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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  August 8, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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provide officers with snacks. there's a young man who's got a future. thanks for watching "special report." i'm john roberts in washington. "the story" hosted by martha maccallum is on. >> martha: hello, everybody. democrats have one goal for candidates. they want to make president trump a one termer. if you've noticed, the light of attacks that passed several dave's has quickly shifted from this, not long ago... because there are quick instances of obstruction of justice. >> what is in the report is enough. >> beyond the shadow of a doubt, collude with the russian government. >> martha: now to this sentiment, really almost overnight. >> speak of the president is a white supremacist. he is.
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>> everything the president has said and done encourages white supremacy. >> martha: one of the questions now for democratic candidates is will this work for them? good evening, everybody, i am martha maccallum and that is where "the story" begins tonight. if you look at it, the odds are stacked in favor of the current president. in recent history, a one termer happened only twice. in both times, it took a political superstar to unseat the incumbent in the white house. ronald reagan came on the scene with an optimistic message and trounced jimmy carter. reagan and clinton are now among the most popular of all presidents in public polling. the last time democrats tried to unseat a republican president was back in '04 after howard
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dean, who was the strong player of the moment, his presidency y flatlined in this moment. >> we are on california, texas, new york, south dakota, oregon, washington, and michigan! and then we are going to washington, d.c., and take back the white house ewashington, d.c., and take back >> martha: the ended up choosing long time senator john kerry. the rest, they say, is history. president bush 23 became a two termer. will 2020 be a repeat of 2004? good to see you, thank you very much for being here this evenin evening. >> thank you for having me. >> martha: let's begin with that question. do you think, what you're looking at right now this early stage of the game, that
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democrats are heading in the '04 direction again? >> i do. it's eerie, isn't it, trump didn't win the popular election like george w. bush. he was widely despised, although they call trump aid from supremacist, they were calling bush a fascist. in 2003, '04, there was no viable opposition to bush. but the economy was going really well, saying that he was a fascist, and evil. in that void, there were a lot of left-wing candidates that tried to be -- this sounds eerily familiar, but carol moseley brown, dennis kucinich, al sharpton, even john edwards and apart start to get into this. this is going to get into a out of hand. joe lieberman didn't want to
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run. neither did al gore. people in the party were dissing some delicately distancing themselves from bill clinton, te way democrats today are with barack obama. and john kerry, our precursor to joe biden. a warhorse in the senate but had a distinguished career and he was a gas machine. he was for the ' $87 billion before, he wore camouflage, i think they were junior colleague students, if you don't go to college will go to a rack. >> the military held a sign misspelled it to make fun of what he said. >> the democratic establishment of the that joe bidart is going to save them from the agendas kamala harris elizabeth warren
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and these lesser candidates are running on. cory booker, et cetera. when you actually look at joe biden, he's he's merely rather dismissive of john kerry. i think you'll do better than the others would, but he doesn't have the oomph for the swing states that you need. >> as you pointed out, president bush 41 had an enormously high approving ratin rating. nobody thought anybody could beat him at that stage of the game. but the economy, but the read my lips, no new taxes was a big turning point for him. really, it's the economy that's the underpinning element that most people pay attention to other than this though is that we spend a heck of a lot of time talking about. when you look at this for president trump at the point, so far out, there are always landmines and things turned on a dime. where do you see the landmines potentially for him? >> there are three, barthel,
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that usually preclude every election and we know what they are. if there is a recession or stock market collapse like in 2008, trump will be finished. i'm fairly or not, the incumbent president is always blamed for the economy. a major scandal, watergate, something of that nature, bill clinton, monica lewinsky really hurt his second term. i do not think this benign so-called collision of obstruction turned out much. i think it's going to go in reverse with a lot of legal exposure on the part of jim comey and james clapper and john brennan the next few months. the third, of course, are you going to get into an optional war that doesn't turn out well, vietnam or iraq? trump has a animal cunning, he's afraid of getting into a war that would not be good on optics or ratings which is good for him and he's very good about the
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economy. i don't think he's going to try to do anything too radical. he seems to dodge the bullet on the scandals and that leaves the democrats to do 1 of 2 things, to say that the messenger is so atrocious that you can't be messenger. so far they have not offered a message that holds 50%. >> martha: very interesting piece. i encourage everybody to take a look at it at the fox news website. thank you for being here tonight. thank you as always, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> martha: here now, fox news contributor and former chair of the democratic national committee. donna, great to see you today. i think it's interesting to go back and look at history. victor is right. when you think about the names that were thrown at president bush, that he was a fascist, that he was a warmonger. sometimes feels like this language is unique to our time but it really isn't. >> that's true. i also remember back in 2002
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that many of the candidates who ran, this is the midterm before the presidential saying that i voted with george w. bush 75% of the time. he was a popular president post 9/11. the country wanted to heal, the country wanted to come together. they saw george bush as someone who was on the job trying to protect the homeland. remember the so-called security moms? they wanted eggs commander in chief who felt that they could keep them safe and secure. that combined with the fact john kerry who eventually became our nominee didn't fight back some of the attempts to swift about him, so to speak. it was a different political season. the difference this time is the president has not been able to motivate democrats to come his way. he has not been able to appeal to women, the majority of women, to come his way. i think the president will face a headwind, and it's not based on what happened the last ten
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days, it's in the way he's governed almost, you know, looking at his base and learned not to looking at the majority of the american people. i do think there are some fault lines for democrats of the first one is what happened after 2016. can we unify the party? it's not all this, all of that, it's a little bit of everything. can we unify the party? campaigns matter. >> martha: what about that fallback position of what it felt like, concerns about him as a candidate anyway. does it feel like they are going to that same comfortable guy who's been around a long time who is not, you know that i don't think this is a judgment. he's not a bill clinton or a ronald reagan in terms of the political star power. at least he hasn't been up to this point. >> remember, bill clinton was not the front runner in 1992. there were several candidates
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who are leading before bill clinton caught fire. i think he was a survivor in 1992. >> martha: is there a survivor like that in this group? is there anybody you look at and you need to fire up come you are going to be the bill clinton of this enormous group? >> there are several of them. you know, if i mention one name, i mentioned at least seven. >> martha: you would be here all night. >> but this is what i like about this field. it is diverse, but we have young and old, we have people who are new to politics, and we have a lot of veterans. >> martha: you don't need to tell me... >> no, no, no. >> martha: let's play a sound bite for one of the candidates are concerned. >> i see his reelection becoming more likely with each passing minute. we cannot defeat donald trump's purse down the politics of personal destruction if we practice the politics of self-destruction. we are on our way of losing this
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election log before it even started. >> martha: that's not a positive message. >> i love governor bullock. i respect his work and respect the fact that he has won in a red state. i also believe that during the primary you want to hear from everybody. the last thing you want to see is we get to the election in milwaukee and democrats scream about i want to talk about the green new deal, i want to talk about medicare for all. if we do put in the platform, we had the opportunity to have a debate, you have debated many candidates and i hope many come on the show. but you bring out the best of the democrats. bring it out now. >> martha: we had marianne williamson in last night. we had de blasio. the american people deserve to see everybody running.
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>> 452 days from now, we will have a different set of circumstances and it may be to the president's favor or it may not. we will see. >> martha: ronald reagan did not declare until november so there may be somebody else in in the democrats' back pocket that's the on stage right now. >> i wish i could cross my fingers but i can't. >> martha: coming up next, twitter puts the freeze on mitch mcconnell's campaign account for tweeting what actually happened to him outside his own home. >> just stabbed the [bleep] in the heart. this is [bleep] kentucky, [bleep]. >> martha: wow. we are in their really low point. point. senator josh probably going to join me just a moment. he's leading the charge to reform social media. he is up next. oms
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>> he's in there nor is sitting down make nursing his broken arm. he should take care of his wrinkly next. just stabbed the [bleep] in the heart. die! >> it's so disturbing. in a move that team mitch has a problem with speech police in america today, the twitter account that belonged to the senate majority leader's campaign was locked because they posted the actual video of the people outside his house and put it out there shutting the obscenities and threats on kentucky. mark meredith in washington with brandy reaction from the majority leader that just came in this evening to that and he
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has that for us. hi, mark. >> good evening. several republican campaign groups are refusing to spend anymore money on campaign ads until the company unfreeze a senator mcconnell's campaign account. this comes after the video showing what you show shouting profanity outside of mcconnell's kentucky home. the protesters are demanding he passes new gun-control legislation. this is what they have to say. the users were locked out of their accounts for a tweet that violated our violent threats policy, specifically threats involving physical safety. but mcconnell is facing pressure from more than just protesters. several g.o.p. lawmakers have said they are willing to consider new gun-control laws after last weekend's two mass shootings. mcconnell called into w hs as radio today and says he has no plans to call send it back in recess but the issue can come up next month.
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>> there has to be a bipartisan discussion of what we can agree on if we do it prematurely. it will just be another frustrating experience for all of us and for the public. >> the senator is up for reelection in 2020 and one of his potential opponent says gun-control will be a campaign issue in the next election. democrat amy mcgrath tweeted, the gun lobby's spend over 1.2 million supporting mitch mcconnell. #senator first sale. #specialinterestmitch. he's been in since the mid-1980s and will make his first race by a wide margin, some 16%. >> martha: thank you very much much. republican senator josh hawley of missouri. thank you for being back on "the story" tonight. what's your reaction on twitter's move from that?
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twitter will say it's just it's algorithms, the language got tripped by that. do you believe that's what happened the? >> no, that's typical for twitter and big tech. you've got congressman castro calling for retribution against trump donors, twitter doesn't do anything about that. but mitch mcconnell, his life has been threatened and exposes what these left-wing wackos are doing and what are some down? that censor him on this? it's crazy, martha. >> martha: with regard to the castro list of the trump supporters, shows you that even if you believe these are just algorithms that tripped the wire, so to speak, to pull down things from twitter, they need to be broader. i need to have a better understanding of what goes on out here. these people, several of them were harassed because their names were posted as trump supporters by walking castro, member of the house of representatives.
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>> of course they were harassed, that was the whole point in posting their names and twitter handles. >> martha: he said it wasn't. he said that's not what i wanted to happen. >> that's absolutely false. why else would he make a point to call them out and say that they are basically racists? >> martha: he did say that what happened at the very least. >> twitter has told me in testimony before the judiciary committee that they don't just rely on algorithms, they have actual people who review these things, make these decisions. that's why, you know what, you should open your books and open your operation to a third-party audit, actually show us how you're making these decisions. if you have nothing to hide, opened it up. >> martha: let me ask you one more question because it's behind the reason these people were protesting and they used a really terrible ways of expressing their opinion, but they would like to see action on the laws that pass to tighten background checks that pass to
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the house. with those pass in the senate and how would you vote on that? >> it depends on who's proposal and what's actually in there. i know senator toomey has a background bill, has a it yet. said he might. we've heard testimony on the so-called red flag laws, lots of different ways to write those laws. i look forward to any proposal. the principles, it's actually got to be effective, it's got to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, the hands of the mentally unstable, it's got to protect the second amendment rights. law-abiding citizens, they haven't done anything wrong. >> martha: understood, but how often is it fair is going to be anything? i look back at sandy hook, this is a moment to be enough is enough, we need to see some change, we need to see something tougher come from washington, everybody says this is the moment. is it or does it just away like
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it always does? >> chuck schumer already said we want except a red flag legislation -- this is what needs to happen. we need to have a serious conversation about the culture of violence, the culture of depression, the culture of isolation that is engulfing these young men in particular. we have a serious problem with this in this country and it is leading to this terrible violence and also to the radical extremism we are seeing. >> martha: we talk about that a lot with a number of psychologist over the course of the week. i do not know if that's in the grasp of congress, some of these other things might be so we'll see what action is taken. senator holly, thank you. good to see you tonight. moments ago, president trump announcing his pick for director of national intelligence, the honorable joseph mcguire will be named acting director of national intelligence effective august 15th. admirable maguire has a long ant his bluest career, they say.
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retiring from the u.s. navy in 2010. he also served as a national security fellow at harvard university. i doubt the dell that he will do a great job. first up, former fbi director anthony mccabe has filed a lawsuit for will wrongful firin firing. will he get his pension? he was fired before he was eligible? up next. [do you want breakfast or no?] free cancellations! [definitely breakfast.] how good is that? be a booker at great riches will find you when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you?
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>> martha: former fbi director andy mccabe is suing the bureau and the justice department for what he calls his unlawful termination, arguing president trump had an unconstitutional plan to discredit and remove fbi employees who did not
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politically agree with him, he says. now he would like his benefits. kristin fisher on that story for us tonight. >> martha, this is a second time this week a former fbi official has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit. first peter strzok and now andrew mccabe. the former acting fbi director is suing the bureau and justice department for firing him two days before his retirement. mccabe says it was a purge to rid the bureau of leaders he perceived as disloyal. the lawsuit singles out the current fbi director christopher wray and former attorney general jeff sessions jeff sessions for essentially carrying out the president's wishes, "trump demanded plaintiff mccabe's personal allegiance. he refused and sessions, wray, and others served in his personal lawyers catering to his unlawful williams instead of
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honoring their oath to uphold the constitution." the fbi have declined a comment on the lawsuit, but mccabe was fired after an inspector general report found that mccabe repeatedly misstated his involvement in a leak to the media about an investigation in the clinton foundation. the report said mccabe acted to advance his own personal interest at the expense of justice leadership. at the time, mccabe denied any wrongdoing. martha, he is suing to get his full pension and benefits back. >> martha: we will see how it goes. and you report tonight says the white house failed to prioritize the threat of domestic terrorism at the suggestion of homeland security officials. see ann and an citing a sort saying they cnn said they had major ideological blinders on. the white house denies this report. here's christopher wray discussing the issue just last month. >> in terms of number of
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arrests, we have through the third quarter of this fiscal year had about give or take 100 arrests in the international terrorism side which includes the homegrown extremism. >> this year. >> but we've also had the same exact number, again, do not quote me on the exact digit, on the domestic terrorism side. i will say that a majority of domestic terrorism cases that we have investigated are motivated by some version of what you might call white supremacy. >> martha: joining me now is sean spicer. good to have you here tonight. thank you. he asked you point point blankn you were in the white house, was their encouragement on the part of homeland security officials, where they nudging in saying that we need to spend more resources and more energy on
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domestic terrorism and suggestion of this piece saying the president didn't like to deal with white supremacy terrorists or issues, he didn't want to believe there was an increase in it. perhaps somehow thinking it would politically be linked to him in the media even though obviously he doesn't believe that is the case. did that scenario ever happened that you saw or witnessed? speak on. in fact any testimony you play from director wray out of july july 23rd, he argues hundred 50 cases have been brought on from the fbi that they are investigating. that doesn't sound like a white house or administration not tackling this straight on. >> martha: where do you think the story is coming from? >> i'm sure it's from somebody who doesn't like the fact that whatever particular policy or procedure wasn't taken into account or wasn't followed. but clearly from the director's testimony in front of congress, he makes it very clear that the fbi has made rudy got domestic
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terrorism a top priority of the bureau and has appropriated countless man-hours and agents to this task. i'm sure there's somebody who is not happy, but that doesn't come to port to what they are suggesting. furthermore, be on that one step up, the president has made it very clear he has ordered the department of justice to root out this kind of behavior and problem. it's coming straight from the top and being clearly implemented at both the department and agency levels. >> martha: a couple of seconds left but i want to play what joe biden said in his speech yesterday in his response to how passionate he thought the president was on this issue when he spoke the other day. here is joe biden. >> this president has fanned the flames of white supremacy in this nation. his low energy, vacant eyed mouthing for the words written
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for him condemning whites's premises this week >> martha: what do you say? >> he can't win being the president. when he calls out hate, because out for a message of unity, they have a problem with the tone and tenor it was giving in. the first, he let that off with a call for unity and calling out hatred. this has been at the forefront of the president's administration and his tenure in the white house. the problem is the democrats case after case don't want to take yes for an answer. they don't like how he says it, the fact of the matter is he's out exactly what he says should say, they just don't like hearing that because it takes their talking point away. >> martha: sean spicer, thank you for talking tonight. >> you bet, martha. >> martha: a prominent catholic cardinals we can get exclusively about the church and 2020 candidates who claim to be, in his words, followers of
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christ. he's got a big message for joe biden when we come back. >> i've had non-catholic leaders told me they were certain on the catholic church's teaching of abortion and so-called same marriages and so forth change because so many catholics on capitol hill are readily supporting this kind of legislation. that's a scandal. what about him? let's do it. [ sniffing ] come on. this summer, add a new member to the family. hurry into the mercedes-benz summer event today for exceptional offers. lease the glc 300 suv for just $419 a month at the mercedes-benz summer event. going on now.
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>> martha: if you want to win, you've got to win over the catholics. president obama won 54% in '08 and 50% in 2012. 2012 for more catholics won over then donald trump or hillary clinton.
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tonight, the most powerful american in the catholic church, former vatican supreme court chief justice cardinal raymond burke, who famously said he would deny communion to john kerry in '04 over his stance on abortion putting his foot down again, this time taking issue on "20/20" candidates joe biden and kamala harris, saying anti-catholic bigotry is considered acceptable in washington. watch. >> they say that i am the enemy of the pope. nothing further from the truth, i've never spoken against pope francis or spoken disrespectfully of him. >> martha: we caught up with raymond burke in his native wisconsin, far away from his day job as a vatican judge and supreme court supreme court advisor. >> of the church is in the state of great turmoil and a state of schmidt's confusion. the first of it is division. >> the cardinal spending his time in la crosse, wisconsin, looking to build a unifying
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train to our lady of guadalupe, patron saint of the americas. >> we have families looking to pray. >> martha: when he looks to washington, d.c., he sees division and misrepresentation of his church by politicians who claim to be catholic and those who are not. >> i've had non-catholic leaders of government in this nation tell me that they were certainly catholic church's teachings on abortions and same-sex marriages and so forth have changed because so many catholics on capitol hill are regularly supporting this kind of legislation and that's a scanda scandal. >> martha: now heading into 2020, the cardinal is sending messages to catholic politicians who support conditions positioo against catholic teaching. >> they may be in danger of not
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receiving communion because they are not in communion with christ. >> martha: saying joe biden should no longer receive communion. >> it's not a favor, it's not a punishment, it's a favor to these people because if they approach, they may commit sacrilege. >> after the president recently questioned the knights of columbus. she asked if he knew that it was an all-male society opposed to a woman's right to choose and marriage equality when he joined the group. >> this is completely unacceptable. i think your everyday citizen if you are catholic or not, you need to look at that kind of statement for what is and say, well, this isn't a person who i want to be the leader of my nation. >> martha: we did press the cardinal on the church's moral credibility and the ongoing
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clergy child sexual abuse process. said he was calling for transparency and zero-tolerance. >> we have to come clean on who is responsible for the situations. the >> martha: under fire that he blamed the crisis on gay clergy. but he's stating what he seen the investigating abuse cases. >> the far greater part of them have been homosexual acts with adolescence or young men. and i am not homophobic, but we cannot have this active, activity in the priesthood. >> martha: we also asked about default former washington, d.c., archbishop ted mccarrick, a cardinal and friend to the u.s. president who tumbled from grace after ousted being found guilty in the ugly abuse scandal that made huge headlines. >> people said you must've known. i didn't though.
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that really shakes my faith. but christ is the head of the church. and christ doesn't abandon this church. >> martha: we asked about the cardinal's own time as a bishop in wisconsin and st. louis, where he claims that >> i know what i did as bishop. i'm sure it can be questioned and even attacked. the important thing for me is to have a peaceful conscience about it. >> martha: for his efforts at the shrine, burke says it's inspiring some visitors to convert and become catholic. and it attracts many young people who the cardinal sees as the next generation of church leaders. >> i know so many wonderful young priests. i know about the fear the future. >> martha: i reached out to the biden and harris campaigns for comment. we have not heard back yet. the knights of columbus have more than 1.9 million members
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with 15,000 local councils all across the united states. joining me now, jonathan morris, theologian and former catholic priest john goodman. thank you for being here. what do you think about the comments of the cardinal and joe biden? >> he's going to be a fascinating figure. he is nothing to lose. he's been outspoken about the fact that he believes that pope francis needs to be clear in your statements. has been sidelined by the able to speak out how other bishops, including what you asked about kamala harris. listen, the church should be. if you are saying you believe with the catholic church, act like it. if you don't, don't.
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kamala harris talking about an organization that is very mainstream in the catholic church. the knights of columbus. to say anybody who is involved with that is somehow a radical? i think should she be called out on it and asked to explain. why is that radical? >> martha: in terms of communion we've been down this road several times in politics but he's saying joe biden or anybody who supports abortion rights technically -- should not be allowed to come forward for communion. what do you stated that? >> yeah, pope francis has thrown a few things out. like this is something for your own personal conscious, you can decide. but the pope, what cardinal burke is saying, pope francis, just be clear. let us know what you think. be clear. with communion, it already has a presupposition that you communion with the church. so if you don't believe, why
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would you go to communion? just be honest and say i don't believe. >> martha: thank you very much. good to see you. we will see you soon. take take care. dr. ben carson responds to the latest accusations that the president is a white supremacist next. (groans) hmph... (food grunting menacingly) when the food you love doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heartburn fast with tums smoothies. ♪ tum tum-tum tum tums
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the highest level of government must stop invoking fear using racist language and encouraging reprehensible behavior. that we are done with the hateful rhetoric. that we are done with the mass shootings. that we are done with the white supremacist domestic terrorists who are terrorizing our country in fighting the country for everything america stands for. >> martha: that's congressman elijah cummings taking a swipe at president trump without naming him. this follows the recent feud about how the city is run and president trump's comment that it is a rodent infested mass. that prompting a visit to the city from hud secretary ben carson.
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>> i've talked to the president over the last couple of days about what can we do for baltimore. he's very willing to work with people here in baltimore, including with elijah cummings. i would like for the president to actually express his heart to the people the way he's expressed it to me. >> martha: dr. ben carson joins me now. good to have you in new york. what has he expressed to you in his heart that you'd like him to say to the people that they better understand his feelings about baltimore. >> he feels that the people particularly in inner cities have been promised everything over decades and still they remain in the same situation. and he wants to do something about it. we actually have some good plans to do something about it and have already set in motion a lot of different things. >> martha: like, can you give us an example? >> we revamped section three.
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section three says you get hud money you have to train or give contracts to the low impact people. it's been on the books for a long time but it's hardly been used because it's cumbersome. if you make more money, you have to report it. go up. if you get married, you lose everything. removing those things or people can actually climb the economic ladder. >> martha: you heard elijah cummings going after the president calling him a white supremacist. you heard the candidates basically say that they believe that the president egged on and created an environment that helped to egg on this shooter in el paso. what do you say to that. >> it saddens me that the leaders in our country would lower themselves to the point of calling each other names rather
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than focusing on the problems that exist. you know, we are our own worst enemy right now. it's not the russians, is that the chinese are north koreans. it's us. a house divided against itself cannot stand constantly in races would not be doing the things of the president is doing with the second chance, opportunity zones, the things that i just mentioned. there are so many things. a racist wouldn't be doing that. it's projection is him, you know? i don't know why people do it. i guess it's political. but if we can stop being politicians and start being representatives of the people and actually
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they are very uncertain. if we can change the dynamic, i can tell you story after story of young people who were given that opportunity who blossomed and really went on and also a lot of stories about people who weren't given that opportunity. >> martha: thank you, dr. carson. good to see you here tonight. more of "the story" coming up next. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable.
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5:00 pm
the night after the plane was shot on a 1967, the pilots who flew him him today was his own son could wave goodbye to his father at that very same airport when he was five euros. rest in peace. good night jaden is the musical sticker good evening pure thanks for staying up with us. i am brian kilmeade good i'm filling in for tucker who is on a fishing trip with his son. the democratic party by the way granted south america's party of love, unity, harmony, and compassion. it's the mantra of their leaders every day. >> patriotism is love of country and you love your country and because you love your fellow countrymen and women. >> you should treat others the way you want to be treated. you should care about the least among us. you shall love one another as yourself. >> atone for our own mistakes. love each other, love our democracy. whtu


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