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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 20, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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john solomon's article from "the hill." all right, we will never be the hate-region media mob. we are going to be fair and balanced, news you won't get elsewhere. let not your heart be troubled, because the news continues -- i got it right last night, didn't i? it was sort of a trick question, because you said a famous person, but it wasn't a famous person's name. >> laura: with michael avenatti -- for people who didn't see it -- i saw michael avenatti at a restaurant in l.a. i didn't see him come a friend of mine did. and i was trying to give you a hint, and i said clp, mixing up creepy porn lawyer for creepy lawyer porn. you've got to get up early in the morning to trick sean hannity, that's what i'm saying. by the way, hannity, you keep saying that the inspector general's report is coming. this is like the longest long --
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>> sean: the problem, remember -- >> laura: where is it? i don't see any report. >> sean: i'll give you the answer. what has happened is, all of a sudden, people like christopher steele decided to talk. they didn't have that opportunity. also, others i did speak, when they realized the significance and seriousness of it, realized they were in trouble, they all started to talk, too, and then it took on the counterintelligence aspect of outsourcing illegal activities here, and that would be spying -- >> laura: all right. >> sean: it's all coming together. >> laura: math like with my kids. i was driving with my kids in california, and they kept saying, what are we going to get there? ones are going to get here? >> sean: the wheels of justice go slow, but i can tell, everything we reported has been dead-on accurate. >> laura: i can't wait. >> sean: unlike the media mob. >> laura: all right, after labor day. fantastic show, as always. i'm laura ingraham, this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight.
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it was just four weeks ago when president trump upsets opposing norms by calling out congressman elijah cummings and his failed stewardship of baltimore. the congressman held his first form in the city, and activists was there to get reaction. >> i wonder who he invited? my community didn't get invited. >> laura: kimberly will be here with more of that video. just moments. but first, hillary 2.0. oh, that's the focus of tonight's angle, part one. something very odd is happening in the democratic party. it is beyond the usual jockeying for pole position by the candidates desperate to remain viable. it's more than that. the funny thing is the sum of so called experts, even obama reportedly, keep telling people
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that biden shouldn't be the nominee. >> we are now sitting here with the democratic front-runner, having a spokesperson try and defend his comments on busing. >> when you are trying to hide the candidate, that's probably means you don't have a good candidate. that's like weekend at bernie's, where the guy was dead, they had to pretend he was alive. >> president obama reportedly told joe biden directly, quote, "you don't have to do this, joe, you really don't." >> laura: [laughs] when you love to be in the room in that conversation happened? but despite some shaky debate performances and more than a few medical alert moments, biden has gained seven points on his rivals since june. you can call this medicare advantage. he now has a double-digit lead over his 2020 rivals. but there are reasons for concern. the closer you look at biden, the more it all comes into focu
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focus. doesn't this begin to feel like the hillary campaign? the frailty, the flip-flop, the conflicts abroad, and of course, the messy family life. biden's campaign is looking like a bad sequel. hillary 2.0. in the warning signs are all there. just look at both of the candidates, the overall fitness for office. hillary's campaign spent a lot of time fighting off concerns about the former first lady's health. for her, it was questions surrounding her physical condition. >> new questions this morning surrounding hillary clinton's health. speak of the democratic nominee now forced to cancel campaign events in california after she collapsed at the 9/11 memorial. >> laura: boy, they shoved her into that van fast, didn't they? after the fall, hillary's doctors scrambled to reassure voters but my overall impression is that mrs. clinton remains healthy and continues to remain
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healthy and fit to serve as president of the united states. well, at 76, biden is even older than the former first lady. but for him come of the concerns are about his mental or cognitive fitness. "politico" have big journalist equivalent of a medic medevac -- finding the surgeon who operated on biden in 1998, claiming "biden is every bit as sharp as he was 31 years ago, i haven't seen any change. which led many to wonder, you mean, biden has been like this for decades? >> the country wasn't billed by wall street bankers, ceos, and hedge fund managers. union workers, and their futures and their pensions. investing much more in medical research to conquer devastating diseases like cancer, addiction.
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>> laura: but don't worry, remember, the surgeon said he is as sharp as he was 31 years ago. well, biden, like hillary, is willing to jettison long-held political positions to win over the radical part of his party appeared on trade, for example, hillary supported the trans-pacific partnership, the tpp, while in obama's cabinet. >> i did say, when i was secretary of state three years ago that it would be the gold standard. it was just finally negotiated last week. and, in looking at it, it didn't meet my standards, my standards for more new good jobs for americans, for raising wages for americans. and i want to make sure that i can look into the eyes of any middle-class american men say "this will help raise your wages, and i concluded i could not. >> laura: mr. flip, meet mrs. flop. same story, of course, but
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nafta, by the way, was signed by her husband. >> i think everyone is in favor of free and fair trade, and i think that nafta is proving its worth. i said i would like to renegotiate it when i ran back into thousand eight. >> laura: no, no. and as for biden, back in the olden days of 2015, his office that he "supports the tpp agreement and will help pass it on on the hill." but here is biden last month. >> i would not rejoin the tpp as it was initially put forward. i would insist that we renegotiate pieces of fat. >> laura: did he say tpp? we forgot that in our gaffe montage. you see his ancient position of four years ago was the establishment democrat position. pro-free trade and pro-globalization, no questions asked. but that is not with the energy of his party is today. biden, like hillary, is trying
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to placate the socialists in the ranks of the party, blunting the candidacy of warren and sanders. that is why they do that. and then there are the messy family matters. hillary had bill's seedy reputation in the anvil of the clinton foundation around her neck, a personal fund for those who wanted access to the next president. as for joe biden, he has his son, hunter, lucrative business deals in the ukraine, and hunters chinese business deals which the former vp helped facilitate in his official travels. and that's part one of the angl angle. this is like hillary 2.0, but it's a sequel nobody wants to go to. the only other movies playing at the cineplex are also bad, so they just go to hillary 2.0. in moments, i'm going to reveal the driving force been behind biden's presidential bid and the reason democrats should be very concerned for but let's put to
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our pollster power panel, joining me as tom devon, cofounder and president of real clear politics. chris wilson, digital strategy director for senator ted cruz's 2016 campaign. tom, let's start with you. should the similarities between joe and hillary have team biden were read? >> i think they should come and i think you make a pretty good argument of the similarities between the two candidates. at this point in 2008, in the race, democratic primary race, hillary clinton was up 20 points over barack obama. she led that race all the way until barack obama won iowa, and that is when she really started to collapse. we may see a similar dynamic with joe biden. he has two things working in his favor, one was support among african-american communities, very strong, the other is the electability question, which you saw his wife, jill biden, comment on the other night. those two things, if they start to erode, he is going to be in real trouble. >> laura: chris, what's amazing here, there have been so
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many efforts to elevate, prop up, or inflated the appeal of the other candidate. we see endless profiles of buttigieg, we see kamala harris heralded, it goes on and on. sanders still can draw a big crowd. warren has a big crowd. yet biden is not only still on top of the heap, he has gained point from some pretty lame debate performances. so what does this tell us? it all seems like 2016 to me, not 2008, as tom referenced. >> it does, but the other thing about 2016, joe biden would give anything to have hillary clinton's numbers. when you have an established front-runner, you look at clinton in 2016, she was consist in the over 50% at this time. george w. bush in 2000 consist on the over 50% at this time. if biden was really 2.0, he would be doing better. he has picked up about seven points in the most recent polling, and you've also seen the other candidates, who we
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thought were going to start competing with him, kamala harris has dropped substantially, elizabeth warren is down a little bit. the other problem that biden has right now, he is just a big government conservative in a party that is increasingly dominated by actual socialists. the question he is struggling with is how far to the left, how close to the socialist angle does he have to go to make sure he doesn't begin to hemorrhage votes to sanders or elizabeth warren? and it's a really difficult place to be, because right now, the argument has to make, as tom pointed out, he is electable in a general election. but if he continues to veer too far to the left to maintain or pull over the socialist votes, it puts him in a real challenging position moving into a race against trump. >> laura: tom, what does this mean, though? because he is the guy who is on the top of the heap. he's not at 50%, you're right, chris, but the other candidates didn't have a dozen plus candidates to split up the electorate into these small slices, that's a big difference in this race. give a lot of people in the race, and a lot of them with
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increasing name i.d. and endless, glowing profiles in "vogue" magazine, "people" magazine, it's an endless series of puff pieces, and nothing they have done, tom bevan, has been able to blunt biden. even his gaps are to changing public opinion. maybe people like the gaffes, i don't know. >> they are still being written off as joby and joe, though as you point out, there are questions being raised, they might be one of those things wha brushed off until they reach some sort of tipping point that really causes his candidacy trouble. but there is no question the fact he remains at the top of the heap is part of the fact that this is such a big raise, and the progressive vote is divided up among a whole host of candidate, including -- if you add together elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, they have more, percentagewise, than joe biden right now. but it looks like both candidates are going to be in the race for the long haul. they both have enough money to stay in the race and have support, so that could end up benefiting biden, able to thread
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the needle in the end. >> laura: i want to play something, this was this morning on msnbc. again, another effort, after biden's campaign ad first landed, a big event, a campaign ad, actually ran. this is what joe scarborough said. watch. >> going up against an incumbent, it's about contrast. and there is a great contrast there. you have very hopeful, all almost ronald reagan-esque visions. where this country can be. you see a lot of smiles, a lot of hugs. >> laura: is that it? a lot of smiles and a lot of hugs? he had a lame turn out today in iowa. he's not appearing much on the campaign trail -- i will get to that in just a moment. but chris, again, another attempted, you know, list of biden. >> it is, and his campaign team has really got to be -- has got to be struggling right now with how to handle it, because they don't want to run, they try a bit of a rose garden strategy, doing interviews.
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that didn't work out. it's a must like they're trying and "weekend at bernie's" strategy, roll him out, then roll him back before he can say or do anything that might be a problem. i don't think you're going to see many more speeches like the one you showed clips of before, the union hall. now that you have msnbc, joe scarborough trying to tout his tv ads -- >> laura: reagan asked [laughs] >> it belies any sort of description because it is so laughable. >> laura: may be bonzo, but not reaganesque. thanks so much, guys bear now for part two of the angle. there is another similarity between the campaigns of hillary clinton and joe biden. in both cases, the energy, the force behind the thing, originates with someone other than the candidate. for hillary, she fought bills popularity and legacy would carry her over the finish line peered for joe biden,
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it's obama who he endlessly evokes, even if the former president reportedly discouraged biden from going into the presidential ring. the guiding force behind the biden run is this person. >> we can't stay fractions like we are now. >> if i could jump in here -- >> sensitive to whether or not someone wants me to reassure them. >> i think what you don't realize is how many people approached joe. >> trump is very confident, should you win back the nomination, but he could beat you easily. our u.s. confident? >> i'm confident. >> it has to start with allowing children -- that's my wife. sorry. i can't compete with dr. biden. >> laura: imagine with the media would be saying if melania trump were injecting herself into her husband's campaign this way.
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joe biden is more than a surrogate, she has emerged as joe biden's spokesman, bodyguard, and brain. yesterday in new hampshire, she made this argument for his candidacy. >> you may like another candidate better, but you have to look at who is going to win. your candidate might be better on, i don't know, health care, then joe is. but you've got to look at who is going to win this election. and may be tough to swallow a little bit and say, okay, i personally like so-and-so bette better, but bottom line has to be that you have to beat trump. >> laura: who's the candidate again? why is an biden out making his case in this way for his own presidential run? well, the truth is, his repeated gaps have driven him off the trail at times and away from the can cameras. it's risky to expose him to regular public scrutiny. the whole affair is like
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hillary's march to the nomination: inevitable, and oh so lifeless. biden's newest argument, which is a wife makes in the latest campaign ad, focusing on polls. he tops the president in the polls, the only one who can beat trump, blah, blah, blah. therefore, the democrats best hope. the euphoria sounds familiar. >> hillary clinton has a ten-point lead over trump in a head-to-head match up, her support crossing over the 50% line peered >> hillary clinton with a nine-point lead over donald trump nationwide. nine points. >> voters are much more inclined to vote for a candidate who may believe can win. that is where joe biden gets his sustainability, from those voters. >> he is the democrats best option for beating donald trump. >> laura: this should fill the democrats with some trepidation. as we saw with hillary, polls do not tell the whole story,
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particularly where a candidate like donald trump is concerned. once again, democrats are about to have an established hand, or brand, that fails to excite anyone. remember the hillary crowds during her ill-fated campaign? biden seems to be having the same effect on people. case in point, last week, the president held a rockets rally in manchester, new hampshire. the biden campaign responded with a counter rally of its own on the same night. it was billed as an anti-hate event. biden wasn't there, but i got a lot of buildup. president trump's rally broke even elton john's attendance record at the southern new hampshire university arena, 11,500 people packed the stadium, with another 9,000 standing outside. off the road, the biden camp could reportedly only draw about 30 people. literally. well, maybe they should have asked jill to speak, could have
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been a bigger crowd. biden seems to be starting, i don't know, in his own version of "spinal tap." >> they were booked into 10,000 seat arenas, 15,000 seat venues, and it seems that now, on the current tour, they are being booked into 1200 seat arenas, 1500 seat arenas, and i was just wondering, does that mean the popularity of the group is waiting? >> oh, no, no, no. not at all. i just think their appeal is becoming more selective. >> laura: very, very selective selective. today, biden broke his silence and spoke in iowa. he barely drew 100 people, and couldn't fill the venue, according to our reporter on the scene. now, none of this is lost on the president. >> i think sleepy joe may be able to limp across the finish
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line. they are going to cut way back on his appearances because he is such a disaster, they are going to have fewer appearances. can you believe it? if i ever did that, it would be over. the fake news would get us, but we don't let them get us. >> laura: the problem for biden is that the gaffes aren't shrinking, they are continuing. >> we have this notion that somehow, if you are poor, you cannot do it. poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids. >> watch what happened when the kids with parkland marched up, and i met with them on the hill when i was vice president. >> we choose science over fiction, we choose truth over facts. just like in my generation, when i got out of school, when bobby kennedy and dr. king had been assassinated in the '70s, late '70s, when i got engaged. >> laura: '68.
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as voters can see and consider biden's atrocious record, the flip-flops, the missteps, and his absence from the campaign trail, it will become clearer, though he may be the most electable candidate the democrats can muster, he is not ready for a presidential contest with a prizefighter. and that's the angle, parts or go. up next, four weeks after president trump put a spotlight on the blight in congressman elijah cummings hometown of baltimore, the congressman helped a much-hyped community forum today. well, the woman who is a video this conversation spoke to fole and today and is here with the exclusive, next. e. our 18 year old was in an accident. usaa took care of her car rental, and getting her car towed. all i had to take care of was making sure that my daughter was ok. if i met another veteran,
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>> pointing out the tremendous corruption that has taken place in baltimore and other democratic-run cities. you have to look at baltimore, see what happens. those people are living in hell in baltimore. >> laura: will never back in june when president trump started tweeting and talking about baltimore's blight under congressman elijah cummings watch? the left of course rushed into label trump a racist for raising the issue and elevated cummings to sainthood.
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>> few people in congress more respected as a member of congress, more respected in his district. >> he fights every day to improve lives in his community. >> he's got people from all walks of life who respect him. >> elijah cummings is what i consider one of the finest public servants that we have serving in maryland in my lifetime. >> laura: who needs st. francis? well, today, cummings returned to his district for a forum, but didn't address the elephant in the room. >> we need to be about the business of repairing -- well, we need everybody's help. we have to all join in. sitting on the sidelines of life and watching our kids and just complaining, complain, complain, complain, that's not going to solve anything. the one you're naming now is kimberly clay six, whose tweets
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brought the baltimore issue to the national stage, and a member of the baltimore county committee. also joined by civil rights attorney, leo terrel. kimberly, what was a reaction in the form today among the residents of baltimore who attended? >> unfortunately, the baltimore residents weren't really invited. you had 40 people in the room, but people that wouldn't actually step up and question cummings. and everything that he has been doing or not doing, lack of leadership. he had what i call the elitist, political friends in the room, and he is addressing childhood trauma, but he has been in office for 30 plus years and has contributed to the violence, the lack of leadership. he's talking about trauma, but doesn't get to the root cause. >> laura: wore their former children raised in baltimore, you would think it would be the resident -- when i hear forum, i think it's going to be a lot of residents in the neighborhood. no? >> no, it was the media. >> laura: before we open up
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the conversation, here is a video, the video you did, you talked to a baltimore resident earlier today about the plight of the community. and here's what he has to say. >> our congressman has been here once since 2015. and that was because he heard me on tv saying he hadn't been her here. he ain't been back here since. that was four years ago. we got elected officials i know nothing about these communities. these kids are suffering here they're tom traumatized, ill, tr parents are ill, as well. and i can only blame one group: elected officials. >> laura: the form, we can't just sit around complaining. well, people are complaining, because there is no leadership. >> absolutely. and that was a community organizer who knows congressman cummings personally, grew up with him in the community, and he complains all the time about the fact that he is never there, doing anything. >> laura: horace, kimberly got this ball rolling.
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then, president trump picked up the ball. he started making hay of this, and they name him a racist. >> this is the irony of this. people are going to be suffering, not have job opportunities, housing values are going to decline, and donald trump is a racist. the problem with all of that narrative is because of what donald trump has been doing, his policy, there are greater opportunities than there have ever been, no thanks to congressman cummings. no thanks to the baltimore mayor's as they rotate around from prison, or wherever they are headed off to. this is a time for us to have a serious conversation about what to do, about some of the problems that plagued these communities. >> laura: now leo, take your political hat off for a moment and keep these analyst hat on. okay? with this forum -- if we want to call it a forum, it's kind of a sit down with your pals. but with this have occurred, were it not for donald trump
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raising this issue four weeks ago? honestly, would it have occurred? >> can i just get three facts -- >> laura: no, answer the question first, then you can have your facts. >> here's my answer: what you showed, that little segment of this area, that doesn't show me anything about the district that cummings represents. >> laura: you are not answering the question. >> okay, i'll answer -- >> laura: all repeated in case we didn't understand it. with this form have happened were it not for donald trump raising the issue, and then of course being called a racist, but to raise the issue -- and i think a lot of people are seriously worried. if they are going to volunteer, paint walls, pick up trash, trying to help -- with this have occurred were it not for donald trump? >> it would have occurred without donald trump's involvement because that form was about child trauma, nothing to do with the clips that kimberly showed. can i give two facts? two facts, laura. one, congressman cummings
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district has the second-wealthiest districts for african-americans. it also is the second-most educated district of african-americans. it is a mixed district of 55% black, 35% white, and kimberly and horace didn't mention those of facts. a fox mantra -- they're doing well in his district. those are facts that i would love a comment to dispute i just said, kimberly -- >> laura: why did he say -- >> all kimberly did was show a segment of a part of his district. >> have you been to that part of the district? >> am i wrong about the facts? >> what facts? you are wrong about the facts. i have been -- >> laura: let her talk -- >> are never even seen you over there. when have you been to west baltimore? >> she didn't answer the question. laura, i asked two questions. >> laura: you made your two
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points. my point, though, is we have a systemic problem in urban america. i just got through with quite an extensive tour of california. i love california. people coming up to me, what is going on in our cities? we love our cities, we love our state. it's not even partisan. what's happening isn't working for the poorest. it's not working. it's getting better under trump because they have more opportunities, but those problems, horace, you can chime in here, i think they use race as a cudgel, because they know if trump does an event in baltimore, he will probably have a big crowd -- if antifa doesn't mess it up -- he might even have a few more solutions that might actually work. >> absolutely, and that's the problem. they don't want to have a discussion about solutions because they've been happy, they are complacent. as long as they stay in power, as long as they keep getting reelected, they are fine. a quick observation.
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san francisco, los angeles, both of them have more millionaires and billionaires than any other cities! and yet, they have some of the most abject poverty. mr. cummings district is like that. >> second-wealthiest district for blacks -- >> and we are not -- >> and educated -- >> laura: leo is good with baltimore, we have established that. but kimberly was there, unlike the rest of us. to speak i will go ahead and answer the question. a lot of gerrymandering going on -- look, you can come to baltimore and talk to me about this any day, leo. that's what happened in 2017, the former governor actually -- >> laura: we've got to wrap it, guys, but these are problems that need solutions. if there are pockets with things are getting better, i say good on you, that's fantastic. we have a lot of people hurting and a lot of people who could be helped if we take the
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recriminations off the table and actually offer real solutions. all of you, love the conversation tonight. and ahead, we continue to expose democrats failure to properly govern these at cities. san francisco, front and center. we have it all for you. stay there. o so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. because it's my vision, my love of the game, my open road, my little artist. vo: only preservision areds 2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. man: because it's my sunset, it's how i see my life. it's my vision. preservision.
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♪ >> the homelessness is out of control. >> other cities and stick them on buttons and send them here, now this is like a homeless camp. >> i walk one block that way, i move from seeing professionals, seeing ten people in a row
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actively shooting up. >> urinating on the sheets, shooting heroin on the street should be illegal. >> laura: that is a fox news digital exclusive with san francisco residents on the homeless crisis in their city. get this, instead of tackling the problem, local leaders were talk about redefining the homeless. here now is charlie hurt, founder and executive director of turning point usa, and ethan bierman, nationally syndicated radio host. all right, charlie, why is san francisco playing the blame game and the redefinition of homelessness? that kind of takes the cake. >> yeah, it doesn't surprise me, though. look, i was in san francisco recently for the city is unrecognizable. one of america's greatest cities that has gone so terribly in the wrong direction. one policy we can point to come outside of the obvious, the city
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is run by all democrats, all democrat city council, is proposition 47, passed a couple of years ago, which essentially decriminalized petty crimes and opened up overcrowded prisons. unfortunately, people that really need help or on the streets of san francisco, and when they do things that are questionable, such as publicly defecating, there is no consequence whatsoever. when you decriminalized little things, the big things fall apart and you have societal chaos. mayor rudy giuliani tackle this brilliantly in new york city. we have seen a model of a mayor come in and fix structural problems with solutions. mayor giuliani did this in new york city, you are seeing the wrong direction now, san francisco, because of proposition 47. democrats, that for whatever reason, want to avoid the issue. this is why the city is going in the wrong direction. >> laura: ethan, the resident, whether they are politically on the left or right, i was just there in san francisco, and it is shocking. i spent a lot of times over the
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years in san francisco. i love the city. charlie is right, though, in many areas of san francisco, it's kind of scattered around everywhere, near the opera house, down near -- where you take the ferry to alcatraz, fisherman's wharf, you see it everywhere. so what can be done at this point, or is this just all because of racism? >> the homelessness is not racism. we have decades of court rulings that we rightfully closed down large institutions, and humane house people. these are human beings that you don't throw in jail, you don't criminalize homelessness, you give the visible homeless need mental health care, they need addiction care. they need semipermanent or permanent housing to get them off the streets, and to get them back onto their feet so they can be productive members of our society. criminalizing that is not the answer, but getting them the help they need -- >> laura: but hold on,
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san francisco spent $305 million last year on the homelessness crisis. at some point, do we not think, huh, may be how they are deploying their money where their solutions aren't working. super majority democrat run city, there are no republicans, they run them out, that's how it works, but at some point, do we say, okay, who's chance is it next to fix this problem? democrats just want to say this has been going on for decades, but they have been at the helm for now decades in san francisco, have they not? >> so, again, this goes back to certain court rulings and laws. we just passed a new law here in california that allows extended conservator shift, it's upsetting certain groups, but it will allow us to provide the services that are needed for the visible homeless. and i want to point out quickly, charlie really misapplied the broken windows theory here, because proposition 47 is not the issue.
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don't criminalize people that need our help and our care -- >> laura: if they are committing crimes, they have to -- >> it doesn't fix anything, because the reason -- >> laura: charlie -- >> it's even worse than that. san francisco is distributing syringes to drug addicts on the streets. that's not criminalizing, that is subsidizing drug usage. and you can see it firsthand. ethan, look, you are very smart and i have respect for you. there is no way you are part of the democratic rulers of san francisco right now. as one of america's greatest cities that is falling apart and ripping at the seams, not because of wealth and equality, and here is why. 20 of rich cities in america don't have this kind of structural problem. it's because democrats, for whatever reason, refused to follow the book about mayor giuliani and other successful mayors of both parties across the country have followed the playbook. >> laura: new york has problems. they don't have the same
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problems, of course, as we've seen in l.a. and in san francisco. now, ethan, i have a bone to pick with you. as my mother used to say. you have a tweet that is pinned at the top of your twitter page. when i saw this, it cannot be ethan. >> that's me that's me. >> laura: i saw this, i was like, you've got to be kidding me. you say "i guess that makes it official, their republican party in 2019 is a party of white nationalism. history will not look kindly on you." so, you are okay with labeling, essentially half the country, as racist bigots and white nationalists? really? >> no, i'm saying the party has not done their job, the president has not done their jo job, and rejecting -- rejecting, clearly and in unequivocal terms at all times, white nationalists, white supremacist supremacist, -- >> laura: yes, he has. >> no. >> laura: yes, he has. he just did it, and it wasn't good enough come after el paso.
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you cannot continue to say that on national tv. you are wrong and you keep saying it because it advances the narrative, ethan. he rejected it, as he saw it. it is a poison and a cancer on our society, and he rejected it, as he should. and that is never going to be good enough. >> today, he jumped at the loyalty charge to jews in america, if you vote democrat, your loyalty is in question? >> laura: nice try. you guys have the problem, not us. charlie, last word. >> i will give you one fact: president trump reported an actual nazi from the country, someone president obama avoided. president trump has championed prison reform peered what white nationalist would do that? ethan, you're better than that. don't engage in that garbage propaganda, it's not helpful. >> laura: charlie, ethan, thank you for being here. we appreciated.
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coming up, local maryland officials defend releasing an illegal, despite his being charged with rape and assaulted unbelievable story. tom homan, former ic director, is here and will respond to this new sanctuary city nightmare.
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>> our police department may not arrest a person based on an immigration retainer, or any other directive by dhs. on a belief the person is not
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present legally in the united states. enforcing immigration laws is the sole responsibility of the federal government of the united states. it is not in the interest of the county. >> laura: that is the executive of montgomery county, maryland. huber-liberal area, right around here, and he is defending his police department's decision to ignore an i.c.e. detainer request and release an illegal alien charged with rape and assault. just last month, the d.c. suburb became a sanctuary county. >> the order is intended to ensure that the constitutional rights of immigrants are not violated, and the county benefits and services are provided to residents regardless of country of birth or immigration status. >> laura: joining me now is tom homan, former acting ic director, fox news contributor. tom, what is your response with the county did here? they are shameless.
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shameless. >> it's disgusting. >> laura: glad i don't live in montgomery county. >> what he should have said, i have failed my responsibility -- >> laura: and i resigned. he should resign peered >> right, because the century citir criminals. i.c.e. wants access to those sitting in a jail cell. they made the decision to lock these people up because they are a public safety threat, and we have probable cause they are in the country illegally, so why should you not let i.c.e. have access. remove them from the country. these are disgusting individuals, and anybody who supports century cities are failing -- >> laura: he has to read every word, too, because he doesn't really know the issue. he just knows whatever someone wrote for him, so he is sitting there reading. by the way, for people who want to understand what is really going on -- again, huber-huber-liberal, high tax montgomery county. here's what you get, no agent or department may arrest or detain a person based on an
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administrative warrant, immigration retainer, or any other directive by dhs on the belief that the person is not present legally in the united states or has omitted a civil dilation. they want their yard keeper, there painters, their nannies -- i don't know what it is, but this is not following the law, and we have people who are raped, salted, or even dead, set free all across this country in these -- like san francisco -- >> they have these policies in place to protect the immigrant community -- wrong purity release and alien back into the community they live, they commit a crime, and if i.c.e. can't arrest a bad guy in jail, going to the community, find another. let me add this. i dare him to go to any immigrant community and ask this question: would you rather have i.c.e. in the jail or their community? this guy is disgusting. >> laura: your response to
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this misinformation, big shocker, cnn reported "a breastfeeding mom is still being held in an i.c.e. facility at 12 days after being detained: ." a spokesperson for i.c.e. said today "a nurse practitioner conducted an examination of mrs. domingo-garcia, which verifies she is not lactating." it's a false story. they reported a false story, no retraction -- we haven't seen one from cnn peered this is the emotional manipulation they play. you've got 20 seconds. >> absolutely -- >> laura: they change their story, okay, good. >> they have the responsibility to tell the courts and officers of the truth. she guided to support the story. the nurse verified she was not lactating. i.c.e. released several hundred people for humanitarian reasons. why wouldn't they release one more? this is about vilifying the men and women of i.c.e. and border patrol who do a great job. >> laura: it is more emotional
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manipulation to try to win my people over to the open borders coalition. tom, thank you. and next, we are exposing a double standard on liberal college campuses. you don't want to miss our school days segment. it's going to be good.
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♪ >> laura: as millions of college students head back to
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campus, we are unveiling a new schooldays segment. we have two shocking stories peered out of the lone star state. we begin at the university of houston, the student government presidency is facing calls for his removal, after he asked people to respect each other's opinions. and the university of texas austin is standing by a college instructor who is doubling down on his claims that republicans are pursuing "ethnic cleansing." alex whilst weeding "shortly after trump took office, i noticed republicans were preparing and ethnic cleansing. now come in 2019, i stand by that statement. the public denials stand in stark contrast to their public messaging and the growing body count." you know me now, correspondent for campus reform peered at lily, as a student at the university, what was your reaction when you saw that twee tweet? >> my first thought was just in
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the spirit of academic inquiry, i'm curious what this instructo instructor's explanation or reasoning for the conclusion is peered into label something as republicans preparing for an ethnic cleansing is a pretty hey accusation to levy at a large portion of the population as well as probably some students. >> laura: that's why a lot of people, the far left of the democratic party, just doesn't like american people very much care they think millions of americans are basically white supremacists and might as well be burning crosses on people's lawns. that's a wild way to get people to come over to your party -- insult them. >> there are students, probably in his class, and that can't be comfortable to be a conservative in that class, knowing your professor thinks you, as a republican, ari nazi. that's not going to be a productive learning environment are not going to encourage free exchange with your professor. >> laura: people think of
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school and texas, it's going to be a conservative experience. ut austin -- i love austin. austin fun. but it's really gone pretty left. is that a fair description of what the university of texas austin is like today? you are brave to be doing what you're doing, i'm glad you're out there, good for you. you are the real trailblazer. but is it pretty left now, compared to what it was 20 years ago? >> oh, i think this story proves it all. the leadership on campus reform reports on some story happening at ut austin, all the times, it seems like every other month. and i think the fact that this wasn't the first time that this instructor is saying this. he's doubling down on a previous claim. and while certainly not every instructor or professor or administrator at the university is going to be -- is going to believe this, the fact that he is still comfortable enough that he's not going to be challenged.
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yes, he does have free speech, i fully respect that. but it's a matter of professionalism. i think it's still a very relevant question for administrators to consider. professionalism, you have to teach. >> laura: you are being much more charitable and diplomatic about the instructor's comments about ethnic cleansing. why doesn't he spend time with people who have actually been truly ethnically cleansed. >> a serious accusation. >> laura: you are being way too kind. but we are glad you are out there. thanks for being with us tonight. and coming up, many residents have tried, but it's a battle only president trump can win. we are keeping score, next.
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>> laura: and finally we are keeping score. president trump with a major victory for human rights by forcing planned parenthood to withdraw from title x family planning program. and this is something past
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republican presidents tried but failed to do. now trump is succeeding where even my former country's largest abortion provider from gobbling up millions of dollars of the taxpayers hard-earned money. good for you. shannon bream, the fox news at 19 take it from here >> we have an exclusive and after she talked about what was going on, you will hear from her later on. >> laura: i'm watching, thank you. >> shannon: thanks, laura. a fox news alert tonight the president and nra say strong supporter of the second amendment as critics say the commander in chief is backing off. promises regarding tougher background checks. the white house is pushing back on that claim and we will explain in a second. vice president joe biden morning of the left wing. they may not agree on everything but he has the most delectable option you have a god. will that be a


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