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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  November 18, 2017 9:00am-11:00am PST

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you were fantastic. thanks to our cashin' in crew and all of you for joining us. that will do it for the cost of freedom business block. i will see you on fbn weekdays 4 p.m. with david asman. have a great weekend. >> president trump has a brand new message to hillary clinton following her quote, worst and biggest loser of all time. and at the white house, what may have made him come out swinging this morning. >> plus, roy moore taking to twitter today. he's going after a high profile attorney of one of his sexual harassment accusers. we're going live to birmingham, alabama with more. >> and new allegations of harassment in hollywood, this time a mega producer and personality, ryan seacrest. ♪ >> hello, everyone, welcome to america's news headquarters from washington, i'm kelly wright.
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>> thanks for being with us, kelly, i'm elizabeth prann. thanks for being with us. >> new details are focusing on the probe into meddling during the 2016 presidential election. there's a scrutiny on a june meeting on trump tower between russian lobbyists and high ranking members of the campaign. this comes as jared kushner is facing scrutiny over missing e-mails. for more we'll go to kristin fisher at the white house. >> a lot of new developments over the last 24 hours. the top republican and democrat on the senate judiciary committee are now accusing the president's son-in-law and senior advisor, jared kushner, of not being fully cooperative with their russia investigation. senators chuck grassley and dianne feinstein says he's failed to turn over two key documents about wikileaks, i'm quoting here, a russian back
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door overture and dinner invite. they say that kushner received a an e-mail wikileaks, and forwarded it. and that could be a problem because it could be different from testimony. and kushner's attorney is pushing back, saying he's been responsive. as to the wikileaks document you refer, this was been mischaracterized in the press and mr. kushner was along with others forwarded an e-mail from donald trump, jr. that had been widely reported and disseminated. there's no new document concerning mr. kushner. another development in the russia investigation, renewed scrutiny around the june 2016 involving a meeting, kushner, donald trump, jr., paul manafort, and according to the associated press, another russian lobbyist and businessman discussed that meeting a year later in moscow.
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that's important because now congressional investigators want to know why they met in the first place and whether there was an effort to get their story straight weeks before it would become public in the press. so far today, president trump hasn't weighed in on any of this. instead a bit more focused on what his opponent hillary clinton said yesterday. accused him of disgracing the officement and he tweeted crooked hillary clinton is the worst and biggest loser of all time, she just can't stop, which is so good for the republican party. hillary, get on with your life and give it another try in three years. so, we may be just, what is it now, a month and a half away from 2018, but, liz, we're still talking a whole lot about 2016 from president trump and hillary clinton, to the russia investigations on capitol hill and with the special counsel's office. elizabeth: sometimes it feels
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like groundhog day. we appreciate it. >> groundhog day. notwithstanding the republicans made good on their promise to pass the tax plan by thanksgiving. the senate's counter proposal could be facing major road blocks. carolyn shively with the details. >> the senate finance committee passed its version thursday night. now, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he'll take it to the floor by thanksgiving. can he get it through? he needs almost every republican to do it. they're not solid no's. wisconsin senator ron johnson can't vote in the current form, but wants to fix it. and others are concerned it will add to the deficits. no democrats are expected to vote yes. >> we certainly are very confident that we're going to get that package passed and love to see some democrats come on board and support this historic
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piece of legislation that we feel will be one of the great legacies of this presidency. >> the fact you didn't get any democrats in the house, how does that portend for the senate? >> there's always hope. >> both the house and senate bills cut the corporate tax rate from 35 to 20% and give individuals tax cuts. the senate version repeals the individual mandate of obamacare and sunets those individual reductions, so who wins? >> the people's taxes who are going to go up are the rich people in high tax states, but again, there's a lot of benefit to the new york economy of lowering the corporate rate to 20%. >> republicans want you to believe the trickle down tax breaks for the rich will pay for themselves. never have. they say they're going to create jobs and pay for themselves. neither is true. they never have. >> the president wants the bill on his desk by christmas, but it's going to be tight. kelly. >> a lot of questions out there. we're going to talk about that
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throughout this long debate between now and the time they vote on it. >> joining me is congressman rooney. we miss you in the studio, but appreciate you coming on. >> thanks for having me on, elizabeth. elizabeth: my first question is your take on thursday, i assume you're pleased with what came through the house? >> i think that thursday was a historic day for the house and for our country. that tax plan is-- in whichever form, senate or house, has a major thrust to get the economy going again and remove the disincentive of capital leaving the country. americans fill out taxes on three by five car, that's almost revolutionary. elizabeth: i want to get into the nitty-gritty. we can look at major changes from the senate before it gets to conference. one of the biggest sticking points, we're not sure, as lawmakers head to conference, if there's going to be the same
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number of brackets, for example, or if the cuts are temporary or permanent. that's one of the piece of the puzzle. what do you think is going to be the biggest sticking points? >> probably whether or not the mandate is included and what to do with state and local taxes. >> the house version restored property taxes up to $10,000. the senate doesn't have it. i'm hopeful they'll do more fine tuning with the pass-through provision that senator johnson has spoke been. that's a very important avenue for small family businesses and private capital to investigate. >> and salt, the state and local deductions, you saw that with the lawmakers from states that do not want to see that happen. as that as the individual mandate, that could be a deal breaker and they do not have the leeway that you guys had in the house. >> well, the good thing about removing the mandate on
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obamacare and make money to assure other tax cuts-- >> do you think that's going to get through the senate? >> oh, i wouldn't know what the senate can do or not. i think that's up for senator mcconnell and his leadership team to figure out. but i would think the mandate would be something you could give up to get everything else. i mean, it's really, it's a tax bill, right? we need to get the taxes right. elizabeth: there's another incident i wanted to ask, the small businesses. i want to know if there's clarification or things that will change, especially as how they get organized and whether or not it's a pass-through entity. because there's a big difference if you're a small business coming down from 39.6 to that 29 that you passed. >> they put a provision for small businesses to pay a reduced rate to help people starting out business. with i think income up to
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$75,000. when you go above that you go through the pass-through rules and i'm concerned that the focus is narrow on capital goods and doesn't expect sub chapter s or llc's that have liquidity and capital as part of their structure. elizabeth: we had heard a passionate orrin hatch talking about sunsetting some of these after eight years. if there's room for compromise, do you see it happening? some instances you guys are really far apart and i think some folks at home are saying, how is this going to get through? >> i don't think that the senate and house are that far apart. the president said he doesn't want to defer the corporate tax cut at all. if you bring the corporate tax cut back into the first year you get some things in the house bill that will help pay for it and the other doesn't have some of those. elizabeth: i wish you the best
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of luck. and see you in the senate after the thanksgiving holiday and see if something happens before christmas. >> thank you for having me on. elizabeth: i appreciate it. coming up in our next hour we'll get reaction from the other side of the aisle. democratic congressman will joining us to talk tax reform and chris wallace will sit down with treasury secretary steve mnuchin, check your local listings for time and channel. and howie will take a look at coverage of the scandals involving roy moore and of course, senator al franken. you don't want to miss that. >> alabama's governor says while she has no reason to disbelieve the eight women who have accused candidate roy moore about sexual assault or harassment. she will still vote for him. steve doocy is in birmingham, alabama with more details. >> the establishment from d.c. is still mostly staying out of alabama, but roy moore can now count on the highest ranking
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elected republican here, that is the governor, kay ivy, for her vote. >> we need to have a republican in the united states senate to vote on things like supreme court justices, others that they have to confirm. and make those decisions and that's what i plan to do is vote for the republican nominee, roy moore. >> but roy moore cannot count on the support of every christian minister in alabama because dozens of them, almost 60 signed onto a letter condemning his candidacy not simply because of allegations of sexual misconduct, but because they think he's co-opting his christianity to get elected. >> we believe no follower of jesus christ should be silent as perverted while our bible is appropriated as a weapon for false culture war and the name of our god is blasphemied by
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those in the name of christ. and he's done something unthinkable and taken a lead in the polls, but the attorney from birmingham admits a lot can change between now and election day. >> i'm kind of like the coaches about polls. only one poll that matters that's on december 12th and i'm not paying attention to that. we have felt an energy in this campaign ins is-- since the summer and that's what feels good. >> right now we're in birmingham waiting for doug jones to show up at a fish fry campaign event. we don't know any events that the moore campaign is holding today or tomorrow. kelly. >> peter doocy, thank you for the report. the accusation seemed to be taking their toll on moore's campaign. a fox news poll shows a democratic candidate up eight points with 50% of the vote, while moore has 42% of that vote. john archie bald is a columnist with, which concludes
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newspapers in huntsville, mobile, and birmingham, alabama, all have written editorials calling for judge moore to withdraw from the race. he joins me now to discuss this issue. so we're looking at this issue right now and we see that the governor of the state is actually standing in support of roy moore. yet, your newspaper and others are joining to call for his resignation from the race. his withdrawal from it. why? >> well, first of all, it's pretty amazing statement to say that you believe that you have no reason to doubt the accusers and yet, you still support the candidate. i think that will have maybe some political repercussions along the way. my newspaper editorial did say to drop out. i will add that from what we know of roy moore and roy moore's history from the last 25 years, roy moore will never drop out of this race and anybody who thinks he does is dilutional.
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>> well, his wife came out in support of him, as you know on friday, she is standing by her man. she went so far as to say he's always been a gentleman. she believes he will stay in and do so despite the allegations of sexual misconduct. with the wife supporting him and the first female republican governor of the state to support him as well, what does that say to constituents in alabama? >> well, they're clearly divided. there are quite a few of them who believe the women and have been motivated to say so. there are very many who say it doesn't matter to them, in the same sense that governor ivy did, that republican candidate is more important, which, you know, it's an extraordinary statement. >> when you look at the statements and the fact that these allegations are so riveting and revolting in many aspects and the fact that he is still receiving support, there
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appears to be, if you will, a lot of people were saying regardless of what the past may indicate about his behavior, there is forgiveness from the standpoint that he can sustain this onslaught and many people are questioning the timing of it, and they're also stating he can move ahead and win this because they need a republican senator as the governor alluded to. is it really that important to the people of alabama, as well as the governor and kayla, his wife, of course, to move forward with a republican in the senate? >> well, they obviously, i mean, just from discussion about the tax vote today and future votes to come, they clearly feel that it's extremely important to keep that republican seat, no doubt. the question is, when they start looking forward at the party itself and what happens down the line, what does it do to the party when you say, right now that it's more important to keep a party vote than it is to keep
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someone who you, by these people's own statements, might be a child promolester. what does it say to people who are considering to become republicans down the road. >> finally, as we say in peter doocy's report there, dozens of christian ministers are coming out against roy moore and believe he's co-opting christianity for the sake of votes. what do you say to those charges from people within his own flock? >> i think that a lot of people have said that all along, because roy moore seizes christianity in the way he sees his law and that's through the lens of roy moore and not necessarily through more traditional ways. let's face it, there were a lot of ministers who came out opposed to him today. there were a lot of evangelicals who came out in favor of him over the last few days. so, i mean, this, again, is another split that in the church
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just as it's split in politics. >> john, thank you for your insights and perspective on this. >> thank you. elizabeth: oil has leaked from the keystone pipeline days before the authorities decide if the pipeline should be expanded. the spill happened in a remote part of south dakota. transcanada says the leak is controlled and is not a threat to public safety. in four days nebraska regulators will decide on that-- the expansion of that pipeline, but officials say pipeline safety is not a factor in the decisi decision. >> coming up, time lapse video of our world courtesy of nasa which sent a brand new weather satellite into space today. we've got the details. plus, a brand new allegation of abuse in hollywood. this time against one of its
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wealthiest and most popular personalities, ryan seacrest. there's a major manhunt at this hour for the killer of this rookie police officer in pennsylvania. we'll continue to follow that. >> the department is grieving from the loss of one of their brothers and if you have any information, to please contact 911. it's very important that we get any information that we find the person that committed this homicide. maria is an incredible mom. when it comes to helping her daughter, shopping for groceries, unclogging the sink, setting updentist appointments and planning birthday parties, nobody does it better. she's also in a rock band. look at her shred. but when it comes to mortgages, she's less confident. fortunately for maria, there's rocket mortgage by quicken loans. it's simple, so she can understand the details and be sure she's getting the right mortgage. apply simply. understand fully.
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>> three, two, one, and lift-off of delta 2 at the joint satellite system one. elizabeth: predicting severe weather could get easier with the help of a weather satellite on board this rocket. nasa launched this morning. it's expected to come online in three months and helping with hurricane and storm predictions and nasa satellites already in orbit capturing video of earth over two decades. this is to create a new time lapse video of the planet, the satellite monitoring the planet both on land in the oceans to show how much the earth changes over the years. kelly: at this hour, pennsylvania authorities are still searching for a suspect
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after a police officer is shot and killed overnight. police say the officer had been with the department for less than a year. fox news correspondent bryan llenas is following the sad details of this. >> there's a press conference happening right now. police are saying they've received a multitude of calls and tips after the shooting yesterday that took place in western pennsylvania, in new kensington, about 20 miles northeast of pittsburgh. there is a manhunt underway now for a suspect. police say at about 8 p.m. friday, 25-year-old officer brian shaw was shot after a traffic stop involving an suv which led to a foot pursuit. at some point, shots were fired. shaw was hit, taken to the hospital, but was pronounced dead shortly after. now, police have not yet provided a specific description of the suspect. police did find, however, an unaccompanied gold colored green
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grand cherokee wanted in connection with the shooting. shaw had been a part-time officer in three nearby towns before joining the new kensington department. this photo taken by a local mom shows officer shaw shows a little boy with toy handcuffs and wanted to see the real can you feels-- cuffs. and the mom wrote on facebook, we need more brians. >> he was on the department less than a year, i'm asking anybody with any information, as minute as it might be, please, please, give us a call. we need to find the person that did this. >> meanwhile, in baltimore, maryland, the search continues for the suspect responsible for the killing of detective sean suitor. the circumstances of his death
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are not clear. his gun was fired multiple times and it's possible that he cast killed by his own weapon. he was following up on a triple homicide when he confronted someone in a vacant lot and shot in the head once. the husband and father of five was rushed to the hospital in a police vehicle. he died thursday. a reward is offered for that shooting. as for brian shaw we learned the fbi is now involved in this investigation and are offering a $25,000 reward for any information. kelly. kelly: bryan, thanks for the update on both stories. obviously shall the manhunt continues and people who are watching it can offer any help as the police have requested. bryan llenas, thank you. elizabeth: another hollywood celebrity faces allegations of harassment. who is making the latest claims. maybe good news for some and not for others. winter weather hitting parts of the u.s. we'll tell you who is feeling
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the chill coming up. ♪ you're as cold as ice ♪ ♪ you're willing to sacrifice our love ♪
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>> hollywood personality ryan seacrest and madmen creator matthew weiner of the latest men accused of harassment by former female peers. these claims wrap up another week of bombshells against major political and celebrity names. will has the latest from the l.a. bureau. >> kelly, think about this, more than 50 men with links to hollywood have been accused of misconduct signs the harvey weinstein story broke. the latest allegations waged against ryan sea crest. a stylist that worked with e-news says it happened about a decade ago. we don't have any other details, in a statement sea crest says if
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i made her feel anything, but respected, i am truly sorry. i refute these reckless allegations and plan to cooperate with any that may result. and matthew winer, on the show, alleged that he told her that she owed it to him to see her naked. weiner denies that he was an angry boss. the nfl it is now investigating an alleged claim that james winston groped an uber driver. he says the story falsely accuses me of with this driver. and uber added that he suspended his account. he was accused of assault in
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another case and he maintains that that encounter was consensual. kelly: will carr with the latest. elizabeth: and executive editor with washington freebie con and you have other hats. thank you for joining me. >> thank you. elizabeth: i was listening to some of your pod casts and so far, obviously, we have new news at this hour with some most recent allegations, but you said, i'm not wholly surprised at some of these accusations, why? is this a normal that we weren't privy to? >> i think there's kind of a culture of tacitly allowing a lot of bad behavior in hollywood. i mean, everyone talks about harvey weinstein and how he's just, no, i had no idea. those are all lies. everyone knew. he was a famously parodied on a number of shows, including entourage. an arc with a harvey-like character. elizabeth: now we're talking sports and politics this week
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and it's into other areas. why is it coming out now? a lot of these allegations are fairly dated not that it has an indication that they're true. >> we're getting sylvester stallone allegations from decades ago. there's a dam that's broken because of the-- the benefits have flipped. it used to be keeping quiet is what got you into hollywood and kept you moving up the ranks, you kept everybody's secrets and everybody just kind of played along. now it's totally flipped. right? you're getting a lot of press and praise. elizabeth: #metoo. >> now that there's a benefit and frankly, a lack of fear. i mean, hollywood and politics, and sports, all operate on fear to a certain extent. i'm going to lose my job, i'm going to lose my credentials, i'm going to lose everything and that's gone now. so, you know, in a way that's
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good, but it is, it's the flood gates are totally open. elizabeth: keep in mind, some of the women did lose their jobs and lost controls because of it, said no or stopped the behavior. i have a question for you regards to, did you seeing selective outrage. as soon as we heard allegations against kevin spacey, whether or not they're going to try to kill off his character or take a hiatus, we're not sure. other shows with people with allegations where the shows haven't been canceled or haven't heard from them. >> sure, i think there are two separate things going on. i don't know that it's selective outrage, but i think that house of cards and kevin spacey, that was one of the first major allegations, right? so people piled onto that real quick. know you, you have louis ck show pulled from fx, and some are pulling it from streaming services, depends on the content. i think as the number of claims escalate, as we get more and more, there's just so-- the attention is so diffuse,
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it's so hard to concentrate on any one thing, no one says we have to pull the madmen episodes from netflix or amazon wherever they're streaming. elizabeth: that was the next question, this sort of spills into, like we said, politics and other areas, if you will. is it going to be a point of saturation where we become numb and it's like, oh, oh, there's another allegation and keep your twitter feed and roll through. >> we're quickly approaching that point. i have a sheet of people i like who haven't been accused of things and start crossing them off. if harrison ford winds up in one of these, or tom hanks or denzel washington, if the good guys wind up getting taken down, i don't know what i'll believe in any more. elizabeth: you don't forsee this sending soon? are we at the breaking point. article in the hollywood reporter, the accused and
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accusers are flooded to defense offices or attorneys, anyone who could defend them or represent them? >> i've heard up journalists set up accounts, send us your stories, and we're going to investigate everything. they're getting flooded with stories from big name, medium names, small names, nobody names, people. these stories are endless. i mean, they're decades, decades of misbehavior here that are coming into account in about a two-month window. elizabeth: and it's also not just the accused, we're also hearing that there was agents perhaps involved, agencies, people who were sort of facilitating some events, they were privy to it. so it's almost like the fallout is spreading. >> totally. i mean, it's kind of a systemic problem. this is an industry-wide and you know, you see some of the same things again in politics, stories about all of the claims that were paid out, sexual harassment claims paid out on capitol hill. and you know, i-- if you create a system to cover up bad behavior, there's going
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to be a lot of bad behavior. and i don't see these stories stopping anytime soon. elizabeth: all right, a little depressing, but we'll keep on it. thank you so much. i appreciate it. kelly. kelly: after the break, the vote in the capitol to have big impact on your neighborhoods. how the tax plans affects home owners. >> house would levy on the families coast to coast and state to state. >> guaranteed to have more deficit and debt, stick with the current tax code and current economy, i guarantee it won't be a good ending. with most airline credit cards, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. is this where you typically shop? is this where anyone typically shops? it's time to switch to the capital one venture card. with venture, you earn unlimited double miles
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would hit their constituents outside of big cities especially hard and here with his take on this is atlanta-based radio host, eric, thank you for joining us today. and i just want to start with, first of all, where do you stand on this issue? >> well, look, i think i'm disappointed in the g.o.p. tax bill, to be quite honest with you. a few months ago republicans were promising sweeping tax reform, and now we get a tax cut bill that maybe nibbles at the edges, i think. i would like to see something more radical happen. so, for the most part, i'm not impressed. kelly: something more radical. so the house has passed its tax reform plan as you know and now it's in the hands of the g.o.p.-led senate. both versions calling for a cut in corporate taxes and tax cuts. and the version that calls for the repeal in the individual mandate in obamacare.
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what are your suburban listeners saying? what impact will it have on the suburbs of major cities like atlanta? >> i'm not going to speak for all of my listeners, they have different points of view. the point i want to make to you is where is-- did they ever even, i don't know, did they ever debate the idea of a flat tax? did they ever debate the idea of a fair tax? we were promised something bigger than this is my point of view on this and this is what i talk to my listeners about. i don't know how many agree or disagree with me beau that's my point of view on it. when donald trump was running for president, he said he was going to challenge us to think big again. we used to talk about reforming taxation, there is no fiscally conservative party, viable party left in this country. we're nibbling at the edges on this. this is another tax bill that i could look at and find some things i like and some i don't
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like. but there's nothing, there's nothing reforming about this bill at all. it's just, it's built on top of a statue quo -- status quo and people who have influence maintains influence. that's my problem. i can't speak for my listeners. kelly: it sounds like you're saying, go big or go home and be bold with your plan. you mentioned you wanted something bigger like going for the flat tax or a fair tax. what do suburban vote,desire in regard to tax reform? i know you hear people on a daily basis on your show. do they view the house plan as something that will meet their demands and do they view the senate plan as something that will continue to be worked on, particularly as relates to the individual mandate of obamacare being repealed in that proposal? >> can i be honest with you? >> sure, be honest, of course. >> i don't think that most people have an opinion on the tax bill have read it. i think it depends on which
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point of view they've heard most. i think it depends on whether they've heard more from chuck schumer or they've heard more from mitch mcconnell or paul ryan. what i want to say to you, and to everyone out there, is that the argument is not-- has not changed enough. paul ryan talks about putting more money back in my pocket. what i want to say to paul ryan and every other republican is, you're not putting money in my pocket. you're leaving money in my pocket. and there's a grand canyon between those points of view. and that's the problem with this tax bill. it's still the same old-same ole. i apologize if you wanted to talk to me about something else, but that's my point of view. kelly: don't apologize. you're definitely free to express your concerns and your perspective. you know, in many suburban areas, of course, some republicans in those areas view the president and the republican leadership much as you do with some degree of skepticism right now since they haven't delivered
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on some of the items they talked about during the campaign. so as republicans move forward and face this road to pass tax reform. what reaction can we expect from the suburban voters should they even fail to pass that piece of legislation? >> oh, i think it's not going to look good. after not being able to do anything with health care. that's the problem, again, so much of this g.o.p. tax bill now out of the house, going to the senate. so much of it is about timing. what's important is that they get something pass and that's why they're starting to back off from the large rhetoric from the campaign and back off some of the things they were saying a few months ago because now it's not really about what's in the bill, it's about how quickly we get a bill out there because we all know that next year, we're going to start very quickly with the primary season and get into the 2018 elections and that's all this is about. so, as far as i'm concerned,
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this is not tax reform, and if it's not tax reform, i'm not interested. when you ask about people in the suburbs, that's all a matter of which message they respond to more. it's not really going to be about what's really in the bill. kelly: finally, do you think their perspective, the suburban areas, loom large in 2018? >> yes, of course it will and i think in general, people think they want to drain the swamp, but i don't think people know what that means. in order to drain the swamp there's only one way to drain the swamp and that's to reduce the size of the federal government and this populist republican party right now doesn't have interest in. what they want is tax write-offs and entitlements, as long as we have that, we're not going to have real tax reform. kelly: eric, you're an atlanta radio host and a lot of people
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are listening to you today as well. thank you, sir. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up after the break, a traffic nightmare for some residents in colorado as snow blankets the reason. adam has a look at the cold weather winter creeping across the country. >> we're talking about winter snow stretching across the mountains, but it's on the move and running into the plains states. who is getting the next blast of winter weather, that's coming up after the break.
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. elizabeth: michlt blizzard conditions cause major problems across utah friday night. look at that, with officials reporting more than 300 storm related incidents on the roads and that storm front hitting colorado and causing more icy road conditions and slowing traffic down on i-70. about 60 miles outside of denver. the storm also brought snowfall around the rockies. >> maybe not so bad for skiers. winter weather is creeping into northeast i don't know if we want to hear that. adam, what can we expect? hi, adam, when is this moving
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in? >> it's an interesting setup. look at 71 degrees in memphis. 64 degrees in atlanta and just off to the west the temperatures drop quickly and the areas you were talking about hovering in the middle 30's and there is your cold front so that's where the system is going to be on the move. again, as it passed on across portions of the mountain states and that's where we saw the blanket of snow, it's on the move and running into warmer air that i showed you. as that happens. we're looking at fuel. and severe weather in the ohio river valley and stretching back down to memphis area and that is in place as that moves across the region today. from memphis up to cincinnati, indianapolis and stretching back towards the st. louis area. all spots where we could be seeing some big thunderstorms happening today and then the temperatures drastically fall on the back side of that system. let's put it into motion for you here. it's eventually running up across the northeast and there is the back side of the system. the temperatures drop rapidly and this is a true cold front.
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so, initially you get some heavy rain, some thunderstorms, possibly some severe winds and then on the back side, you could be talking about a wintery mix as that cold air begins to funnel on, as this cold front moves through the area. and as i said, it's a true cold front. there is that line again. your forecasted highs today. that line starts to move. you see the colder air settle in across the country where the temperatures begin to fall as a result, eventually, maybe bubbling back up. you begin to think as you head in toward thanksgiving and i wanted to end with the thanksgiving forecast. we've got our weekend forecast, but the most recent information we have actually looking pretty good. here is your temperatures across the country for you on thursday. your thanksgiving holiday and what you're looking at. temperatures aren't too bad, but maybe more importantly, only a couple of spots we're looking at rain. still a little ways out, but it's looking like travel light be okay as we get closer to this holiday weekend. elizabeth: that's what i was going to ask, adam. some folks can take the whole
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week off. if they take off tomorrow, are you suggesting they don't get on the roads if they're in the northeast. >> that's something to consider. next week is not looking bad, but if you're in some of the areas are it's maybe a good idea to wait a day or two. elizabeth: maybe hold off until monday. thanks, adam, we really appreciate it. >> yeah. kelly: we have much more ahead in this next hour of america's news headquarters. a search for a missing submarine, how the u.s. is lending a hand. and former president bill clinton in the spotlight after allegations more than 20 years old. >> i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. i never told anybody to lie, not a single time, never.
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why the left is reconsidering former president bill clinton's legacy in the wake of sexual has arement scandals rocking, washington, hollywood and alabama. >> plus judge roy moore under fire from gop establishment.
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what do voters in alabama think? we will talk to the popular local talk radio host. liz: major effort to make sure the most vulnerable people in houston get a warm meal this thanksgiving. kelly: amid the sexual misconduct allegations against democratic al franken. former democratic president bill clinton back in spotlight for accusations in the 90's. quite a story. >> it is, kelly. this isn't just democrat either that's coming forward. senator is long-time friend of the clintons, in editor, holds the new york senate seat previously held by hillary clinton, bill clinton should have resigned from office amid the allegations of sexual allegations that rocked his administration. >> things have changed today and i think under those circumstances there should be a
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very different reaction. >> hillary clinton said she didn't know what gillibrand was trying to say. calling her a hypocrite in saying over the last 20 years she took endorsements, money and only now coming up to speak out when it's politically convenient >> her point was strange to me because she probably didn't come to this feeling and thought and position yesterday. why she wouldn't have in the last 20 years vocalized it is strange to me. nothing was stopping her. >> several of bill clinton former accusers say the response they are seeing from democrats today from the wave of misconduct allegations is very different from what they experienced themselves two decades ago. >> so it makes you wonder if they truly mean what they say
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because as women did not get any kind of help whatsoever from any of those liberal women. they ridiculed us. >> we reached out former times to bill clinton's team but we haven't heard back, the clintons are speaking at an event tonight in little rock, arkansas, we may hear more from them about it and if we do, we will keep you updated. kelly: a lot interested to what to say as people say this is tend of the clinton era as we know it. liz: senate candidate roy moore says he will not step down despite calls for his resignations after being accused by eight women of sexual harassment or assaults moore's wife echoed sentiment during a press conference yesterday. >> let me set the record straight, even after all attacks against me, against my family, against the foundation and now against my husband, he will not
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step down. liz: fox news correspondent peter doocy live with the latest. peter, break it down for us. show the judge trying to stabilize amidst all this? >> he's doubling down trying to discredit one of the women who has come forward, a year book that she says judge moore signed when he was in the 30's and working in district attorney's office and he was still in high school. today the only time that we have heard from moore is on twitter, good morning alabama day four, new york antonio gloria alred refusal to turn over year book. #alabama senate. they are just trying to clear the judge's name amid accusations of sexual misconduct. something else the campaign did at their most recent event which
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was dubbed women for moore was to try to reignite the antiestablishment sentiment that helps moore beat luther strange in the primary. >> they're not calling for al franken to step down, by the way, have you noticed that? the guy is guilty, he has admitted and yet mitch mcconnell, paul ryan, ted cruz, they're not calling for him to step down, how about the hypocrisy? >> and moore's wife who headline ed existed outside, she says he's not going to drop out. liz: doug jones has to be capitalizing on this, what is he trying to do to get republicans who don't like moore to vote for him? >> he's try to go keep the focus exclusively on what he calls kitchen table issues but at most recent event, doug jones anded, he does one a day, yesterday he was at a meet and greet at a restaurant in alabama and he did
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weigh in on the accusations against his opponent. >> i think for all women we are in a tipping point in this country that we are seeing and empowering women to stand up and speak out and i think that that's a wonderful thing. it's time that in this country that we have those conversations and dialogue and so our message will be the same regardless. >> doug jones is going to be here soon in birmingham, and as you can see the park at the community center is filled with signs doug jones, u.s. senate. they are promoting something that was thought impossible just a few months ago, a democratic senate candidate with a real chance to win an election statewide. liz. liz: peter doocy with the very latest, peter, we appreciate it. radio host joins me now on what alabama voters are saying about this particular race. thank you so much for joining us. we just listen today peter's report. i want to pull up a poll to some
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viewers. shows jones with 50% support, candidate here from 60% of support. is this what you're hearing from some of listeners? >> i think it's a mixed bag in alabama right now. roy moore supporters are going to stay on his side, you will not see any of those supporters back down, no matter what the circumstance, no matter what evidence is provided, there could be photos or videos from 40 years ago and his supporters respect going to step down. doug jones is very outspoken, he's getting support from people but those left in the middle are those republicans that weren't on roy moore's side in the first place between democrat or somebody that maybe they don't really feel they can trust in dc. liz: we lad a columnist and said the same thing, roy moore will never step -- drop out of the race, anyone who thinks he will is delusional.
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my question is if he does not win the race, then what, are we going to hear that it was stolen from him? are we going to see more divide from the establishment and the populist movement? what's going to happen after that? >> well, we've already seen judge roy moore stand up and say he feels like mitch mcconnell and stand with roy moore and the establishment is trying to steal this, these are the people that attack donald trump and to me this is all just a cover-up and to try to deflect from thalses and the accusations that are coming out against judge roy moore seems like every day. nearly ten accusers have come out against judge roy moore and drags the alabama, the state of alabama through -- it's time for him to step down, it really is. liz: okay, we have the scenario if he doesn't win, i'm sort of curious if he does win. you brought up mitch mcconnell.
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two people that have to work together, they may not even be able to work together. what happens if he does win and the divide that's even deeper? >> i don't think that they will work together very well. i didn't think that roy moore going to dc even before all of these allegations came out was going to work with a lot of the senators that are on the hill from the republican side of the party or the democratic side of the party and make it even worse with allegations follow him and i really wonder is it a real possibility that the senate. >> he heard the governor come out and sport him of a female governor, we heard all of them yesterday come out in press conference that we saw in peter's report but there's also a moral divide here because maybe voting for him on his
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stance, on issues, but what about those who are conflicted morally or religious reasons? >> i think there's a lot of conflict there but unfortunately it does not come with his base. they have seemed to stay with him no matter what has happened, but i myselfs -- myself am i co. i don't know what to do when i walk in the voting booth,i don't want to send a man in washington, d.c. that has stain, the allegations, a lot of people are calling it the ick factor and a lot of republicans are in a very tough spot. >> that's what i wanted to ask you as we wrap it up, when you hear your listeners call in, this must be a huge conflict for them. >> oh, it absolutely is. the calls have been nonstop across multiple cities where we have radio stations. i've talked to voters in gaston,
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birmingham, many other cities and the base seems to be staying with him but the ones that are conflicted are very conflicted and i think it's finally time with all allegations with harvey weinstein and kevin spacey, the women are embolden and not feel that they will get drug over coals and accusers seem to be going that direction. >> we talk about the accuser stories and the fact that they have fairly similar accounts and like you said, they didn't know each other and this is a very conflicting issue for a lot of listeners and voters in alabama. all eyes will be on alabama in december 129, we will be watching. thank you so much for joining us. we very much appreciate it. >> absolutely, thanks for having me. kelly: new details emerging today on the focus of the probe into russian meddling during the 2016 presidential election. jared kushner is facing scrutiny over missing emails and accusations that he has been less than cooperative with the investigation. for more, here is kristin fisher
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at the white house, kristin, how is kushner responding to these accusations? >> well, kushner's attorney is saying that there are no missing documents. he says that his client has been fully cooperative with the committee's request. he also accuses the committee of taking their complaints to the media first before alerting kushner and his legal team that they had a problem with some of the documents or lack thereof that they had been providing to the economy. the big one has to do with wikileaks. mr. kushner has had no contact with the organization and along with others forward an e-mail from donald trump, jr., that has been widely report and disseminated. no new document concerning mr. kushner. but the top republican and democrat on the senate judiciary committee senator chuck grassley and diane feinstein did receive an e-mail about campaign and forwarded it to other senior
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campaign officials because that could be a problem. the other big news about the russia probe this morning, the associated press reporting that two russian american that is were now at the infamous trump tower meeting in june 2016, reporting that they met in moscow a year later to talk about it. now congressional investigators want to know why they were meeting in moscow and whether or not there was some effort to get their stories straight just weeks before news about the meeting blew up in the media and became so public, kelly. kelly: kristin, then there's this issue, the renewed friction president trump and guess who, hillary clinton, where is this all coming from? >> well, this stems from a radio interview that hillary clinton did last night in which he really criticized the president and the alabama senate candidate roy moore for some of their alleged sexual misconduct. listen to just a clip of that
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interview. >> you just said that you have a sexual assaulter in the white house, how could you say that about president trump? >> well, based on the very credible statements that have come forward from, i think, now a dozen women and really based on his own words, you know, the hollywood access tape was not made up, he was describing sexual assault and it was shock ing. >> so president trump has not directly responded to that comment, but he has responded to her in general with a tweet this morning saying crooked hillary clinton is worst and biggers losers of all time, she just can't stop, so good with the republican party. hillary give -- go on with your life. >> we will continue to see what happens in the coming weeks and months.
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>> thanks. >> the navy is ramping search efforts for a submarine carrying crew members, san juan was last heard on wednesday, the navy says it's possible that the submarine has local issue, it's not presumed to be lost. to aid in efforts, u.s. navy is sending plane, state of the art sensors and communications equipment which would allow it to support a wide range of missions. kelly: coming up our political panel breaks down the trump administration's response to the roy moore and al franken sexual harassment scandals plus the nun who became internet sensation during hurricane irma gets a special honor but insists it was all no big deal. >> all i wanted to do was clear the road and make it safer for other people. i still don't understand why it
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went so viral. doesn't make sense to me. kelly: fans remembering the life of one of acdc's founding members.
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kelly: welcome back, president trump calling out senator al franken after accusations from radio news anchor and now the white house is facing questions about how these allegations are different than the ones made by women against the president during his campaign. joining me -- >> i think specifically senator franken has admitted wrongdoing and the president hasn't. kelly: sorry about that. ahead of myself. fair and balance david brad blakeman, former deputy assistant to george w. bush and al who was part of hillary clinton's campaign finance committee. so here we are almost towards the end of 2017 and we find out that there are -- there was one columnist who said are we reaching a saturation points with the accusations and yet we
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see the president of the united states interjecting himself into the accusations against senator al franken, of course, al franken himself came out and said, i'm sorry, he admits to that, the picture is there, what does it say about the president of the united states getting involved in this fray as well when there are scel oans in -- skeletons in his own closet? >> sarah huckabee sanders is quite gifted but missed the boat on that comment m. the president admitted that the president doesn't, that doesn't equate with the facts, he bragged about sexual assault. >> president trump was -- made a comment on a bus that he regrets, but he never admitted to actually taking those comments to reality, that's not -- that's not the problem we find ourselves with senator
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franken. senator has picture molesting a woman. the president doesn't admit to allegations that are before him and that's the difference. al franken has the evidence, the evidence is there, he admitted to it and with regard to the president, it's allegations, the comments he made, he apologized for but he never -- to his admission never acted on. that's a big distinction. kelly: go ahead. >> we just need to stop the outage, president trump admitted that he went for women, i can't even use the language that he spoke on the audiotape. he said he did it and denied the allegations of other women but he admitted he did. franken admitted he did it both things are terrible and we shouldn't be selective. kelly: we can't escape the fact that roy moore has crosses to bear and there are christians in that community, evangelical who
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is are supporting him and then there are those who are saying we can't support this, we believe that he is using or coopting christianity at this point. what do you say about that? the fact that they are now coming out, those within the evangelical community saying, we can't really get behind this and furthermore, we are talking about these issues when there are so much more to deal with in congress in terms of how we get along in america it's bewildering to so many people notwithstanding the serious allegations of sexual harassment. >> i hope the good people of alabama make a wise decision. given judge moore's support they are voting on the policies they care about more than his conduct which is reprehensible. they care about pro-life, conservative judges. kelly: let's be clear it's alleged conduct, misconduct? >> it's fairly credible and if
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you read column in the wall street journal where she cites 30 sources, great journalism. it's incredibly well-sourced. >> it's unfortunate, a distraction and unnecessary distraction because it's horrific allegations on somebody who didn't do a good job of defending himself. when hannity went through cross-examination, i'm a similar, he did a fantastic job, gave the attorney to defend himself, he failed miserably and hannity went back based on the judge's show i'm giving him 24 hours to correct the record, will you do that? he didn't do that. judge moore is in witness protection program. he's not coming before the press. he's doing very staged events and he refuses to take on the allegations that anybody would if they are innocent. as lawyer there's evidence
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enough for me to say he's not good to serve and that is my opinion and people have been tried and convicted for a lot less than what is alleged. kelly: gentlemen, as we move forward and we examine all of the allegations and misconduct and sexual harassment and the mess, it's just a sorted mess, how do we move forward to clean up the mess so that we can have good governance and develop better reputations just from a man's perspective? >> i hesitate from a man's perspective to speak for women. kelly: even from a man's perspective we are still held accountable for things that we have done in our own past. >> as we should be. senator franken hopefully can be an example to how to appropriately apologize. it doesn't matter what i think, what matters is what you you think. i give him credit for that notwithstanding the bad acts that proceeded the statement and i think that's a good lesson.
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kelly: brad, final word quickly. >> look, this is a cleansing of our country. it's important. my values came from my parents and my friends and my peers. i didn't need anybody else to tell me how to behave but some people do and that's why it's important to have this, reminder of how we should be treating each other regardless of who you are, basic decencies and norms that must take place. this is a healthy time for our country to take a look at who and what we are and how we behave. kelly: let the healing begin. thank you both for sharing with us, all right. liz. liz: malcolm young, one of the founding members of the group ac/dc has passed away, popular songs, he and his brothers -- brother rather created the
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best-selling band as you know in 1973. young was only 64 year's old. no reason given for his death but a representative for the band said he had been suffering from dementia.
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liz: patience with our viewers because you are joining via the internet. i want to give you the opportunity to tell us why you and members of your coalition do no support this because you say it simply does not support the tax code, why is that? >> we are going for corporate tax rate to 20%, we want to see individual rates go down so we are in agreement on policy issues but when it comes down to being part of the process, we were just left out. we did have conversations, i mean, i spoke with president trump, kevin brady, a good friend of mine, state legislator on small business or pass-through or the middle class we were not given that opportunity, so again just like the senate finance voted 26-0 against the house bill that
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passed, on the current form we are against it but i feel confident that we can get into some conference committee, some of the good things from the senate bill, some of the things from the house bill -- liz: okay. so what are those good things that you want to see? we had congressman earlier and what's talked about in the senate perhaps are not that far apart, do you agree with that statement, do you feel that they are not that far apart? >> i think there's a lot of common points that we need to look at. there are some points on conflict, on the senate side they make corporate tax rate permanent, i'm in agreement with that. when it comes to some of the individual tax cuts they go away in the next ten years. i disagreed with it, why are we making one permanent and the other temporary, so there are some things -- there's a lot of things that we can find common
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ground on but the bottom line is, we have to find something in bipartisan way because if you look at the last time we had tax reform in 1986 it was bipartisan and i'm just supporter that we need bipartisan. to make changes you will have a lot of blue dogs like myself that are going to vote yes on this. liz: right. you talk about different facets. there was a little bit, i guess, altercation between senator orrin hatch and senator brown, this took place if i'm not mistaken on thursday and sort of shows you some of the fireworks that we are seeing and i want to play it for viewers who missed it and then get your reaction. >> this tax cut really is for the middle class, it's for the rich and the whole thing about higher wages, well, it's a good selling point. >> i'm going to say to you that i come from the poor people and i've been here working my whole stinking career for people who
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don't have a chance. >> the reason i play for you is because the margins are so tight in the senate, we are talking if i'm not mistaken, they can lose three votes and we have seen a number of senators saying they may not be pleased with the proposal so far. i'm asking you that because you had said if you were invited in the table you would participate, do you think that you will be needed at the table? >> well, again, you know, we have to keep in mind that i've been talking to my friend kevin brady and like i said we go back a long time. he wants to work with us and people that want to work with us but again at the end of -- at the end of the time, you know, the senate has to do its job and that's a difference type of dynamic that we can see on discussion -- [inaudible] >> want to make this happen, so i think if they want to make this bipartisan, the group that they can reach out is currently the blue dogs and my personal relationship --
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[inaudible] >> he wants to do the right and make sure his leaders allow him to negotiate with us. liz: all right, congressman, thank you so much for joining us. it's very interesting, certainly all eyes on the senate before we even talk about any discussion in conference. so, sir, we thank you so much for joining us. good to see you. kelly: thousands take to the street of zimbabwe demanding for president's removal. zimbabwe's army has pressed in house arrest, negotiations on exit are worked out. kitty logan. >> it looks as if mugabe may be removed from power, the mood of celebration, party atmosphere and protest and this is the first time ordinary people
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voiced opposition since the army took over a few days. the president is 93 year's old. he's been in power since 1980 and authoritarian leadership has left little room for descent, but this demonstration is going to prove and many are relieved that they are finally about to be free from mr. mugabe's rule. crowds to residence to call him to formally step down but not clear for how much longer and if party dismissing him tomorrow and wife grace is set to be removed from her position, now mr. mugabe did appear at ceremony on friday morning but this was the only time he was seen in public and some reports saying he is negotiating more
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time before final exit from office but his fate effectively sealed when placed under house arrest. this was a coup but they have effectively forced the president from power. it's unclear what happens after mugabe may led. kelly. kelly: kitty logan from london, thank you. liz: fox news alert, a japanese -- bump intoed the uss vessel. the navy says there were no injuries on either side, this is the latest in a series of mishaps in the seventh fleet, in january as you may remember a u.s. air force ship ran and 17 u.s. sailers downed in two
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separate collisions between navy and foreign vessels. kelly: after the break with tens of thousands still displaced from hurricane harvey, how one group of volunteers is ensuring they all get a chance to enjoy turkey this thanksgiving, and a lot more and the chainsawing nun gets a special thank you for going above and beyond in the wake of hurricane irma. ♪ i accept i don't bike as far as i used to.
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and i know that we havethe phone accident forgiveness.nt, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight- four weeks without the car. okay, yup. good night. with accident forgiveness your rates won't go up just because of an accident. switching to allstate is worth it. liz: you may remember after hurricane irma slammed into florida sister anne as you can see here wielding a chain saw. a principal at catholic high school was honored this week for
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quick action, surprised sister anne with game tickets and 5,000-dollar check to charity. >> that's awesome. how could you not be inspired by a sister clearing the street? >> i think this was joy and there are people who really care about others. liz: i'm not sure you could have summed that better. how could you not be inspired. [laughter] liz: wonderful. very well deserved. kelly: in maryland and the nuns did right. liz: you turned out okay. kelly: so far so good. there are still some things that i would like to work out. it's been over two months since hurricane harvey slammed in the coast of texas and damaged our or destroyed over 2,000 homes and estimated $820 billion in damage, more than 50,000 people are still leaving in hotels
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because their homes, well, they are still uninhabitable. we wanted to make sure everybody gets turkey, the city in houston preparing for a record-size crowd. as you can imagine. joining me now stephanie lewis of city wide club who host thanksgiving and christmas and this is going to be a special one, isn't it? >> yes, it is. we are -- kelly: before we get into that, i want to get reaction to some of the leaders in that area, i want you to listen to the mayor and very popular congressman out there in the houston area. listen. >> there are a lot of people that are in need and this is one of those days where we will meet needs at least in a very small way but a meaningful way. >> it's a wonderful smile that this warms your soul. >> there you have it from
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congresswoman sheila jackson and mayor turner, your reaction to the fact that they are reacting to the good will and good work of city club. >> well, i thank them so much for recognizing the efforts that we make in certain relief of the community. it is a daunting effort but it is so well worth it. kelly: is it more daunting this year because of what happened in the wake of hurricane harvey because t total devastation and 92,000 applied fema assistance. has a lot of bounce-back in its spirit, if you will. i'm saying that back of knowing some of the people in houston who have told me that they are bouncing back, would this help? >> oh, absolutely. absolutely. you know, we don't want people to worry about what they are
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going to eat or gift or toy ifs -- toys if their children. super feed here in houston. and this super feed is bringing everybody together and in what ways will this help in terms of doing for texas hurricane harvey ? >> so much more than actually giving on thanksgiving, clothing as well as toys for the children, free haircuts, information on employment and education opportunities. you name it, we will try to provide to have everyone together. kelly: for people who may want
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to support you in future endeavors for thanksgiving feast. you said something important. hurricane harvey affected everyone, any one, rich and poor, black, white, latino, hispanic, everybody of all sectors got hurt and affected and as a result of that do you see everyone coming together for this thanksgiving since hurricane harvey devastated the community and they say texas a place with big heart, how big is the heart of down in houston? >> the heart of houston is way big, will always come together when they know there's a need. this year unlike others in the past, those who have been able to support us in previous years have not -- are not in the position to do so this year, but everyone is coming together and
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it's slowly but surely coming together and i'm sure we will meet our goals with just a little bit more help. kelly: that's awesome. i also by what you're doing in people in dire need, thanks for joining us. i will say to you right now, god bless you and happy thanksgiving. >> thank you so much. liz: will be able to experience now a new museum, museum of the bible, just opened. lauren green takes us inside. >> the new museum of the bible officially opens and dedication ceremony, first of its kind in sheer size and scope. half a billion dollar project.
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>> we have learned from those mistakes. we have leading experts that we have and abide by the museum standards. >> $3 million in fines and force today give back thousands of artifacts. >> our desire to tell share, we are not interested in showing anything that's inappropriate. >> exhibit focused on bible history, stories and impact on culture including science, social movement and the democratic law. the museum couldn't come at more critical time. bible literacy is in all-time low in history. helping them understand how
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something they may rarely read has had a great influence over their everyday lives. in washington, d.c., lauren green, fox news. liz: all right u -- a moment to brag, war hero, i will have the story coming up i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. ♪ ♪ you nervous?
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thanks for the ride-along, captain! i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go. you got cut off there, what were you saying? oooo. oh no no. maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years? is that what you wanted to say? mhmmm. i have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. you ok back there, buddy?
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liz: i'm going to go back to bragging, if you don't mind. bob, youngest generation may not recognize, gave up life and career to serve in world war ii. every year one major league baseball pitcher along with retired hall of famer receive an award in his name sake. bridging baseball and service to great country together and my husband was a recipient this year. it also educates youth about the greatest generation of, of course, selfless sacrifice. you can see my husband in these pictures. kelly: yeah. >> he's played with other major baseball teams and during time in major leagues he's been dedicating hours to helping out military members, he does work on and off the field during the season, during the off season and he was a recipient this
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year, he got the award on thursday night and i think it's just -- i wanted to share it because i think it's pretty wonderful. kelly: you should and you deserve part of it as well because you're with your husband. it's a team work. liz: i will say that. i will also say that we see these families and we seen them deployment -- kelly: i have a surprise guest for you because of that. >> could you possibly imagine the worst kind -- there we go. it's so often that liz heads away from the set on saturday or sunday afternoon, she has to go to airport to say good-bye to our troops as they head out with her husband or come back, no more deserving of a recipient than darren, liz, congratulations to you and to him as well. also we are going to miss you for the next couple of months. >> i'm going to miss you too, thank you. >> i think we are going to miss you more than you miss us, but somewhere in the fox news
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archive is the promise of yours to run the marine corps marathon next october. kelly: i remember that. i watched that. >> you said you will run it right along with me. kelly: i'm a witness. >> we have the clip, so god speed, the little one has two wonderful parents. >> thank you. >> we are proud of you, the best of the latest and newest prann and we will see you in a couple of months for marathon training. >> i can't wait to be back, i appreciate it. thank you. kelly: by the way, at the top of the hour. >> we will be watching. >> my good friend julie banderas. >> thank you so much for joining us. stay tune for the next hour. prudential asked these couples: how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen?
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it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges.
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>> president trump taking aim at hillary clinton. new reports that senior white house advisor jared cushner failed to disclose emails. hello. welcome inside america's news headquarters >> great to be with you. 2:00 p.m. eastern. hope you are having a great saturday at home. president firing back at clinton on -- you guessed it -- twitter, saying --


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