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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  October 15, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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cowboys and the eagles play. >> greg: this sports banter is incredible. >> emily: "special report" is up next. >> bret: that is good sports banter, we are coming to you live from campus outside columbus, what is being billed as the largest presidential debate in american history as 12 democratic candidates will cram onto one stage at a crucial stage in thebefore the iowa cau. we'll have a preview and analysis over the next hour but we begin tonight with something sure to come up during tonight's debate, that is the ongoing fighting in and over syria. president trump is calling for a cease-fire and a sending vice president pence to the region tomorrow, this comes as russia takes steps to fill the power and influence vacuum there
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created by the departure of u.s. forces. we have coverage tonight, to show us what's happening there but we start off with chief white house white house correspondent john roberts on the north lawn. >> with the fighting in northern syria escalating, president trump is upping the pressure on turkey's president to call for an immediate cease-fire, even some people who are critical of his position are doing whatever they can to help end the violence. president trump is dispatching his vice president to turkey for the first time, mike pence leading a delegation to demand turkish president erdogan back off in syria. >> we are having very strong talks with a lot of people. we want to bring our soldiers back home after so many years. >> to backup the emergency
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diplomacy, president trump has authorized a new sanctions against turkey. >> we are asking for a cease-fire, we put the strongest sanctions you can imagine but we have a lot in store if they don't have an impact. including massive tariffs on steel, they make a lot of money shipping steel. >> in an op-ed in a "wall street journal," erdogan said don't blame him, he asked other nations for help to deal with the refugee and security crisis, writing my administration concluded the international community wasn't going to act so we developed a plan for northern syria. our mission is simultaneously to combat the kurdistan workers party, the terrorist organization known as the pkk along with syrian affiliates and the islamic state. we will ensure no isis fighters leave northeastern syria. in announcing the sanctions yesterday president trump said he will pull troops away from the fighting and keep them in the region.
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defense secretary mark esper saying "due to turkey's irresponsible actions, the risk to u.s. forces in northeast syria has reached an unacceptable level, we are also at risk of being engulfed in a broader conflict." as soon as this week, senators lindsey graham will be introduced to a companion set of resolutions against turkey. graham was highly radical of the decision to pull back from the turkish border met with president trump last evening for two hours and 50 minutes and came away optimistic. >> we have our differences, i support the president, i hope you will make adjustments that make sense. the real culprit here is erdogan but we have to fix it and we cannot let iran be the biggest winner of this debacle. >> president trump insist u.s. forces were nothing more than policeman in syria, a role they shouldn't be assigned to. majority leader mitch mcconnell said there is no shame in that.
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>> admix is a prudent and responsible world power that stands up for its own security and the freedom of others. >> he tweeted saying "there could be u.s. military action, there could be sanctions or mediation. with sanctions in place, president trump is helping that diplomacy will win the day. the vice president should be on the ground. >> bret: john roberts live on the north lawn. if the turkish offensive is now in its second weekend there is a new sheriff in town as russia says it will not allow the battle to escalate to include syrian government troops against turkish forces. correspondent steve harrigan is in northeastern syria tonight. >> the battlefield along the turkish border got more crowded tuesday with the arrival of
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syrian and russian government forces. the russians said they are patrolling between turkish and syrian troops in the city of na- taking place of the u.s. forces that were withdrawn. if the trump administration produced a flurry of actions aimed at producing a cease-fire but so far there is no slow down in the fighting. turkey's leaders say the operation will go on until they create a 20-mile buffer zone inside syria. president erdogan says his next move will be to relocate 2 million syrian refugees from turkey across the border back into syria. >> if god is willing, we will establish security around manbe manbej. 1 million, than 2 million syrian refugees to their home. >> more than 160,000 people have fled the shelling, almost half
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of those children. aid agencies say they can't reach them, do the fighting and roadblocks. some families say they have nothing. >> there is no place, there is no water, toilet, no nothing, no gas. >> a mass funeral in this kurdish village was held for six people killed in a turkish air strike, five kurdish fighters and a civilian woman. >> look at this picture, this is my son, who has a son that died like this? my son is brave, my son is everything in my life. >> him a few hours ago, we heard helicopters fly overhead, we weren't sure what it was. it was actually u.s. attack helicopters, u.s. forces on the ground in syria had to call in helicopters and fighter jets, that is because turkish backed
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forces were approaching their position too closely in a menacing manner. for a time you had u.s. forces on one side, turkish backed forces on the other end a u.s. apache helicopter hovering just feet off the ground in between the fighters from two nato nations. back to you. >> bret: steve harrigan live early wednesday morning. impeachment will likely be a dominant theme during tonight's debate in ohio, we are learning the details tonight about the palace intrigue at the white house involving then national security advisor john bolton and presidential lawyer rudy giuliani. at these details, as another administration insider marches up to capitol hill to speak to democrats who are trying to remove president trump. chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge is here with our report. >> a source familiar with the matter tells fox news that former white house russia advisor fiona hill told investigators that she and other
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white house officials grew so alarmed by rudy giuliani's efforts for a ukraine investigation that they went to national security lawyer john eisenberg. "the new york times" and associated press went for the reporting the national security advisor john bolton called giuliani a hand grenade that was going to blow everybody up. in a statement to fox, giuliani said to bolton i'm disappointed in john, i'm not sure he realizes i've received all of this evidence as part of my representation of the president. it was all part of suppression of evidence involving ukrainian collusion. giuliani also tells fox news he has no plans to comply with a congressional subpoena. with congress back in session, house democrats scheduled a full week of depositions, including senior official george can't you's expected to address whether giuliani pushed for the removal of the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine. they plan to press kent on the biden corruption allegations.
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>> what did he know about burisma, a corrupt foreign company that the sitting vice president's son, with no energy experience and no ukraine experience, got hired at $50,000 a month at least? >> democratic chairman adam schiff deflected the questions heading into the closed-door sessions. house democrats have more control over the public release of transcripts. democrats argue it's necessary so future witnesses can't game the testimony, adding the evidence speaks for itself. >> they have sought to interview witnesses that may have seen this going on and every arrow continues to point in the same direction which cooperates with the whistle-blower said and what the president said in his own words, confessing to the act. >> republicans continue their push arguing the impeachment investigation gives them the right to call, there may be more information on this very topic short time ago from house
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speaker nancy pelosi holding a news conference on capitol hill. >> bret: catherine herridge live on capitol hill, thank you. protesters in hong kong are smashing pictures and burning jerseys associated with nba star lebron james, they are upset over his comment that the houston rockets executive whose tweet supporting the protesters ignited if you with china was "not really educated about the situation." he also said there are negative ramifications for free speech. on the markets in the u.s., the dow jones gained 237, the s&p 500 a finished ahead 30, the nasdaq jumped 100. now to the reason we are here, tonight's debate. interested observers are anxious to see how the controversy over hunter biden's foreign business dealings plays out during this
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evening's session. we are hearing from hunter biden himself about the matter, correspondent peter doocy has our story. >> for the first time a straight answer to a lingering question about un-american vice president's son worked for a ukrainian energy company. >> if your last name wasn't biden do you think you would have been asked to be on the board of burisma? >> probably not. i don't think there's a lot of things that would've happened in my life is my last name wasn't biden. >> but he doesn't know who other than president trump has a problem with that? >> what do you say to people who believe this is exactly why people hate washington? a vice president's son can make money. >> he did come clean about one thing. >> i made a mistake in retrospect as it related to creating any perception that it was wrong. >> president trump wasn't impressed tweeting "hunter biden was really bad on gma, now sleepy joe has real problems.
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cricket hillary and her 33,000 emails not recoverable." hunter's dad joe biden tweeted "president trump is leading the most corrupt administration in modern american history, it's got to end." he will be 1 of 12 in tonight's debate, tulsi gabbard accused the dnc averting the primaries. >> i respectfully and strongly disagree with her. >> joe biden wants to try to make the debate about president trump and not his son who seems to be done talking. >> i don't have to open my about how much money i made or didn't make. >> the biden campaign tells me this evening they did not arrange for the hunter biden sit down to drop just a few hours before the debate. they insist after weeks of what they describe as personal and vicious attacks that are not true from president trump,
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hunter himself decided to speak out. >> bret: former pennsylvania governor at bendel, a supporter of biden, said he really questions the timing of all of this today especially with this debate tonight. >> at ed rendell, very popular among democrats said he would not have put hunter on tv and there's a danger of playing president trump's game. if ed rendell has a problem, it is with hunter because the biden campaign insists their fingerprints were not on his 49-year-old son's decision to talk today. >> bret: peter doocy right outside the debate hall. a "desperate housewives" is in the big house tonight, actress felicity huffman has reported to a federal prison in california to serve 82 week sentence.
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she pleaded guilty in may for fraud and conspiracy for paying an admissions consultant $15,000 to have her daughter's s.a.t. answers corrected. a michigan judge is blocking the states 2-week-old ban on flavored e-cigarettes, the judge saying the delay undercut his position that emergency rules were needed. the judge also says there is evidence that flavored vaping products are prohibited. adults were will return these more harmful combustible tobacco products. up next, senator lindsey graham joins us live, his first interview after his long meeting at the white house. here's what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 4 in dallas says a white former fort worth, texas, police officer who shot a black woman through the window of her home has been released on bond. he resigned from the to police department on monday.
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please quote the victim's nephew after saying she had pulled out a gun after hearing suspicious noises behind her house. fox 5 in new york with new misconduct charges against actor cuba gooding, jr., he is pleading not guilty. a manhattan prosecutor says she intends to use the testimony of a dozen acute years at his trial. this is a live look at detroit, fox 2 our affiliate there, general motors ceo joined negotiators at the bargaining table this morning. it is an indication a deal may be near to end a month-long strike by members of the united auto workers union that has paralyzed the company's factories. that is two nights live look outside the beltway from "special report," we'll be right back to ohio after this. with advil liqui-gels,
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♪ >> bret: welcome back to westerville, ohio, site of tonight's democratic presidential debate. south carolina republican senator lindsey graham had a long meeting with president trump at the white house yesterday about the crisis in northeastern syria and other matters, he joins us tonight live from washington, welcome back to "special report." tell us about that meeting, we
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understand from reporting that you were talking about the situation, there was a call that you were also part of with president erdogan. >> there was a call to president erdogan and the leader of the kurdish forces that help us destroy isis. president trump did not give erdogan a green light, i would urge him to release to the public the letter he sent to erdogan urging him not to invade syria. the president did not wake up one day and tell erdogan you can have syria, he went into syria against president trump's advice and counseling and now it's up to president trump and the rest of us to fix it but i blame erdogan, not trump. >> bret: isn't it implied that there was a green light if the forces left the kurdish forces on the ground and it opens the door? >> it was a mistake not to push back harder but the letter he
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sent to erdogan was a good letter that implored him not to create a problem. we were working with the legitimate concerns of turkey with the white pg element that they consider a terrorist group. if they have legitimate concerns but the solution was not turkey invading syria allowing isis to come back and iran being the biggest winner. what i hope will happen is the relationship with turkey is valuable and worth salvaging, if i were president erdogan, i would listen to vice president pence, have a cease-fire right now and tried to put this thing back together before the kurds who we stood by and who we owe a debt to our hurt even more and if there is any incursion into kobani, we are going to hold the erdogan personally accountable. >> bret: you mentioned kobani, why is that significant?
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>> it's the washington, d.c., for the kurds, the curbs help us destroy isis, 60,000 arabs were mostly kurds went into raqqa, they died by the thousands, we owe it to not abandon them. if we abandon the kurds and they have to fight turkey, these 10,000 isis fighters will break loose and that will be on president trump's watch. if we can get turkey to stop and get them out of syria, we can protect the turkish interest between the kurds and turkey and we can keep iran from coming in. what i worry about the most tonight is iran is about to move into northeastern syria and take over the oil fields and that would be a great boost for the iranian economy. i'm urging president trump to send some american military personnel to the northeastern syrian oilfields to protect it from an iranian takeover. >> bret: let me get this
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straight, you're supporting president trump but you don't like how this happened or how the process happened, like the letter that he sent but not how this all unfolded? >> i think it's fair criticism, for the past two years president trump has been trying to create a safe zone to try to keep the kurds away from the turkish border and turkey away from the kurds. erdogan destroyed that, he lied to me two weeks ago, he ignored the president's council, he is into syria now and it is going to create a come back for isis because the kurds can't fight turkey and watch the isis fighters, it's going to create an opening for iran to come in. the kurds cannot align with assad, i blame turkey but i look to president trump to fix this. if he's got a good plan, i hope erdogan will listen to the vice president. if i'm going to introduce
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sanctions with democrats that would hit turkey hard and i applaud president trump's sanctions against turkey that are really tough and they aren't coming off until turkey stops this war. >> bret: there's another republican senator who supports the president but in a different way, he supports the end to endless wars, that is centered rand paul -- take a listen. >> lindsey graham has been wrong almost angry foreign policy decision about the last two decades. he was wrong about the iraq war, it made iran stronger and allowed more chaos, more instability and more terrorism. he was wrong about the war in libya, it led to more chaos and terrorism. he's wrong about this. >> bret: senator paul was asked about your comments. >> let's forget about general paul and general graham, let's listen to actual generals. i've been to iraq and afghanistan 56 times, syria or twice since year. i think i have an informed opinion but forget about me.
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our military is telling president trump if we abandon the kurds, no one will help us in the future. without the kurds, raqqa will still be occupied by isis. senator paul is on about libertarian, i respect his point of view, i think is dangerous -- if we abandon the kurds, who was going to help us in the future? we don't need another front against israel, israel is worried about iran coming into syria and getting oilfields and becoming more powerful. >> bret: i want to ask you two more things, did you hear the hunter biden interview or pieces of it -- and what did you make of his explanation for "i made a mistake on the appearances but didn't do anything wrong." and he knows he gets jobs because his name is biden. >> this is a defining moment in the biden campaign, joe biden is truly a friend, he's lost two children and a wife, i guess three children now. he's had a tragic life, i think
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he's a good man but what hunter biden did was wrong at every level. if a republican had in the same thing it would be front page news all over the world. i've asked rudy giuliani to come before our senate judiciary committee to talk about corruption in the ukraine, if he does come and tell us -- >> bret: he is ignoring subpoenas now, he says he's going to ignore the subpoenas in the house. >> i think what hunter biden did does not pass the smell test, it should be looked at. one horowitz tells us about the fisa warrant and the counterintelligence investigation to the trump campaign, i hope somebody will pay attention. >> bret: one last question, that is about former national security advisor john bolton. "the new york times" said he got into a tense exchange with gordon sondland and was working with rudy giuliani to pressure ukraine to investigate democrats. "i'm not part of whatever drug deal they are cooking up"
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"giuliani is a hand grenade who's going to blow everybody up, what do you make of this and all of the testimony it's happening on capitol hill was mike >> i don't know what rudy was up to but i think it was legitimate for president trump to raise corruption in the ukraine with the newly elected ukrainian president. we gave them like $400 million, the transcript of the phone call i am okay with. i thought it was an excellent phone call by president trump and i want to say this to speaker of the house pelosi -- if you impeach president trump based on this phone call transcript, it is dead on arrival in the senate. i'm trying to get a letter together with republican senators telling speaker pelosi that any impeachment article based on this phone call will not fly in the senate. look at what rudy did but i see no evidence at all that president trump has done anything wrong. >> bret: senator lindsey graham in washington, thanks for your tim time.
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of the next generation. here's correspondent kristin fisher. >> open up a history textbook and you learn about charlie parker who drove stagecoaches in the 1850s but he never told anybody that he was born female, here's a book for second graders about sally wright who became the first female and lesbian astronaut. after the state passed a fair education act in 2011, requiring all that look schools to teach lgbtq history. three other states have passed similar laws. and here in maryland the state department of education is developing standards for history classes to include the fight for civil rights for the lgbtq community. >> it's an important priority for us that all students see themselves in what is being taught and in the context of u.s. history to know the history
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of civil rights. >> critics worry it forces students to learn about sexuality and gender identity before they are both. >> discussions about sexuality and so on are things that parents should initiate at a time they think appropriate. >> lgbtq inclusion is one example of how what students are learning is changing. ashley berner at the johns hopkins institute as she studied the trend towards current cultural issues in the classroom. >> many states are becoming interested in making sure students are informed about the political debate that exists out there. >> some parents love it, but for those that don't she says there is little they can do to opt out. >> there's quite a lot of rules and regulations in the courts have reinforced the right of the school board to set the agenda. >> in maryland, kristin fisher, fox news. >> bret: when they come back, the new army secretary on
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♪ >> bret: welcome back to westerville, ohio, were 12 of the democratic presidential contenders will take the stage tonight for a wide ranging debate, the situation in syria is sure to be discussed. yesterday the president's new secretary of the army told the troops to keep it respectful when offering opinions about the u.s., the kurds, and turkey. secretary ryan mccarthy has only beneficial on the job for a couple of weeks but he has his hands full. he made some time to talk to me ahead of the annual association of the army meeting in washington. i asked him about the current budget the army is working from and why it needs a constant revenue stream. >> defense increased really since the reagan administration, we are blessed to have that --
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but for institutions as large and as complex as the department of the army and department of defense to have predictability for the defense industry for training plans everything from internally to keep our units ready to research and development, to developing weapon systems and procuring them and putting them in our formations. time and consistency is really important. >> bret: the president talks about bringing troops home. >> it's time to bring them home. [cheers and applause] >> bret: when you talk here, you are talking about continuing to grow in the army and that the demand is high. it seems like there is mixed messages here. you've got 60-70000 currently in the middle east, 14,000 added since may, 3,000 extended in the last month. >> the world is complex and dangerous, it's necessary for us to be able to meet the global demand in many cases the enemy
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gets -- we have to continue to modernize the force and grow the force because of the challenges faced with our competitors. >> bret: was the biggest challenge for the army today? >> meeting the demand, we are 60% of requirement worldwide to combat commanders, having units ready to go, when you have 180,000 people deployed, you have 108,000 people getting ready, you have 180,000 people just getting home. it's that constant rinse and repeat we are faced with. if recruiting is but a challenge, the only benchmark we have had an history is 1969 and that was an all draft military, there are no benchmarks -- we are in uncharted territory. we change our strategy, we have gotten more aggressive. we have army senior leaders going to meet mayors and superintendents of schools and getting the support of civic
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leaders. we are very blessed, the country responds but it's kind of like a college football coach, you've got to get out there and beat the street and entice young men and women to join the uniform. >> bret: you were an army ranger, kicking in doors and going after bad guys, is the army changing as you look at it now? >> dramatically, we are at an inflection point. what we've done over the last two and a half years in particular has been the largest restructuring of the army since 1973. we've taken for our modernization enterprise, we've essentially done a merger internally giving all of the stakeholders to put under one organization, army futures command so they are responsible for changing our operating model and procuring new weapon systems. most of the major weapon systems, abrams tank, bradley fighting vehicle, they are about 40-45 years old. we have incrementally upgraded
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them and they've served us well but we need to develop new systems to maintain that technological margins who can win in combat for decades to come. >> bret: night of the decisions about those deployments come from the secretary of defense and the president, in your estimation as you are filling the demand, do you sense the need is to bring troops home from some of those 180,000? >> you're constantly reevaluating national objectives worldwide and how you work with partners. one of the things in particular when secretary mattis developed the national defense strategy, his partnership capacity -- how do we make our allies stronger so they can stand on their own and carry it more of the load worldwide? that is much of an investment. >> bret: it's complex, people are looking at that now saying are we not doing that with the kurds? >> i think we are doing that with the kurds. highlighting specifically over what happened the last week, we
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have adjusted the disposition of troops on the ground but we are still supporting the kurds. >> bret: we appreciate your time. next up, the latest on turkey and the syria and previewing tonight's debate with our panel here in ohio. it was easy. folks, can it get any better than this? is that what i think it is? that is an armada of tiny sushi boats. awesome! i forgot to pack lunch. you had one job... chopsticks wasabi and soy! comin' in a little hot. it only gets better when you switch and save with geico.
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♪ >> now the democrats are making a pathetic bid to save sleepy joe. and you know what? i would love to run against him to be honest. whatever happened to hunter? >> who cares? i've been through some stuff in my life, i've been through some real stuff. this isn't real stuff, it isn't! did i make a mistake, will may be in the grand scheme of things, yeah. that i make a mistake based on some ethical lapse? absolutely not. >> bret: just hours before this democratic debate, hunter biden speaking to abc this morning, the president was definitely watching. "hunter biden was really bad, now sleepy joe has real problems. it reminds me of cricket hillary and her 33,000 deleted emails, not recoverable."
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we are just getting word from capitol hill that house speaker nancy pelosi has decided not to hold a formal impeachment inquiry boat right now at this time. the consensus is no vote to launch on informal impeachment probe, they will continue with the way they are doing it, many democratic members don't want to be seen as letting the white house dictate how a separate and equal branch of government conducts itself, maybe that is part of it. let's bring in our panel from ohio, byron york chief political correspondent with omar edgington the "washington examiner" and mar elias mara eliasson. >> she wants to make sure the vote happens when support is at its absolute peak. i think she would have the votes, the majority of the house
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for impeachment inquiry, sure. she doesn't want to put her moderate, vulnerable members in harm's way. that has been her northstar, she wants to protect them. it's only when seven of them wrote an op-ed piece in "the washington post" that said she was for this that she ahead. >> the value of the vote was if the house subpoenas for the white house for information, the house goes to court and they say to the court we have a formal impeachment inquiry under way, this is a weighty enough procedure, it's like a judicial procedure, the white house must comply. pelosi has a lot of democrats giving her the advice that we already have enough, we don't have to go through this long process. there is enough evidence right now to go forward. >> based on what the president has said in public and the transcript of the white house released but also democrats are saying hey look -- we are having people come to us when we subpoenaed them even though the white house said they should cooperate, they are doing pretty good right now.
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>> bret: the fallout from the hunter biden interview, some democrats were scratching their head about the timing and why it happened today because you would think it has to come up tonight. >> it certainly will come up tonight, hunter biden would've come up whether he spoke to "good morning america" or not. i think if biden can perform tonight, he can somehow jiu-jitsu the trump attacks into an argument why he is the strongest candidate to take trump on, nobody is going to care about what hunter said on abc. if he can't, it's going to loom larger. >> bret: there are some things that stood out, hunter biden said yes of course i got jobs because i was a biden, i got this job because i was on the amtrak board -- why was he on the amtrak board? >> that did stand out, last night i said his position as i've done ansley nothing wrong and i'll never do it again, i think that's what he said today. the only mistake he copped to was giving his political enemies
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ammunition to use against him. he said he did nothing wrong in taking this position in ukraine. >> the attack from trump isn't you helped your kid get a job, it's "you and your son did something corrupt and illegal and that is what biden wants to focus on tonight because there's no evidence for that charge. >> bret: he did say he didn't make any money from the china deal -- you make the money when you exit an investment. >> trump said he took $1.5 billion and he's saying i didn't do that. >> bret: this night, 12 candidates in one stage, i've moderated debates with eight, nine, ten, 12 could get messy. >> somebody is going to be unhappy, either the moderators will spend too much time on the top rank candidates or they will spend too much time on the people who have no chance -- somebody is going to be unhappy but this is the first debate
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since the impeachment came up and it's the first debate that joe biden wasn't the real front runner. >> bret: a new poll out, elizabeth warren at 30%, joe biden at 27, bernie sanders at 11 -- when you look at who has the best policy ideas, elizabeth warren 40%, joe biden 16, bernie sanders 12. >> the next is who do you think is best to beat donald trump? joe biden is at 48 and she's half that. he can flip the script, he's got a big softball coming over the plate and that is syria, he is the only candidate on stage with significant foreign policy experience. >> bret: you have all of these candidates were single digits to have to do something to change the dynamic. >> julian castro tried to do it in an earlier debate and got in an ugly mess with biden in which
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castro was wrong. i suspect somebody will try to do something like that -- this is after bernie sanders had a heart attack. he has really fallen in the polls, not sure what he can do to try to convince people that he is the same old bernie. >> bret: the energetic? >> although single issue candidates, who do they go after? do they go after biden order they finally start going after elizabeth warren who has faced little scrutiny, hardly any attacks. i think if those candidates -- pete buttigieg is the best position, he raised the third largest around money and he is clearly angling to be the understudy to biden in the centrist lane should biden pull out. >> bret: this is the first time after the turks invaded syria going after the kurds. you heard senator graham on the show earlier, there is an effort to try to clean this up.
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>> i think the message is we are trying to fix this. and also to deflect blame because he was talking about this letter that president trump wrote to erdogan saying "don't do this." many people, republicans and democrats, are saying did you think a letter was going to change the situation? >> a nato ally not to do something, and they did anyway? that's bad. >> bret: will the sanctions effect erdogan? >> they are a slap on the wrist. go back to the original 60% steel tariff and a talk about a $100 billion trade deal, turkey does about $25 billion of trade with us, that hundred billion dollars was aspirational, we are taking away $100 billion. >> bret: does this factor into the debate significantly tonight? >> a lot of unanimity in criticizing president trump. i think they will be yelling at
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trump on this one. >> advantage for biden if he can take advantage of it. >> bret: coming up, we have some firefighters thinking fast and getting their nails done? maria ramirez! mom! maria! maria ramirez... mcdonald's is committing 150 million dollars in tuition assistance, education, and career advising programs... prof: maria ramirez mom and dad: maria ramirez!!! to help more employees achieve their dreams.
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at national, i can lose the wait...and keep it off. looking good, patrick. i know. (vo) go national. go like a pro. ♪ >> bret: finally tonight, an act of kindness and really quick thinking, responding to a car crash, fire district chief alan hadley noticed an uninjured but very scared little girl, she was crying and clutching bottles of fingernail polish. the firefighters started talking to her about the polish to calm her down and even then ask them to paint their nails. within minutes, she did. the child had calmed down and the men had snazzy new color to nails -- good job for those
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firefighters, thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. fair, balanced, on and unafrain us after the democratic debate, "the story" starts right now. >> martha: we look forward to that coverage throughout the evening. tonight as he's been talking about, doesn't democrats have taken that big stage for the fourth debate in ohio, hunter biden tried to ease concerns about his role and some of his father's campaign. >> i'm a human, did i make a mistake? may be in the grand scheme of things yeah. but did i make a mistake based on an ethical lapse? absolutely not. >> martha: reaction to the interview and the timing of it left a lot of people asking ques