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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  August 20, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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cross country at until then you can find us on social media lawrence b. jones 3 instagram, twitter, facebook talk to my team, lj cross krnghts set your dvr so you never miss an episode. good night, america. [♪♪♪] brian: it's saturday night, welcome to "one nation." i'm brian kilmeade. we have senator tom cotton. he will break down what happened in afghanistan and could be happening in ukraine. mike rowe breaking down the blue collar work ethic and the so-called quiet quitting. first, it's the trump show 24/7.
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he's dominating the headlines since the fbi raided mar-a-lago last week. it's all trump all the time. he's our 45th president that's the story. it may be good news for the network ratings. it's not good news for the american people. there are things you should be hear being and caring about. our economy is being strangled until respects, inflation is still raging. gas prices are too high. there is the inflation reduction act. what's in it. >> democrats call this the inflation reduction act and plenty of experts say it won't reduce inflation. >> i was part of the naming
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squad. brian: abroad there is iran. president biden is about to saddle us with a new deal with this rogue regime. >> we are concerned. any attacks on people in the united states. we have a close eye on that. afghanistan, it's been a year since the president's deadly withdrawal. there is no question things are worse off now than they were when we were there. $7 billion in weaponry left behind. >> celebrations in the street as taliban fighters held victory parades. >> not good for us. back here at home where americans should feel safe and
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protected. it's a flat-out crisis. they are ignored. the number of migrant encountered exceeding a million this year. 800,000 got-aways. all booed records, pure negligence. >> this is the first time we had ever seen it. the texas national guard closed and locked his gate. but the border patrol showed up, and supervisor came with a key and opened the gait to let the migrants in. brian: state said get out. but they have to listen to this administration. there is not enough room on the screen to highlight all the things we should be talking about. if the left goes to get rid of them once tan and for all, i
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hate to break it to them. he might have done the exact opposite. >> he's the luckiest man in the world. his fortune was falling. desantis, i have this in the bag, now i have to run against president martyr. this is saving trump politically because all the republicans, what do they do? brian: now he's back. merrick garland is taking on the president and is way over his head. my message. follow trump if you want, go ahead, but don't forget to focus on things that matter data us. author of "the price of principle." allen dershowitz. are you shocked how he's still the number one story on the
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other networks? >> the hard left will do anything to get trump. they will trash the constitution, they will trash civil liberties. they will contradict things they said for 100 years. the espionage act of 1917, the left hates it except when it's against trump. the hard left put trump in the news, but the big victim is the constitution of the united states. brian: we are about to walk in and sign on without senate approval to a terrible iran deal. even worse than the won from the bawm -- worse than the one from the obama administration. >> i'm going to try to head up the legal team to challenge whether the iran deal is a treaty. it is a treaty.
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why doesn't it require the consents of 2/3 of the senate? there will be a legal challenge to that executive agreement which isn't an agreement. terrible deal that essentially guarantees that some day soon there will be a nuclear armed iraq. brian: professor, the president said there will not be a nuclear armed iran in israel. does that matter. >> it doesn't matter what he says, it matters what happens. people in the administration are saying we have to get ready to control them but not prevents them. israel should not accept that because it poses an existential threat to their existence. brian: they are not going to accept it. the bottom line is if they he lou them back into the world economy they will use that money
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for both assad and syria. >> that's why we are going to bring a lawsuit against it. we'll have a court declare this is a treaty, and unless 2/3 of the senate ratifies it it does not have any effect at all. the framers of the constitution did not want us to make deals with foreign countries. >> these teachers unions have so much power and it has led us to this. look at a portion of this statement in minneapolis. what guess what is bad. is it time to cut back teachers in the budget? it will be white people. a teacher who is a member of a population underrepresented. the most senior teacher who is not a member of the
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underrepresented is in trouble. is that constitutional? >> the supreme court will strike down harvard's race-based applications. when you have state action saying people will be fired on the basis of their race, clearly unconstitutional. i don't know what they are thinking. brian: what do you hope they take away from it. >> we have to get back to a time when principles matter and people are judged by the quality of their character, not by the color of their skin, and not by who they represent. i have been judged harshly because of who i represented. it's left-wing mccarthyism. that's the only term that can be used to describe it. brian: thanks so much.
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a quick note. don't forget to dvr. put on series so you don't have to remember to tape the show if you go out. it's been one year since president biden's disastrous withdrawal from afghanistan. no one is paying attention, no one has been fired. snore tom cotton joins us live. elvis is capturing a new generation of fans thanks to that movie that's out. the king of rock 'n roll will be front and center through memphis even today.
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>> they can't afford food or medical care. you go to rural parts of afghanistan. the beating of women and the oppression is even worse. for the civilians who were left behind, those who helped americans, many of them are living underground terrified about what will happen to them and their families if they are found out. brian: one year since the
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botched pullout from afghanistan. as the blame game swirls in washington, some officials are coming out with regrets. >> we leave, they take over. we picked a time, we set the time, we got out because that was the principle thing we wanted to do. brian: who has been held accountable? nobody. joining us is an army combat veteran, tom cotton. biden's people want to bury this. is it possible to bury this catastrophic exit. >> there are effects resonating around the world today. china's propaganda network referred to it as the afghan
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effect. and vladimir putin took biden's measure and started going up to ukraine's border. xi jinping took biden's measure. it under highs the chaos you see around the world. it wasn't just a tragedy for the troopers that we lost and their families and those americans we left behind, it was a strategic blunder of the first order. unfortunately it will be with us for a long time. brian: just getting people out. he was actually at the airport when everything went down. >> we still have people in safe houses who have run from the taliban. when we left there were hundreds
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of americans that needed to get out. it was chaos. it was apocalyptic. you see the babies being hand over concertina wire, that's nothing compared to what was happening on the ground. >> it was chaos. it was a catastrophe for all those there. i know people who were on the front lines and explained what it was like to me. it was terrible. but this goes back to joe biden's failures to plan for an orderly withdrawal once joe biden made the decision to withdraw. the state department lead such evacuations. the military and our intelligence agencies support them and through them into difficult circumstances.
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the troops on the front lines kid a good job getting out as many people as they could. but the state department failed this test by not planning in advance to get out our american citizens and green cardholders and their families. the ultimate result of that was 13 dead americans in that suicide bombing and significant harm to america's sense of prestige in the world. brian: china is still doing military exercises around taiwan. i guess president biden wants to meet with xi. >> if they meet on the sidelines at a g20 up it i don't see anything wrong with it. what worries me is what joe biden will say at that summit. the biden administration has
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basically approved he export license for china the last 18 months. nancy pelosi took a routine trip to taiwan. he let xi jinping try to move the goalpost on our relationship with taiwan. i'm worried because of president biden's weakness, that once xi jinping secures another term, he go for the jugular with taiwan. the most important thing biden can communicate to xi jinping at that meeting is we'll not stand by if they try to forcibly annex taiwan. >> we have had some success in kherson, moving on the
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offensive. but the ukrainians say we are giving them enough weapons to survive but not win. maybe jake sullivan and the state department will say we are done, the russians can keep what they have got. does he have a reason to fear that? >> the ukrainians do have reason to fear joe biden will get cold feet. the biden administration busy anotherred around with ukraine. once they started sending weapons and it was clear we faced a from digital artillery battle, they didn't send them the rocket systems they needed. and they are still doing it too slowly and there are too' restrictions on ammunition. ukraine wants to defend their own territory and fight their
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own war. we should arm them and allow them to do so. that should have been our policy from the beginning and not having to worry about ukraine mounting a counter offensive. we need to make sure ukraine has all the weapons they need to defend their territory so they can get back to the negotiating table on favorable terms. brian: i know you were in iowa. >> right now the 25-meter target are the elections in november. the american people are ready to send a message to joe biden. they don't like the crime or open borders. we'll look at the next election after this next election. brian: next up, mid-term madness is just getting started.
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trey gowdy will make sense of it. mike rowe joins us on "one nation." and my newest special, "who is joe rogan." exclusivived his constitutional
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rights. now back to "one nation" with brian kilmeade. brian: the primary season is over but the fight to take over the house and senate is heating up. 92% pretty awesome. but it's all about november. democrats have slightly favored to hold on to the senate. here to handicap it, the man in the middle of the fray. trey gowdy. can i borrow you for a few moments? >> you can. but i hope fox pays you by the hour. you are the hardest working male at fox. and you are on all day every day. if you are not paid by the hour, i'll be your agent. brian: thank you very much. it's a fun job as you know that you are getting used to now.
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it's within the margin of error in georgia. walker is getting so much negative attention, but he knows the issues and has high ratings with the military and law enforcement. >> it doesn't surprise me for this reason. it's hard to stop to start at the u.s. senate. i know people don't like career politicians. but you are a sports guy, brian, i am, too. coaches will tell you they learned the most from game one to game two. when game one is a u.s. senate race, that's a steep learning curve. brian kemp is off and herschel walker is died or slightly behind. what is kemp doing that kelly purdue or herschel walker were not able to do? brian: in pennsylvania, i'm stunned by this.
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you have fetterman, the lieutenant governor who is bernie sanders. he's up by 10 points to mehmet oz. he's a success story. i like the fact that he's a surgeon and was a talk show host. do the people of pennsylvania? >> i hate to sound hike a broken record. you can be a fabulous physician and great on television. politics is different. there is a steep learning curve if you run for school board. if you run for the statehouse. he's starting at the united states senate. it's also a tough state because of pittsburgh and philadelphia. pat toomey was able to navigate it. they say toomey is a moderate. his detractors say he's a rhino. he was able to win in a state
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republicans don't always win in. dr. oz, it doesn't start until after labor day, but am i surprised in a tough state like pennsylvania a first time candidate didn't come out of the gates like secretariat? i am not. brian: is there a danger in the overinvestigation? among the things the republicans say they are going to investigate, the fbi probe of trump, hunter biden's business dealing, ukraine and money. is there a danger of overinvestigating? >> there its. what individual members say they are going to investigate is of no consequence to me. if jimmy jordan or mccarthy says it, you should pay attention. jimmy jordan has been around a long time. so he knows this.
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the d.c. media never met a republican investigation that should start and never met a democrat investigation they should end. jimmy is going to pick those things for which there is a factual predicate. he's dogged. he's a hard worker. but they are not going to be chasing internet rumors. i think they will chase things voters actually care about. brian: trey gowdy, thanks so much. also you can catch me on stage live. i have the chance to interact with all of you. i will be in albany, new york, november 8. tulsa, oklahoma november 13, and just go to brian,
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some seats are still available. mike rowe breaks down the blue collar and white collar debate. how the king of rock 'n roll changed the
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brian: i'm sure you have heard, democrats want you to go green with solar panels or wind mills. but they keep forgetting americans can't aford these cars and i don't have a wind mill. they are ramping up fuel free cars for the masses but they can't afford them. global supply chain issues are slowing down solar panel imports. even with the new climate bill it will take years to move
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production to the united states if we do it at all. why this biden administration continues to vilify oil and gas industries, mike rowe can explain all of this. he has in the past. from his old shows, dirty jobs. the show he their rates on fox business called how america works, and countless other things to make ends meet. welcome. the news goes right into our expertise. we are pushing for a transition from possible i will fuels. but by all indications we are not ready. >> in one of those gigs you just mentioned i have had a chance to work with some big energy companies and i had a chance to interview a lot of people in
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that space. for me the thing that's missing from the conversation is the thing that's always mission. context and perspective. no one is talking about the fact that 3 billion people are still getting energy from burning wood and dung. china and india combined with building a new coal-fired plant every week for the next 30 years. we have to have two conversations at the same time and acknowledge a search for alternatives is good and wise and prudent. but if we do that while making fossil fuels the enemy at the same time, the challenge becomes isxuixotic. brian: fewer people have signed
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up for college this year than that. >> the vast majority of people going to college should not go. 40% of kids that ebb roll in college drop out. they don't graduate. and the vast majority are studying things, gender studies and sociology. brian: do you believe that? >> here is the problem charlie will have with what he just said. he will be accused of being anti-college. if you play it back nothing egg just said is anti-college. what he said is we need bost bottom-up advice. the cookie cutter advice, today you have got an entire generation of kids that only in the believes college is the best path for the most people, they
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believe if they don't take that path they will get stuck turning a wrench. brian: help me out with this study to give me a practical view. peggy rowe just announced the publishing her third book, "vacuuming in the nude." congratulations i know it will be another best seller. when kids are out of shape, how many times do you say it's because of climate change. >> i don't think i ever said that. brian: listen to this cut from this new study cbs was talking about this week. >> a study showing how climate change is making our children more inactive and morrow bees. the study found today's children are 30% less fit than their
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parents were at this age. brian: in your world is it true it's so hot outside kids can't play? >> her bikes called vacuuming in the nude, that's how she works out. brian: what is the premise of vacuuming in the nude. this book in particular, what is the message. >> this is the story of my writing journey from the time i got out of school to the present, and the pitfalls. i wrote through marriage, motherhood, to fighting cancer. i just kept writing. and here i am. brian: at 80 years old you have become a best seller. but continue to work at it. >> every day for 60 years she
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did it. when i hear people say i have been at this for four months, where is my thing. i am like meet, my mom. brian: you have a special on fox news channel. make sure you catch peggy and mike rowe's study "meet my grandmother." go out and pick up your book. it will be a best seller. >> thank you for having me. brian: the king of rock 'n roll back on the charts and back in the hearts of fans worldwide. the effect he had on memphis and do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy - even a term policy - for an immediate cash payment. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly
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realized we needed a way to supplement our income. if you have $100,000 or more of life insurance, you may qualify to sell your policy. don't cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what it's worth. visit to find out if your policy qualifies. or call the number on your screen. coventry direct, redefining insurance. blendjet's summer sale is on now! cool off with this hot deal on blendjet 2. it packs the power of a big blender on the go, and it crushes right through ice. just drop in your favorite ingredients, even frozen fruit, and make a smoothie any time, anywhere. blendjet cleans itself. just add a drop of soap, water, and blend. recharge quickly with any usb port. order now on and kick off the new year right!
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(energetically) you guys are crushing it! see how the 8 grams of healthy protein in land o' frost premium meat gives you energy and keeps you full? let's get those buns toastin' bread. cheese. 10 more. go! ♪ i'm getting shredded! ♪ make the smart choice. land o'frost premium meat.
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brian: 45 years ago elvis left the building for the last time. the new elvis blockbuster, it will come into his mansion and everybody involved with it. last week we showed you part one
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of my trip to memphis, getting to note king of rock 'n roll where he lived. here is a look at part two where his generosity and big heart helped the city. ♪ that's all right mama ♪ >> you can't talk about the life of elvis presley and not talk about sun records. and phillips would later on go find the likes of johnny cash, caliper begins, roy orbison. rock 'n roll and the world of music. it looks like a time capsule. >> we have been around since
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1919. this is where elvis loved to sit and eat. he was a regular and he liked to face the mirror so he could see what was going on behind him. he would get the fried peanut butter banana sandwich. brian: sometimes he would leave without paying his bill. >> he would come back the next day when he was in memphis. brian: i want to see the rest of main street to see what elvis saw. elvis wouldn't spend all this time on main street. the married elvis liked to come
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to poletta's. >> he would come in and bring pizzas back to graceland. brian: elvis would come in? >>en he would sit here. and the rest of the mafia would gather around the table or any other table. elvis liked the barbeque pizza. >> i like this menu. >> today the barbeque pizza is $15eu9. back then it was $1.75. >> what's amazing is these people are still avid he advice
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fans. >> you cannot talk about the magic and genius of elvis presley and not talk about mostly african-american musicians, a lot of blues, his friend bb king. and the blues still plays. >> he supported beale street. >> they talk about jfk and lbj. he was around in the 60s. he spent a lot of time wanting to digest what was happening in
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the country. the entertainment world was changing. the economy was being reinvented. he needed to be looked at for himself. ♪ if i can dream of a better land where all my brothers walk hand in hand, tell me why oh why can't my dreams come true ♪ brian: you talk about st. jude. >> they have canceled checks. first dollar out he would give to st. jude. brian: danny thomas is famous, launches st. jude to fight cancer.
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>> today it's a billion dollars a year. >> elvis and i are going to have a match wrestling versus martial arts. he was a huge wrestling fan his whole life. but then verna presley called and said elvis loves the idea but he's not in too good a shape right now. but he will get in shape and he will be back. he never made the tour. brian: it was never meant to be a graveyard. oftentimes the homes of presidents, it's their final resting place.
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♪ i'll be coming home, wait for me ♪ brian: not only was bill a close friend of elvis. he served as mayor and was one of the youngest sheriff's in history. he even took james earl ray into custody for killing rfk. are you ready kayleigh? >> ready. i typed in my dad's name... and i found his childhood home. he's been wondering about the address for seventy years... (chuckle) and i found it in five minutes. travel back in time in no time with the 1950 census on ancestry.
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brian: "news duel" time. kayleigh mcenany. ready for the latest edition?
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>> i'm ready. elon musk chat it up with ka kevin mccarthy. he went to a retreat. he said i support the left half of the republican party and right half of the democrat party. >> i think elon musk is more conservative than he realizes. he says he's for ron desantis or is getting there. brian: the number one electric car maker not invited to this white house. >> no sense. up next, nearly half of college student would not dorm across the aisle. but democrats are the ones not wanting to dorm with republicans, 68%.
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brian: i cannot tell you any democrat or republican i went to college with. we focused on ports and life and teams. we never focused on that. have they changed that much? >> it has and it's sad. brian: name, image and likeness. college players on any sports can make money off their image. >> i'm so glad we called sos. rac is the coldest. >> i'm always the coldest. brian: this has 5 million views after it aired one type. >> this is fantastic. just the tweet earned them $500,000 in earned media.
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you have got a career in marketing here. brian: who would think the name i have never heard before would pay off so well. >> ice creep is better for you than a multi grained bagelle. and better than an omelette, i believe. brian: they do 1-100. they give the multi grain being the worst. they give it a 37 and they give saltines a 7 and 19. >> cheerios get a 91 and omelette 51. this study is bunk. brian: i want you to grab the
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radio and understand michael goodwin will be on this week. and follow this show like kayleigh does. and follow me on facebook, instagram and rumble. i realize it's time for dan bongino. i hope are ready. [♪♪♪] dan: joe biden is doing great, he's great, the economy is great, rainbows and unicorns. that's what the mainstream media wants you to believe. but we have eyes and ears. the motive behind the fbi raid on mar-a-lago is clear. i will tell you how the


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