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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  August 7, 2022 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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chess move, it's also my favorite chess move because it is -- carley: it remains a mystery. [laughter] adam: you don't want to give that away. [inaudible conversations] ♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thank you so much for joining us, welcome to "sunday morning futures." i'm maria bartiromo. today, the amendments are flying this morning as the democrats try to secure 50 votes in the senate for their climate change reconciliation package. jamming in the vote right before the august recess as the progressive left manufactures an imminent emergency. >> the world is is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change. the biggest issue is how are we
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going to pay for it. maria: coming up, texas senator ted cruz on the bill moving through the senate this morning and fresh off of his committee testimony of fbi director christopher wray. >> so do you agree the allegation of secret collusion between president trump and russia was a hoax? yes or no? >> i, i don't think that's the terminology i would use. >> do you agree that the hunter biden laptop was not russia disinformation? >> now you're asking about an ongoing investigation that i expect our folks to pursue aggressively, and i can't comment on that. >> okay. maria: yes, a fake russia collusion investigation, a potential made-up attack on michigan's governor while putting ordinary, honest americans many jail. what happened to the nbi? --
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fbi? plus, more buses are moving illegal migrants right to washington d.c. now you're catching ire from the mayor of new york, mayor of d.c. they want federal funding, they want the national guard. tell us about that. >> it's making my day. it's pure hypocrisy. i've got news for hem, they haven't yet seen the fullness of what we're busing up there. we're going to be adding thousands upon thousands more to washington, d.c. and to new york. maria: coming up, exclusive new video from my trip to the southern border this week as the texas department of public safety analyzes and tests thousands of pounds of illegal drugs that were seized at the wide open border and are now killing americans. former trumped a visor steven miller on the politics -- stephen miller on the politics of the fbi and the dereliction of duty at the border. then, the crime spiking on our streets. >> savage criminals are being
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released on cashless bail to continue their violent rampages against the united states of america. entire communities are being torn to. >> reds with stabbings -- sleds with with stabbings, shootings, stanking s, rapes and murders. maria: president trump discussing the crime spike, even an attack on gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin two weeks ago. the congressman is here joining me with his plans to unseat governor kathy hochul and end the cashless bail. plus, january 6th, hunter biden, merrick garland and two systems of justice with harvard law professor alan dershowitz all coming up right here. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: but first this morning, breaking news in washington. the democrats are this close to getting their climate change agenda passed with with senators
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up all night in the so-called voterama this morning where senators are offering amendments to elements of biden's build back better agenda that had been stalled for a year. the senate voting 51-50 last night to move the bill forward with vice president kamala harris to decide -- the deciding vote to pass the package, largely to pay for obamacare subsidies and climate change new rules. texas senator ted cruz is on judiciary committee. he voted against this bill, and he joins me now with the very latest. senator, thanks very much for being here morning. >> well, good morning, maria. good to be with you. maria: can you tell the us about the amendments and the happenings right now in the senate? will bill pass? >> well, sure. we've been up all night, voting all night, i just ran other from the senate floor to join you for discussion, but the democrats to are on the verge of ramming through what really is a terrible bill. this bill will hammer manufacturing, it are kill
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manufacturing jobs in -- it will kill manufacturing jobs in this country. this bill will drive up gas prices. it has billions in new taxes on u.s. oil and gas production. we introduced amendments trying to take those new taxes out, so all the democrats say they're worried and want to lower gas prices, they all just voted to raise gas taxes and to raise your price at the pump. this bill creates 87,000 new irs agents. it doubles the size of the irs. those irs agents are designed to come after you. they're not designed to come after the billionaires and the big corporations, they're designed to come after small businesses and working families across this country. the democrats are making the irs bigger than the pentagon plus the department of state, plus the fbi, plus the border patrol combined. the irs is going to be bigger. maria: wow. >> this is a massive power grab, and i've got to say it's
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amazing, maria, watching these democrats amendment after amendment, common sense amendments they vote against. i introduced an amendment to say don't create 87,000 new irs agents, every democrat voted no. i just introduced an amendment to say that joe biden and the federal government should not be able to sell oil from our strategic petroleum reserve to the chinese communists. biden's sold over 2 million barrels of oil to the chinese communists. every democrat but 4 votes no. they are bound and determined to try and ram this terrible bill through. maria: if i want to get your take on the so-called wrap-around amendment. i know there were also amendments to try to get the democrats to acknowledge that there is a wide open border. will any of those amendments stick, and what about a wrap-around amendment at the end of the day that deletes all the other amendments that you were trying to get through? >> well, right now it may be that the democrats don't even need to force through a wrap-around amendment, because they've managed to keep hair side -- they've kept party
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discipline where all of even the supposed moderates have been willing to vote against common sense bills. for example, as i said, every single democrat, all of them voted to increase gas taxes. so the next time you see a mark kelly in arizona or raphael warnock in georgia with or a maggie hassan in new hampshire or a michael bennett in colorado say, hey, we want gas prices to be lower, you know they are lying because they stood up and voted raise the gas taxes, stick it to the producers, make our consumers pay more at the pump. that's the end result they want, and their voting record proves it. maria: well, it looks like her going to be successful in this, and do you believe that taxes will go higher on most americans? what about that promise that taxes would not be impacted for anybody making $400,000 or less? >> well, it's a flat out lie. the congressional budget office analyzed this bill, and it concluded a very large portion
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of it would be borne by people making under $400,000 a year with, that just about every group of taxpayers would see their taxes go up. the democrats know this. and, by the way, we had amendments to say let's not have any of these taxes fall on people making under $400,000. the democrats all voted no. they are lying, and you know what they're counting on? they're counting on the corporate media just carrying their water for them and saying, oh, your taxes are not going up. maria: wow. >> it's not the truth, they know it's not the truth, but they expect the corporate media not to tell people. so unless they're watching your show or a handful of others, they're not hearing what's actually in this terrible bill. maria: that is absolutely extraordinary. i want to turn to the fbi and your committee's testimony with christopher wray testifying in front of your committee. -- in front of your committee. let's run clip, watch this. >> the fbi -- how many fbi agents were disciplined or reprimanded after that disastrous case and the
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misconduct that led to every defendant being acquitted or having a mistrial many -- on every charge? >> senator, i can't comment on any person, but i can tell you that that case, as a i understand it, is now pending a retrial, as i understand. >> well, the special agent in charge of that case has now been sent to d.c., to the washington, d.c. office, and now leads the investigation regarding january 6th, is that correct? >> that doesn't sound right to me. >> so the guy in charge got promoted ask is now in charge of the january 6th investigation. >> the guy in charge of the whole detroit field office is now in charge of the whole washington field office. that is astonishing. maria: senator, what were you saying will? what did the fbi do in terms of the gretchen whitmer situation in michigan? was that entrapment? >> it was. and look, unfortunately, one of the worst outcomes we've seen both from the barack obama administration and now the joe biden administration has been
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the depoliticization and weaponization of the department of justice and the fbi. they've turned the machinery of government and law enforcement into a weapon to attack their political enemies. and in the case of gretchen whitmer, we all remember in the fall of 2020 right before the presidential election, big announcement that they were prosecuting people involved in a plot to kidnap and murder the democratic governor of michigan. and everyone who heard that was horrified and said, wow, these guys should go to jail for a long time. well, they took them to trial, four defendants. two of them were acquitted on every count, the other two got mistrials, so not a single defendant got convicted on a single count, and the principal defense for all four of them was entrapment, that it was the fbi who had suggested the plot. when the shafts said we didn't want to do it, the fbi said, no, you must go through. it is an incredible dereliction of duty. and the fact that the guy in
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charge of the whole thing was literally transferred to washington, was promoted after the case was thrown out as a complete failure and was put in charge of the january 6th investigation, that is astonishing as i said at the hearing. and in the fbi, this department of justice is content to remain horrowly political and part star deny thoroughly political and partisan, and it's deeply concerning. maria: that is incredible. what can you do about this? this is on top of the russia collusion lie and then the impeachment trial while the fbi sat on hunter biden's laptop. >> that's exactly right. what we've got to do is win control of the house and senate so that we have the authority own gauge in oversight. you know, it's interesting, the director of the fbi was there for one round of questions. at end of the round of questions, we were supposed to have a second round, he said, no, i've got a plane to catch, i'm sorry, i've got to go. he didn't want another round of
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questions. as chuck grassley observed, wait a second, you've got your own plane. the fbi has a private jet just for you, you just don't want to have any more investigation. we need serious oversight, we need accountability. the people who have been political and partisan need to be fired, and if they've broken the law, they need to be prosecuted. and, unfortunately, the democrats in the senate have zero interest in doing that. maria: wow. >> and the biden administration has, if possible, less than zero interest in doing that. but the rule of law matters, and this is not meant to be the enforcement arm of the democratic national committee. if. maria: all incredibly astonishing, senator. thanks very much for being here. when you come back, we will talk china. we did not get into it this morning, but we've been watching the breaking news out of the senator. senator ted cruz in washington. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria. maria: quick break -- all right, thank you. president trump's border czar, steven miller, is here on how biden's border crisis is
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impacting every section of the country. now not only is the white house missing in action, but he says many republicans are as well as it could cost them the majority in november. his warning to the gop right after this. ♪ look the same? it's not you. health insurance companies see us all the same. that's not good. well, except humana. they see me. after my back surgery, humana sent a home health nurse for five days. helped me get set up, showed me how to manage my meds... ...even sent me a week's worth of healthy frozen meals. get out. good i-dea. better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare. sadie?
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deal with. maria: that was governor greg abbott with me at the southern border this week during the live summit that i hosted last week on fox nation. it is streaming right now. we were on the front lines in mcallen, texas. the governor invited eric adams, the mayor of new york, and mayor muriel bowser of d.c. to the border after they blamed him for the surge of illegal migrants in their cities which which they say is taking a toll on social services. stephen miller is the dark text, he was the architect of president trump's policy, good to see you. thanks for being here. >> great to be here. maria: first, the border which you have been raising alarms on now for years. you have studied this for decades. tell us how you see things today. >> we are in the midst of the greatest national security crisis and greatest humanitarian crisis that we have ever seen. there is a border that is completely controlled by foreign
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criminal cartels. my weapons hay want in, any drugs they want in, any gang members they want in, they're bringing them in. there is sex traffic thing on a scale world has never seen. modern-day slavery, labor trafficking. the biden administration's decision to terminate president trump's hugely successful border controls is a crime against humanity. and my plea to every single member of congress on the republican side of the aisle is raise holy hell about what's happening on our border. this administration deserves to lose not only a record number of seats in the house and the senate over this border crisis, but the eternal shame of history for what they have done has no precedent. it is an abomination. maria: yeah. well, we are looking at pictures when i went to the crime lab this week. they had all of these pills and
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guns that they showed me that were seized at the border. 600, 800-pound blocks of marijuana that was tied up in plastic so people could put it on their back and travel through the rio grande. there were amendments that were raised this morning -- >> yes. maria: -- by gop senators to try and get amendments in this climate change and tax increase bill that they are voting on right now, but bob menendez said no more amendments. so they're not putting any border-related amendments in this bill, it does not appear. >> what has happened on the senate floor in the last 24 hours is truly one of the darkest days in the history of the senate. modern-day slavery is playing out on our border. the drugs that are coming through are laying waste to our cities and towns. parents are weeping over the bodies of their children. and senate republicans are trying to offer a handful of modest, common sense amendments to end the death and destruction. and mark kelly and the rest of
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the senate democrats, senator senator hassan, they're voting hem down? have they no conscience? have they no soul? people are suffering. this is misery and anguish on a scale we have never seen before, and i hope every candidate running for office will bring this up every day on the campaign trail. maria: yeah. i mean, look, we are looking at the guns right now that were seized. and you're right, it is the criminal cartels that are running the border and the entry into america, and they're charging upwards of $30,000 a head, $40,000 if you come from china, $3-5,000 a head if you're from the northern rhode island angle. and we know that 100,000 americans have died of fentanyl poisoning so far in the last year. >> yes. and we are only beginning to see the fallout from this because, see, over the last 18 months the cartels have broadened their operatives, they've reseeded and replenished ms-13 that president trump tore apart, they have put
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in place their distribution networks for fentanyl in every single city. so their operation is now enmeshed in all of our large cities, all of our major ports of commerce all throughout the country. so the tale on this -- the tail on this tragedy is going to be colossal. we've only begun to see the destruction and the misery that has been wrought by this administration's decision to tear down and demolish and rip out every single border control that president trump put into place. maria: that's pretty incredible. i want to get your take on why the republicans are not doing better in the polls given there's a fire to put out everywhere you turn. we'll take a break. after this, biden may have the lowest poll numbers of any president in history, but you say that that does not guarantee a red wave in november. with some generic congressional ballots showing them can accurates actually ahead of the gop despite all you're saying. your advice for republicans when we come right back. stay with us.
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>> it's going to be a very tighe now, we have a 50-foo nation, and i think when this race smoke clears, we're likely to have a very, very close senate still with either us up to slightly or the democrats up slightly. maria: that was senate minority leader membership mitch mcconnell -- mitch mcconnell on wednesday tempering expectations for republicans to take back the senate in the november elections with the midterms now 93 days away. meanwhile, joe biden's approval rating bounced back to 44% on friday despite democrats trying to ram through the social spending bill which is continuing right now in the senate. it is accounting, according to the joint committee on taxation, that will increase taxes on 97%
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of taxpayers earning urn $200,000 a year -- under $200,000 a year. yeah, this is what we are seeing being voted on. we're back with stephen miller, founder of america first legal. steven, i want to know who you are endorsing in the current races, but let's look at biden's approval rating because it is continuing to bounce back and forth around record lows. you've got fires to put out everywhere you look whether it's foreign policy or or economic policy, now, of course, we are in a recession. two quarters of contraction largely due to all of this spending, and they're going to spend more right now approving another major package. why are the republicans not winning more? >> that's a great question. perhaps the most important question. let's break that down. so our nation is in the midst of a historic series of crises; an innation crisis, a labor force dropout crisis, a crime crisis in our cities, an energy crisis,
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one foreign policy crisis after another, a radical ideology crisis in our schools and a border crisis that that has no comparison point in the history of nations. so why aren't we forecast to win a massive majority in the senate? put aside the fact that some of these are more purple states. we should be on track to be the picking up an enormous number of seats notwithstanding that. i submit to you the reason why is to too great an extent the republican strategy -- but more specifically, the strategy of senate republican leadership -- has been to try to lay back and just watch as these crises unfold rather than make a stance, make a statement that says we are going to, if you give us power in november, shut all these crises down. how would you establish that referendum? let me be very specific. the way that you would do it -- yes, i know we're in the minority now so we can't fix these crises, but we can establish with the american people that we will fix them.
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government funding expires in september. the current plan from senate leadership will be to do a short-term government funding bill to december, then a long-term omnibus spending bill for 12 months. that would be a strategic catastrophe. republicans should say we will oppose to any government funding bill that in any way perpetuates the ongoing border crisis. the only fallback we will accept is a funding bill that expires in the new congress in february so a new majority can shut down the border crisis, and we will then pass this off to the american people. if you want us to secure the border, if you want us to end the misery, anguish, heart ache and human suffering playing out on our southern border, then elect a massive republican majority. give us arizona, give us georgia, give us nevada, washington state, and everywhere else, and we will come in in february, and we will pass a funding bill that shuts this nightmare down.
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maria: yeah. >> that's how you do it, maria. maria: but you know that's not happening because you've got giveaways to certain senators and lawmakers that are getting things for their states. why did joe manchin sign on to this? why did so many republicans vote for the chips act? there were a number of republicans -- marsha blackburn said this is a total corporate with fare giveaway, don't do it -- welfare, don't do it, and yet they did it. republicans got something for their states. >> that's what you're fighting against. what you're fighting against is prevailing leadership orthodoxy that says, look, we're in the minority, we can't do anything, just not rock the boat and wait until november. and that's the reason why this is a razor-thin election in the senate, and it doesn't have to be. rather than saying, for the love of god, this has to end. what's happening on our border, in our cities, in our communities, the drugs, the destruction of so many families at the hands of fentanyl has
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owning! so give us -- has to end. give us a spending bill until january, and we'll end it. we'll either break this president or he'll break under pressure. maria: let me get who you are endorsing right now because we've got races like many arizona where senator mark kelly has recently been talking about border. you've got katherineing cortez mastro in nevada, senator pat toomey in pennsylvania is retiring and, of course, wisconsin senator ron johnson. tell me about the most important races we need to be watching this 93 days before the midterm. >> i obviously love all of our candidates, and president trump has endorsed and has gotten a huge victory recently in ohio and arizona. with vance and masters. but what i'd say to you is we have a slate of republicans up and down who are populist, america first senators. they need help from senate leadership to frame up election
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in the way that i said and go to the american people and say give us the majority in the senate, give us the majority in the house. we won't do any long-term funding bill. this thing is going to expire many february, and we will send to joe biden's desk a bill that ends the border calamity once and for all. and joe biden vetoes it, his presidency will break and crumble into pieces. because he can't defend if -- and the way to get this issue onto the front of our radar screen is by doing exactly what i said. don't be afraid, don't back down, don't cower. courage is contagious. lead and fight and you'll be rewarded with a massive majority, a massive majority inaugurated in january. maria: wow. we will be watching. it is a really incredible point to make about the border. i've seen it up close, firsthand. stephen, thanks very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much. maria: great to talk with you.
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stephen miller. we will take a break, and then we are looking at crime. coddling the criminals with district attorneys at the helm in major cities across the country, criminals know they will face little, if any, accountability. new york congressman and gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin himself will join me live on democrats doubling down on their failed soft on crime policies as we head into those elections in november. back in a moment. ♪♪ i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight and keep it off. who loses 138 pounds in nine months? i did! golo's a lifestyle change and you make the change and it stays off. (soft music)
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♪ >> then when you look at crime within our streets, you look at what happened to lee zeldin, that's a direct effect of what the democratic policies are are. it's the defund police, but what can the federal government do the? we provide a lot of cop grants, but if we are in the majority, cop grants would say you cannot have them unless your d.a. upholds the law. if it's not -- if it's picking and choosing, if it's doing cashless are bail, you cannot get it. the exact same thing that ronald reagan did when he raised the drinking age from 18 to 21. maria: and that was house gop leader kevin mccarthy on this program last month on the devastating impact democrats' soft on crime policies are having on communities across the country including an attack on congressman and new york gubernatorial candidate lee zeldin. in new york state alone, there has been a 9% increase in violent crime since bail reform went into effect at the start of
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2020, and then in new york city overall major crime is up nearly 37% from there just a year ago. joining me right now, the man himself, new york democrat -- looking to unseat kathy hochul in november, lee zeldin is here. man, thanks very much for being here this morning -- congressman. >> it's great to be with you, maria. maria: i want to get your take on how this changed so dramatically in new york from the safe streets we had a decade ago. and, first, give us your sense of where that started and how and i also want to hear about the attack that you faced just a few weeks ago. >> after the 2018 election, new york ended up with one-party democrat rule. they enacted cashless bail in the state, making sure that a lot of people who should stay behind bars ended up back out on the streets. you've had this situation where judges wanted to be able to keep someone behind bars, but the law in new york forced them to release people even if the judge knew that person was a danger to
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the community. we saw other changes that were enacted as well. something called the less is more act where people got released earlier, it was an earlier end to prison sentences where people before would have remained behind bars, something called the halt act got enacted where now our corrections officers are being assaulted all across the entire state. those numbers are on the rise as well. losing out on the tool of solitary confinement. so the pro-criminal push with the laws has been a key impact, but then it's compounded when you have district attorneys like the manhattan d. the a., alvin bragg, refusing to enforce laws across the board. and you also have some judges who are far left and lax where they're releasing people even when they do have the discretion. and then you have to read about it, for example, that goldman sachs employee murdered on a new york city subway. prosecutor in that case asked for bail, but that person put -- judge put that person back in the street. it happened again this week, a
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queens judge who the prosecutor asked for bail in the case, the lax judge released him. so these three parts compounded together is causing a rise of crime in new york city, prorochester, syracuse and some other places. maria: so this is all because of bad policy. and they always say bad policy equals bad outcomes. these policies have made our streets less safe. tell me about the incident that happened with you. you were at the podium, you were at the microphone at a campaign event. you and your team immediately thrust into office, you were so courageous to take on this guy who had a blunt object in his hand trying to stab you. >> right. and i'm really grateful that there were six, seven, eight people who very quickly subdued this guy. and within 5, 6 hours, he was released back out on street because of new york's cashless bail laws. we had this incident about a month ago, i was actually, by the way, on that stage talking about the need to repeal
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cashless bail to removing district attorneys like alvin bragg refusing to enforce the law across the board. i had just put out our first campaign ad for the general election talking about the need to repeal cashless bail. we've i all been talking about the jose hall -- alba case where he gets stabbed, a law-abiding citizen, he ends up with a murder charge. the person who stabbed him ended up not getting charged with anything. but in my case, it was july 21st when that attacker came to me on stage, released right back out on the street. only reason why the u.s. attorney was able to jump in and charge him federally was because i'm a member of congress. but if i'm not a member of congress, that person isn't detained. and on top of it, thank friday because we're at -- thank my because we're at a campaign event, you had a lot of people taking video. just like in the jose alba case, surveillance video, or you end up with much less desired outcomes as far as the criminal
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justice system goes. maria: the video, it was absolutely unbelievable what happened to you. that video is really striking. but, look, all of this going on, you've made it very clear that should you win new york governor's race, you are going to end cashless bail. you've said that to me many times. shouldn't you be polling better in new york city? look at these numbers, congressman, for the new york governor poll among women voters, you're actually trailing kathy hochul. you also have an issue trailing her among hispanic voters. what are you doing to try to close the gap here, and why do you think you're trailing her with these two groups? >> so outside of new york city, the rest of state, we're winning. the new york city suburbs, upstate is, we're winning. independent voters the top two issues is crime and the economy. inside new york city we just have to keep campaigning hard these last three months to get our numbers up. we like where we are, but we have to work hard. you can't -- and this is not just in new york, it's across
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the country. people out there, they think there's going to be a red wave and we're just going to ride a wave in. no, you have to create the wave. you have to work hard, taking nothing for granted as we are battling percent heart and soul of the future of our country and our state cap tolls. we're going -- capitols. we're going to do the much better with the asian-american vote, with the black vote, we are working with these communities closely. this past week from bronx to queens, new york city, in manhattan to brooklyn, those four boroughs which are heavily blue, we've been with all these communities. they care about crime and public safety, we have to work hard to get our message out. and for women voters out there, they care about the safety and security of themselves and their family, they care about economic opportunity, preserving freedom, having a government they can be proud of and their kids' education. it's just important for all of us everywhere taking nothing for granted, working hard for this. maria: well, and they also, women voters, care about their schools for their children.
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and the new york teachers' union has been getting real political in terms of politics and elections. what do you want to say about the union and insuring that you can get some support there? >> listen, people who are running teachers' unions, they're democratic operatives in new york. we have a lot are of great teachers. we have people -- and, hank god they're willing to take on the assignment of teaching in some of the worst performing schools in new york. we have a lot of people stuck in generational poverty in poor performing schools. that's why we need to lift the cap on charter schools, educational savings accounts, tax credits for school choice. we need to make sure that tech cl education inside of our schools -- the right now in albany we're seeing attacks onion public education. something they call a substantial equivalency push. so kathy hochul's not speaking up on behalf of our kids. instead, she's doing what the
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teachers' union is demanding of her. but most of us, we're new yorkers and especially new york parents, i'm one of them, we have to fight for the future of our kids' education. maria: all right, congressman. it's good to have you this morning. very quickly, you said your number one priority is what should you become governor of new york? >> well, crime. public safety. we have to fight this. the first thing i would do after taking the ohs is telling manhattan district attorney, alvin bragg, that he's getting fired. we have to have a zero tolerance for this push that's turning our streets over to criminals. we need to put law enforcement and law-abiding new yorkers back in control of our streets and to our future. maria: okay. congressman, good to see you this morning. thanks very much. we will be watching developments. lee zeldining joining us this morning in new york. thank you, sir. quick break, and then it is the question that democrats cannot give a straight answer to, should president biden be their nominee in 2024? alan dershowitz on why that
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question is so hard for democrats to answer. we are also examining the latest in the federal investigation into hunter biden with the harvard lieu law professor next. ♪ as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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>> should president biden run again in 2024? >> too early to say. doesn't serve the purpose of the democratic party to deal with that until after the midterms. >> ms. maloney. >> i don't believe he's running for re-election. >> i'm focused on winning the majority right now and preserving the majority this year in 2022, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. >> i'm not talking about the 2022 election and 2024. i have no control over those elections, and i'm not going to talk about them. >> i'm working on my own election, and that's all i'm focused on right now. maria: yes, it is the question that is tying democrats in knots when confronted with the reality of supporting one of the lowest polling presidents ever for a second term in 2024. my next guest is the author of a
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new book, "the price of principle: why integrity is worth the consequences." harvard law professor alan dershowitz joining us right now. it's good to see you, congrats on the latest book. >> thank you. maria: first, assess what you just heard. obviously, president biden's approvals and his support among his own party is eroding. >> well, he has to make a decision now. he has to decide he's going to run or bet out and make room for other people. if he doesn't run, the field is very, very wide. there's no obvious candidate. trump wins, probably biden can win him again. but if desantis were to run, probably biden couldn't beat him. so i think democrats have to make sure the same mistake that ruth bader ginsburg made -- not retiring on time and allowing her place to be filled by a conservative republican -- that mistake can't be made. president biden has been the president ford of modern day. he's calm things down, he's
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stabilize things. perhaps the best thing for the democrats would be if biden was a one-term president. maria: well, leapt me and you -- let me ask you about all old -- all of these approval ratings. ing even though her pushing through this spending bill this morning in washington, what does he need to do to regain support, or is it at this point over? he needs to step aside? >> well, done great things in ukraine, i think he has done good things on domestic policy, gotten some very good things passed. he is not an exciting, dynamic candidate who's going to get things done. he is the candidate who restores normality. and if trump is going to run, i think that that even a low ranking candidate with, essentially, moderate views, he won't win, but trump will lose. so nobody's going to win next election if it's trump versus
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biden. it will be who has most negatives and who loses election. nobody's going to win that election. maria: well, i want do you about that because you supported trump, and you were trashed for it in the public. you wrote a book about integrity. we'll get -- slip in a short break and get back to that, talking about integrity and what is going on in the two systems of justice at today's department of justice. stay with us, alan dershowitz continues next. ♪ ♪ they're banking, with bank of america. look at this guy. he bought those tickets on his credit card and he's rackin' up the rewards. she's using zelle to pay him back for the hot dogs he's about to buy. and the announcer? he's not checkin' his stats, he's finding some investing ideas with merrill. and third as you know in baseball means three. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop banking. what would you like the power to do?
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maria: welcome back. i am back with alan dershowitz. alan, i've got to get back to something you just said because you said joe biden was moderate, you said he's passed some good things, you said he did a good job in ukraine. i don't know what you're talking about. this is not a moderate
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president, okay? we have another spending bill that they're negotiating right now which will likely stoke inflation, and on ukraine he offered zelenskyy a flight out of there, you know, on week one so that russia would just take over, so i don't know what you're talking about in terms of joe biden being moderate, alan. >> compared to who? i mean, compared to president trump, who i did not vote for. i defended him against an unconstitutional impeachment, but i didn't vote for him. compared to president trump, president, current president, biden, is a moderate. so is his attorney general -- maria: no, he's not a moderate. he's not a moderate. it's just not true, and i know that's the line the democrats have been trying to sell us since day one during the campaign. but his actions and his policies are indicative that he's not a moderate. but let's move on because you wrote a book about integrity, and this morning we're talking all about integrity and two systems of justice. not only is he not a moderate, but his son has been a selling
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influence. hunter biden and the investigation is continuing there. what do you want to say and why did you write this book? and what about this hunter biden investigation, alan? >> well, it should go forward. this is my 50th book. i'm proud of the fact that i've written 50 books in my career. this is the most important book i've written because, you know, i'm a neutral, principled person. i defended president trump, i voted for president biden. and i am being attacked by both sides because principle doesn't exist today in america. everything is partisanship. pleasure and so i'm going to continue to live a principled life even if the library in massachusetts won't allow me to speak, even if the jewish democratic association won't invite me to its events. i'm going to continue to be principled, continue to say what i want, i'm going to continue to assess president biden fairly and not in a partisan way as i would with a republican
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candidate. that's not something in america today that's highly desired, which is why i wrote my book, "the price of principle." i'm paying the price. maria: it is what we all want, alan, and we thank you for writing it. that'll do it for "sunday morning futures." i'll ceo -- see you next week on "mornings with maria." catch this program again at 3 p.m. on fox news. ♪♪ "shake your thang" by salt n pepa with best western rewards you get rewarded when you stay on the road and on the go. find your rewards so you can reconnect, disconnect, hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at
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♪ ♪ howard: the media world was utterly shocked, and that includes me, when the conservative state of kansas voted to preserve abortion rights by a landslide are margin, and yet this vindicates what the supreme court proclaimed in overturning roe v. wade. not the outcome, of course, after a multimillion dollar battle, record turnout powered a flashing neon light amplified by joe biden and much of the media, a 59-41% vote for keeping abortion rights in the state's constitution. but the essence of the high


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