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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  October 5, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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this saturday october 5th i'm jon scott thanks for joining us see you again, tomorrow. ♪ hello america, this show you must watch from beginning to end. my great guest peter how are you?u? >> great to be here. >> you're in great demand except on cnn, abc and -- the rest of them. you wrote this book secret empires. which you broke a number of stories. including the joe and hunter corruption e story. involving ukraine so here's what i want to do tonight. i want to walk through everything you know about the
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ukraine, and i want to walk through everything you know about the bidens in china. so the american people to who watch this program is because they're not getting any of this in any of the cable networks. where you're basically being prevented from explaining what took place. then if i want to talk about what to me is nonsensible about the the president of the united states, thede transcript, and al of the rest of that. solet walklk through it. let's had, begin with bidens in ukraine from the top. >> hunter biden is son still alive he lost beau biden tragically and up until his father became vice president, he was basically a lobbyist in washington, d.c. working for the online gambling industry. so no background overseas, and inng any of these areas once his father started vice president he
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started a private firm called sin ka partners half of the capital provided by chris hines john kerry stepson and another business partner was brought in. who was john kerry's finance co-chair, in 2004 . the ukraine part of this really begins in 2014 mark. in february of 2014, you remember the prorussian president is driven from power. putin starts flexing his muscles russian military forces get involved that's in february of 2014. the obama administration responds by saying, about we are going to come and help ukraine and very significantly the point person on obama administration policy is vice president joe biden who goes to ukraine almost immediately. two months after he's driven from power and russian forces start to fin invade ukraine energy company decides it is a great idea to hire the vice
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president's son as a consultant advisor and board member. now, what is important mark to note is that hunt per biden has no background in energy or ukraine, he's being hired to help them l with regulatory compliance i don't know howow hs going help themm with that. but that's really not the reason that he was hired. to this do we know what he did it? >> we don't know he made a couple of appearances at energy conferences that's all that he did. >> what was he being paid? >> 83,000 dollars a month which was being transferred into financial records in -- morgan stanley in account there so we know the precise amount he wasw paid because we have those documents. hunt per biden business partner who was also on the board of devin earnlger was charged with financial fraud in 2016. and as a result of that prosecution those financial records came to lite so there's
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no ambiguity we how much he was paid and that is a corrupt e it is probably the most corrupt company in ukraine with lots of western firms that would not deal request themal partly becae testifies headed by this ukrainian named chefski former and he basically created createdma but stealing state assets putting them into his own company. >>te he states yiewg crane i can funds put them in his own company. company that hires -- hunter biden. >> correct. who is on board of this company? >> it is basically ukrainians and then the former president of poland which there's kinds of questionss about what energy deals were in play there. but this was a company that western capital firms did not want to get involved in. because they were concerned about irregularities and when hunt per biden joined the board,
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the serious fraud office in u.k. that handles matters seriously frozen assets in bank accounts. because of money landering all sortss of serious allegation as so point is hunter biden joined forces with a very corrupt got a big payday and got a payday he didn't deserve mark because he wasn't't selling expertise he hd non and key question that nobody seems to n want to ask is in the media is -- what was he being paid for? he wasn't being paid for expertise. what was he being paid for? and what were the crane i cans expecting to get in return? and i think when you overlay the financial payments with a fact that joe biden is point person on obama administration policy to ukraine was steering billions of or dollars of western money to ukraine, it becomes crystal clear exactly why they were paying him money. onthey wanted access and they wanted influence joe bidessen
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and joe bidessen has been around a long time and he has to know exactly why his son was being paid. >> let me ask you about that a soulsome liberal, so-called rother said there was a rule thatat bidens have that hunter never told his father that vice president what kind of business he was involved in. >> right, and even though later it was in the press, yeah. krisma hunter largely responsible for it and some others that there's no evidence that joe biden actually read the newspaper. >> right. right. [laughter] so it's simply not conceivable is it, that joe biden would know what his son was up to. >> first of all if he had been point pirn on ukraine policy which he was he would know about barima major energy producer energy was a key component of ukraine coming back, in fact, joe biden was responsible for us id program designed to
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regenerator to benefit but we know on interview that joe biden gave to new yorker that, in fact, he did talk to his dad about this and according to hunter biden his father told him i hope you know what you're doing. so you know, even his son has contradicted -- >> few weeks ago joe biden said he never discussed it with his response in response to peter dew city of folks and got angry. >> that's exactly right. so joe bide opinion knows about thero prosecutor. he knows about the company. >> yeah. >> he knows the company's corrupt. >> he claims that prosecutor is corrupt. >> right. right or wrong? >> . and there's this phone conversation with joe biden, vice president of the united states, is saying what to whom -- about the prosecutor? >> well he's telling the president of the yiewg ukraine look i'm not going to give you this billion declares of western aid, remember he's the guy that calls the shots here. i'm not giving you this billion
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dollars of aid unless you fire that prosecutor. whoncht is investigating the company brisma by extension potentially his son. >> correct. yes. that's potentially for that matter -- f john kerry stem son. hard to know he was investigating him and based on reporting are from john that investigation involved hunt per biden. but you know look to me the bottom line here is, hunter biden was hired why? my contention is is he was not hired for expertise but hiredded precisely because who ran and controlled brisma was in trouble and brits ceased his assets united states and others were with raising questions about corruption and ukraine pep and hebl wanted out of the fix. so whether hunter biden at that point and time it was directly being investigated is immaterial the fact ises he was and bottom line is the ukrainian buckled
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and fired the prosecutor now to the claim that he was a corrupt who knows again -- irrelevant. >> ask you a question. why does that matter? >> the vice president of the united states we're hearing that democrats today about talking about effecting foreign investigation. >> right. >>. biden affect ad a foreign investigation. whether he thinks that prosecutor is corrupt or not president of the united states thought mueller was conflicted up the with with but never accet that fired mol sore you have biden reaching into ukraine demanding that they fire this prosecutor. who ise investigating the compay that his son is tied to and blackmailing them. >> right. you want a billion dollars in american -- you'll get rid of thatil guy and what does he say? i've got six hours on tape it shall i've got six hours, he needs to be gone. and he brags that the counsel foreign relation event a year ago or so it shall >> yes that
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that's exactly what they did. >> right. now -- let me ask>> you a question. you pretty much written about all of this. yeah . have you been contacted by a democrat chairman in house of representatives to testify? >> no.if not by elijah cummings and asked to sit down with nancy pelosi to discuss your findings? >> no. asked by a single republican chairman that start with the senate intelligence committee. to meet with them? >> no. >> how about senate judiciary committee? >> no. >> foreign relation committee? >> no. >> they don't nobody wants to talk to you and you have information. enches yes. >> that has been corroborated now. >> correct. and nobody cares. nobody cares and this is the challenge with a lot of these issues and you've talked issue this really throughout your public life. the challenge with these kinds of issues is -- in joe biden's case, ukraine, china, which we'll talk about
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later -- it's system it is massive, and krupght and i think unprecedented. but there are lots of people in this town on both sides of the aisle, the play the same game and here's the dilemma you have. if you let's say happen to be a republican congressman from somewhere. maybe you're in the game or maybe you want to get in this game welll to you call out joe biden, you immediately close off avenues for own family to become wealthy. it is one of the most popular common games in washington. >> do you have any expectation that any of these six chairman hand picked by nancy pelosi -- with her phony impeachment because they want to vote on the floor of the house. will c call you to testify? >> no. no. when we come back i have a question for you here we have a letter dated may 4th on united states senate stationary to the general prosecutor and another general prosecutor, and of ukraine signed by dick number
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threeec democrat in the united states senate worked for schumer. signed by patrick lei hey long pest serving member of the u.s. senate and robert mendez who i believe is ranking democrat on the foreign affairs committee. threatening the ukraine that if they don't assist robert molar in his investigation involving the president of the united states, that there may be a price to pay. and i want to get into this letter with you, and ask you -- about the hypocrisy of the democratic party and a frankly e media in its coverage of this matter brought to my attention in most public by mark had he's incline a column in "the washington post" not by investigative reporters. and any of these -- newspapers and so forth. so i want to pursue that when we come back folks don't forget. you can watch me on levin tv, levin tv most weeknights just go to blaze to sign up. blaze or give us a call at 844-levintv this was a
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great book. secret empires by peter i hope you'll acquire a book, and about our wonderful freedom on prime minister of the press i hope you'll get your copy as well. we'll be right back. we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost,
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i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing.
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>> of peter schweizer we have this letter, as i mention may 4, 2018 from durbin and mendez and three long time serving democratic senators. they have no compunction whatsoever about exacting the general prosecutor in yew ukraine to stiff is arm them and make demands very explicit demands unlike president of the inry the united states and transcript we'll get to a moment that a public seen of the courts over last few cay days in part it says new york times reported that your office affectively froze investigations in april threrve eliminating scope per cooperation with mueller probe, into related issues so they're trying to juice the proximate pr to work with mueller they go on later blocking cooperation with mueller probe potentially cuts off a significant opportunity for ukrainian law enforcement to conduct a more thorough inquiry
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into possible crimes committed during -- prior president administration isn't that what president is saying about biden. yep no that's exactly right and then they appoint just in case the general prosecutor is not smart to understand the pressure that these three in the senators are placing on them one has your office taken any steps to restrict cooperation with the investigation by special counsel robert mueller? if so why? like they're taking a deposition. two, did individual in the trump administration or anyone acting on its behalf encourage ukrainian government officials not to cooperate with the investigation by special counsel robert mueller, three, now this is to a foreign prosecutor. with another government -- what is mueller probe raised in any way during the discussions between your government and u.s. including around the meeting of trump's in new york, in 2017?
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so these three democrats powerful, powerfuler democrats. are saying to the general prosecutor the senior official ukraine administration, you better be investigating donald trump, you better be assisting this special counsel. and we have some specific questions if not why not? when didot you last talk to trup in 2017? and on and on and on. what do you make this have? >> it is remarkable on a couple of levels mark first of all you're right,yo the tone is it s a very is direct legal document basically saying we're watching you w and we expect your cooperation. and the threat is somewhat implied because ift you look at those three members of the senate anybody in ukraine in authorities and this gentlemen would know that the first is string of aid runs through congress. and if you've got individuals who on the senate foreign relations committee, for example, they need to sign off
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on any sort of budgetary authority so it is very troubling and again it shows thist double standard. certain people are to be investigated. certain people are the not. foreign officials are supposed to cooperate with certain is investigations not cooperate with others. and i think this is one of the things that drives americans crazy. i know people i know you know people that are generally apolitical but what they are concerned about frankly angry about that we have a two tier system of justice they get investigated others don't. there'sti a certain level of expectation of cooperation with some and not with others and this kind of goes to t the heart of the the matter all of the hysteria of the buildup to sort of the trump conversation with ukrainian president, was predicated on exaggerated notions of this threatening tone the fact that it was tied to aid, the fact about that he wanted themas to finger biden. all eyes.
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>> exactly it comes out and it is very conversational it is saying hey just you know, you know talk to my attorney general. smglet get to this. >> we -- and the world now has this transcript which is extraordinary. this is first hand firsthand account by a number of people take notes during the the course of thef president conversation. they get together there's not a recording. i don't know of another time when a transcript of this sort has ever been released. ever -- and you know, others have been saying well why don't we have a transcript of joe biden conversation when he wanted that prosecutor fired or other various conversations with the ukrainian consideration with the chinese which we'll get to soon. what o about obama conversations with heads of states those would be fascinating but only trump and only this conversation. because we have a whistle-blower who is not a whistle-blower without knowledge of anything now we know more than the whistle-blower we have the tripght but they want to hear from the whistle-blower who
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happens to be repght bid a lawyer who worked for hillary clinton and chuck schumer they have enough of all of this so we read this transcript. you and i have read this transcript. what televisiongraphics aren't showing there's corruption in the ukraineor and work better wh us and during the course of this conversation this was not a phone call where donald trump calls newly elected president of the yiewg crane says hey, by the way, we've got military aid that you want, i want to get biden now what do you do about it? there's nothing like that in here. zip, it is conversational. and here's the part -- ready? i heard you have a prosecutor part of the kftion where the president of ukraine is bringing up investigation more than the president of the united states i heard you have a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down, and that's really unfair.
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a lot of people are talking about that the way they shut your very good prosecutor down, and you the very bad people involved. mr. giuliani is a highly respected man now he wasn't the first one to bring up giuliani the president -- of ukraine brought up giuliani, and he says -- he was the mayor of new york city a great mayor. and i m would like him to call you. and i will ask him to call you along with the attorney general of the attorney general of the united states. so basically he's going through proper channels. rudy very much knows what is happening and he's very capable guy if you could speak to him. that would be great. again, it was the president of the ukraine who first brought up rudy giuliani former ambassador the woman wast bad news obama appointee, and new people she was dealing with in ukraine were bad news, so i just want to let you know that. the other thing -- there's a lothe of talk of biden
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son that he stopped prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with attorney general, would be great. biden wept with around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it. sounds horrible to me. is he demanding criminal investigation of joe biden here? [laughter] >> imagine putting that next to joe biden ears version of his conversation withco with ukrainn authorities to get the prosecutor fired it is a stark -- stark -- >> i have to take a break i want you to pick up right where we left a off your interpretation f this versus media interpretation. we'll be right back. i can't believe it. what? that our new house is haunted by casper the friendly ghost? hey jill! hey kurt! movies? i'll get snacks! no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on our car insurance with geico.
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>> live from america news headquarters i'm jon scott, according to reports a top north korean official now saying that working level talk as with the u.s. in sweden have hit a wall. the state department releasing this statement reading in part, the early comments from the dprk delegation do not reapplicant content or spirit of today's eight and a half hour discussion. the u.s. brought creative ideas and had good discussions with its dpr counterparts. the state department also saying that u.s. has accepted an inhave i says to continue talks in stockholm in two weeks. iraq faces a deepening political crisis with several days of unrest from deadly antigovernment demonstrations.
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in baghdad, security forces fired live ammunition and tear gas at protesters killing at least 14 people according to iraqi officials. the unrest comes after around the clock curfew was lefted today. i'm jon scott now to life, liberty, and levin. >> so where we left off peter schweizer i read from the transcript remarkably released by the president of the united states i read from the letter of the senator, the president is quite passive is is not directing he's not threatening the senators are dreng and threatening and they're warning. so the the says to the president of the ukraine, who brings this is stuff up. he says yeah rudy a good guy i'm going to have him call you and i would like you to talk to attorney general too. he doesn't i want you to get biden open a criminal investigation, i want to bring this guys down. remember he doesn't even know this is going to be made public. >> right. so what's the problem? >> no, it is remarkable, i mean,
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the tone is his tone is different from biden's tone in -- biden's version of his conversation with the ukrainian and different from the tone that the senators sent to the kriew yain i can on this issue but i'll go further mark in saying that, president trump would be negligent if he did not bring this matter up. and here's why. ukraine is one of those countries that has all sports of problems one of those problems is corruption. and a it is one of those countries where youou have a political class in the united states which sort of feast off of opportunities to enrich themselveses in countries like ukraine you could add kazakhstan to that list you can go to nigeria the point is, these are legitimate issues for president to raise and if the -- you know members of a family of the vice president of the united states are self-enriching engaged in potentially criminal behavior and a minimum corrupt behavior, it ought to be looked at and the notion that somehow you know, he should take a hands
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off approach it is not legitimate to even mention biden's name. is ridiculous. and he's reading this -- it is in the public press. it is in your booking. >> yeah. so hillary clinton -- my view violated the espionage act repeatedly she and her husband become enormously wealthy since they left the white house and so forth. you can't investigate her. because she's the not running for anything anymore. >> right. >> joe biden who might run for something you can't investigate him because he might run or for something. >> right. >> meanwhile, donald trump is under nonstop investigation. and that'sn okay. when you have politicians pressing prosecutors, pressing prosecution, accusing him of crimes, with that's okay. but don't talk if lunch bucket joan son. don jr. said something to e me the the other day so true can you imagine -- if i head-to-head been hunter
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billedden and can you imagine if the president has been joe bidessen who made that call what do you think would have happened? >> imagine we're going talk you know about china in a minute but imagine, if don jr. flew over on air force one with his dad. and 1.5 billion dollar deal with a background with nothing he has in i would be going ballistic and rightfully so-so completely different circumstance in the way the response is, and that's what i thinkig so inpure rates people there are certain people that are supposed to be protected. biden seems to be one of those when my book came out, hit number one on best sellers list i did your radio show i did hits on fox. got no contact whatsoever from the mainstream media you read about republicanses in your book. >> but they don't want to hear it. they don't want to hear any of it and part of it is there's a
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cast system in washington, d.c. that they protect. and i think one of the reasons there's so much animosity towards trump some of it is ideological style or whatever but a lot of it is he represents massive disruption to the business model of washington, d.c. had is -- you come in, you juice in your family, you juice in your friends, you serve in public service, you come out rich, and when you leave office you cash in further. e he represents a threat in a challenge t that they don't like it lots of people from both political parties so to me this is the heart of the matter if it is not -- possible toking investigate joe biden now, then it is never possible to investigate him. all of these things we're talking about mark, happened when he was vice president of the united states. son flew with him and point person on critically important national security issues with foreign governments, and in
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those instances there's only two countries where joe biden was point person for pus policy, and in both countries, his son just happened to cash in getting paid huge sum of money in areas with no background or expertise and yet the media doesn't seem to think this is a big deal. donald trump comes in to government not to enrich himself i'm sure he's lost money. smg yes. don jr. has nothing to do with any of this. they try to drag him down. eric trump ivanka trump, the the whole trump family. the issue s&pes like issues lollipops you know after you go to the dentist when you were a kid . and when it comes to biden now one subpoena issued by either congress, republicans or c democrats when it comes to hunter biden nobody wants to look at his bank account. nobody wants to interview his accountant. nobody wants to do anything. and they've twisted had this
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massive bideen corruption scandal into a donald trump high crimes and misdemeanor, you know what -- that's a bridge too far the american people aren't going to buy this crap. when we come back, i want to talk about china. folks don't forget, most weeknights you can see me on levin tv, go to blaze to sign up. blaze, or give us a call at 844-levin tv don't forget get your copy of on freedom of the press and et secret empire by my friend peter schweizer. we'll be right back. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost. unfortunately, it can't do anything about that.
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peter i want to talk to you about china we've talked about it a little bit here andt there it is in the news a little bit here and there. but no thanks to the media that did you want really explain it. what did you discover with respect to hunter biden, joe biden, and others and redd china?
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>> well china is the great marketplace that everybody seems to be going to right or at least they were touring the obama administration, and the same mething applied with bidens, the story really begins in december of 2013 joe biden is going asia for a series of meetings, the center of those meetings is going to be with chinese officials. and hunter biden is on air force two with him. now you would look at the public accounts and think this was just sort of a social thing. but during the time that they were in beijing we don't know what hunt per was doing there's no schedule of his meetings. but joe biden was meeting with chinese officials anden he was criticized by "the washington post" and others for being soft. the chinese had erected air defense zones in the south china sea. they're making these territorial claims joe biden never even bought up publicly the fact that those issues existed. was very soft on the chinese. curiosity ten days after they come back from that trip. hunter biden boutique investment
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firm rose partners inks one billion dollar with a b deal with a chinese government. not a chinese bank in the country. the chinese government. and about they create something called bohi harvest rst putting billioner dollars in, and it is expanded to 1.5 billion dollars. and what they're going to do is they're going to invest in assets in the united states and elsewhere and hunter biden is going to help they will l do it now to put this into context mark, this little boutique firm that hunter biden has rose mark sin ka parkers no background in private equity and no background in china. gets a deal that is part of a shanghai free trade zone that no others invest.on bank has. not goldman sachs, not deutsche bank none of them do and going to get chinese government money in the shanghai free trade zone to invest in the united states
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and elsewhere and what they end up doing mark is buying companieses. let me stop you right there so they don't need this little boutique firm to invest 1.5 billion dollar. no, but better if they can watch it through hunter biden's company. ten days after -- the vice president was in china on official business with his son trotting along on air force two. okay. >> exactly, and they also need huntero biden's help, though, because the investments they makeke in this company bohi harvest rst now on the board of directors of this financial firm. and his business partner dech arnger is is on investment committee. they start buying assets in the united states that are dual use technologies. dual use civilian and military. correct. exactly so it has military implications they buy this precision tool company, creates anti-vie celebration technology
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called hangus in michigan that transaction is required approval by sifuo subpoena it is a federal government committee ont foreign investments in the united states. >> different cabinet officials or surrogate approval these deals. because their militarily sensitive and look i think it is pretty clear, if you have the son of the vice president involved with thes invest. firm that is making this invest. , even though it is the chinese government doing it, that's pretty darn goodd cover . there's another investment they make in china general nuclear cgn had is a company based in hong kong, they become shareholders in this. again, the son of the vice president's on the board of directors of this company, they buy part of cgn within a year our fbi is charging cgn with stealing nuclear secretses in the united states so these are kinds of transactions that are occurring. the problem from standpoint of hunt per biden is we have no idea how much he was being paid.
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and this is the only, the first deal that he does in china. there's another one called rosemont realty had is real estate firm hunter biden is a cofounder ofat this real estate firm. a chinese company called gemini investments had is linked to costco which is a famous chinese company tied to the chinese military gemini comes in and buys 75% of rosemont realty in 2015. so hunter biden is doing deals in ukraine he's also doing deals in china but he's a wash in chinese money. >> yes. >> and he is you're right, he's kind of the part the front man to get to open the door oh that's hunter biden. >> correct. >> and -- i guess my question to you is this: is a single committee in congress looked inton this? >> no. no. >> senate republicans? >> no. >> jared knadler? >> no. has cnn done a report on there?
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>> no. >>msnbc? >> no. >> anybody talk to you about this in mainstream so-called media? >> we have a reporter from wall street journal that when the book came out ran a story, talked about the implications the bipartisan nature of it. of this story. that's been it. no other interest and again i think the problem here is china -- is a viewed as a place on the globe where you can go make a lot of money if you are politically connected. >> and obama administration's policies towards china, passive -- >> very passive became veries sof and joe biden who was once very hawkish on china, on human rights -- south china sea taiwan, his become very soft, in fact in recent months on the campaign, he's poo poo the fact that china represents any kind of threat political or otherwise to the united states. but even though our own defense establishment says they are the greatest threat facing united states of america and we better
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wake up to it. >> that's exactly right the pentagon expects that by 2030, that chinese will surpass the united states navy as most powerful navy in the world. >> now according to the in in democrats we better not investigate this because to do so is political and that's impeachable offense against trump. >> right. >> more when i return. enterprise car sales and you'll take any trade-in? that's right! great! here you go... well, it does need to be a vehicle. but - i need this out of my house. (vo) with fair, transparent value for every trade-in... enterprise makes it easy. i learned about my grandfather's life on ancestry and it was a remarkable twentieth-century transformation.
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couple of loose ends here. hunter biden is doing a lot of foreign business. making a hell of a lot of money. do you know if he was registered as a foreign agent with a department of justice? >> no. he never a registered. >> he never registered in recent months we've seen people prosecuted on this issue greg craig found innocent. man ford one of the charges against him. why is nobody -- prosecuting hunter biden at leastt on that violation? >> this is one of the mysteries and -- a reason that i called for an investigation bit departmentve f justice, to look into these transactions in the dealings and also for the senate to have him and joe biden come to testify. you know, look mark we live many thise insane world where if joe biden has, you know, 5,000 dollars in ge stock, he needs to
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disclose it if he gets 500 campaign contribution from somebody he has to disclose it but if his son does a billion dollar private pect deal with a foreign government, that's our chief rival, there's no disclosure requirement. >> but shouldn't there be -- if past is prologue, i mean, recent test -- special counsel, based on schumer argument, we can't expect the trump administration to fairly investigate joe biden in order to take makes out of it when we need a special counsel. so shouldn't there be a special counsel investigating the bidens or appointment of that even considered political? in other words, they've so immunized themselveses in help the democrats you can't investigate hillary clinton, you can't investigate joe biden. you can't investigate any of the democrats because there's political. on the other hand theyhe can investigate you, your family, your finances, issue a hundred subpoenas against the president of the yiet, and that's constitutional. >> right. well i think>> that american people will be fed up with this.
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i think they should as well, and you know look, i think at the end of the day people need to know you know who is paying the piper. the notion that the bidens would not be fliewnsed by chinese or anybody else because they were sepgding moneyau to them, is reg house. i mean, we chase stories and they're had legitimate story. about, you know, wall street firms, donating to certain candidate do they get access in you know if you're giving access because you write a $20,000 pack check, to a candidate, you are certainly getting access if you're giving private equity deals and bottom line is mark in all of the stuff we talk about is in black and white in public record no sources no made up dossier or third person dossier these are all facts you know pert i even remember the chinese military, r millions of dollars into the dnc, and into the clinton reelection efforts, guys
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walking into serial number bits and paper bags. the group remember all of that? >> absolutely. no independent counsel investigation. no democrat calls for any kind of investigation, nothing of the kind. here we have this ridiculous transcript -- which should never have been released under u separation of power of authority. they have words maybe he meant this maybe it was tows and he should have done this and maybe he shouldn't have brought that up and i'm reading what is the problem particularly given context of all of these other things that are taking place and have gone on. we'll be right back.
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democrats i'll tell you why this came out right now see if you agree. because the independent -- inspector general department of justice michael horowitz is to be release his report on the obama administration and how all of o this russia investigation started so there's the new shiny object. ukraine, you're not allowed to look at biden we're going to have fake impeachment inquiry to avoid attention with the the obama administration including biden and democrats did. does that make sense to you? >> ien think that's a brilliant pointct i think you're right the are few times coincidences in washington, d.c. and i think that explains a lot. this is evidence that things are starting to shake loose from the tree. fruit is starting to fall, and that involves some very powerful people, very big names, and i think that's why you're seeing these kinds of eruptions i think you're right they are linked i'm amazed by this president, the
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endless investigations, they've been using impeachment words since before it became president, they the got their special counsel who came up empty despite all of the subpoenas in the witness and access to white house staff and democrat dmments without any privilege call and when you look at what took place and fbi putting spice on campaign and fight all of the rest it is remark that he would become president of the united states suspect it? >> it is, and you know mark i was one of the people early on in early>> 2017 who said you knw we ought to look at this russia because the charge is so serious. what is happened with this sort of, you know, fake allegations is they've damaged severely damaged very important institutions by doing this, the fbi will not be viewed same as it was prior to this investigation of tragedy. book you've written for coming on program keep at it the truth shall set us free.
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amen. thankas you, sir. >> thank you. and we'll see you next time on life, liberty, and levin. welcome to waters world the subject of tonight waters word this is a fake crime a fake coverup and now fake impeachment. nervous nancy won't put it to a vote and here's why. sad politics for in thes for two reasons. if she make her caucus cast to vote now it is beginning to backfire and lose the house and it is impeachment official to let republicans be a part of the process. right now they're shut out. she doesn't want it to be fair. she wants it to be fact her goal impeach before people lose focus impeach before the iowa caucus impeach before their story gets


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