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tv   The Story With Martha Mac Callum  FOX News  October 9, 2019 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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back to her reporting after she stepped out of frame. props on social media for handling both of her jobs out ones on live tv. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. that's it for this "special report," fair, balanced, unafraid. "the story" hosted by martha maccallum starts right now. >> martha: thank you, bret. good to see you tonight. good evening, everybody. i am martha maccallum and this is where "the story" begins tonight. joe biden came out swinging, asking for the president's impeachment. here is what the president said. >> he's falling like a rock. i don't think he's going to make it. i didn't think he was going to make it for a long time. >> martha: here is what the presidential candidate and former vice president said prior to that which prompted the president's response when he was in new hampshire today. watch. >> donald trump has violated his oath of office, betrayed this
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nation, and committed impeachable acts. he should be impeached. >> martha: politico, just to give you a sampling out there, says much of the white house staff is paralyzed by democrats' impeachment inquiries as trump directs the trump 2020 teams as the controversy is "jet fuel" for his campaign. and on the biden side, he's slipping in the polls. see this headline in the new republic. joe biden's case for the presidency is collapsing, they write tonight. two people who will disagree with those assessments on both sides, simone sanders sr. advisor to the biden campaign, and lynn patton, close ally to the trump campaign, and we began with simone, thank you very much. good to hear you this evening.
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why didn't joe biden come out with a strong stance in favor of impeachment when prior to that he had urged restraint to this issue. >> thank you, busy day. look, i think it's a fair question, why today and why now, frankly. i think the acts of the last 15 days are what move to vice president biden to this position. 16 days where vice president biden was in wilmington, delaware, gave a speech, a statement frankly. said in this statement, if donald trump and the trumped administration did not cooperate with congress' investigation and that they constitutionally have the rights to do, then this'll be a tragedy of donald trump's own making and congress would have no choice other than to start the impeachment inquiry. over the last 15 days, martha, regardless what side of the aisle anyone sits on to him it has been a remarkable time in
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american politics and political history. we have seen the president stand on the white house lawn and openly invite interference into our election to help him politically. he asked ukraine and china on the white house lawn. we have seen a whistle-blower complaint now that confirms that donald trump's allies and folks of the administration moved to cover up a phone call that we also saw from reports, a transcript of the white house put out -- >> martha: understood, we reported all that you just talked about over the course of the last couple of weeks, to be sure. one of the questions in terms of vice president biden's tragedy is whether or not he had to come out strongly. the real clear politics average shows he's down two points, 2.5 points to elizabeth warren who has focused on this issue. is that why he decided he had to speak out? >> that's not why, martha, he
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had to speak out. there is a story in "the new york times" which talks about joe biden, and his history when it comes to impeachment proceedings in the united states congress. the impeachment of nixon and clinton, vice president joe biden was a senator. in both of those instances, he urged restraint, urge that there is a process, a system that we have to gather the information. >> martha: that is what president trump is saying too. that's why he'd like to see a vote in the house before they move forward and a little bit of clarification on how this is going to work before they start putting all their people out there, which seems like a fair enough question. >> frankly, our posture is that congress has oversight on dutie duties. what the trump administration is doing is obstructing their duties for oversight and investigation. >> martha: they had in the previous situations where they dealt with this kind of thing. >> what we would say and what vice president biden has said particularly the last 24 hours,
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we have seen the white house particularly president trump come out and obstruct the investigation by not allowing a sitting ambassador to testify before congress. furthermore, noting that he is not bound to the constitution. congress has oversight, so vice president biden -- >> martha: we clearly have a different opinion. >> martha, can i say one more thing? the constitution is not, you know, the constitution isn't a difference of opinion and the constitution states that congress has this ability, this oversight ability, and the trump administration and the president are not cooperating. it's our posture that's instructing investigation. >> martha: the piece that i put up a four, which talks about the biden campaign collapsing -- [laughs] >> martha: i don't blame you. you should disagree with that this whole culture fascia over
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ukraine. it brings up the hunters biden back in the bloodstream and if joe biden becomes the nominee, there is no doubt on the debate stage or anywhere else, he would be asked, why was your son paid $50,000 for something he didn't have any experience doing, and would he have gotten that job or they deal with china if he wasn't named biden? would he have gotten any of those opportunities if he was in the vice president's son? what's the answer to that? >> martha, look. i dispel the myth that our campaign has been collapsing. i think people thought our campaign was on the brink of collapse before the campaign started but they've been writing our campaign's of maturity since april 24th and i think we are doing pretty well. we are engaging with voters all upon this country. i will refer to them as smears and lines, that the trump administration has put forth and
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donald trump has put forth specifically about vice president biden and his family is they are not true, martha. >> martha: do you believe he would've made that monday if he wasn't the vice president's son? the vice president was overseeing ukraine and china. suddenly he got these positions in ukraine and china. it does raise legitimate questions and i do not think who is interviewing a question during the vice president, he's going to have to answer to these questions. >> martha, he's been asked questions about this. our posture is this: what donald trump is alleging in what he's alleging, that vice president biden did something untoward, that there was something fishy going on, that the firing of the ukraine prosecutor, the e.u., the imf, the entirety of the west was united in wanting, the reformers in ukraine once it was somehow not on the up and up and devised to protect vice president biden's son, that's what he's saying? that's not true.
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our campaigns posture and frankly vice president biden's posture specifically has been to unequivocally back down those smears, those lines, those assertions. martha, the last thing i want to note on this is frankly, vice president biden has been clear. president trump's oath of office is to protect americans, protect our standing on the international world and he's violated that oath, violated the constitution. anytime he wants to bring a punter biden, it should come back to donald trump and what he's doing. >> martha: i understand that as a strategy. it's a question that will clearly be asked because of all of this and an interesting piece by peter schweizer in "the new york times" today saying what hunters biden did is perfectly legal. but is it right? he's raising questions whether or not it presents a bad look
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and what the vice president things about that in retrospect? >> ambassador susan rice was out there today -- i think she's on a book tour and i think she was on the "view" or something. >> martha: we have that. >> you have the clip. >> martha: stick around for that. but go ahead. >> she served on the obama administration and said there is no question about his character, commitment to america. and he went out there that is wondering, you know, if you can trust where joe biden stands when it comes to america and americas interest and is he on the up and up, i would say the answer is unequivocally yes. unfortunately we cannot say the same for donald trump and the trump administration. >> martha: thank you for answering the questions and good to have you with us tonight. joining me now is lynn patton, a close friend of the trump family who in 2017 was hired as a
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regional administrator as a personal capacity who has known the president for years. good to see you again tonight. first of all, in the introduction we talked about the report that the president is sort of flying on his own here, that it's all the twitter feed and that there is a paralyzed posture in the white house. what is your take, having spent time with the president and how he's doing? >> my take is this, martha. i never thought i'd see the day that a republican president could be impeached for crimes committed by democrats. because that's exactly what's happening here. and what's happening is nothing short of unconstitutional. by pushing through this impeachment inquiry without a full floor vote is denying the president his rights to due process. it's also simply to inject the word "impeachment" into the daily fake news media to give it some sort of air of legitimacy. but you know what, martha? americans are exhausted.
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they've gone from russia collusion to a whistle-blower with their hand knowledge, then they went to the imaginary quid pro quo -- look, judge judy does not even let hearsay into her courtroom. the democrats want to impeach a sitting president with less evidence than judge judy uses to violate an outstanding cell phone bill? that's ridiculous. >> martha: it's interesting to point out, putting that word out in the bloodstream. we are seeing movement in the polls. this is a brand-new fox news poll that shows that 51% believe the president should be impeached and removed from office, you break that down by party. the democrat number has increased some of which i guess is not surprising for that at 85%. independents have gone up, and 13% of republicans believe the president should be impeached
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and removed. >> martha, another paul said that hillary clinton was going to win by 92%. the numbers don't lie and what the numbers are showing at the rallies are they are packed more than ever. president trump raised more than $124 million by the leading democrat raise $25 million in the same time frame. so the polls mean nothing. again, the americans are tired of democrats not focusing on putting food on the table. again, focusing on old tax returns, wasting their time, coming up with another scandal because they cannot beat us on the merits and they know it. he is cutting taxes. he is reforming prison. he has the best economy and the lowest unemployment in history for all races. they know they cannot beat us on those merits and that's why they are fabricating yet another
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wild-goose chase. what's really sad is this family walked away from millions of dollars to serve in politics. but yet the bidens, the clintons, even pelosi's son all gained millions when they entered politics. again, could you imagine if eric trump got dishonorably discharged from the navy for doing cocaine or if ivanka at $1.5 billion from china, or if don jr. is on a foreign board getting $50,000 a month doing something no one understands or comprehends? cnn would be looping it, their heads would explode, and it's really, really sad. and what i ask is why hasn't anybody asked why the clinton foundation literally dropped
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58.7% after she lost the election? >> martha: a question we raised and there is definitely a lot of profiting that goes on around the world and there's a lot to dig on. lynn, thank you very much. good to see you tonight. joining us this evening. president trump keeping a close watch on turkey's military offensive in northern syria. reports to let that at least seven civilians so far have been killed. we also have some information from a longtime special forces operator who is on the ground there who is reporting atrocities. also tonight, wednesdays with watters. jesse floats donna takes on the >> may be there does need to be a rematch. obviously i can beat him again.
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xfi advanced security. if it's connected, it's protected. call, click, or visit a store today. >> we are speaking to both sides and single can be made out of a situation but we have no soldiers in the area. we are getting out of the endless waters. have to do it. >> martha: president trump responding about the turkish or a attacks on the kurds as we see reports tonight on civilians killed. the u.s. "turkish wars planes have started to carry out attacks on civilian areas, huge panic among people in the region. joining me tonight, a recent analyst and former pentagon intelligence officer who just
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returned from syria a few days ago. welcome, sarah, and what is your reaction to the reports that civilians are being killed along the border area? >> well, we first have to verify some of these obvious -- it's a fluid situation, there is the fog of war and obviously a difficult situation for everyone involved. we've seen obviously the president of turkey speaking to president trump over the weekend. these are concerns to come up broader security stearns that turkey has had for years. first expressed to the obama administration. what we've seen here is that officials have told washington that they are concerned with possible attacks, they view the white pg militia as an extension of the pkk terror group that's been launching a war for the past
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four decades. we heard from president trump that he recognized that. to carry us state pompeo recognizing turkey's border security concerns. this speaks to president trump's heart. >> martha: our own jennifer griffin spoke with one of the members of our special forces on the ground with the kurds, so we do have an eyewitness account coming from our own forces who said to her that he was ashamed for the first time in his military career. he said positions have not been abandoned, he said the kurds have completely upheld their security agreements and that they were not attacking across the turkish border and this is coming from our own special forces folks who were right there alongside them. he said that they are pleading for our support and doing nothing just sitting by watching this unfold. that's a pretty tough assessment
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from our own special forces. >> absolutely. what preceded the turkish operation -- of course, let's remember that there is not only a turkish army operation, they are also working alongside free syrian army, the syrian national army, a group of around 3,000 local sunni arab fighters that they have trained as well. what we've also seen, u.s. forces patrolling north of that strategic m4 highway along the border with syria, the commander in chief of all u.s. military officers, once the order given by president trump, those forces moved south of that same zone area where the turkish army was expected to enter. once turkey found that, that was perceived as a green light to move forward with this operatio operation. >> martha: secretary pompeo says there was no green light given by the united states, but now that we see this attack is
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clearly underway tonight and what our response is going to be remains to be seen. lindsey graham wants to do what they can do from there and mack which is try to push for very tough sanctions against turkey, so we'll see where it all goes. good to have you with us tonigh tonight. we apologize for a little bit of delay that we had there. moments ago, 2020 president of candidate bernie sanders sitting down with msnbc's harry smith following the heart of talk attack, here's what he had to say about quitting the race because of that scare. >> people should think that -- >> so you will go to the debate? >> absolutely. >> martha: coming up next, former obama advisor susan rice comes out swinging in the fans
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of joe biden. listen to this. >> what donald trump is doing so effectively is taking his own greatest vulnerability, which is the perception that he is corrupt and his children are corrupt, and trying to turn it into his opponent's greatest weakness. >> martha: gregg jarrett and marie harf join me next. and we'd like to put a fire pit out there, and a dock with a boat, maybe. why haven't you started building? well, tyler's off to college... and mom's getting older... and eventually we would like to retire. yeah, it's a lot. but td ameritrade can help you build a plan for today and tomorrow. great. can you help us pour the foundation too? i think you want a house near the lake, not in it. come with a goal. leave with a plan. td ameritrade. ♪
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>> it began spontaneously in benghazi. which in fact a spontaneous reaction which started the recent violence of the airing of the internet a very hateful, very offensive video. >> martha: former obama administrator susan rice giving misleading comments.
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she said the information she was sent out there with was wrong and she's back in the political scene taking sides in the trump-biden-ukraine battle today. watch this. >> joe biden is a man of integrity. whether you agree with him or not. i happen to agree with them with most everything. doing business on the united states government based on bipartisan policy in concert with our european allies to try to root out corruption in ukraine. what president trump did is try to extort the ukrainians for his own personal political benefits. there is a huge difference there and i think the american people are intelligent enough to see that. >> martha: fox news legal analyst and author of the brand-new book "witch hunt: the story of the greatest mass delusion in american history," and marie harf, former obama state department spokesman. great to have you both here.
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she said the big difference, gregg, and i want to get marie's thoughts on this, big difference between joe biden saying, i went in there, if this prosecutor is not god in six hours, you aren't getting the aid you are promised. she said it was completely different though when it happens with president trump. >> truth of the matter is she doesn't know any more facts than everyone else, but facts and evidence are exactly what we need. it's not inappropriate for the president to say to ukraine, p please look into it. it's a crime for a public official to confer a benefit to a foreign government in exchange for something of personal value for him or his son, so we need to know what his intent was but she doesn't know his intent. frankly, america doesn't know his intent. there is enough color to this to merit asking for information and
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investigation. >> martha: we know the ukrainian government has reopened the investigation because a new prosecutor wants to look into it. maria, what do you say? >> susan rice does know what vice president biden was up to at the time because she was the national security advisor and the push to remove this prosecutor because of his corruption was a push from the entire u.s. government, i was at the state department then, john kerry, susan rice, all of our european allies, everyone was on the same page in wanting this prosecutor done. this was the u.s. government's policy. it's a very different thing than what president trump did which we've seen in the transcript which is to raise a domestic political opponent, getting there from him from the foreign government. i want those questions answered as well. >> how do you account for the millions of dollars that joe biden's son is getting notches from ukraine but from china? >> what does that have to do with joe biden's role as vice president? >> it has everything to do with corruption and influence peddling.
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>> if you want to have a discussion about corruption i'm happy to have that with the trump children than what they are making overseas right now. there is no evidence that joe biden -- >> we don't have all the evidence. >> there is none up to this point, though. >> please. >> you think there is some to be discovered, but right now we have no evidence that joe biden -- >> how do you explain a guy who has no qualification -- b1 peter schweizer wrote a piece in "the new york times" saying that what hunter biden did was legal and that's the problem, we need a corruption act in the united states government that forbids relatives profiting off of their parents or whoever they are related to position in the united states government. do you agree with that, marie? >> it's an interesting question. a question that would've been raised in the trump administration. >> he would've never had that job -- >> we don't know that. whatever joe biden and hunter biden did it separate from
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donald trump as president withholding military aid in exchange for getting dirt on a domestic political opponent of his back here at home. that is something that has -- in the new fox news poll, over half of americans, as you showed, not should just be impeached but be removed. >> the shifting sands, more evidence that comes out, we have more evidence uncovered by john solomon that what biden is saying belied by the documents, 400 documents in which the prosecutor was closing in on the burisma and hunter biden for acts of corruption. you can spend it anyway you want, marie, but you need more evidence. >> martha: to be continued. marie, thank you for being here tonight. gregg, thank you. matt lauer a blistering defense in the new allegations against him when we come back.
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>> martha: matt lauer, who you may remember was fired from "the today show" following complaints of sexual misconduct back in 2013 is fighting against a graphic accusation against him that he raped and nbc producer in the so cheap at his former cohost weighed in on the latest allegation earlier today. >> this is shocking and appalling. and i don't know what to say about this and it's very painful for all of us at nbc and us at "the today show." >> martha: let's go to coors by the trace gallagher who has the rest of the whole story here tonight. good evening, trace. >> author roland farrow offers a first-hand account of matt laue lauer's alleged accuser, the woman who fox news is not naming
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also worked for nbc and during the sochi olympics, she met matt lauer with meredith vieira. claimed he kissed her, turned her over, and the claims she did not want to partake proceeded to sodomize her. matt lauer, until then didn't want to speak out about allegations to protect his children, will speak out and will no longer give his accuser shelter with no silence. claims the encounter was assault when she actively participate in future meetings and met me at my apartment multiple occasions to continue the affair. claims i was the one pursuing the relationship to millions what it was over, she was the one calling me, asking to rekindle it. and the alleged victim does acknowledge in the book that she had more encounters with lauer
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once they were in new york, that's what i blame most four. it was completely transactional. it was not a relationship. meanwhile, nbc news standing by the accuser, saying matt lauer's conduct was appalling, reprehensible as we sat at the time. here's what was said more from matt lauer's former colleagues. >> we don't know the facts of it, they are in allegations they aren't allegations of an affair, they e allegations of a crime. that's shocking for those of us who sat with matt for many, many years. >> we are disturbed. we have a commitment to keep you informed and we will. >> martha: as we note nbc's reaction, remember two years ago run and farrell accused nbc executives of trying to kill his story on harvey weinstein which started the #metoo movement.
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weinstein would contact nbc execs to squash stories of the reporting. >> martha: thank you very much. it is in and be a struggle of politics, money, power that got the attention of president trump today. >> i watch the way that kerr, popovich were pandering to china and get to our own country, it's like they don't respect it. it's like they don't respect it. >> martha: the nba is huge in china. there are 300 million recreational basketball players, roughly as many people we have in the united states. this battle was sparked by the tweets heard around the world. will it push china? who will give first between the nba and china? will come back we will come back. d getting her.
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>> martha: so this young man is called he recently won a big competition in an activision game contest for which china is a growing market and they hope it will be much bigger. in his game-winning interview, he made an incredibly amazing gesture. he got in mask and goggles just like the protesters in the streets of hong kong where he's from and he shouted this:
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the interviewer is nervously laughing dive under their desks. lost $10,000 in prize money for that and the ability to go to the next round but he later said, i know what my action on stream means. it could cost me a lot of trouble, even my personal safety in my real life. but i think it's my duty to say something about the issue. when darrow morning, general manager of the houston rockets said the same thing on twitter, it was that we heard around the world. will be nba which is not hesitated to champion because like black lives matter and also trash on the other hand president trump will have the courage of that young hong kong gamer? joining me now is brock -- good to see you tonight. that's the question. will the nba as adam silver says they will do, he says he will not restrict the language of any
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players or owners or anyone and let them say what they want, what's going to happen in china? >> so adam is a good friend of mine and he's walking a tight rope year but there is nobody better and more equipped to handle the situation than him. anybody who understands the chinese -- obviously i live there. i deal with the high ups in the chinese government. i'm always meeting with u.s. and batted steve bannon, someone who understands the chinese very well. they understand that saving face is the most paramount thing in that society. so of course, they are going to have a knee-jerk reaction like this, pull things off cctv, they are going to cancel events. this is nothing more but leverage to use in future negotiations. >> martha: the question is does this change their posture? i mean, the human rights issues that are in china. mike pompeo came out today and here's what he said. watch this. >> i think american businesses are waking up to the risks that
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attend to the company. it seems it makes profit in the short run, but the reputational cost, i think it will prove to be higher and higher. >> martha: what do you say to that, brock? >> i like mike pompeo and i'm a trump supporter but i will stated that that i find it awfully rich that a lot of these politicians are coming up and attacking the nba when these are the same politicians that have backed communist dictatorships, put us in us in unnecessary foreign wars for years and decades. i think politicians need to say out of this. sports are the great uniter and politics are the great divider and i tell people this all the time. if michael jordan ran for president, he probably win all 50 states. with that being said, i think there's nobody better than donald trump to negotiate this trade war. a lot of people weighing in that don't know what they are talking about are only adding unnecessary chaos on the eve of really important trade talks with trump.
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>> martha: i understand what you're saying because the idea of opening up -- the equalization of net estates and china wasn't shining more light into the whole situation was going to make -- it would encourage more open democracy. freedom for people in china. you see the opposite taking place. the crack down the uighurs come out the hong kong situation, you've got taiwan, and you got a president who says he's going to stay there forever. sounds like it's not going in the right direction. on some of these concerns well-placed aren't some of these concerns well-placed? >> martha: there is somewhere in there, but they are a global band, a business. they are not in the business of being geopolitical police. the situation with china is very complex and its ever ever-changing, but adam silver came out and backed daryl
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morey's freedom of speech. everybody needs to relax. moving forward, we'll see what happens. this is something that everyone needs to take a look act. let's just see what happens. on the ee eve of a very important negotiation talks with china, i think everybody needs to let trump do his job and do his deal because he someone who understands the chinese very well. >> martha: we will keep following and we appreciate your comments tonight. coming up, hillary clinton said she would beat donald trump again. she thinks maybe she won last time. is america heading to around two from three years ago today? >> is awfully good that someone with the temperament of donald trump is not in charge of the law in our country. >> because you'd be in jail. >> martha: here we go again.
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>> martha: it seems like yesterday, and it was in fact, where president deming hillary clinton retweeted president trump's warning not to tempt her to get into the 2020 t only would she win that there was a rematch, but she won last time too. >> it truly is remarkable how jesse remains with me, but this latest tweet is so typical of him. nothing has been more examined and looked at than my emails. we all know that. so he's either lying or delusional or both. obviously i can beat him again. >> martha: beat him again. now jesse watters, host of watters world. did you know that she won last time? >> the popular vote. but that's all she has.
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>> martha: you have to win the electoral college. >> we deserve this, martha. we need this rematch so badly. we ate our veggies, gone to sleep early. she comes in and says bernie is fading, biden is fading, and none of the donors on wall street want to give elizabeth warren money because she's a crazy socialist. i outraised him, i out debated him but i promise i will visit wisconsin and to unite the party i'll put liz on the ticket, put burning in the cabinet. i still think trump smokes her, but it's going to be such a scan... they can ask about epstein, the dossier. can you ask about the dossier, because if she runs the trump if i have to drop the investigations on the dossier because that in the media say we can't investigate our political
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opponents? maybe she's running from for unity. >> martha: do you really think she's going to run? >> no, i want her to. >> martha: it's was so much fun last time. i can't believe she wants to put herself out for that kind of punishment a third time unless you really in our hearts of hearts believe what she's saying and she's not trying to sell books about -- >> do you think there is a profit motive? >> martha: i think so. joe biden thinks that he is going to be the nominee. but i think what you say is very true, that there is nervousness on the democrat side when they look at biden and sanders and warren at this point. in fact, arnold schwarzenegger says that he is considering, perhaps, voting for elizabeth warren. i will tell you asked if he
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would support trump's reelection source negra laughed and said, i doubt it. just i think the most important thing is we keep america number one. >> i don't want to trash the terminator, but it sounds like he's part of the squad at this point that he's not a republican. he says that she's not a republican. no republican would flirt voting for elizabeth warren. she destroy capitalism, she'd turn this country from number two to number ten. i don't know, maybe too much too much smog in california. >> martha: we look at why joe biden decided today to come out and say indeed he is in favor of impeachment. let's put the quinnipiac poll out here because this might have a little bit to do with what has strengthened his sinews on this topic. she's at 29% and he is at 26%. when you look at this, about two and a half points she appears to be beating him right now.
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she is in a difficult he is in a difficult position. >> he lost 20 points nationally. his fund-raising is behind mayor pete which is pretty pathetic. his collateral damage, he and his son after this ukraine business, people are wondering if the biden family is for sale. you've got multiple countries paying millions of dollars to the vps of sodden. how does that not smell of corruption influence peddling? in the big winner could be liz warren. she skyrocketed to number one. let's see if she can stay there. >> martha: you bring up hunter biden and every time it comes out all across twitter, ask about the trump children, i had eric trump here the other night saying that they have lost money sends their father became president, they gave up a lot of the lucrative businesses. but that's what's going to keep getting thrown back into the mix here every time it comes up. >> so ivanka makes money on shoes, there's a lot of money on
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shoes. they make money on golf and real estate, that has been there all life. he doesn't know anything about china, energy, investment trade! >> martha: they were doing these businesses before they started but we've got to go. that's "the story." we'll see you guys here tomorro tomorrow. ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." the most reliable standard in politics. take these words come up with them on a piece of paper, put them on your fridge, leave them there. this is the rosetta stone to american politics and here it is. whatever the left accuses you of is exactly what they are doing themselves every time for they will scream at you for being a racist! and yet they are literally the ones imposing a system of inflexible racial discrimination on the entire country. they will call you a fascist, even if they work to eli


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