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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 5, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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join mike emmanuel for fox news sunday. his guest includes former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley. we thank you for invites us tonight. this is it for special report. >> jesse: thanks, kevin. fox news alert. we have a primetime exclusive tonight. the first bus load of migrants delivered by the texas governor arrived in new york city today. so we sent our team to talk to them. it wasn't that simple. once the driver saw our cameras, he hightailed it. we stayed on him, chased him through the streets of midtown manhattan. once we caught up, the migrants wanted to talk, but a group of volunteers were trying to get rid of us. they told the migrants we were bad people, and they shouldn't do any interviews. they pushed the migrants away
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from our cameras and told us to get lost. but we stayed and let the migrants tell us what the democrats don't want you to hear. joe biden inspired them to take this dangerous trip to america. >> where are you coming from? >> venezuela. >> colombia. >> honduras. >> what was it like crossing the border? what happened once you crossed? >> the first border i crossed was from colombia to panama. heavily armed citizens caught us. they kidnapped us for four days. a lot of kids and women were raped. to be honest, it was shocking. it was something i don't wish anybody else to go through. it was very hard. even one of the people coming with us died crossing the border. >> it was really good. i passed through with political asylum from mexico. we crossed the river, and border patrol was already waiting for us. we were happily welcomed, thanks to biden, the president. >> are you seeking asylum? >> yes. we are a group coming from venezuela, running from political persecution.
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venezuela is very bad. dictatorship is ugly. if opportunity is given to me, yes. if not, we'll see what we can do in the future. >> what is your message to joe biden? >> we are completely grateful to the opportunity he's given us. thanks to all the support to all the venezuelans coming here. >> tucker: many of these people are dangerous on the streets, and used for cheap labor, or worse. the only people that benefit are the violent cartels who make money off human ransom and prostitution. this is endorsed by the biden administration. >> these individuals will be resettled across the country, just like generations of newcomers throughout our history. they will have the opportunity to enrich the fabric of our nation. i would ask all americans to welcome them. >> we are an immigrant nation. i mean, we say that, but people act like they don't believe it. we are an immigrant nation.
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that is our strength. >> there are those of us who will fight for you and your rights every day. my message to them is do not live in fear. >> jesse: "primetime" doesn't have a problem with legal immigration, but our border states have been overrun by illegal immigration. biden put kamala in charge, so we know he's not serious about stopping it. we talked to texas governor abbott last night. he said the state is full and it's time for democrats to start doing their part. >> listen, in any one sector in the state of texas we have more than 5,000 people coming across that sector every single day. and so, listen, we're full in the state of texas. our communities are overrun. i started bussing people to washington, d.c. when local officials could not handle the number of people that had come across our border. >> jesse: sending migrants to d.c., now new york, finally got the attention of the white house.
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after experiencing just a small taste of what it's like to be a border state, the white house got angry. >> the latest stunt from the governor, another stunt of bussing desperate migrants across the country, and he's using them as a political -- you know, as a political ploy. i mean, this is what he's been doing. it's shameful. >> jesse: you see, the white house wants illegal immigrants streaming in, but not near them. the mayors of d.c. and new york aren't holding up very well. they can't handle a couple hundred migrants into the city. bowser asked biden to send in the guard. the request was rejected. mayor adams is about to get rejected too. he just doesn't know it yet. >> he finally admitted what we were saying. we'll continue to be open arms. this is who we are in the city. we just need help from the
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federal government. we're having a great conversation this afternoon with the federal government to figure out how we can get this right. this is despicable, what we're witnessing in texas. >> jesse: help from the federal government? you mean something like securing the border? biden won't do that. he campaigned against it. when trump was controlling who came into our country, the media called him a tyrant, read poems about immigration to his advisors. remember? >> the statue of liberty says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled mass. it doesn't say anything about speaking english or being able to be a computer programmer. aren't you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country? >> jim, i appreciate your speech. >> jesse: they're all hypocrites. they're fine with millions of migrants storming into texas, but can't deal with a few hundred in the big apple or the capital? when their borders are open,
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it's shameful. have you ever seen people this stupid? biden flies thousands of mights in the dead of night, and that's cool, but abbott buses them to the same city bright and early in the morning and that's despicable. how many times have you heard liberals say migrants need to come out of the shadows. they're in manhattan, d.c., out in broad daylight, and all of a sudden it's an emergency, and liberals don't want to see them. steven miller is a former senior advisor to president trump and founder of america first legal. so you listened to that sound from those people from venezuela, talking about children being raped, women being raped. someone died in the river. that sounds awful. the biden administration is encouraging it. do they have any idea how hard it is to make that journey? >> no, it's really
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heartbreaking. there aren't words to describe how sad that is, how terrible that is. it's really a call to the conscience of the country to tell the biden administration this has to stop, this can't continue. it really is just -- there's no words to describe how horrible this is. i think that clip that you played really should be a call to action for the whole country to say this can't go on anymore, it really can't. >> jesse: do you think that adams and bowser, even understand that they're by attacking abbott, that they're attacking the president of the united states? has that crossed their mind or are they that dense? >> no. they don't have that connection at all. i mean, the governor of texas is doing the best he can under extremely difficult circumstances. this is a biden-created crisis. these are a humannarian tragedy unfolding every single day, created solely and exclusively by 1600 pennsylvania avenue and
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the president of the united states. and so the texas governor, the arizona governor, they're on the receiving end of a calamity that has no precedence in human history. it doesn't have a comparison point. i just hope that with that taking place tonight that everyone will begin talking about this on a daily basis, and won't be relegated to the back pages anymore. it will at the front of our national dialog, the front of our national conversation, something we're all engaging in on a daily basis in a country of conscience, in a country of morality. >> jesse: the biden administration doesn't want that. as you see, they're trying to push our reporters away from doing the interviews. we talked about before how they were flying them into westchester airport at 4:00 a.m. they don't want this to be seen. they don't want anybody to talk about the border. they don't want it talked about. the only thing they want to talk about is a guy on horseback trying to control the border, and only then they want to
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punish that guy. this is never going to be front and center. it's always going to be in the shadows, because they want it in the shadows. don't they, steven? >> this is evil, jesse. it's pure evil, what's happening. i've been on your show so many times, we've had this conversation so many times. i'm at my wit's end right now. i wish i could sit here today and tell you this is going to get under control. this is going to turn around. we have to wake up as a country. we need republicans -- yes, they're in the minority, they don't control the house, they don't control the senate. we need republicans to understand this is modern-day slavery at our border. this is sex trafficking. little girls, little boys, are being raped in stash houses. every day we need to be talking about this. we need to be saying to chuck schumer, you're not going adjourn the senate. you need to stay here and we're
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going to vote. we're going to make everybody in this body vietnam we do something about this. the american people need to be told the election is a referendum on this evil, grave immorality playing out every single day on our border, that when you're going to vote, you're voting on whether or not we allow murderers, raging, bloodthirsty criminal cartels to be in control of 2,000 miles of our sovereign border. because you know what, if we don't elect a new majority to shut this thing down, then this evil will only worsen and multiply and history will record, with the greatest astonishment, that we allowed it to happen. shame on biden. shame on pelosi. shame on schumer. they have earned eternal infamy for what they've done to this country and what they've done to our cities. >> jesse: a very passionate call to arms, steven miller. i appreciate you saying that on
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the show. you haven't aged a day since that 2017 face-off against jim acosta. i don't know you how do it. >> i think i've aged about 10 years since then, but thank you. >> jesse: thank you very much, steven miller. have a great weekend. joe biden's compromise, and we have more proof next. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast.
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>> jesse: a bombshell. new report in the daily mail today, claiming two of hunter biden's shiny business partners met with joe biden inside the white house while he was vice president. it is a 15th meeting we've learned about from the guy who
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claims he doesn't know anything about anything. what was joe thinking, bringing these shady chinese oil tycoons into the west wing? we don't know. again, this is proof the president is compromised. china has joe exactly where they want him. today the chinese openly taunted the white house, firing ballistic missiles over taiwan, and sending warships to circle the island. they also slapped sanctions on nancy and suspended all talks with washington. china says, quote, we cannot allow the u.s. to take itself as world policemen and treat other countries like george floyd, who can bully and strangle at will. wow. china just played joe biden's race card on him. in other words, they said go to hell. nancy pelosi's response? >> they may try to keep taiwan from visiting or participating in other places, but they will not isolate taiwan by preventing
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us to travel there. we will not allow them to isolate taiwan. >> jesse: but here's the thing. the chinese aren't afraid of nancy pelosi. i mean, who can talk some sense into china? i mean, and they know joe biden won't touch them. they own joe. besides, no one should bother joe right now. he just tested positive for covid for the seventh millionth day in a row. plus, joe is telling the chinese, hey, i'm not even the president. >> most families are focused on putting three meals on the table, taking care of their kids and paying the bills. helping you do that is my job. that's the president's job as well. >> jesse: what about tony blinken? where is he? he catched kabul fall from the hamptons. check there. what about kamala?
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she's got a lot on her plate. is there anything left to talk china off the ledge? >> there's no beijing to escalate the way they have. there's no reason. the policy has not changed. we're still in line with the one china policy. >> jesse: in other words, it's all good, xi, we're all good. the sorry about, nancy. surely you understand. she's just trying to protect her investment. kevin mccarthy is the house minority leader who joins me now. it's not like ukraine, where the national security state wants to drag the russians into a proxy war and then bleed them dry. i mean, if they -- chinese encircle taiwan, we don't have any chips. i mean, there's no way to get those ships out of that island. you'll see the dow crash. what's the plan here? >> well, you watch. this is the biden administration, the democrats' fault. biden has shown weakness from the very beginning from afghanistan. watch how he allowed china to
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speak to america first on our soil in alaska. then what did he do when nancy pelosi was going to taiwan? he showed weakness again. said, well, the military doesn't want her to go. well, it's nancy. why didn't he stand up for america and say china is not going to dictate when and who goes to taiwan. china would have had a different opinion about what they said and did. i support americans going to taiwan, but if you're speaker of the house, wouldn't it have been stronger if you took a bipartisan group? every other congressional delegation that travels overseas has to be bipartisan. it's only the speaker, when she goes to ukraine, she makes it partisan, democrats only. when she goes to taiwan. she made it only democrats. what about a stronger voice to china's well if you had republicans and democrats together? >> jesse: yeah. it was sloppy. she wasn't on the same page with joe. she wasn't on the same page with you guys. maybe she thought you'd be,
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like, looking over her shoulder while she was looking into investment opportunities. you never really know, congressman. let me ask you about this chinese delegation, these oil guys waltzing in, hunter's people, into the west wing, while joe biden was vice president. doesn't it clue you in to think that there's something guilty going on? because he won't even admit he knows about his son's business deals. he says he's never met anybody his son does business with. oh, you know what, actually the chinese are in the west wing with him. is he compromised? >> how can he continue to say he's never talked to his son about business. he brought his son on air force two when he went to china, and hunter biden discussed business in china. we've seen pictures on the golf course. we've heard of 15 different meetings. why is he not asked the questions, what did he know and when did he know it?
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this is a big problem. the administration, but more importantly, the press corps has to ask him these questions. >> jesse: they never will, because once you start digging the whole presidency collapses. that's a fact. soon-to-be speaker of the house, kevin mccarthy, have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> jesse: devastating scene in los angeles where at least six people were killed and eight more injured after a very fiery car wreck. fox news correspondent matt finn has the latest details. matt? >> jesse, six people are dead, including a 23-year-old mother and her unborn baby boy. the fiery car crash happened in the middle of the afternoon in a jam-packed intersection here in los angeles. police say a woman in her 40s drove her dark mercedes at an excessively high rate of speed through a red light, crashing directly into two-cars, causing a domino effect with at least seven other cars and a massive
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explosion that eyewitnesses describe sounding like a bomb. the "los angeles times" report the driver is a nurse cooperating with investigators. her blood work is being checked to determine whether she was under the influence. california highway patrol says that woman suffered major injuries. she was arrested and will likely be charged with vehicular homicide. one eyewitness tells fox he was two or three cars behind the impact and feels fortunate to be alive, saying he saw victims screaming and fighting to get out of burning cars. that man, and other eyewitnesses, say a baby also flew from the middle of the intersection, landing in a gas station. bystanders tried to help that child. >> the kid touched me more than anything. it's the children, the children that didn't get a chance. the mother that was happy because she was having a baby, but she's not. she's gone. >> the aftermath shows the dark
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mercedes and other cars were obliterated. one car was split in half. witnesses say metal, debris, all types of material went flying after the explosion, and the driver is set to be formally charged on monday. jesse? >> jesse: thanks, matt. coming up, cnn tells us why joe biden is having a very bad summer.
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>> jesse: the dallas police released new video of fatal officer-involved shooting at a gas station. fox news national correspondent bill melujin is here with the latest. >> family members are demanding that the department release unedited videos of the shooting and fire the officers involved,
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even though the suspect appeared to pull out a gun while being arrested. dallas police say 30-year-old kyle dale was seen selling drugs on july 27th. he evaded officers, and they found him inside a convenience store later. they moved in to arrest him. he resisted arrest, and then pulled out a gun. >> i'm not moving. i'm not moving >> let me see your hands. >> gun, gun, gun. >> surveillance video shows the gun in his hand before he was shot by police. take a look. >> gun, gun, gun.
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>> police say dale was a convicted felony with a substantial criminal history, who legally couldn't even own a gun, and that the gun he did have was coc k'd and loaded with four rounds. activists say police have only released with edited video to support their narrative. >> jesse: thanks for the report. the summer has been hard on all of us. the country is in the middle of a heat wave. gas prices are still too high and air travel has been a mess. but no one, and i mean no one, has had a tougher summer than dr. jill biden. her quadruple-vaxxed husband has had covid for what feels like a month so they haven't had quality time together. and she's had a few
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controversies. >> with the understanding that the diversity of this community -- >> thank you. >> jesse: i can't even imagine what cnn would do if melania compared hispanics to tacos. they'd host a taco special in texas, interviewing teens with tears in their eyes, i am not a taco. cnnneau know jill is struggling, and they want to help. what they really want is for you to feel sorry for the first lady of the united states, because living with blesser and chefs is challenging. first off, she's so busy, so
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busy that she zero interest in unveiling a branded initiative, second term or no, telling her staff there's too many priorities to focus on. every first lady had an initiative. let's move. be best. say no to drugs. jill even canceled her long ago planned trip to africa in july that every first lady does. the last-minute cancellation cost a pretty penny. so what's jill so busy with that she can't delegate to her staff? apparently she's very busy planning naomi biden's wedding on the south lawn, a speck of good news for a family besieged by challenging headlines at cnn. yeah, hunter's daughter is getting married at the white house in september. wait a second. didn't hunter call jill a vindictive moron, an entitled c-word? i wonder if wedding planning is awkward now. that's not all. jill has been tied up overseeing the remodeling of the east wing.
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quote, biden's workspace now reflects the breezy coastal elegance vibe that biden prefers, selecting rugs and wallpaper. now i pity her. a ban on-air conditioning, is that coming to the united states? also, is aaron rodgers licking code?
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jig, oh, love the summer. we love it here. you hit the beach, you spend time outside in the summer, but there's no worse feeling than sweating bullets in the heat. want to play pickup basketball with your boys? get ready.
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nothing feels better than sitting in a nice play with your feet kicked up. not everybody is that lucky. >> mr. seinfeld, please, i'm begging you, put the air conditioner on. i lost 6 pounds. >> i don't even know how to work it. >> jesse: if you think it's hard to beat the heat here, try going to europe. starting next week, spain is banning offices, shops, airports and bars from turning their air conditioning below 80 degrees. it's going to make things brutal. just last month in spain, they had temperatures 109. we actually sent one of our producers, joey, to check it out in spain. he's the patriot who helped me get the fireworks on the fourth. more importantly, he's the office whistler that drives
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gutfeld crazy. he just texted me this video. i haven't even seen it yet. let's watch it together. >> it's joey in spain. hot as hell all day. there's no air conditioning. the sun kicked our butt all day long. we're able to finally cool down a little bit. i'm going to go back to the terrace and have a drink and try to stay cool. i hope it's cool for you guys back in the studio. let's go primetime. >> jesse: ha-ha-ha. all right, go primetime. aha. the spanish government says everyone needs to ration, because the sanctions on russian gas. luckily, we're not doing that year. yet. but as the biden administration continues to embrace aoc's green new deal, we're becoming more and more like europe. they're already rationing water in california. it's not a stretch to say planned brown-outs or air
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conditioning limitations are next. i won't stand for it. you can pry my air conditioning from my cold dead hands. victor davis sanchin, does not this bode well for the united states. it's like the beatles. it starts in europe and then comes here. v.d.h., i'm nervous. should i be nervous about air conditioning limitations? >> yeah, i think so. the thing to remember is that we're decivilizing. this isn't fated. this is a choice. europe, under american pressure, just canceled 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas from a pipeline plan. spain hasn't built a nuclear reactor in 40 years. germans are talking about having room rooms, where people my age will get together in their 60s and 70s to generate enough
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body heat so they won't freeze to death. they're talking burning wood like 19th century pioneers. it's a reversal of civilization, on choice, based on certain theories that are not necessarily empirical. it's almost a religion. it's kind of the energy counterbalance to the quarantine. we know that the lockdowns in a cost/benefit analysis were kind of disastrous, but it did increase the power of government over the individual. so do these environmental power regulations. it's part of this effort by the bureaucratic and administrative state to say you're going to live a particular way, you're going to use a particular type of energy, even when there's all sorts of alternatives that would advance civilization. very ironic, because europe was the heart of the industrial revolution and scientific revolution. they have the ability as we do to have air conditioning and heating, very inexpensive. air conditioners are four times
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more economical and effective than they were 30 years. this is a choice. it's more like religion. >> jesse: it's funny, no one in the united states doesn't go to europe. most of this country doesn't like to travel. we like it here so much. what's not to like? it's so big and beautiful. most of the country hasn't been to europe. they don't know what it's like. it's not that great. of course there's nice areas, but you can't plug anything in. all the homes and apartments are really, really small. the car situation is ridiculous. the air conditioning, as you see, is ridiculous. and we're spoiled. we're spoiled. yet we still have never actually having been to europe, all the liberals want to emulate europe, but they're clueless about it. i'll give you the last word. >> yeah. you're right. the subtext of the obama administration and the biden administration, we were all going to live in high-rises, go to and fro in mass as a matter
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transit, youknow how that works. that was emulating europe. that was the model. yet when you go over to the europeans, there's also a class never subject to those rules as there is here in the united states, that sets the policies. john kerry will not give up his private plane as part of the sacrifice. >> jesse: v.d.h., if it comes to that, no offense, i don't want to sit next to you in a room and generate body heat, all right? but i do love you. thank you so much. >> okay. thank you. >> jesse: our show has only been on the air for half a year, but we're setting trends and want credit. we recently found out that quarterback aaron rodgers has been watching a lot of "jesse watters primetime." how do we know that? if you remember back in april, we did a segment on retreats popping up across the country for people to lick toes for their venom, and the euphoric side effects it has. we smoke to one of these retreat
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owners. remember? >> they can experience everything from just a euphoric feeling to also moving through what i like to call death and resurrection "your world" death and resurrection. could you expand a little bit about that? >> there's a lot of information to be gathered in that experience that we call death. most people, when they're dying, they're definitely not going to go back to what they used to do before. >> jesse: one of those retreats will set you back nine grand. if you want a preview of what you'll look like if you try it, take a look. >> oh, my god!
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>> jesse: it looks like mr. aaron rodgers must have loved that so much that he had to go out and try it for himself. >> i want to feel what pure love feels like. that was my intention. and i did. i really did. i had a magical experience with the sensation of feeling a hundred different hands on my body, imparting a blessing of love and forgiveness for myself and gratitude for this life from what seemed to be my ancestors. >> jesse: i love it. we don't judge here at primetime. we believe that trip probably contributed to your mvp season. i guess there's one side effect. you lose to the 49ers in the playoffs. don't go anywhere.
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dana perino on "sink or swim."
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>> jesse: it's friday, everybody. let's play sink or swim. let's take a look at the leaderboard first. last week jessica beat joe. very controversial, because she touched joe's paddle. he did consent, but she did touch his paddle. hemmer and kilmead still at the bottom. tyrus, here we go. category is jesus takes the wheel. what southern gentleman said this, quote? i don't hate anybody. i start out in the morning wanting to follow jesus. by 10:00, i want to follow jesus
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and slap somebody. >> only because it didn't start with i say, i say. >> very, very good. you both are going with the senator. what's the answer? >> i don't hate anybody. i start out in the morning wanting to follow jesus. by 10:00 i want to follow jesus and slap somebody. >> jesse: many people have a problem with that question. very well done, both of you. >> dana got lucky and tyrus was all over it. next question. crime is already bad in this big city, but this democratic mayor is making things worse by not paying off their own speeding tickets. is it mayor lori lightfoot or mayor eric adams? it's an interesting picture of the mayor that our producers chose, dressed as a leprechaun.
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can we see that again? wow. >> i'd prefer to go this way, but -- >> jesse: i know. would you like us to worry things up so you don't have to stare at eric with his shirt off? it is mayor lightfoot. or leadfoot. speeding away from bullets buzzing at her. this is a close game. tyrus, you're hanging in there. dana is sweating. >> no, she's not. >> chris: another question, these creative criminals spent time behind bars, but only one has a new song topping the charts. this week he thanked his fans saying this, i promise a full-body of work is coming, and i promise that we will make you proud. is it john hinckley, who almost assassinated ronald reagan, or is it juicy smolet? both going with the wannabe
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assassin. ♪♪ ♪♪ it is smolet. >> that's interesting, because hinckley has music out. >> he sold out in concert. >> jesse: he did. >> as a brother, i would never vote for him, no matter what, even if the picture was in the answer. no airtime for me. >> jesse: he can't actor anymore. he's doing music now. the category is flagrant foul. what nba coach -- sorry, dana -- said this recently about the united states of america. i wonder where the hell to i live? i live in a country i did not know exists. i knew there were racists, i understand that, but had no idea it was to this level. was it gregg popovich or steve kerr? >> objection. i mean, i don't know. >> jesse: dana, i'm sorry. you'll have to guess. >> i'll just do it.
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>> jesse: you're going with steve kerr and you're going with the pop. answer is what? >> i wonder where the hell do i live? [applause] i live in a country i did not know exists. i knew there were racists, i understand that. but i had no idea it was to this level. >> jesse: that was the spurs coach gregg popovich. >> he says things like this a lot, right? >> jesse: yes, he does. >> oh, dana. so close. >> jesse: there was paddle touching that we noticed. we don't allow paddle touching, even if it's consensual. i'm sorry, tyrus, you were a gentleman, but we're giving you johnny for a day. >> you've seen my workouts, heard them. johnny is going to the weight
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room. >> jesse: a place he's never been before. this should be interesting. please film it. dana, you've now lost to tyrus. >> i know. i don't have a good track record. thank you guys. >> thank you. >> jesse: i was warnedk around the park today with jesse jr. and emma, and stumbled upon goat yoga. anybody know what goat yoga is? it's basically a bunch of women on yoga mats, and this woman from a farm in a van came up and just starts handing everybody baby goats. these goats were small. i mean, some of them looked really, really infantile. some of the goats were pack animals, i guess. when you get more than 10 goats in an area, they start communicating with each other subconsciously, and it gets a vibe going, and you have to tap
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into that goat can beesness. that's how you relax. goat yoga, everybody. try it out. here's some text messages. brad from atlanta, everybody wants to be a sanctuary state till it's time to be a sanctuary state. that's right. jesse, how about we bus migrants from texas to napa instead? just want to warn the migrants, be careful on the roads out there. all right? a little dangerous. interesting how the two hotspots in the world, ukraine and china, are both knee deep in biden inc. that's profound. exactly right. jill is having a hard time getting hunter's list from china. where is xi jinping going to sit? very busy. phoebe from connecticut, has jesse jr. been caught feeding
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the dog any more cheese treats? no, anytime we crack open any food, rookie is up in his grill. it's not good. what is good, tucker carlson, which happens to be coming up right after this show, which you must dvr. always remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. will: i'm will cain in for tucker. if you want to know what's in a bill in congress, what it's going to do, take a look at the name of the bill. whatever it is, you can be sure the legislation will do the opposite


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