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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 8, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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i hope you have a chance to check out my podcast just type in jason in the house. and we will be back next sunday when the next revolution will be televised. thank you so much for joining us and allowing us to come in and share a part of our day with you. and your time is valuable. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> the as are 50, the nazar vice president votes in the affirmative and the bill is amended is passed. [cheers and applause] to be when republicans say they will get their revenge come november as the democrats pushed through $39 billion spending bill. as the inflation reduction act but claimant spending and
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increase taxes for you, the american people being crushed by the skyrocketing cost. skyrocketing cost of everything else. you are watching alexandria ocasio cortez on monday i'm todd piro. >> ashley strohmier in for carley shimkus. downplaying concerns about recession and are responding with even more spending and even as abc poll finds 69% of americans think the economy is headed in the wrong direction. the democrats are still celebrating. >> todd: alexandria hoff with the fallout, good morning, alexandria. >> good morning democratic senators sherrod brown said a fragile arrangement. all 50 members had to be on the board, awake and there after
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pulling an all nader. >> if you asked me what help get this done and some people have asked me that but i would put in one word, persistence. >> the reconciliation process required to pass spending bill with 16 hours of i voter roma and passed by harris. a year of negotiation with what was once the 3 trillion plus build back better bill and the inflation reduction act with $400 billion in's building and $700 billion in taxes. $369 billion per claimant privations and apple corporation will be hit with a 15% minimum tax rate with 315 billion in ten years with heavily bolstered irs and enforcement. the democrats expected to add $120 billion of revenue from that. president biden said they started with american families
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over special interest. i ran for president promising to make government work for families again, and that is what this bill does, period. but they would call that misleading and a tier one mcdaniel said this, democrats will pay the price in november for raising taxes on families during a recession. louisiana senator john kennedy said key negotiators. joeflation is what they call it and will never vote for joe biden. to raise taxes during a recession and inflation pyrrhic >> according to the late abc polls, 89% feel the economy is getting worse in just 12% think it is getting better. let's go to the house were majority vote is all needed,
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ashley. >> todd: thanks for kicking us off but kentucky congress will and james comer. a lot to impact in a lot of places we could go but i want to start on the irs front. basically cost of the elevator with my hair on the fire. making this irs thing but my question about this you know a little bit more about this stuff than me. if i'm a tax player that plays by the rules, do i have to worry about 87,000 irs agents looking for something to do? >> yes, you should worry because all of these employees they will try to prove and go after every american to try to prove their y did, indeed, bring in more revenue. when you look at who they will go after. it is very difficult and time-consuming with americans to the big corporation. they will be going after the waiters and waitresses and the
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people who are living paycheck to paycheck because they know they don't have the attorneys to fight all the audits and all the irs. so this is more bad news for hardworking tax paying, average working americans who are barely getting by. >> ashley: speaking up barely getting by that brings me to a question, inflation and democratic senator from connecticut admitted this bill is going to be delayed for reducing inflation. take a listen. >> how long will it take to reduce inflation? >> it may take a year or more. we've seen gas prices come down week after week after week for the last five weeks in a row. gas is now below $4. yes, inflation is higher than it should be. >> you want to address that. he was actually from delaware, but getting to the point, what does this mean for americans? you see this huge package, this dollar amount that is astronomical. here we are converting at the
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pump, at the grocery store, trying to put food on the table but we will be the irs. >> the democrats being -- the political future of this fall, the hope that america is financially illiterate. i don't think they are. i think most americans realize that if the government spends more money and spends more money recklessly and unnecessarily, that's going to lead to more inflation. so the sheer nature of the bill by saying inflation reduction is being to the american people. i think the american people get it and spend money and waste money and expect for inflation to go down. the reverse is going to happen. this is a very bad deal for the working americans. >> let's pop up on the screen the various aspects of this breaking it down into three
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categories. $739 billion a mic that includes $369 billion. it is cold and energy, security and climate change, that means stimulus package for rich people. that is basically going to cut jobs because this company will have to find the revenue somewhere and $124 billion irs tax is that we mentioned here or there is talk on the democratic side this is good for seniors. senator rick scott said this as they war on seniors. explain why you think senator scott is right? >> he has right because the democrats are not going to give up on this very new deal. this new deal is not working. the only reason gas prices have gone down is because basically supply and demand appear the economy is hurting so bad and we are under recession regardless where the democrats change the definition of recession that the real wages go down every day and inflation goes up. so this is a burden on all
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americans, seniors on a fixed income, this is a burden on a working americans and the next generation of america who will be graduating from college and entering the workforce. this is a bad deal. it is very disappointing democrats will continue to show something like this through on a partisan basis. remember, not a single republican voted for this in the senate, and i'm pretty confident the senate will not vote in the house this week. >> ashley: we will see that come to a head in a few days potentially. house minority leader kevin mccarthy said the chamber's investigation into hunter biden will include a probe of u.s. intelligence agencies. i want to read this quote from leader mccarthy. else probe hunter biden will expand u.s. intelligence agencies who are almost certainly aware of his shady foreign activities will his father was vice president here they should come in and talk to us and you want to ask these individuals what they know in even if they come in and sit
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down what do we expect them to say about this? >> we have a lot of questions. i mean, the things we have been looking to on the house oversight committee revolve around hunter biden's 150 suspicious activity reports. these were issued by banks. remember, the bank notifying the federal government we are pretty certain that our client is committing criminal activities. these were committed when joe biden was vice president. the intelligence committee had to know that hunter biden was doing things that were so bad that at least five banks notified the federal government of criminal wrongdoing. we want to know why the intelligence community issued that state and who led this someone in the community mike intelligence committee or biden community? the intelligence community this is intelligence or a cover them up? the republicans in january, we will find out who's at fault and
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tried to hold someone accountable. >> todd: to the last point, how much trouble could the intel chiefs bn? >> i hope they are in a lot of trouble. what we need to do is figure out what happened if there was a loophole that allowed them to get by with this by pleading ignorance, then we need to change the law because this intelligence community has had a run for over a decade to. remember, there were intelligence leaders telling me, anyway, in congress that the afghan government would fight back. they felt the ukrainian government would flee like afghans did. the intelligence community has been making mistakes dating all the way back to iraq with weapons of mass destruction. but what's happened with afghanistan and what's happening in ukraine, they were totally wrong on it. with hunter biden, we know and more information is coming in everyday that this guy was a crook. he has been influence peddling
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all over the world, but yet, the intelligence community this is russian disinformation right before the election. and let things the russian dossier, the field dossier another bad hit and we need to make changes to the intelligence community but hopefully they will do that when we reach majority. >> ashley: we will see, james comer packing a lot for us, a lot of important issues this monday morning. thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> todd: president biden in 2024 on full display on the sunday morning talk shows. delaware senator chris coons, one of the president's top allies dodging but that he recommended that he is the top ticket again. >> i am hopeful that president biden will run again and if he does, i will certainly support them. >> are you encouraging him to run again? >> i'm encouraging him to focus what's right in front of us.
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>> todd: richard blumenthal sidestepping a question with biden's potential reelection day. >> my focus is totally on this november. partly because i am running for reelection, but also, this november will determine how successful president biden is in the next two years and how strong he would be as a candidate. >> todd: but despite the nonanswers from lawmakers, georgia gubernatorial candidate stacey abrams vowing to absolutely support joe biden if he runs for a second term. >> ashley: the liberal media also advising biden to quit while he is a head after the passage of inflation reduction act. "the new york times" op-ed telling president biden "hey, joe, don't give and go. a cautionary tale and missed the moment to leave the stage and this is something joe biden should keep in mind riding the crest of success. it should give him the
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confidence to the knowledge he has made his mark. and she also argues his team got carried away with fdr with a grand vision to remake the social contract. here is jason chaffetz on why he thinks democrats are avoiding the 2024 question. >> joe biden and kamala harris are albatross, very few want to be in their presence because members of congress, they actually want to win their elections. the bigger problems are the democrats and solutions for a country are not what are going to solve the problems we face. the democrats have socialism and regularly identified americans by relying on racism, sexism, statism. diversity and government can be good for community engagement and confidence, but when they become the overwriting scene rather than confidence, it
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paints the talented, punishes and discredits the appointed all for the sake of diversity. >> ashley: i want to point out one part that stood out to me that piece he did come up the democrats and the solution for our country are not going to solve the problems we face. i also think that voters, especially democratic voters kind of don't know where to go right now because if you are democrat, you are looking how progress of the democratic party has gotten. i can't vote republican so maybe i should vote independent. i think that is a big problem. he is right. there is no solution for the problems we face like inflation. i know i harp on this all the time, gas prices and trying to feed your family having to go out to get another job. just to put food on the table for your family. if you also want to bring out the white house press secretary karine jean-pierre talking to
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peter doocy and gas prices went down $0.30. it is nothing to brag about when gas prices shot up $3. but the firefighters, the nurses, appreciate the leniency in the comfort it gives them they are saving some money. they are totally out of touch. it is not helping anyone, democrats, republicans. i do think this will affect the democrats at the polls. you will see it come to a head, this red wave. >> todd: on diversity point, the republicans have a good story to tell because if you look at so many races around the country black and latino republicans are running and in huge numbers. they are basically appealing to the democrats, which typically are reviewed as the block in which blacks and latinos vote basically saying, hey you didn't get anything from the democrats or republicans, coming on the 5:00 hour a black republican from connecticut. that doesn't happen a lot. it will be interesting to see if that plays out other areas in the country.
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what i think republicans need to do, they need to try biden and harris to this economy and to every single democrat that is running. they can't let democrats distract the populace on abortion. abortion if you look at the numbers is not pulling great for republicans. republicans need to be laser focused saying if you are democrat, biden and harris as a result, you should not be in november because you are tied to that and responsible for dragging down the economy. if republicans don't do that, they have to be laser focused on that going forward. >> ashley: totally agree. >> todd: with that 60 minutes after the hour new york mayor eric adams lashing out after a second possible illegal immigrants arise in his city. wait until you see how texas governor greg abbott is responding. plus... >> wrapping up clean energy technologies will bolster our energy security and approve affordability and reliability of
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energy but the answer ultimately is, the next three or four years is investing in renewable energy. >> ashley: president biden has been pushing his green agenda since he was on the campaign trail but the next guest is blaming those policies for driving the company's electric bill up by a thousand dollars a month. he explains next. ♪ ♪ ♪no need for greed or hunger ♪a brotherhood of man ♪imagine all the people ♪sharing all the,
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when you get 4 lines. switch to xfinity mobile today. ♪ ♪ >> ashley: los angeles time searching president biden to declare a national climate emergency. the editorial board claims the so-called inflation reduction act $360 billion climate budget isn't enough writing "signing into law will only get us part of the way to biden's u.s. cows don't make gas emissions. and the misuse of that authority for his wall, there is actually a legitimate legal basis for calling climate change a national emergency." the board says biden has not imposed enough to transition to cleaner sources of energy, todd. >> todd: america small business struggling to pay their electric bills while the administration continues its
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green energy pushed. when our business owner spent over $1,000 last month just to keep the lights on. owner of "the dugout" david oliver joins me now. great to have you here. we mentioned the $1,000 number but out of sight compared to last time last year? >> last year was about $1,500. so it is basically more than doubled this year. it's already $700. so about $22,200 difference. >> todd: are you charging $2,200 more for your food items or are you eating that cost? >> well, we are eating that cost right now but we are going to try to figure it out. >> todd: unbelievable. here is the president talking about raising green energy. listen. >> $369 billion to address the climate crisis. and bring down family energy bills by an average of $500 a year.
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wrapping up clean energy technologies. we will bolster energy security and approve the thor don't like and reliability of energy but the answer is ultimately the next three or four years is investing in renewable energy. >> as someone trying to provide the great people of arkansas with a great meal at a great price, what is your election when you hear that? >> that is hard to believe. three or four years, small businesses will be out of business. i mean, we don't have three or four years. >> todd: let's look at some numbers, david national electricity prices spiking residential prices increasing over $1 per kilowatt hour. commercial price is up to dollars. that reflects what you are going through. do you blame biden and the democrats green energy policy for that? >> yes, sir, i do. >> todd: why do you think they are doing this? >> they are trying to push this green new deal. they are trying to push coal and
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oil, smooth out. >> todd: when you talk to your customers, what did they say about this? >> they are upset with it. i mean, we can talk to different customers about their electric deal and like you were talking about residential, the bills are going up $400, $500 at their house. you taken to make a customer or individual family on a budget, let's throw some numbers out there and was just a $1,000 per year they budget $1,000 a month to go out and do things o. you kick in an extra $400 on an electric vehicle and you are down to $600. they can't take their family out to a movie or a nice meal and go back home four times a month. >> todd: biden says this will bring down energy bills by $500 per year. do you by that? >> no, sir. >> todd: i don't understand how we can say that because it is an out and out light it
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appears. how does it feel to have the burden on your win they pollute as much as they want, china, and we are one planet. so whatever they do will offset what we do. >> that is a fact, sir. we have a tarp plant, a cauliflower plant in arkansas, which is 20 miles from us. man, they operate cleaner than any place in world. i mean, it's crazy. >> todd: the folks in d.c. after this discussion don't talk to folks like david oliver. unfortunately, they don't see how this is impacting real people in real states like arkansas. david oliver, thank you for being with us, we appreciate it. >> thank you, sir. >> todd: thieves with two million-dollar payday ransacking a jewelry store in 30 seconds. what we know about the search
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for the suspects. >> ashley: and fanning himself against an armed attack and new york city out of fear for his life. one of the biggest joining us now
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going to cheerleading camp next to the abandoned insane asylum? that's like throwing good blood away. 50% of americans like watching blood get spilled in horror movies, but only 3% donate it. now that's scary. ♪♪
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>> ashley: coming to new mexico to track down a volkswagen link to a possible serial killer. investigators looking into the murders of four muslim men in albuquerque. of interest, spotted one or more at the crime scene. three victims in pakistan found separate scenes in the last two weeks. the first killing of a man from afghanistan to happen in november. the police say the victims were likely targeted. the motive is still unclear. eric adams is here with greg abbott after a second bus of illegal immigrants arrive in new york city. >> todd: in the meantime greg abbott promises to send thousand or if the biden administration fails to secure the border.
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marianne rafferty live. >> a second bus of illegal immigrants arrived in new york and now you're adams lashing out at greg abbott for sending them. >> this is horrific and you think about what the governor is doing, the governor of texas after months traveling across the border and they sit on the bus with no direction to come here to new york. >> ashley: and while texas deals with thousands of illegal crossings daily, mayor adams is hoping for federal help to deal with a small busload. he tweets "governor abbott using political pawns for a major crisis. we need help with money, technical assistance and more. blaming the crime in his city for recent migrants choosing not to come saying "we were led to believe about 40 people should have been on that bus but only 14 got off because of the fear that something was going to happen to them if they came to
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this location. people got off earlier" meanwhile, sending more buses north until this border security measures were put back in place. >> building the wall, remain in mexico policy, the 42 policy as well as ending catch and release. all of those things, biden admitted and we have chaos. that is called texas to step up and took unprecedented actions. >> in on friday the pentagon denied a request by d.c. muriel bowser to use the national guard to help with the influx of migrants to that city, back to you guys. >> todd: marianne rafferty, steve miller said the biden administration will go down in history for humanitarian crisis they will receive at the border. >> we are in the midst of the greatest national security price and humanitarian crisis we have ever seen. there is a border that is
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completely controlled by foreign criminal cartels and any weapons, drugs they want, any gang members they want, they bring in but the biden administration's decision to terminate the hugely successful border patrol is a crisis against humanity. not only a record number of seats in the house and senate over the border crisis but internal shame of history for what they have done has no precedent. it is an abomination. >> todd: and before the buses arrived in new york city, we saw a midnight migrant flights arrive in the westchester suburbs. rob astorino was the one who sounded the alarm over the secret plates and we will talk to him and next, ashley. >> ashley: the new york city bodega worker who defendant himself behind an attack is
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reportedly fearing for his life and looking to leave the violent city now that murder charges against him are finally dropped. and though bodega association assisting jose elbow joints me now and thank you for being with us this morning. you actually had a meeting with d.a. alvin bragg. into it kind of went sour because of the question you asked. you asked point blank what he doesn't want to prosecute criminals but what was his response to you? >> to charge the criminals. they didn't give an answer. that they would do it. and we don't, we will have a wave of crimes every day because there is no way to punish the criminals and they are going to get away with it so that is going to be -- that is already
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something out of control. we have so much violence that is very hard for all people to control this situation. if we don't have any help from the d.a. >> ashley: when it comes to his story, jose alba, he is considering leaving new york city because he scared for his life. is that because he is scared for his life that you will go back to work and be attacked again or that the city will not back him up or maybe both? >> yes, whatever the better situation to go back to work. we will not allow him to go back into the situation. he has a ready put his life in danger. >> ashley: when it comes to these bail reform laws and the criminal basically released and
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putting more crime back on the street so essentially, mayor eric adams has said and asked people like kathy hochul to do something about these bail reform laws. she said she will not do anything until january, she will not even touch it. it is eric adams merely asking them to do something about the crime in the streets and not more being done from the mayor standpoint? >> well, as far as i believe the mayor, he has shown from kathy hochul and the leaders, if we don't take the bail reform, the crime will keep rising every day. we need to face this spirit the
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wave of crime because of the bail reform. it is like the jails with the criminals and bringing in the hardworking people. every day you see criminals and when joe biden gets in trouble, it is very difficult to get out. >> ashley: right. and anyone who is familiar with rikers, that is where the worst of the worst criminals go and he was there a week for merely defending himself. obviously, they drop those charges, but is that enough? obviously, he will have flashbacks to the incident, probably things that went on in rikers as well. as the city doing anything to help him recuperate whether it be financially or anything to that matter? or do they kind of wash their hands and the charges are dropped so that is good for you.
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>> exactly, drop the charges they think is enough. they haven't done anything for him. they didn't take care of medical. he didn't even get medical assistance. so when he came from there, he would did this without medical assistance. >> ashley: importantly if we don't get a handle on these bail reform laws, an ever revolving doors of criminals on the street. this will be something we have to talk about again. thank you for being with us this morning. we appreciate your time here and thank you very much for having me. >> ashley: have a good day. >> todd: nypd trying to track down smash and grab thieves with two million-dollar grab of
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jewelry in a matter of 30 seconds. the surveillance video showing a man in a white t-shirt busted open the display cases with a hammer filling up several bags of valuables and thin runoff. florida woke prosecutor fighting back after suspended by governor ron desantis. >> desantis and his abuse of power must be stopped. let me be clear, i'm not going down without a fight. >> todd: we have the latest on the legal fight that is heating up in the sunshine state. >> ashley: and to move justice amy coney barrett from her alma mater state. deserves the honor and wants her to stay. we will talk to her next. ♪ ♪
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>> ashley: alec baldwin getting cold out for a message of support after crashed her car into a house. >> i just wanted to send out my best wishes and all my love to end. not a lot of people were brave the way she is brave. i love you, and i think you are
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such a talented person. i think everything is okay. speed two hours before the fiery crash, she was doing a podcast and chasing -- >> we should be drinking vodka instead of wine. >> and some chasers. >> ashley: so they have not determined if anne hache intoxicated at the time of the crash but she is in the hospital and reportedly stable peer and online campaign has raised more than $50,000 for the homeowner who lost most of her possessions in the fire sparked by the crash. and the law catching up with a group of thieves in a stolen key appeared that camera traffic said crashing into a center divider in st. paul, minnesota. they tried to make a run for it before being rounded up by the police. the suspects may have been inspired by tiktok trend. authorities linking that to
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tiktok called the po boys known for stealing pos and releasing a statement saying they are concerned with the rise in local auto theft. the safety and well-being's of the customers and community will remain the top priority. a prosecutor backed by billionaire george soros i went to make a vigorous legal defense after being suspended by governor ron desantis. >> desantis and his abuse of power must be stopped. let me be clear, i'm not going down without a fight. >> ashley: andrew warren did not provide specifics how he would fight his suspension last week, governor desantis sidelined him for promising not to enforce florida laws. >> andrew warrant has put himself publicly above the law. he signed a letter saying he would not enforce any laws relating to protecting the right to life.
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we are not going to let that get a foothold in the state of florida. speed to a group of sheriff's backing over his decision to drop charges against 67 people arrested during the riots that broke out in 2020 after george floyd's death. >> todd: the question becomes, on what grounds should warrant say i should hold on to my job? a lot of people said he was duly elected and you can't just kick him out! he was duly elected but keep in mind he was duly elected to enforce the laws of florida. if he refuses to enforce the laws of florida, then he should no longer have a position. that is strictly what desantis is pointing out here. >> ashley: right. when it goes back to the sheriff backing this because of the 67 people basically released without anything after the riots in 2020, it is concerning because i can see desantis point. florida is very republican, it
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seems like, from the standpoint of police and the abortion laws. now, i m.o. for local, local authorities voting to who they want but this is getting ridiculous. >> todd: let's keep in mind the level of discretion prosecutors are supposed to have this person x crime and i can arrange one, two, or three and eileen left i charge them three. maybe if i lean right, i charge them one. but the decision is to not charge them. you can't make that decision. you don't have that kind of discretion. you are bound by the constitution of your day to charge the individual, yet, ashley, throughout the country whether philadelphia, los angeles, san francisco, new york where we live, it is something we see across the board appeared as to stop. it is not right. it is not legal. it can't happen in a normal society. >> ashley: the question is
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when will it stop and how it's going to stop and we can talk about this all day long, but it keeps happening. >> todd: desantis is the first want to step in and say, -- i can see the other ones follow suit. speaking of law, demanding removal of supreme court justice amy coney barrett from the school's hall of fame after her decision on -- in a petition, justice amy coney barrett is one of the current threats to our fundamental rights. this ability of our nation and democracy. we find her actions to be clear. most destructive to date violation of the honor code we hold dear. 2020 graduate of rhodes college richardson, george richardson, what was your reaction when you first heard this? >> i'm going to admit i was deeply saddened by my fellow alumni. this vocal minority who are genuinely brainwashed in their ideologies. >> todd: do you think the
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college will cave on this? >> i absolutely do. i expect rhodes college to succumb to the radicalized individuals. i think they will ignore the outstanding honor of outstanding supreme court justice as alumni. >> todd: this is not alumni but presbyterian school in the south. >> rhodes college in my time extremely radicalized towards the left. it is no longer a place of free thought and genuine academic discussion of ideas. it is more indoctrination. it is epidemic to the entire education of the united states of america. >> they are calling this a violation of the honor code, this being her decision and actually doing her job as supreme court justice. how is upholding the constitution if you read what she's written about is what she openly did and based her
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decision. how is upholding the constitution of violation of the honor code? >> you are just as bewildered as me on that. i don't see the honor code and that but i see her upholding the values of the institution or at least what they claim they uphold. >> todd: this is a hall of fame, let's keep that in mind. to your point earlier, she is 1 of 9 supreme court justices in our great country. that is a pretty high honor. even the best of the best of the best lawyers get an opportunity to do that. jordan, what do the rhodes college alumni for reproductive rights with their professional careers is more impressive than that? >> again, i don't know. honestly, i doubt that they will ever know to amy coney barrett in this regard. i mean, she is one of the greatest alumni we have ever had to. , are only really major alumni, in my opinion, and other
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supreme court justice. >> todd: this is of course wikipedia is correct, and not to insult your school commit is a large school with alumni after alumni after alumni. so you think maybe amy coney barrett being on the courts would want a spot, no? >> i absolutely agree. especially as rhodes college would fight so hard to bring in jos to stephen breyer or antonius antonio and scully appear they are obsessed with the supreme court and they have alumni on it and they want to throw her away. >> todd: that makes no sense, thank you for your insight jordan richardson from someone who graduated from that school and should be proud of your alum. some people at your school or not. $739 billion, that is the price tech for the spending agenda that passed the senate. hot inflation like the lips as
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it will. >> ashley: we will dig into that. cory mills all here and live with a jam-packed hour so keep it here on "fox & friends first" " blendjet's back to school sale is on now! grab these a+ deals on blendjet 2. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and kick off the new year right! ...
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if you have diabetes, then getting on the dexcom g6 is the single most important thing you can do. it eliminates painful fingersticks, helps lower a1c, and it's covered by medicare. before dexcom g6, i was frustrated. all of that finger-pricking and all of that pain, my a1c was still stuck. my diabetes was out of control. i was tired. (female announcer) dexcom g6 sends your glucose numbers to your phone or receiver without painful fingersticks. the arrow shows the direction your glucose is heading: up, down, or steady, so you can make better decisions about food and activity in the moment. after using dexcom g6, my a1c has never been lower. i lead line dancing three times a week, i exercise,
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and i'm just living a great life now. it's so easy to use. dexcom g6 has given me confidence and control that everything i need is right there on my phone. (female announcer) dexcom g6 is the #1 recommended cgm system by doctors and patients. call now to get started. (bright music) >> 50, the senate being equally
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divided, the vice president votes in affirmative and the bill as amended is passed. [cheering] >> republicans say voters will get their revenge in november after democrats push through $739 billion spending bill. they're selling it as inflation reduction act. it is packed with increased taxes for americans. you're watching "fox and friends first" on monday morning, i'm ashley strohmier, in for carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. the white house is responding with more spending as new abc poll finds 59% of americans think the economy is heading in the wrong direction. democratss and the media still celebrating this. >> he is


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