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tv   Fox and Friends First  FOX News  October 16, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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carley: social media can be so weird at times but for political moments like this hilarious. heather: thank you, appreciate it. that wraps up this hour of "fox and friends first," thanks for joining us, more right now, "fox and friends first" continues, could by. goodbye. >> medicare for all is the gold standard. the way we get health care coverage for every american. >> i don't think the american people are wrong when they say what they want is a choice. >> let's be clear. i don't think it is appropriate to acknowledge that taxes will go up. >> bernie is being honest and saying how he is going to pay for this the taxes will go up. i'm sorry, elizabeth, you have
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not said that. >> the worst president in history of this country. >> i don't think the impeachment process will take long. as a former prosecutor i know concession when i see it. >> majority of americans not only support impeachment but removal. he should be removed. >> my son did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states government, weeding out corruption in ukraine. he's going after me because he knows if i get the nomination i will beat him like a drum. >> i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. >> the slaughter of the kurds is another negative consequence of the regime change war we've been waiting in syria. >> you can't end endless war without embracing donald trump. >> what was an endless war?
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>> you take away the honor of our soldiers, go after the body armor. >> republicans, democrats, gun owners, non-gun owners. >> you made clear you don't know how this will take place but you can develop a plan further. we could have a debate about it. you have one shot to make donald trump a one term president. how we talk about each other in this debate matters. >> we can't fall the climate crisis in the united states by ourselves. it is an international crisis. >> he has let us down a dangerous path with erratic and unreliable foreign policies. >> forgot's take get up and remember this is the united states of america and there is nothing we cannot do when we decide we are going to do it. ♪
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♪ just getting warmed up, just getting started ♪ already wide up ♪ ain't nothing like around here ♪ going down here ♪ ♪ we are just getting warmed up. rob: didn't even have to watch. jillian: the advertiser. it is wednesday, october 16th and this is "fox and friends first". rob: thanks for getting up with us. the most bruising debate yet in the buckeye state as the top dozen democrat in the state on a mission to defeat donald trump in november. jillian: as the field narrow their attacks on each other, quickly getting pretty vicious. rob: we have the debate covered with "fox and friends" weekend host pete hegseth, bernie sanders senior advisor chuck laroche a and liz harrington. jillian: we start with griff jenkins with the highlights from
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round 4. >> greetings from the university, an interesting nice, the fourth of the bait. the message was clear, move over, joe, here comes elizabeth warren, the center of attention taking attacks and drying fire from all corners of the stage. the signature issue, medicare for all was front and center, questions how to pay for it, watch. >> your signature is to have a plan for everything except this. now plan has been laid out to explain our multibillion-dollar whole in this medicare for all plan senator warren is putting forward is supposed to get filled in. >> i laid out the basic principles, costs are going to go up for the wealthy, for big corporations, they will not go up for middle-class families. >> we know it to the american people to tell them where we are going to spend the invoice. >> reporter: klobuchar calling
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warren's plan a pipe dream. we wondered whether or not joe biden would be asked about his son in ukraine. we got our answer and it upset another candidate. >> my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states government. >> elevating a lie and attacking -- it was so offensive. we should not have to defend ourselves. >> it was the first debate since the impeachment inquiry demand, most candidates would agree on that issue and we did. >> trump is the most corrupt president in history of this country. >> this president, i agree with bernie, senator sanders, the most corrupt president in modern history and i think all of our history. >> i don't think this impeachment process will take long. as the former prosecutor i know concession when i see it. >> we have to impeach this
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president. >> reporter: the trump campaign responding with a statement, quote, once again donald trump was hands down winner of this debate. i believe you with three take aways, the night belonged in large part to pete buttigieg who was strong at every point of the night. bernie is back, the heart attack did not slow him down, very energetic. finally, the one that gets the award for bringing the best support, senator booker who brought his girlfriend, rosario dawson. kim jong un movie star. wish i could play football with you, you are on the field, thank you so much. jillian: democratic strategists, bernie sanders, senior advisor, good to have you with us. let's talk about bernie. a lot of people saying he was energetic coming back from his
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medical condition he has been dealing with the last few weeks. he is one of your winners. what did you think last night? >> i thought he did a good job. a lot of your listeners think i am biased and i am a little biased. i have been doing this for 30 years. he had a good night. think about every time last night somebody said i agree with bernie, i agree with senator sanders, i like that part. his name was mentioned more than anybody else. and i was excited for everybody to see everything i had been seeing. he is fool of energy, raring to go. we have been holding back like a stallion from east texas, ready to go. rob: how will he beat elizabeth warren who appears to be the front runner? their policies are very similar. they agree on a lot of things. >> you bring up a good point. what we see from iowa and new hampshire, lots of voters going back and forth between senator warren and vice president biden.
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this long game at this time in a multi-candidate primary howard dean was going to be our next president. the grassroots infrastructure is the key. you will have ups and downs but whoever will raise the money, senator warren has done good, bernie sanders is on the best. who can billion for a structure will be left at the end of the day. jillian: we talked about bernie sanders and elizabeth warren. let's talk about cory booker. i'm surprised he is in your winners category. a lot of people give that credit to pete buttigieg. why do you say cory booker is one of your winners? >> thinking about who is the winner for democratic primary voters, might not have been a winner for all americans watching this morning on the news but folks who are going to vote, 180,000 people in the iowa caucus, very few people vote in the democratic primary in new hampshire. if you are democratic stalwart sitting on your couch you liked what you saw with cory booker by saying let's not talk ugly about
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each other, let's focus on donald trump, figure what we have in common instead of what ripped us apart and if you are democratic primary voter what elizabeth warren has done to this point, to rise above it with love. rob: loses are biden, buttigieg and klobuchar, all considered more moderate, have really shoes with medicare for all, a $30 trillion price tag. why do you call them the losers? >> the next time i make my list, nothing to do with that. biden describes himself if you watch him all night last night, you alluded to it as we were leading into this, he didn't look sharp already for the moment. it was his debate to lose. he still a front runner in many cases. pete was strong last night but he looked a little defense have. i will say that also about klobuchar. the primary voter on your couch in new hampshire in iowa,
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klobuchar comes up as senator, comes across ready, ready to fight and angry about something. the primary nd to make them smile. jillian: back to the pete buttigieg thing, why do you have them is a loser? a lot of people say he shined, it was his time to shine, he is the guy people are talking about in a positive way, people like the fact he went against elizabeth warren and pressing her on healthcare. a lot of people like that he went against beto o'rourke and pressed him about guns. why is he loser in your eyes? >> great question. i almost didn't write down his name. the thing that made me think about this as a whole, people across america are fed up with politicians. that is why bernie sanders does so good and donald trump got elected. people are tired of listening to somebody who looks and acts like a regular politician and wants to tell you what you want to hear. i don't know if the mayor wanted to come across that way or
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intended to but felt like he was forcing it, listening to people trying to say you should say this or this. it was orchestrated and that is why i put him down is the loser. rob: your guy has been a politician his whole life. elizabeth warren is the front runner. is she the biggest threats to all these candidates? can anybody take her down? >> give credit where credit is due. polls only matter is a snapshot in time. you've heard that 1 million times. she has definitely been ascending. she hasn't taken any attacks and last night was the first time we saw her come under attack. she did good, not great but the first time that combat of spirit as we move forward as she continues to rise, the mothers milk of politics is grassroots fundraising. as she raises money she will stay in the fight for the long haul.
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jillian: good to see you when you are hot. have a good day. rob: 11 minutes after the hour. did the former ukrainian ambassador change gears here, order journalists and donald trump allies to be monitored? an investigation is underway and we are breaking down the potential abuse of power. >> i appreciate elizabeth's work. the difference between a planet a pipe dream is something you can get done. >> senator warren is more focused on being punitive or pitting some part of the country against the other. jillian: elizabeth warren turned public enemy number one, but does the focus on the new front runner give biden a pass on ukraine? liz harrington said the left has to ignore the red flags, she is live to join us next. (alarm beeping) welcome to our busy world. where we all want more energy. but with less carbon footprint. can we have both? at bp, we're working every day to make energy that's cleaner and better.
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rob: elizabeth warren finding out it's not easy being the front runner. >> we heard tonight a yes or no question that didn't get a yes or no answer. >> i appreciate elizabeth's work. the difference between a planet a pipe dream is something you can actually get done. >> senator warren is more focused on being punitive for pitting some part of the country against the other. jillian: one topic they didn't capitalize on was the ukraine scandal surrounding joe biden. why did he get a pass? liz harrington, good to see you this morning. going into this, i among many others are wondering if the other candidates would use that as an opportunity to take their shots at joe biden. they didn't. was that the right move? >> it's not surprising given democrats always give each other a pass but the first 30 minutes
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of this debate nullified the rest of the 3-hour debacle because they focus on baseless impeachment, democrats were so confident about winning at the ballot box in 2020 they wouldn't be talking about overturning our vote in 2016 just because they didn't like the results. another reason democrats can't attack joe biden on ukraine is they would be admitting what everyone knows, donald trump is right, the bidens are corrupt, they did have corrupt dealings in ukraine and china and if they admit that and attack the swamp behavior hunter biden was making $50,000 a month on a natural gas company where he had no experience just because his dad was running point on ukraine policy for the obama administration they would have to admit this impeachment is baseless and everyone knows the bidens were up to no good in ukraine. rob: what did you think of the response joe biden gave when anderson cooper pressed him? he didn't have a lot to say and said words speak for themselves.
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>> he contradicted what his own son said because he is lying saying he and hunter never spoke about burisma holdings, when hunter biden admitted they did discuss it and joe biden said i hope you know what you are doing. that sounds like things are on the up and up and everything is fine, right? it is absolutely corrupt on its face and we see joe biden on tape bragging about getting this prosecutor fired because he withheld $1 billion from ukraine in order to get the prosecutor fired, just so happened to be looking into the company where hunter biden worked. 's answer did not hold water. rob: there are two sides to why the prosecutor was fired, they have a different story. jillian: let's talk about bernie sanders. bernie is promising to end
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unemployment by guaranteeing jobs for tens of millions of americans. a lot of people are pretty happy the way things are going. how do you see what bernie had to say resonating with the american people today? >> you know what is better than a federal job guarantee is the lowest unemployment in 50 years, 1.1 million more job openings, the highest median household income on record. that is better than a socialist pipe dream, bernie sanders or this before and called to restructure the us economy. we did it without socialist mandates are taking over private industry. we did it by restoring faith in the american people, getting government out of the way of letting us keep our hard-earned money through tax cuts. >> they don't have a lot of room to talk. that is why you see ideas like the green new deal. we appreciate it. >> the city of fort worth on
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fire after a woman is gone down by a cop in her own home. how her 8-year-old nephew lifted the investigation on that side of the story. >> house democrats pricing a plan to make it a reality. what are you doing back there, junior?
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since we're obviously lost, i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing. jillian: hundreds of people demand justice after a woman is shot and killed by a police officer in her own home.
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a massive crowd speaking out about atatiana jefferson in texas. [shouting] jillian: community members want an independent investigation into the shooting and more charges for the former police officer who fired the gun. aaron teen is charged with murdering jefferson in front of her 8-year-old nephew, telling police she pointed a gun at the window after hearing noises outside. moments later jefferson was shot and killed. rob: vice president mike pence is headed to turkey to push for a cease-fire in syria, leading the white house allegation with mike pompeo, pence will meet with turkish president erdogan who said he will not negotiate with syrian backed kurds which he considers to be terrorists. this comes as we learn turkish
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troops got so close to american soldiers in syria that the military called in helicopters and jets in a show of force with nato allies. donald trump will meet with congressional leaders at the white house to discuss the current military situation. donald trump vetoes a senate resolution aimed at ending the emergency declaration at the southern border, would have stopped $3.6 billion in military funds from being used to build the us-mexico border wall. the senate will likely try to override that. jillian: actress felicity huffman waking up in prison, hoffman will spend the next two weeks at a correctional facility in california for her role in the college admission scandal. the facility is nicknamed club fed and reportedly has a stocked library, grand piano and windows without bars. she pleaded guilty to paying to change her daughter's sat scores.
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house democrats pushing a brand-new expensive plan for free college. the overhaul of the highridge occasion act includes more federal money for low-income students while simplifying student loans and making community college free. it is expected to cost $400 billion over ten years unlike what some of the 2020 presidential candidates are pushing, this proposal does not go so far as to eliminate student loan debt. rob: 26 after the hour, the gloves coming off in the buckeye state, candidates at odds on issues like healthcare, foreign-policy and gun buybacks. jillian: peter hegseth is reacting to the 2020 marathon. >> reporter: we are in columbus. after "fox and friends first" we will talk to voters hear about their reaction to three hours of democrat debate, who won, who lost, who is the most formidable to go against donald trump. ♪
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>> medicare for all is the gold standard. >> somebody who wrote the damn bill. let's be clear. >> at least bernie is being honest in saying how he will pay for this, the taxes will go up. i am sorry, elizabeth, you have not said that. >> i don't think this impeachment process will take very long. has a former prosecutor i know concession when i see it. >> the majority of americans support impeachment and removal. he should be removed. >> my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states government in weeding out corruption in
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ukraine. >> donald trump has the blood of the kurds on his hands. >> can put a end to endless war without embracing donald trump. >> i expect republicans, democrats, gunowners, non-gun owners alike to follow up. >> you made it clear you don't know how this is going to take weapons off the streets. we have one shot to make donald trump a one term president and how we talk about each other in this debate matters. >> we can't solve the climate crisis in the united states by ourselves. it is an international crisis. >> donald trump let us down it dangerous cracked with unreliable foreign-policy. >> this is the united states of america, there's nothing we cannot do. jillian: oh boy. rob: the highlight reel. 2020 democrats making donald from their target during the fourth round of presidential debates. jillian: they turned their attention to elizabeth warren hoping to bring her down as her poll numbers continue to skyrocket. every angle of the debate coverage, thank you for joining
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us for the debate and carly shimkus bringing the top trends of the night. rob: we kickoff team coverage with breakfast with voters in columbus, ohio. >> reporter: we are at tj's country place. we will be talking to voters, it is still pretty early here. we have been chatting with folks who pulled away the same impression i had watching three hours of highlights. if you watch the first half hour it is all about impeachment, the people tuning in at the beginning to get a sense of what democrats stand for. they heard a lot about impeachment and a lot about donald trump. they heard a question of joe biden about hunter biden, a leading question he dismissed and a lot of politics about what people say but in this case it is what people saw and last night you saw clearly that was
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before and is the front runner and everyone else seems to be the front runner. there were moments joe biden almost faded into the background and when he did and he was stumbling and you can't call them mishaps because it happens every single debate. just not on his game the way he may have been in the past. as watching who is best to take on donald trump clearly democrats trained their fire on he was a before and believe she is on her way up. joe biden struggled last night. jillian: i was curious if you have talk to anybody about this. elizabeth warren surging in the polls, joe biden falling a little bit in the polls. when you look at independents and moderate democrats, is anybody jumping out in that category? as of right now it doesn't seem like it. >> i reinforce how you are feeling, doesn't seem like that at all and we are hearing names like andrew yang and tulsi
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gabbard, do they look at biden and warren, the debate over medicare for all, joe biden saying elizabeth, senator warren, you have to raise taxes by $10,000. where are you going to get $30 trillion and she sticks to her talking point and says costs are lowered, this will work so they are fighting each other over our planet is more radical than anything barack obama proposed and people wonder if they will actually be covered, imagine running a campaign where you are saying i want a government program and if you like your healthcare plan you can't keep it. it reinforces what obamacare did to people as well. still confusion, wide-open field even though we see a couple folks on the top. rob: you wonder if someone else will jump in because you wonder who will take the stand. it feels like nobody has. we appreciate it.
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from the moment democrat debate began the focus started off on in peach in the president. >> no one is above the law and that includes the president of the united states. >> this president and i agree with bernie, senator sanders, the most corrupt president in modern history. >> they have no choice but to move. >> i don't think the impeachment process will take long. have a former prosecutor i know concession when i see it. rob: is impeachment the most pressing issue in the democrat debate, something the country should be forced to listen to off the top? here to the bait that, liberal analyst kathy a room. let's start with you. of all the stuff happening right now, impeachment, the first 15 minutes of the debate, what did you think? >> it is what people want to hear, sounds like it is getting
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more support. before it was whether to impeach or not to impeach and they are on the same page and it was a great opportunity to point out the president's flaws. it was not necessarily the process of impeachment but the reason for impeachment, they were able to say you are impeached quickly. it was a great way to criticize the president and say anybody but trump. >> i don't think it was the desired topic by anyone. it reeked a bias and gave donald trump the upper hand. the spotlight of attacks from the left. the president will focus most likely on the economy and no one talks about it. that won't work. they will demand is a direct -- there was a layup. i didn't see a front runner on
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the stage. rob: when you look at numbers on impeachment, highly partisan on party lines. the fact that it was on cnn makes it more interesting. how do you justify this is the top issue. there's a lot of stuff that country needs. >> it was definitely biased. it will be pro-democratic issues and ideas and impeachment can affect the economy. the more they talk about impeachment and point out these negatives the market does not like these instabilities, these things it doesn't know, doesn't like confusion. impeachment does lead to the market and economy suffering so it wasn't perfect. rob: the most important issues to voters, 13%, immigration and that was not talked about it last night's dba, gun violence,
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healthcare, donald trump at 8%, 70% on the economy. even andrew yang, tulsi gabbard and bernie sanders talked about if they are going to win in 2020 democrats need to focus on something other than how awful they think the president is. >> no one on that stage mentioned what they would be the president on. they go from syria, conditions at the border, immigration, everything else, welfare, medicare for all but all they talked about was impeachment and no one had a clear answer, there were no solutions on the stage, so many issues and no one had a solution for anything and it was an epic fail, it was boring at the opposite of informative. rob: thank you, appreciate your time and we will be right back. the good news? our protection lasts all day.
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the bad news? so will this recital. new depend® fit-flex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. because, perfect or not, life's better when you're in it. be there with depend®. heather: 12 of the top democratic candidates making
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pitches to voters in the fourth round of primary debates. what were the top moment and how did americans react? here is the author of persuasion, convincing others when facts don't seem to matter, partner at president julie carter. we talk to you every morning after the fact, good to have you back today. let's start with a question a lot of people were expecting and he was expecting this himself, joe biden when asked about his son hunter. >> my son did nothing wrong. i did nothing wrong. i carried out the policy of the united states government in rooting out corruption in ukraine. >> what i think is important as we focus on why it is so important to remove this man from office. jillian: no one was really in love with this. >> nobody, democrats gave it a secret independence the d, republicans a d, joe biden
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needed a breakout night, he needed to address this head on, he did not do that last night. he didn't do any favors, he really needed to do better than he did. elizabeth warren searching in the polls. jillian: she was obviously the front runner last night. she faced a lot of the attacks on medicare for all. >> costs are going to go up. they will not go up for middle-class families. i will not sign a bill into law that raises their cost. >> we heard a yes or no question that didn't get a yes or no answer. >> bernie is being honest and how he is going to pay for this, the taxes will go up. i'm sorry, elizabeth, you have not said that. we owe it to the american people to tell them where we will send the invoice. jillian: what do you think? >> it wasn't that surprising.
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this is the moment to remember from the night, democrats gave it a be, independents a c, republicans a d. this is the best they did all night. there was no hitting out of the park moment. this hurt was before and a little bit but she survived the night intact. mayor pete had a pretty good night. when things resonate, you can see the dials soar. we didn't have that kind of moment. i don't see a big change in the polls. jillian: we didn't have that moment across the board. let's talk bernie sanders saying everyone will have a job. >> you promising you will have a job for every single one of those americans? >> the green new deal that i have advocated will create up to 20 million jobs as we move away from fossil fuels to energy efficiency and sustainable energy. jillian: and intense promise to
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make. >> pretty intense promise to make. you would think it would resonate across the board. it didn't happen. democrats and independents gave it a c, republicans not surprisingly given half. he is promising jobs, the economy, people are not buying into his plan, don't think it will be the future. i don't think bernie had the best night. he got a lot of endorsements lined up but didn't hit it out of the park. what do i think will happen? elizabeth warren will continue to surge. there will be conversations about the rest of them, who will be the running mate. i don't think anything huge changed. jillian: thanks for joining us, good to see you. rob: away from politics, she testified on capitol hill and we are learning former ukrainian ambassador may have instructed the monitoring of fox news journalist and trump family members. >> it is illegal to monitor social media postings of american citizens.
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the spygate scandal may be continuing. rob: we are breaking down judicial watch's investigation into a potential abuse of power. more of that coming up. the squad has spoken. bernie sanders scored the coveted endorsement of these four freshmen congresswomen. ♪ my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands?
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kim jong un former ambassador to ukraine and key witness in impeachment probe accused of abusing her own power. government watchdog investigated her diplomat for keeping close tabs on people with ties to the president. jillian: todd pyro joins us. >> marie yavanovitch who testified before the house this
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past friday at the center of a judicial watch investigation into whether she used her position as ambassador to order unlawful monitoring of journalists and people with ties to donald trump. the conservative watchdog group stating judicial watch obtained information indicating yavanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain us persons using state department resources. among those allegedly targeted the president's son donald trump junior and fox news's laura ingram, sean hannity and lou dobbs not to mention names you often hear from on air, rudy giuliani, sebastian gorka and sarah carter. the system. to have been abused and weapon ice against journalists and people close to donald trump. here is the president of judicial watch who filed a request to get to the bottom of the allegations on why it is such a big deal.
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>> the concern is it is illegal to monitor the social media postings of american citizens. the spygate scandal may be continuing. >> reporter: tom fitton set to appear on "fox and friends". among the search terms, she ordered monitored as well, soros, a reference to george soros, giuliani and biden. yavanovitch remains a state department employee at this time. >> a ticket to the first-ever world series. >> in the air centerfield. this should do it. the washington nationals are
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national league champions. hard to sell. 7-4 to complete a four game sweep. look at all that. the houston astros took down the new york yankees yesterday in the bronx. that series will take on nationals for the world series. >> the champagne celebration, so fun. >> first impressions are important but tom stier last night had a stumble on stage and gave voters déjà vu to another creditworthy campaign moment. >> every candidate here is more decent, more coherent and more patriotic than the criminal in the white house. >> the conversation of government living within its means. please clap.
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>> carly shimkus with the online newest democratic contender. ♪ . . good afternoon board members. we have some great new ideas that we want to present to you today. [son]: who are you talking to? [son]: that guy's scary. the first item on the list is selecting a chairman for the... for the advisory board what's this? as well as use the remaining... child care options run out. lifetime retirement income from tiaa doesn't.
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♪ work so hard ♪ give it everything you got ♪ strength of a lioness ♪ tough as a knot ♪ rocking the stage ♪ and we never gonna stop ♪ all strength, no sweat. ♪ just in case you forgot ♪ all strength. ♪ no sweat secret. all strength. no sweat. every candidate here is more desent more patriotic and coherent than the criminal
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in the white house. jillian: did you see that debated off to awkward start. rob: carley shimkus sirius fm 115 here with reaction online. good morning, carley. carley: if there is one thing social media is good at it's shining a light on awkward moments. and folks on twitter kept on comparing that comment from tom steyer to this infamous blunder from jeb bush. watch. >> i, for one, believe that we should have a balanced budget amendment to portion the conversation the government living within its means. please clap. [applause] jillian: oh boy the please cap moment is back. somewhere in florida jeb bush is cringing. one twitter watcher said steyer did a please clap with his eyes on that one. tom steyer to make his first message to the message please clap. pete chiming in also on
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twitter saying someone needs to introduce steyer to jeb came's campaign advisor so how to waste 100 million efficiently now please clap. he kept on staring at the camera when he spoke. >> klobuchar had a bad one talking about calling her daughter. that was awkward as well. carley: absolutely. jillian: joe biden wants us to clip coupons on the stock market. >> why would someone who is clipping coupons on the stock market make, in fact, pay a lower tax rate than someone who is, like i said, a school teacher and a firefighter? it's ridiculous. carley: joe biden has become known for debate stage stumbles a lot of people left scratching their heads coupons and stock market. where do you get those stock market coupons. those sound amazing. john on twitter saying i was waiting for him to say live from new york it's saturday night. oh no.
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this twitter user i think he said the word fact about 11 times without providing any facts. not his worst performance that's because elizabeth warren took all the incoming fire from the other candidates on the debate stage. rob: talking about the squad here for a second. everybody was really wondering who aoc was going to endorse and we know now. carley: we have it. bernie sanders picking up a major endorsement from squad members alexandria ocasio-cortez expected to attend a -- a rally with san dirsanders on saturday. they also had this nice social media back and forth during the debate. ilhan omar released a statement already saying bernie is leading a working class moment defeat donald trump transcends generation, ethnicity and geography and it's why i believe bernie sanders is the best candidate to take on donald trump in 2020.
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alexandria ocasio-cortez endorse sanders. rob: called liz warren a capitalist that might have sealed the deal with the squad. jillian: we will be watching the polls. "fox & friends" starts right now. bye bye. ♪ >> i will not sign a bill into law that does not lower costs for middle class family. >> your signature, senator, is to have a plan for everything. except this. >> somebody who wrote the damn bill, as i said. [laughter] i do think it is appropriate to acknowledge that taxes will go up. >> at least bernie is being honest here and saying how he is going to pay for this. >> i called on twitter to suspend donald trump's account that you did not agree. >> i don't just want to push donald trump off twitter. i want to push him out of the white house. that's our job. but the way. >> join me in saying that his twitter account should be shut down. >> no. >> no? >> every candidate here i


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