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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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joe biden's regulatory state including loan cancellation very much like us offer attack on trump is illegal and unconstitutional. it will backfire right on the biden's. i'll just say that and then we have liz mcdonald giving us the straight and narrow midweek hope so. it's already backfiring. we can, it's good to see you.
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let's get out of, welcome to "the evening edit", new off-the-wall claims for biden with howard stern. biden claiming incentives salacious pictures when he was senator declaiming he saved half a dozen people as a lifeguard plus one of whopper of a first, let's get in with kimberly stressful from the wall street out of turning journal board. it's good to see you again everyone is talking about : explaining why these cases against former president trump are wrong, democrat election interference. can you explain that to us? >> it's great to be here. this column was talking about the alvin bragg case right now in manhattan in which we now have to prosecutor claiming donald trump's somehow not revealing to the nation campaign-finance rules this hush money payment sent to an adult
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film actress somehow engaged in election fraud or interference and we can go through why that us absurd but i think all this does is underline how crazy most of these cases have been. we saw one of the supreme court this week where the court was skeptical about the ability of jack smith to bring some of these charges, they been stretched to such a limit the question is law. whether or not the people who really are interfering in the election are those bringing suit for the sole purpose of tearing down the private opponent in a campaign potentially even jailing him prior to the election so they can keep our. >> these court cases against trump are all out will assault connected to the biden white house to stop the political rival trump.
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the courts to knock out and gager opponent. let's not america. >> it's just a real problem. we are used to hearing other countries do things like this. the fact that we have so many in the press corps right now on this situation because there's a short term thinking going on in my was one of the things that was so important the supreme court talked about this week, the person arguing on behalf of jack smith wanted to talk about the specifics of this case and suggested is one time figure will never deal with this again and the court wanted to talk about was we are breaking these standards and norms and you have a special prosecutor who feel they can't engage in a former president over somewhat stretched charges. what's to stop anyone from continuing that pattern and every computer president facing the prospect of this? i think it's an important thing a lot of those people cheering on lawsuits are forgetting about what we can potentially be doing to the country here. >> they want to impeach trump
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even before he sat down in the oval office, they moved on impeachment charges within six months. people rioted the day he was in and operated. they leaked tax returns and try to knock him off multiple state ballots and nancy pelosi basically stonewalled any attempt by trump to reform whether america needed of the time. when you look at da breaks case, it's been called seriously week, no one can figure out what exactly the federal felony is, the pump estate books and records misdemeanor claim and estate conspiracy claim against trump only affects state races, not federal elections. how is it a conspiracy if it's a national enquirer's business model as david packer testified to suppress damaging stories for other individuals in the public eye like a manual and arnold schwarzenegger? >> this has been an interesting
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part of the case which is prosecutors will be sorry they decided to go down this road rushing because catch and kill is not illegal taking stories and then not publishing them. we have what's called a breath exemption in this country, a lot of newspapers openly endorsed candidates in sports of high and sometimes they openly do it but they are doing it nonetheless. the argument out there this week is what essentially come out is this happens all the time with the national enquirer and celebrities. this is important because if donald trump was asking the national enquirer, let's assume he was but the goal was not anything to do with his campaign but simply because he wanted to protect his celebrity reputation because he didn't want his family to know anything about this than that closing whole and alvin bragg's argument that somehow these payments are made solely for the purpose of
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helping his campaign and therefore somehow helping him engage in election fraud democrats reasonable doubt, if one juror agrees than the case goes toward trump winds and alvin bragg loses. a lot of talk how special counsel jack smith team has been meeting with biden white house insiders. certainly fani willis team from a they can wait and george 2020 case met with biden white house so it's what biden has been doing given that he spent in d.c. since 1974th never working the private sector, he knows how to pull the levers of power in d.c. to keep him in power but what is interesting, final word, you would think this case would hurt trump with new york voters but they call it full, trump is within ten points of joe biden a blue new york state. 37%, look at this. trump is beating biden by 14
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points swing voters with independent voters, 46% to 32% inside new york state. final word. >> i think a couple things going on, voters are very smart looking at this from a they understand the locker aspect and concerning issues about that. i think the democrats thought they would keep the attention on trump and it would be negative headlines and a lot of voters are asking is why is nobody out there talking about the issues that matter to us especially this white house? it's all trump, trump, trump, is he so terrible? they want to hear about inflation, national security they want to hear about how their gas prices were going on pretty white house doesn't have an answer in the fact that they are keeping donald trump in the news in a way that's unflattering 2000 their site is on this question of unfair justice, i don't think it's necessarily doing them any benefit. >> a terrific interview, so smart. thanks for joining us, continue,
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terrific writer. joining us now, reported strategist portal, and ceo of america majority, one and only that ryan and the only ford. axios is reporting the biden white house monday operated president biden looks so old to voters shuffling along to marine one, they will surround him with other eight block the cameras to block the media on this. what you think? >> i think the train has left the station, 86% of americans say joe biden is too old to serve another four yes because he does not have the ability, ability and mental acuity to continue to be president and that's why the presidency. the lights are on but nobody's home. >> what ford just said, this is the presidency used to bullying reporters, alien paternalist, getting their way. look at this move by the new
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york times. the new york times blasted president biden for "unaccountable because he's quote systematically and actively avoiding the press and major news organizations doing far fewer press conferences and less interview was his predecessors biden is setting a dangerous precedent of avoiding accountability. that's the new york times. >> i would say the obvious, he's incapable of having press conferences and extended interviews, he lacks cognitive ability to have longform interviews or behind the podium answering questions on the fly. i couldn't be happier new york times and biden white house during the firing squad, troubling sign for biden's reelection. let's not forget 2020 the propaganda like the new york times for significant problem promoting biden's campaign in 2020 and the fact that there might be fissures and that alliance, i think the biden
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campaign should be a little worried about that coming in to the november elections. >> the time says biden and h repeatedly blow off with the new york times and the washington post, he doesn't talk to the post, he hasn't talked to the "wall street journal", hasn't sat down with cnn, biden won't do that but today he sat down with howard stern basically president biden went off the rails. he made some wild claims, fact checkers have already questioned it's false. this is off the teleprompter. listen to this. >> i will put in the ambassador's list. >> you are a catch. >> a lot of lovely women but fallacious pictures and i just give them to the secret service mcdonald think a lot of people know you work a star receiver in high school. you are like the first guy, the guy who caught the ball. >> running up the state storing.
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>> was anybody drowning? >> have a dozen times. >> let me back up. he claims he rescued half a dozen, no proof of that. he basically claimed he got salacious photos when he was senator from women and gave them to the secret service. was the other thing he said? he's on the ten most eligible bachelors list and a runner high school in the football team in the state, second and what, catches? there's no proof of that. the washington post already gave a report for another wild claim in the interview. he claimed he will was arrested on the front porch with a black family during the civil rights march. these exaggerated -- but for pinocchio's on the.
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>> joe biden is a case study that happens when you have a lifetime of product line, cognitive decline. three years he's been in the white house, he's told so many lies it's impossible to quantify. the folks have tried the press let's most of them go by mistake defy gravity just like the idea of him being arrested. >> what's really concerning is the younger generation. this is abnormal, this is abnormal president. abnormal he's running an abnormal presidency. it's off the wall. constant stream and flood of lies so perverse, so cynical it defies the imagination. we can't keep up with it. >> we have to remember biden is not really running this administration, he was put in place just because he seemed to be the one who could be trump in 2020. we can have a lot of questions about how the election was run but i want to reinforce what
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ford said, biden is a chronic lawyer lawyer and has been that way since the cognitive decline now going that he's lost 3r star steps. this is why the new york times is complaining, this isn't any anytime soon. >> is been in d.c. since 74, he's never worked in the private sector or had to have checks and balances we have out here in the real world and he's been living, taxpayers have been funding it for generations. thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. still ahead, russell fry from house judiciary, congressman mike mills from foreign affairs and services also former d.o.j. attorney hans von spakovsky and charly arnolt. democrats and the media attacked the u.s. supreme court or potentially delaying the trump 20 case until after the ele election. we got why that case could derail this civil liberties violation even more u.s. banks
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now 13 of them reportedly worked in the biden white house to secretly spy on americans private financial transactions. without getting words and even though they were not charged with any crime. also, outreach tunes and the families speak out against biden undercutting women's sports by changing title ix to that in biological males. more states, florida, oklahoma, louisiana. they are going to flat out ignore biden care plus fox news jupiter liz peek, she's terrific. bidenomics crashing. planning for the u.s. economy. inflation again comes in harder than expected plus another brand-new gallup pope again says biden is least popular, at least like to present in modern u.s. history, even lower than those
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who lost reelection. trump talks about a rally, cops and firefighters, biden is again expected to hold a glitzy elite hollywood event with barack obama. all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪ -so, what's the code? -it says 547. 5-well, that's not working. dad, she really needs to pee. [baby crying] we're gonna get in in a minute, okay? -it's not opening. -well, i'll call. representative.
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economy goes to a two year low of 1.6%. this is gdp growth. inflation again heats up, warnings are growing wall street of carter era stagflation. the eternal sunshine of the white house again downplaying warning signs to get biden elected. hilary vaughn of the white house with mark. >> the white house economic teams big take away on this week's economic news is stagflation is definitely not happening. >> as is the start of inflation? >> when you look at incomes, they are growing faster than inflation. >> why isn't this the start, lower inflation growing up. >> when consumer spending and investment rise, 2% in the fourth quarter, that is nothing like a scenario.
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>> not the rose used economic picture for the president, treasury secretary janet yellen saying she things the crispy revisions that make the economic picture look a little bit better but some analysts say sticky inflation is not going away because president biden has not stopped spending money we don't have. others worry political pressure for fed chair jerome powell to cut weight could make inflation even worse. >> you see the inflation rate ethically, growth slow, that is textbook stagflation. talk about cutting rates instead of raising, it makes no sense. they are doing it for political purposes. >> there's political pressure in washington to get jerome powell to cut rates. elizabeth warren is one who has tried to pressure powell to lower rates for the high housing costs. >> great reporting is always. look who's here, fox news contributor and columnist, liz
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peek you heard the white house talking points on the economy, what is your reaction? >> the economy is not in dire shape and there's only one reason, joe biden continues to spend money like crazy. we are spending about 25% of gdp. before the pandemic, the norm was around 21% the jay powell is doing his best to raise interest rates and slow the economy but at the other end of pennsylvania avenue you have spending going on and it isn't stopping so the imf came out last week saying it was unsustainable, it clearly is unsustainable but you got to admit it's going to go on through the election because joe biden is buying votes. $84 billion to pay off interest on student loans because he's in trouble with young voters. you can pick up a lot of stuff going on. it's pretty bad. i think it's tough to imagine a soft landing going forward.
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>> by the way, americans average weekly earnings i think are down to 2.9% after inflation hunter biden. is this what voters see? greg gutfeld what it does, construction workers shouting out usa and you compare that to protesters shouting death to america. now you've got reports president biden spending to a glitzy elite hollywood fundraiser with obama but trump talks about a rally for cops and firefighters madison square garden in the bronx. >> i think trump could pull that off, i think are so much anger in the country about inflation, the cost of living which as we know from daily lived experiences much worse than 3% number now actually in the last three months running at an annualized rate of .4%. when you look at cap fairs and airline tickets and rent and all
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kinds of things, most people experience a higher rate of inflation and their wages are not keeping up, people are falling behind. lily low income americans are falling behind which is why credit following it has gone through the roof and languages on the rise. >> the bottom 20% not seen wages budget like to generations as you say a lot of taxpayer money, he says to create jobs for workers but the money is igniting inflation hitting workers. watch this cap by the president, he mistakenly said he sending u.s. jobs overseas and then you will hear the head of the new york union of the issues. >> we are exploiting american jobs, exploiting american products and creating american jobs. >> the union movement has made the middle class and we are a
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patriotic union and pro- america so my members right now, i put audible, president trump leaving joe biden 321 of my pull 9000 members right now. we are tired of the situation groceries, inflation, gas prices, illegal immigration, crime. >> trump is leading with union workers so he hit all the issues but forgot to talk about this. today the feds favor inflation gauge called personal consumption expenditures. 2.7% above economists expectations for 2.6% gain is higher than february's reading. pce knockout food and groceries, but kaman hot. nearly doubling to 3.7% from 2%.
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that's not even including food and gas which happen soaring higher so when you see consumer spending for the two thirds of gdp, is it any wonder that slow down during the first quarter? >> no and there is no surprise to that call. again, i think what's happening is people who really can't afford a lot of essentials are putting more on their credit cards. remember those credit card rates are over 20%, as high as 25%. nobody bows on that level unless they absolutely have to. >> show the poll that the president has average approval rating, biden's approval rating is the lowest and modern history funding doctor 38%, lower than when other presidents lost like george w. bush shall when you see that, but it sure about what
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you were about to say. approval rating is critical too whether an incumbent wins or loses? >> absolutely and show me three issues where biden is doing the right thing and people are happy with what's happening. immigration is a huge issue and that is pumping up spending. we have five, 6 million people in the country spending a lot of money so i'm not surprised she's underwater. >> thank you, have a good weekend. still ahead, former d.o.j. attorney hans von spakovsky again attacking the u.s. supreme court or possibly delaying the trump 2020 case until after the election. we are going to dig into why the high court appears open to allowing some presidential immunity plus congressman russell site house judiciary. why was the biden white house
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with more u.s. banks reportedly 13 u.s. banks plus paypal and western union to secretly spy on americans financial transactions but without any court warrant even though they were not charged with any crime. coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ and when i got there, they have the sushi- this is clem. like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person.
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back with us now from house judiciary, congressman russell fry, it's good to see you. this story true? the biden white house got at least 13 u.s. banks also including paypal and western union to spy americans private financial transactions without any court warrant and any allegations of crimes charged after january 6. the civil liberties issue.
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>> met is the crux of where we are at. the concern is we know this is bank of america we no space on testimony that come before the committee that other banks were involved. here's the thing from of the fourth amendment is not a suggestion, it's a requirement the federal government obtain a warrant if they have reason to believe you are engaged in a criminal enterprise criminal activity. cut not done herself if you purchase the bible, the bible story, you visit gander mountain, your tank is a potential target under this and what we have seen from this white house this administration is this emphasis urgent to private data. the banks are composite as well turning it over voluntarily the federal government is at the center of this egregious incursion civil liberties. >> some constitutional so how did it work? the biden white house got the
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treasury department chemical unit of treasury to work with 13 u.s. banks and paypal and western communion to track americans financial transactions looking for extreme indicators and the indicators were like the purchase of a bible a gun and then searches on the terms markup and trump and then they turn that data over to the fbi to investigate americans without a warrant to troubling sides of the coin. the federal governments requested this information without the benefit of the line and as an innocent purchaser, you have no idea that this is happening the other side is banks are voluntarily turning over information because federal agency requested, that's also problematic because these are personal financial records. if you are engaged in some sort of activity that warrants a
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warrant you will get one you could survey out but to do it in this way is deeply troubling for civil liberties. >> and there's no charges to begin with, or allegations. this includes bank of america, chase, u.s. bank, wells fargo, citibank, charles schwab, hsbc and western union. the report is bank of america sent suspicious activity reports on 211 bank customers to the fbi and four federal agents were deployed to field offices to investigate for americans for gun purchases. >> that is the troubling part. thanks not extensions of the federal government. the data isn't pretty accessible to the government. this is your private data and i have a hard time believing federal government would do that that's where we are and that is
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the problem with this administration, they've given every opportunity to uphold the constitution and they seem to be doing everything else but so we will investigate this and push back. >> thank you for joining us tonight, it's good to see you. let's welcome to the show former justice department attorney hans von spakovsky. it's great to have you on. what you make of these reports coming in? nine diprete justices to discuss former president trump's presidential immunity claims against special counsel jackson's cases, what you make of this? jamie raskin and zoe in the last media saying they are angry, attacking the supreme court or possibly delaying this past the election, what you think of this? >> i think it is attacks because they are afraid the supreme court will make a proper constitutional decision. as for the delay, it is jack smith brought this case up before the supreme court and get
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a decision to them but i think they are afraid of his they are not going to get what they want which was the extreme position by the justice department but no president should be entitled to any kind of immunity for official asked taken while they were both of them. that doesn't fit within constitutional precedent or historical precedent on this. >> the supreme court may send back to the lower courts because there are serious constitutional issues at play here because the way the language of the statute written, it's two separate official acts from private acts before any judicial proceedings can start. let's watch the democrat men trump attorney will scharf and jonathan turley. >> really the debate today showed a serious problem purchase they are not deciding the case before them instead of
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engaging in fancy government involved for the delay. >> public we could have all agreed thomas and alito, i'm not surprised. those two long ago traded in their robes for red heart. >> the justices are taking or constitutional questions very seriously and excited to see what they come down with the end of the term. >> a good day for donald trump because the justices really were not buying into the d.c. circuit's approach. that doesn't mean they will take trump is immune from prosecution but at minimum if that is the case, they would likely have to remand it to the district court to say we need you to develop this record a little further. if they do that, it's hard to see how this could possibly be tried before the election. >> you heard attempts by zoloft
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to politicized this. supreme court justices they are trying to go through, they seem to be looking for this. what they are looking for is to find out whether there are a way to provide narrow protection for president or constitutional duties and worried about hampering the power future presidents. >> they were skeptical and went justice capital and a leader asked the government it will stop a creative prosecutor as capital said, abusive prosecutor from going after former presidents. the answer was, there's all these layers to stop that from happening. at the same time trump couldn't
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be in the supreme court. why? and abuse of prosecution and new york. that case was making the case for trump and for supreme court. >> in other words, he doesn't have presidential immunity from those cases. thanks for joining us, it's good to see you. still ahead, charly arnolt students and families are outraged coast-to-coast that biden undercutting title ix protections and biological meant into women's sports. title ix has advanced women's sports since the early 70s. a new push back from florida, louisiana and oklahoma telling their schools to ignore because he is hurting formant sports. first, dagen and brian brenberg and for sean. what you have coming up? >> job i'd like to talk about scranton buddies hanging out with a lot of types. china coal is, biden cracking
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down. what that means for the website. >> coal california. airline donnie is here talking about snubnosed terrorists sympathizers known as college students for standing up in favor of hamas and derek functional with china, how about walking the talk closing theok border? top of the hour. ye ♪go in.
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okay, that's uncalled for. joining us now, charly arnolt is back with us. good to see you again. there with us, we have news coming in. more and more states, florida, oklahoma, louisiana, they are not going to comply with biden's changes to title ix letting biological males into women sports. they are saying we are not going to comply. they are instructing schools in their states to ignore biden because biden is hurting women's sports and being unconstitutional. it sounds like civil rights height for women, leica court fight could be coming. >> absolutely. you look at the reason why title ix was created in the first place. decades ago, created to give women opportunities they normally wouldn't have given the
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face they enjoyed for joe biden to completely erase history and take away safe spaces for women in command state leaders for putting the put them and you could doctor honest about this and hopefully many more to come. i'm putting your foot down to say we are going to protect the girls and women in our state of our administration is going to end it sickening to me there aren't more leaders sending up because they are seeing so many instances of young girls, as monies middle school saying i am uncomfortable competing against biological boys i don't even want to compete, they've protested by not competing and that's something they shouldn't have to deal with even in an older age and i wish more people would stand up for these younger girls. >> and they are physically harmed like volleyball, lacrosse, field hockey, fes festival. this economics has title ix changes as dumb as they are
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dangerous and giving media the right to steal opportunities from exceptional women. we'd like you to listen to florida ron desantis and former ncaa champions swimmer riley gaines here. >> florida rejects joe biden's attempt to rewrite title ix. we will not compliant and we will fight back. we are not going to let joe biden tried to inject men into women's activities. we are not going to let joe biden undermine the rights of errands and we are not going to let joe biden abuse is constitutional authority to try to impose these policies on us here in florida. we stand with opportunities, we are not going to let biden get away with it. we will not comply. >> that something not only apologists women sports as we know it, this would allow men and women's locker rooms, changing spaces, this would potentially off meant to be
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houston blame rooms with women, and issue 95% of common sense everyday americans in parents, coaches, female athletes themselves see this happening and it turns them away, it is a battle of red versus blue. whether whether this is same versus insane, moral versus e evil. >> biden administration reportedly saying public schools don't comply with what biden did, they may not get federal taxpayer money so schools of hostages by withholding tax revenues played into the system, is not fair? >> it's not fair at all because at first as it originally stood, states were losing federal funding if they did not abide by title ix. now if they don't embrace
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ideology, they are at stake of losing federal funding and discuss me because you politicians on the left thing they are using maga politicians so not understanding of the needs that they are so hateful for not wanting to pass this rewrite. >> it's about the safety of women. thank you so much, will have you back on again soon. this story coming in, anti- israel protesters even disrupted nancy pelosi's speech in the uk plus a new university poll for the kennedy dog. a majority of our students not even following the war in gaza. house foreign affairs, cory will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall.
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things like war longer. let's listen to former president trump here. >> we having protests all over pretty sacrament charlottesville. chart charlottesville was a peanut and nothing compared and the hate was not the kind of hate you have here. this is tremendous hate we can't talk about it he doesn't understand it. he doesn't understand is going on with our country. all over the world being left at as a country because of him and his administration. click so sorry we are having technical difficulties with congressman mills. we are going to bring back charlie arnold she has graciously decided to stick around for this one. charlie, thank you for stepping in but we really appreciate you. your reaction to what you just heard? if adam schiff slams of people criticizes the democrats are going weak on crime he was just robbed in san francisco. and then you have nancy pelosi's speech in uk disrupted by protesters. people do not like to feel like things are out of control.
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>> yes, but things are deafly out of control. we are seeing that all over the country in so many different instances for it especially right now we want to talk about all the anti- israel protest going on all of her college campuses. i saw an tiktok early from a girl and my heart broke for her. she's graduating from usc. all the pro- palestinian she was unable to attend her high school graduation in 2020 because of covid. now she's not able to attend a college graduation in 2024 the administration refused to condemn all of these protesters all over campus apart at the same thing all over new york city but i live here. i cannot walk down the street peacefully. as far as what nancy pelosi is experiencing, these are the policies they put into place for the do nothing about it. you reap what you sow. >> you w reap what you sow. they did a poll 2000 young
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voters 18 -- 29 years old. lesson four out of 10 closely followed the war in gaza. and charlie, they said the more important issues are inflation, healthcare, jobs, and the economy. and housing. >> is really upsetting. a lot of these voters who are in the younger generations have absolutely no idea if they are doing. they are all quite frankly sheep. there is a protesting camp at this no space at the university of washington. they had to cancel it because of lack of diversity per there wasn't palestinian students taking part in this protest. it's a bunch of students who are getting together causing commotion. not knowing what they're even trying to support. >> charlie, charlie, how about hamas brutality of their own people. human rights abuses there. how about a slap in the face of u.s. veterans who fought terrorism overseas. let's listen to this, watch.
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>> disgrace to the nine states of america they are not happy here. let like anyone else at the knot in america. it's a shame and it is a disgrace for these veterans died and everything else so they could protest against the united states of america. >> charlie am so sorry about 10 seconds. >> it is a disgrace. you have exchange student sourcing death to america. you know the not going to be kicked out of the country because their administration will not take illegal immigrants of this country right now. we are stuck with the situation for now it seems. >> thank you so much charlie arnold you are a terrific respect stepping and thank you for watching evening edit on foxbusiness that does it for us. have a great weekend. now it is time for the bottom line let's send it to dagen and brian good. dagen: thank you. ♪


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