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tv   A Healthy You Carol Alt  FOX News  April 13, 2014 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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welcome to "a healthy you. welcome to aa healthy you" i'm carol alt. easter is a few weeks away which means moms and dads will be stocking up on chocolate bunnies for their kids, which probably isn't the healthies in the world. what if you there's a fabulous chocolate which doesn't involve chemicals or high temperatures. sounds crazy but it's true. experts are here to show us tasty options. plus sore aching feet are a common thing among most women today. from moms who chase their kids around the house to supermodels on runways.
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how can we get rid of the pain and still look amazing? we have a special treat for all of you stuffing your toes into pointy shoes. the toe whisperer will share tricks of the trade. but first facials, a great way to keep your skin glowing but, man, can they be pricey. i've asked my favorite makeup artist how to make it at home. you probably know it from her hit show "what not to wear." now carmindy will. how to be super sexy at home. >> at home of this is also a really good idea if you have girlfriends who want to come over and have inexpensive spa weekend. have the girls over and make it a little more fun. >> excellent. >> a lot of times when they are spending money on expensive facials and products, when, in
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fact, facials and products are diluted with so many ingredients they aren't getting benefits you can find in your own kitchen. >> i go through this with skin care. they can hide so many toxins you don't want on your skin. you're talking food grade. >> it's the best. the healing properties of honey alone are unbelievable. it's just such a known healer. it's filled with such good ingredients. hone is anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory. >> i say eat a little honey from the region you're in because it's almost like homeopathic. >> it goes back to ancient times. studies go way, way back showing this has been a healing ointment for years. >> you have a hundroney mask. >> both are honey-based. it's a healing ingredient. it's so important. the first mask is a super
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hydrating banana mask. this is for girls with dry skin, combo skin. it adds hydration. first take a medium sized banana. they are hydrating, filled with antioxidants. they are going to rejuvenate the skin. a quarter cup of yogurt. again, healing and hydrating. of course, your honey. you want two tablespoons of honey. >> you want good, raw honey, not processed. >> organic, raw, good for you ingredients, definitely brf we have it over here. >> absolutely. you put it into the blender so it's nice and smooth. cover your face and sit with it for about 20 minutes. >> break out the margaritas, the girlfriends in the room. >> your wine, have a good time. you're sitting there with it on your face. >> it smells good, too. >> with these ingredients, you can eat the leftovers.
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you can feel how hydrating it is. >> my hands are always dry, this is perfect. >> can you do the other. we'll do my hands while we're sitting here. >> the other thing with this mask, i like to put it not only on my face but my neck, too. >> decolletage. >> the mask on those areas. >> you've got a mask for skin that is acne prone. >> not only good for girls with acne prone but teenagers, women with teenager daughters might want to introduce their daughters to this. >> key ingredients. >> acne killing cucumber mask. cucumber is a natural stringent. a lot of people don't realize that. half a cucumber, two tablespoons of dry oats, which exfoliates, soothes the skin, half a lemon, antiseptic, vitamin c and honey. soft and smooth. i can feel it on you. it's incredible. again, put that in a blender, 20
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minutes on the face, wash it off. it's good to go. clean and clear skin, especially acne prone skin. very, very important. >> tell me about your favorite. your favorite is -- >> brown sugar. >> spill the beans. >> brown sugar body scrub. let me tell you something, again, with the honey. i love the honey. a half a cup of honey, a half a cup of brown sugar, exfoliate dry skin, half a spoon of coconut oil and essential oil. mix it with a spoon in a little container. in the shower you can buff and scrub. here is a thing i learned recently. a lot of exfoliants you get from department stores have plastic in them. the micro beads have plastic. you want sugar, which is natural and will watch and dissolve. >> one more thing, if you blend it, makes it more luxurious. >> that's right. >> carmindy, thank you for coming.
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i've been wanting you on the show for a while and i'm getting all my wishes today. sounds almost good to be true, yummy, fabulous, life affirming chocolate. when we come back, we'll be making chocolate. don't touch that dial. ♪ [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen.
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that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave
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bob will retire when he's 153, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not.
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♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade. welcome back to "a healthy you." welcome back to "a healthy you." researchers have known for years that chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is good for the heart. >> heck, i'm not reading this, we're doing a segment on chocolate. fabulous, wonderful, antioxidant bioflavonoid, really good for you chocolate. with me to help talk about how fabulous and wonderful chocolate is are my buddies here from noses vanessa, we have noah and
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lee ann. guys, we have chocolate. the whole set was going crazy because they saw all this chocolate coming into this set. lets talk about the fabulous, wonderful properties of chocolate. lets start with you. >> thank you. >> lets talk about your chocolate. i know, my friend christie brinkley says she loves it. i know you are earth friendly and all kinds of fabulous stuff. i don't care. how does it taste? >> it tastes amazing and it tastes like love. >> break open the chocolate. lets go, guys. this is the chocolate segment. rip it out. lets show it. >> this is the one christy was talking about, palm acai bar. >> come on. i'm waiting for chocolate. here we go. oh, my god.
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chocolate. by the way, not represented, they didn't have anybody to send, one of my absolute favorites, that is the romeo chocolate. this is so many wonderful fabulous, wonderful chocolates, why are you eating chemicalized chocolate that has what in it? milk, sugar. >> soy. >> what else? >> soy lecithin. it has wax in it. come on, wax. why do you need wax in it. >> medicine. >> it's chocolate, yippee. >> i have earth chocolate peanut butter cup. >> the recipe in your book. >> yes. i have a recipe for three chocolate bowls, so simple. i have these chocolate almond butter cups. these are made by the chocolate man. he produces these.
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>> noah, talk about your rock 'n' roll chocolates. >> a lot of people are missing out on every day chocolate because it's combined with chocolate what we do is use raw honey, avocado. >> open it up. >> i have it opened up for you. >> pistachio. >> that's my signature bar. >> hand formed, handmade, intentionally made to increase positive energy of who consumes them, gets them, even just talking about chocolate. >> okay. i have a mouthful of chocolate. i was at your restaurant the other day, and i was looking -- i actually had a truffle chocolate cake from raw meo. if i'm doing chocolate cake, you're like the queen of putting chocolate into things. talk about things you put chocolate in. >> in addition to making your own chocolate. >> no, no, no. break open the cake.
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>> i brought a cake for you. >> this the brand-new cake we just did. it's chocolate layer cake with a lot of different things in it. in addition to chocolate, we make chocolate macaroons online. >> hand over the fork, lady. you guys are all jealous of me out there right now. >> this is chocolate ganache cake. this is the most intense chocolate. the recipe for this is in one of my cookbooks. these are chocolate macaroons. >> you can cook with chocolate, uncook with chocolate. it's all raw chocolate. this is so fabulous. i'm eating chocolate and guilt-free and it's good for you. break open the layer cake. >> people think you can't do fabulous things with chocolate. it has to be lecithin and soy and milk. >> look at this. it's like layer cake of chocolate. come on, guys. it's spring, easter.
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feed your kids something good. so many different places to find it. look at the website, call them up. >> raw chocolate >> earth >> so easy. come on. thank you guys. i'm so happy. >> thank you so much, chocolate girls. >> i don't know if i want to work after this. i want to eat chocolate. >> up next, the toe whisperer for the aches and pains of standing on our feet all day.:ra as if this chocolate doesn't help that. i procrastinated on...
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welcome back. are you taking care of your soul? welcome back. are you taking care of your s l sole? no, i'm not talking about your spiritual sole, i'm talking about the soles of your feet. they are amazing. constantly changing, sneakers, dress shoes, turn, walk, all at a moment's notice. here to discuss how we can take better care of our feet is the man, the toe whisperer, gary williams. gary, thank you for coming. i had the most interesting conversation with you that i've ever had with anybody about feet? >> really. >> absolutely. why don't you tell your feet. the way you see it, they are the most amazing mechanism.
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>> your feet from my position are your postural home. your body touches the ground and the rest of your body stacks up against it. in a certain sense, how well your feet may contact the ground and how well they resist gravity sets up what happens in your knees, hips, spine, all the way through your body. in point of fact, no one really pays that much attention to them until they become a problem. by that time, it's a little late. when they start to hurt, everything start to hurt. your whole mind-set gets around how can you get comfortable from that end up. they are an amazing device. they are built somewhat like an all-terrain vehicle. they enable you to walk up hill, downhill, cobblestones, beaches, on solid surfaces. they make these adjustments in just a matter of a split second.
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they enable you to keep yourself upright while you do that. also, they are this wonderful shock absorption system that lets you take the impact of leaping, jumping, running, playing basketball, doing all these amazing things on tiny bones. when you think, one-quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet. >> i see you eyeing my feet. you're wondering what kind of shoes am i wearing and why am i stuffing them into these. >> you are stuffing them into this wonderful shoe, which is great. from impact you cram all your toes, widest part of the foot into a point. this end, the most resistant part, the heel, you balance on a pin. this part that takes impact and enable your body to deal with shock you put it here.
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when you watch a woman wearing love lovely heels like this, you'll see it vibrate. >> rock back and forth to find the center. >> your body would know where the ground was here. now you've taken edges and your body is figuring out a way to negotiate. this base you're stepping on is safe, can i commit weight to it. you're making the rest of your leg do a lot of work. >> what i did to my feet the rest of my body. toe whisperer is a great title and serves you well. you do more than that. what you did was actually tell me how my body was stacking up against my feet and told me future problems that could happen if i didn't correct what was already happening in my walk, stance, sat and how i laid down even. why don't you talk about that. >> to a certain extent, the way i look at your body is i'm sort
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of the ghost of christmas future. lie at your story and how your body would have evolved at this point and left unchanged what your future is going to be like. to a certain extent, the sins of your youth will become the pains you'll have in your old age. i'm there to help you write a better chapter. so my job is to sort of see patterns your body is exhibiting. think of it also, your body is always trying to make the best deal it can with the deck it's been dealt. so your body is doing things in terms of how you sit and trying to adapt to that. it will do that for a while. what happens is over time that adaptation, your body, to make itself more comfortable, becomes a problem -- >> somewhere else in the body. >> exactly. >> when you asked me to walk around the table. you said to me, you have three ribs out and your shoulder is
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bothering you. i said oh, my gosh, amazing you notice my shoulder is bothering me. when i got off your table, it was the first time in years. quickly tell me what this is. >> a type of bodywork that works with the body's natural mechanisms of self-correction. in a a sense ortho-bionomy works with your nervous system, allows you to reach behind your back and clasp your hands, tells your body where it is in space. we work with that to negotiate change. the thing pout that is i'm not imposing it against your will but acting as a mirror to your nervous system but are you aware your zipper is undone. by playing back the pattern that
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exists, your nervous system gets to see a view from another perspective and makes the self-collection. i didn't realize what was happening. thank you for telling me. >> that's exactly what you did to my feet. i will never, ever look at feet the same way again, ever. thank you so much for being here. >> you're so welcome. >> up next, ask carol. "ask car" (dad) well, we've been thinking about it and we're just not sure.
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(agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited.
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today's "ask carol" question comes from janet. welcome back. today's ask carol question comes from janet. she asks, how do you handle eating or cooking out if your husband wants to eat one way, not so healthy, and you want to eat another way, more healthy. first let's answer about dining
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out. i can eat anywhere and eat healthy and clean as long as food is fresh. seared fish, oyster, clam, seviches and salad with raw food for desert. there's always one or the other on any menu in any restaurant. you can do steaks and seared fish. eating out is the easy part. the only concession i make is bring my own olive oil dressing in my own bottle which is easy to carry if you have a purse. the reason i do this is bottle dressing is a huge source of calories and i find it unhealthy. eating at home is not that complicated. it's only complicated because you think it is. make sure the refrigerator is stuffed with the things you like to eat. i make sure at the beginning, salsas, guacamole, cheeses, all bought, crackers and fruit chosen. with my food done and stored, then i can focus on him.
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the truth of the matter is, my boyfriend ends up eating my good food because it's what i have laying around. he's not so crazy about the chips i have because they are raw. that's because they are my chips and the one i choose. for your husband, just involve him in the process of choosing the foods you have around. you can always mix in some unhealthier foods later like potatoes cooked or veges steamed, whatever. as long as the base is healthy and snacks are healthy, you can mix in a little bit of cooked food, by the way, if you search raw food on your computer, you will find an abundance of deserts, snacks, chips and all kind of stuff. just have fun. choose the ones you like. enjoy yourself picking. remember, you won't like everything, kind of like cooked food that way. i go with the old adage. if you want to do it, you'll find a way. thanks, janet. don't forget, if you have a
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question you'd like took ask me, send it my way on twitter or facebook. that's it for today. thanks for joining me. until next time, i hope you're learning to be more of "a healthy you." fox news alert, one person in custody, a suspect taken into custody there at overland park. multiple shootings at a jewish community center in kansas. at least one person killed and a second in critical condition after a gunman opened fire outside the jewish community center of greater kansas city in overland park, which is near kansas city as children were auditioning for a talent competition. the shooter apparently moved to an assisted living center blocks away called village shalom. that facility has been taken off lockdown. wi


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