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tv   Americas News HQ  FOX News  February 10, 2018 2:00pm-4:00pm PST

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u want. don't sweat your booking. tripadvisor. the latest reviews. the lowest prices. >> we start with a fox news alert. a new chapter unfolding this hour in the battle over arrival of memos. the present setting democrats back to the drawing board. and the rebuttal to the republican memo with alleged surveillance abuse by the fbi and the justice department. the president taken to twitter today to explain his decision. saying the document requires a redo. meanwhile, democrats describing this is hypocritical. and they accused the president of trying to hide the truth. hello everyone welcome to a brand-new hour of "americas news headquarters". >> the white house declining to release the memo because officials there say it contains some sensitive information for the president blasting
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democrats saying they intentionally included the information. molly is live from the white house with details. the president is saying the democrats should have known this was coming. >> in that, the president said the democrats wrote the memo in such a way that it could not be released. he tweeted this my democrats is a very political and long response memo which they knew because of sources and methods and more. would have to be heavily redacted. whereupon they would blame the white house for lack of transparency. told him to redo and sent back in proper form. republicans had the same memo led by devin nunes that we could go. and they did so by the secret fisa court allow the ff to sign former trump campaign advisor carter page. republicans say the bulk of the evidence used was political opposition research.
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ultimately hunted by the democratic national committee and the hillary clinton campaign. democrats dispute that and the top democrat on the house intelligence committee, congressman adam schiff had the democrats on memo to give their side. >> and what did he say? >> he took issue with the president tweet in part where the president says the democrats wrote a very political memo. congressman schiff tweeted, your concern would be more convincing if you had not decided to release the gop memo 100 percent before reading it and over the objections of the fbi. the presidents white house lawyer said the president is inclined to release the democrats memo but cannot do so at this point because it includes classified and sensitive passages in it. >> thank you molly.
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>> and mooring the debate on national security versus transparency issues. let's bring in the former deputy assistant attorney general under president george w. bush. welcome. does this smell to you like a set up as the president claims? >> you know, what this is the presence message can be clear. he is not saying no. his other saying, not yet. i think a president in the white house have made it abundantly clear that they stand ready to work with the democrats to fix this memo, different information and not to jeopardize intelligence sources and methods. get the metal, get in a form that can be publicly released and pushed out the door. >> you think we will actually see this memo eventually? >> i do. i think we'll see it in the next few days assuming the democrats are sincere. sincere about getting the memo that can see the light of day that they are not using as a political weapon against the president but that it will make the changes and in a responsible way.
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i think we will see this emerge in the next 72 hours. >> if they make changes as you say in a responsible way, would that indicate that what they did so far is not responsible? i mean look at the senator in connecticut claiming it is obstruction of justice for the president not to release this. chuck schumer saying, what is he hiding? this is sidney blumenthal and -- if they bring this back to capitol hill and then bring it back to the white house, wouldn't that indicate that perhaps the democrats were playing hanky-panky with some of the language? >> it would not surprise me one bit if they went a little further than they needed to put the white house and the president in this very position of having to say no, you need to redact it. at the same time, i'm willing to accept that the democrats will say okay, look, we can take these passages out. we respect with the fbi is
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saying and the justice department are saying about the need to protect the methods. even if in a perfect world put that in there we are willing to pull back a little and take it out and get the memo out. i see the whole episode as a witness test for the sincerity of the people on the hill about whether they intend this to be something serious of informing the american people or whether they use it as another political weapon. >> we will see. and meanwhile we saw mr. blumenthal and -- a journalist in washington. apparently involved according to reports with the so-called state department memo information that went to steel. entasis when they were talking about what alleged may have been done. >> a senior debt department state official does not meet
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with someone like sidney blumenthal just to find information out about russia. remember, blumenthal, clinton foundation connected. sending dossiers almost every day to hillary clinton while secretary of state. these are not actors operating in good faith on behalf of the american people. these were paid political operatives who were using their access to their friends in the various obama agencies who wanted to hear from them. >> what you know about this? this is the second round of allegations against then candidate trump. >> was worrisome is that this could be yet another example of material and information that was gathered for political purposes. ultimately making its way to the hands of los fresnos. and it says that that is dangerous territory. law enforcement wants to get the information and what we've seen already sometimes the pedigree of information and the reason i gathered in the origin
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and the bias it can sometimes be put into these materials and it gets lost in translation. if these rumors are true i think it is yet another indication that things are getting a little out of control when your political actors. some of whom might be working for the united states government conducting political business and then somehow getting that material, wandering it through various channels and getting in hands of law enforcement where it can be used for an investigation. >> even if the information does complement political background for let's say it is true. doesn't necessarily make it suspect? >> it doesn't.that is the thing! but i will say this, if you are in law enforcement in your given something like that, i think any law enforcement officer who was given some document like that, the first question would be, what is the source of this? what does it come from? is it someone who is reliable? because those are the things you need to know in order to
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evaluate. >> do you think they take is like a grain of salt or just give it to me? >> i sure hope they take it with a grain of salt. we have been proven wrong before when we have seen people discount the political origins of the material. we will see what happens. right now i think there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that there was information gathered for political reasons and ultimately through several filters made its way into the hands of the justice department. i think we have to find out what went then be done with it here with a treatise in a responsible way and understand where it came from what they -- >> and the wall street journal, they refused to publish this to the wall street journal to send it did not meet their high standard for fair and accurate reporting. the wall street journal passes on this, finally, how can this potentially end up in the hands of the highest intelligence of this country. >> i would hope that the law enforcement officials if they got this information and
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treated with the same skepticism with the same as those of the wall street journal did. >> you think they will see this potential second dossier? >> i think is a good chance. certainly if it already made rounds in washington i am somewhat surprised it has not already been leaked. you can be sure of the house is looking into this and people are stirring the pot on both sides of the aisle, at some point i would imagine it can very well see the light of day. >> we will see eventually. thank you so much for your insight. >> thank you. >> in the next hour we knew reaction. this time a republican lawmaker this is in the house judiciary committee will be here. what his response is to having the republican memo released as we await the democrats for which side makes a better argument in the showdown over this. you have the latest throughout this and our next hour. >> annual allegation of domestic abuse emerging from the white house.
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after a speech writer resigned following claims from his ex-wife that he was abusive during the marriage. this comes after the staff secretary rob porter step down earlier this week in the wake of allegations of physical spousal abuse which the president says porter has denied. >> obviously, tough time for him. he did a very good job when he was in the white house. we hope he has a wonderful career. he says he is innocent and i think you have to remember that. he said very strongly after that he is innocent. you'll have to talk to him about that but we absolutely wish him well. >> ellison barber has more from washington. >> the president on twitter this morning seemingly adjust the domestic violence allegations. he wrote a part quote - people's lives are being
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shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. some are true and some are false. if there is no such thing any longer as due process? in less than one week, two white house officials have been accused of domestic abuse. david sorensen is ex-wife told the washington post that he was abusive during their marriage. he denies the allegations and said his wife abused him to the white house is that he resigned on friday. two days before he resigned staff secretary rob porter resigned after two of his ex-wives accused him of abuse. his first wife gave these photos to fox news. her eyes swollen and healing as purple and yellow grease. she says that porter punched her in the eye when they were on vacation in italy. his second wife had this to say. >> i told them all of the details of my marriage. including verbal and emotional abuse. and including the incident when he pulled me out of the shower. and the protective order that i signed in june 2010. they were made aware of another
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time when i called the police that were home after a domestic disturbance. >> many are questioning next time on command of the white house and trying to figure out who knew what and when. john kelly reportedly found out in the fall. the washington post claims a year ago don mcgann found out the porters ex-wife planned to make accusations that could threaten the security clearance. kelly initially defended porter was the photos are released, he released another statement saying in part that he was shocked by the new allegations. >> ellison barber, thank you. >> the president now reacted to the deadly shooting of two police officers in the line of duty. what he is saying with new details about the tragedy as they emerge and about the suspect. and you have seen the vice president in the north -- at
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the olympics. and, to enemies in the middle east. israel shooting down an iranian drone that was launched from syria. we have the latest on the potential conflict and where it can go. still ahead. >> i've been wanting for some time about the dangers of iran's military. iran seeks to use the syrian territory. to attack israel. for the goal of destroying. going beyond expectations... because our pets deserve it. beyond. natural pet food. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember.
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two police officer shot and killed while responding to a 911 hang-up call. this in westerville ohio. we are told that a suspect is now in custody. and a heartbroken police department just tell the news conference a short time ago. as the president is also weighing in on the tragedy. john kasich also tweeted support for whatever the department needs and is expanding his thoughts and prayers on behalf of the people of the state. this is just moments ago. there was a procession. emergency vehicles in honor of the fallen officers.
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brian is live in the new york city newsroom with what they think happened. >> yes the two officers have been identified. the 39 year old was a 17 year veteran and a 54-year-old was a 20 year veteran of the police force. about one hour ago the chief of the westerville police painfully spoke of the fallen heroes. >> true american heroes. they give their life today. for calls of assistance out of a potential domestic situation. both officers gave their lives and protection of others. those are true american heroes. >> this shooting taking place in ohio 15 miles north of columbus. according to westerville police chief. at 12 at 2 pm local time police
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received a 911 call. eight minutes later police responded to an apartment responding to a domestic situation. as soon as the officers arrived they were met with gunfire. [inaudible] >> we have two officers down. suspect is down. >> the officer died on the scene and the other officer was transported to the hospital where he later died. officers this afternoon let a procession as you just saw. we arrived from hospitals in franklin county corners office. this is a tweet from the present. tweeting moments ago. my thoughts and prayers are with the two police officers their families and everyone at the westerville police department. the fraternal order of police of ohio have set up a go fund me page for the fallen officers families. go fund / fop -- there
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trying to get money for these families dealing with this unspeakable tragedy. >> yes and this reminds us of the sacrifice. go fund fop lodge 9 help fund. we will check that again. >> thank you. >> the autopsy report on stephen paddock goes public but gives them insight to his motive for the deadliest mass shooting in us history. they say he had antianxiety drugs in his system but he was not under the influence of them and completely sober as he carried out the massacre. he unleashed a barrage of bullets into concertgoers from a hotel room in las vegas in october. as you will remember. 58 people were killed and more
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than 800 others injured. >> now we have the latest developments on what is happening with israel. unleashing a military operation we've not seen in years. they launched a large-scale attack we are told in at least one dozen targets that included iranian facilities that happen to be inside of syria. it is not all that the jewish state to dad in the process. we have more from jerusalem on this and benjamin netanyahu his reaction. >> a plane shot down. early in the morning they say this accused the border. they -- they released video for this or that the drone was
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there essbase for about a minute. they called this ridiculous. they say the drone never crossed the border and was gathering data on isis. officials say during a series of areas targeting the drone, the planes encountered massive antiaircraft fire. the israeli f-16 crash landed on the israeli side of the border. the two pilots ejected. one was seriously wounded. the last time an israeli aircraft were shot down by enemy fire was more than three decades ago. during the first lebanon war. israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu says that that the drones that sparked this was not unexpected. >> you do not attack israel for the professed goal of destroying it. this morning i ran lately violated israel's sovereignty.
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with a drone from syrian territory into israel. this demonstrates that our warnings were 100 percent correct. israel holds iran and its syrian posts responsible for today's aggression. we will continue to do whatever is necessary to protect our sovereignty. >> russia, which has troops in syria, is calling on all sides to de-escalate the tension. the pentagon says the us supports israel's right to defend itself. underscoring just how volatile the situation was today for a brief period of time, israel shut down its main airport over concern that syria and its allies could launch missile attacks from the north. >> thank you so much. in the next hour we'll have more on the prime ministers warnings to iran and if charon
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will listen. >> is comes as a secretary of state rex tillerson has to the region this week.secretary tillerson is reportedly hoping to smooth over some of the anger among us allies and partners stemming from the presidents decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital. esther tillerson is also expected to reaffirm partnerships aimed at stamping out isis. the five nation tour includes stops in egypt, turkey, kuwait, jordan and lebanon. >> vice president is now back on his way home. flying back to washington after visiting south korea to attend the winter olympics opening ceremony that we saw. sitting so close to kim jong-un sister. his visit also sending a message to the nuclear armed nation. he urged them to keep up the pressure on kim jong-un wounds regime and another dramatic development, a sister, kim yo jong, but the south korean
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president kim north korea for a summit meeting with her brother. we are in south korea now with the latest. >> eric, there was a bit of a diplomatic breakthrough away from the olympic sporting action on saturday. the sister of kim jong-un met with president moon. inviting him to a summit meeting with her brother. they said they should work to make conditions to allow this to happen. the vice president who has been in south korea for the games and politics says there was no daylight between the us and south korea and their amateur with the north of nukes and missiles. before the vice president returns moon also was a joint korean hockey match with north korean officials. we were also at that olympic
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cycle study found that while the focus was on sports, it was also on politics. take a look and listen. >> the flag flies briskly here at the end of the olympic park in pyeongchang cemetery. several of the international nature of the games. but this year a little bit of a political overtone. the flag of south korea on one side, north korea on the other and in the middle, a flag of the united states. the power politics on a sports stage maybe with a happy ending. >> i think it's an okay thing. it is the basis behind the olympics. it brings everything together. it was a real emotional thing. to see them come out together. a lot attention. it was a beautiful night. >> better that they are working together than against each other. >> by the first woman we spoke with was a metal winner in the 1980 winter olympics in lake placid. politics was a big deal at that time as well.
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>> thank you greg. >> while you were sleeping, lawmakers ended government shut down just hours after it began. with a compromise over how to spend your tax dollars not coming without some drama. but who are the winners and the losers? with the latest budget battle. we'll take a closer look at that coming up next. >> the reason i'm here tonight is to put people on the spot. i want people to feel uncomfortable. i want them to have an answer for people at home then say how come you are against the presidents deficit and how come you are for the republican deficit? isn't that the very definition of intellectual dishonesty? our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. bburning of diabetic nerve pain these feet... liked to style my dog as a kid...
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sides taking a victory lap after congress approved a sweeping two-year budget deal this week increasing spending
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for the military and for critical domestic programs the bipartisan agreement ending a brief government shut down. senator rand paul blasting fellow republicans for hypocrisy and hiking the deficit after he delayed the vote on the senate floor past midnight on thursday, i know someone who is watching. we were watching. first of all it should be noted that anything short of bipartisanship is the people's loss. so that means they will look at the political escape. how does senator rand paul fair amount. >> this is classic rand paul. you know he would have been against the deal such as this because the biggest thing republicans are getting is a big hike in military spending. rand paul traditionally is against big increases in any spending. he wanted to at least make the case that if the president was still in office it wouldn't be considered such a bipartisan deal. many more republicans would be
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rallying against it. he has that deficit hog that will be still hammering away. he had some deficit hawks there but with the president trump in office, things like tax cuts immigration infrastructure, this plank of the republican party has been withdrawn to the back burner. people like rand paul, while they can make a great point about it, is not going to be something -- >> is all about politics? to be able to give the president his victory so therefore they get to take that into the republican party. meaning they can taken into november saying that this is why he should continue voting republican. because here are the successes of this president. however i read that some republicans may be reluctant to actually on the one hand give the president his due but also be reluctant on the other hand perhaps to attach the presidents name to brand the
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trump success.>> going to 2018 we know there will not be damaged legislation. a two-year budget deal is a pretty big accomplishment if you look in recent years. we've been going to lump short-term agreements for a while. this is a pretty big win. it doesn't matter who gets it. the republican party was that we accomplished this. it will be a big deal. the president clearly with rand paul, said that we had to do this to get the increase in military spending. we had to increase things that i think the quote - was that like people did not want necessarily. but they will be touting this because of what it will do for a lot involved. >> what about nancy pelosi? >> she gave a very passionate speech this week clearly wanting to get immigration involved. and wanted to get daca involved in the budget deal. it did not end up happening. but the deal itself was still very good for democrats. she didn't make an explicit suggestion that are members needed to vote against it.
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his mortar of a vote your conscience. the party was a little divided. major immigration activists were upset. there was nothing on daca included. i think she comes out looking still okay. the democratic party got a lot as well. >> what will happen to daca? >> they will start debating it this week. the previous shut down the deal was going to be now that daca will come after this. and then the second time around it was still not addressed. so now it will be happening in the coming days or weeks. it will be a huge debate. paul ryan was assented to take a look at this and we will see what comes out of that. >> do you think will be a successful outcome for those that support daca? >> is too hard to predict. it has been pushed down the road so much. the deadline is coming up. it will be intense as ever. i think that there's a good chance something gets done but it is too hard to predict. >> today with neil cavuto, he
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had a virginia republican on the list with the congressman had to say about the deal. >> it is too bad a lot of this is political. everybody is smart enough to know this is fundamentally dead in your 21 trillion in debt. and we have $1 trillion deficit. >> and the senator from virginia says is indispensable and vote yes! it is politics. both sides are addicted to money. >> on top of that sentiment you will get infrastructure. it will add even more to the debt. >> yes the president will bring out the infrastructure plan this week. the party in power usually must increase spending because they want to spend money -- >> what about the conservative republicans that are fiscally conservative? >> this is the thing. there is some hypocrisy. again, whoever is in power they don't want to spend money. they want to spend it on what they want to spend it on.
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it is much easier to say we don't want to spend the money when it is someone else's priority. >> i am told we have to leave it there. of course will have you on again. love talking to you. thank you. >> the president pledged to build the big beautiful border wall, could this end up on ice? there challenging the construction of the wall into federal judge will decide what happens next. guess that federal judge is? one of the president once criticized. our legal panel is on deck to discuss the future of the wall. with rocket mortgage, i can manage the whole process from my phone, so i do it when it's convenient. i can explore all my options, adjust my rate, my term, and get approved in minutes. sounds dummy proof. rocket mortgage by quicken loans. get approved in as few as 8 minutes.
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astrazeneca may be able to help. so allstate is giving us money back on our bill. well, that seems fair. we didn't use it. wish we got money back on gym memberships. get money back hilarious. with claim-free rewards. switching to allstate is worth it. >> a federal judge berated by the president on the campaign trail must now decide if construction on the presidents border wall can proceed.after environmentalists file a lawsuit to challenge it. you may remember the candidate trump questioned if the judge
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could be fair overseeing a fraud case against trump university based on his mexican-american heritage. yesterday, the very judge heard more than two hours of arguments from three separate parties over the border wall issue. and william was on hand for developments. >> we will begin immediate construction of a border wall. >> say the pledge is in jeopardy. thanks to california. >> of the happens in our backyard, we demand to be carried out in the right way. >> california claims any authority that they had expired. >> with the challenges arguing is that when congress passed this law, it did not intend to give homeland security a blank check to request the defense to the attorneys supersedes the state and environmental objections. >> when congress gave them waiver authority, the waiver authority was supposed to
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encompass not just the projects on the books at that moment but any other projects that could have been done under the act. >> during the case, the judge, disparaged for his mexican heritage by then candidate trump, he is now -- >> it ends the whole debate on the fence or the wall. it could be a significant victory for one side or the other. >> california also threatened to blacklist any company that bid on the border fence forcing the border patrol to postpone replacing 14 miles of fence outside of san diego. >> having fewer bids means fewer options. we have less competition in these we have higher prices. >> thank you william. >> are more in this case we will bring our legal panel. david schwartz, mercedes, welcome to both of you. >> you got the justice they are
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for the presence that he is a hater of donald trump. he called him a mexican, spanish, said his part of his heritage. yet the judge is born in indiana. do you think this will affect the judge and his decision? >> not at all. i was a judge for a long time. i was a judge for nine years. your distinctive job very seriously with little to no activism from judges. there is any activism by this judge then we will know about it. we will rise up against it but he is not going to let any personal bias come into the mix. >> he listened to everyone and potentially cannot side with the initiation. >> we do not know which way he will side. the judge has an excellent reputation and i agree with mercedes that he will be fair and impartial in deciding this. >> been an issue of course is
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the status of file lawsuits and the waiver. can you explain that? the federal government has waiver they want to try to build a wall and they say you can't do that because of environmental protections. class certainly on the real id act of 2005, they allow the department of, security issue waivers which means if you want to erect a border wall, a border wall, then they certainly can waive all of those local laws, federal laws and environmental laws, clean water act, it is always because of the security issue of illegal immigrants coming across the border and also illegal drugs and narcotics crossing as well. >> your saying that the environmental issues for example? >> absolute, the trump environmental issues and local laws protecting --
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>> that is why there is an uprising. because we are talking about individuals that live along this. these are private property owners that live along the borders. of course there is some uprising figures and you will spend all the laws that afford us a list of protections? there are so many statistics out there back and forth as to whether illegals actually pose a real serious criminal threat to population. an the statistics just do not care that out. there are studies out there that say that is significant less likelihood of immigrants, illegal immigrants coming into the country to commit crime. and especially not with i.c.e. being so aggressive that there are these illegal immigrants here they are being deported. they are fearful of being deported from this country so they are less likely to do anything. at least that is what statistics are showing. >> we have some very high-profile cases and there was you know this person being in court as a proud convicted
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killer. >> is terrible but there are hundred 85,000 crimes that occur in this country and a small percentage are done by illegal immigrants. and i understand it is absolutely horrible. took some of these horrible things committed by illegal areas but there is a small number. >> but what about the enlisted environmental issue? for the property rights issue when you have eminent domain. and in violation perhaps of property rights. and under federal law they saying it's okay. >> was so scary about this. that is why people are scared of this. >> i'm saying it's okay. the bottom line is that peoples property rights get rising all the time. and they are entitled to fair compensation when their property rights are being violated and certainly when you live along the border area there is a good chance the property rights can be violated
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but there is just and fair compensation involved in this process as well. >>. >> people say that the government lowballed you and you and if the loser. >> the law is the law. >> just and fair compensation is not fair market value. >> they did the same thing with the berkeley center in brooklyn. so certainly for a border wall, they can do the same thing. >> eric, you're exactly right because those i have private properties say, the fair market value is not just and fair compensation for those are two different things. we know that there are many properties valued above just and fair compensation. >> have you think this will go? >> i frankly, i think it is going to be in favor of property owners.
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the waivers are not going to be put into place. >> you do not think that this will be upheld? >> i do not. >> i think the waivers will be upheld and hopefully the administration will do the right thing. those property rights that are being violated, there will be fair compensation given to those property owners. there is an emergency situation. i think they laid out clearly in the arguments and i think they will be successful. >> no matter which way because potentially some think it is a supreme court case eventually. >> exactly. >> will keep on following up to see which side wins and if it was the higher court. >> the case that you just mentioned, a california jury handed down a guilty verdict to an illegal immigrant that
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confessed to killing two deputies do what he said to the families of the victims in the courtroom after his conviction. plus, winter weather here take a look. this is causing a big fat mass in the midwest. -- a big fat mess in the midwest. guys, i know it's so hard to trust but you've got to be strong. remember janet? she got cash back shopping with ebates and hasn't been skeptical since. where'd the money come from? stores pay ebates. psh!!! psh!!! then ebates pays you. psh!!! psh!!! psh!!! psh!!! psh!!! psh!!! psh!!! psh!!!
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psh!!! and they'll send you a check. psh!!!! oohh!! sign up for free. shop your favorite stores. get cash back. ebates. something to believe in. join today for a $10 bonus. >> a powerful winter storm has
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dumped heavy snow across the midwest.look at detroit. about nine inches of snow fell there. many drivers .simply stuck in treacherous conditions. the storm dumped six inches of snow in chicago. that forced the cancellation of hundreds of flights at o'hare international airport. sometimes it seems like thousands! >> i'm sure for travelers! >> lying on the carpet and the floor at the airport. >> okay, we had to move on to another serious story for you. an illegal immigrant found guilty of killing two deputies in northern california. the man, smiled at the victims families as the verdict was read. he says he is not done yet. now the question is, will he get the death penalty? will carr is live in los angeles with the latest. >> the self-confessed cop killer showed absolutely no
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remorse in court on friday. in fact, he showed the exact opposite. he illegally cross into the united states and was convicted yesterday of killing two deputies. he was blowing kisses and smiling at the victims family members. he shot and killed a deputy and a detective back in 2014 in northern california. he went as far to pleasure he wanted to kill more members of law enforcement as he was being escorted out of the courtroom. take a listen. [inaudible] >> i will kill more cops soon is what he said there. he was also convicted of murderer and carjacking.his attorney says he was on meds
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and he is now facing the death penalty. >> this killer is despicable human being. it is more of i think a quiet satisfaction. >> the presidents reelection campaign aired this and in january. it featured this man and talks about being complacent on attacks by illegal immigrants. something that democrats strongly disagree with your. >> thank you very much for that report. >> absolutely disgusting. the president decides not to release the democratic memo at least for now. but he promised it will be up here we have more of that in the next hour. stay with us! that's why there's ocuvite, from bausch + lomb. as you age your eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish those nutrients.
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>> arthel: we begin with a fox news alert as president trump explains his decision to deny the declassification of a democratic memo, meant to refute a republican document accusing top officials in the justice department and fbi of accusing their surveillance powers. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. >> eric: i'm eric shawn. president trump ordered a redraft, saying the current document requires heavy redactions. thiwhite house officials say the memo contains classified materials that must be removed before release. democrats are criticizing the
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move, calling it a double standard since the gop memo is out. they claim the president is trying to hide something and to some even obstructing justice. we'll hear in a republican lawmaker in a moment. first, let's go to molly standing by at the white house on the north lawn with more. the president said the democrats sent him a document. they purposely knew it could not be released, all to make them look bad. what are the concerns tonight at the white house where you are? >> reporter: the top white house lawyer, don mcgan, says the president is inclined to lease the democrat's memo but can't do it in this form for national security reason. the president said the democrats wrote it in a way that they knew would not pass the national security test. the president said in a tweet, the democrats sent a political and long response memo which they knew, because of sources and methods and more, would have to be heavily redacted. whereupon they would blame the white house for lack of
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transparency. told them to redo and send back in proper form. the republican's memo released last week says the fbi got the okay from the secret fisa court to spy on former trump campaign advisor, carter page, based largely on evidence from a dossier that was paid for by the democratic national committee and the hillary clinton campaign. >> eric: what happens next with this. >> reporter: the memo goes back to the house intelligence committee where it will be reviewed and redacted even more. congressman alan schiff challenged the president today. he tweeted, mr. president, what you call political are actually called facts and your concerns for sources and methods would be more convincing if you hadn't decided to release the gop memo 100% before reading it and over the occasions of the fbi. republican congressman devin nunes, the republican chair of the house intelligence committee, is urging is
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democratic counterpart, congressman schiff, to make the changes necessary so the democrats' memo, quote, can be declassified as soon as possible. eric. >> eric: molly, thanks so much. >> arthel: for more reaction on this, we go to arizona congressman andy biggs, a member of the house judiciary committee. thank you for being with us this afternoon. >> thanks, arthel. >> arthel: let us work backwards on this. we'll get to the meat of the democratic memo in the end. if i could start here. listen, the justice department and the fbi is saying hold off on releasing the democrats' memo to give lawmakers time to comb through, recheck for items that might be a threat to national security. as you well know, the fbi emphatically advised against releasing the republican memo for fear of threats to national security and grave concerns about its accuracy. so here's the question, congressman. why is the warning from the justice department and fbi
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heated in the case of the democrats' memo but ignored nor the republican memo? >> that's a great question and a fair question. i will tell you, the way i view it is the republicans' is a four-page memo. >> arthel: you have four-page versus a 10-page. >> exactly. non'nobody's saying there's anyg in the republican memo that should have remained classified. if i was doing this, i can't speak to the substance of the democrat memo, but if i wanted to politically embarrass somebody and say we were treated differently, hypothetically i might quote from classified documents extensively, then what is the agencies, what is the president, what is the counsel left with? there have to be redactions. you get to embarrass them if in are redactions. it's a double cam m whamy whamme
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democrats and mr. schiff. it's got some problems to it and then they get to embarrass and say now they're mistreating us. so it's a two-fer on their side. i want the democrat's memo released. we all do. >> arthel: you just called the democratic memo a nothing burger, the gop memo was called a nothing burger. if you're asking the american public to see through the shade cast by the democrats, how do you convince them that the republicans aren't doing the same thing, making decisions that seem to benefit party and not necessarily the american people? >> well, i think you get the democrats' memo out as quickly as possible. i think where redactions have to be made, you ask them to make the redactions. it's going to get to the intelligence comet a commit at .
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if you they don't want to work to redact it, maybe they have to take out what's confidential. >> arthel: who needs to go through it and take it out? >> the intelligence committee chairman, maybe with the help of the fbi and other intelligence agencies that are having problems, take out that information and throw it out there. i want it out there. i think my colleagues do. i read them side-by-side and i'm telling you, it would be great to have both of them out there so the public could see them side-by-side. >> arthel: so it seems like you've got something behind the eyes there regarding this very topic, congressman. so let's get to the meat of the democratic memo, without jeopardizing national security. can you tell us what elements and information contained in the democrats' memo that you find so dangerous and/or misleading? >> i don't, i'm not saying they're dangerous or misleading. i think they're actually -- you'll find them confirmatory of the nunes memo. that's why i want it out there.
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but when you read it, as someone with clearance, you can see that maybe some of the stuff does need to be removed based on what the fbi is saying. >> arthel: why are we -- the republicans seem to be putting a lot of stock into what the fbi is saying when the president says don't listen to the fbi, don't listen to any of those intel committees. >> let me get back to my hypothetical. if i was trying to throw shade on somebody, one thing i might do is actually put them in a predicament where they can't release the document because of what i've included in the document. and then i'm going to say it's from the same document. it's a way to really manipulate the situation. that's what i think's happening here. >> arthel: i see where you're going with that. i have another way of looking at that too. we'll move on. >> sure, sure. fair enough. >> arthel: the question is, do the american people -- this is what this is all about. do the american people have a right to know if russia was
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using americans wittingly or unwittingly to interfere in the presidential election? and what part does congress play in trying to get as many answer as possible? >> i think they absolutely have a right. i want them to have a right. that's why i want the democrat memo to come out. and i think congress' role in his thing is what they've been doing. they've been adieusing aducing n and evidence. the intelligence committee has got to scrub it a little bit and they work with the executive branch to do that and there's going to be disagreements. i don't think is going to say that the republican memo had any confidential information that should have stayed out after looking at it. >> arthel: in terms of getting to the bottom of the matter, there's a lot of political back and forth and finger pointing on both sides and it sort of confuses the american people and
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i guess perhaps brings about distrust when looking at congress. >> you're right. look, it's a political place. i'm not going to lie to you about that. people point back and forth. i think that's what's happened with the schiff memo. just remember, what i tell people all the time, look at the source you trust and follow what they're saying. what i'm telling you is mr. schiff and the democrats were saying initially don't let the republican memo out because there's nothing to it. it's lies, et cetera. >> arthel: the fbi said it was also -- it also had inaccuracies in it as well, the gop memo. >> right. they haven't substantiated any of those. >> arthel: who hasn't? >> the fbi or the democrats. >> arthel: well, listen, the time on the clock here turned red which means we have to stop. i have a suggestion for you, congressman biggs. here's the deal. you get some frozen pair margaritas, freeze it, ship it to d.c., everybody gets a round
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and you work it out, okay? >> it's cold enough to keep it cold, that's for sure. >> arthel: there you go. thank you for your time, sir. >> thanks shall arthel. >> eric: a second white house staffer has resigned following allegations he was physically and emotionally abusive to his ex-wife. this comes days after staff secretary rob porter quit amid his domestic violence claims. >> i found out about it recently and i was surprised by it. it was very sad when we heard about it and certainly he's also very sad now. he also, as you probably know, he says he's innocent and i think you have to remember that. he said very strongly yesterday that he's innocent. >> eric: allison barber is in washington with more on this growing controversy knew >> reporter: physical therapy twister seemingly adressed the domestic violence allegations. he he wrote in part, quote, peoples' lives are being shattered and destroyed by a
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mere allegation. some are true and some are false. is there no such thing any longer as due process? in less than a week, two white house officials have been accused of domestic abuse. david sorrenson's ex-wife said he was abusive during their marriage. he denies the allegations and said his wife abused him. the white house said he resigned on friday. two days before that, rob border resigned after two of his ex-wives accused him of abuse. she says porter punched her in the eye while they were on vacation in italy. his second wife had this to say in an interview. >> i told them all of the details of my marriage including verbal and emotional abuse and including the incident when he pulled me out of the shower. they were also made aware of the protective order i signed in june of 2010 and they were made
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aware of another time when i called the police to our home after a domestic disturbance. >> reporter: many are questioning the time line coming out of the white house and trying to figure out who knew what and when they knew it. white house chief of staff general john kelly, reportedly found out about the allegations against porter in the fall and a report in the washington post claims a year ago white house counsel don mcga nsaid his ex wive's planned to make accusations that could threaten his security clearance. kelly has not offered his resignation. >> eric: allison, thanks so much. coming up, we'll have our chief congressional correspondent here to discuss the domestic vie vioe allegations against the former staffers and if the administration acted swiftly enough air vic.
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>> arthel: vice president pence is on his way back to the united states after his visit to the olympic games. he said there is a need to continue to isolate north korea economically and diplomateicly until they abandoned their missile program. he he sa sat sat a few feet awam jong un's sister. there are concerns north korea might be trying to drive a wedge between the united states and seoul. very have the story from seoul. >> reporter: there was a bit of a diplomatic breakthrough on saturday. the influential sister of kim jong un met with south korean empty moon inviting him to pyongyang for a summit with her brother.
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if it happens it would be the highest level meeting between the two countries in years. moon said they should make conditions to allow it to happen. vice president pence who was in south korea for the games said saturday said there was no daylight between the u.s. and south korea. pence and president moon watched a skating event on saturday before the vice president returned to the states. moon also watched a joint korean hockey match with north korean officials. we were at the olympic site on saturday. we found that the focus was on sports, it was also on politics. take a look and listen. >> the flags fly briskly here at the entrance to the olympic park in pyongyang, south korea. this year, there's a little bit of a political overtone. the flag of south korea on one side, the flag of north korea on the other, and in the middle, the flag of the united states, power politics on a sports
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stage, maybe with a happy ending. >> i think it's an okay thing. it's sort of the basis behind the olympics, is that it brings everybody together. >> it was an emotional thing to see the two koreas come out together. there was a lot of tension. it was diffused. it was a beautiful night. >> better they were working together than against each other. >> eric: the first woman we spoke with was a medal winner at the 1980 winter olympics at lake plaplacid. politics was a big deal at that time too. >> arthel: greg palkot reporting, thank you. later in the show, we're going to be talking with a former cia officer taking a look at what kim jong un's invite to the south korean president could mean for the u.s. >> eric: that will be interesting, especially since the vice president sat so close to his sister. they say the flu season is as bad as the swine flu epidemic. remember that?
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it happened nearly a decade ago. what doctors are saying we need to do to protect ourselves. plus, a salute to the fallen. two ohio police officers were killed in the line of duty today. we will have the latest details on this tragedy that again reminds us about the sacrifices our law enforcement officers make to protect us every day. ♪ ♪ there are two types of people in the world. those who fear the future... and those who embrace it. the future is for the unafraid. ♪ ♪ at ally, we offer low-cost trades and high-yield savings. but if that's not enough, we offer innovative investing tools
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>> eric: a fox news alert, ohio mourning the loss of two police officers today. they were killed while responding to a 911 hang-up call during some type of domestic disturbance, police say, fired upon when they entered the apartment around 11:30 this morning. it happened in westerville, ohio, about 15 miles north of columbus. officials identified the officers and we received their photographs. 54-year-old anthony morelli and eric jary. the suspect in the shooting was wounded and is now in the hospital. the police chief says, quote, these two were the best we had. the officers gave their lives in defense of others. he also called them, quote, true american heros. so far, this year their killings bring the number of police officers who died in the line of
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duty in our country to 14. another poignant and blunt reminder of the sacrifices that law enforcement officers have to undergo every year, every day they go on tour, to protect us. >> arthel: we move on now to the flu season which is getting much worse across the country. it is now as bad as the swine flu epidemic back in 2009. more than 60 children have died from the flu so far this season. brian yennis is live in our new york city newsroom with the latest on this story. >> reporter: some doctors are saying this is the worst flu season they've seen in decades. a cdc report comes out with a weekly report. the latest one that came out friday said that one out of every 13 doctor's visits last week was for flu symptoms and it's now officially the worst flu season on record since at least 2003. according to the cdc, flu season
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this year varies across the country there ar. there are a few states that are seeing a moderate level of activity. the majority of the country is seeing an unusually intense level, including new york city, washington, d.c. and even puerto rico. the cdc says the flu could last at least five more weeks. the flu was responsible for one in 10 american deaths last week. experts are still figuring out why exactly the season has been so bad and one reason could be an ineffective vaccine this year. a u.s. report on this year's vaccine effectiveness is due out next week. >> arthel: s.>> so exactly why g such a severe year is difficult to say. it may be a combination of factors, the virus, the weather, it may be the early season that we saw, disease started to increase earlier this past fall and so we may have a longer season by the year's end. >> reporter: experts say it's
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still worthwhile to get a flu shot because it may reduce symptoms if you do get influenza. the most susceptible to death from the virus are for those over 65 and children four years and younger. so far, 63 children have died from the flu so far. that number has reached as high as 170 in some years. there's also spot shortages of flu test kits and vaccinations nationwide. if you can get ahold of one, get one. >> arthel: brian, thank you. >> eric: overseas there's been a deadly bus crash in hong kong. at least 18 people were killed in this and nearly 50 others injured after the double decker bus overturned. it was carrying spectators and workers who attended the horse races there. witnesses say the driver was speeding. it is hong kong's deadliest traffic accident since 2003 when a bus crashed back then, killing 21 people. president trump's reaction after two white house staffers
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resigned following allegations of domestic abuse. why the president is saying we shouldn't rush to judgment. plus, israel's prime minister telling the u.s. and russia that israel will defend itself against any attack. details on what provoked his comments, coming up next. >> i've been warning for some time about the dangers of iran's military infringement. they seek to use syrian territory to attack israel for the pr professed goal of destroo it. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. alright, i brought in high protein to help get us moving. ...and help you feel more strength and energy in just two weeks! i'll take that. -yeeeeeah! ensure high protein. with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. ensure. always be you.
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>> arthel: this is a fox news alert. fox news has confirmed that secretary of state rex tillerson has spoken with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu today after israel launched air strikes inside syria. israel said the air strikes were in retaliation for an unmanned iranian drone that infiltrated its northern air space. david lee miller is following the breaking developments from
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jerusalem. david lee. >> reporter: an israeli jet fighter was shot down while conducting an air raid over syria. events leading up to the incident are in dispute. early sat outer day morning israel said a surveillance drone crossed the northern border with syria. they accuse the iranians of establishing military bases in syria to support the regime. the drone was in israeli air space for a minute when israeli authorities say it was shot down by an apache helicopter. iran would not confirm israel's account and called their version of events ridiculous. syria said the drone never crossed the border and was gathering information on isis. israel struck back hours later. during a series of air raids targeting iranian and syrian batteries the planes encountered anti-aircraft fire. an israeli f-16 crash landed on
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the israeli side of the border. one of the pilots was ser just y wounded. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said the drone's infiltration was not unexpected. >> iran seeks to use syrian territory to attack israel for its professed goal of destroying israel. this morning iran brazenly violated israel's sovereignty. they dispatched an iranian drone into israel and this demonstrates that our warnings were 100% correct. israel holds iran and its syrian host responsible for today's aggression. we will continue to do whatever is necessary to protect our cough republican at thisovereig. >> reporter: russia is calling on all sides to dehe'escalate te tension. the pentagon says the u.s. supports israel's right to defend itself and underscoring
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just how volatile the situation was today, for a brief period of time israel temporarily shut down its main airport over concern that syria and its allies could launch missile attacks from the north. arthel. >> arthel: david lee miller in jerusalem. thank you. >> eric: for more on this let's bring in peter brooks, a former caa officer, also senior fellow with the heritage foundation. peter, always good to see you. >> good to be here. >> eric: this is a bold and brazen move by iran, apparently 1e7bding sending a drone into i. what does this signify? >> it's a problem, obviously. the question in my mind as a military analyst is was this a local iranian commander? was this a mistake? is this national iranian policy? israel responded in a reasonable way. the iranians may decide to
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retaliate at some point at a time of their choosing. >> eric: iran has been poking and prodding israel, besides calling for it to be wiped out the map. israel responded by bombing depots in syria when the missiles come in from tehran. don't you see a little poke that they're perhaps testing israeli defenses? it's pretty stunning for iran to actually violate israeli sovereignity and air space. >> i agree with you. the question i would like to know is more about the drone. was the drone on a reconnaissance mission? was it armed? it didn't seem to matter to israel. they violated israeli air space. they got it on their radars and surveillance systems and took action against it. you're right, they could be testing for further operations against the israelis but the israelis showed them at this point they're not going to put up with this sort of action. >> eric: everyone is focusing on
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the ballistic missiles they've been testing. is it possible, like the small boats they use in the pacific fleet, the fleet in the med, do you think -- the persian gulf, do you think they could use small drone toss harass to harae israelis and others? >> certainly. this is the capability that's out there. we use them to great effect around the world. iranians could have the drones armed and take actions against the israelis or the other concern of the israelis is this sort of technology could be transferred to hezbollah. during the war between hezbollah and israel they fired a cruise missile at an israeli ship and hit it. this is a tough neighborhood. with this technology floating around there's a tremendous concern on the part of the israelis, that transfers to hezbollah and other groups that
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would undermine israeli security. >> eric: the prime minister went to moscow and met with vladimir putin and gave him a stern and blunt warning, saying iran has got to stop funding and supplying he's bo hezbollah wite missiles. they said ran i iran is trying n it into a missile site. this is something we're not prepared to toll late. tolerate. what do they do? how do they stop this? is that possible. >> let me make one point first, eric. it could also be syria, not only lebanon, but also syria which is next door on the other side of the heights, and there's concerns about iranians setting up bases. some of the strikes were against iranian bases. we have a bigger problem about iran's expansionist policy across the middle east. they have a lot of influence in baghdad and they want to create persian power that stretches from the supe persian gulf to te
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mediterranean sea, including lebanon, syria, iraq and iran itself. this is of tremendous concern, not just for the israelis but for the united states as well and reaching out to the russians who have become a major player in that part of the world is an important par point on the partf the israelis. >> eric: we were told iranian behavior would eventually change because of the iranian nuclear deal. this is not supposed to happen. >> some people tried to tell us, eric, as this wa was nixed like nixon in the past. we know the problems with the nuclear deal and the fact it put money into their pockets. they were integrated into the international economy which allows them to spend money not just on their people, which i don't think they're doing, but on military efforts in syria, in yemen, transfers to hezbollah and other groups.
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i don't think the nuclear deal moderated iranian international behavior. they've been more dangerous andd emboldened. >> eric: meanwhile, talking about behavior, we've seen a modification of behavior on the other side of the world during the olympics. you wrote an article about this. kim yo-jong who is kim jong un's sister, who put her behind the vice president? she's sitting five feet away from the vice president. she's invited president moon to sit down with her brother. what's that all about? >> it's to drive a wedge between the united states and south korea. we've been allies with them since 1953 and the end of the korean war. this is an effort on the part of north korea to make things difficult between washington and seoul. i don't think we have to be -- some people may disagree with me. i don't think we have to be
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worried about a meeting between the south korean president and kim jong un at some point. it's going to take a while to put together. there will be briefings. i understand the vice president, american officials have been briefed on the meeting between kim jong un's sister and president moon of south korea. there will be consistent sel co. i don't think peace is breaking out on the korean peninsula, as much as i would like to see that. but the north koreans are manipulative. they will try to get a payment for the meeting. but we could learn some things here. remember, not many folks have met with kim jong un. i would love to hear what president moon has to say after he meets with him, if this summit comes off. we need to understand his thinking and what is in the realm of possible in terms of negotiations. >> eric: and talk about unification and they had a goal of unification. you know what that means for kim jong un, that means unifying under him. >> they haven't given up that
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goal of reuniting the korean peninsula under the democratic people's republic of korea, which is north korea. and they plan to do it militarily if necessary. that's why it's so important that seoul and washington stand shoulder to shoulder on isolating the regime over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs and deterring them on a conventional level with our brave troops already out there. >> eric: vice president pence did not acfollowing o acknowledt shake the hand of kim yo-jong who is the new family member that we will become accustomed to. >> she's a player, eric. >> eric: what a family. peter, thank you. >> thank you, eric. >> arthel: amazon may soon cut out the middleman and reportedly start shipping its own packages. where amazon will test this service out first. and how president trump is reacting to domestic abuse allegations regarding two former white house staffers. >> obviously, tough time for him.
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he did a very good job when he was in the white house and we hope he has a wonderful career.
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>> arthel: the trump administration responding to allegations of domestic abuse among two former white house staffers. the president tweeting, peoples's lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. some are true and some are false. some are old and some are new. there is no recovery for someone falsely accused. life and career are gone. is there no such thing any longer as due process? we have the chief congressional correspondent for the washington examiner joining us now. susan, we're getting word into fox news that sense kamalla harris and 11 other democratic senators sent a letter to the administration, general kelly and don mcgan demanding an explanation. they want answers from the white house on rob porter's
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continued access to classified information. so i start by asking you, jump off from there and ask you, susan, does this current crisis speak to the way the administration conducts security clearances? is this about the president's loyalty, which is generally a good characteristic? or is this a case of disorganization inside the administration? what seems to be at the root of the problem? >> i think it's all basically been spelled out in the reporting we've seen over the past few days, that he -- mr. porter said he did not commit domestic abuse and i think the trump administration sided with him on that and then these photos emerged and everybody changed their mind and realized that this could potentially be much more serious. >> arthel: before the photos, the fbi said you might have a problem. even rob porter said i believe to general kelly, heads up, there might be something that comes up from my past that might be a problem.
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>> i doubt he's the first white house staffer to have problems with security clearance. i know for a fact he's not. if you take this case and look at it at 20,000 feet, there's no administration that's got a lack of skeletons in the closet amongst the staffers. i'm not trying to down play the serious nature of domestic abuse. to hone in on the trump administration and say what a mess it is over there because of this particular thing, it sounds like they didn't quite understand what was going on until these pictures came out and then once they did, he was gone pretty quickly. and then when the accusations came out against the second staffer, david cor david sorenss gone pretty quickly too. he denies the allegations and says that he was the victim of a domestic violence which is often very much overlooked, female on male domestic violence. that's the cases making. there's a mixed picture here about what was going on and i
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think to say that this somehow -- i think the media loves to try to hone in on dysfunction in the trump white house. >> arthel: susan, jumping in here, that's not what we're trying to do here. we're talking about domestic abuse allegations at this point. that cancels out politics, right? so what are we hearing in the meantime from the first lady and ivanka trump on this and do we know what they're telling the president? >> i think that you're going to hear some strong words from both of them about this. i don't think for a second that either one of them thinks it's a good idea to have someone in the white house in "the west wing" whthe west wingwho is accusedc violence. >> arthel: they said they didn't do it. they denied it. they didn't mention anything about the problem of domestic violence which is mainly committed against women and there are some women who suffer domestic abuse. >> absolutely. >> arthel: the president is our
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leader. we want to hear from him to say this is not right. this is not tolerated. domestic abuse, violence against women is just wrong. why can't he just be that specific about this? >> i think any other president probably would have done that. but that's not who the people elected. this is somebody who speaks his mind. you know what? hear's what i think. i think another president might have thought that but wouldn't have tweeted it. because you think, wait a second -- >> arthel: he tweets everything else, susan. >> essaying he's saying i've n working alongside rob porter. he became a far more person in the white house as the months went on and suddenly he's gone and the president is saying he is somebody who i trusted and worked with and i'm sorry to see him go and i don't understand what's going on here many i think that's what he said in the tweet. >> arthel: women made up 53% of the vote in november. >> this is a problem for him. >> arthel: 52% of white women voted and helped elect him. how will they react to the way
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the president is responding? will the president have to answer to them? >> that is a great point. i think the women who elected him would be just fine with what he tweeted. his problem is trying to win over women who did not vote for him and who may think about voting for him. you're right, the marchs w marcw after the election, there will be women coming out to affect the vote. >> arthel: how does he make it right? >> with a various follow-up tweet saying i don't condone -- does anybody think the president condones domestic violence. >> arthel: we're not saying that, we're just asking him to tweet it, make it right on some level. >> to tha to tweet that and saye he domestic violence seriously but i'm not sure what happened with my staffers.
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this is a tough issue. i think it goes way beyond politics. we know that. we know that not republicans alone are committing domestic violence and not men alone are committing domestic violence. this is a problem. and the president was tweeting off the cuff what he was thinking and saying about these staffers who he enjoyed working with and suddenly they're gone. i think he is also questioning the way his own staff handled it, the way general kelly at one moment said stick around and fight the allegations and then he saw the photos and said never mind, you're out of here. this thing unfolded in the media and unfolded very quickly. overall, i think the administration did a good job handling it. the two accused are now no longer working in the white house and that's why i think overall this thing will fade away. it will be one of those tweets where people go back and criticize him for his comments. i don't think anybody out there thinks the president, because of what he said about the staffer,
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condones domestic violence. what they may think is he's not taking the issue seriously. so he does probably need to address that, arthel, you're right about that. he needs follow uto followhe ney something. his wife and his daughter have probably spoke to him about that, including the female advisors in the white house. >> arthel: thank you, susan. take care. >> eric: coming up, you know your driver's license and your wallet, it may soon be history. digital driver's licenses are now being tested out. all you have to do is open an app on your smartphone when the officer pulls you over and says "license and registration, please" " #nosleep i got it... #mouthbreather yep, we've got a mouth breather. well just put on a breathe right strip and... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more
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than cold medicine alone so you can breathe... ...and sleep. go to today to request a free sample. stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today. book now at this time, it's his turn. you have 4.3 minutes to yourself. this calls for a taste of cheesecake. philadelphia cheesecake cups. rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. find them with the refrigerated desserts.
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>> eric: your driver's license could soon be digital. look at this. >> reporter: your driver's license could soon be replaced by an app on your phone. >> we already have wallets on our phones, let's add a mobile license to it. >> reporter: think mobile boarding pass with more heft. it's funded by the national institute by standards and technology that is tested in four states and the district of columbia. >> your digital format of a license gives you the ability to select specific information. >> reporter: the app designers say it works without wi-fi, is segregated from other
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information on your phone and requires added layers of security, like a finger print. >> the person that's verifying never takes on the liability for handling your cell phone in any way, shape or form. >> reporter: we've the privacy protection measures in place, not everyone is convinced. >> what comes to my mind is the possibility of frightening privacy invasion by the government. >> reporter: this attorney says this could clear the way for an invasive national database. they assure the information stays within individual states. critics caution safeguards in place now could go away later. >> what keeps the government from overreaching, from going the next step and it's only another step or two for a national i.d. where they know everything about you. >> reporter: unlike the plastic driver's license, you can restrict the information to the situation. when shopping at a liquor store, the app will only show your photo and whether you can legally buy alcohol. >> i think it's a great idea especially in a store where we have thousands of transactions a
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day. the speed of getting the customer through the checkout is imperative. >> reporter: conges heconsumer e for increased convenience could trump concern, especially with a driver's license that could be updated remotely. the pilot program has another year to go. then it will be up to individual states to decide how or if to roll out these digital credentials. in denver, alicia kunya, fox news. >> eric: do you like that. >> arthel: no. bad idea. day. not just airline purchases. think about all the double miles you could be earning. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! ( ♪ ) shh! what's in your wallet? man: shh-h-h!
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democrats calling it a coverup as president trump blocks their rebutal to the gop fisa memo accusing the fbi and justice department of surveillance abuse in the russia investigation. this is the fox report. >> julie: president trump refuses to release the work of adam schiff. this comes a week after the president declassified the republican's rival memo with zero redactions. the president sent the document back to the committee for a redo while criticizing it as very political and too sensitive to be made public. schiff responded firing back, saying this, mr. president, what you call political are


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