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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good monday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 20, just before 7:00 a.m. on the east coast. time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump will be back in court later this morning for the so-called hush money trial with more cross-examination of his ex lawyer, michael cohen. fox business' lydia hu live from the new york supreme court this morning with the latest. lydia, good morning.
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>> reporter: good morning, maria. that's right, the cross-examination of the prosecution's star witness disbarred attorney michael cohen is set to continue this morning and we expect this is going to be the prosecution's last and final witness so we'll soon see whether the defense is going to put up its own case and call any witnesses. of the witnesses that are possible, one possibility is attorney robert costello, costello offered advice to cohen after cohen's home and office were raided in 2018. costello says cohen claimed then trump had nothing to do with the stormy daniels nondisclosure and cohen is lying now to this jury when he says that trump approved the plan. another possibility, maria, the former president himself, donald trump. although it's rare to see defendants testify, take the stand in their own defense, trump did remark early in the proceedings that he could be willing to testify in his own defense but there are plenty of
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reasons why that is unlikely to happen. for one, it would open trump up to wide ranging cross-examination. andy mccarthy points out that judge merchan would allow prosecutors to tell the jury about the recent new york civil fraud case in which trump was found to have committed persistent fraud over many years and also tell the jury that a federal jury found him liable for defaming e jean carole, in other words, for mercking making knowingly false statements. trump supporters believe the prosecution has not met its burden. watch here. >> i think the president is going to win. he's in great spirits. he has an incredible defense team that is exposing this for what it is, which is a sham. >> reporter: and congresswoman anna paulina luna was among the president's many supporters of lawmakers that have appeared here at court to show support for the former president as he remains under judge merchan's
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gag order and cannot speak about many aspects of the case on his own behalf. judge merchan directed both sides to be prepared for closing argument as early as tomorrow. so maria, it's possible this case could be sent to the jury for deliberations this week. we're on top of it and we'll bring you the latest. back to you. maria: lydia, thanks very much. lydia hu in new york city. former president trump is now calling for president biden to take a drug test before the debate. watch this. >> he did the state of the union the other day, he was high as a kite. so i think we should call for drug tests for the debate. maria: meanwhile, robert f kennedy junior joined me yesterday on sunday morning futures and he's calling this collusion, why they are blocking him from the debate stage. here's what he said about being kept off the debate stage for the two upcoming debates. watch. >> i think they don't want to talk about the issues that neither president trump or president biden are comfortable talking about.
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these two presidents ran up the biggest deficit in the history. that's now driving the inflationary cycle in this country. president trump in four short years ran up 8 trill chron dollars in debt -- $8 trillion in debt, more debt than every president combined from george washington to george w. bush and president biden is rushing to keep up with him. the two of them shut down our country, shut down 3.3 million businesses with no due process, no just compensation, they're the ones who are feeding the toxic polarization that is tearing the country apart. maria: caroline, your reaction, no third party candidate was one of joe biden's rules, he does not want rfk junior on that stage. >> no. because knows that rfk can is a formidable to him, maria. rfk threatens both trump and biden's candidacies because potentially could cut into both
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of their support. it's a toss-up now who will he underminor, trump or biden, but i want to go back to the drug test thing. that could be very interesting, maria. we know bu biden is normally lethargic and out to lunch. when he has random bu bursts of energy, he was quite manic. trump's strategy is to bring that to the lime light as much as possible. we'll see more of biden's gaffes, more of biden's stumbling and this debate is a test of mental fitness once and for all and i think it's essential that the voters see whether this is a man who can govern effectively. maria: there have been several people that raised the state of the union, chris, to talk about something biden may have been injected with or took because he was so -- he was so animated, president trump mentioned it. you byron donalds raised it.
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greg murphy raised it. a lot of people said they were there and they noticed it as well. your thoughts. >> i think this is the genius of donald trump. he can articulate things the way no one else can. and ultimately if biden has a good night it's going to be suspect. he did have a good night but it was because of ritalin or whatever he was on. i think it's a marvelous -- i don't think there will be drug testing. i think it's simply to put that front and center and say the only possible way he's going to have a good night is if he's on some kind of altering medication which nobody wants to see in a guy in the situation room saying is he on his medication or is it not. this is the most important job in the world. he shouldn't have be altered to take it. maria: we've got a lot coming up, looking ahead to a major week of earnings, target, lowe's, macy's out, we will look at the consumer and then the big event of the week is nvidia, earnings are out on wednesday. we've got the preview for the
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word on wall street, the panel is here with their expectations. don't miss i it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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maria: welcome back. time for the word on wall street, top investors watching your money. joining me is ubs wealth management managing director, private wealth advisor and portfolio manage e scott zelniker. also with me is chris mcmann. great to see you. thank you for joining the conversation. scott, good to see you. take a look at oil this morning after the president of iran, ibrahim raisi was killed along with his foreign minister, killed in a helicopter crash this morning. scott, your reaction. >> so, look, oil's been trading
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at a range for the last six months and we're really in the middle of that range. what it really does confirm for us, we need energy independence for our economic stability and our country's security so i think it's really important that we focus on this issue. maria: where do you think, scott, where do you think oil is rest of the year? are you expecting oil prices to stay elevated at these levels or even higher? >> i actually think they could come in a little bit. i mean, it's really important for our country as a whole because it's one of the biggest drivers of inflation. maria: right. >> but i think oil will really just kind of sit here. throughout my whole life oil has done some strange things they. 2020, oil was actuallying in testify. oil is one of the hard aest things to predict but i actually think we'll stay in this trading range, $80 a barrel is probably about right. maria: we've got a big week in terms of earnings, chris. we've got first quarter earnings on deck from he retail like
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lowe's and macy's that's happening tomorrow and you've got wednesday's news with target and tjx reporting earnings. after the bell wednesday night the big event of the week is the nvidia quarter. chris, what are you expecting from the earnings this week, in particular nvidia, after that, what, 200% rally in the stock in the last year. >> it's incredible. and they're around 28 times. and analysts are saying they could go to 48 times. . that's certainly possible. i think we'll see a slowdown toward the end of the year. at some point people will say we haven't completely figured out a.i. yet. microsoft said 2024 will be the year of the a.i. driven pc which will be huge. that will help qualcomm as well. in general we think nvidia will continue to be strong, maybe not 200% but up 120, 130%. i'm more interested to see what happens with costco. we're worried that -- maria, we think the consumer might be starting to scrutinize spending. we'll see what that means in
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terms of impulse buying, that's an issue around impulse buying and apparel. costco will be an indicator of that. maria: it's a good point you make. last week when we saw the walmart quarter, the management team told us it's the higher end earnings that are actually -- the higher end earners that are actually now trading down to walmart. >> i think you're right. that's what's keeping them afoot. last year, a few months ago, family dollar said they would close 1,000 stars. i think it's a matter of timing. the targets of the world benefit from this when people say i'm not going to go to nordstrom, i'm going to go to target and have a similar experience. we think it will have a big impact, in spite of shipping costs being lower from the asia pacific rim, i think there's going to be a glut of -- i think the consumer's just about tapped out, a trillion dollars of consumer debt might be it. i think we're going to start see that particularly in the third and fourth quarters this year. maria: i mean, you talk about consumer debt. what about debt at the federal
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level, scott? the federal debt is at 34 and-a-half trillion dollars. that is a $11 trillion higher than march of 2020. look what's gone on in three years, the u.s. congressional budget office is estimating that debt held by the public compared to gdp is going to rise by more than 120%. we've got everybody from jamie dimon to others talking about this and yet markets don't seem to care about it. is this going to become apan issue for markets at any point? what do you think, scott, does this interrupt the rally? >> yeah, i mean, it's conditioning. any time ray dalio and jamie dimon are concerned, i'm concerned. when you look through history, i've been concerned in the past too. i was concerned in 2008, i was concerned in 2016 with brexit, i was concerned when the global economy shut down in 2020. we've been having this conversation quite often. in those periods we have the ability to buy treasuries. that was the safe trade. now we're talking about treasury
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is the instrument that becomes the bubble. i think when you look at the investment thesis around it, you have to think about the emerging economy, back in the late '90s we had the start of technology and that bubble busker t. burst. we went to a financial engineering economy. that went away. travel and leisure went away in 2020. now we're in a digital economy. you have to separate the economy from what's going on with the deficits and everything. if i would have told you in 2020 that the deficit would balloon to 34 trillion and the cost of the debt went from 1% to 5, i don't think you would find too many people that would believe that the dow you would be at 40,000. yes, it's concerning. yes, i think we have to think about how it plays into the global picture but you know what? i sometimes operate under the umbrella of some things are so big to worry about i can't really plan for them.
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we'll have to do something as a country to solve this where it will be a problem but in the meantime i think there's money to be made investing in emerging economies here. maria: how are you allocating capital right now then, scott? >> i'm sorry, maria, that got blurred on my phone. maria: how are you allocating capital right now, scott? >> so for income, we're looking at muni barbell strategies, private credit. equity side, we've been on the large cap, s&p, nasdaq portfolio. we're starting to phase out of that into small cap and dow, so think about it as a barbell for your equities with small cap and dow kind of getting a little bit less in that overlap where we're seeing the large cap tech space. maria: chris, do agree with that? what are you doing. >> i do agree to some degree. we like the large banks, the mid-size banks, trillion dollars of debt will be restructured and
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the real estate space will be a real problem. large banks and value retailers is what we like the best going forward. maria: gentlemen, great conversation. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, scott, we'll see you soon. chris, you're with us all morning. we're so grateful for that. quick break and then chuck schumer says the senate will take up the border package again this week. bring it to the floor for a vote. pennsylvania congressman scott perry is here with more on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time.
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maria: welcome back. the president of iran ibrahim raisi as well as the country's foreign minister have been confirmed dead in a helicopter crash yesterday. iranian state tv says there was, quote, no sign of life following a hard landing of the chopper due to bad weather and a fog. the crash coming as iran launched an uns precedented attack against israel last month. breaking this morning, the international criminal court is now asking for an arrest warrant against israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for what they say is alleged war crimes, saying they have reasonable
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grounds to believe netanyahu bears responsibility for crimes against humanity. we should point out that israel has come out already and said it has nothing to do with this crash in iran. joining me is pennsylvania congressman scott pair rim he's a member of the house freedom caucus can. good to see you this morning. your reaction to the president of iran dead this morning after a helicopter crash. >> well, good morning, maria. nobody celebrates anyone's death. however, you know, it's iran and we're going to just trade this terrorist for the next terrorist that the ayatollahs are going to install. his death comes amid the unprecedented wave of protests in iran due to the lack of women's rights and basic civil rights and the continued crackdown of the regime and it seems to me they had plenty of
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money to spend on drones and munitions to either send to russia for the war in ukraine or to use directly against israel and they probably should have spent some more money quite honestly for what looks like to me more pilot training in inclement conditions which are very dangerous for helicopter pilots that oftentimes fly low and around obstacles, when you can't see them, this is what happens and that's usually due to a lack of training or poor decision making. maria: congressman, do you have any reason to believe that this was not an accident and in fact this is going to fl flare up the war on israel. >> i have no reason to believe that iran won't use it to flare up the war regarding israel. i also have a lot of reason to believe this is just poor training and lack of judgment on iran's part. so -- maria: okay. i want to take your attention back to the issues at hand in
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washington. the senate majority leader chuck schumer says the senate will once again vote on that failed border bill this week. this was that border legislation negotiated by james langford, kyrsten sinema and a chris murphy, republicans he rejected the bill in february saying it would not solve the crisis that would have allowed biden to abuse the parole system. you remember. he said he wanted to have four or 5,000 people coming in before the government would of shut down the border at all so you had 4 or 5,000 people every day. schumer sent a letter to senators last night claiming the bill will give biden, quote, new authorities to close the border, congressman. your reaction? >> well, my reaction to that is why doesn't president biden use the same authority that president trump used that president biden got rid of within his literally his first day in office and the preceding days or the following days
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coming to office. why doesn't he use those authorities to seal the border? he doesn't need new legislation. we don't need anything negotiated by secretary mayorkas, impeached by the house for dereliction of duty on the border. the president has all the authority he needs right now. what they're trying to do, as usual, is trying to get out of accountability for what they've done on the united states border under secretary mayorkas, under president biden. which is allow you a wide open border. with due respect to senator langford, he was either part of this or duped by democrats in the senate to think that allowing thousands of people to cross the border on a daily basis is a solution. he was allowed -- he allowed himself to be part of that. if the senate democrats are actually serious, they should take up the bill that the house passed over a year ago and let's negotiate about that. if they don't like certain parts
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of it, that's fine. we can probably deal with a diminished bill. what we can't do is make the situation worse for political reasons and then act like we tried to fix it so that the president had has something do run on in november which is what this really is truly all about. maria: i mean, is that what it's about? the president hasn't done anything about the border and all of a sudden now we've got this you urgency given we're six months away from the election and immigration is one of the top issues. >> that's exactly what it's all about. it's all about his electoral prospects and the fact that the american had people are sick of what they see on the border for three and-a-half years. he's done absolutely nothing except exacerbate it and chuck schumer's going to bring this bill back which did nothing except codify the wide open border they law, he wants republicans to walk the plank on the things we own it. it's doubtful he can get the votes in the senate.
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senator menendez is on trial. i think this is just rhetoric. meanwhile, the people illegally are pouring across the border at record rates every day. they just continue to. it's three and-a-half years into this, it's a little bit late, president biden, to be acting like you really care about the border when everybody knows that you don't. maria: well, meanwhile, there could be corruption in plain sight. i want to get your take on what's going on at the oversight committee. james comer joined me last week on this program telling me that he sent a subpoena in the biden impeachment probe, his committee found new biden family bank accounts and a he wants to connect the dots. he said i sent a subpoena today which was last week to a major financial institution. watch this. >> i issued a subpoena for targeted financial information from a certain financial institution related to jim biden, sarah biden and hunter biden. this is a result of many of the
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documethatdevin archer turned o. the number of bank accounts we discovered over the past year and-a-half, since i had subpoena power, since the republicans flipped the house, is unbelievable. i think you will find very many people that have a billion dollar net worth that have as many different bank accounts as this biden family had. many were shell companies as you and i discussed, maria, companies that sole purpose was to launder the money that biden were receiving from china, from romania, from russia. maria: these are obviously very serious charges, congressman, money laundering, sitting president. we reached out to the white house for comment. we've not received a response. your reaction? >> well, this has been like pulling teeth trying to get this information, obviously not only from the biden family but from the agencies and rightly so.
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the oversight chairman has the duty to pursue the facts wherever they go even though it's hard to get the information, it's hard to get the facts because we are being stonewalled and they're putting barriers up in front of us ever day. as you know, we've also held the -- we've also held in contempt the attorney general of the united states for his refusal to give us the information. now, he's already given us a portion of the information. it's just in a different format. but we want to see it all because the american people want to see it all and want to hear it all and so that's just another example of what this committee and what congress has gone through, trying to get the information. they're just trying to run out the clock and they don't want the facts to be known but it's our job to get the facts and we're going to continue to pursue them and i applaud the chairman for doing that. maria: what are you expecting in terms the of the business at hand in congress before the
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election now? are you all done in terms of major priorities here, congressman? >> well, we've got to deal with the farm bill. that's going to expire. we have to make a decision on that and maria, as you know, we just got done with last year's spending and we have this year's spending which is going to run out the end of september and it takes months to get this stuff -- this package -- these packages, the spending packages all put together and so that needs to be our focus and it's going to be a lot of work with a little bit of time so we do have a lot of work to get done and the american people demand it, especially when we're spending and borrowing an extra trillion dollars every 100 days. they want that to end because they can't afford groceries, day-care, electricity bills, you name it. it's all caused by this incredible amount of spending and they want that to be stopped and that's what we need to work on. maria: before we get to all of that, you're going to have two major debates underway. presidential debates.
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president trump and president biden, they have rules. biden has his own terms for these he debates. he doesn't want any third party juan date on stage. i spoke with robert f kennedy junior yesterday, he says it's collusion. what are you expecting out of these debates, june 27th and september 10th. >> right. right. well, i think we're going to see what we pretty much expect to seem i think president trump is going to be pretty aggressive with the facts of what has happened over the last three and-a-half years. i think president biden is going to struggle to get through some of this narrative and i expect the media to take biden's side, president biden's side on the whole thing. but i would say this, maria. this is the two starting debates. there's no limit to how many they can have. it's not limited to these. and i think it should be opened up. this is the presidency of the united states of america and critical times. we have a lot of questions to answer and we need to see both of these individuals in their
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top form answering these tough he's questions because we've got to get our country medded back into a different --hooded back into a different -- headed back into a different direction. maria: do you want to see rfk junior on the stage or no? >> if the he makes the cut he should be on the stage, if there's that many people that want to vote for him. it shouldn't be president biden that makes the determination. we have a commission on debates that does that. let them do that. maria: they're not doing it. the white house sent them a letter so we're not going to be participating in the commission supported debates. here are the debates we'll do. these are the debates we're willing to do. >> if president trump said i'm not going to abide by the commission they'd call him a dictator. when president biden did it, it's all appropriate, we have rights to cnn and some other leftist network. it's the same old game. maria: very good point. it's always a pleasure to see. you. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. god bless you. maria: and to you. quick break.
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it's day 19 of president trump's new york hush money trial, his former lawyer michael cohen is back on the stand today for further cross-examination. what will we learn today. >> former florida attorney general pam bondi is here with expectations. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. former president trump's so-called hush money trial will resume this morning at 8:45 a.m. eastern, about an hour from now. former lawyer michael cohen returning to the stand today for cross-examination. the prosecution is expected to rest after cohen's testimony. that could wrap up this morning before the defense makes its case before the jury.
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judge merchan telling the prosecution and the defense to prepare for closing argument as soon as tomorrow. meaning the jury could get this case this week. i spoke with florida congress representatives anna paulina luna and byron donalds on sunday morning futures. they were in the courtroom with trump last week. watch. >> if the american people were in the courtroom the way we were and could see what we sawing they the would also realize this is nothing but a b biden targetd trial and atempt to smear the president. >> this trial is a joke. judge merchan has conflicts of interest. he donated to joe biden directly. when you look at all of the evidence or lack thereof brought by the prosecution you realize there's no crime here. so judge merchan should do the right thing. he should throw this case out now. maria: joining me now is former florida attorney general a, pam bondi. pam, great to see you. thanks so much for joining me this morning. give us your thoughts on this trial.
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>> thanks. yeah, sure, maria. i'm going to be in the trial with president trump tomorrow. observing. because this is what i've done my entire career. michael cohen is expected to be on the stand as you said again today, still undergoing cross-examination. but you know, one of the most important things this jury is going to hear at the conclusion of the trial is the jury instruction. that says if you don't believe anything a witness has said even part of it, maria, you can disregard their entire testimony. so michael cohen was crossed so well by todd blanche and caught him in numerous lies, he's a convicted liar. i think the jury will be able to disregard every single thing cohen says. maria: it's interesting, the judge's direction is going to be critical here. what else are you expecting the judge to say in terms of direction to the jury? >> well, i mean, that's troubling. this is not an ordinary trial. it's never been tried before in new york, multiple jurisdictions already declined to prosecute
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this. so jury instructions will be a critical part of the trial. i think a lot of jury instructions outside the presence of the jury and the media will be argued today by both sides later this afternoon in front of the court. because they have not proven their case and it should be a directed verdict, meaning the defense attorneys, president trump's attorneys will make a motion to dismiss prior to it ever going to the jury. because the defense didn't make a case. they did not prove beyond and to the exclusion of a reasonable doubt or any doubt, frankly, not even a be pr be ppreponderance e that president trump committed a crime. the judge let so much in that should not have come into evidence throughout the trial including stormy daniels' testimony, i believe he committed irreversible error, including jury selection where they kept jurors on the trial who said they didn't like
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president trump. all the rights should go to the defendant. they have not in this case. we'll see what happens. maria: can trump get a fair jury, a fair trial and a fair look at all of this from the jury in new york? >> you know, again, we've got -- that's why they chose this jurisdiction, of course, one of the most liberal jurisdictions in the country, maria. but you know, i'm hoping for one honest juror on there, one, who will at least hang this jury because there is no way this case will ever get retried and if convicted it will get reversed. but 112 jurors -- 12 jurors should see there is no evidence there. it shouldn't even go to the jury. it should be dism dismissed prio that, legally, by clear legal standards. maria: i question what the supreme court has to say about all of this, watching this charade, one sitting president trying to take down his political opponent, another president. you want to see this every season? is this going to play into what the supreme court decides in
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terms of presidential immunity? >> well, and i think they are going to give him presidential immunity. in this case, this is just one big press conference, trying to smear donald trump, trying to hurt donald trump. the gag order is completely illegal. the rights again go to the defendant. they're letting michael cohen out there, do these ridiculous tiktok videos, screaming and yelling, yet donald trump can't defdefend himself. this entire case is one big press conference, trying to smear donald trump, it's failed miserably. maria: i would think it's unlikely that trump would testify at this trial but the wall street journal is out with a piece writing trump is rarely silent but testifying would be really dangerous. they write this, a grueling cross examination could torpedo former president's chances with the hush money jury. your reaction? >> yeah, he's been saying -- he's been vocal, saying he wants to testify and can you you blame him? he says he's done nothing wrong.
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he's done nothing wrong. as a former prosecutor, if i was his defense attorney i would tell him there's no way you can testify because this judge has not been following the law. this is an extreme example, maria. but this judge can say the prosecution could say, hey, have you ever committed jay walking on fifth avenue. and donald trump would say no, i don't jay walk. they could have some video from years ago of some tourist who has him jay walking. this is an extreme example of course. but they could use that to try to make him look like a liar and that's what the judge has been letting all of this irrelevant evidence in and i think he would let the prosecutors ask him anything even though he shouldn't so that's why there's no way any defendant should testify in a situation like this. maria: thoughts on the other trials potential and other indictments, pam. i mean, you know, there's a lot of holes here whether it be georgia and, you know, fani willis said and the boyfriend, nathan wade or whether it be jack smith now having to admit
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that he tampered with evidence in terms of the classified documents. where is all of this going? and we're six months away from a presidential election. >> in my opinion, none of these other trials will make it to triatrial ever and especially be the election. that's been the goal, to hit him in multiple jurisdictions. the prosecutors hate trump. they have a personal vendetta against him. some have campaigned on getting donald trump. as a career prosecutor, if you have an appearance of a conflict, you get off a case, you recuse yourself from a case. there's safeguards in effect for that and you put other prosecutors on the case and here they have done quite the opposite. look at fani willis of course in georgia, her affair with nathan wade. that case is falling apart. jack smith, they said altered
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evidence in that a case and with the presidential immunity issue out there, none of these cases will get to trial prior to the election so this is their last shot to get donald trump in a courtroom so hopefully it won't work and a hopefully we'll have some honest jurors on there who are listening to the evidence. maria: all right. >> the lack of evidence. maria: we will be watching all of that, ag. pam, good to see you. thanks so much. >> you too. thanks. maria: pam bondi joining us from florida. quick break and the president of iran and iran's foreign minister have been killed in a helicopter crash in northern iran. more details on the developing story this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. this week on "mornings with maria," we're spot lighting the top young conservatives who are making a difference. today, teenage rising star, his plan for gen z to reclaim america through conservative ideals, brylan hollyhand is here.
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tuesday, she's fighting the leftist indoctrination at universities nationwide, campus reforms emily struge will join me. wednesday, journalists fighting the bias. it's all right here on "mornings with maria."
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maria: welcome back. the president and the foreign minister of iran killed in a helicopter crash alongside other iranian officials. cheryl casone with all the details right now. >> we continue to follow this breaking news this morning. ibrahim raisi the president of iran, potential successor to the supreme leader died yesterday when his helicopter crashed. the foreign minister also killed in the crash alongside multiple other passengers and crew. they were returning from a diplomatic visit. state media initially reporting the crash was a, quote, hard landing before knowing more details about the incident. rescue teams searched for more than 12 hours in hazardous weather conditions before locating the charred wreckage at which point they announced no signs of life were detected. condolences coming from india, pakistan, russia and the european union, hamas and
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hezbollah issuing sympathy over the deaths, this comes after arraign launched a missile attack against israel. the virginias vice president is now the -- the first vice president is now the president of iran. severe storms and heavy winds barreling across the central u.s., slamming kansas with 100-mile-an-hour gusts, baseball size hail, multiple tornadoes. this is the same type of storm that blasted texas and louisiana on thursday. seven people were killed in houston in that storm, about 230,000 people are still without power. officials say it could be weeks before all residents get their power restored. dangerous heat returns to the region this week as hundreds of thousands could remain without air conditioning, temperatures already climbing back into the 90s expected to be near 100 degrees. well, a senate investigation found that auto manufacturers bmw and jaguar land rover bought parts from a chinese supplier that uses forced labor. the supplier was flagged by the u.s. for inhumane business
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practices. both car companies were informed of the violation of american law but they continued to buy from the supplier. bmw shipped at least 8 you 8,000 vehicles containing the parts after finding out about the discovery. they eventually found another supplier after seeing the report. they accuse the automakers of sticking their heads in the stand to overlook human rights abuses. finally, this. washington dc mayor is ready to jet off to las vegas for a business trip with her entourage. she will attend the international council of shopping centers on an economic mission to y attract retail activity to d.c. she remains under scrutiny for another trip to the master's golf t tournament. that was labeled an economic development visit. bowser revealing that the trip cost 5 to $6,000 per person just
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for the flights. but then she defended the trip by saying that d.c. is the nation's, quote, sports capital and then she said we try to be transparent. we tried to be transparent, maria. [laughter] >> from the d.c. mayor. yeah. maria: let me get this straight. she's going to vegas to drum up business for washington? >> right. [laughter] >> that's the line. i'm sure the master's golf tournament there was -- yeah. maria: also drumming business up for washington. caroline, what do you say? >> this is as muriel bowser's approval rating dropped the lowest point of her teen your. homelessness, crime, the drug crisis, plaguing washington, d.c., you would think she would be more careful about optics before goating off to a golf tournament. the consensus among voters appears to be they don't want
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her anymore. maria: what do you glieng i think?>> i don't think transpary matters much. you're not going to drum up any business at the master's. i think it's politics at the end of the day. maria: but she looks in your eyes, cheryl, i love what cheryl reported, they're trying to be transparent. >> best efforts. yeah, team. clean up d.c., carjackings, murders, retail theft, d.c. is a mess and there's a reason that her approval ratings are as bad as they are. stay home and do your job. maria: and what does she do? she comes to vegas and comes up with a story that she's got to drum up retail in washington. that's just incredible. cheryl, thank you. caroline, thank you for joinings us this morning. great to have you. hope you'll come back soon. we're coming up to a new hour right here. thank you so much. coming up, harris faulkner is here, she's our special guest panelist for the rest of the show, harris on her way in right now. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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. >> good monday morning thanks so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, may 20. i hope you are having a good monday morning just before k a.m. on the east coast, time for hot topic of the hour former president trump in court this morning so-called hush more than trial more cross-examination, trump called for president trump to take a drug test before going on that stage watch this. >> he did state of the union other day was high as a kite. so i think we should call for drug the efforts on the debate. >> yeah not the first person who mentioned state of the union, of course, as you know, last week on this program, the head of the doctors caucus agreeing murphy said same thing on this program i spoke with robert f. kennedy, jr.,


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