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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  January 8, 2017 1:00pm-2:01pm PST

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sure to tweet to us, that is it for this week's show thanks to panel thanks to all of you for watching, i am paul gigot hope to see you right here next week.
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testing testing >> the pentagon will send marines to train and advise forces in southern afghanistan. they will take place in the springtime and last about nine months. sea world san diego host the last killer way performance. they replace the show with something they describe as an educational will experience. parts of europe continue to grovel with a dangerous cold spell and is being blamed for a dozen deaths.pope francis urges them to help those in need especially the homeless. >> politics now the lawmakers urge electronic to send a message to russia for interfering in the election. the senators push for more sanctions against the country. even as the president elect
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called for a better relations with russia. here is senator graham .in a couple weeks, donald trump will be the defender of the free world and democracy. you should let everyone know, in america, republicans and democrats that you will make russia pay a price to write try to interfere. they tried to interfere in any to pay price. let's bring in jim with the political expert for the washington examiner. let's start here. what is yourappraisal ? >> lindsey graham hesitates to pick a fight or criticize donald trump. it's not surprising that he is taking the line. he wants a stance to work russia in general. the whole russian hacking scandal is an opportunity for him to hammer that home. in the case of president trump,
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i think he would do himself a favor if he seemed a bit more open to following the evidence wherever it leads on the hacking charges. he is not willing to consider the population for russian capability.>> censorgram is reading the reports from the intel community. it was recently released publicly. portions of it. what is your assessment? the ones that were released publicly. >> right. i think the evidence in the report that were released are fairly thin. especially isconcerned with what the motive of the hacking is . was the motives really to embarrass the person who they thought would be elected the president? hillary clinton or really to help donald trump when the presidency? >> the intel reports in the assessment and the analysis by all accounts is that it was against hillary clinton to embarrass her, discredit her
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. >> the was two different things. whether it's to embarrass the person that i thought would where will win or try to elect donald trump.>> senator graham just said that it wasn't that the intent was to affect the election. donald trump one. he would be the president in 12 days. they tampered with our democracy. it's still problematic. i don't have any problem acknowledging it. i just think president-elect trump needs to be open to acknowledging it. there doesn't seem to be it was fairly heavy. it may simply be the fact that a lot of what would have been strong can't be revealed without compromising important
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information. i think president-elect trump should be very open in condemning any foreign interference in the elections. i think he has been somewhat obstinate in his refusal at least the public statements. he says he does except the conclusion but i think he ought to be open to the fact of the possibility that russian interference. >> senator graham also said that russian is to pay price. what should the punishment be? do you think president trump will be willing to implement further punishment as he is trying to refreshthis relation ship with vladimir putin # . >> it seems up to this point that he isn't willing to without further punishment. we certainly shows that in his tweets that he is not open to that. the company for the six secretary of state, >> taylor some, has been an opponent of additional
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sanctions on russia in the past . it doesn't look like he's heading in that direction but it is possible that as he confers more with the intelligence community and with the people he is appointing into theadministration and the republican members of congress who would really like additionalsanctions that maybe he would revisit that . >> so, what you think would happen? president trump would , as he had with everything else he would be the president again in 12 days might as well say that now. mr. trump has said listen, the way we have done business with russia in terms of relationships it's been the wrong approach. do you feel that president trump will be able to have a better relationship with them while using that velvet gavel? >> i thank you will try. he will be the thirdconsecutive president who has tried to have a better relationship with russia . in the case of president bush and obama hasn't panned out.
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we will have to see if he is any more successful. i think the cloud over him with this russian hacking allegation i think it will make it a little more difficult for him to do certain things because he will need to be perceived as being independent russia but he has shown a willingness to use carrots and sticks with american businesses that wanted to move jobs out of the united states. maybe he will use carrots and sticks in his diploma. >> jim and so, we have to leave it there thank you very much. mexican authorities are arresting a suspect wanted in the shooting of the us state departmentofficial surveillance video showing the gunmen , as you see it there, standing by outside an area near the consulate where a worker, who was driving his car out of a parking garage at the time is
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shot. this happened in the city of guadalajara. they say the suspect has been turned over to federal prosecutors and the us officials said to be in stable condition. following all of this from the west coast newsroom, well? >> hello. the fbi had a $20,000 reward. it's detained the man. take a look at the surveillance video. you could see him in dark clothing waiting near the exit ramp of the underground parking garage. a black car pulls up to leave and the suspect fired one shot into the car and he takes off in a separate video he gives you a different look at the suspect . you could see that he's wearing sunglasses and white shoes. his white hand is holding his pocket and the gun. the new york times reports that the employee worked in the visa section and is currently under
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protection at a local hospital. the secretary of state, john kerry, issues a statement that reads i want to thank the government for the swift arrest of a suspect in the heinous attack against the foreign service officer colleague in guadalajara mexicothis is the first time a us consular employee or agent has been attacked .in 2010 the gun down the employee and her husband by mistake. the killer thought the car that they were in was filled with rival gang members and in 2012, the car filled with a mexican captain was shot more than 150 times. it's the capital of the state dominated by the holy new generation cartel. at this point, the motive of the shooter is unknown. >> will, thank you very much. investigators still pieced together the motive in the deadly fort lauderdale airport shooting. the could now face the death penalty and we will take
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a closer look at that case. >> the latest attack on the israeli soldiers in jerusalem. evolving relationships in the middle east. we will examine that, up next. if you take medication, you may sometimes suffer from a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. and biotene also comes in a handy spray. so you can moisturize your mouth anytime, anywhere. biotene, for people who suffer from dry mouth symptoms. i want my tax software too charge me at the last second. i'm totally fine paying extra for something i could get for free. there is nothing i can do with an extra $50. said no one ever.
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file your taxes for free with credit karma tax.
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hey, how's it going? um... who are you? i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see? we're putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that's smart. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. federal prosecutors filed charges in the deadly airport shooting. five people were killed in the attack and six others hurt . three of them are still in icu. joe waldman has more.
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>> investigators are not ruling out terrorism as a potential motive behind friday's deadly shooting. >> we have interviewed him but it's too early to rule out anything. we are looking at everything , including terrorism. as authorities investigate, rick scott mean meets with victims being treated at a local hospital. >> the person responsible will be brought to justice with the full section of the law.>> as the months into iago open fire in terminal two of the busy fort lauderdale airport. >> it was pure chaos we were yesterday and people ran out.>> five people were killed and some shot point-blank in the head. after he ran out of ammo, he laid on the terminal floor and
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was taken into custody. last year, the suspect was discharged from the army national guard for unsatisfactory performance. he said he wanted he was paranoid and the government wanted him to join groups like isis >> the woman thank you. >> let's bring in steve rogers. a retired lieutenant commander of the u.s. navy naval intelligence. steve great to see you. >> the surveillance video shows santiago firing at people and aiming at their head. very methodical. in addition, he confesses that heplanned it . your reaction. >> yes, he did plan it. he confessed to that. here is the issue the issue
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is that we are giving individuals the opportunity to commit the acts. this was the soft target. it goes back to debbie scholz. she says the whole issue should be revisited. what should be revisited is the proactive methodology that we need to increase in the high volume airports. the guy looked around and ther were hardly any police around . you need to have a very strong and high visible police officer in the airport. secondly, they have a concealed carry law in florida and you aren't allowed to carry concealed weapons. we need a national concealed carry law very controversial. it would give people the ability to protect themselves. let me qualify that.
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we are talking about train civilians that know how to use their weapons in the event that they become the next victim of the attack. look what happened worldwide. the people are sitting ducks. >> this guy santiago walks into the fbi office in anchorage alaska and says he is under mind control by us intelligence being forced to watch isis videos. the bureau immediately notified local law enforcement and local law enforcement has him medically evaluated. it's unclear. should someone like that not be able to check on board a gun? >> it goes to this point he possibly got the gun before he began to have a mental break down or whatever this was. i don't buy into that now because he planned and executed the attack. certainly, people who have mental issues should not be
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carrying a weapon. any gun owner will agree with that. in this case it goes back to the question of, did they the authorities allow this to happen because of the gun laws that are archaicc. you tell people they can't carry weapons with the that's m psychiatric problems and notification to the federal government so he doesn't get on board a planewith a gun? >> there is a background check on all of these individuals but westill don't know . if you had a medical problem m, believe me the authorities are notified in most states and there would be a red flag.
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>> he complied with tsa regulations that allows you to put a gun in a hard container which is checked on board . that's in compliance with the tsa . >> should we revisit that ? >> we should revisit it yes but we should revisit what i shared earlier he complied with the law. he knew he could take it out in the bathroom any of the u.p. and looked around. there is variation few visibly armed police officers. it was a crime of opportunity. they ask why florida? he says maybe there is not too many armed people around and i will be successful. >> he could've gone to the anchorage airport and started shooting people in the baggage claim. without checking aweapon on board and traveling to fort lauderdale and doing it there . it could have happened just about anywhere. you expect a insanity defense here? >> absolutely. there will be a diminished capacity defense. i hopeit's not successful. if there is an isis connection or a terrorist connection it certainly will be investigated by the fbi and they will reveal
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that. they are doing a greatjob. fbi and law enforcement doing a great job but it's all about t, let's talk about being proactive. >> you can't protect every soft target area by policing it up . >> you can't prevent every terrorist attack. could minimize the loss of life that's the point here. i go back to a very visible armed police. it's like you have now the opportunity tocommit such an act with a high volume of casualties it is very minute . if they want to talk about because then you concealed carrylaws and let's make a national law to give people the ability to defend themselves. >> averages at the airport on friday and i did notice a significant presence. i guess maybe there are more lax in places like fort lauderdale? >> i've been there. beautiful airport. you are right in new york and new jersey , they coordinate a lot together. a lot of intelligence gathering and i noticed in the port authority. i will tell you what you feel like you are at the safest place in the world because it's that police visibility that
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criminals will look at and they will not commit these acts when they are there. >> this guy spent nine years in the military. he was deployed in iraq. i guess theyexamine his service record to determine whether or not he suffered from ptsd. there might be a connection. >> could be. another failure of the va. they should really give everyone who's leaving the military, especially in a war zone some kind of counseling or psychological evaluation before they go out there. >> keep track of people. >> this guy clearly had issues. >> he did but i walk around the road that it was those issues that cause the act act. he planned it and he executed. >> and he may be executed as a consequence. >> steve good to see you. >> greg and steve getting back to politics. donald trump calling for closer relations with russia. this is as intelligence reports ordered by obama revealing that russian president vladimir putin orchestrated a covert hackingand propaganda campaign designed to sway the us
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election and mr. trump's favor. garrett tenney has the latest reaction from d.c. >> president trump raise some eyebrows this week when he followed up withthe intelligence briefing by sayin he wants to improve relations with the cold war adversary. in a twitter post on saturday he wrote , having a good relationship with russia is a good thing. it's not a bad thing. only stupid people or fools would think that it is bad. we have enough problems around the world without anotherone. >> this morning on fox news , the incoming white house said he believes that mr. trump fully accepted the findings of the community but argued that the democratic national committee is partially to blame because they failed to respond to the fbi's warnings. >> so yes. we have bad actors around the world. we have had bad actors including the russians. we also have a problem when we have a major political institution thatallows foreign governments into their system with hardly any defense or
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training . >> president obama said he doesn't believe that he underestimated vladimir putin . he warned that the next administration needs to be prepared to deal with russian interference in our elections and in those of our allies. >> what's true is that the russians intended to metal in a metal. it could be another country in the future . it could be another election. that's why i hope that this does not continue to be viewed through a partisan lines. >> with that in mind president-elect trump has said he plans to order a full report on the hacking campaign to see what changes need to be made to prevent it from happening again. >> thank you, garrett. >> a bratty rampage in israel. the driver using a truck as a weapon. it's a deadly weapon. he killed for israeli soldiers. more on the ongoing conflict in the region and what the united states could do to get de-escalate tensions under a new president.
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israeli prime minister is linking a deadly attack in jerusalem to isis. they are saying the palestinian truck driver who plowed into a crowd of israeli soldiers was a supporter of the islamic state. meanwhile, the israeli leaders are looking forward to a new
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relationship with the incoming trump administration after years of tension with the obama white house. let's talk about this now with the reserve intelligence officers with the office of nato intelligence. the senior fellow at the foreign policy research. prime minister netanyahuis looking forward to a fresh start . can it happen? what you think. i think it's certainly time. there has been factors that are independent of president-elect trump and frankly, the united states. namely the unfortunate rise of iran. what you have had is a situation where the states are just as concerned about iran getting nuclear weapons as israel is. it has caused common ground between the two. i think that is a pathway for resolution that is the ongoing complex >> let's look at the specifics. president trump moves it to jerusalem. how do you think it will be viewed?
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we even had jordan come out and say it's a redline. currently, there are two consulates.there is the american in the italian. i look atthis and say it's not a huge deal . although it's perceived very much like the arab states. mr. trump will make a decision. what is in the us national interests? is it to align with the states or to find a solution to the conflict and is it to have a two state solution with israel and palestine? what the arab say that's right or wrong makes it very clear if they view it moving the united states embassy tojerusalem . if he does that you will have to do some outreach. >> you are advising president trump. how do you advise the administration on the israeli settlement?
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>> i think it's an interesting thing. it's a great question i think there is an opportunity and i think there is an opportunity to find some middle ground. clearly, you have clear issues at play. one is the settlement. if you want to give the palestinians land back you can't build the settlements on that in good faith and say we will give you the land back. on the flip side the arabs are holding over israel this concept of the right of return which is this idea that the refugees in the millions from jordan, saudi arabia and a whole bunch of states that they will have the right to return which would undermine the concept of the jewish state. it has to be a little bit of quid pro quo. all israelis have to give a little and the arab states will have to completely withdraw the concept. they are giving them citizenship in the countries. it's been there for decades. it's really quite important in israel. once you resolve them, i would
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say that's the focus there is a path forward and to refocus the efforts . >> with a lasting resolution, what would that be. >> i think, there is a very strong ally. i also think there is a war in syria. we have to make a decision where you want to be. israel is clearly important. they are one of our closest allies and of the one of the only democratic countries in the region. let's not to say we shouldn't support them but we have to
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understand that it might close the door with someof these arab states. as president he will decide really where his focus lies. >> excuse me you get the sense that the ambassador can get the cooperation from israeli and arab leaders? as you know, mr. friedman had been criticized for his lack of diplomatic experience. >> look the president should have the chance to choose whoever he wants to be in the government. that is what a president has the right to do. mr. freeman currently doesn't have experience but that's not always a precursor or a requirement to be an ambassador. on the flip side it's what has been reported as polarizing statements. i think going back to the perception that the arab partners may have towards mr. freeman is the concept that he
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wants to move the embassy and it's aggravating and not necessarily statements that are meant to be an open two-way dialogue between them and the united states. that's how they will view it. it might be the intention. maybe he wants to come in and say this is where we will negotiate for a place of strengthbut we have to look at the other countries will view this. he certainly has the polarizing factor. >> we have to leave it there. so manypoints. you thank you so much. >> the movie lala land. it's expected to clean up tonight and lala land. the 74th annual golden globe. we will get a sneak peek at all that glitters. [music]
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other things to expect kicking off so with nicole kidman.pinger march 2 lala land. nominated 30 was one of the buddhist events. it's officially legal with marijuana and all bets are off.
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>> is it crushed blue velvet? it is. >> the kids of the famous people and i will take my own almost to the king. michael, you look dapper. greg is jealous. you get better looking by the year. it was 1973. >> welcome to being updated michael good to see you. have fun out there. >> by, michael. we will be back. goodbye. have a great evening. [music] tential over their professional lifetime. see? uh, it's a girl. congratulations! two of my girls are toms. i work for ally, finances are my thing. you know, i'm gonna go give birth real quick and then we'll talk, ok?
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does credit karma do taxes now? yeah, and they're totally free, so they'll never take any of your refund. file your taxes for free with credit karma tax. congress is telling the electoral college but. >> electro-college vote of the state of georgia donald j. trump received 16 votes for president and michael pence received 16 votes for vice president. i object for the certificate on the grounds the electoral vote vote. >> there is no debate and it is not signed by a senator at the objection cannot be maintained. >> mr. president the objection is signed by member of the house but not yet by member of the senate. >> it is over. [applause]


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