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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 11, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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i've been for about five hours. who knows, it could be 8:00 by the time you see this. pray for me and hope that i get off this plane and may be able>> see you tomorrow. >> laura: by the way, we foundou out he landed in new orleans. maybe he should call it pete buttigieg in that whole transportation situation figured out. thank you for watching. ♪ ♪ speed to hunter biden alongside his father president biden as they prepare on a lavish vacation just days after biden justice department ransacked the home of the former president. you were watching "fox & friends first" on thursday morning i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i am todd piro. under investigation for tax money laundering and lobbying. and more evidence the current president was involved in hunter's foreign business.
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speak with a double standard, triple standard is apparent. this has never happened before to a former president. >> they are scared to death president donald trump will come back in 2024 and win reelection. >> this is joe biden fbi, joe biden fbi and weaponized at every turn. >> the breaking story all week long has all the developments, brooke. >> carley, todd, good morning the biden vacation comes two days after the fbi raided the president trump's mar-a-lago. importing out what they call a double standard giving that hunter biden himself is the subject of a federal investigation into his finances and foreign business dealings. >> you have a justice that will protect people like hunter biden. and democrats, to the elite. you really have the weaponization of law enforcement
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agencies against democrats, the left opponents. that is what we are seeing outrage was conducted by speak with the team expected to seek a court order to force theo turn over a physical property of the search warrant with the list of what was taken from the mar-a-lago property. trump's attorney watch it all go down from afar. and forbidden from being in the same room as the fbi agents. >> there were about 30 to 40 fbi agents and five of which were wearing suits and the rest in cargo pants, masks, glove and unfettered access to the property. they refused to talk to me. >> in the meantime the conservative group judicial watch has also filed a request to unseal the warrant. in rubber-stamped the raid and
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ordered the doj to respond by monday. and also shedding light on disturbing information into the background including his ties to associate jeffrey epstein and repeated donations to trump adversaries. and republican members of the house oversight committee demanding answers about the role of the national archives played in the search thankful the fbi behavior towards president trump deserves an explanation. the weaponization of the federal government against president biden's political rifle cannot go unchecked. the lawmakers demanding a briefing on the fbi raid by wednesday, carley, todd. >> carley: thank you. let's bring in robert charles an officer and former assistant secretary of state for georgia though might george w. bush. robert, good morning to you. you served on three presidential administrations but before we get into specifics i want to get your overall thoughts and why you thought it took place? >> one of the past elements,
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also i was on the court of appeals and this looks presumptively like a fourth amendment violation right out of a textbook. this was an utterly unnecessary raid. there was a subpoena served apparently about 12 weeks ago. the former president fully complied with that subpoena and invited anybody back to see further documents. that would be the normal course. this would be utterly unnecessary. my gut, honestly, carley this is a stain that will not long be forgotten. it is to put 30 agents and for nine hours and having them go through a former first ladies closet is just wrong. and if it can happen to a former president, particularly where a magistrate, federal magistrate was involved in signing that warrant and actually recused himself seven weeks ago from a case in which the former president had sued for some clarity on the russian probe.
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if you are going to recuse yourself from that probe, usually should not be signing a warrant to rating former presidents home. the biggest part here, that red lights should have been going off all over the fbi, department of justice and this mixes politics with the justice department. and all over the world, we had programs in 50 countries telling people that you cannot mix politics with the administration of justice or you have politically corrupt system. and the bottom line here is that appears to be what is happening here. we are making a mockery of the idea that political corruption is forbidden. >> todd: or conservatives justified that they may be worried that they are next? >> i think everybody is justified. when the fbi for whom i have had enormous respect back in the days of the fbi program we
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watched growing up, the bottom line is this is an fbi that appears to be taking political orders. where was the attorney general? and think about this for a minute. we are talking about the first time in the public history with former presidents home and turning it upside down for nine hours. arrogantly telling people certain things that are now on record. we are doing all of this even though he was fully compliant with the subpoena. and there are no evidentiary circumstances. i think it is disturbing and not only conservative if i were anybody, what it says is the fourth amendment that will be secure in your home in your papers and that there will be no unreasonable search and seizure of your home. that has been violated. >> carley: a judge, the judge that you mention to approve the raid has ordered the doj to
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respond by monday a request to unseal the warrant. do you think we get answers by monday as to why this took place? >> i think we have the answer. the answer it was driven by politics and not by rule of law. i will tell you that's a little bit like saying he was ordered to close the corral gate after all the horses are gone. the reason this is so unusual, i've heard the word "unprecedented" and i think it is unprecedented. we do not not for a former prison or anyone, we do not take the route of most dramatic, most photo oriented sort of invasion of a private home when we can simply ask the document be produced. in this case they were produced when requested. i hear them say things like this was absolutely necessary. we will see from that warrant whether there was anything in there. it was so criminal that they
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compelled this. there are three legal authorities and people what to think about them beyond the constitution. one is title 36, 1261 i think that says, "the president has the right to declassify all documents. the irony is if you have classified documents you can do you classify them anyway. that was enforced by obama in 2009. the business in 181871 is this idea if you mishandle documents you cannot be eligible to run fr office. the supreme court has also said that is not true. article two transit's the for running for office here or there is nothing a statute can do to change that. i'm deeply disturbed, honestly, carley and todd, this is not something that should happen in america. may be a foreign land with a judicial process but not here. >> todd: there is this justification what happened to trump and what has not happened to hunter biden, miranda devine
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writing in "the new york post," "hunter made his way up the stairs of the presidential jet alongside joe before stopping at the top to turn and face the waiting cameras. a father and son giving the world a lingering view of their brazen smiles before they jetted off for a seven day vacation. we are untouchable, the unspoken message. they may as well have given the middle finger to half of the country." your reaction, robert. >> the real problem, todd, and you think about this for a minute, public trust. our whole system of government really depends on honor. whether you stop at a red light or ask the president of the united states not to be above the law. when we see something like that happening and we know on the record that hunter biden's grand jury was done a month ago, so if there was going to be in a dime, there should be one.
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we know and we have seen the public data. so, it looks very bad. i have to say, it makes people question whether they can trust the justice department, which apparently is it important to protect supreme court justices under statute. the problem is we are worried about the future of the public because we have questions like this one about whether the public can trust the impartiality of the president and the department of justice in the administration of justice. if we don't have rule of law, we have lost everything. >> todd: that is scary. thank you so much. former president donald trump right in the new york civil investigation into his business. trump was scheduled to sit down with letitia james office yesterday. he denounced the investigation saying "letitia james has tried to do the last three years is a disgrace to the legal system and
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a front to the taxpayers and solemn right to protections thwarted by the united states constitution." across the country, they have lost moral and ethical balance of decency leaving him no chose to invoke his right to remain silent under questions. >> carley: got here is speaking out for the first time since his cell phone was seized by the fbi one day after the raid on trump's home. here he went on vacation with his family at the time and said he thinks the incident felt politically motivated. >> if i'm not a target, why don't they come follow me when i'm traveling with my family? they don't contact my attorney. they want the spectacle. they want the show and they want the intimidation. >> here he said the fbi told the legal team he is not a target of the investigation but he has been subpoenaed in connection with january 6th investigation. it comes as the fbi reportedly subpoenaed multiple times
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republicans in connection with 2020 election investigation. >> 11 minutes after the hour, illegal immigrants arriving in the big apple as the mayor to spar with texas governor greg abbott. >> carley: ashley strohmier is here to tell us more, good morning. >> good morning, very outspoken towards greg abbott and the last week in response to abbott with a few busloads of illegal immigrants to his city. abbott started sending busloads into washington in april and the last six days to new york city. he moved to effort to highlight the overall struggles of the open border policies and their effect on the states. before the arrival of three more busloads in new york city, eric adams threatened to intervene in the rights. >> i am deeply, my contemplating to take new yorkers to go to texas and do some good, old-fashioned doorknocking because we have two for the good
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of america, we have to get him out of the office. >> abbott responding from the quote from clint eastwood movie, "dirty harry." >> go ahead and make my day. this is rank hypocrisy by the new york governor by the new york mayor. >> carley: mayor adams had alleged migrants are being forced on the buses but adam said they are giving voluntary consent forms pair the last five weeks under operational and star, state troopers every turn more than 3800 migrants to the border. this comes as the biden administration and trump era in mexico policy. back to you guys. >> todd: ashley strohmier, thanks. let's bring an texas rancher lynn allen who joins us now. you heard mayor adams in new york city say he is disgusted with greg abbott and he is going to send new yorkers down to texas to knock on doors, to let you texans know you should vote for
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beto o'rourke. are you excited to have a bunch of new yorkers knocking on your doors question? >> oh, my gosh, beto o'rourke is a joke just like joe biden. you can tell when they need to be removed. i can tell you right now, thank god for greg abbott and the wonderful border patrol workers. i hope that greg abbott adds another fortysomething buses in new york. and it keeps them going to delaware and puts them right at biden's front door. right now this country is in a crisis. it is in a recession. we have food shortage in the food bank and guess who is going to be paying for these migrants? the working family, the american workers are going to be paying for these migrants instead of paying for their own children. we are going to have to pay for them. and it is not fair. all they are doing is trying to
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divide folks here. i'm telling you, this country is in bad shape right now. >> carley: the policy catch and release in the migrants caught at the southern border. abbott is releasing them in new york where they want to go. so governor abbott is following federal rules. how has this migration policy affected your ranch? >> the thing about it is these migrants coming across the ranches and stuff, they are tearing up fences and letting livestock out. number one, you might say they are littering your pasture, cattle, with water bottles everywhere. you have clothes, food and the thing about it, it will eventually kill them later down the line. it gives them a short life. the thing is, these illegal immigrants, they need to be turned right back around. they don't need to be in the
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united states. i'm not prejudiced and not against it. you know what, come into this country legal like you are supposed to and get a job. i have worked overseas and everywhere i have went that i was working, i had to have a passport. they checked my passport because if i didn't have it come i got thrown in jail. that is not the case in the united states of america. anybody can come in here and all the single young adult males, what are they? are they criminals? are they terrorists? what is the health issue on these people to come in here? what is this effect on our schools? look at the teachers that will be overwhelmed. are the housing going to be overwhelmed? it is just like this biden administration rate year, it seems to me and everybody that i talked to, it seems to me that all they want to do is do one thing and that is tear the united states of america down. cut the heart out of the working
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person and just give up and try to rely on the government which the government has no money. and it is. >> todd: it begs the question that new york city a sanctuary city, shouldn't it welcome these individuals end. but it turns out new york is worried about a lot of the same things lynn allen is worried about, drain on the system. and mayor eric adams says it in a different way. lynn allen, always a pleasure to have found the program, my friend, thank you very much. >> you all have a good day and god bless america. >> todd: likewise, a massive explosion right in the middle of a neighborhood and horrifying moments caught on camera. now investigators trying to figure out what happened. >> carley: a suspect accused of murdering a police officer in cold blood has a lengthy rap sheet detailing the history of violent crimes. he was allowed to walk the
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streets of dorchester: district. former los angeles deputy d.a. is here next.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: shucking video capturing the moment a home in southern indiana it explodes killing at least three people. officials say the blast with
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another home in half and damaged at least 39 others. 11 of those homes are now unlivable. authorities are continuing to search through the rubble. in the cause of that explosion is still under investigation. fox news alert, an officer shot in the face and two whether victims injured by a gunman who barricaded himself inside his los angeles county home. officers responded to a fight between two brothers. cops say one brother open fire entering the other and hitting the officer. a woman not related to the suspect was hit by shrapnel. the gunman was taken into custody after seven hour standoff with the s.w.a.t. team. all victims in stable condition, todd. >> todd: we have an exclusive update about the murder of an off-duty police officer who was gunned down in a parking lot during broad daylight carjacking attempt. the suspects lengthy rap sheet details a history of crime and
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according to george gascon's policies and had this to say about the shooting. >> senseless violence and once again to pledge to serve and protect others. >> todd: again, the gun's fault according to george gascon. the former los angeles deputy d.a. and victims right advocate joins me now. kathy, let's go over the rap sheet. including attempted murder charge that he was not convicted for. he completed guilty to burglary charges and sentenced to six months in county jail. and four years of felony probation. in january a second carjacking but was not charged. why is a guy like that out on the street in the first place? >> well, of course he shouldn't be out but in custody. it would appear the reason he's out is directly related to
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george gascon's policy. the law allows for bail to be set when somebody has a bad record like this person did. certainly with regards to domestic violence case as i understand it, there had been allegations that could have been filed which was an allegation. and had been filed then prosecutors based on gascon's policies would have been allowed for bail. but the policy works together. first of all, allegations to be filed and then he won't allow for prosecutors to ask for bail. then, whenever something is probation eligible, the policy is that prosecutors always have to agree to probation. so once again, gascon's policies have resulted in another officer's life having been murdered.
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of course his family being devastated. this is the third law enforcement officer that we know of that has been killed for the person who murdered them without custody directly related to gascon's policy where they should have been in custody except for his policy. so he is eroding the public's confidence in the justice system and also endangering the community tremendously. >> todd: in a reasonable person can look at that rap sheet and say, this individual is not somebody that can be rehabilitated appear this is somebody that needs to be incarcerated and put away from the general population. why doesn't gascon see that? >> you know, he is either misinformed or ignorant or both. i don't know. but i agree with you. in a reasonable person looking at these facts in this particular person's rap sheet would have recognized the danger
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there. but the problem is the policy ps he has put in place has made it impossible for the prosecutors during this difficult work to do what they would do otherwise because his policies require that they act a certain way that they know are not appropriate to protect public safety. time and time again, people who have done this work and have the expertise and knowledge have told him that his policies are dangerous and will result in people being killed. but he refuses to listen. why is that? i have no idea. >> todd: as a victims rights advocate, you see the impact on the victims trying to get justice and honor their loved one who is no longer with them. it is a won't come another one into an already difficult situation, kathy cady, thank you so much. >> carley: thank you for having me. >> todd: more funding for the police patrols in hollywood and
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the council approved $216,000 to recruit more officers to the l.a.p.d. office and chucking 70% rise in homicide predicted this time last year. robbery is up 20%, theft 25% in that same time. period. inflation holding the highest level in four decades. president biden though apparently thinks that is were celebrating. >> our economy had 0% inflation in the month of july. 0%. >> todd: incorrect! we are unpacking the facts. >> carley: president biden all smiles as they leave washington, d.c., for a family vacation. days after the fbi raided former president trump's home. we will talk to the repairman who turned the laptop into the fbi and he thinks there is a double standard at the justice department.
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my friends, i come to you today on behalf of the jewish people in ukraine
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>> carley: the computer repairman who handed over hunter biden's laptop to the fbi is speaking out what he calls the unprecedented rate at former president trump's mar-a-lago home. that repairman joins me now. john paul macisaac, it is great to see you again. what are your thoughts on this raid that took place former presidents home and hunter biden as he heads off to summer vacation? >> good morning. thank you for having me on the show. i think it is a blatant double standard. my family and i have witnessed the bias and the fbi going back as far as october 2019 when they refused to touch the hunter biden laptop with a 10-foot pole until finally december they took it. even then, they seem to be reluctant. and then we saw them ignore the laptop during the impeachment
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trial. so they never -- the fbi never provided that information to the white house. so, how i was handled, you know, a whistle-blower on the left. it is eminem and 80 and have the person remain in tact. i blew a whistle and had to flee the state with death threats so definitely some double standards. >> carley: the fbi whistle-blower told trump gradually after handed the laptop over to the fbi, there were fbi agents called it russian disinformation possibly an attempt to cover for joe biden ahead of the presidential election. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, i'm excited that we are finally getting clarity who started this whole russian disinformation bit. i guess brian otten in august decided to label my actions russian disinformation. i'm curious to see if he did that before or after the 24th of august.
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because it was the 24th of august i reached out to rudy giuliani's office. if they started labeling that disinformation after i got in contact with rudy giuliani, that means the fbi was finding a lawyer for the president of the united states. if they were labeling it russian disinformation before that, they were only spying on me. >> carley: we know as vice president joe biden did meet with many of hunter biden's foreign business associates. he met with two chinese energy executives at the white house. do you think his involvement in his son's business has any impact on the decisions he is making now? that is the big concern. >> i'm not surprised that the chinese government had a copy of hunter biden's laptop. he was very careless with his electronic devices. whether they are using that as leverage over the biden administration, it is hard to tell.
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it seems between afghanistan and how we have handled taiwan, it just seems like we are going soft on china and begs the question, is it because they know something we don't and holding something over the bidens? it is hard to tell. >> carley: you said you so a lot of drugs on that laptop but you don't care that any of that but what you were concerned about everything that has to do with hunter biden's business. and what was the one thing the the one thing you so that what you were looking at was not aboveboard. bring us back to that moment. >> well, i think when i saw how hunter and devon approach the conflict of ukraine in 2014, they saw it as a moneymaking opportunity. they saw a lot of money poured into ukraine. a lot of lack of oversight to that money. and then they saw a lot of rich
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aligarh pluralist to embezzle the money and use the state and the power of the united states to protect that for rich oligarn exchange for a kickback and it begs the question, we are witnessing the same thing happened today in ukraine. it is the same players. so, i'm obviously upset for the ukrainian people because they have had to endure communist rule and now 30 years of oligarchs rule. it is a shame we are seeing history repeat. >> carley: getting back to the raid and you said if the fbi had been doing their job right, they would have arrested him based on what was found on the laptop. what do you mean by that? >> well, last i checked doing drugs is bad and sex trafficking over multiple state lines is bad. there has been a plethora of criminal activity that has come
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off of that laptop here the fbi has been in possession of that laptop since december 9, 2019. the son of the president of the united states continues to weigh from the balcony of the white house. he continues to fly on air force one. he is beyond reproach. nancy pelosi said that not everybody is above the law. apparently, there are people above the law. and i think if your last name is biden or polo see you get afforded that opportunity. >> carley: what strikes me is that this is politically motivated and we don't know if that is true because the fbi has not come out and said exactly what is going on here but the fact that if this does not come as a surprise to people, it is concerning. >> i thought it was going to happen a lot sooner. i thought there would be this typical socialist movement when the party takes over. they go after their political enemies to snuff them out.
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that is why i like delaware because i was getting death threats. i was getting threats to my person and my property and i had to get out of town. i was surprised it took them this long to try to take out one of their political adversaries, the botanic republic. >> carley: before i let you go you have filed a defamation lawsuit. give us an update where that stands. >> well, right now, i'm completely grateful to the american project, for giving me the opportunity to throw my hat into the legal battle. again, i never thought i had an opportunity to defend my actions in a court of law. the lawsuit is growing. i think my focus is to work with members of congress and work with grassley's office. let's hold the fbi accountable. holding these people accountable in a court of law is what i have
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to do, then i will do that. and we are broadening our net right now. then, obviously, it is up to congress in november to win in january despite holding these people accountable. >> carley: your life is turned upside down and you are moving forward, john paul macisaac thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> todd: president biden... the last man in the country to hit zero inflation for the month of july but consumers are feeling the squeeze from paying sky high prices compared to last year. >> carley: kevin corke has the leaves from washington, kevin. >> good morning, guys, the president doesn't understand simple math or he is gaslighting the american people. here is what joe biden had to say after the july cpi report dropped yesterday. >> the price goes up last month and the price went down for the same amount. the result zero inflation last
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month. >> biden claim coming hours after the july cpi showed annual inflation dipped slightly. 8.5% and frankly that outraged republicans and other critics who probably pointed out, it is still near a four decade high. ted cruz, gas is at 44% from last year, electricity 15.2% from last year, food is the most expensive since 1979, but democrats are living in a fairy tale while americans are living in a nightmare. >> i want to begin by saying this, inflation last month with 0.00%. that was the inflation from june to july. we have come a long way to disrupt supply chains in the ukraine/russia war. adapting as quickly as possible and i was happy to see the average price of gasoline was
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under $4, $3.99. >> okay, so inflation, missed it by that much. but it comes with concerns over a new army of 87,000 irs agents who were poised to hammer middle-class americans with more taxpayer bills. janet yellen is directing the irs to focus new enforcement resources on "high end noncompliance." the house democrats cancel plans on a number of public safety bill votes following continued differences between progressives and the party and moderates over funding for police accountability and police funding in general. house speaker nancy pelosi announcing democrats will instead focus on the inflation reduction act with more time for the party to reach agreement on law enforcement legislation. in the meantime the focus of the critics on the hill will be more or less the same. more for their pet projects and less for their protection, guys.
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>> a lot more. senator marco rubio's response. >> i don't understand how there can be people growing up in this country benefiting from this country with self loathing for the uniqueness of this country. i hear that language, sustainable growth but you know what that is what they are basically saying? we will manage american decline. the biggest division in american it is that we have people in charge of government that do not care about working americans and are completely out of touch with common sense wisdom and the working class value. millions and millions of americans, who by the way, these people empower work for. speak to a florida sheriff vowing to keep kids safe and he will join us next to tell us ho.
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♪ ♪ >> todd: on florida sheriff pledging to do whatever it takes to keep school students safe and giving all local schools assault rifles and tactical gears to address threats with necessary force. county sheriff wayne joins me now. what message does this send to the bad guys?
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>> simply it sends to the bad guys that you don't want to mess with our schools, children or teachers. we are prepared and trained and well armed. we will stand guard to keep people away. if you go back and look, every battle was lost. our goal is to never fight by being well prepared to. >> todd: to this point, isn't it about stopping a deranged person before they get to the kids? i feel like a lot of places focus on limiting the damage. in a child injured or god forbid, killed, is way too much damage. >> that is exactly right. the loss of one life of a student or teacher is beyond what any of us can handle. our job is to make sure our kids, anybody thinking about coming on the campus knows that they will be shot immediately. we will not have to run to our
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cars. we are prepared. that is what this is all about. a tactical advantage to be prepared the moment that it starts. >> todd: what has been the reaction from parents? >> it has been overwhelmingly p. we go back to the social media content, and moms are so appreciative of the fact that we are there to protect their children. teachers, even parents that responded to us and said thank you for protecting our schools. the men and woman and that deputies on these campuses every day, they have so many different things that they are responsible for. stop being an active shooter is a small part of what they do. but it is the vital part of what they do to protect these children. my goal was to make sure that the school resource deputies every school necessary to do their job. you know, i had somebody tell me, we will look like the
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air force. when is the last time you read about israeli air force being shot up? you haven't. it is because they are well prepared to, well-trained, and ready for battle. >> todd: besides that is really airport comment, do you get any other pushback? >> not really. just overwhelming positiveness. look, everybody is watching with a sickness in their stomach of what happened. not just their agency but local police departments are some of the most courageous men and women i have ever met my life out there doing their job and getting these kids with relationships with these kids. the overwhelming response has been, it is sad we are at a point in society we have to do this to keep people away, but everybody is glad we are being proactive. >> todd: it is sad other schools, other sheriffs, other
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schools don't share the same notion whatever means necessary to protect our kids. seems logical, wayne iv, you are doing it thank you, sir, keep u. >> thank you for having me. >> todd: north dakota boy voted to stop saying the pledge of allegiance because of the word "god." >> referring to the judeo god. and therefore, it does not include any other face such as buddhism, islam, hinduism and the exclusion of these faiths or lack thereof within the pledge automatically makes the pledge of allegiance a noninclusionary act. speak to the vote only applies to board meetings. and whether set up at public schools. one of the two board members voted against the motion labeled it a distraction from the workforce students. and tonight, the chicago cubs and cincinnati reds square off on one of the most unique
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diamonds, the field of dreams game to divers filled iowa for the second year in a row. and the iconic kevin costner will be walking in through the horn yields in right field, coverage kicks off 6:00 p.m. eastern time on 7:15 p.m. on fox. are you looking forward to it? >> todd: ironically, how you when i walk through every morning through cornstalks. >> carley: there is one in manhattan. all rights, the battle between texas governor greg abbott and new york city mayor eric adams as more migrant buses arrive in the big apple. >> go ahead, and they are "make my day." there can hardly be anything better, this is ranked hypocrisy by the new york governor, new york mayor. >> todd: the movie line, we have a line up on deck. keep it here on "fox & friends first." ♪ ♪
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