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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 1, 2019 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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escalating trade war a big topic that will come up tomorrow. keep in mind the jobs report is due out tomorrow as well. we will have a minute minute-be coverage of all of that. but now, here comes "thfive" ." ♪ >> juan: hello, everyone, i am juan williams, along with emily, brian, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, it's the five. 2020 democrats duking it out in detroit during the second debate, president trump is on his way to a rally tonight in cincinnati and just moments ago he went after the democrats. we are going to show it to you in just a bit, but first, the attacks were fierce and they were plentiful on the debate stage and joe biden once again was enemy number one.
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>> and vice president biden was on the united states senate working with segregationists to oppose busting -- >> you want to compare records, and frankly, i am shocked that you do, i i am happy to do that. >> which one? >> senator booker? >> what did you mean when you said when a woman works outside the home it's resulting in "the deterioration of family." >> you don't even know the flavor. >> one of the most talked about moments was tulsi gabbard's takedown of kamala harris' record. >> she laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. in the case of those who are on death row, innocent people, you blocked evidence from being revealed that would have freed them until you were forced to do so, there is no excuse for that and the people who have suffered
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under your rain as a prosecutor, you owe them an apology. >> juan: the debate prove no one was safe from attack, and that included president obama. >> obamacare is working. >> your plan does not cover everyone in america. >> it looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past and one of us hasn't. >> mr. vice president, talus, what did you do to try to spur on the justice department? >> mr. president, you can't have it both ways, you can't do it when it's convenient and then dodge the question. >> did president obama lose the debate? >> dana: i think if president obama had been on the stage of the last two nights, he would've been considered a conservative democrat, president obama will go, wait a minute, we are still for border security, right?
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what he did have that i didn't see a ton of last night is their charisma, the hope, the democrats but there were space bar over the last two nights. president obama when he was running, happy guy, hope and change and you didn't really feel any of that on the stage. i think that instead of going after president trump, they always go after president trump but the focus was on that the last eight years was not progressive enough and they didn't go far enough and there has to be some drastic change. you might expect from elizabeth warren, bernie sanders but i imagine joe biden didn't expect that from, harris. cory booker's point about joe biden clinging to obama when it's useful for him is pretty effective and i think that's why he got the applause that he did. >> juan: greg, if you had to pick somebody, and i know you
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watched -- >> greg: every minute of it. >> juan: who would you say won won? >> greg: the most memorable will be tulsi. hitting kamala in the knee, it was the most memorable thing. i do have -- the guy that hit carrigan. >> juan: i thought, i will get criticized but she was a fashion statement last night. >> greg: you cannot complement on her clothing. you know what, a couple things. i don't like the audience reaction to things because they react to what is interesting or exciting and now it is important so when somebody zings somebody you get this -- the kool-aid line the court used, wasn't that creative or interesting but it felt like you needed applause. to your point, 2009,
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president obama was seen as a progressive hero, ten years later he is now considered a republican. obamacare is a right wing plot but the attacks on obama reflect an actual fact, trump is only been president for three years, the major problems they are discussing, whether it is immigration or health care, let's talk deficits, so it just seems like maybe they are right that they have to talk about, they have to go past -- he's only been there for three years, not even that. >> juan: you pick up in the thing -- dana and i were talkit over on her show, the consensus seems to be that if you put the two nights together, the winner was elizabeth warren, do you agree? >> emily: i think there's a strong argument for that, she has the most polished out there. in terms of that galvanizing quality, i think it was bernie sanders from yesterday, last night there was a lot of
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ruffled feathers, a lot of disheveled -- it wasn't that kind of smooth delivery. other than cory booker, who surprised me and interestingly among my circle he was the most annoying to a lot of people but his delivery i thought -- >> dana: somebody else was much more annoying. >> greg: i try to block him out of my brain. >> emily: i think the most effective attack on that night was when tulsi to go after kamala and she was correct. and kamala only had the defense of "i'm proud of what i did. but especially in california and given her record there she flip-flopped over the line and being that kind of fan of that liberal community for a lot of years and she has to answer for it and the death penalty ever evidence case was a big deal in
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california, i thought she was going to shine but she failed. >> brian: do you want to call on me? >> juan: i expected you to follow up. >> greg: he's trying to turn this into "fox & friends." >> brian: there were two timebomb's place, kamala harris, tulsi gabbard, this is time for people to go and probe that out, any good reporter or anger is going to say, go ahead and defend this. number two, what kind of mare you were, cory booker, what are you doing on crime? what did you do in the area, what did you do for gangs? what kind of report card you have? joe biden said "i kind of want this fight." but this is legitimate barter for anybody he sits down and talks too. i happen to be the joe manchin, jon tester, mark warner, all democrats who said these people
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on the stage are not reflecting what i think, what democrats stand for. we are not for medicare for all, we are not for opening up the border and letting people walton, we are not for what most of the people are getting applause for her, there's a problem, they've got to find a therapist to find out what they stand for. elizabeth warren would stand out, she is smart, she's confident, she's concise but what she stands for will not get her elected because the country is not there. >> juan: i think the country as they are, if you talk about medicare for all, education, go look, people like this stuff. dana makes the point -- >> greg: we all like free stuff. >> juan: when you say you will lose your private coverage, no, no. >> dana: can i make two
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tactical points? kamala harris made a decision because she's been on every side of the health care issue, they decided to go days before this debate to release her health care plan, i don't think that was a good idea because she kind of knew it but not really and -- all of her opponents knew it and they went right after her. she takes it as a compliment that she was getting all of this heat because she is considered one of the front runners but i think it was a bit of a mistake. today she came out after the debate, held a press conference for about 45 minutes, took as many questions as she could and i think it was to reassure her supporters and the people sending checks to her campaign that she's got this, she might've had a rocky debate but she still wants to be considered a front runner. >> greg: can i make another tactical point? i believe the democrats better do something because they are starting to look like the donner party, they are starting to eat each other. they've got to start shedding some weight, like that soccer team in the mountains, they have
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no choice but to turn on each other, they have to start drawing people overboard. >> dana: meanwhile, president obama is like "why are you turning on me? >> juan: they are going to start drawing people overboard, who doesn't make it? >> brian: there is only that qualify, tulsi gabbard has long legs but she definitely has done things that people are treating to get hurt on the threshold. i'm not sure if they get over ten. we get into one night. >> the super outlier. >> they attack, remember your attack, the things he wrote in 1980 -- we talked about it.
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>> greg: it was basically about family stuff, the hardest life of all. >> juan: breaking news about the justice department, they are not prosecuting former fbi director jim comey over leaking classified memos about president trump. critics now saying he's getting a free pass. details straight ahead right here. ♪ ♪ my insurance rates are probably gonna double.
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♪ >> dana: a big development in washington, sources confirming that the justice department will not prosecute james comey for leaking classifies memos about
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his interactions with president trump. you may remember back in sensito the media through a friend so that special counsel robert mueller be appointed. brian, i want to go to you first. you've been talking about a shoelace for an hour. >> emily: commercial break! >> greg: we could say you are a blowhard. >> brian: i like the brakes better than the show. >> dana: one of the accusations about comey was that he wanted to get these classified memos that he wrote out and he put them through his friend, a professor -- >> brian: he gives it out, they put it in "the new york times," the next thing he knows, special counsel,
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victory. the fbi comes to visit them again to get other memos. i don't know the answer to this, maybe you guys do, the fbi showed up at his house to get a memo, to take a memo that he wrote the night before. did he call and turn himself in? i'm not a lawyer but if i was going 85 in a 55 but i didn't intend to do so, i am still getting a ticket. he said he didn't intend to give out confidential memos because they weren't labeled confidential when he gave them out. he's the director of the fbi, he knows when he sees it. if anything that's confidential, it's that. >> emily: the differences it is a strict liability crime so it doesn't matter what your intent was. here, the overarching point -- >> greg: take that, brian! >> brian: i'm not liking the show at all today, it's going terrible. >> greg: this would've been
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the first case the doj prosecuted of the russian investigator, and this is kind of a thin margin for them and it would be difficult for them to prosecute. they came out and said it was all about the intent so i think it was actually tactically wise or that they were holding back and i want viewers to understand that comey is not in the clear, because the fisa abuse investigation is ongoing and more importantly the doj and the connecticut u.s. attorney are currently investigating the investigator in may this year and the power to compel and to the power that durham had exceeds ig horowitz. so look for there to be more evidence or a lot more culpability around the corner, this is totally okay. i am curious. >> juan: the reality is the man who is in charge of making this decision is bill barr, bill barr is a political player on
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the trump team and he said this wasn't even close, he said it wasn't even close and yet you have people, oh, yeah, this is a double standard. let's look at that. the memo, the memo said it was not classified at the time it was given to the professor. so he can decide what's classified and not classified. the second thing, the guy wasn't the president, he was in transition as president-elect and the second thing here is with donald trump jr., we had no instinct about intent, the only reason he didn't get indicted from my understanding in the mueller report is -- >> dana: for people out there, they were driving 85 and a 55
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even if they didn't intend to, they are getting the ticket. hillary clinton, james comey, no one else gets in trouble. >> greg: i may be wrong on this, emily is the lawyer, not me. comey set his own precedent by not indicting hillary, so he set a precedent for him. hillary wasn't indicted, it's like a politician decriminalizing pot before he buys a marijuana dispensary. >> emily: it sounds like insider trading. >> greg: i might be completely wrong but it sounds right. i'm not disagreeing, bill barr who made this decision -- i don't want to live in the past, i like to think about the future, you know, i know there's a lot of wrongdoing on both sides, on that side especially. >> dana: andrew yang last night was talking about the future. >> brian: in the future we all should give up our routing
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numbers. >> dana: in the future we will come back from this commercial break. elijah cummings is being called a hypocrite over a video of him calling baltimore "drug-infested." you will see it up next. ♪ ♪ that a speaker is just a speaker. ♪ or - that the journey can't be the destination. most people haven't driven a lincoln. discover the lincoln approach to craftsmanship at the lincoln summer invitation. right now, get 0% apr on all 2019 lincoln vehicles plus no payments for up to 90 days. only at your lincoln dealer. has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. it was funny because when we would call another insurance company,
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♪ >> greg: don't you hate it when people say terrible, racist things about baltimore? >> this morning i left my community of baltimore, a drug-infested area. out of the drugs we are talking about today, have already taken the lives of so many children. the same children that i watched 14 or 15 years ago as they grew up now walking around like zombies. >> juan: that i was 20 years
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ago when cummings accurately pointed out the true devastation of that city. what is anybody done about it since then? i know what i did, i watched "the wire" like a bunch of other white people did. back before drugs became a lifestyle choice, it was a big favorite among white educated people, especially liberals who felt by watching "the wire" and talking about it's all baltimore's problems, sort of like watching "game of thrones" solved the nation's dragon problem. everyone watching the show feels better about themselves, it's virtue signaling with popcorn and a remote, you never have to leave your couch but at least you've done something which is more than trump can say i'm a he probably never watched up about the wire." it's considered a class to camp the city declines even more. despite all the money shoveled into that district, the emac none of the problems depicted so starkly in "the wire, the drugs,
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the debt, the corruption, are fixed. meanwhile, cummings is a millionaire, another in a long line of liberal democrats will work hard to make rich people, maybe hbo can do a series about that, too. i don't have any real questions. i answered all my questions. >> brian: elijah cummings home got broken into saturday at 3:40 in the morning, no idea if it's related, we have not heard from much through him. >> dana: it's not a home he lives in and, it's money runs out, is not the home he actually lives in. >> juan: i don't get this. it's like saying -- "i'm a big fan of "the sopranos"" do i think new jersey -- i don't get it. the second thing is what this really is about is president trump, who went after cummings because he doesn't like
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cummings exercising oversight especially on things like "let me see your tax returns," why are families being separated at the border. he called them out for what i think most americans think is just terrible behavior. but i would say this. why would trump talk about drug-infested baltimore or areas of vermont, ohio. that's what elijah cummings was doing in that clip, you saying, we have a problem, now we are zombies from drugs. trump talked about what america in rural areas hard-hit by the opioids, said we are americans, we can solve the problem.
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>> brian: in a ben carson presser yesterday, you would know this, he says he wants to help out, he would meet with elijah cummings himself, he wants to solve the problem. i was talking to dana today on the show and i think this thing could turn out for the better. >> dana: the coalition of african-american pastors meeting with trump and going to baltimore? >> dana: you can probably do something. here is something, though, this has been going on for a long time, elijah cummings talked about that in 1999, a lot of this can't necessarily be fixed by the government, the government can throw money at things, it's not actually a government thing, this is a deeper problem, we should get marianne williamson on it. there's a lot of things, it's not just the government. >> greg: the dude from twitter, he obviously -- blight of authority. >> emily: as a constituent on
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the west coast might biggest issue with this is the taking offense trigger locks the actual fact because the reality is a blight on government, the reality is that blight on elijah cummings, the fact that he's been the representative there for decades and it hasn't changed. in seattle where i pay my taxes, the mayor there, the police department and the city attorney release that over 80% of the homeless are drug addled and the mayor goes "no, no, no, that was only one in three" because that would reflect poorly on her. we shot a whole package over the weekend and covered skid row and homelessness down there which is in actuality, a drug addict and mental illness issue but we have the mayor down there saying it's all about housing, affordable housing. the comprehensive plan of action, it's only about them. there is no triage accounted
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for, that's something that isn't part part of the plan. >> greg: did you want to talk about don lemon? we are running out of time. talking in the break, did you want to hear from last night? >> why are the best candidate to heal the race racial divide in the world today? >> to be grounds for everybody in this country. >> the president is a racist, that was just one more example of it. >> we can no longer allow a white nationalist to be in the white house. >> i never saw a moderator take such a pointed question, i watched rachel maddow who is obviously an opinion anchor, moderate, at her opinion ever came out. i saw those questions, the president stoking racism in the country as if it's a fact, as
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if -- i just think it shows a point of view as a moderator i thought should eliminate you almost immediately from that job, i don't think that is your job. >> juan: let me tell you, it's a fact. >> greg: it's an opinion, it's an opinion. >> juan: not only is it a fact, most americans, 51% of americans -- >> greg: that's an opinion, that's an opinion. >> juan: john mccain, met romney, 51% -- george wallace, in '68 was not viewed -- >> greg: that's an opinion, juan, it's not a fact. i can keep saying it. >> juan: i'm saying, if i'm not moderator, most americans think this guy is a racist, you
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would say "that's an opinion." >> brian: he didn't say that. >> greg: we are crazy because we know an opinion when we see one. president trump set to tee up on democrats at his rally tonight. what's he planning? next. ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. nice! but uh, what's up with your partner? oh! we just spend all day telling everyone how we customize car insurance because no two people are alike, so... limu gets a little confused when he sees another bird that looks exactly like him. ya... he'll figure it out. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> i watched elizabeth warren, sometimes referred to as pocahontas with her phony ancestry. everything she did was a fraud, i think kamala did not do well last night, i think joe biden did okay, he came through, he came limping through, limped right through it. it's really boiling down to four or five of them. >> brian: what roll will the tonight debate extravaganza hav have? >> dana: i think the president will play his greatest hits but not initially, at some point he will go through and go down the line, he won't be able to mention all 20 of them but he will hit the top one, i think it's really smart timing to schedule this rally on the night after the debate, okay, you've got to find knights, three hours each of those democrats and now the president will come in and
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because this is a contrast election, it's a choice between president trump and whoever from that stage or elsewhere emerges as a nominee, look at the contrast. the democrats are in michigan, they have this opportunity to talk to voters in michigan, a state they lost by an inch that they desperately need to win back in 2020. president trump by contrast is going to ohio, no republican's ever won an election without ohio, he's leaving nothing to chance. i bet he brings vice president biden's comments, bring that up in ohio, see how that goes. >> brian: i think everyone agreed within ten years, especially a place that is run by the car industry. i think the president has to be a little at a loss, nine people killing barack obama, that's what he was doing. does he even bother talking about obamacare being bad?
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everyone agrees it's bad now. >> juan: he was embedding his opinion. >> greg: i think they should initiate some chants. i think you will see two world, on one hand, prosperity, peace, jobs and on the other hand the federal apocalypse and you'll be able to see the delusion that is about right now is juan has it showed, that media is suffering from ord, obsessive race disorder. if he criticizes anybody of color, it's over. >> brian: medicare for all, decriminalize the border, it's not even an exaggeration, that's
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what we heard for the last two phone nights right? >> juan: i think what dana said is on target, get the president out right after the democrats dominated the airwaves for two nights. you know, i think he's got to be really careful. it didn't help him, and tonight, he's not going to talk about north korea firing missiles again, not going to talk about failing trade talks with china. i don't think he's going to get angry at jerome powell, the federal reserve chairman. he's going to talk about all his failures, i think it's more likely he tries to go after joe biden, pocahontas, you know know -- >> greg: those are two white
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people, juan, you just disproved your point. >> emily: 100% he's going to lead into joe biden and everyone else's comments about phasing out coal and fracking, et ceter et cetera, we saw that on twitter, we talked a little about this yesterday, the democratic party is 100% alienating a lot of those voters who have been making them seem like they are part of the problem. i think you will jump on that, too. >> brian: one chance dominated a 90 minute speech, so he's got to do things that are maybe out of his control. if he hears some type of chant, do you not step back, step forward, "we don't want to hear that?" >> dana: are you asking what would i do? >> brian: what you think he would do. >> dana: i don't know, i really don't know.
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>> emily: the second time, after that -- >> dana: the people, i don't know. i think we will have to see. it could be that no one chance. we will never know. >> juan: i think a lot of socialists could show up for the rally. >> brian: we will see how that goes. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. there's's apparently a lot harder than what people might be -- harder than you think. you're not going to believe when people think they become adults. let's take a shot and then we will talk amongst ourselves. ♪ you try hard, you eat right... mostly. you make time... when you can. but sometimes life gets in the way, and that stubborn fat just won't go away. coolsculpting takes you further.
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♪ >> emily: sorry, guys, but there's more proof that ladies are more mature. a new study reveals that men don't consider themselves adults until they are 26, while women say it is at age 23. the top signs of adulthood, having a budget, buying a house, and filing your own taxes. greg, what age do you
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will mature? >> greg: never. you know adult when i was seven years old. i had already had our worldview in my head about what the world was like when i was saddened and nothing's changed. i was 74 years old, 1969, 1970. but think about a 20-year-old in the 1940s, already fought a war, saw friends die, probably kill the stranger his own age, came home, married his sweetheart, got a job, at a second or third child. >> emily: a lot of these factors, you've raised kids, do you think they describe adulthood? aren't those just being
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responsible? >> we are not responsible at this age, boys do crazy things. i remember when my son was driving home from college, he had to be like 22 and he called to say, you know, i had to go to some tolls and i don't have any money. what are you doing on the road and you don't have any money? what do you want me to do, what can i do to help you? girls go through puberty earlier and i think they are more responsible about everything. they have to be. one of the things that was on here watching the news, you try to talk to our teenage boy or an early 20s about watching the news, they are like what? "i'm watching wrestling." >> brian: i noticed the difference in age, evidently baby boomers consider getting a full-time job at the age of 17, millennial say a full-time job at the age of 26.
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and i think gen x, jens you say 23. i think one of the ways they feel they show where they are an adult, they snack for dinner. that to me is freedom, having doritos instead of a pot roast. >> emily: dana, you grew up in a rural environment. >> greg: she just called you a hick. she grew up on a farm, did you have running water? what was it like, did you pound your clothes on a rock? >> emily: the maturity levels, it's saying, i didn't have to do my own laundry until i was 26 and therefore that is when i grew up. >> dana: remember on "the hills" when they did obamacare and they said you could be on your parents health insurance until you are 26, i think when you can get your own health insurance that's when you are an
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adult now in our day and age. back on the ranch, i think girls are always more mature and that's why i recommend always dating older men. that's my pro tip. >> juan: boys are always like "why is she interested in him?" >> dana: he's more mature. >> emily: isn't it obvious? all right, "one more thing" is up next. ♪ perfect the craft. move the impossible. knowing the more you take on, the stronger you get. the 2019 ram heavy duty pickups. always on to bigger things.
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♪ >> juan: it's time now for "one more thing." i'm going to go to the beach in north carolina and while i will be on the lookout for mecca sharks, what about waves? take a look at this. [screaming]
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folks in china were enjoying the wave pool when the machine generating artificial waves malfunctioned. it sent swimmers flying and 44 people injured in this terrifying incident, the water park closed for repairs but it's scheduled to reopen this weekend. after seeing that one, i think i will stay at the beach. >> dana: ahead of national mustard day on saturday, we got free samples, they created a mustard flavored ice cream. they are handing it out on the streets of new york and los angeles so we are going to try it. they are serving it with pretzel cookies allowing the special relationship between mustard and pretzels -- >> juan: it's not bad.
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>> greg: doesn't cut it? [laughter] courtesy laugh. >> dana: i'm going to eat it. >> greg: take that, it's your move. it's time for this. feel free to do that on "fox & friends." there's nothing like a little guy getting help from a big guy -- take check out this guy getting a ride on the back of his pyrenees pal. this is in a lake in mchenry illinois, is that great? >> brian: i don't know how you get the dog to swim, my dogs don't like the water. >> greg: we don't care, the stories about your life mean nothing to me and i wish you
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would go away. and that's why we love ♪ animals are great ♪ ♪ animals are great >> brian: fox stations up to 15 features rolling out one a day. if you go to fox nation, it's netflix for conservatives. here is what made america great and this is where we stopped, i think you will recognize it right away. >> brian: i'm walking on george washington's piazza, it looks almost exactly like the potomac river he left behind. >> greg: i've got to tell you, we go to washington's house and we actually get into his tomb, we go into the books he was reading right before he died. we do not go into the hot tub
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because he did not want it that way. if you want to talk about what made america great from the start live on stage, august 9th. that will be a week from tomorrow in charlotte, north carolina, and august 10th in birmingham, this is birmingham, alabama. i think i'm going to choose to fly rather than drive and then san antonio, it's more patriotism than politics but it's unscripted fun on the stag stage. >> emily: for my "one more thing," i had the honor of participating in a police special package for fox and friends and its participating in a veterans charity. i was there to witness the launch of the restored 1981 corvette of a fallen soldier to his gold star family. the point of this charity is to restore these classic cars left behind, take a look.
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>> were going to present you brad's dream. >> oh my... >> juan: never miss an episode of the five, special report of next. >> brett: president trump announces major new tariffs as trade talks crumble, the republican senate approves a budget and that compromise crafted by president trump and house speaker nancy pelosi while there is a drama over immigration legislation. if federal lawmakers had to the southern border for an in person assessment, we will talk live with the deputy commissioner of customs and border protection, this is "special report" ." ♪ welcome to washington, i'm bret baier. president trump is turning up the heat on china once again


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