you we're getting a stock market sell-off when rest of the market figures out what you just said, unlikely going to see rate cuts before the election. >> maria to be honest i think the markets known that we weren't getting cuts for
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awhile face it from 6 to 7 cuts, down to 2 or 3. the market did nothing but set new record highs i think markets can sustain that i think we are going to get cuts, i think the market is confident inflation is coming down economy going to be okay get it but when are we going to get it? could market go down another 5%, 10% correction not a bold call happens frequently it could happen i think that is an opportunity so people should welcome, down 5% off record high people should welcome this pullback if your outlook 2, 3, 5 plus years you want to buy when stocks are down not setting a new record. >> the market, so, we're at 5% exactly my point are we at the beginning of what is going to be a 10% selectively or more the rest of the year look at -- >> scott saying another 5% what scott?
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>> we could easilyly 10 percent not a bold call another sell-off what do you want to do sit it out wait? >> -- apply the opportunity. >> you want to buy the opportunity taking more than off the table communication services buying materials industrials energy this is going to be an doesn't if we get a sell-off here because, we are moving toward overtime a modest inflation environment good for stocks. >> quick break iran is vowing to destroy israel. prime netanyahu not backing down joanie earnest is here with new information you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . .
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♪ . maria: welcome back,
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boeing begin whistleblowers kind of company of a koifrp. cheryl: boeing hit again on capitol hill this time two senate committee hergs witnesses asked about how company builds airplanes, whistleblower testified the production process is defective. >> the attitude at boeing from highest level is just to push the defective parts regardless what it is unfortunately. ntsb chair reiterated last week boeing said no records documenting moving of alaska
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airlines -- i am not going to sugarcoat records do exist i have personally passed them to fbi. cheryl: boeing adoor plug blew out march engine fire a lost wheel max 8 that veered off runaway senator duckworth after faa for allowing boeing to self certify issue aircraft the agency too hands off she says. >> played hero apparently one in real life law and order, social media after stopped filming hit show at new york city park to help a girl lost scared couldn't find her mom, child was oblivious to if i am true or ice-t standing there, that was a prop -- the girl
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was reunited with mom. >> former president trump meeting with polish president at trump tower campaign says two discussed the war in ukraine, and push nato members spending trump praised a polish president saying quote he has done a fantastic job, he is my friend. in march trump hosted hungarian prime minister, there was no court yesterday he got to work on something else. maria: looking forward to speaking with the president of poland he will be special guest sunday, "sunday morning futures" he will be here in new york next couple of days we will talk about that work together, that he has done with president trump and what -- is expecting from nato countries. cheryl: all right. . >> cheryl, thank you israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu said israel will do whatever it needs to defend its makes its open decision how to respond to irn's drone missile remark hours after iranian president vowed to completely destroy israel if israel wanted even tiniest invasion of iran senate armed services member joni ernst thanks very much for being here tie. >> thanks. maria: when you look at rhetoric, coming out of this white house, the democrats about benjamin netanyahu, what he should do, what is he supposed to do just accept attacks from iran, not respond in any way? >> maria, we know that israel has a right to exist, they absolutely should respond. however, they feel is appropriate. i wish that president biden would just simply butt out israel is our friend and ally a democratic nation in middle
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east we should support them, however, we can support them. but their decisions will be their zugs we should step up as friend allie say "we are with you" iran hoping to become a nuclear power can you assess two nations? what is your assessment of 24 fight this war against israel? and i want your take on the strength of iran today because, obviously, now we are talking about a rich nation once again. >> absolutely. and, unfortunately, they are a rich nation. because our administration president biden have chosen not to enforce the sanctions, that are in place. they have oil exports at five-year high, as a revenue extreme of 80 n billion dollars to iran not to mention any other sanctions really that this administration has chosen to do for the iranian
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regime, so they are a wealth nation we know they do continue to chase the nuclear technology, and unfortunately, that puts pressure not only on israel, but many of our arab friends across the middle east as well. why you saw so many of them step up, to assist in defense of iran when iran attacked over the weekend very tens in the middle east i do access iran has wealth to continue down the nuclear path will continue to do that regardless, the show of strength we saw over the weekend, obviously, it was easily repelled, by israel, and her arab partners. maria: a i realize you are dealing with a lot of, the world seems to be on fire. as a result of bad policy in some corners you yet to secure the border, how are you feeling about this fight
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underway in the house? in terms of money to ukraine, and still no change in terms of security at the southern border i am hoping they pass a package individual bill that does address our southern border. this is the fight that we were facing in the senate as well even though we had, measures would begin to secure our border we still have to have an administration, that is willing to do that. and we saw with the nonexistent trial of secretary mayorkas yesterday that it doesn't matter you can berderelict on your duty you cannot do your job it doesn't matter the democrats just care they are going to dismiss any be. that comes forward. as far as a trial in the senate. it is very, very disheartening when you have an administration that encourages open borders especially here in our own country, so we've got a lot of work to do maria. maria: why do they encourage open borders who is a the
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point? >> well, you and i can speculate all day long a whole lot of folks are giving thanks to joe biden; right? so, we do need to secure the border i see it as national security threat, we have had people on terrorist watch list 24,000 chinese nationals this last yoor alone, it is a disaster. >> energy secretary jennifer granholm test yesterday you grilled her when u.s. taxpayer dollars are used to help iran watch this. >> secretary granholm circulate taxpayer dollars we incongruented to u.s. sanctioned countries or tuesdays? yes or no? >> you mean through -- through -- >> -- thank you. >> because, as you know, the department of energy, distributes billions of dollars in grants awards. and in february, a manager
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accomplished a research article acknowledging support from taxpayer funded doe award. the same article crediting iranian researcher employed by iran importants state linked university of technology. >> u.s. authorities sanction sed multiple entities due to tied to iran's nuclear program, secretary granholm did taxpayer dollars in this grant support the iranian ep researcher. >> i am not familiar with this perhaps you can share the article and i can follow up. maria: senator, tell us more about this are you saying taxpayers in u.s. are supporting iran? well, we are concerned that could be the case why i not where up to secretary granholm in armed service committee yesterday during our hearing, i am very worried, we have seen doe do this before where
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they have illegally taken technology and transferred it in case in 2022 doe sent battery technology to china at a cost of 15 million dollars to the american taxpayer. so what we're hoping to find is that there was no taxpayer dollars that went to iran but the possibility does exist. so we are pushing secretary granholm she has promised she will follow up with that information on that particular grant that funded this iranian researcher, so we've got to get to the bottom of this, i am sick and tired of american taxpayer dollars going to our with adversaries overseas. >> i got to prays you for the question really important i am getting the feeling that you are all don't know where money is going who it is going to for years we were funding wuhan lab for to gain-of-function research then
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this amaze pandemic killing 1.2 million people now we see we've got a war on you know israel, iran is culprit we may be funding that, we've got seven trillion dollars in spending you are seeing the bills in the 11th hour, 4 hours before supposed to vote on it do you actually understand where taxpayer dollars are fwaul going. >> maria, this is exactly why i introduced the act a number of years ago because i am tired of seeing billions of dollars going to our adversaries. what my bill would do require disclosure of any dollar that is going to entity win adversarial country unfortunately it has not the passed. we've got to find out where our more than is going. maria: sounds like we need to bill for ensure senator thank you. we will keep following all of that. >> absolutely. >> senator joni ernst in d.c.
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thank you so much. we'll be right back. . ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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of authorized sales and service dealers. always moving forward. we lead. others follow. her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: that i can a look at crypto as we see stocks moving higher crypto is as well bitcoin 62000 as you see, ethereum, up joining me ceo of ripple, great to see
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you. >> thank you so much for being here, first assess where we are in this market because crypto is up, huge, in last couple weeks; right? >> up, came down a little bit this past weekend, but i think if you step back last six months bitcoin up 50%, continue to see tailwinds partly because of the eetfs approved you and i spoke about in davos. >> a great point, etf trucks broadened out market in terms of potential losers people wanted to get in bought etch pt tf you recently predicted the crypto market would double in size to five trillion dollars by end of 2024 that is a big prediction by the end of this year. >> i don't feel that big when you step back, like any market this is driven by supply and demanded you have decreasing supply, for a bunch of reasons having bitcoin an important one, you have increasing demand etf, a key part of
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that, and i think also people realizing that crypto place a role as an asset. 2 1/2 trillion-dollar market may be less than that now, but basically predicting going to double by the end of the year, if anything i think probably under predicted that. >> i feel washington is trying to understand this market the people writing legislation, potential legislation here to put barriers, around this market. i know that they understand the strength and growth story here. but you think putting regulation around this barriers in place is a positive for this market. >> there is no question, one of the headwinds has held back the market largest economy in the world united states has been one of the most problematic for the crypto market. o innovation entrepreneurs capital have flown into markets that have ub constructively engaged the
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market dubai eu passed progress here u.s. behind the eight ball this administration i think taken an anticrypto stance led by the sec. >> doesn't understand it. >> i think. >> maybe he does people working for him don't. >> clearly i think you have politicians would i frankly call out elizabeth warren goes out says only people using crypto are bad actors, just not true. it -- u.s. should have a pro innovation pro compliance policy this is good terms of growing jobs, high-paying jobs growing, the economy, and i think you are seeing, people emgo out just talking points around anticrypto that doesn't make sense this shouldn't even be a partisan issue this is about growing our economy. >> yeah. >> this is about legallied next wave ofing innovation, massive amount of value creation job creation the
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blockchain crypto space here to stay become clearer and clearer u.s. government needs to embrace that put clear rules around it so participants can play groaned. >> an opportunity for you i want your take on that you announced ripple launching u.s. dollar backed stablecoin this year you say bridges this bridge is a gap between traditional finance and cryptocurrency tell us how that will play out why it is valuable give us a growth story for ripple where does growth come from at your company in coming three years. >> so the start of last piece ripple over 95% customers are non-u.s. financial institutions, we sell payment solutions, custody around blockchain crypto we are going to keep expanding u.s. market as talking earlier he partly from regulatory point of view has been slow to adopt the
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market really, really very long. >> you are are from your around that our goal xrp a danieling asset we use very, very optimistic about that i think u.s. needs to figure it out. >> stablecoin. >> stablecoin, ripple has always been about how do we bridge new record with traditional people call it -- tradfi. >> ripple that bridge we started around payments sell into of payments a stablecoin demand has exceed i think what people thought 150-billion-dollar asset class right now, some forecast could be over two, three trillion in a few years, the players in that space particularly one called tether non-u.s. u.s. going after that want this regulated yesterday new bill in senate to tristable copy legislation i think is a positive step might get
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momentum there, but i think that is going to grow out u.s. base play of compliance first in has great role to play. >> thank you for being here, ceo of ripple we are going to go to "varney & co.", when we come back stay with us. .
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maria: welcome back. we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell, a market that is the higher, dow industrials up 81. thank you, mark tepper, jonathan and joe borelli. great to see you.


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