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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  May 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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welcome back we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell for a monday. markets this morning are mixed. take a look dow jones industrial average down, down about two points. watch jpmorgan stock this morning, jpmorgan having its investor day. harris faulkner great having you this morning congratulations to. catch harris spernl on fox nation vietnam, footsteps of my father. >> thank you, thank you so much. and i'm cheering because this is what dad fought for, for our freedom for the capitalism we have when that bell rings i only see the flag. maria: chris always a pleasure thank you for having you here. "varney & company" here. >> iran president and foreign
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minister are dead. killed in a helicopter crash sunday and iran is in turmoil divided and vulnerable. put that in the context of ongoing war in the mideast. israel has denied any involvement. with this kind of development you might expect a significant market reaction. that's not what we're seeing at least so far. the price of oil barely budged below $80 a barrel the opposite of what you might have expected. stocks showing modest gains very modest gains almost across the board after strong gains last week. the event iran have yet to effect the stock market. look at this the dow up maybe 10 s&p up 3 and nasdaq up maybe 14. watch nvidia they report wednesday and how they affect the market 1.3%. interest rates at lower leals tenure treasury yields well below 4.5% at 4.45 and you're looking at 4.84 as we speak.
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gas dropping below 3.60, 3.59 got there and 3.89 for gallon of diesel to speeches for the president neither uplifting from the president instead he presented a dark picture of race for america today and terrible things trump would do in a second term and he's desperate and fox poll shows lost 6 ponts with black voters and trump gained nine. trump will try to increase support among blacks in a rally in the south bronx on thursday. on the show today, the pope says conservative bishop who is oppose blessing same sex couples have a suicidal attitude and scottish finished eighth at the pga championship that's after he was arrested before the second round on friday. alexander won the game decided on the very last hole. monday, may 20th, 2024 "varney & company" is about to begin.
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♪ ♪ >> we're going start this morning with the latest out of the middle east, iran's president abraham lacey along with foreign minister killed in a helicopter crash over the weekend now look this is a fast moving story. lauren, what's the latest? lauren: bodies were recovered early this morning, confirming that death of president iran foreign minister and other officials. search and rescue efforts throughout the night after the helicopter went missing earlier yesterday in a foggy and mountainous region of iran. that was the chopper that they were on. state media says that chopper slammed into a mountain peak no foul play is being reported and israel does deny involvement but the news at a time of heightened tensions in the mideast and he was 63. potential successor to the supreme leader ayatollah is 85 years old and a presidential election that's expected in 50
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days time per the constitution of iran. >> lauren thank you very much now charlie hurt joins thus morning. iran is in tour mole. it is divided. is iran suddenly vulnerable? >> i think without a doubt. this kind of thing would make any regime vulnerable but especially at a place like iran with the government should extraordinary goes to set lengths to keep power. but the really alarming thing to me is, that you know, that this -- current american administration has done such a poor job in particular with the way it is handled iran. that this is an opportunity, could be an opportunity if you had a strong foreign policy coming out of america. to make something good happen, and i would hate to say it but i don't have any faith whatsoever that the biden administration is going to be able to make anything positive come out of this. stuart: the rise detested by
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many many iran. he's the man who led the crackdown on young women who don't cover their hair. so internally they face revolt externally weak in terms of military power that attack on israel was a failure 300 weapons launched newscast ground rest were shut down they're very vulnerable. if i take your point. a strong leader in america would take advantage we've got lempleg take advantage of their vulnerability but i don't see it. >> yeah. he was the -- he is the face. he was the face of the most extreme -- poor face of the iranian regime. as you point out leading death squads enforcing the most draconian rules on women and civilians in iran. and the fact that -- and you know, so you have a moment here where you have at least half of the population probably more than half of the population.
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thrilled at an opportunity to replace this person with somebody that could be maybe, you know, liberalized iran a little bit. and you have the biden administration which has done nothing but empower these people in iran by, you know, opening the oil gates, you know, the spigot for iran dismissing sanctions giving them money. all of these things that have empowered the worst people in iran. and so not only do i think that he's -- that biden administration will fail to make something good happen here. they'll probably somehow find a way to make things worse. stuart: now i want to move on to a different subject president delivered commencement address at morehouse college yesterday. he faced some silent protesters. he also renewed cause for a cease-fire in the mideast. roll tape. >> it is humanitarian crisis in gaza. that's why i've called for immediate cease-fire. an immediate cease-fire to stop the fighting. bring the hostages home. [applause] i've been working on a deal as
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we speak working around the clock to get more aid into gaza, rebuild gaza also working around clock for more than just once cease-fire, working to bring the regime together. working to build a lasting endurable peace. >> what is the relevance of a cease-fire demand now that iran is lost two top leaders? >> exactly. and then, of course, if you step back and look at his larger foreign policy, he's -- he has playing both sides of the coin here. he's raised -- he's gotten, successfully got congress to spend billions of dollars more to -- to israel. and then demanding that israel cease-fire. and stop spending the money that using the weapons that he just ensured that they got. so it's -- it makes no sense. he's arguing against his own foreign policy at this point. and i think people see through it. people were turned their backs on him during the speech at one point he was clapping for
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another somebody else calling on the biden administration to demand a cease-fire from israel. it makes no sense. he's desperate, he'll say anything. he'll do anything he needs that if he thinks it will help with the election. an he honestly does not care that something that israel that -- that anyone succeeded in the middle east at bringing peace. which is the only thing anyone should be concerned about. and he's -- he's more concerned about his own reelection than he is about that. stuart: charlie thanks for joining us this monday morning very important day we appreciate you being here. biden also made a visit to the deep blue city of atlanta this weekend. what was the turnout leak? lauren: nonexistent. the streets were empty as the presidential motorcade passed through. i was looking at video on social media you could see a few people standing taking videos. but that was it. joe biden was there for a fund raiser. he also went to michigan for a
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dinner with the detroit branch of the naacp that's where the anti-israel protesters showed up and one arrested and protesters said we're here to make sure biden cannot campaign as usual because he does not have our vote. and the former president trump -- he's headed to the south bronx that is new york. and it is happening on thursday. he's going to be speaking in a park that can hold 3500 people. so this area is on the edge of a.o.c.'s district but it is congressman ritchie torres says -- listen to this quote. the south bronx is the most democratic area in the nation. and will not buy the snake oil that trump is selling. new york -- the most democratic area in u.s. of a is in play. stuart: what does truch do? go right into the heart -- lauren: belly of the beast. stuart: you said it. on monday morning not much price movement green but not that much. jeff seeger is with me. nvidia reports wednesday after
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closing bell, are these earnings make or break for the entire market? are they that important? >> nvidia $2 trillion company third largest company in the world the stock has captivated investors, and i believe stuart these earns are going to be explosive. but the question is, are they going to be explosive enough. you have amazon microsoft, you -- you have all of these companies spending alphabet spending significant amounts of money on very a.i. chips up to double what they spent last year that gives me the justification to say they're going to be a good number. but they have to be great. and janson wang ceo best ceo in america he has to come through with a very positive projection on data centers and the cloud companies that use their chips. stuart: in your opinion who is
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better for the market a trump win in november or a biden win in november? >> i find it ironic that biden would actually try to take credit for this market. i see the market the market performed despite him not because of him. and i know trump is asking for a drug test. so -- if hay do test them they should test them for what louis hallucs he's not responsible for this. that being said, trump tax cuts are good for the markets. they're good for the markets and i believe what's good for the economy because keep in mind, a lot of the gains people saw on the stock market do not count -- that inflation. so when you put the inflation and what it does to purchasing power, net worth of investors during trump was up around 16, 17%. it is flat under biden because of that inflation. i think truch will help the economy and he will help the majority.
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stuart: testing for drugs. >> trying to be funny. stuart: see you later how did scott thy scheffler finish at the pga championships after friday arrest? lauren: what a story he shot 13 under par and finished 8th at the val halla on and off the course. i would say he's wiped out arrangement for second degree assault of a police officer reckless driving and in kentucky last week is scheduled for tomorrow. reports say charges are expected to be dropped. meanwhile, alexander won a pga championship with record performance for first major he finished 21 under par. stuart: quite a performance right down to the last hole. lauren: you watched? stuart: i did. i stayed up late. check futures no price movement almost none at all so far this morning. next case michael cohen expected
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to wrap up testimony and judge says defense and prosecution make closing arguments as soon as tomorrow. iran president and foreign minister killed in a helicopter crash, what does this mean for ongoing war in gaza congressman brian stile on that next. so, you have diabetes, and your glucose is heading low. [ alert sound ] dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, can alert you before you go too low. now, that's more peace of mind with dexcom g7. ♪ ♪ spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted
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several other iranian officials killed in a helicopter crash sunday. trey gings joins us. >> ebrahim reese raisi is dead following a helicopter crash on sunday now early this morning rescue teams finally reached the crash site in the mountains of northern iran. we do know they've been searching for more than 12 hours. foggy and dark conditions made efforts more challenging as dozens of emergency crews comb the forest official images from crash site show char remains of a helicopter that was on its way back from azerbaijan and in response iranian leadership declared a five day period of mourning and russia and turkey express condolences following the crash. according to the iranian constitution, the vice president muhammad will assume the role of president until elections are held within 50 days. while the event is certainly
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significant for the middle east it won't greatly affect iran foreign or domestic policy. at the top of the government's still sits iran's supreme leader ali no longer involved over the weekend but again a significant moment for the middle east. amid back drop of rising regional tension. stuart. stuart: trey thank you very much. wisconsin congressman bryan steil joining me now my point is that iran is vulnerable should president biden take advantage of their vulnerability? >> well we've seen is this administration continue to refuse to cut the head off of the snake of financing in middle east while we have a situation where iranian approximate proxies are causing from hamas but also hezbollah and lebanon what we should be doing ask taking this moment in time to refocus our efforts to address the financing of terrorism that iran continues perpetuate janet yellen will be in italy with g7
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leaders of our counterparts across europe and this should be a moment in time where we cut the head off the snake and financing the terrorism which is iran and address the fact that they're working to utilize their proxies to destabilize middle east to continue with their work try to develop a nuclear weapon this should be a moment for us to refocus and address the financing situation in particular as it relates to iran. stuart: do you think we will refocus as it relates to iran and their money? do you think biden will? >> i think it is absolutely imperative i don't know if he will i have grave concerns about this administration refusing to sanctions that are already on the book when is janet yellen was before us in financial services where i asked her directly as it related to enforcing iranian oil sanctions, the chinese customers that were ultimately purchasing it. she equivocated refused to answer the question directly. she'll be with with her g7 counterparts in italy later this week and this is a if you think the for allies to come together to recognize that we are better
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served as a -- across the globe but in particular, for u.s. national security interests. if we're addressing the fact that iran continues to sell its oil across the dploab, and utilizing those funds to subsidize and pay for both hamas as well as hezbollah as they continue to threaten israel. all of this is iran trying to have a distraction to avoid us addressing the fact that they're continuing to work to develop a nuclear weapon. iran with the nuclear weapon in particular in this environment where we have broader geodepoliticallization and make sure they do not get to that step. stuart: quick change of step republicans are trying to block a democrat that allows noncitizens to vote in washington, d.c. congressman i guess this means democrats want noncitizens to vote. have i got that right? why would they want that? >> not only do democrats want noncitizens to vote in blue cities like our nation's capitol they passed a law to allow it.
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i held a hearing in my committee on house administration, on this exact topic last week, we have information that over -- approximately 500 noncitizens are registered to vote in our nation eetion capitol and el jebl to vote in municipal elections such as mayor and to get the picture set that means someone working at the russian embassy holding russian passport residing in our nation's capitol for simply 30 days, is el jebl to vote for mayor. this is why i'm push my efforts to ban noncitizens from voting across united states as a whole but in particular in our nation's capitol what the democrats want to do is use washington, d.c. as their petry dish to roll out noncitizen voting across the united states my work in the committee and house administration which i chair leading effort to block noncitizen voting. stuart: can i pick up on something you just said am i right in saying you're in d.c. maybe you're a tourist and there for more than 30 days, you could vote? >> any individual who resideses
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in washington, d.c. for 30 days is el jebl to vote being very few other requirements. so when we look at the number of noncitizens and millions of individuals that have come across the border into the united states, if they move to washington, d.c., or 18 years old or thereby by october 5th able to vote in the upcoming november election is a huge challenge that i've been trying to raise awareness of. it is why we need to ban this in washington, d.c. but stuart more broadly, they're using washington, d.c. simply as a petry dish to roll this program out nationally as why we need to end it in our nation's capitol prengt it and ban it in all 50 states. stuart: brian styles thanks for joining us appreciate it. let's check futures we're going to go to wall street for the opening bell not that much price movement in the very, very premarket early going. we'll be back. ♪ ♪
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with gold and copper prices pushing towards all time highs, us gold corp. offers investors leverage to both gold and copper at its project, and mining friendly wyoming. u.s. gold corp has a reserve of almost 1.5 million ounces of gold equivalents. permits to mine zero debt with only 10.73 million shares outstanding and a portfolio of world class american strategic metals assets. u.s. gold corp, join the golden age. stuart: again, it's monday morning, three minutes to go until the opening bell.
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no movement on wall street thus far. keith fitz-gerald joining us this weekend. what's your important, the fed or nvidia earnings wednesday? >> no question, nvidia earnings the fed is a side show, stuart. stuart: you think nvidia could be make or break for this market? >> very definitely and here's why. it's not even about the numbers. it's about the psychology, because a.i. has captured the public's imagination. if they come in with the numbers that are half way what i think they are going to be then boy it's gates open, horses run. stuart: you're expecting fantastic numbers, are you? >> i am. i'm expecting very very strong numbers, revenue in the maybe 200-250% what it was last year. i'm expecting earnings to be up four, maybe 450%, and, you know, if that trajectory continues this is going to be unstoppable. stuart: it won't be just the numbers. is there going to be a call? there usually is a call, a guidance call, right after the numbers come out. is that where the real
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importance lies? >> well, it does lie there for the next 30, 60, 90 days because big technical traders want to know what happens in the next 24-48 hours but the investors is where you really want to focus because as the ceo lays out guidance for the next year, two, three, four, five years, that's the part you want to focus on as an investor and i think it's very very strong. stuart: i know impact from the iran situation so far. oil is down a little today. why is that? >> that's an interesting one. i still don't have all my phone calls back yet. i've been talking to traders around the world trying to get a beat on that but global markets are uncertain where the power actually resides in iran from a trading perspective. so it's not clear how that's going to impact oil contract, yet. stuart: is it possible that iran , being the bad guys in the middle east, look like they're divided and vulnerable and that america and israel may prevail here and that's good
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news for the market? is that a possibility? >> i think that's ons a possibility. i think it's one thing that iran does not want to see happen because if the rest of the middle east unites and if the perception is that america and israel prevail then it has the incentive to stir things up even worse than it already has. if on the other hand they can preserve the status quo, they can somehow alter or manipulate the news feed, then, i think it's game as usual. stuart: are you buying anything today, or have you bought anything today already? >> not yet, but the moment i get off the air i'm going to be taking a look at my purchasing list including nvidia. stuart: okay let's see how it works out. keith thanks for joining us. they are clapping, cheering, opening this market literally a couple of seconds you'll see as we always say, they will reach down and press the button. 3-2-1. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: a tiny move down for the dow is what we're expect ing the pre-market action
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suggested that and that's what we've got. we're down 29 points for the dow industrials a lot of red ink on the dow 30. i see what, six, nine, 10 winner s and about 20 losers thus far. it's a fractional loss for the dow off 22 points. s&p 500 same story again, a fractional gain up a point. that's .01 on the upside. i call that dead-flat. same with the nasdaq. pretty much flat. it's up a fraction .07%. all right, big tech this is what we do every morning when the markets open. alphabet, amazon, microsoft on the upside but apple and meme are down, again not much price movement for any of them. but microsoft, now they are going to unveil more of their plan for a.i. at tomorrow's build developer conference. what do we know? lauren: speed is the name of the game. microsoft is trying to win on speed according to reports their new aip c will have a different processing unit and it'll be much faster. their co-pilot, the assistant,
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will be able to do more and spitted out answers faster, and a.i. will be embedded reportedly in windows. microsoft is using the qualcomm snap dragon x chip but look they have a wow investors after open a.i. and google last week showed what they are working on with a.i. stuart: they are making the heading in a.i. now they have to show it. lauren: yup. stuart: i'll be interested in that. target, lowering prices. lowering prices on some favorite items that's a big deal. lauren: 5,000 items frequently purchased items, think the basic s milk, meat, fruit, goldfish. i even saw prime, the ice pop flavor, on that, the hydration drink that's super popular with the kids used to be like five or $6 for one. they are selling it for about $2 now in target. that's good. in other words, the bottom line is target is making it easier and cheaper to stock the pantry heading into summer, memorial day barbecues and they have their earnings report on wednesday. stuart: prices down is the headline. next case is tesla.
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i believe they are handing out discounts in europe, i presume they want to raise demand and sales there. lauren: well their customers in europe are mad. they have something called fleet purchases when big companies buy cars and then lease them out but then hope to rebuy them after the fact. it's about half of auto sales there, so this is a huge deal. unfortunately, elon musk has cut prices so many times the teslas are worthless and the fleet owners are mad so tesla is in damage control right now. elon is assuring them he will compensate them with perks like discounts and repairs. the stock is down at 176. it's 40% from its 52-week high and the first drop in three days stuart: got it. apple. oh, this is interesting. they are slashing iphone prices in china. lauren: aggressively. aggressively as much as $318 on certain iphones that's double the previous price cut, which was in february. that cut worked. it helped juice sales in march by double-digits. the problem is they've got
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homegrown competitors, local competitors like huawei. huawei has a new phone called the pure 70. it's cool. it is really cool. it actually has if you look at the back of the phone three huge lenses, the camera, and one of them actually retracts. it zooms in and out physically and moves and then it comes back in. i haven't seen anything like that before on a phone. stuart: i'd like to see it myself. this is a good story and you'll tell us all about it. jeff bezos' space flight operation had a historic flight yesterday. on board was a 90-year-old man the oldest person ever to go into space. tell me more. lauren: well, william shatner was 90 but this astronaut, ed dwight is several months older so he's the oldest person to go into space, actually the first black astronaut candidate for nasa during the kennedy administration. this was a historic flight. blue argen's first after a two- year grounding the 7th trip to just above the carmen line for jeff bezos' company. look at him. stuart: good story.
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lauren: look at mr. dwight. stuart: i hope springs eternal for all of us getting on age. lauren: he figured he had nothing to lose. stuart: here is this one. chinese ev maker lee auto, they didn't get the orders they were expecting in march. it must have been pretty bad. lauren: look at the stock down 10%. demand is down but one of the issues for lee auto is their pricing. the average revenue per car sold in the first three months of the year was $42,000. a year ago it was $50,000. stuart: no wonder it's down 10%. quick one on costco. maybe some price hikes for some popular items but not the $1.50 -- lauren: hot dog combo. stuart: and a 20-ounce drink. lauren: i believe it'll be $1.50 if the founders have their way so that's not moved in price but some prices have gone up so gasoline at costco could cost you more, cheaper than local competitors but costco increasing the price. also for olive oil, their kirk
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land brand olive oil. will membership go up is the next question? they have 132 million card holders. it's about time, historically when you look at when they increase the membership fees will they do it soon? stuart: costco is still a bargain any way you slice it. a buck 50 for a hot dog and a drink, can't beat it. check the big board please in business for five and a half minutes down 40 points. 39, 959. dow winners headed by at this moment, amazon, microsoft is second, american express, intel and salesforce on that list. here are the s&p 500 winners topped by norwegian cruise lines , for heavens sake, carnival corporation, johnson controls, super microcomputer and nasdaq winners topped there by micron tech advanced micro devices, trade desk, lam research, 186 on amazon right now. the 10-year treasury yield is well below 4.5%, the price of
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gold is right about 24.15 per ounce, bitcoin 66, 900 this morning, oil down despite the events in the middle east, 79.50, nat gas 2.70 and the average price for a gallon of regular down to 3.519 for diesel it's down to 3.89. coming up, the town of lost creek, texas voted to remove itself from austin's city limits they are tired of the city's woke leadership and high crime. now other neighborhoods are following. we've got the story. donald trump says he wants biden to take a drug test before the debates. roll it. >> i'm going to demand a drug test too by the way. >> [applause] >> i really am. >> [applause] >> i don't want him coming in like the state of the union he was high as a kite. stuart: well high as a kite? there he said it, would biden actually agree to test? we'll get into it. household net worth when you adjust for inflation has risen
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just 0.7% since biden took office. compared to a full 16% jump through trump's first three years. steve moore on that, next. ♪
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stuart: on the markets after 11 minutes worth of business very little price movement except the nasdaq is up 60 the dow is down nearly 80. the white house making new plans or new strategies to try and win back key voting blocks. edward lawrence at the white house. which voting blocks is he trying to win back? reporter: yeah, he's looking for two, younger voters and looking for the black voter in this and it could be seen from over the weekend. the president making direct overtures to those certain voting blocks.
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now, on saturday, the president was in georgia at moorehouse college giving the address and the naacp dinner in niche michigan saturday night and president biden saying he will pass all of the naacp priorities in a second term pleading for votes. listen. >> that's a fact. you're the reason kamala harris is the historic vice president. you're the reason donald trump is the defeated former president and you're the reason donald trump's going to be a loser again. reporter: so earlier saturday some graduates turned their backs on president biden's speech at moorehouse college and fox news polling is showing he's losing support among black and younger voters, nationwide it's a dead heat for the under 30 vote. 49-49. you see president biden adding a little support from the average of the last three polls but nowhere near the support he enjoyed in 2020. former president trump also lost support recently but is up a lot from 2020 levels.
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>> we do have a lot of work to get done and the american people demand it especially when we're spending and borrowing an extra trillion dollars every hundred days. they want that to end, because they can't afford groceries, daycare, electricity bills, you name it. it's all caused by this incredible amount of spending and they want that to be stopped. reporter: add into this the comparison between former president trump and president biden to this point in their terms. to this point right now, under president biden, americans are their net worth has gone up .7% as you said under former president trump to this time frame, their net worth went up 16%. people feeling a little more wealthy under the former president. back to you. stuart: we certainly don't feel that prosperous do we? edward thank you very much indeed. joining us now is stephen moore. stephen? come on in. you just heard edward's report on household net worth. will it just be more of the same if biden is re-elected?
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reporter: well it is true, stuart, that people's net worth is up especially after the market rally that we seen in the last six months, which by the way i love to see. i love a bullish market and i know you do too, stuart, but it is also true that, by the way, if you go back to 1982, the dow was at 1,000. now it's at 40,000. this has been an incredible bull market for 40 years. biden's the only president during that period with maybe one other exception where almost all of the gains in the stock market have been due to inflation, so under trump, about 80% of the gains were real gains under biden only about 20% of the gains have been when you adjust for inflation real so no question about it in terms of your purchasing power when you sell your stock, how much money you're going to have. you did a lot better under trump i want to make another quick point that i know people watching this show are aware of but some may not be.
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did you know this , stuart? that the capital gains tax that you pay on the gain in your stock when you bought it versus when you sell it, did you know they do not adjust that for inflation? did you know that? stuart: no i did not know that. >> yeah, so let's say you bought a stock at 100 and you sold it at 200, but all of the gain over that period was due to inflation. you'd still pay a huge tax. so my point is, when you take into account the fact that you're going to pay came gains tax on these gains that mostly due to the inflation, people aren't any better off financially under biden. not whatsoever. stuart: well supposing he's re-elected for another term, do things improve or get worse? >> well, is he going to do what he's promised to do? i'd take him at his word. he's talking about doubling the capital gains tax, for the first time in american history, he's talking about taxing unrealized capital gains so you'd actually have to pay the tax, you know, even before you sold the stock or sold the
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farm or sold the business, which i think is completely unconstitutional and anti- american and he's going to raise the tax on american corporations. look, your good friend and my good friend art laffer would say if you tax something you'll get less of it. if you put a massive tax on investment you'll get a lot less and pay about a 70% tax on $1 million gain under the biden plan. do you think that's good for the smart? i don't, stuart. stuart: well i agree. i want you to deal with this one pen wharton's budget model shows the mass deportation plan could cost more than a trillion dollars. that's not going to happen, that's not feasible, is it? >> you know, i am so frustrated as all americans are with what biden has done. i'm very pro-immigration, stuart i think immigrants are great for our country but my god, they got to come in legally through lawful means and what has
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happened at the border has just contaminated support formation generally. it's going to take us 10 years in my opinion to dig out of this border crisis and by the way, he wants these people -- stuart: are we prepared to spend $1 trillion on deporting illegal s? are we? >> well, i don't know what the solution is. i mean, we can't -- the estimates of six to 10 million illegal immigrants into the country right now. are we going to let them stay here? i don't know what the solution is, stuart, but what i'm telling you here is we did not have this problem with donald trump as president. stuart: like it or not i think the solution is they stay, they work, and that's it. you've got to close the border so we don't have another 10 million in the next 10 years. >> exactly. thank you. stuart: job one is close the border. >> i guarantee you that donald trump is going to seal that border. we did it the first time in building the wall. it's not that complicated. stuart: job one, he will do it. stephen moore, thanks for joining us. coming up the president made two
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speeches to black audiences over the weekend. he had the chance to be uplift ing, inspiring, he went the other way. he was divisive, that's my take, top of the hour. record number of americans travel this memorial day weekend but when you add up the price of flights, hotels and more, renting an rv might be better for your budget. jeff flock gets behind the wheel , next. life is a highway, i want to ride it, all night long ♪ it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all.
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are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. stuart: millions of people hit the road this weekend. this memorial day weekend i should say. the best bang for your buck could be traveling by rv. jeff flock in illinois. how much will it cost a family to go rv'ing this weekend? reporter: [laughter] put your hotel on your back, yeah. well you know, they rent these things. this is a coach, no, this is what is it? >> class a motorhome. reporter: i'm driving right now, keep my hands-on the wheel and this is a beauty. you rent these, i've got bill ho lsketh of terry's rv rentals you rent these for couple hundred dollars a day? >> yeah, it's a couple hundred
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dollars a day. we rent class c motorhomes, coachmens and 200-250 a day depending on which one. reporter: i'm paying $200 at least for a hotel so now i have the hotel myself and you get free miles with some of this >> yeah, you get 100 free miles a day, and then it's 50 cents a mile after that, so if you're going close, you go to michigan and let's say you're going for a week you get 700 free miles so it costs you a couple hundred dollars a day. stuart: and take a look at gas prices thanks to president biden 's energy policies gas prices, i'm just kidding. gas prices coming down, though they are coming down. so that helps you as well but also, go ahead, show stuart, yeah, he's showing you, you've got a shower in this thing, everything you would have in a hotel room, right? >> yeah, a queen bed, shower. >> king size bed. >> sofa, dinette, microwave, so it's just like being at home. reporter: so this could be a cheaper and stuary varney is a
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guy that likes to go the cheap route if he can. this be cheaper than, you know, theoretically, flying somewhere and the hotel. >> oh, yeah, and some people don't, they aren't too king on flying, so this is a great alternative. reporter: gotcha. well okay, i'll leave you with that stuart. look at the beautiful vista out the window here, going through frankfort, illinois. this is like being in the bahamas only, well, maybe not. sort of. stuart: jeff, i'd like to remind you, jeff, i am not cheap. i am thrifty. it's a virtue. don't forget. jeff flock, you're out of here. reporter: and you're a virtuous man. stuart: check out the markets to start with, we're down about seven on the dow and up 111 on the nasdaq. that's a movement. still ahead, mary katherine on the possibility seeing charges dropped after his arrest during the pga championship, christian
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whiteon what does that mean for biden's iran policy, joe bor elli, on trump's rally coming up thursday in the bronx and bill mcgurn on trump taking drug tests before the debates the 10:00 hour is next.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
10:00 am
♪ stuart: not sure of the song, " what a man" but you're looking out from new york city on a very nice day here, it's going to be mid 70s, nice sunshine. look, it's monday. hardly anybody is on the street how about that? good morning, everyone. 10:00 eastern. let's get to the money pretty much straightaway. the nasdaq by the way has just hit another all-time high, it's up 116 points, 16, 800 right there. the 10-year treasury yield, where is that? it's 4.43% this morning, the


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