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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 18, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry, so, anti-semitism is a hate crime. full stop. period, end of sentence, and dei fosters anti-semitism. stop it, stop it, stop it. then we'll lean back and we'll watch liz macdonald. see what she's got cooking.
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liz: thank you, larry. call it dei, didn't earn it. that's what people are calling it. i didn't come up with that. can't take credit but news c oming in, larry. thank you so much. just a second, we've got news coming in, a new setback for the biden administration and finally identifies after three years the name of the bomber who murdered 13 u.s. soldiers at abby gate in afghanistan. he's an isis terrorist that got out of of bogram prison from bide biden and murders 13 soldiers. biden is considering declaring a new national climate change emergency. bloomburg news says it's to get the youth vote now moving away from biden towards trump. you're going to have to pay for that . first, latest on the trump hush money case and bring in hones
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von spakovsky and how concerned about trump getting a fair trial in the case and one of the j urors in the selection p rostated her son worked for -- works for house minority leader hakeem jeffries? >> yeah, i don't see how he can get an unbiased jury in handout hat tan and overwhelmingly votes for democrats and joe biden. this judge has shown his bias and a change of venoewe is n eeded and he should have taken himself out of the case given the work his own daughter does in the political field for democratic candidates including
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kamala harris. the fact he won't do that shows he has a biased judge also. that's what donald trump is f acing. liz: what hans just said. why were two lawyers put on the jury? isn't it the case of typically prosecutors and they try to keep lawyers off of juries fearing they're going to be too tough on their case because politico even says it can help acquit trump on technicalities. what do you think? >> depends. sometimes that's the case and maybe there's something about the individuals they like but again, i think hans is right on the broader picture. it's not even -- don't even start with the jury, start with the judge. why is this judge not reusing himself and his daughter has a district financial interest in the case. she's an employee, she's a partner, she draws partner profit shares as we all understand it on the public information from a company that
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profits off the trial and where's the trans-park pansy from the judge and denied from the bench and didn't explain and transparency from alvin brag and hans and i recollects very been trying to get records for over a year about brags coordination with dc and the only answer we get is, yeah, we need more time. we're still looking for those. yeah i agree with that. off local da trying to turn a federal crime into a state crime
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justice and it isn't a crime and that's how bogus the case is. >> statute of limitations is not expired and news week reporting more. liz: alvin brag raising more than $800,000 since indicting trump in 2023. bragg is up for reelection next year and we have sound from f ormer president trump. let's go to the sound. >> this case is a disgrace. everyone going on and justice is on trial and everyone on the
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case and haven't seen it's in good nature and it's politico and it's "the wall street journal" editorial and it's a shame. it's a shame. days from morning till night in a freezing room, freezing. everybody is freezing in there. it's right there. all the world is watching this hoax.
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it's one to draw in and he should be on trial with all the stuff he's done and his family. it shouldn't go around and that's no case and that's what this is all about. it's a third world country and no justice and having a press not working on the facts. thank you very much. liz: hans, he has a handful of stories saying what a joke this case is and brag reduced more than half.
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it's a felony against trump. >> alvin bragg is one of the soros-supported rogue p rosecutors and not interested in prosecuting the actual real crimes going on in the city, which is why it's so dangerous now for the public there. yeah, instead he is engaging in a political prosecution. liz: final word, sam. >> that's exactly right. this is bizarre and it's new. think about if this was fairly applied. why wasn't hillary clinton charged? i mean, think about everything that's gone on in new york. it's an issue under this perverse interpretation and applied to one man and that's why it's happening. liz: why would hillary clinton be charged in >> hillary clinton paid steel dossier and lied about it. that's the same payoff. liz: got it. hans von spakovsky and sam d ewey, thank you for joining us.
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retaliation against iran from israel after the massive bomb and drone attack. right to jeff paul live in tel aviv with more. jeff, good to see you. >> r reporter: hey, liz, netanyahu made it abundantly clear that israel makes its own decisions and doing everything they can and that part is better ideas as to the timing of this response. these responses from israel will not likely happen till passover is over. the jewish holiday starts on monday going through april 30th. the same reports indicate that israel has had plans twice to respond to iran but didn't go through with it. they've been under increasing pressure not to escalate the
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situation into a broader con fructoapplicant. israel is under constant danger from iran and the proxy groups and must defend itself. >> we know the threat is there. reporter: israeli strikes killed two hezbollah commanders and multiple civilians hurt during a drone attack launched by hezbollah and adds to the g rowing attention here in the region and many people call that and are waiting and watching to see how israel is responding.
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liz: colonel mcginness served s and biden white house released its identity of the bomber and murdered 13 troops, 13 soldiers in the bombing at abby gate in afghanistan and biden's botched exit and taliban freed the isis terrorist along with thousands of isis terrorists and that's weeks after the u.s. abandoned thenyl. them? what do you make of this news? >> military operations and they bundled this and you're forcing us to have international airport
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and seems that the snipers saw the bomber but didn't turn out to be the facts and so it didn't turn out and tragic series of circumstances and never should have closed bagrom and abandoned our allies and it's all on b iden's lap. liz: the botched exit is when his polls turned south and s tayed south underwater and pentagon official said the abbey gate bombing and they deployed multiple suicide bombers. is that a good explanation? >> probably the only one they v liz. the reality is that.
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ned ya hue backed off the mass i have drone and missile attacks and there was a lot of debate and adds to that and r eporters -- excuse me. reuters report that had based on anonymous source and the biden white house seemed to green line an aurone attack on israel within certain limits and nato and european limits were c onfused about what's going on here. >> apparently, liz, what's happened here is in spite of the fact of passover happening and
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the biden people don't want to see this and we haven't r esponded to the 170 plus a ttacks against u.s. service members in the region. israel has every right to defend itself and what will happen is after passover week and there'll be a an attack and whether or not the iranians respond and expect and that's an ability with their capability and weak air force and they're going to clean them up. liz: got it. colonel mcginness, thank you for your service to america. good to have you on. still ahead, congresswoman kat cammack from law enforcement house caucus and ben klein from house judiciary and fox news of joe concha and biden may do a national climate emergency and bloomburg news showing it's
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because the youth vote is s tarting to turn away from biden and toward trump. you are going to have to pay for that and backlash for the mayor of chicago. chicago voters want to recall the mayor for demanding they spend tens of millions more money on illegal migrants. and more and more states now join texas and florida enacting their own state laws to stop biden's border collapse. a major shouting match between oversight chair james comber cd jamie raskin kin. and we have fox news c ontributor, author and tammy bruce and protester president biden and chanting bidenomics has got to go. what's with all of the biden campaign blunders coming off this breaking news. the convenient store that the federal government sued for
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violating civil rights v iolations and for not hiring black and minority workers 6789 you can't make the stuff up. we have the details coming up on "the evening "the evening edit". e solutions, of m
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liz: joined now by tammy bruce. stay with us for just a second because we need your help on te mistakes in the biden campaign. president biden going to a gas station in pittsburgh and prices up 52%. protesters shouted at biden s aying "bidenomics hat got to go".x this breaking news with the convenient store president biden was at, the federal government just hit its parent with a lawsuit for d iscriminating against blacks and minority job applicants for violating civil rights law. >> what do you know? he made that visit the day after president trump went to the bodega and i don't know if he's trying to copy president trump but it's not where you go, i t's -- the environment and the lives that those worker haves that those cities are e xperiencing and does hi think
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the price of gas will go down if he walks into a gas station. this is the contempt joe biden has for the american people and show up and glad hand and the american people that's all they need. is he wrong? when you're looking at just the connection and the president of the united states and not in charge and he's not capable of making a decision and it's obvious and that reveals to the american people you're not c aring alaska the details or they don't matter to you or you're not engaged it's trump being on trial and joe biden telling a funny story and our lives have changed and the future is at stake and they
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don't seem to understand that. liz: i want your take on this and suggest that had his uncle was eaten by, we're not making in up, his uncle was eaten by cannibals in world war ii and the military said his plane crash intoed the ocean. >> freedom over democracy, that's america. coming to me saying we're going to get you help. i came out to pittsburgh and steel workers endorsement and it changed everything.
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[inaudible] >> he warned israel not to bomb the city. he meant rafah and gaza. >> yeah, i don't know where corn pop is and it's not in the ocean or involved in that plane crash. you can't tell what the stories will be and we understand that americans recognize this kind of behavior and it's world at war and quietly and it's now o ccurred and discussions about afghanistan and look where we
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are. it's going to be a you have robin lou year and the american people know it did not agree with that. liz: 64% of them appear of trump and the embassy and trump leads biden 46-43 and biden support dropping two points since emerson did that poll a couple of weeks ago and talk to us about the polls and it's kitchen table election too, tammy. final word. >> it is. and polls change snapshot but my goodness, they've been dragging trump through the mud for five years and accused him of everything and it's still not working and he's still ahead and tells you where november will g o. liz: something, tammy. thank you for joining us here and it'll be fun. ahead, congresswoman kat cammack for law enforcement and we're
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tracking in news and a dozen states picking up where the biden white house managed to stop and the border collapse on their watch and enact the own state laws to stop it and senate republicans and fired up and ready to go and considering to declare a climate emergency to get the youth vote and how's it going to hit you? all this coming up on "the evening edit".
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liz: forbes media chair and editor in chief, steve forbes. good to sea you. >> good to be with you. liz: what do you make of the news from bloomburg and president biden declaring a climate change emergency and national emergency to get out the youth vote for the election?
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how do we have to pay for this? >> you're going to pay for it with even more troubled economy. that would give him the power to stop drilling offshore and stop the export of grew and pipelines in the like and fossil fuel industry and that's just going to wreck the economy and higher energy prices and look through inermny of the electricity costs for the u.s. and the hard lesson and this administration is throwing it all away and all sensible policies away and it's a cheap way and cowardly way to win this election. young people will mostly see through it and a lot of verbiage going to do them harm as well. liz: to what you said, trump-appointed shrunk. he's cut -- trump shrunk and cut into biden's lead by -- the lead
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is 8 points for biden. that's lower than it was four years ago. and associated press reports that biden approved the sea port oil terminal project in texas so i don't know how the youth vote will go for that but this is biden's energy policy and undercut u.s. energy as iran's oil exports hit a six year high because biden is dialed back on going after iran and force americaen to buy only electric cars but biden's mandate just got hit with more setbacks, steve. tesla, rivian, lucid, they're laying off workers because consumers don't want electric cars. >> they don't want them and they're not going to do it and election going to back off of it and whole auto industry going to need a federal bailout and going to go broke.
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if you're serious about evs, you need more copper. if you're serious about evs for high-tech, you need more copper and lithium. it's creating more harm and uncertainty and without people knowing the rules of the game. liz: how about common sense. gm, ford, mercedes benz awe p ulled back and many switched to making hybrid cars and the growth in sales of electric cars slowed in the first quarter and demands continuing to lag and ev sales are still up but at a far slower pace than what they hit in 2022 and early last year. final word, steve. >> this just goes to show when the companies are losing money on evs and unless they're going to have the subsidizing these
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and going for 120 years and keep it. liz: got it. hope so. steve forbes thank you so much. good to see you. this news coming in, voters in chicago not having it. residents blasting democrat mayor brandon johnson. for asking them to spend more tax money on illegal migrants and they're showing up outraged wearing t-shirts that read no more blue, go red. meaning vote for trump. and residents even working to recall mayor johnson. fox news garret tenny in chicago with more. garret. reporter: liz, the city already spent $300 million on the migrant crisis and now mayor brandon johnson pes to take an additional $70 million from the city's rainy day fund to help
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take care of the migrants and that has outraged a lot of folks in chicago, especially voters in long neglected black neighborhoods and many lifelong democrats and sign off for more. >> we need that money in my neighborhood and on my block. >> vote for these immigrants today and we're coming for them seats. you can believe that. reporter: there's a separate new effort to toss out progressive mayor brandon johnson. currently state law doesn't alaw voters to recall chicago's mayor but a group of frustrated locas wants to change that and that would pave the way to voting johnson out. >> we've never had the opportunity to recall before and very apparent based on the m ayor's ability or lack of accountability that this needs
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to be addressed. reporter: mayor johnson is dismissing the efforts effortsd continues to claim falsely the only folks protests are right wing racists. >> the right wing of this is they're not very pleased with the fact that the admin vagues of women and 43% of those that make up my administration are black, 29% are brown, 29, 30% are white. reporter: the recall committee tells us they should find out if the referendum will be on the ballot this fall just a week or so before the democratic national convention kicks off here in chicago in august.
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>> wow, liz, that was quite the ranting and raving from the chicago mayor and racist one to boot. i don't think nip cares alabama the check the box mentality the left is trying to shove down everyone's throats and the left want the officials to do their damn jobs. if the taxpayers are demanding you put an emphasis on their community on the things they were hired to do rather than illegals, it should be a no brainer but as you've heard me say before, you play stupid g ames you win stupid prizes and i hope that recall effort comes to fruition because it's clear that americans are sick and t ired of the america last agenda no matter what box they check. liz: got it. what do you make of this, we're now tracking a dozen states now on the move to enact their own laws to fight the border crisis. they're joining florida and
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texas. stateds like iowa, indiana, idaho and looking at west virginia, tennessee, south carolina what do you make of that? >> well, we've known and said for a long time now under the imperial presidency that's joe biden's tenure that every town in america, every state in america today is a border state. that's a problem on this economy and it's putting americans at risk and it's fully c onstitutional that the states take this issue into their own hands and have an obligation to protect their citizens. it is constitutional. these elected officials in these states are bound by their oath to do this. so i commend them and i applaud them for taking up the effort. liz: republican senators still outrages after senate democrats
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blocked the impeachment trial of homeland security secretary mayorkas. watch senator rand paul here. >> all of the laws that existed under the trump administration still exist under the biden administration. you have all the powers you n eed. you can simply say we're full up and got too many criminals and every power to do that now. they don't utilize the powers and it's not really about being good and you're not obeying the law and asked about this multiple times and we'll ask again how did the murder of l aken riley get into this country? what is the statute that allowed you to do it? how could you? how can you sleep at night h aving done that? liz: the biden america paroled him out of venezuela and 300,000 migrants are warning they're coming largely unvetted and
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venezuela prison population and prison population in venezuela is down 25% and where innocent people like laken riley get murdered. >> the murder of laken riley, it never should have happened and she would be alive today if biden had secured the damn border. the president has eight executive actions he could do today and secure the boarder and he chooses not to because at the end of the day they're hoping to take and use the illegals to vote in this november's e lection. that's what this is about. liz: congresswoman cammack, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> you too, liz. liz: the sound and major southing match between oversight
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chair james comer and democrat jamie raskin and we'll get into the details and i want to hear from dagen and sean. shawn. we love your show, the bottom line. >> thank you, em ac. electric vehicles being pushed and they're surging and former energy secretary rick perry with us as well as impeachment may be dead but vulnerable deputies like montana senator john t ester's challenger. >> attorney general of west virginia and an appeals court tells that state it cannot stop biological boys who say that they're girls from competing in girl's sports. the ag wanting to take it to the supreme court .x then michael l oftus, does a walking, b reathing joke need to tell jokes? that's joe biden, we discuss top that's joe biden, we discuss top of thehe 's great.
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after i started taking release, the weight just started falling off. since starting golo and taking release, i've gone from a size 12 to a 4. before golo, i was hungry all the time and constantly thinking about food. after taking release, that stopped. with release, i didn't feel that hunger that comes with dieting. which made the golo plan really easy to stick to. since starting golo and release, i have dropped seven pant sizes and i've kept it off. golo is real, our customers are real, and our success stories are real. why not give it a try? liz: joining us now from house judiciary, congressman van k lein. congressman, thank you for j oining us. it's a particular. house oversight chair james comer is dropping serious hints that he's going to issue criminal referrals against
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members of president biden's family in the biden impeachment inquiry. is that true? he's saying it's going to be voted on in a period of time. >> the white house delayed and delayed and ignored our request for documents so long and pure into the middle of election season and. liz: who will give criminal referrals to the justice department? >> we're seeing an operation of multiple family members endangered pay to play scheme for access scheme and how this money ends up in hunter biden's acts and joe biden's accounts and his brother's accounts, they're all questions that relate to financial security l
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aws that are late to bribery statute that relate to obstruction statute and these are all serious, serious matters than judiciary committee is decided to per sue where the facts lead. liz: democrat jamie raskin over the impeachment probe. take a listen to what happened. watch this. >> trump taking more than $ 5 million from the chinese government when he was p resident. >> we know that donald trump had a legitimate business. that he talked about and campaigned on. >> he sold the white house. >> oh, give me a break. what business was the -- what business were the bidens in? what business did they own? what business were they? did they have hotels or social media company and the bank statements are russian
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information and biden's took $ 9,000. >> you've been talking about statements for more than a year and they don't show anything other than there was no crime. >> it's okay as tony bobulinski said for china to bribe joe biden's family for $9 billion? >> that's the lethees been discredited. if joe biden took a $9 million bribe from chai narcs why aren't you impeaching him for that? >> who says we're not? this is a hearing on china and you have an obsession with russia and trump, it's d isturbing. you guys all need therapy. mr. raskin. >> you need therapy, you're involved with the deer data coe ranged politician. >> he likes to bait his political opponents opponents g
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voices and jamie raskin loves to mug for the tv cameras. it's par for the course and, you know, chairman comer is working diligently to establish the facts against an investigation that the white house has just stone walled the entire time and judiciary committee stands ready and my chairman jim jordan and all the stone walling not g etting us to the facts. liz: good to have you on. liz: this story coming in, marsha blackburn wants to dial back funding of npr and veteran editor has to quit and calling in deep left wing bias and also we've got fox news joe concha and he'll come in. he's fired up and he'll break this down next on "the evening
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elizabeth: let's welcome to show fox news credit or joe concha. we need you on this. good to see you, the turmoil at npr, serious left wing bias. npr ceo saying that a reference for the truth
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might be a distraction. what is happening? we thought the point of taxpayer funding npr was the truth. unbiased journalism, what do you think? >> yeah, i think the new ceo of npr says that it is a disv distraction from goat -- getting things done. what are you getting done at npr? sounds like activism to me. we're seeing the tweets in the screen at-this-point. you see these things, as far as identity politics, social justice, the her talking about white p privilege. npr should stand for national propaganda regurgitation. the world is backwards, cat katherine mayer campaigned for joe biden is running npr, and she is getting paid by our taxpayer
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dollars, this is someone that tweeted that donald trump is a racist, she defended looting in summer of 2020 as americans city burned in the name of social justice, the "new york times" is even wrying critical pieces on her this week. this npr job for katherine mamayer is first position in journalism or media, she not even qualified. elizabeth: she should not be at that job. >> no. elizabeth: she ran wikipedia. >> we took a very active approach to disinformation and misinformation coming to not just last election but how we supported our edits community in an unprecedent side moment we were dealing with the global pandemic and a novel virus, that means we knew nothing about it in real-time. after 7 years of working with these brilliant folks, i have come to believe they are on to something, perhaps
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for our most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth and seeking to convince others of the truth, might not be the right place to start, in fact. our reference for the truth might be a distrack traction that is getting in the way of finding common ground. >> the number one challenge we see is the first amendment in united states, is a fairly robust protection of rights, that is a protection of rights for platforms it also means it is a little bit tricky. . elizabeth: this is like, i want to down a bottle of aspirin, listen to her. why do taxpayers fund her salary? why do we have to fund npr, when it hates half of the
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country? >> i want to down something else after listening to her, i believe it is brownish. i don't know what to say, if you close your eyes like hard enough, as if you are listening to kamala harris spspeak there almost impossible to follow. to which people at every level of npr have comfort abily coalesced around a progressive move. , npr was founded 53 years ago, the mission stai statement was to speak with many voices and many d dia lections, it is time, it is time. elizabeth: thank you so much joe concha. good stuff. good to have you on, tomorrow lee carter, matt whitaker. and we have a hot show, now to dagen and sean on the "the bottom line." dagen: thank you


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