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tv   Outnumbered Overtime With Harris Faulkner  FOX News  October 18, 2019 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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don't point. >> melissa: there we go. at brian kilmeade, thanks for writing the couch with us. we will be back >> i begin with a fox news alert learning that a top diplomat told congress he raised alarms in 2015 about hunter biden's ukraine dealings during the obama administration but was ignored. this is "outnumbered" over time. if i am julie banderas in for harris faulkner today. actually told house investigators that he brought up concerns in 2015 about hunter biden's role on the board of ukrainian. at the same time, his father vice president joe biden. the biden campaign now telling fox news in response and i quote, donald trump's on president lee corrupt administration is melting down because of the scandal he touched off by trying to get
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ukraine to lie about joe biden aired on joe biden's watch, the u.s.-made on policies for ukraine. president trump slamming what he calls a democratic witch hunt and poses new issues for biden. >> joe biden and joe biden's son has tremendous problems with joe biden's son and ukraine. so he's got tremendous problems with biden's son and ukraine and all of the horrible things. you can get it, you can see it, it's been a big deal. >> julie: a big deal indeed. catherine herridge's live in washington. if this is all new to us, why don't you tell us more? >> career development diplomatn you give a statement on tuesday. they tell fox news kent
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testified that he was so concerned about hunter biden's position that he flagged those concerns in early 2015 to than that vice president joe biden's office but also testified that she went nowhere. kent is a senior state official and continued with investigators by being he believes hunter biden's board position sent the wrong message when the u.s. government at the same time was urging ukraine to avoid conflicts of interest. kent went even further saying ukrainian officials would probably conclude that working through hunter biden would curry favor with then vice president joe biden and his influential father. her separate reporting this week, special envoy told investigators that he was notorious for having a history of corruption and being investigated for monday money laundering. told congressional investigators the firm was looking to spruce
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epics image by having prominent named people on his board. on tuesday, hunter biden told his side of the story to "abc news," that his last name might play a role in securing ukraine's position while father was vice president and led the obama administration's regional policy. >> i'm a human. did i make a mistake? may be in the grand scheme of things, yes. but did i make a mistake based on some unethical laps? absolutely not. >> julie: in the same interview, hunter biden also dismissed criticism that he was unqualified to sit on any boards. catherine herridge, thank you very much. for more on this, let's bring in christopher bedford, editor in chief of "the daily caller" news foundation. thank you so much for talking to us. it is it backfiring on them? >> the closed doors and that it can't be shown in the public until they get everything ready is not a great look and to be straight up with you, everything
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here is going to come down to public relations and convincing the american public one way or another because as it stands right now, mitch mcconnell and the republican senate are not going to kick president trump out of office over what they think is an illegitimate offense and the democrats are going to impeach him. now it's going to matter in the next election with the american people think is right and if everything is held behind closed doors for things that are leaked out don't help them that's not going to help democrats in this case. but the democratic polling is showing them that in swing districts, voters are split on whether or not the president should be impeached and that is emboldening them. >> julie: are those issues separate because they were two different issues here, are there not? >> those issues are in china and ukraine, the ones that we are aware of. according to our reporting released today, ukraine and china problems may actually be linked for hunter. the question for republicans is
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if they can convince their voters that hunter biden may be corrupt, can you pull that back to joe biden? that's going to be a more difficult question pointing to where that shows joe biden's corrupt will be an issue for the republicans. when that what do you make of hunter biden coming out and doing this interview on the first place? it is being told that he didn't consult with biden's campaign and did this on his own which seems why would you do that? is that the perception they are trying to make is that he is separate of his father? there is obviously an underlying message here. >> they are trying to create that perception. if joe biden is very much a family guy. it be difficult to believe that these decisions were not brought up the difficult also to prove. he has a lot of his father's ability to what's described as a brief whisper and someone who can connect with people but
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answers don't really pass muster and don't get him out of this trouble. he is often invading them and being rather vague on questions of making reporters have to dig it out piece by piece and it's that drip on the campaign trail that hurt is a frequent event has been hampering the administration and is not good news for joe biden. >> julie: mick mulvaney to testify now after he seemed to indicate that he was withheld into the origins of the russia probe, watch this. >> what you just described as a quid pro quo, funding will not flow endlessly investigation into the democratic server happened as well. >> we do that all the time with foreign policy. >> julie: they do do that all the time. if mick mulvaney clarifying later once again, the media has decided to misconstrue my comments to advance of bias and political witch hunt.
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let me be clear, there was absolutely no quid pro quo between ukrainian military aid and any investigations into the 2016 election. the president never told me to withhold any money until the ukrainians did anything related to the server. democrats are painting his comments as a blow to the white house. watch. >> with his acknowledgment now that military aid to a vital ally, and ally battling russia as we speak was withheld in part out of a desire by the president to have ukraine investigate the dnc server or democrats of 2016, things have gone from bad to much worse. >> julie: they are seeing his words as a confession. he is saying that the media is twisting his words. is his clarification enough, do you think? >> is clarification certainly gets a prospect but as difficult as far as public relations go to ever issue a clarification after a press conference.
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the press briefing room could be very difficult. if you're getting interrupted, having questions come at you from a million different places, sometimes more than one question we are in the middle of speaking. but you still never want to issue that clarification in the dnc server issue is something that seemed like it had fainted and that's a question of maintaining election integrity and protecting out-of-state elections separate from biden which is somewhat with the headline seem to have suggested. so mick mulvaney certainly didn't make that we can easier for the white house or its lawyers by the fact in such an aberration from anything previously said by any administration official, it is not evidence in and of itself if anything but misspeak. >> julie: was trying to break this down, mick mulvaney seem to imply that they were withheld over the investigation to the server into the russia probe. that is the investigation and to russia being responsible with tampering with our election, breaking into the dnc server but today, there hasn't been any
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proof and the theory that it was ukraine or not russia that hacked into the dnc's emails has been debunked. so my question is why with the white house still be looking into ukraine's involvement? >> the question involves ukrainian politicians bragging about having worked with democrats and being closer to the democrats. the former prime minister and also questions over where exactly the dossier source material came from. if fit into broader questions about corruption in the country which usually not a major issue for the current president, it is a major issue when you're talking about gas tycoons in american business abroad. that seems to be with the white house is pushing toward here and looping that all in with corruption. it seems like also it was a misspeak and it certainly given ammunition to the advertisements that the dnc is going to run against the g.o.p. no matter how many statements mick mulvaney releases to the contrary. >> julie: thank you very much, happy friday. democrats taking aim at the
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white house's decision to hold the g7 at one of the presidents resorts. whether this adds to their impeachment push. we will debate. plus, cease-fire no more. the renewed fighting reported in northern syria with president trump saying today we are back on track. >> the kurds are very happy about it, president in turkey is satisfied with it and we are in a very strong position. eh, not . chocolate would be good. snacking should be sweet and simple. the delicious taste of glucerna gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. glucerna. everyday progress.
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mortar fire that was eliminated quickly and they are back to the full pause. >> julie: fox news alert, president trump saying he spoke to turkey's president and this morning and was assured that a cease-fire was still on amid reports of new fighting in northern syria. this after vice president pence and secretary of state pompeo both brokered a five-day truth just yesterday. the democrats like congressman seth moulton and iraq war veteran said the u.s. pullback in the region hurts america's standing in the world. >> it sends a message that america doesn't keep its word, that the values that we've always championed, that our country was founded upon just don't seem to matter, at least not to this president and that's an incredibly dangerous message for our allies across the globe come up for our troops who are risking their lives every single day. >> julie: national security correspondent has more from the pentagon. >> there was a great of
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confusion because the agreement hammered out yesterday does not specify when the cease-fire is supposed to take place. u.s. defense officials say they are seeing much less fighting than they did before the so-called cease-fire was announced but they were still a great deal of confusion, pockets of fighting which threatened to jeopardize the agreement. the president spoke and tweeted after speaking to president erdogan of turkey, they were of minor sniper and mortar fire that was quickly eliminated. he very much wanted that pause to work. likewise, the kurds wanted and the ultimate solution that happened in. too bad there wasn't the thinking years ago, instead it was always held together with very weak band-aids according to president trump and in an artificial manner. there is goodwill on both sides and a really good chance for success. the u.s. has secured the oil and the isis fighters are double secured by kurds in turkey. u.s. surveillance were told will be observing the safe zone but
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u.s. troops will not be involved in enforcing it. the u.s. military always knew it would have a difficult time the beast of the nato having harmedd fought with the kurds to defeat isis. if military commanders admit the syrian democratic forces was a rebranding of the fighters who were connected to the kurds of the state department still lists as a terror group for their attacks in turkey. i am told by u.s. military sources that for the most part, the turkish army is holding its fire but that the presyrian army of the turks have backed as proxy fighters are still shelling and blocking humanitarian aid efforts. in fact, they shall the hospital earlier today. kurdish fighters and their families are trapped inside one town. griff jenkins just receive this exclusive interview by any group on the front lines, and the turkish backed artillery fire is
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continuing. >> there is no way to get in there. there was an attack from here to there earlier this morning. when i saw this baby, it hits my heart. they say it's america, why did you do this, why did you leave us? >> it is not clear what will happen to the thousands of kurds and their families living along the border with turkey. they fear after they leave they will be ethnic cleansing despite the agreement yesterday. >> julie: thank you very much and for more, i am joined by stephen yates and was an international affairs analyst. i would like to try to get inside the mind of president erdogan. the vice president and the secretary of state have an even touch the ground the u.s. yet this morning on the so-called cease-fire agreement that they brokered yesterday was broken
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this morning. if there was wide skepticism that the turkish president couldn't be trusted in his field. he has now forward and said the deal is back on the table, is the joke on us? >> under the best of circumstances, we are talking about a region within a country that has had leadership and has been failed state so we are dealing with an area with a lot of bad actors and i think that peace is going to be elusive and hard fought. i wouldn't rush to a judgment about whether this agreement is going to hold, trying to bring a cease-fire with multifactional warfare going on in an area is unlikely to be click. at the same time, we go into this agreement with eyes wide open. if prime minister erdogan has not been on the side of the united states on a lot of issues in the recent past so there's a lot to be cautious about. >> julie: despite images of smoke rising, we saw the images this morning, president erdogan
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denied that any fighting was actually continuing. he was asked by a reporter in turkey and said conflict is out of the question. that's a quote. but fox confirms that the syrian army which is forces aligned with turkey for those at home who might not know clearly were in violation of a truce until it was back on. is the deal still workable and we go along with it this time? >> it might be an example of a leader trying to make too much of a blanket declaration about what is or isn't happening. it i think it's quite important for the united states to keep pressing for implementation of the agreement. there aren't a lot of other alternatives. the alternatives to the policy loan we have is what we did for the six years prior to the administration coming in with the anti-isa strategy. that clearly is something that wasn't working and resulted in more refugees and more casualties. so this is a terrible place to try to find a solution, we might
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be working with less than perfect or even good partners in it, i do think this is the best deal with that going for near term. >> julie: i want to know your thoughts on this and then i will let you go. his evidence that perhaps the united states has diminished its influence in the region, do you believe it shows that by evacuating this american military out of that area that it is essentially tying our hands when it comes to be able to control and hold them to the fire there on the ground to ensure a cease-fire stays put? >> i think it is important for america to reject power and support our allies. for perspective, we drew down to these 50 troops that were there and just in terms of the images people have been watching, there is no possible way that those 50 troops were going to keep peace in this area. but it's definitely important for us to stay engaged. but our goal is larger to go when and to defeat enemies and how to build back out of that,
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we need capacity to increase our partners in the region. it is going to be difficult and ugly but that's the stage we are in. >> julie: stephen yates, thank you so much. turning to politics now as elizabeth warren rises in the polls, number one. her proposed wealth taxes also drawing new scrutiny from democratic rivals. the watch of the voters think? former president obama weeding endorsement of canadian prime minister justin trudeau asking why hasn't he done the same for joe biden?
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>> all i'm saying is you make it to the top, the top one-tenth of 1%, pitch in so that every other kid in america has a chance to make it. >> julie: elizabeth warren defending her proposed wealth
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tax as the plan draws new criticism from democratic rivals alike despite polling that suggest bowlers are largely onboard. more from washington to break this all down. >> the argument elizabeth warren is making is that things like medicare for all and tuition free for all can be bankrolled by a few rich people subjected to a wealth tax. >> they are the ones who want to cheat. if they the ones who want to say that their personal wealth, their power is more important than building in america that works for everyone. >> but her cofront runner and joe biden doesn't think a wealth tax makes enough money to pay for programs like medicare for all of which cost trillions a year. >> i am hoping that senator warren gets to the point that after months and months and months will tell you how she's going to play for this plan. >> they don't just doubt that
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the wealth tax math isn't right, they still argue that it's not fair to the wealthy. >> senator warren is more focused on being punitive or pitting some part of the country against the other instead of lifting people up. >> i'm really shocked at the notion that anyone thinks i'm punitive. >> they were even some democratic debate qualifiers who say they have proof warns wealth tax the wealth tax makes a lot f sense and principle. the problem is that denmark, sweden, and all those countries ended up repealing it because i had massive implementation problems and didn't generate the revenue that they projected. >> despite all that, warren still draws bigger crowds than any of the rivals trying to poke holes in her payment plans and is still polling better than almost all of them. >> julie: peter doocy, thank you very much. for more on this, let's bring in
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a former obama for america 2008 campaign spokesperson, great to see you. thank you for coming on. so she denies that she is being punitive. she said we will never get the middle class back taxing on the income, we need to go after accumulated wealth and that the very rich should kick in more so that other kids have a chance. are voters going to buy that? >> i think because of who she is speaking about is such a menu number of people, talking about the uber wealthy and people think that's not a bad idea. the question is is a dead? i think it's realistic and fair for her rivals to whether the ma in it is going demonizing wealth or is it a viable path to helping that process of trying to determine whether some of these the middlee of the plans are good ideas or whether these are actually good ideas that are that she has but actually have a pretty significant positive economic benefit, no question that there's a lot of women who leave the labor force because of child care costs, a lot of young people that because of student
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loan debt are saddled and have a negative impact on our economy as a whole so i think that realistically speaking, canceling some of these costs for the majority of americans would be a good thing. as far as actually who would be impacted and whether it would actually be enough for that, i don't know. it's clear on her health care component of the numbers currently don't add up. one method got to come from somewhere and it's not going to be the rich at this point, but she has yet to admit that's we will wait and see. i want to talk you about former president obama who has yet to endorse his former vp joe biden. everyone is waiting and watching, but he oddly is endorsing canadian prime minister justin trudeau for reelection as trudeau works to overcome that blackface scandal. if the former president even tweeting about it saying i was proud to work with justin trudeau as president. he's a hardworking effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change. the world needs his progressive leadership now and i hope our neighbors to the north and support for another term.
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there were blackface pictures, not just one, there were many in president obama and african-american, former president of the united states is not endorsing his own, he is for endorsing trudeau. can you explain what is going on here? >> i think president obama has been pretty consistent about this. in 2016, he didn't endorse in that recent of the primary was completed and made it clear irrespective of who entered the race, he wasn't going to take a position until after the primary had played out and the democratic process here, then consistent about it for 2020. >> julie: when it comes to him not commenting on many issues going on here in the united states, not only has he not come out in support of joe biden but he's not coming out about the hunter biden thing or commenting on anything. it silenced some sometimes can be deadly. >> there is a long-standing
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tradition that previous presidents don't speak out. the few times the president has been peeking out he's been challenge for it so i don't know if he's going to win either way but there's a lot of passion right now and the democratic primary and it makes sense for the former president to wheaton to the primary is over before he takes the position of who he's with. just be with whoever the democratic nominee is but if you were to get involved now, it would not be advantageous for him. >> julie: thank you very much, have a great weekend. vice president mike pence brushing off concerns over the democrats impeachment inquiry. >> for all intents and purposes, this just looks like more of the same kind of politics we have seen over the last few years and i'll tell you, if i've traveled around the country, the american people are hired about it. >> julie: why they should be worried about the consequences of ignoring congressional subpoenas. plus, outrage on capitol hill as president trump's administration to hold the g7 at a resort
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>> it became apparent at the end of that process that the real was by far and away the best physical facility for this meeting. in fact, i was talking to one of the advanced teams and they came back and they said what is it like? and they said it's almost like they built this facility to host this type of event. >> julie: acting white house chief of staff mick mulvaney announcing the administration's plans to hold excuse g7 at president trump's resort in miami. prompting major blowback from democrats on capitol hill. >> this is separated from the public interest and i think this. >> not only was it not appropriate but it's illegal and potentially unconstitutional.
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>> is unethical, it is correct, it is one more example of why he's so unfit for office. >> julie: joining me now, former assistant u.s. attorney for the southern district of new york and a fox news contributor. optics aside, democrats are saying it is a clear violation to host the g7 at the resort. they say travel not profit now or in the future and that they actually look at numerous other sites before deciding. >> i think the emoluments clause is something that congress has to enforce. it is not going to be enforced by any court. it seems to me like it is a real unforced error on the part of the administration. they know the case that congress and democrats are trying to make on the president at this point. so to give them this kind of
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continuing the investigation they are doing and to push support for things like demanding the president's business records and tax records and all that stuff just seems to me he has them a gift and whether or not it actually violates the emoluments clause which has a lot to do with is he really getting any value out of this and you have to weigh all the financial consequences of it, just seems to me that it is asking to be investigated under circumstances where he is being investigated left, right, and center. >> julie: i want to talk to you about the white house continuing to defy those congressional subpoenas amid the impeachment inquiry and our own john roberts actually asked vice president if that strategy could warrant an article of impeachment for obstruction and here is how vice president pence responded. >> the suggestion that standing by the history and tradition of the house of representatives where i proudly served for 12
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years which is a body that acts on the majority of its members vote represents obstruction. >> julie: you could argue, and i want your opinion, are democrats breaking with tradition when it comes to their inquiry? and if they are, does that lend a hand to the white house to them rightfully defy subpoenas? >> the important thing to remember is is is a political dispute even if you accept the legitimacy of the impeachment inquiry and the political impeachment process, not a legal one. so the impeachment power is committed to the house of representatives, not to the speaker, not to the chairman of the committees, it is to the house as an institution and the house has not voted which is how the house acts as an institution to have an impeachment inquiry so it's an appropriate response by the white house that they haven't done what the white house should do to have such an inquiry.
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the house isn't going to just ignore that, so they're going to ratchet up pressure, they're going to say that they have legitimate the pain and authority through the standing committees and that of the president doesn't cooperate, may but they will of impeachment for failing to cooperate. nothing can stop them from doing that. this is a political process and ultimately it's going to be about the judgment the public makes about exactly how legitimate what the democrats are complaining about is and how egregious is any purported misconduct by the president. one that we also need to make clear this is an inquiry and there is no word of a vote, a pending vote. if it is an investigation, and we will have to wait for that article to come out and then we will judge. andy mccarthy, thank you very much, great to see you. bring your details from a state official's testimony putting new spotlight on former vice president joe biden and his son hunter. what the added scrutiny could mean for biden's campaign next.
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>> i am dana perino. in the next hour, my exclusive interview with facebook ceo mark zuckerberg. his takes on 2020, concerns about bias on social media and whether free speech is in trouble. please don't miss it, very
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special edition of the daily briefing is coming up. >> julie: back to our top story now, former vice president joe biden facing scrutiny over revelations the state department official rich kent testified he raised concerns about hunter biden's work in ukraine way back in 2,018. we are just learning about it now. also told house lawmakers that abide in staffer blew him off. joining me now, syndicated radio host of the chris plant show and liberal radio host of left coast news. thank you both for coming on, great to see you. if let me start with you. if what will these new revelations from the testimony mean for joe joe biden, do youk think? >> if there is corroborating evidence of any kind, it continues to feed but thus far has been a completely baseless series of attacks against joe biden. if this holds to be true, this
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could be problematic for the biden campaign as he is the front runner which is why he is getting the scrutiny that he is right now. >> julie: so that i have to ask, you watch this all come out, it is the strip on biden. has he already defended himself enough? should biden come out and speak again and what kind of real effect do you think that's going to have on his campaign? >> i've got to say, the party issue languages it's a baseless accusation, that it's been debunked, that there's nothing wrong. the reality is joe biden went to ukraine to fight corruption allegedly and he came home with a million-dollar job for his so son. if that's fighting corruption, the nine the ukrainian official. i'm glad to hear the state department official has come forward, recalling him a whistle-blower yet? this is the casual corruption of the ruling class. joe biden went to ukraine purportedly to fight corruption. he had a million-dollar job in
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his back pocket. they say there's nothing to see here. they tell us this because it's kind of normal for washington bigwigs to get these cushy company jobs wherever they may find them. we know he doesn't speak ukrainian. he has never been to ukraine. but they tell us this is baseless and false, nothing false about it. if everything 100% true and a corrupt media in the back pocket of the democratic party is the problem. i'm glad to state department official has come forward. i'm glad somebody red flagged it years ago and the idea we are pretending it is no big deal now shows how corrupt we have been in the washington and the media. >> julie: is it a big deal for voters? this polling that shows voters don't even care about the biden issue tells a story. >> it does and it's because chris said was actually patently false. if you can say it is much as you want that is true but we
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actually know this because anticorruption officials in ukraine have come out and said that biden was there putting pressure on the top prosecutor because he wasn't prosecuting corruption. it is very clear, on the record and goes back. you can make up what you want. >> you're talking about something else. >> they say through the right wing talking points of people like chris plant. what is affecting them is the fact that elizabeth warren has made strong arguments, bernie sanders is in the campaign still has a heart attack didn't slow him down but joe biden's eight years of the vice president and served very well under president obama and he is popular with democrats. it's not affecting them as far as democratic voters go. when not go ahead, you've got 15 seconds. >> you shifted once again which is a standard tactic, joe biden went to ukraine to fight corruption. when he came home, his son was given a job for $50,000 a month. in the country that he had never visited as far as we know in an industry where he had never
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worked. you can forget about the rest. that's all true and that's what i said. >> julie: your 15 is up. i've got to go, sorry. thank you very much. the battle is heating up, elizabeth warren now saying facebook is actively helping reelect president trump. what she wants when it comes to political ads and mark zuckerberg says that would be censorship. plus, the historic walk in outer space and a phone call from the president. here to break it all down for u us. the best eggs... in so many ways. which cage free eggs taste fresher and more delicious? only eggland's best. which organic eggs have more vitamins and less saturated fat? only eggland's best. better taste, better nutrition, better eggs.
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>> facebook's ceo mark zuckerberg responding to calls from elizabeth warren that they're looking at political
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ads. here's what he told dana perino. watch this. >> i just think that in a democracy, it's important for people to see for themselves what politicians are saying. you know, political speeches are some of the most scrutinized speech out there. that is already happening. our position on this is not an outlier. >> carley shimkus is here to talk. all right. you know, twitter has been accused of being biassed and liberal. facebook is being accused of helping trump. >> this is the first time ever. >> i'm surprised to hear the other side. are these -- is facebook really doing so? what's going on? >> mark zuckerberg has taken the position what politicians say is very important. even if they lie, the american people need to hear that and decide for themselves. freedom of speech. who can argue with that? elizabeth warren is saying, wait a second. facebook censors speech all the time when they remove fake
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posts. the only place they don't do that is with politicians and political ads. why? because they make money off of them. so is mark zuckerberg this arbiter of free speech or a business decision? i don't know the answer but i'm sure he's not going to vote for elizabeth warren in the primaries. >> they figured that out. elizabeth warren is tweeting this. if she thought she had his backing, i don't think she would tweet this. let's put up the tweet on zuckerberg. >> i mean, first of all, facebook is for us to use for personal use. it is also a business and people make money and they sell ads and all of that. so to accuse facebook of now letting the president "spread lies" is a far reach. >> and the argument -- if
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facebook polices ads and political speech, you go down a slippery slope. >> you can't do it. >> what is true and what is fake. even if they hire an outside fact-checker, what happens if that fact-checker has a liberal or conservative slant? so there's always a question there. mark zuckerberg has said political speech is different than if we are communicating with ourselves. i think he does have a very good argument to be made there. >> okay. dana will have more of her exclusive one-on-one interview with zuckerberg in the next hour, including his reaction to claims of anti-conservative bias in silicon valley. that's ahead on "the daily briefing." going to be an awesome show. a big moment in space right now. talk about girl power. the first all-female spacewalking team making history high above earth. nasa astronauts christina kick and jessica mear exited the
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space station. this is 50 years that women floated out without crew mates. their job is to fix a broken part of the solar power network. president trump put in a call to the historic duo. watch. >> they're conducting the first ever female spacewalk the replace an exterior part of the space station. they're doing some work. they're doing it in a very high altitude. congratulations, christina and jessica on this historic event. this is truly historic. >> there you go. >> all women, never done before. >> never done before. >> yeah. this is such a great moment especially because america is falling behind in math and science, which is why there's a huge push for stem. just imagine how many little boys and girls watch that, saw the fanfare around it and said maybe that could be me. they're so smart, so cool. i couldn't imagine doing something that impressive. the closest i've come to anything like that is eating the
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freeze dried ice cream at the museum that you get. >> i thought that that would be cool. >> amazing. cool pictures. their hand is standing up. awesome. >> unprecedented for nasa. not only have they ever done the before but how prepared were they? they had to postpone the mission because of the suits. they weren't used to having women going up in space. >> the astronaut that spoke on the phone with the president, they said they don't want to take much credit because there's woman to do it before, but not just two together. but it's neat that they got the mission done and they can check that off of -- a box that no other -- >> imagine having that on your bucket list. >> that's a resume booster. >> i'd have to agree. carley. thanks very much. >> thank you. >> "the daily briefing" with dana perino starts right now. mark zuckerberg for an exclusive interview next. >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino.
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my exclusive interview with mark zuckerberg is coming up. but first, brand new reaction pouring in after mick mulvaney set off a firestorm in the nation's capitol. this is "the daily briefing." pundits going after mulvaney told reporters military aid to ukraine was tied to the administration's demands that kiev investigate alleged corruption by democrats in the 2016 election. watch. >> we to that all the time with foreign policy. we were holding up money at the same time for the northern triangle countries. we're holding up northern triangle countries so that they


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