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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 25, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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maria: good thursday morning everyone. thank you so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo, thursday april 25. your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. earnings and economic data set the tone for markets. futures are pulling back as we await more quarterly results after big tech ahead of more big tech that would industrial 142, the nasdaq down 150 and s&p 500 lower by 28. caterpillar, american airlines and southwest the top names were watching this morning before the opening bell, those are higher going into the earnings. meta better-than-expected results but weak guidance on the revenue outlook, the stock is down 13% we are previewing alphabet microsoft coming out "after the bell" tonight, the stocks are but were going into the numbers. investors watching the economic story, will get the first rita first quarter gdp this morning at 8:30 a.m. eastern ahead of the march pc index out tomorrow. the expectation call for gains
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and growth. european markets are mixed, take a look at the eurozone, up 52 but the cac 40 down 47 and ask index in germany lower by 110, and asia amick story as you can see the big mover, japan down better than 2%, korea one and three quarters percent, china was higher. protest growing on college campuses across the country each state deals with out-of-control demonstrations differently as the white house stays tightlipped on responding. president biden signing into law the bill to advance a national ban on tiktok, we will still campaign using the tiktok at as new polls show president trump's lead over biden is growing six of seven key swing states. joy to the conversation all morning long wealth partner mark tepper, posten president of maslansky and partners lee carter and ice director jonathan fahey. "mornings with maria" is live right now.
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♪ ♪ ♪. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour and new bloomberg poll finding president trump is leading president biden in six of seven key swing states as more grow frustrated by rough economic conditions. biden says he's going to let trump's tax cuts expire if he is reelected. >> this is not your father's republican party, this is a different breed of cat, the maga republicans. >> red predecessor rollback for the imposed increases of federal minimum wage and very proud of his $2 trillion tax cut when he
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was president the overwhelming the benefit of the wealthy and created the biggest corporations and exploded the federal, i cut the federal deficit. it's going to expire and if i'm reelected it's going to stay expired. maria: the tax foundation claims a family with three kids earning $200,000 a year will owe $7500 more in taxes should trump's tax cuts expire. joe biden is telling us what he wants to do in this election year. >> he promised number taxes for anybody who is making less than $400,000 and here we are another one of the issues. if you look at the polling, 70% of americans say the economy is going in the wrong direction. that's really bad for joe biden. when you look at the other issues, 82% of voters say the economy is going to be very important they talked about how important immigration is and at the end of the day one thing to keep in mind donald trump was
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ahead in six of the seven states and if you look at the average of all the states he's the head and all of the states and if you introduce the third-party candidates he is winning. he never won and the polls once in 2020 or 2016, never once usually outperforms the polls but here we are and that's what he needs to watch out for. maria: people file its kitchen table issues. >> the economy stinks, inflation re-accelerating, wage growth decelerating and you have to work multiple jobs to put food on the table and you can't even afford to buy a house in the median home price is 400,000 in the median household income is 75000, you can't afford that you have to make twice the median income and make 150 grand to afford the median home. it's absolutely insane what is going on and while this is happening president biden wants to raise taxes. maria: he's telling us five and
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a half trillion dollars in new taxes is what he laid out in his budget that he released. then there's immigration is not just the kitchen table issues in terms of what is everything costing us. it's also the fear of a wide open border and what that means for people. >> i think the american people understand better than the politicians think they do. illegal immigration is not only a national security at the public safety but ethic the american public's instinctively sees that this affects their lives in terms of wages and reduced resources reduced access of healthcare, education, things like that. i think the american people are tuned into the issue now more than 2016 and you see joe biden trying to talk about it now but i think he's blown any credibility on the issue because he's been for open borders and they campaigned on it last time it's almost laughable that is talk about securing the border. maria: people also understand how inflation got to where it is
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in the understand joe biden the democrat spent $7 trillion on his watch into many dollars chasing too few goods is what spiked inflation. >> and blame joe a blame joe biden and they say donald trump 55 - 33% said donald trump affix it. maria: the committee for responsible budget fact checked him that he did not cut the deficit. it's like playing with numbers. were going to get into that were just getting started. looking at a huge week of earnings and how the earnings numbers are impacting markets, stay with us of what to expect from big tech "after the bell" on the heels of the meta report that has a stock down 13% cfr research equity analyst is with the take. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ♪ ♪
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maria: markets lower, take a look in future syndicating a triple digit decline at the start of trading now industrial down 124, nasdaq and 156, big tech is setting the tone, meta better than expected earnings but reporting week guidance in the revenue outlook that was below expectation, the stock is down better than 13% meta put the focus on artificial intelligence. mark zuckerberg said the next two years a copy will focus on growing products and engagement before monetizing the business, joining me cfr research senior equity analyst angela zeno. what is your take away from the meta report that has a stock
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down 13% this morning. >> the results were pretty good for first quarter and what i spooking investors is not necessarily q2 revenue guide i think there was an expectation going throughout the year that you would start bumping across comps into sharp deceleration growth especially as you go into the second half of the year end the bigger concern is the boost with the cap ex numbers more so on the op ex number because you shift toward the second half of the year in the growth numbers decelerate and all tax increases year-over-year to appoint where you might start seeing optics outgrow revenue later this year and that's not something that the wall street typically likes to see that's probably what's weighing on the stock a little bit more than what you saw on the revenue guide. maria: you're talking about operating expenses and uc expenses go higher for meta and
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people are worried they're putting too much out there in terms of operating expenses. >> especially formatter than other big tech names out there, when you think about meta over the last five to six quarters the reason for the momentum obviously they have been more efficient in terms of conserving optics numbers than anybody else on the street. we've seen a huge jump up in the earnings trajectory for this company now going toward the latter half of this year and were partly 2025 i think it puts into question a little bit of what the margin trajectory is going to look like going into next year, the street hates uncertainty and that's what you're seeing from meta. maria: you have other stocks under pressure as well meta setting the tone, we have also been microsoft reporting numbers "after the bell" tonight are you expecting the same expense worry
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when we hear from these two in terms of operating expenses being higher than folks want? >> we need to give digital ad and cloud names. you look at the momentum and it continues to be on the positive side of things. when you think about the ongoing shift towards a.i. it's going to cost a lot more than most out the anticipated and it's definitely going to weigh on op ex anacapa. i don't know if you necessarily see the type of numbers provided by microsoft and also that that you saw on the meta side of things but trajectory lead to the upside and that will weigh on the margin in the cap ex numbers out there. maria: it is interesting, jumping it works for amazon, for years amazon kept saying were worried about profitable monetizing business when we monetize it right now will this grow product. >> then they turn the prophets pick it on and it works well.
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i have a question for you, when you look at the magnificent seven. obviously they driven returns over the course of the last 12 plus months. when you look at what we've heard so far tesla said please be patient were to come out with a cheaper car and meta said be patient were working on a.i. and apple cut shipments by 50%. those three things do not sound good are you concerned about the magnificent seven potentially sending the market into a downward spiral? >> i wouldn't necessarily say i'm worried about a downward spiral but i would say i expected a near-term digestion from some of the mag seven names part of it covering some of the expectations out there. our view has been a broadening out within the tech sector and i think you're starting to see a lot of that.
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some of the performance at uc or some of the commentary from some of the names and terms of the mag seven is definitely helping the potential for semiconductors and i think that's where the excitement has been year to date on the semi conductor side of things that probably continues to drive when you think tech performance over the next 3 - 6 months. maria: nvidia has been the poster child with the a.i. semiconductor chips. real quick before you go how would you assess overall earnings. what kind of growth are you expecting for the first quarter for profits overall. >> as far as the semi conductor and tax side we continue to look for pretty good profits in the first quarter of the year. again is going to decelerate as the year progresses and whether that sours some sentiment with the tech side of things remains to be seen. maria: good to see you, thank
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you so much. angelo zino president biden signed a $95 billion aid package in refusing to secure the southern border house foreign affairs georgia congressman richard mccormick coming up after the break. stay with us. ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments.
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>> america is going to send ukraine supplies they need to keep them in the fight. this weekend the reports of cheers breaking out of trenches this bill also includes vital support for israel. my commitment to israel i want to make clear is ironclad this includes $1 billion for additional humanitarian aid in gaza and israel must make sure all the aid reaches the palestinians in gaza without delay. maria: that is president biden speaking after the $95 billion foreign aid package into law touting more than 60 billion going to ukraine, the weapons package worth a billion dollars is already on its way to heave. the package includes the law
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which will force the tiktok chinese parent company by dance to sell the opera phase abandoned the united states but the biden's campaign tiktok account is still active joining us richard mccormick house of the foreign affairs and armed services committees in the gop doctors caucus, good to see you thank you very much for being here, your reaction to the bill, now law the $95 billion foreign aid package with no security at the border. >> that is the biggest charges they of all he's ignoring the will of the people and quite frankly i would love to see hr2 included in this when we had border security codified it was obviously included in the past but if you think about what is not doing. about more about foreign countries in his own country and ignoring the will of the people not securing the wall, not securing our border agents and not processing abridging the men but turn people away that are trying to come here illegally,
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invaded our country, 20 congressional districts were the people coming here not to pay taxes and not to work but to consume into get voter privileges and even though they can't vote they get representation that's absolutely absurd we need to call him out on it clinton and obama ran on border security and trump did a fantastic job of confine need the laws by executive order remain in mexico, completing the wall, biden has ignored those and secure the border with the snap of his fingers he doesn't even need a new law but he does not care he wants to work the future of america. maria: were trying to figure out we were talking during the commercial break why in how it's possible the leader of the free world is completely refusing to put any new security at the border. why, why would he do this he claims he wanted to set it border deal to be included in the foreign aid package, karine jean-pierre continues to downplay the impact of any executive order that could come out of the white house.
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watch this. >> one thing the bill does not do, border security. i proposed a no go sheet into the strongest border security bill this country has ever ever seen it should've been included in this bill. >> no executive action is going to do what the border security plan would've done. maria: your thoughts? >> it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. literally the same laws that existed during clinton and obama and trump that were securing the border where you could deport people still exist today, he's ignoring those things in the joke that the senate had a strong bill that was going to help secure the border is a joke. it started at 5.5 million people covered across the border then will decide if we want to do something that he ignores anyways this is an absurd trying
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to spend on what the senate was sending our way, that was not a compromise that was a giveaway that was the weakest bill on securing the border ever. maria: he's trying hard to blame republicans despite the fact that his bed and plays for three years in the oval office hasn't done anything except make the border wide open. jump in here. because when president trump dealt with the border he had deals in place, he and mike pompeo and others did negotiations with those countries mexico, guatemala, they had deals in place in president biden came into the oval office and reversed all of it. >> exactly right there's plenty he could do and all he has to do is what was done before but i think we all know and congress set it this is for political reasons, they see this as a political benefit and they campaigned on it. your point is good even if you passed hr2 there is no reason to
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think president biden would enforce this anymore than he's enforcing the current law because i don't see any reason to think so he just wants as a campaign issue this year how you see this playing out. >> that's exactly what it is a campaign issue he wants to make sure he's not blamed for what he created that the irony of all of this he wants to pretend it's congress' fault that we have a secure the border when all he has to do is snap his fingers and say it's done. i would have to codify hr2 which we passed over a year ago that set in the senate and they want to talk about pretending to take the border seriously, we know if they thought these people were coming across the border to go to republican districts and vote republican that that would be outraged of the functional deaths 110,000 people that died or the rates of 70% of women who come across the border or the child trafficking or the other wars happening to these people,
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they don't care about that it's about shifting the demographics from california, illinois and new york pick up congressional seats that they lost because the migration of people who are paying taxes and working to the conservative areas of the nation. maria: were looking on the left side of the screen. a shot of president trump meeting with construction workers in new york city. president trump has to be in court all day long. he's choosing 630 in the morning to do a press conference before he has to be in court to speak with people outside in new york city. he is downtown right now and is talking with construction workers but the point is president trump has to be the courtroom while president biden is campaigning. trump has a gag order in place, isn't it interesting this will be the split screen until the election trump in the courtroom inviting campaigning and attacking trump.
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>> they really do i think somebody people think this is politically motivated and they look at donald trump and see what he saying in the moments he's making every opportunity that he can count and it's absolutely staggering to people the support biden they cannot understand how trump gains momentum with all of this happening. they talk about him in a way that they don't get it but when you talk about working-class americans, 85% that donald trump cares about people like them and it's moment likes this. maria: what is your assessment this is president trump outside of the j.p. morgan building in midtown manhattan before he's got to go into the courtroom downtown. congressman? >> if you can say nothing else about trump's indomitable and energy of nobody else. we talk about people's age and
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biden in this cognitive decline, trump is as sharp as he ever was it he brings the energy out there doing what he can with a corrupt department of justice working against him. these charges are insane especially in new york this case, all these trumped up charges should be dismissed and we need to get onto the election that's only hope because the worst president we've ever had in the united states nation especially on border security. maria: president biden picked up an endorsement from the building trade union yesterday. biden spoke with union workers at a washington conference any claim that trump doesn't share the same values of hard-working americans. watch this. >> is trying to attack trump and president biden posted this on x he plans to let the trump era tax cuts expire claiming the only benefit the wealthy. what is your take on this in terms of the tax cuts about to
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expire at joe biden gets his way on top of it economy that is questionable were waiting for the gdp numbers but if we see the tax plans expire and then see president biden's plans to raise taxes by five and half trillion dollars doesn't that impacted economy that is wavering? >> two things raising taxes, the corporate taxes above what china and russia have that is not the united states and the idea that we can spend our way out of it and create inflation. that is a cowards tax and we've been doing it for three years were people's income is worth less than less compared to the reasons and we pretend like were getting raises but were taking away their money every week every year and you can see the price of inflation. the government is sucking the life out of families across the united states and entirely biden seven restrictions fault they're coming after us and we need to get rid of them now.
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maria: it's interesting he tries to blame trump for everything but people understand what all of that spending has meant and why inflation is where it is. they blame joe biden. >> they should he's the one that spent into a bolivian and has a cowardly stacks of inflation and the reason your bank account doesn't mean as much of your retirement so you have to work longer this is not what america was based on, the government doesn't get to be the standard morality to decide 70 transgender is going to be more or if you get a medical treatment for your doctor, the government should not be a standard we should never have to turn to the government to solve the problem that the government created in the first place he's so off-track and so disconnected with american society and he needs to be replaced of president trump now. maria: good to see you, thank you very much, richard mccormick i want to show you what's going on in midtown manhattan president trump assigning make america great hats. these are a lot of construction
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workers, let's listen in for a moment. >> four more years, four more years, four more years and four more years. maria: the crowd chanting four more years for president trump right now, lee carter this is what donald trump does best working with and interacting with the people. >> no doubt about it. an interesting setting done about the brand of joe biden versus the brand of donald trump when you look at this it encapsulates exactly what they said. when they talk about the brand of donald trump he defends my values and aligns my values and gives voice to my concerns and recognizes the values of americans like me in safeguarding the american dream. he is seen as someone who cares. a lot of people including the left saying he doesn't, he is seeing the world through mar-a-lago and joe biden through
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screen, that's not what the american people see, they see a man fighting for them and is proven that joe biden's breanne is very, very different and is not as emotional or connected and when you see moments like this you can see the power that that connection has. >> example close to home being from cleveland, ohio as is palestinian. if you remember donald trump he went to east policy almost immediately after the toxic train wreck. biden it took him one year, that is what i think the american voters have come to expect from these two, donald trump will be there and he will show up, 99% of the battle he has to show up and biden does it. >> there watching what is happening behind the closed doors of the trial and feeling this is unfair for just the law.
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>> i've done a lot of work and the teamsters and they like me a lot of teamsters here. it's an amazing show of affection but we did a great j job. >> we want trump, we want trump. >> look at the building look at what we can do, a lot of great buildings in these great people with great support. it's really amazing. they are very, very talented people, they don't get the credit for. very few people can do what they can do. it was guys like this that did it. it's very amazing.
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>> david has been very nice he's a nice guy. >> we have a big case today this judge is not allowing me to go. we have a big case in the supreme court of presidential immunity and president has to have immunity. if you don't have immunity you just adversary ammonia president should. [shouting] >> usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa, usa. [cheering] maria: the crowd chanting usa and we want trump as president trump in new york city this morning talking with the people and construction workers, the teamsters union is what he
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mentioned president trump meeting with hundreds of construction workers this morning in new york city midtown manhattan as they chant we want trump and usa before he goes to court later this morning. caterpillar earnings hitting the take the stock is down right now, let's get to lauren simonetti with the details. >> it isn't douse doused stock s better than expected but revenue $15.8 billion in the quarter versus expectation of over 16 billion as miss that's where the stock is down $8 or 2% at the moment cat considered a bellwether and if the beneficiary and it is up 22% on the year. the nfl draft is happening today in retaking a look at the top five picks, usa quarterback caleb williams is expected to go first to the chicago bears, all
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odds lsu quarterback and heisman winner as the number two pick he could be headed to the washington commanders and looking like unc drake may will be the number three pick and likely go to the new england patriots, ohio state junior marvin harrison could be headed to the cardinals while lsu junior malika neighbors could end up in new york with the giants. the three day draft kicked off tonight 8:00 o'clock eastern and you'll be speaking with a former baltimore ravens head coach brian billick later in the show on his predictions and what it stands to give the city of detroit. maria: looking forward to the interview at 845. secretary of state is a duplicate calling on china to provide a level playing field for american business in a meeting with shanghai communist party secretary earlier today. he is traveling to beijing where he is expected to meet senior communist party officials including china's foreign minister tomorrow. it's not clear to me was xi
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jinping, anthony bleecker previewed his talks on a video with x, watch this. >> we just arrived in shanghai and the people's republic of china to work on issues that matter to the american people, one of those is fentanyl, synthetic opioids, president biden, president xi when they met at the end of last year agreed to cooperate to help prevent fentanyl and the ingredients that make it from getting into the united states and of course we will be dealing were areas where we have real differences with china, face-to-face diplomacy matter is important for miscommunication, misperception and to advance the interest of the american people. maria: gate stone institute senior fellow and author of the coming collapse of china and china is going to work, gordon chang back with us i want to get your assessment of anthony blankenship to china he said face-to-face diplomacy is really important. it seems the face-to-face is
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happening because the u.s. keeps going back to beijing i don't see the chinese officials coming here to do the face-to-face diplomacy. >> this is really counterproductive. the reason the chinese believe that they have a veto over some areas of america policy and they have been saying that in the propaganda and the run-up to anthony blinken's visit. he should understand you can't talk to china and what you have to do is impose cost in baking is not a solution to any of this and he is begging. maria: it feels that way in the biden harris reelection campaign says that they will stay on tiktok even after biden signed legislation yesterday to force the chinese parent company by dance to sell the social media app or face a band tiktok is vowing to chalices law and court in the legislation part of the 95 billion aid package included $8 billion for indo pacific region. your thoughts. >> first of all on tiktok, we know tiktok is stealing data
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from american to have it on their phones and beijing is using this for blackmail in the future because it's learning all about tiktok users. i know biden wants to get reelected but he has a responsibility, he's the president of the united states and he knows what the chinese are doing and he has the power to stop and he is not doing it which means he's probably accepting that china steals all the data in addition to all the problems that tiktok causes. maria: of course it's acceptable he hasn't done anything, the communist party of china has been stealing intellectual property for decades and you have not seen this administration do anything to hold china to account which of the hundreds of billions of dollars of intellectual property for american businesses this is been going on for a long time. >> the playing field is not level is a huge problem but in regards to tiktok i would love to get your take what's so ironic about the tiktok band we want to make sure china doesn't have access to the data because
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china is a country where they confiscate assets imprisoned executives for speaking out against the government. we want to move the data back to the u.s. company so the u.s. government can confiscate our assets. i would love to get your take on the tiktok thing. >> to national security threats there is data theft in china uses the cure ration algorithm to promote suicide, self harm illegal drug use and reseal the protest across american campuses of the hamas video on tiktok, 96.5% support the terrorist group so we have all the protest across the country and this is china they did this in the 2020 campaign to hurt trump and they're doing it now and we know what's going on. maria: not just data theft but propaganda in the communist party piles on to all of our
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political conversations and are doing it again with negative stories and propaganda about israel, that's what we've been seeing since october 7. >> if you go back to 2020 we know trying to use tiktok to promote violence on america specifically to foment ryan's that is an act of war in a federal crime. we can do it without compensation with forfeiture statues. this is important, we do not have a political system that is protecting our country from an unknown threat. maria: this is something that they make people understand quite well. >> one of the things of the brandies was talking about donald trump. he is known to understand the true enemies. the fact that donald trump will talk about china with honesty and joe biden will not call them an enemy they say competitor is a big impact on american voters. what do you think the impact is on our relationship you think it's important that we call them
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competitors instead of enemies. >> the chinese know this is not right. they know that they're involved in a total war against the u.s. they call us in the enemy and you have a president that won't even call them an adversary. the chinese believe that they can take advantage. they have been doing that across the board so words matter and we need a president was willing to say to the american people that the chinese regime is an enemy and if we don't do that were not to take the measures that will defend our country. maria: an enemy or an adversary. at a minimum an adversary but they refused to say what the situation really is and that stokes more questions whether the skies compromise. the house oversight has reported on millions of dollars of the biden family has taken in from china. i would like to know if the soft approach to communist china is because of that, we don't know. it's also an issue at the border. we have heard from government
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officials that the chinese communist party is working with the drug cartels to push fentanyl through the country into america in the drug cartels at the secondary player if the ccp running operation. >> we have 100,000 drug overdose every single year. maria: is not an overdose it is a poison, people do not say i'm going to take this and i took too much. they don't know what they're taking, they were poison. >> 100,000 per year this administration doesn't seem to care and it's interesting secretary blinken was talking about it and i would like to ask you he second about cooperation and things like that. if the ccp wanted to stop the precursors affected on getting to mexico and getting here would they be able to do and how long would it take read it wouldn't take very long china runs a surveillance tape these fentanyl gains are large and they
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obviously know what their doing and some of the fentanyl producers are state owned chinese diplomats give coverage in every container that leaves china is inspect and they launder the proceeds for the state banking system, they know what's going on they can stop it but they don't. by the way our president knows what the chinese are doing, he has the memes to stop and he's not stopping. at a minimum 70000, 100,000, however, many poison deaths. >> this is something where the president accepts it it's acceptable to the president of the united states. if your less charitable he approves but in any case is morally responsible for all of the deaths in the united states. maria: great knowledge on the subject. as always we appreciate your time. southwest airlines earnings h te airlines missed expectation on earnings-per-share and revenue we're going to check the stock in the airline sector when we come right back.
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sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. maria: time for the morning buzz president trump using his time in your exceeding meeting with construction workers moments ago on the upper east side, trump acknowledged the importance of unions before day eight of his hush money child downtown.
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later this morning as you can hear they are chanting for more years and we want trump and usa trump says he has a good chance of winning new york and how he's winning the swing states already. he is winning beating biden and six of the swing states, six out of seven. >> it's pretty impressive in 2020 biden took five or six of the seven. that is a huge swing. what president trump is doing is super impressive. for him to be out there only a small sliver of time and now he can't campaign so he's using that time right here right now because he knows will be in a room all day. maria: help make a point this is election interference and i think people see it that way for you he's in a courtroom all day long and he has to be answering and watching what's going on and you have joe biden visiting the swing states attacking trump talking about abortion. he's on the campaign trail.
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>> the ayes are on donald trump. when you look at joe biden you look at the gas he's making. when he got up in front of the microphone, four more years and reads the word pause out of the teleprompter the contract between that person donald trump in new york city out there at 6:30 a.m. talking to the people, really vibrant. it's the reason why when you look at trump's briand he gets things done he is confident and energetic all of those are not what under joe biden and is quite the contrary it does not help joe biden to be out there as much as you would expect it to he's going to the swing states and losing donald trump is in the courtroom and is winning. maria: we just all president trump use a soundbite that you're referring to president biden at the podium. watch the. >> folks, imagine what we could do next, four more years pause.
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>> four more years, former years. maria: four more years pause. >> he had the teleprompter issue in the past remember when he said" repeat the line. >> is known for these gaffes. they don't get any better. he slurs his words 90% of the time, you cannot understand or he saying. maria: i don't think that sticking either or everything about maga republicans. the idea that you can make america great again a dirty word is a ridiculous. >> it's unbelievable that they can do that. when you look at the brand attributes for each of the candidates. joe biden has four, donald trump has all these others that are really important. joe biden is known as qualified and will uphold democracy. he respects on order indy supports growth, those are the
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four things he's known for. >> he respects on order would secure the border if he respected he would stop forgiving student loan debt. >> when you look at donald trump as a contrast and understands their enemies and get things done. aligns with my values and voiced my concern and strengthens the american reputation recognizing the values of americans like me and safeguard the american dream. the difference between those is unbelievable and joe biden is not emotional it's very rational and it's what is running on. on get a defendant mark was a that is just about all he's known for. maria: if you look at the streets of new york right now, no law and order. if you go to a local drugstore yet to get the manager to open the case to get you toothpaste. law & order, no, joe biden is not. >> is not the law in order and they campaigned against on order
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in 2020 and lee made a good point and invited us on the campaign trail he's actually hurting himself as one gaffe after another and the constant battle with the teleprompter which he usually loses. it's really interesting when joe biden tried to compete with donald trump with chick-fil-a versus huawei wendy's puttering around trying to order a milkshake and shows his ineptitude of the american people see. >> he wears aviators he is so cool. maria: then you see president trump as we saw this morning. a lot more coming up. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back. good foundationer, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i'm is thursday, april 25, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast i hope you're having a good thursday morning many time for the hot topic of the hour. anti-israel protests spreading across college ca campuses acros the country. students yelling pigs go home to several police as arrests were made. in california, police breaking up protests at ucs, hundreds clashing with the department of safety officers. on the east coast, the ivy league en encampments are spreading. princeton students are gearing up for their own. schools warning of possible expulsions. it's complete you chaos. complete chaos.>> the college t
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is getting shorter and shorter. maria: you're going to react as a father sending his daughter to college. you'll remember who did what. >> i had a conversation about her checking out columbia, nyu, ut austin at some point. when this is happening, look, i think columbia's $89,000 a year, tuition, room and board combined. this is what you get for 89 grand a year. students have no idea what they're protesting. when you don't understand the complexity of a situation it's probably best to sit that one out. maria: president biden us is headed to syracuse but he has no plans to visit columbia university. mike johnson gave a heated address at the school yesterday. the speaker called on columbia's president to he resign as protesters heckled him. watch this. >>


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