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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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i tell you i will do that deal every day in my life. i'm not personally interested in buying gold as i am silver. look at ratio of silver how it is mined, nine ounces of silver for everyone ounce of gold. it is important to ask this, nine to one ratio, basic supply and demand, silver should be $200 an ounce. this is gift, a opportunity, something i'm very interested in getting involved with. liz: i'm interested in wearing it, gold and silver. david, thank you. [closing bell rings] the dow is up the third session in a row. everybody is in the green. that will do it for us. "kudlow" is next. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. well biden's partisan prosecution, day one of the trump trial in new york city,
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we'll have jonathan turley on this story. anti-semitism shutting down our elite universities. mollie hemingway and charlie hurt will weigh in on that. plus, did you know it's earth day and nobody cares. we'll talk about it with "breitbart"'s john carney. biden's green new deal, climate bank etf. of course that with north dakota governor dougburg ham, and alaska senator dan sullivan with the end of anwr as we know it. lydia hu has the latest from the trump trial. what can you tell us? >> reporter: very busy here in lower manhattan, larry as the criminal trial got started underway with opening arguments in the case by district attorney alvin bragg. prosecutors accused trump of engaging with a criminal conspiracicy and former attorney, fixers michael cohen and david pecker, former ceo of national media which published
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"the national enquirer." prosecutor say they engaged in coverup to damaging stories to trump prior to the 2016 election. trump and his lawyers say trump is innocent. watch this. >> this is a biden witch-hunt to keep me off the campaign trail. so far it is not working because my poll numbers are higher than they ever been because the public understand it's a witch-hunt. >> reporter: another familiar name you recognize, mat thee coangelo, former senior biden official one time investigated trump for the attorney general's office, is prosecuting alvin bragg's case for trump. colangelo driverred arguments for the prosecutors. trump lawyers in the civil fraud matter appeared in the courthouse behind me, the supreme court, they appeared before judge arthur engoron to
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defend trump's 175 million-dollar bond in the civil case. for weeks attorney general let tricia james has been attacking that bond over questions about the insurance company asking the court to validate it, what seemed like maybe a change in strategy, the attorney general's office came to court today apparently willing to talk with the trump lawyers on those bond issues. both sides came up to an treatment as follows. that the bond of $175 million will be stored in cash, not in mutual funds or securities where the value can otherwise fluctuate and the insurance company, knight insurance can't trade or move the money, will maintain exclusive control of the account, also that trump and knight insurance will provide monthly financial statements to the attorney general's office and the court show the at account balance remains at $175 million. this means that trump's assets will remain protected from attorney general letitia james as he pursues appeal of nearly half a billion dollar fine
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entered against him by judge david engoron. david packer, ceo of american media, he took the stand today in the drill case. that case continues tomorrow with pecker resuming the stand and continuing his testimony tomorrow morning. larry, back to you. larry: lydia, on that, the knight's insurance, does anyone understand money is fungible? it is like a big company. money over here in one pocket, money in the second bucket, they don't know who is trading that. i'm amused by that. great reporting. we appreciate that. just a couple thoughts to me, and we have big news stories joe biden is on wrong side of each one. not on the wrong side by a little but on the wrong side by a lot. trump's opening statements were made by this get this, biden justice department former number three guy. his name is matthew colangelo. this is a big job, number three.
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he is prosecuting i guess because alvin bragg can't. shows you how involved the biden white house and justice department are in this crazy prosecution of donald trump and sirenally, it was the justice department initially passed own the prosecution as the did the federal election commission but biden is involved big time. also i ask, what is illegal about non-disclosure agreements? they're used all the time. what is illegal about candidate trump running for president and yes, wait for it, trying to influence the election? he would like to win. it is called campaigning. but this is something very wrong with president biden trying to keep trump off the campaign trail and thus interfering with the election. in other words, campaigning, okay, interfering, not okay? plus, mr. trump's gag order prohibits him from talking about michael cohen and stormy daniels but they are constantly trashing
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him. there is something wrong about that. cohen is a serial liar. daniels owes trump half a million bucks. net-net, strike one for joe biden. then comes the anti-semitic campus riots at columbia and yale. joe biden expressed sympathy for the jewish students under attack. sympathy is not the same as the justice department or fbi investigation and prosecution of anti-semitic hate crimes and hate speech. these elite colleges are guilty of both. university laws are being violated. classes have been canceled. remember, joe biden has become the principle defender of dei, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and dei has been the principle trigger behind the whole anti-semitic movement. until these university trustees are forced to change, they're not going to change. joe biden could force change but he won't, why?
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this are many reasons. but one of them is dearborn, michigan. so the wave of anti-semitism on college campuses is strike two for joe biden. the third news item this week is, you get it, earth day. where is joe biden want to spend another seven billion dollars on a climate change solar slush fund. all right, this just the latest installment of the biden green new deal climate bank atm. strike three for joe biden. why? because most folks don't care about earth day or climate change. a gallup survey released today, 55% worry about inflation, 53% crime and violence, 48% illegal immigration. only 3% are concerned with the environment. a couple weeks ago, "wall street journal" headline read, biden is spending one trillion dollars to flyte climate change.
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voters care. voters surveyed in seven swing states showed immigration the most important at 25%. economy 22, inflation 13, abortion, 10, and climate change, wait for it, two. so in other words americans are far more worried about biden-flation and illegal immigrants than climate change. you know what? three strikes and you're out, joe. all right, enough for me. joining me now, charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor. mollie hemingway, editor-in-chief at "the federalist" and fox news contributor. they are both fox news contributor. sorry, charlie, didn't mean to say that. mollie, this matthew coangelo, i don't know if people know him. he is not a household word. he was number three in the justice department. lydia reported on that. i'm picking up on it. what is he doing, he is the lead prosecutor, not alvin bragg, but this geico lang gel low who came
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up from to argue this case for bragg. what does this mean? >> people already know the biden department of justice is going after president trump with their federal cases but they don't maybe realize how biden doj officials and other top democrats are in all of the other lawfare that is being run against the number one republican, whether that's here in new york or down in atlanta. matthew colangelo is great example of this. was merrick garland's number three at the department of justice that is a really good gig. something that people really want. it is frankly weird he is up here in new york prosecuting this case and someone of his caliber would be behind it. people don't trust fannie willis, alvin bragg, letitia james. they get him to go after biden's political opponent, i want to hang on mollie's point, this guy
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was a big shot in the biden justice department. the biden justice department passed on this case in the first place. >> right. larry: federal election commission passed. actually the local district attorney, the former manhattan d.a., cy vance, friend of mine, what what that is worth, he passed on it too. bragg passed on it until he was pressured to do it. can i connect the dots from biden's white house/, counsel/justice department to this late in new york city? does that make any sense? >> i think without a doubt you can draw a connection to it. the fact that everybody passed on this case is proof in law, as far as the law is concerned there is no case here. they love to talk about how donald trump is a threat to democracy. he is not a threat to democracy. he is a threat to democrats. that's the problem. he is the greatest threat to democrats that they have and that's why they're pulling out all the stops and it's, i think particularly interesting when
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you look at whether it's going after his bond money, or going, you know after all the cases in general. it is all designed to hurt him. the reason she does not want him to have access to that money is because she doesn't want him to be able to actually make money on it. so she is trying to not just put him in jail -- larry: good point. >> also wants to hurt him financially. also by the way wants to humiliate him. of course what else is going on at the same time? what else is going on at the same time. democrats in congress are passing a law in order to take away anybody who is convicted of a felony, to take away their secret service. they want to throw him in jail, not let him have secret service in jail. that is how sick these people are. by the way, whatever you think of donald trump, if you, if you let democrats win this way, this is how they will run every election for the rest of our lives and even if you don't like donald trump, you ought to vote
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for him just to punish democrats for doing this. larry: by the way, there is a difference between donald trump, trying to influence the election, that is called campaigning and, joe biden doing the sins both omitted and committed sins that charlie just referred to, that is interference. i'm just trying to say that to me i will ask jonathan turley later in the show constitutional scholar, difference between campaigning with the office, interfering with the other guy's ability to campaign. >> it also reminds me of this other situation from 2016. so the claim here is that by doing a perfectly legal, non-disclosure agreement he interfered with the election. think about what hillary clinton and democrat party did in 2016. they used a law firm to create the russian collusion hoax. they funneled money through a law firm. they created a fake dossier. nobody has been held accountable
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for it. because nobody is held accountable for it, the current president using lawfare to interfere an election in a way would be worth so much money, so much time, keeping your opponent off the campaign trail, being able to raise money and campaign that is not how we do things in this country. we do not handle political differences with lawfare. that is what we're doing right now. >> another little thing, in addition to everything mollie just said, you hear people talk about the hatch act, you don't want to let politicians use government resources to go after political opponents. this entire operation is being run and funded by taxpayers. they're forcing taxpayers to foot the bill in all of these cases and, all because donald trump is a threat to democrats. larry: i get it. i want to move on. shutting down college campuses,
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dei, which joe biden has taken to new heights, started with obama, probably started before that too, but, he has been the biggest, he has been the biggest backer of dei. to me dei breeds anti-semitism. anti-semitism is what happened to these college campuses. mollie, take a whack at this. is this a cultural issue, cultural marxism, woke culturallism, it is anti-semitism, it is shutting down campuses. they had to stop the classes, that is pad -- bad enough. i don't see joe biden's justice department doing what they ought to be doing, minimally an fbi investigation and maybe more. i don't see them lifting one finger so far, tell me i'm wrong but i don't see it. >> we haven't seen anything yet. yesterday the white house had pan official statement saying it was bad what is happening with these jewish statements. but this afternoon president biden said came out there are good people on both sides of october 7th. he is with the jews, jewish students but also with the people who support the
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october 7th attack this is what we were told donald trump did which wasn't actually true. media were hysterical about it. you are absolutely right. this is the natural result of dei when you teach people to say your political opponents are racist, bigoted, when you teach people violent against these people are okay, it is not surprising we are where we are right now. larry: charlie, we had professor dershowitz on time and time again. he made this case. dei leads to anti-semitism. dei is the real problem. i want to add to that, the bidens have the authority, as mollie suggested even though, both sides are to blame or both sides are good, i don't understand any of that gibberish except it is about dearborn, michigan, i think what all that gibberish is about, the reality trustees of yale, and penn, and columbia, and so forth, the trustees have the authority. they can make changes and they don't make changes. one reason they don't make
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changes is the biden justice department is not going to prosecute them for them. i think that is a big mistake. >> certainly seems like they never pay a price. there are never consequences for these universities or these trustees that you mentioned. larry: boards of directors, they run the place. >> they're reading the headlines we're reading. seeing all the stories we're seeing. the idea they do not take an active hand in this, do something about it, maybe this will be different now. maybe they will get punished. maybe they will be shamed out of the public square for condoning this stuff but, mollie is exactly right. dei, it teaches hatred is what it does. it is perfect extension of democrat politics. how they operate. you divide everybody, race, creed, religion, whatever, put them all against each other, get them all to hate each other. democrats win elections. that is what dei does. we shouldn't be surprised.
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this is the end result of dei. >> identity politics and everything the democrats do. larry: hate crime is forcing shutdowns of universities. it its not just speech, free speech, you could make some free speech argument, i couldn't maybe it myself. i could see it legally, this is crime. this is an action. columbia shut down classes. prowhat i understand yale did the same thing. berkeley, ha maybe they have, maybe they haven't. this has to be prosecuted by the justice department. where is the fbi coming in now, locking them down, taking witnesses, getting affidavits et cetera, et cetera, that is what i don't get. >> columbia is also asking for help from the outside when they have so much power themselves. if they expelled student for destroying everyone else's educational experience that would help this is an institution that loved the blm riots. it loved shutting everything down, now they're asking for help from others. they have more power themselves than they are willing to use.
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larry: i say it is 0 for there. i'm saving the best for last. that is earth day. i will let john carney, governor of north dakota tear that apart. charlie hurt, mollie hemingway. coming up it is earth day, i have three words, drill, baby, drill. north dakota governor dug burgum up next on "kudlow". choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. larry: don't want to forget, today is earth day. our own jeff flock is standing by with more on the earth. jeff, how is the earth? >> reporter: happy earth day, larry, there you to. a beautiful day for solar out there, i tell you that right now. that is the big news today. the president went to virginia to announce this solar for all plan. as you reported at the outset of the broadcast, seven billion with a b dollars to go to people who otherwise couldn't afford solar power. they will set it up for them. president says this will be about 900,000 people. he says it's not a small deal. here is how he put it. president biden: it's big deal, this new solar for all program,
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means that 900,000 households, 900,000, will have solar on the rooftops for the first time and soon. millions of families will save over $400 a year in utility bills and that's $350 million nationwide. >> reporter: not hard to say if somebody else is paying for the solar. the other big thing the president did of course pertains to the national petroleum reserve, shut down more of that to drilling exploration. the national petroleum reserve, we have a picture there maybe shows you where it is, northwest alaska. you might remember president harding set that aside back in the 1920s for oil but the president now, shutting part of it down, although it is worth noting, larry, he did last year approve that willow project. that is a conocophillips drilling project in the national petroleum reserve. 188,000-barrels a day will come out of there.
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that really ticked off the environmental crowd. all kinds of protests. that he sold them out. sort of paying them back with 10 million acres being protected, big chunks of the national petroleum reserve. climate is important, despite your numbers, people do care about the climate and those doggone republicans just don't get it. president biden: despite the overwhelming devastation in red and blue states, there are still those who deny climate is in crisis. our maga republican friends don't seem to think it is in crisis. they don't want, they actually want to repeal the inflation reduction act which provides funding for vast majority of these projectses. >> reporter: larry, i would say this, he kind of ticked off the environmental crowd by approving willow. now he is sort of ticked off those in the producing crowd that weren't already tickerred off. i don't know but, i've been through a number of divorces in
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my life. i have find when both sides feel they're getting screwed it is actually fair but that is just me. larry: i'm afraid those numbers balance out by a long shot. jeff, thanks for your report. for more on this let's bring in north dakota governor doug burgum, welcome to the set. thank you very much. >> great to be with you, larry. larry: so i don't, i don't think willow yes, anwr no is rao moatly balanced. it it not even close. >> these two things are completely ridiculous, the idea somehow biden policies are saving the environment the number one thing that lowered co2 emissions worldwide is the advent of u.s. clean natural gas. if he really cared about the environment he would be, he wouldn't be putting a pan on lng exports. he would help to build more lng plants and this solar thing we talked about here at the top of the hour, less than 4% of the
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electricity in the united states comes from solar today and it is intermittent. it is 4% when the sun is shining. larry: right. >> 78% of those solar panels built in china. less than 2% built in the united states. it is a win for china when he does throw seven billion at solar panels. it is also a pre-election political payoff because he is going to people hopes would vote for him. if he really cared about poor people in this country and their electrical bills, under his administration, electricity has gone up 30% in the time he has been in office. if he wanted to help everybody with, have lining a trillion dollar tax break, they were you would be developing more u.s. energy and would help the environment, we do it cleaner, better, smarter safer than anyone else in the world. larry: a hot of this is slush fund stuff, government doling out money with no particular rhyme or reason except under the jenrette tick of climate change, but the existential, this is no
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immediate existential risk. that has never been proven except in political circles and some media circles, to some extent, immediacy is the hoax. i'm not denying climate issues next 50 or 100 years. i'm denying all this spending ahead of private investment, market-oriented investment, technological advances is just wrong. that's why i say drill, baby, drill is the right policy. it is not an unlimited policy but it would bring down oil prices and bring down inflation. it would also protect -- we have senator sullivan coming on to talk about anwr later in the show. i will push that aside for a minute. the green new deal climate bank atm what we call it. we have a great picture to put it up on the screen. this is vote buying this is green new deal, climate buying atm machine. >> $27 billion worth across seven billion today, on top of the 20 billion before absolutely it is a pre-election payoff and
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if you really cared about the environment, when you're talking about expanding u.s. energy production you would want all of that development happen here because when biden does things like, whether it is shutting down alaska, whether it is coming after texas and north dakota, it doesn't reduce demand t shifts the supply overseas. you know who is up a% in oil production? iran? you know who is up? russia. you know who is up? venezuela. when he is doing he is helping our adversaries he is funding terrorism. part of it biden's energy policy combined with his weakness on national security leads to the fact we've got to increase funding for ukraine, taiwan and israel. these wars literally started because of his energy policy. larry: the bidens like to say, we're producing more oil than ever before, which is not exactly true. got to 13.1 million barrels a day. it is now back to 12.8, 12.9,
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but the point i want to make to you, you're an oil producing state obviously. pre-pandemic, we were at 13, 13.1 million barrels a day. so at that level we have moved in four or five years. we should be at 14, 15 million barrels a day, maybe more. >> yes. larry: if we had the same trajectory. the reason for that is so much the war against fossil fuels the bidens have conducted. we should be way higher than 13 million barrels a day. >> absolutely we should be higher than that the fact we'll be flat and will be declining while the rest of the world is up is just an indication his policies are helping our adversaries and hurting the united states. the crisis that is coming will be around electricity because with the electricity, prices are up 30% under joe biden but he is driving baseload down, creating artificial demand by subsidizing ev cars. the price will continue to go up and reliability will continue to go down. if joe biden is reelected, we'll
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have blackout the and brownouts all over the country by 2025 and 2026. larry: doug burgum, great state of north dakota. >> thank you, larry. larry: it is earth day once again. so important we're devoting another segment to it. the vast majority of americans are worried about inflation and almost every other issue than climate change. we'll talk about it with "breitbart"'s john carney. stick around. i'm kudlow. much more to come.
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larry: joining us now, "breitbart"'s john carney, coauthor of the "breitbart business digest," must read each day. john, earth day or not, it doesn't seem like most americans, it is barely a top 10 issue. in fact some polls it is not european a top 10 issue. >> no. americans don't care about the climate change because, look, it's something that they're being told will happen 50, 100
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years, by any realistic measure. larry: that's right. >> but inflation is the issue they're facing right now. the border crisis is the issue they're facing right now. tonight at "breitbart business digest" i'm going to call for a national in-flation day. look, earth day, that is in the past, started in 1970. everybody knows about that. they even celebrate it in school. we have need an in-flation day. in-flation is something we can affect with policy. the american people need to stand up, turn out, have it in june, that is when we had in-flation peek under biden and we all can say, every june no more in-flation, national in-flation day. let's bring it up. larry: this is the "wall street journal" poll, the swing states. immigration, 25%, economy, 22, in-flation 13, in-flation and economy together. >> top 25 issue put them
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together. larry: abortion 10, climate change, wait for it, climate change, two. >> 2%, right. larry: you cited in your "breitbart" today, the "gallup poll," environment 37%, but you got in-flation, crime, violence, immigration everything else is above 50. everything else down below 37. i don't get this. >> this is big problem for democrats because the issues biden wants to campaign on, we saw him today he wants to campaign on green new deal, americans are rejecting that. we need to do something bin -- about inflation. if you pour money into demand for solar panels from china will drive inflation up. americans don't want him to drive up prices further.
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larry: john, switch gears, if you can hold your breath one moment outside of earth day, important story running on "breitbart," imf official, this is christina, i know her quite well, executive director, joe biden's open border is hurting americans wages, very interesting. now this is the imf. i mean they have a million economists there. >> right. larry: sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong but it is a very establishment operation and they're saying what a lot of people are saying, that, the open borders have damaged real wages, taken jobs away from native-born americans, the, et cetera. do you have a thought on that? >> i love it for decades we were told, immigrants are not competing with natives for wages. now that we have an inflation problem, immigrants will solve the in-flation problem. i don't believe inflation is caused by americans making too much or americans living too well. i think it is because the
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government is living too well. i stole that quote from ronald reagan. that is who said it first. it is still true today. it is not wages are too high, not because workers are getting paid too much, joe biden is running financial crisis deficits, world war ii deficits. we have very little unemployment today. we shouldn't be running those kind of deficits. when they say yes, all the immigrant are hurting native wages. of course they are. larry: probably two trillion dollar deficit again this year. one trillion for the first half of the fiscal year. on track for two trillion. you get gdp out thursday. hotlanta fed says 2.9%? >> hook, remember just a few months ago everybody was saying the economy was going to slow, the fed was going to need to cut. we now know the fed would not cut as we've been saying in our lifetime. never in our lifetime. the economy is growing. it will continue to grow. as long as unemployment remains
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very low, people will keep spending, that will continue to go grow the economy. there is no reason for the federal reserve to cut rates. so they're not going to. and frankly i'm glad that the market has finally come around to that point of view. i was very worried when everybody was irrationally exuberant about fed cuts coming. that is not happening. the economy is growing. that's good for us. the problem is we need to solve the inflation problem shun and we need to get control of our borders. that is exactly what all the polls are telling us and should be telling the biden administration but they want to talk about earth day instead. larry: alas, alas. john carney, we may see you later in the week depending on those numbers. switch gears, go back to biden's partisan prosecution on day one of trump trial. joining us jonathan turley, george washington university law school, constitutional scholar. john, thank you for giving us
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some help on this, we talked earlier in the show, i discuss want to get your take on this. this fellow, matthew colangelo, number three in the justice department, he surfaces i guess now as the lead prosecutor in the alvin bragg case. he had a big, big job in the biden justice department, the merrick garland justice department. he has left it to run this prosecution which you yourself have criticized almost proday one. what do you make of that? what should we all learn from that? why is this senior biden guy coming down here to make arguments for bragg, that bragg should make for himself? >> well you know, it is a fascinating optics issue, you would think they would want to avoid. you've got a case where the predecessor of bragg said, i'm not going to prosecute this theory because i don't believe in it, most of us don't. bragg himself didn't want to do it. they were he was pressured into doing it. then he goes, and gets someone
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from the biden justice department to be his lead prosecutor. the optics are not good. but they also don't seem to matter in new york. bragg is betting everything on having a new york jury, a new york audience, and this just doesn't bother them, this idea that you know, this is a case that none of us have ever seen the likes of. a theory a few of us can't understand, but they can't get beyond the fact that the defendant is donald trump. that is all you need in new york for many voters. >> it just suggests, jonathan, rightly or wrongly, there is a biden involvement in this trial and as you know, mr. trump is furious because they're holding him in tow in this courtroom instead of out there on the campaign trail where he belongs. for the rest of the country, does it look like joe biden is involved in this trial in ways
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and means that he shouldn't be? >> well, that's the fascinating aspect of how the politics and law are merging here. you know this is sort of a split screen election, right? earlier we would have the split screen of trump in one court after being just in another, being, taken procourthouse to courthouse. now we have split screen showing the president campaigning while the former president is effectively caged up in new york and, i don't think the american people like it. outside of new york, this is obviously not playing well. the majority, you have got about 35% who believe there is a crime here. that is not particularly high number given the stage of this prosecution. usually by this point, people assume the worst. i think that is playing out around the country. people view this. i believe it is the weaponization of the criminal justice system. we can debate about --
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larry: no, no. i don't want to interrupt you. please. i was just going to ask you, look on this question the non-disclosure agreement at the heart of this to some extent, people calling it hush money, it is actually a non-disclosure agreement. i think it is used pretty frequently. what's illegal about that? >> it is not illegal. what is wacky about this, even after opening arguments many of us are still debating what the crime was that trump was trying to conceal? even, even, liberal legal analysts on other networks have panned this case because, this is all premised on this idea that there was a federal election violation. the department of justice rejected that. they didn't see that here. most people that are in this area believe there is not a crime involved on the federal side. so this is all a potempkin
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village being put up by bragg. i think the opening argument by the trump team really delivered some heavy blows. where they said look, someone else designated this as a legal expense but keep in mind, larry this is what hillary clinton people did. after denying that they funded the steele dossier, it turned out they did fund it and they counted it as a legal expense but then they litigated that issue to avoid a fine and kept on saying we still view this at a legal expense. you have many of the people that supported them in that who are having vapors saying well of course, trump should go to jail because this non-crime was designated as a legal expense. larry: yeah, key point, key point, jonathan turley, thank you as always, we appreciate it very, very much. >> thank you, larry. larry: last one coming up, joe biden is helping iran while hurting alaska and the rest of
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the united states. we're going to talk about it with senator dan sullivan, ending anwr, dumb, dumber and dumbest. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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larry: so senator dan sullivan of alaska writes in "the wall street journal," biden helps iran and hits alaska. he joins us now, alaska senator dan sullivan. senator, a great op-ed piece you wrote, very important piece. this helps, this helps the axis of evil. this hurts the u.s. in almost every way, shape or form. then you add it on to one that i wasn't aware of, the issue of, i guess rare earths, the ambler mining district, that's out of play too. anyway, senator, in your priorities which is the worst? >> larry, they're all horrible, right? and they're lawless. the president has no authority to do any of this. of course it hurts my constituents but this hurts america. you know natural resources is one of our great strengths, particularly against these dictatorships and we have plenty of oil in alaska. we have incredible critical minerals and right now, the president is more focused on
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sanctioning alaska, and alaskans than he is on sanctioning the ayatollah terrorists in iran. it's unbelievable. of course on the critical minerals, this is really important, hardly a day goes by without a story how depen dent we are own china. this is one of the biggest critical mineral deposits in america, maybe the world, the ambler mining district in at la can, we're going to shut it down. none of this makes sense, it only helps dictators, pleases biden's far left. everybody else in america, and our allies, we're undermined. larry: i thought, i don't know, president trump and/or congress had opened up anwr? what gives biden the authority to close it down, senator sullivan? >> he has no authority, larry. you and i worked together with president trump, that legislation was in the 2017 tax
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cuts and jobs act, the second section of that was all about anwr. larry: right. >> and it mandated two lease sales in anwr and we got one done during the trump administration. biden come ons in says we're going to cancel it but here is what happens on friday. this is not an war. this is a place called the national petroleum reserve of alaska set aside over 100 years ago by congress for oil and cast cast -- gas development and they took 13 millions acres off the table. larry, this is one of the most prolific oil and gas basins in the country and one other thing, as you know, we have the highest environmental standards in the world in alaska for oil and gas development, for mining. all this does is outsource production to dirtier countries who happen to be adversaries of ours and heck, with the iran, they're using their oil revenues for terrorism. larry: yeah. >> this is a lose, lose, lose,
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on every front. only people who are happy about it, far-left radicals, we call the ecocolonialists, and dictators who are our adversaries. larry: last 30 seconds, senator, don't native alaskans, don't they want it, wouldn't they like the jobs? >> 100%, larry, i'm glad you rayed that point. on the national petroleum reserve of alaska, we call npra, all the leadership of alaskan community, indigenous leaders came out against this rule. they were 100% against the "biden rule." guess what biden did on friday, he said i'm doing this to help them because they want it. i never seen a more cynical lie coming out of the white house and the president. it was despicable. larry: senator dan sullivan, great stuff. thanks for the battle. keep on fighting. we'll talk soon. folks we'll be back with my last
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we got only trial new york, birthday folks don't care about and di and anti-semitism at large, three strikes and you're out, mr. president. on the other hand, liz mcdonald grand slam homerun. >> thank you. we hope so, larry. we are going to get rid of it. let's get right at it with former u.s. attorney


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