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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 1, 2022 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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is all the time we have this evening as always thank for being with us. please set your dvr so you never miss an episode of "hannity." remember any time any place anywhere thank you for making the show possible in the meantime let not your hearts be troubled. laura is on vacation, but the good news is that ryan is in. don't make the mistake i made. i said chris rock instead of kid rock for tucker i'm get killed no excuses tomorrow morning you show pure and that make chair at 5:00 a.m. no excuses if you're late. you can say oh, i do work later i'm sorry. i can get here on time. >> hannity: that's really gonna fly for you. dear management please allow
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brian to be late tomorrow. good luck for that. >> all right sean giveaway i am brian coming in for laura ingraham special edition of "the ingraham angle" a lot going on. will she or won't she bed is the as it relates to potential taiwan trip for nancy pelosi. all points of the speaker making the visit it would happen in just a of a few hours about 12 hours behind us and if anything happens will tell you right away going to "the wall street journal" is in a matter of whether she goes to taiwan, but rather whether she spends the night in taipei or not. they've issued threats for the speaker celebrations as you probably know saying yesterday that the military will not sit by while she visits really? the going even further promising
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military involvement create even suggesting that they might shoot her plane down always on that nice and the chinese military puts the ridiculous propaganda video some of that tom cruise produce of their troops launching missiles and taking off and fighter jets. it's nice but they have a military and a tape recorder. they see this issue that they set out john kirby to discuss this in detail for over an hour. he started with why the white house was supportive of a potential visit from the start. >> why was the speaker being urged not to go? >> who urged her not to go? >> brian: yes it's true that's exactly what the president said. the entire appearance of kirby said that the white house is kind of scared. they took on the tone they could
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be described as best as differential towards the doc and groveling towards the president. >> we have repeatedly said that we oppose any changes to the status quo from either side. we have said that we do not support taiwan independence and we have said that we expect cross trade differences to be resolved by peaceful means. >> brian: why is that necessary? never mind the fact that his boss the commander in chief just two months ago that of course we would defend taiwan independence remember? we would fight if taiwan was invaded. the messaging only got worse from there after kirby departed the briefing room and comes kareem john pierre. >> three days now since the chinese threatened to murder nancy pelosi. where is the president coming out to respond at least to say
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don't do that? >> kirby was just here talking about, i've not seen those reports. >> the oregano may be shoot down her plane or it would be in their rights to shoot down the plane. >> we have said that there is no need for this type of rattling. >> brian: i know that there was some country that wanted to shoot down the speaker right out of the sky, all right maybe it was china thanks for shooting me out. let's get this straight white house press secretary was unaware of the chinese threat, the threat on the speaker of the united states? that's not too reassuring. what is she due throughout the day? can she keep up with the news? michael how do we get here? [laughs] >> while the chinese are suspicious of us brian they know that the one china policy is could be modified. they have a number of reasons for that.
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one china policy was to prevent any u.s. defense and taiwan we couldn't store ammunition there, we couldn't have any armed forces of our own there. we could do war planning. we couldn't do joint military exercises. we shut down our defense command and taiwan. it's starting to shift now and the congress is very angry that taiwan is kind of a sitting duck. there's no real deterrence and so basic military common sense tells a lot of people in congress we can't have this one china policy be so inflexible, we have to mount a defense of taiwan because of china's threats over the last 2-3 years. nancy pelosi has now declared yourself on this that if she goes and takes taiwan side that's with the chinese nightmare is. it will come back as an advocate and as you know brian back in the 90s nancy pelosi used to be a china hawk. she loves the dalai lama, she
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went to tiananmen square hoping that they would arrest her. they're watching nancy pelosi to see if they will support these new policy changes that basically president donald trump initiated or not. >> brian: so, so mike, you should know and you do realize that he went there in march. sarah jacobs, they went there in november of 2021 it was no big deal. at the speaker going there there's been a speaker there 20 years it was newt gingrich and they do about this in april. why now have the put themselves on the line? if they don't do something substantial they will look like paper tigers. >> i think that is right and they may be misreading the u.s. congress whether the one china policy will be changed or not. we saw him try to do his best
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that there is no change in the one china policy. nancy pelosi might say that what a morning and taiwan that's not enough you got paranoid view in beijing we are up to no good. we want to block china surpassing us. every time i visit china it was some of the same thing. you americans just want to contain us you can't santos surpass you in the world. there is some truth that we don't want them to be number one of the world. >> brian: and they're stealing our stuff on a regular basis we used to be bothered by that this administration doesn't seem to be. john kirby, actually brought you up today your name with john kirby. here's what he said. >> michael was just on and he just suggested they are trying to placate china. >> i don't know how we could've taken that away from what i had to say? is no placating china, i was civilly stating policy.
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i was trying to take down the tensions not to rent them up. there is no placating, i also said if you go back to my opening statement are not to be intimidated. >> brian: mike, what you think about that you said she said? >> he has tried to reassure china i think it's a nicer word to placate. he's trying to reassure china there's no need for all this rhetoric, there's no need for all these threats. the china policy is not changing in every thing is the same. as you and i know brian, we all heard president jill biden say that we are committed to defend taiwan. he mentioned the word independence one time. so that is part about why the chinese are so confused by, and what we don't want is the chinese military action either before this the speaker gets her tomorrow night or wednesday after she leaves. that's why worried about. >> brian: mike, the whole thing is clumsy we are stumbling around, there's no coherence, there certainly no coordination,
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and they are all in the same party. the democratic speaker can't get together with the democratic president i'm really at a loss here and there so much really at stake. micah, i look forward to targeting along the way thank you so much. just a couple of hours ago some good news. president jill biden. the evil doctor was killed during a cia don't strike in afghanistan sometime over the weekend. generally now the white house is peter doocy working late tonight. peter, what we know about what went into his killing? >> we have learned a lot included the fact that white house officials did not notify anyone but the taliban that there was he to an unmanned drone blasting hellfire missiles because they learned ahead of time that some taliban leaders knew that he was there. so the planners only told a small group of individuals at key agencies before the strike. >> president biden: we make it clear tonight that no matter how long it takes, no matter where
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you hide, if you are a threat to our people the united states will find you and take you out. >> were also told that president jill biden eyeballed him idle of the al qaeda house before approving the strike near kabul which proves that the united states can kill terrorists in afghanistan without troops on the ground. however, the president defended last summer's hasty withdrawal about a year ago. >> president biden: lets this put this thing in perspective what interest do we have in afghanistan at this point with al qaeda gone? >> he didn't stay gone he was spotted and targeted and taken out on the balcony of a safe house. he had family in the building that survived and officials are saying that they have a high level confidence of the men that they killed is zawahiri. >> president biden: you will
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never again, never again allow afghanistan to become a terrorist haven because he is gone and we are gonna make sure that nothing else happens. you know, it can't be a launching pad against the united states will see to it that that does not happen. >> you saw that the president was speaking from a covered balcony on the south side of the white house because he tested positive for covid for the third day in a row today. we also learned when you were explaining the timeline he just started isolating with this rebound case on saturday when the mission was launched. >> brian: so much for the taliban and learning from the right mistake last time. the al qaeda operative was right there in kabul thanks so much peter we look forward to new information as you get it. jonas right now is fox news contributor four-star retired general general perkins. house and if it this kill? >> good evening brian, this is
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great news not only for the u.s. but for the entire world. my hats off to the great men and women in uniform as well as the intelligence agency that were able to bring in the justice. he has been a problem for us all the way back to the u.s. bombings. this is a major victory for the war and terrorism. >> brian: no doubt about it he was a right-hand man a deep thinker alongside usama bin laden for years. he was in and arrested after the assassination that's how long he's been at it. we are hearing the fact that he was living in a residential area in kabul out in the open and they've been on him for months, what is at at say about the comfort he felt in afghanistan's capital to make you understand the roles al qaeda has with a new government? >> well this is a point of possible concern that obviously he really couldn't be there moving around without some
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knowledge of that the taliban having some knowledge of it. the unanswered question and probably best not to think about a publicly is to beget any inside information from the taliban? this is the unknown part right now probably be best if the public does not know. that is the problem with this transnational terrorism to be successful it requires some safe havens, some area of support from some national capability and that's always a challenge that we have globally. >> brian: general over the rise and work in this case how much better would be if we had some type of presence that it would be right next door. real quick in your estimation with bin laden in charge when we killed him and with zawahiri in charge when we killed him?
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>> i think that bin laden was the bigger head, not involved in the day today operator. working the logistics they each had specific roles. so him leaving the scene both as the designated leader and really follower of bin laden as well as the key operator over decades is a major hit for al qaeda. >> brian: general it was great to catch up with you thank you so for joining us tonight we appreciated. organ a talk china with this breaking news were able to write it because you lived in for the last 20 years thank you. switching gears of the home front you got it. as they mentioned he was outmaneuvered by the democrats in that new tax and spending bill. his reputation to the democrats and reckless policies has been perhaps directly shattered
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although he's done some great work over the last year alpaca in the court and not letting them becoming states. "the wall street journal" editorial board said that this tax increase will hit everyone. here's a quote from the article. the 327 billion in new taxes could slow information if the economy falls into recession. and that might be the quiet expectation. further and now joint committee on six. it would hit u.s. no joke. after the response the criticism they talked a lot. >> there's not 1 penny of change and taxes. i've no idea what this is up. the only thing that was done is basically looked at taking everything out the could be looked to fanning the fires of inflation or inflaming it. and there's nothing there.
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>> brian: he weaponize the irs with billions of dollars and he also put a minimum corporate tax at 15% and the many staggering joining us right now richard davis hansen. is he right? is no new taxes on this? >> no he is wrong you're right. there's new taxes, the new regulations, use mansion of government. it somehow were between a rock and a hard place. we have 9.1% annual inflation and we have two quarters of negative growth any of the pick your poison brian. arnold reagan broke it and he was very unpopular and 81, and 82. very courageous. he broke inflation. the interest rates to break inflation have got to go up. it spending to go down. you have to deregulate and encourage the economy, but when you do that interest rates go up we could get two, three, four, five, six quarters of negative
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growth. and so we brought back a stagflation and a whole generation has a witness for two generations since 1980 in the carter years. they keep pointing to this 3.6 unemployment rate, no don't use the recession word. that is also misleading because it there is a lag behind employment and recession by that i mean consumer confidence is down. people are buying less. employers are pulling in their expansionary plans american to see a dip. we're gonna see a rise in unemployment but more importantly it's a labor participant dissipation rate. we have a lot of people who are participating because he got a culture rate to stay home. they were subsidized by the government with these massive last year of the trump administration especially the joe biden demonstration. these trillions of dollars that would spread and give checks to people. a lot of people are afraid of covid, the lockdown that are
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premature. people who were 63, 64 saying i'm out of here. we are people who didn't participate because they did not want to get vaccinated with military and federal workforce with the mandates. we have people who have long covid maybe ten millions of them have not been covered. i don't see any optimism on the one area they were very optimistic. they said were not in a recession because with 3.6 unemployment. i think it's in a rise very quickly the people are not participating so it's a misleading figure to begin with. it's can explain her not having very much growth. i'm not sure how they did it they manage to do this for your and a half to take a solid recovering economy with natural demands that's gonna accrue after the lockdowns. the regulated, and tax it, inflated to death and work are in a really bad place. pick your poison recession or
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stop inflation. >> brian: while letting formally in enter the country illegally that we know nothing about. i think the most egregious is the inflation reduction act. inflation reduction act is to the climate change act. victor davis thanks so much. meanwhile up next another shocking poll shows the dramatic erosion of support for democrats among hispanics and increase among republicans. congressman mariah florez, don't move, "the ingraham angle." ♪ ♪ to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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♪ ♪ >> these people have absolutely lost their minds. especially one we have been more focused on the issues that matter. >> democrats haven't really showed an answer to correct or fix anything. >> of the hispanics especially the ones who came from cuba and venezuela, they came running from socialism and communism. the democratic party is leading towards that. >> they need to focus on the working class people but if completely absolutely abandoned those people.
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by having all these handouts have the people expect for the government take care of them. >> brian: you heard it right there and the polling continues to show. the pulling away from the democratic party. it shows a statistical tie amongst the generic ballot here we are with the midterms just a hundred days away. there down 45-42 was the big deal about that? democrats won by 40 points in the 2018 midterms. donald trump has led a search for republicans come up there sir. the first female mexican four member of the house after her victory and a special joints is now. congratulations obviously on your election, what should republicans learn from your win?
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>> honestly i'm very grateful for the republican party that they actually invested in south texas and they believe in hispanic community here in south texas we have been completely ignored by the democratic party. they've taken us for granite for decades as well. i'm sure immensely grateful to god, and the republican party, and in organization that's invested in south texas. it's about investing in hispanic community. >> brian: i just found your story so fascinating is that your dad is a first generation who comes over here and you guys as a family doing everything possible to make the american dream come true. but it became time to vote you said hey dad, who do i vote for? he says were democrat under which is democrat. and then what made you question your party affiliation as you got married quick to mark on? >> it was a family member of
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mine who i she told me hey do you actually know what you're voting for? do you know the republican party stands for? and with the democratic party stands for? actually started giving the same information to my family members by the time i knew and 2016 most of my family was voting republican and that's when i decided to get involved at the local level and also educate the hick hispanic community on the platforms. i want them to know exactly what they were voting for and unfortunately before they didn't i think is just important for them to make an educated vote regardless of with a vote for. >> brian: plus her husband's border patrol. it's been completely abandoned by the democratic party. we are about 4 million illegals have come across this year. it must make you kind of tough to vote democrat a member of your is working on the border.
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>> absolutely are telling all the stories everything the border when he became a border patrol agent she is heartbreaking because i want every child to have the same expanse when it comes united states i want no child to go through such abuse. no one deserves that and on care, we must protect them and having a serious problem in this country were number one in child sex trafficking and we want to stop that we must secure our borders. it's not about politics, i honestly think that this is something that we shall come together democrats and republicans, but it's unfortunate to save the democratic party continues to encourage illegal immigration knowing the dangers it's really heartbreaking. >> brian: congresswoman real quick it's can be much tougher race to keep that seat they redistrict you and have even more democrats there. have begun the support necessary to win a majority democratic district? again?
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>> it's gotten a lot tougher. [laughs] south texas is very conservative or about god, family, and hard work, and these values align with mine. were very confident work at win that new election. we just need everyone to join in on the fight. >> brian: again a real person behind the statistics congratulations and best select on the stretch under hundred days left. meanwhile we move ahead retaken america series tonight we turn arizona where polls are open and just hours. to tightly watch primaries have garnered a lot of attention of a brand-new emerson poll that shows blake masters up by 18. it leading the pack on the g.o.p. side. they would likely take on democratic senator mark eley in november we desperately trying to show that he is a moderate a little bit late. it is the g.o.p. primary in a run for governor that's a lot interest. he has not led in a single pole the entire race. the latest emerson poll finds
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her up one on anchor cherry lake. the pig donald trump. the winner will likely face off against regret kaylee hawes turn arizona secretary of state. arizona republican candidate was supposed to join me tonight but unfortunately technical issues down the way of that happening. tomorrow's a big "if" arizona will keep our eyes on that. we'll see because the little bit like donald trump versus mike pence. up next beyonce no less scrubs and offensive word from her new album. has she gone far enough? and the political size your favorite sitcom characters i'm talking bunker, raymond arroyo rings at all to the seen and unseen in a matter of moments. ♪ ♪
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>> i'm just checking my watch it seems like it's time for the seen and unseen segment we explore the cultural stories of the day i usually watch this for my house, now i get to live it. we turn now to fox news contributor raymond arroyo also to catch up with you this weekend on my show one nation, let's see with the tv producer and a "new york times" op-ed. i saw this sites is landmark show all in the family. he claims that archie bunker would've voted for donald trump, but also would've abandoned trump after january 6. he continues the seen. >> i do think that archie would've been really upset to see cops beaten by insurgents and then to find out as time goes by that donald trump was at the hub of all this and it was donald trump's operational together i think he would've gone the way of liz cheney and adam kinzinger.
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>> rob reiner is a great director of pokemon archie is a fictional character. i'm kind of disturbed that we have reached a point where these creative's are now turning these beloved sitcom characters into political avatars. i mean these are someone suggesting that the golden girls would be supporting desantis because he kept on rolling to the pandemic. change their party affiliation because the violence in new york city. or maybe there's a split in the monster family they are attending a trump rally but grandpa has falling for liz cheney's reelection campaign. all of this is nonsense. these are fictional characters, their beloved and they should to be toyed with in this way. i interviewed her his last interview almost my last but his last interview and he often talked about the tensions with norman lear over this character.
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and even o'carroll o'connell was -- yet so much respect for the character and who he was representing that this part of america that may be was caricatured in one way they would often fight over the direction of the script and the character. others should follow that lead. >> brian: you know what you may be think of when he went through all these great shows? how unbelievable sitcoms and families got together and discussed and watched right? i think we are so diffuse now with streaming in all the cable channels, i don't see that ever happening again do you? >> they brought generations together and look at people want to have a political viewpoint fine. have a fund-raiser, donate, raise your voice come up with the take beloved creations like this and turn it against part of the populace i just think it's off limits. i just think it's bad form. >> brian: right.
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i need your reaction to this, beyonce made headlines today is promising to remove and offensive word from her new song called heated? >> all that the audience take the offensive part of this lyric i dare you listen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [bleep]. ♪ ♪ >> using for, spaz is the offensive term and at lyric. apparently some of the disabled community has raised concerns about this. they say that spaz is that it diminishes those who can't control their muscles so beyonce is removing the word spaz never mind that it continues on
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that backside, but that is perfectly fine. i do think that he went she went far enough with the cleanup and the lyrics. >> brian: do you like when you get a little bit older and you mellow. he would think that we haven't really seen her in a while, barely dressed dancing around and that she comes back more mild than ever bring out x-rated lyrics, plus what about the dimpled community? are the unsalted by being used in her song's question what can thought about that? >> right? those with stretch mark won't reuse her lyrics it was written by drake incidentally. he wrote those lovely lyrics why you'd sing them as a renowned woman who young people look up to i don't quite get that? >> brian: and wonderfully put together a quick poetry there it'll go down in history [laughs]
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lizzo a few weeks ago removed the same lyric a few weeks ago from her song girls. ♪ ♪ [bleep] ♪ ♪ >> i understand how people get insulted by these terms but the question is the intentionality whether they were intentionally making fun of a community with the word. in that context she really isn't, but she too decided to move that word about teaching young girls of america is perfectly fine to refer to young women and other young women with the b-word i won't repeat it. i just don't get why this coarsening of language and trash talk is acceptable and yet we find this tiny little word that only offends people if you really looking for it and that's the one we take out. it makes no sense to me. >> brian: is just so funny and preparing for the segment i've never seen more dashes and
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exclamations in different types of symbols from a keyboard. it sums like the "wheel of fortune" at the beginning of a puzzle. i don't even know the intention will get one, two letters before we've offended someone at the fcc. we will remove on. >> was that game? >> brian: i have someone to use more terms to understand with the front sing about. researchers 25% of millennials are living with their parents that's up 9% from 1971. >> that was back when meathead was leaving with archie bunker, now a sarah lawrence professor is suggesting that this could be good for america. he writes that there is a possible silver lining to these newly reconstituted multichannel relational households. they may help us improve our democracy sharing spaces with family members may also compel more political participation and
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approve our loneliness epidemic among young americans. now brian, have a 30-year-old is living with mom and dad and not by their choice hopefully the lesson would be we need better opportunities so we can all live independently and grow as individual people. that should be the first lesson, and i'm not opposed to them living together that's a good thing when generations are together. my question is when you have an economy thrusting the site young people it's not assertive element their independence. >> brian: yes, a grant great grandma passed the sweet and low is not summing i want to be saying, but i'd also say this. they all lived in one log house. they seem to have done fine right the state out from new york so maybe we can learn from the "l.a. times" after all. rim and i the bad news. >> yes? >> brian: i just checked my watch for out of.
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>> all have to go back and watch all in the family reruns. i'll see you this weekend and i hope you can find it. >> brian: thank you so much raymond arroyo it's always great. more and more businesses are being asked this question, is it worthwhile for me to operate in blue states or localities? trace gallagher is a full report in a matter of moments as miami mayor francis suarez tells us why many of those same businesses are choosing big city of miami, back in one moment. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> the blue states were to be left behind now americans got sick of it all started a mass exodus to red states by texas and florida and was a because of the weather. major companies have started following them big time tesla, caterpillar, they picked up and they're gone. now the latest smithfield foods. fox chief correspondent he's the best the business is life out west where everyone is leaving. you will be the only one left soon i'm california. >> we are packing up the u-haul as well, but the truth is when
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it comes to picking up states pg punches when nate said that is closing their 436 square foot factory in downtown los angeles by 2023. released a statement putting carrot that smithfield is taken these steps due to the escalating costs of doing business in california. as a point-blank statement. the company is roughly 1800 mostly latino workers will now have to find new jobs. the move certainly signifies exodus of companies leaving the golden state, but the severity of the problem appears to be a dispute the conservative hoover institution posted a study saying that 74 company headquarters left california in the first six months of 2021 compared to 62 that left in 2020. gavin newsom said it's hogwash with the senior advisor saying every time this narrative comes up it's consistently disproven by the facts. admit the state's outpaced the
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country over the past five years. smithfield in particular blames california regulation and the fines that come along with them not to mention the cost of utilities which are four times higher than other plants around the country. there's also trouble brewing in new york city or irs data that residents who left the city made about $21 billion elsewhere between july of 2020, july 2021. that is a major problem. billionaire ken griffin announced that his hedge fund citadel and trading firm citadel securities when i'll be heading to miami, florida, with the citadel spokesperson saying the firms are having difficulty recruiting top talent from across the world to chicago given the rising senseless violence in that city. he wants to live in cities with a feel safe. the move prompted miami's mayor francis florez to tweet a war miami welcome to his friend
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mr. griffin. >> brian: thanks john you right now is that mayor. citadel isn't the only comedy moving to miami you're seeing an influx of smaller ones, who is coming and why? are you doing the recruiting? or is it the city of miami? >> all were doing is keeping it simple. were keeping taxes low a historic low rate were keeping people safe. hopefully i can finish the year with a historically low homicide rate, and world leading its innovation. we've created a kind of economy customer one of the nation in which growth. we are creating high paying jobs and a combination of attributes as was attracting people from states for the paying over 50% of their income in taxes i mean that's basically socialism or your essentially working for government it is the business partner or government employee's own miami we believe many of us by the way fled communist of
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dictatorship. we believe that government shouldn't be bigger than it needs to be and the government is the solution all problems and i frankly the private sector and philanthropy are what propels cities to be great. >> brian: mayor, what role did the attitude that you guys took in the stance that you maintained during covid play in the recruiting process? >> tells one of the several macro factors that have it at the same time one of them was obviously one of the deduction going away. he made is so in states like california instead of paying a third of your income and taxes most people are paying half of their income more in taxes. the culvert policies were a big factor, remote work was a big factor and having a mayor that answer the question was with silicon valley moving to miami with how can i help? it's a different attitude they pushed on amazon in california
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and famously said f elon musk and he replied to message and left the office. i think it's important to have a pro-business sort of welcoming perspective. >> brian: and you are and you have it and that's what everyone's look at you is only seven comers on their public inside. mayor thanks so much for your time tonight. >> thank you brian. >> brian: ditches media coverage for comedy? the last bite is up next. ♪ ♪
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>> all right. brine stelter has been no stranger to embarrassing on-screen moments. but this one might be his memorable. >> are you tired of hearing talking of speculate about the economy? we booked a real expert. >> we don't mind. we have to remy you that they said the market would crash
8:00 pm
during trump. it said last year that innation was transitory. what an expert. i've been for laura ingram. she's been working on location in minneapolis for an exposé after two years after the george floyd riot. exclusive footage coming your way tomorrow night. that's the for tonight. >> happy monday, everyone. or it's cat's liver, build back better day. i haven't done that one in a while. >> that's great. >> you know what it's time for?


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