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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  October 15, 2019 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> the gun is irrelevant. she was in her own home caring for any-year-old nephew. >> tuesday, october 15th. happening at 4:00 on the east coast a police officer charged with murder, the cop accused of shooting and killing a texas woman on her own home is out on bond, the outrage ignited as family members demand answers. taking on, imposing crippling sanctions as the army moves through syria but will be enough to restore order and quiet
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critics in congress. he has a friend in the president, the last-minute endorsement before sean spicer took his dancing skills to infinity and beyond. ♪ heather: good morning, a little lady gaga to get you into the morning. you are watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning. thank you for starting your day orienting it with us. we begin with a fox news alert,
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turkey's assault on the kurds as the us is following through with sanctions. griff jenkins live in washington with donald trump's demands. >> reporter: the president is delivering on the threat to impose sanctions. clearly growing out of control for an all-out assault on the kurds in syria, he summoned mike pence, steve mnuchin and lindsey graham to the white house yesterday. >> the united states of america wants turkey to stop the invasion, implement an immediate cease-fire and negotiate with kurdish forces in syria to bring a end to the violence. >> with the national security team, as the administration calls on north korea to stop its invasion and declare a cease-fire the president
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declared an executive order declaring a national emergency. the defense of is threatening peace, security and civility in the region. i'm fully prepared to destroy turkish economy turkish leaders continue down is dangerous and destructive path. these sanctions halt all trade negotiations and target 3 senior turkish ministers as desperate kurds, our 1-time ally, reach a military deal with syria to get support from the russian backed regime seriously complicating the situation in the region. nancy pelosi is blaming the president's decision is a reason for this turmoil is with a statement saying, quote, donald trump has unleashed escalation of chaos and insecurity in syria, sanctions against turkey falls short of reversing the humanitarian disaster. time will tell what happens but it didn't appear president erdogan is determined to continue the operation he started and finally the
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president does say those whose leave syria will remain in the least to prevent a resurgence of isis. heather: we will see what happens. another fox news alert, armed and dangerous, and intense manhunt is underway for a suspected spree killer in florida. stanley is accused of a double murder in winterhaven just weeks after killing a man in tennessee. and the suspect, known as we well has several distinct had tos was a reward of $2500 is being offered leading to an arrest. urgent calls are out to the community to help find the person who guns down montgomery county police officer in a parking garage.
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the 13 year department veteran was calling for backup on a disorderly subject. officers found him shot just 3 or 4 minutes later. he was what this valor award for bravery in 2008 it leaves behind a wife and two children. the former police officer who shot and killed a woman in her home is charged with murder. jefferson's family called the killing census as we learn the fbi could get involved. todd pyro is live in studio as the police to and felt to be transparent. >> in a few hours we expect to learn more about the arrest of aaron dean when fort worth police told a news conference. the 34-year-old resigning from the force yesterday hours before being booked into cook county jail and released on bond, dean is accused of firing into a home
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killing 28-year-old tatyana jefferson after spotting to a neighbor's call of an open door in the home early saturday morning, the chief telling reporters he planned on firing dean for violating use of force, de-escalation policies and unprofessional conduct but resigned before that, jefferson's family on their loss. >> there is simply no justification. she was enjoying a life in her home where no one expected to be in harm's way especially at the end of the civil servant who had taken the oath to serve and protect. >> the murder charge against dean coming two weeks after former dallas police officer amber guyger was convicted of murder. the mayor selling off on this latest incident to impact the region. >> it is unacceptable.
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there is nothing that can justify what happened on saturday morning, nothing. she was in her own home caring for any-year-old nephew. she was a victim. >> the jefferson family attorney calling for fort worth to recuse itself from the investigation, bring in an outside agency. >> a lot to be looked at, thank you so much. republican congressman matt gates get the boot from an impeachment inquiry hearing on the hill. gates told that he could not hear testimony from former russia advisor fiona hill since he's not on the house intelligence committee. he is slamming that call. >> this is proof the democrats can't win a fair election, can't win a fair debate and cannot run a fair impeachment inquiry because they are stacking the deck, limiting access to witnesses and evidence, not allowing us to call witnesses,
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time and again we see adam schiff is running a kangaroo court. >> sources tell fox news hill gave major praise to the ousted us ambassador to ukraine. according to the washington post to criticize donald trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani for his efforts in ukraine. tonight is the night 12 democrats will take the stage for the fourth primary debate. the new york times and cnn will host the event in columbus, ohio. congresswoman tulsi gabbard will be there despite previous threats to boycott the the bait over claims the dnc is wreaking the primary. are qualifying democrats raised donations from 130,000 people and 2% support in four polls. the debate stage could see a new face. former new york city mayor
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michael bloomberg is apparently reconsidering a 2020 run, poll numbers showing joe biden that connect with elizabeth warren and that has bloomberg thinking about maybe running again according to cnbc. bloomberg would only run if biden drops out before or during the primary. biden has not hinted at that anytime soon. how about some football? green bay packers stunned the detroit lions with elastic and come back on monday night football. >> now to play hero again and there it is, walking off and winning. >> mason crosby hitting a 21 yard field goal with a comeback win over the lions, the packers improving to 5-1. after the game-winning kick was set up by our hands to the face
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penalty to support questions. from the gridiron, donald trump will host the reigning stanley cup champions at the white house today, the st. louis blues won the championship this year after a 52 year drought with a tour of the white house before joining the president for a ceremony in the rose garden. after 52 years, don't give up. 10 minutes after the top of the hour. hunter biden sets to break his silence this morning. will be learn anything about his ties to ukraine and china or will he get another pass from the media? jan alice reeves says this is nothing more than a crisis communication strategy and she joined us next. >> i'm on no sleep, no sleep, you don't know what is like in there. things are creaking and cracking in the red light is burning my brain. >> lack of sleep doesn't just make you cranky, new study revealing what it makes you
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crave. - [male narrator] the following
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is an urgent appeal from the international fellowship of christians and jews. - [female narrator] right now, in the former soviet union, there are thousands of jewish holocaust survivors trapped in relentless poverty. there's no heat, no electricity, no running water. they're cold, hungry, and sick and they're suffering. and dying. needlessly. - christians and jews together stand obedient to god to listen to his word. god gives us a special calling to help the orphan, the widow. the weakest, the survivors. and he makes a promise. that if we stand with them so too will god stand with us. - [male narrator] please, open your heart and act now. you can save lives and honor god by helping elderly jews in dire need
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in the former soviet union. your gift today of just $25 will rush an emergency survival package to a person in desperate need of food, medicine, water, and heating fuel. visit our website or call the number on your screen right now. - when we come together, jews and christians united. united in prayers, united in actions, united in our hearts! i feel god smiling down. the spirit of unity commands god's blessing to fall upon his children. - [male narrator] please visit our website or call the number on your screen right now. for just $25, you can help us rush an emergency survival package to a desperate holocaust survivor before it's too late. call the number on your screen.
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>> the president's vicious attacks on hunter biden. he is running for office and is not a campaign surrogate. >> there is no evidence they've got 1.5 billion. >> hunter biden is a private citizen. is targeting a private citizen. >> many in the media refusing to ask tough questions about hunter biden's ties to ukraine in china and instead keeping focus on donald trump but with his first tv interview scheduled for this morning will be learn anything new, here with her take his constitutional law attorney and trump 2020 advisory board member janet alice reeves.
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what can we expect, going back to the beginning of that, do we expect any tough questions? >> not at all. this is all part of the crisis communication strategy to respond to donald trump and the other reasonable people in america who say what is going on? they selected this forum, the questions are going to be very carefully worded to make sure he doesn't incriminate himself or joe biden and it will be heavily edited. i don't anticipate we will learn anything new about this. this is simply to respond in crisis communication sitting. >> here's what the president had to say. he said a big scandal at abc news. they got caught using really gruesome fake footage of the turks bombing in syria. a real disgrace. tomorrow they will ask softball questions to sleepy joe biden's on hunter like why did ukraine and china pay you millions when you knew nothing, pay off? >> should be objecting to leading questions and making sure this is a fair interview
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but we know the leftist media doesn't work that way. it will be something completely geared to not only help out hunter biden, joe biden, and make sure they turn the focus right back to donald trump and for everyone who is looking at this in a reasonable context responding to the clip you just said, he's a private citizen but he is someone who needs to be investigated with his father who is vice president and look at this potential corruption. shannon: not only was he then vice president but point man on foreign policy. regardless how you get into it, it appears to be a conflict of interest. >> and now that hunter biden is stepping down, even that stepping down is a tacit admission there may have been something at least optically
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wrong with it. that is an interesting move as well. >> we have a statement from hunter biden's attorney on the recent attacks, he said hunter always understood his father would be guided entirely and unequivocally by established us policy regardless of effect on professional interest, never anticipated the barrage of false charges and it goes on from there. context and timing coming right after hunter biden said he would step down from the board in china. >> hunter biden should go to do process, presumption of innocence, receive all the protections afforded by the constitutional process but the point is there should be an investigation. he should be held accountable to what if any collections took place. the leftist mainstream media especially abc are trying to help him cover his tracks. >> we will see what happens a couple hours from now.
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>> great to be with you. >> the time is 17 minutes after the top of the hour. fast food is about to get pretty inconvenient. the city's banning drive-throughs and mark zuckerberg sparking new outrage on social media just for meeting with conservatives. carly shimkus has heard about it and has more.
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>> welcome back to "fox and friends first," statues of christopher columbus vandalized on the day meant to honor the explorer. it was found covered in red paint, vandals in providence,
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rhode island leaving this sign reading stop selling genocide. columbus this faced criticism for his role in america's colonization which is why a number of places instead celebrate indigenous peoples day. one city is aiming to get half of its homeless population off the street in three years. san diego city council unanimously approving a $2 million action plan, the funds will help create 5400 housing units and provide homeless people with various things. the council did not say how is going to pay for it. the highest homeless population in the us in 2018. delete facebook flooding social media after mark zuckerberg met with a group of conservatives. carly shimkus is here with reaction. i kind of remember seeing this a couple times before.
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>> it was a major topic of conversation last night, so much so the hashtag delete made something major, mark zuckerberg had informal meetings and off the record bidders with prominent conservatives, these meetings included people like fox's tucker carlson, lindsey graham and conservative commentator ben schapiro. zuckerberg defended himself in a facebook post saying discussing dinners i had with conservative politicians, media and thinkers, i have dinner with lots of people across the spectrum on lots of different issues all the time, meeting new people and
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hearing from a wide range of viewpoints as part of learning. if you haven't tried it i suggest you do. not everyone thinks that his meeting with conservatives is worthy of fleeing the site. when twitter user says zuckerberg is a ceo but also a private citizen, he has the right to whatever -- democrats need to stop trying to censor people. up on twitter says the anything goes liberals, you would think they would be more tolerant and another twitter user says don't delete it because i'm not trying to have my family moved to instagram to socialize with the delete facesbook group of people, he met with them to try to talk to them about legitimate concerns that social media is trying to censor. >> this would be an example of that very thing, not by the organization but the people who use it. >> a generous moment. don't talk to each other. >> as we from your previous guest freedom of association is constitutionally protected. >> the second topic, we regret
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to inform you that fried chicken is homophobic. >> chick-fil-a has opened its first uk restaurant and the same controversy that surrounded the restaurant here traveled with across the pond. a writer for london's posted a tweet saying we regret to inform you that fried chicken is homophobic. one person says wait till he is how efficient they are and how friendly they are to every customer. another twitter user says i doubt the chicken has any feelings on the subject whatsoever. james says i want a sandwich without any politics on it. leave fried chicken out of it. another debate, this viral sneaker debate. >> will smith weighed in on said debate. >> what color do you see? there is no right answer but it
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is definitely not pink. >> if you remember the address debate, the same thing going viral once again. it went viral in 2017, had to do with these sneakers, something they are pink, others see them as teal, liz says i see gray and teal but my whole team sees pink and white. if you see anything else you are crazy. she sees aqua and gray. let us know what you see. >> i haven't looked yet. >> i think you are pink person. >> i will let you know. the time is 26 minutes after the top of the hour and joe biden
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will be front and center, will his opponents attack them over ukraine or will they ignore it like the rest of the left. our panel is here to debate it next.
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>> welcome back. look at our top headlines this morning. the former police officer who shot and killed a woman in her home is now charged with murder. aaron dean was arrested yesterday hours after redesigning from the fort worth police department accused of shooting tiana jefferson through a window. she was playing video games with her young nephew at the time. dean was performing a wellness check and did not identify himself as an officer. much more to come on that.
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turkey is pressing ahead with its assault on the kurds despite donald trump issuing economic sanctions and demanding a cease-fire. the turkish president is vowing to finish what he started. today the pastor imprisoned in turkey will say the opening prayer in the senate, one year since he was released following pressure from donald trump. 's new book detailing his two years in prison hits shelves today. he was charged on terrorism offenses. today top house democrats are expected to huddle on the hill to update members on the impeachment inquiry push. congress returning to session after a 2-week recess. us ambassador is scheduled to testify on thursday, expected to tell lawmakers that donald trump said there would be no quid pro quo on the phone call with the ukrainian president. democrats revealing very little information about their impeachment interview.
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wall street journal columnist says they are just ignoring how impeachment is supposed to be done. >> we have had two martin impeachment increase and in both cases the party in charge bent over backwards to make sure was done in a fair and open manner because they understood they needed to treat impeachment as the father and serious tool that it is. we have a house democratic majority that hasn't even had a vote and taken the accountability on the floor to take responsibility for this. they are holding their proceedings in secret, denying the white house the right to a their own witnesses and republicans the right to cross-examine witnesses or even be present. this is not how americans expect impeachment to be treated and these are the kind of damaged institutions that will be with us for a long time in this country. >> we won't have any. >> 2020 democrats stumbling when
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asked about hunter biden's dealings with ukraine on the campaign trail. listen to this. >> i don't know. i would have to look at the details. >> the problem we have with this issue is it is a distraction. >> i don't know what went into that or how he got fired or why. >> with the fourth round of debates set for tonight will they use ukraine to attack the former vice president? holly turner and managing partner at the chaffetz group, kevin chaffetz. thank you for joining us. how do you think this will be handled tonight? >> and is incumbent on the media to ask tough questions. they are not going to do it but every candidate on stage should be asked if you were the president, would you allow your a vice president to have a family member serve on the board of a foreign company?
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they have to be able to answer the question but nobody is asking those hard questions but it is important to know if they would allow that to take place nevermind the kind of pressure biden was putting on the country and how he was using us resources to manipulate them to protect his son and benefit himself financially. to have his son on the board in the first place was definitely a conflict and should not be allowed. shannon: what do you think? ukraine and china, how will it be handled tonight? >> they will probably ask about it, if you were vice president or if you were president would you allow your vice president's family members to work in a similar role? they asked senator warren something similar and she first said she wouldn't allow it but then said she wasn't sure and changed her mind. i don't think the candidates will use it as a way to attack joe biden. there is no evidence of wrongdoing by hunter biden, no evidence the prosecutor was removed in response to pressure
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placed on him because he was investigating the founder of burisma holdings, no evidence of any of that. i don't know if it is a place democrats can score points against the vice president especially when other attacks on him have caused people to fold. >> i was going to bring that up because i recall in the first debate a lot of pushback given to biden and former president obama and that didn't play well in the days following that debate. what do you think will be the big talker tonight? foreign-policy is back in the news with everything that is happening with syria and sanctions, do you think they will tackle foreign-policy issues a little more this time around? >> is like every other debate every single topic they bring up, every answer you here is going to be based on trump and what trump is doing wrong and how trump needs to be impeached. it will all come back to that because the democrats have not
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shown that they have a clear strategy whether it is foreign relations are fixing our domestic issues, they don't have a clear plan or clear strategy to fix that aside from socialism. we make a little bit of that tonight but you will expect to hear a lot of attacks on the president, that is there go to. >> what do you think will be the big talker tonight and do you think foreign-policy will be hit a little more than it has in the last three debates? >> the easy answer would be impeachment. that will come up, opinions on that, most candidates have come out in support of impeachment but i do think foreign-policy will step to the front front because of what has happened recently with syria, with the decision to remove troops, the reversal of that decision by donald trump, foreign-policy will come up but also watch for jobs and the economy which is a hot topic in presidential elections but the debate is in
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ohio, where a lot of trump, the reason he won was his promise to ohio and midwestern states that he would bring jobs back to those areas, reinvigorate the economy there. we were here candidates have to discuss plans for how they will bring jobs back and keep the economy going. shannon: thank you very much for joining us, we will see what happens tonight, appreciate it. some other headlines, federal judge rules arguments today in a lawsuit challenging massachusetts's ban on vaping product. the request to temporarily lift the ban while the case is decided. vaping store owners say it will destroy the $330 million industry putting them out of business. in oregon vaping shops are already closing their doors after the state issued a 6-month ban on flavored vaping product. according to the cdc, 26 people have died from vaping related
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illnesses. fast food could soon get a whole lot slower. a number of cities considering banning drive-throughs to help the environment. minneapolis outlawed new construction, similar measures popping up in california, new jersey and missouri. the band are meant to curb carbon emissions from idling cars and aims to reduce litter and increase access to sidewalks. lebron james weighed in on the mba and china. the baskerville superstar saying houston rockets general manager was misinformed when he posted a tweet supporting protesters in hong kong. >> we talk about this, we all have freedom of speech but at times -- i believe he wasn't educated on the situation at hand and he spoke and so many
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people could have been harmed physically, emotionally, spiritually. >> financially, lebron later tweeting trying to clarify those comments. let me clear up the confusion. i don't believe there was any consideration for the consequences and ramifications of the tweet. i'm not discussing the substance, others can talk about that. the washington nationals are just one win away from the world series. >> first time up in the first pitch, base hit, on his way home, he will score and the washington nationals strike first. >> stephen strasburg leading the gnats to an 8-1 win over the cardinals, finance look to complete the sweep tonight and the new york yankees will try to take back the series leader of the astros in the bronx. the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. yahoo now paying the price for 3
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major data breaches. how users can start cashing in. >> this is an opportunity to pay homage to my father, a great man, a great friends, great inspiration. >> you may need your tissues for this one, sean spicer's touching tribute on dancing with the stars, the story behind this disney inspired performance.
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>> welcome back to "fox and friends first," you could be entitled to a big check from yahoo. people impacted by massive data breaches may be owed $358 in compensation. tracy carrasco from foxbusiness here with how to collect the cash. >> reporter: this is from three
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data breaches yahoo suffered. if you have a yahoo email account court, yahoo finance, any of these, yahoo tumbler a flickr account from 2012-2013, you could be eligible to take part in this class action settlement. $117.5 million which you could get a check of up to $358, it does depend how many people into the settlement. it could be as little as $100 or less if a lot of people cash in on this opportunity but you have to prove that you already have a credit monitoring system in place. if you don't, you can get up to two years of free credit monitoring. this settlement will cover three breaches, two in 2012, one in 2013, that impacted millions of people, stole their names, email
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addresses, passwords, birthdays, all of that personal information. >> the property brothers are getting their own magazine. >> the property brothers, the host of that very popular hgtv series are getting their own magazine, they don't know the name of the magazine just yet but it will be available starting january 2020, four issues every single year. it will be $9.99 an issue. heather: the next generation of spacesuits unveiled today, this is pretty exciting. nasa says the uniforms will be safer and allow astronauts to move better in 0 gravity. the suits will be used for the artemis mission to the moon slated for 2024. prototype sued was shown off on
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capitol hill in july. they will use 3 the body scans of astronauts to create custom fit. for those astronauts, they could take an elevator to space apparently. nasa working on a concept that would allow a car to travel along the cable that stretches from earth to a space station. the agency hopes to have it up and running by 2050 and it will cost $90 billion. the time is 15 minutes until the top of the hour and bernie sanders's war on wealth towers above the other 2020 democrats. he wants to tax billionaires 97.5%. someone who spends millions of his own money towards good causes, the wealthy want to give but on their own terms. live to weigh in. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to
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they use print discounted postage for any letter any package any time right from your computer all the amazing services of the post office only cheaper get our special tv offer a 4-week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to and never go to the post office again!
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heather: the war on wealth, to end corporate greed by taxing billionaires, 97.5%. should the vermont senator spend other peoples money, and joins me now. we appreciate it. what are your thoughts about bernie sanders's plan? >> i think lower-class, middle-class, millionaires and billionaires are willing to give their own money. what we are trying to show is we use technology to do it instead of waiting for the government. for so long we have been told the government has to do it or
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you don't get it at all. what needs to happen with social media and technology, americans and humans need to start helping each other. heather: this compares to other plans, this will come up in a debate where you have warren 62% in terms of taxes for the top 1%, biden suggesting 31%, donald trump at 20%. sanders's plan would cut the number of millionaires in the country by half in 15 years. what does that do to people's incentive to work hard and become successful? >> the resources that are philanthropic. the government wasn't able to -- billionaires, that is part of
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the whole movement, there are hundreds of millions if not trillions of dollars of philanthropic money on the sidelines. that are yet to be deployed because they can't get to people in need. we need to fix that. heather: what you are saying is the opposite of what we hear from sanders for people to look at in terms of a tax plan. the greedy corporate ceos, cross the lives and power of workers and communities across america but as you know firsthand we can switch that around and use this for good because how much money have you been able to raise? any idea how many you have been able to help? >> we have been able to raise are given total $700,000 and over $1 million of my own money away on the internet.
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i have given away a lot of money and i have no problem giving away my hard-earned money and i don't think millionaires and billionaires do. we have to make it easier for them to say yes and not wait on the government. people wait on the government for too long and it is time americans start helping americans. heather: and determine for yourself what you want to do with it. thank you for joining us and thank you for the work you are doing. the time is 8 minutes until the top of the hour and there was no snake in his boot. the toy story try didn't win over the judges. >> no sleep, no sleep. you don't know what it is like, things are creaking and cracking in the red light is burning. >> lack of sleep doesn't just make you cranky. the new study determining what makes you crave.
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don't wait. - [announcer] norton 360 with lifelock. use promo code get25 to save 25% off your first year and get a free shredder with annual membership. call now to start your membership or visit
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heather: michelle obama said there is 0 chance she would enter the 2020 race but a brand-new poll puts her at the hypothetical front-runner. a survey of new hampshire says obama with 26% support from democratic primary voters and elizabeth warren and joe biden tied at 20%.
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bernie sanders comes in at 15%. sean spicer has a friend in the president, the highest score yet on dancing with the stars. ♪ got a friend in me ♪ got the thing i would do for you. heather: he is dancing the footstep as woody from toy story, donald trump urging viewers to vote for him tweeting he has always been there for us. an emotional tribute, spicer dedicated the night's disney themed dance to his beloved father who died of cancer. >> a great experience to share that experience with my kids. to know that it was the ride we went on. heather: spicer will join us live in the 8:00 hour.
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it is time for the good, the bad and the ugly. chick-fil-a is offering free mammograms in honor of an employee who beat breast cancer. >> it still gives me goosebumps. heather: the north carolina store offering the service after learning patricia russell couldn't afford one. they plan to hold the event every year. are you addicted to sugary foods? >> candy, candy canes, candy corn, syrup. heather: a new study shows lack of sleep makes us crave junk food. researchers say when we are tired our sense of smell sharpens making us hungry. that explains people around here. the ugly.
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the panera worker, puts mac & cheese in a bag and fired. 150,000 likes, how they prepare their so-called clean food. panera says they freeze some of their food to avoid using some preservatives. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first," thank you for joining us, "fox and friends first" continues now, goodbye. rob: it is tuesday, october 15th. a murder charge handed to the fort worth police officer who shot and killed tonya jefferson through the window of her own home. jillian: they are putting transparency, a litmus test for community still healing from the murder of jean. a cease-fire in syria. rob: telling turkey to prepare for sanctions, inching closer to a former isis stronghold. we are live with what comes next. firefighters comforting a scared little girl. jillian: many think they totally nailed it.


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