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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  August 22, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> carley: president biden kicking off another week on vacation while facing brutal pols, whopping 74% of registered voters now say the country is headed in the wrong direction.
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you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'd todd piro. 42% backing the president as inflation rocks the nation. take a look at this, cost $300,000 to raise a child through high school, $18,000 a year as food, housing,s and chair cuts cost more. >> the biden administration vowed cost will come down eventually. past week more immediate way to save money is by spending on new energy-efficient appliances. >> solar panels can be financed and they are financed in way that reduces your energy bill even though you have solar panels with 30% off, significant
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incentive. >> this comment was met with sark sarkasm. average price of an electric vehicle is $61,000. kentucky congressman andy barr says the message is clear. >> there is a massive, massive disconnect between the priorities of politicians in washington and the concerns of the american people. >> president biden in a tough position as the latest nbc news poll shows approval rating 42%. america not faring better than that, 74% said they felt the country is heading in the wrong direction, 68% think the state is in economic recession and 61%
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says they are so upset by something they are willing to carry a protest sign for an entire day. would take a lot to want to do that. 58% of americans feel the country's best days are behind us. >> carley: not good news. >> todd: i got to make money and deal with $300,000 per kid. not good. thank you. >> carley: thank you so much. turning to the border crisis, 140 illegal migrants arriving in new york city aboard buses from texas. >> todd: ashley strohmier has details. >> largest arrival of individuals from texas. hundreded lined up at lincoln hospital to get healthcare, and
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cell phones for free, congressman dan crenshaw defended buses of migrants to new york explaining why the lone star state has obligation to take action. >> it is highly necessary. it is unfair and immoral to millions upon millions of good law abiding immigrants that have no chance of getting into our system because of the backlog that people are creating because they are geographically close to the united states and can just walk across. >> ashley: officials in texas caught eight illegal immigrants who were posing as unaccompanied minors. 257,000 unaccompanied minors, border patrol struggles to keep up with arrival of thousanded
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per week, they are released in the u.s. and not sent back to the home country. all of them between ages of 21 and 26 years old and mix of male and female. back to you. >> carley: last hour we spoke with arizona sheriff mark daniels who says the border crisis is biden's crisis. >> we hear comfort words, political and everything is fine, it is humanitarian, the numbers 2.2 million this federal fiscal year 400,000 gotaway, 500 migrant deaths and the community impact of my county is horrific. we are setting our country up for failure of every degree.
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>> carley: agents caught 10 terror suspects in july alone, more terror suspects caught than the previous five years combined, terrifying reality there. the economy is one of the top issues for voters during primary season, how will inflation impact voters heading to the poll tomorrow in florida. >> todd: talking to a woman who had to move back in with her mom to make understands meet. she's next. allergies don't have to be scary. (screaming) defeat allergy headaches fast with new flonase headache and allergy relief! two pills relieve allergy headache pain? and the congestion that causes it! flonase headache and allergy relief. psst! psst! all good! when tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for all-day comfort and energy. find your relief in store or online.
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>> todd: president biden gearing up to tour the country to celebrate his mammoth spending package he just signed into law. how the rising prices impact the ballot box? a florida democrat who had to move back in with her mom to make ends meet joins me now. miranda, you are an educated woman who has had great jobs along the way. how bad is it right now? >> bad enough to where i had to pack up my four year old and my boyfriend and move back in with my mom, it is pretty bad. >> todd: your rent jumped $500.
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you expect rent to jump $50 a month or something like that, it is hard to deal with $500 a month. >> absolutely, during covid, we thought we would get some assistance, support from the city, federal level, we didn't receive that support. what went from $100 per month in a situation we couldn't move around to now $500 a month, really crippled us and put us at disadvantage for trying to raise our family. >> todd: biden is touting job growth, look at jobs created during my time in office. you are not experiencing positivity in jour job search as a very educated woman, right? >> i'm not. i feel like jobs are probably not to say low-level jobs, but
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unless i buckle down and put my pride aside and go to walmart or do instacart or something like that, those are job opportunities but for someone like myself, that is not the deal i made when i went to the university. >> todd: do you think voters like yourself are going to hold democrats accountable at the ballot box? your election is coming up, do you think maybe vote republican? >> i hope that everyone takes the responsibility to educate themselves about how to vote, i'm not sure if the democratic party is going to really be held accountable for what is going on by the people who do vote. i'm concerned that most won't vote because they are frustrated, they are tired and
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overcome by the economy right now. i'm not really sure if what you're seeing is going to be. >> todd: you think people will be so disgusted with the way things are going, they say, forget it, i'm not voting, let the guys in congress figure it out on their own? >> yep, absolutely. i've heard it, i've felt it. just really a lack of opportunity and education and also being beat down, the economy right now just seems like voting isn't a priority, everyone is just trying to keep their heads above water and trying to find someone who is going to help and not say they are going to help and in a couple of weeks or when they get into office, just another name on the register. >> todd: i think what you just said is so telling, talking
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about what people are experiencing for the ballot box, you people are disgusted with how dc is operating. you want to figure it out so you get what you deserve. you are a very educated person. do you feel like the system is stacked against you? >> yeah, especially i do, i was saying to my mother and other interviewers before, if you strike us down and take away that i'm a woman and i'm black, i'm an american. i went to university excited to contribute to society and to the economy and i'm proud of my degree and looking for opportunities to serve, but there is nothing available for me as far as financial support and i can't even build a foundation for my family. i feel cheated, i feel like maybe if i was stuck with
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finding a trade or something else that could uplift me rather than spending my time at university, maybe i would have come out differently. really unfortunate for me right now, trying to figure out what to do next. >> todd: good luck with everything, the american dream should be yours, good luck. brian stelter signing off at cnn for the last time. >> we must make sure we don't give a platform to those lying to our faces, that is why cnn needs to be strong and i believe cnn the always be strong. >> carley: asking joe concha what he thought of that sign-off message coming up next. ♪
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>> todd: crews searching for a missing arizona woman after being swept away by flooding waters. >> carley: rangers say the 23 year old is one of several is who got caught in the raging water, other hikers were found safe. and -- heavy rainfall triggering flash flooding in dallas and fort worth and driving and leaving numbers of cars leaving a number of cars including police cruiser submerged. first responders are inundated with emergency requests, the region could get eight inches of rain. >> todd: janice dean is back. welcome back. >> janice: southwest watching
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this, four or five inches of rain not a big deal, for this area, it is. it is considered the desert. flooding concerns toward texas. here is rain still to come, one to two inchess on top of the saturated ground will not bode well and we have flooding happening west of the phoenix area, we'll be monitoring that situation and the texas area for north texas, dallas, flash flood warnings in effect. heavy rain ongoing moving across mississippi river valley, this is a drought-stricken area, they need the rain, but too much of a good thing is causing problems and that is ongoing through at least wednesday. here is rain forecast, three to five inches and up to seven to nine inches, remember it doesn't take a tropical system to cause this damage and that is what
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we're seeing next couple days in the areas through tuesday. flood watches and warning from texas to louisiana. the tropics have been earily quiet, i mean, this is almost peak season we're getting into, watching this area that could develop. i'm not that concerned with it, if it does develop, we have several days to watch it. watching areas of flooding. we are into the heart of tropical season and seeing heavy rain and it doesn't have a name, we don't need a named storm to cause problems. we will continue to keep you up to date., keep you posted. >> todd: welcome back. >> carley: brian stelter signing off the airwaves for the last time at cnn after cnn cancelled his show. >> it is not partisan, it is
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required and patriotic, do not give platform to those lying to our faces, that is why cnn needs to be strong, i believe cnn will always be strong. >> todd: joe concha strong, you heard brian stelter use that phrase, it is not partisan, that was a dig at the new boss who has said i want cnn to be down the middle, i don't want it to be a democratic mouth piece, what did you make of the comments? >> joe: you don't allow somebody that just got fired to go back on the air criticizing new leadership coming in. discovery and chris licht, the new cnn president, you would think this host who just got fired just won the world series of cable news shows.
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you have brian stelter openly criticizing john malone, discovery largest shareholder, discovery now holds cnn. mama lone is highly respected, he called him a misinformed idiot and all john malone observed is something obvious to anyone who follows what cnn had become under jeff zucker, cnn former president, politically hyperbolic network, that became almost all opinion and did so under the guise of what brian stelter viewed as journalism. he comes on and lectures us how to do his job, made him a punchline in this business. brian stelter proclaimed his show was one of the highest rated on cnn on weekend, which
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is like being the skinniest kid at fat camp. brian stelter was beat over his nine-year reign and he's proud of this and shouldn't be. don't worry about brian stelter, this guy lost his job, no, he will be at msnbc, back 59 the "new york times" most likely, talking about brian stelter at his new home soon. what cnn has become is what brian stelter offered, which is somebody you cannot trust and quite frankly opinion under the guise of journalism. >> carley: comments from the host over the years, watch this. >> president trump promotes conspiracy theories, shares racist videos on social media. citizens in other countries eshg-mail me and say, why not call out trump fandom for what it is, they use the word cult.
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>> carley: new bosses at cnn are interested in a lesdz opinion-driven news, you think that is what he got fired and will that vision become a reality? >> joe: the reason he got fired, he obviously was highly critical of new management coming in and off the record going to publications he had friends at, he would try to undermine what the new management is trying to do and you can't have somebody you can't trust. he was upset his old boss got fired and from the inside trying to dismantle cnn. you can't have somebody like that on there, brian stelter got fired, his ratings were not good, that is true. you had somebody looking to take down this network or trying to take down what they were trying
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to do by bashing it from the inside and you can't have somebody you don't trust in your organization. >> todd: seemed like he had a cult with jeff zucker, if you defend your boss after he's gone, may have a problem. "washington post" says president trump may not be the ton surrogate, the president is not featured in ads and key race in battleground states are not asking him to come or avoiding him. how does this jibe with the victory tour over the inflation reduction act? seems like those two things are not logger heads. >> joe: the president is currently polling lower than trump back to truman and quite frankly one poll and i'll leave it here, 31% of california votersment this president to
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seek a second term, he is not good in interviews, doesn't have his fastball anymore and they want the message out without the messenger giving the message, if that makes sense. >> todd: joe, you are good in interviews. a teacher calling the police on a four-year-old boy for showing up to school without a mask. >> he's not even -- >> thank you. >> iville to have you removed. >> i'm a police officer to remove a four year old from campus. >> carley: the father joins us in a "fox and friends first" exclusive interview. ♪♪ does it get better than not parallel parking yourself? ♪♪ alexa ask smartfeed to feed the dog. does it get better than feeding your dog from 50 miles away?
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and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. >> todd: maryland schools lowering the bar to compensate for losing thousands of teachers last year, allowing 3500 educators to teach classes without proper certification. a maryland dad calls it scary given how far kids are already behind. >> reading 33%, math -- with enrollment of 56%, the person in charge is monica gold, 1.2 million to run the school system, but what has she done. >> todd: allocated 4 billion for
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this school year, education secretary miguel cardona wants to use funds to address school staffing shortfalls. >> the use the dollars to bring back retired teachers to work with universities to make sure student teachers start earlier into their profession, using dollars put forward by the federal government. it is important students get more this year, not less. >> todd: cardona blaming the teacher exodus for lack of respect for the profession. >> carley: comments on social media post, spokesperson claims harrassment is out of control. decision to disable comments after receiving concern from
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numerous residents being targeted. the department claims the post is for informational purposes only and limited to live town hall events. recent threat to bring back mask mandate and new free covid testing program for pets. you can't make it up, public health department does not want to hear from the public. video going viral after a principal calls police on a four year old for showing up at school without a mask. >> here she comes, pulling him out of the class. >> i want him -- policy. >> thank you. >> i will have to have you removed from class. >> police officer, called to
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remove a four year old from campus. >> carley: the school district dropped the mask policy citing lower levels of covid cases, the father of the four year old shawn and his attorney tracy join me now. >> if you didn't record this, i don't think people would have believed this took place. your four year old got kicked out of school and the police were called, as well. >> i have multiple recordings of encounters previous to this, i put it on registration documentation, looking for accessibility options and looking for compromise with the masking situation. i knew my son would have trouble with this, he's had trouble with doctors offices, dentist offices, only thing i got from the president was cut and paste
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response. all i got back from the principal was cut and paste response. me and my wife met with them and he said he doesn't have to come to school this yoo year. he said he will be denied school. that is not something i expect from an educator. i expect them to be advocates for students, to stand up and allow students to attend and allow accessibility, this is guaranteed through the americans with disabilities act and they are acting as medical enforcement without licensure. i'm paramedic by trade, they are not giving right of refusal and weaponizing coercion by denying access to public services, i'm livid about this. >> carley: the superintendent
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said primary responsibility is safety of students and staff members to create peaceful learning and working environment, our schools are caught in a precarious position between groups who have strong opinions about masking on both sides and the school district changed their mask policy after this incident. what is your reaction to that? >> it is word play, everything is word play issue absolute just work around, denial, that is all i've been met with. completely illegal and illogical from what i have seen. i saw the presentation on the community update on friday, the board meeting, the data is cherrypicked. i sent nonbiassed data that contradicts what is sent to them and see the community update on the school website, anybody antimask, they are cutting them off, pro-mask, they are letting
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them talk on and on and on, it is censorship relationship that the board and superintendent is facilitating. parents are against what the school board is doing. >> carley: tracy, you said the school broke the law by sending shawn's son home, how so? >> greatest act of trust across the state of california and america is we drop our children off at school everyday and entrust educators with the most important thing in our lives, our precious children. what they did, not only break the trust, they broke the laur. this was not a legal mandate. the best analogy i can draw for
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viewers is federal case took masks off airplanes, the cdc had no authority to mask anybody on an airplane, same thing here issue teachers unions and really poorly equipped lawyers bullied and coerce educators into believing there was a mandate and this is the result. >> carley: shawn, how is your son doing? getting turned, away from school was upsetting for him, will he be able to go back to school? >> they allowed him on campus on friday, his first day unmasked, basically torched him first wednesday, thursday and friday of class and he was inconsolable thursday for two hours, friday inconsolable for two hours after class. my wife sent me a clip of him incone soleably crying for 25 seconds and we could not calm
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him down. i was livid and had to put my foot down, i'm not sending him to school for mask enforcement and i removed all consent from them and exhibited my right to refusal. mask is medical treatment and i've asked members of the school board for medical license numbers and they have not been able to provide that, i have a medical license number, they don't. they don't have a right to dictate medical to my children. >> carley: you have a are well, does that mean you are suing the school? >> that is to be determined, but we have multiple plans of action in place issue but that is definitely possibly in the cards. >> carley: upsetting situation, shawn, tracy, thank you for joining us to talk about it, we appreciate it. unbelievable. >> thank you. >> todd: poor guy.
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>> carley: four years old, kicked out of school for not wearing a mask. president trump says the fbi raid violated his fourth amendment rights and he could take legal action today. >> todd: we will discuss it with ashley moody, she next. when hurting feet make you want to stop, it's dr. scholl's time. our custom fit orthotics use foot mapping technology to give you personalized support, for all-day pain relief. find your relief in store or online.
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>> carley: former president trump is claiming action. >> todd: the doj to turn over the redacted search affidavit. brooke singman has more. brooke >> brooke: we could see action from former president trump as early as today. doj officials are claiming releasing document would compromise criminal investigation and trump is seeking third-party special master to review the seized records. listen. >> coming soon, should be something publicly filed, whole united states will get to read this thing. fourth amendment requires
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particularity. this is not something we did a wink and nod from doj that we're supposed to trust them. >> and tennessee senator blackburn says americans are prepared to launch an investigation after the midterm. >> after november, we are hopeful we'll be able to be more aggressive, that is the job we have in front of us, asking christopher wray hard questions. >> brooke: protesters in massachusetts yesterday, organizers say the fbi have gone rogue accusing the bureau of being tethered by the doj. blaming chaos on the anti-trump agenda, watch. >> biden and garland had no strategy about taking unprecedented action, we better have a plan for disclosure.
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if they didn't anticipate this type of response from the american people, they are morons. >> brooke: the doj has until thursday to hand over redacted caved. >> todd: bring in ashley moody, thanks for being here, what do you expect this major motion being teased by donald trump to be? >> it is hard to say, remember right now all we've had in this particular action is an application for a search warrant, a search warrant and supporting affidavit, which you know is the crux of the dispute, whether or not this judge will release the full affidavit in entirety or whether majority will be redacted, we'll see on thursday, it is hard to say before we see the actual pleading that is filed by the trump team. from what we can tell, it looks
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like there is going to be some sort of argument that this went beyond someone's rights under the fourth amendment in term of unlawful search and seizure and whether they stayed within a narrow scope specifically related to what was alleged in that search warrant affidavit and allowed search warrant therefore. hard to say until we see the pleading. >> todd: talk of a special master being asked for by trump, why wouldn't the doj agree to that? neutral ashtorthat will review the facts and prove everything in this search were above board, why wouldn't the doj want that? >> it is hard to say, a lot of us have been trying to figure out the doj's position and statements they made and why there wasn't better planning or a more direct approach, well thought out approach,
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anticipated reaction from the american public. amount of time it took to made a public statement after this unprecedented raid shows there is just complete disconnect between the biden administration and the concerns of the american people. we see this all over the place, energy, inflation, crime, you see it here, there is a concern based on things that have happened in the past that and we're not saying the entire rank and file fbi no, there is concern there is a faction within washington taking steps that may show or illustrate they have some sort of bias against trump and i think in order to relax the american people or take them off edge, you have to come out and be deliberate how you address the drastic actions that wasn't done and shows complete lack of understanding
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of what americans are concerned about right now. >> todd: when people start asking questions that shows they didn't handle it as they should. ashley moody, appreciate it. piece in "new york times" says the american dream is being distorted by republicans of color, really? david webb what he thinks about that, there he is. >> carley: check in with steve doocy on what is coming up on "fox and friends." >> steve: coming up nine minutes and 52 seconds from now, president biden will end his vacation later this week with fresh push for the midterm issue but some candidates say joe, stay home. newt gingrich tells us why democrats are desperate to keep biden off the campaign trail and messing up their campaign and white house reportedly pushed ice to deport illegal migrants as pressure rises to take control of the border.
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tom holman says this is nothing, but a planned leak, he'll explain, plus morganortegas and hegseth. can they force a red wave this november? answers to that and more starting at the top of the hour issue busy three hours, kicks off nine minutes from now on the channel you trust for morning news. todd and carley back in a couple, you are watching "fox and friends first" on the number one fox news channel. est westers you get rewarded when you stay on the road and on the go. find your rewards so you can reconnect, disconnect, hold on tight and let go! stay two nights and get a free night. book now at before treating your chronic migraine— 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start—with about 10 minutes of treatment
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♪ >> todd: robbery is so out of control that a pricy beverly hills adjacent shop is banning masks because criminals are using them hide their identity. >> the business owner noticed a disturbing trend of individuals wearing masks to avoid identification in various situations including, but not limited to shoplifting.
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verbal harassment, and physical assault. the mask mandate may have begun as a health precaution but we believe it is now being used by some people for nefarious purposes. joining us live is fox news contributor david webb, host of reality check on fox nation. david, this stuff happens all the time. >> it's been happening. >> carley: now they are saying we have had enough. >> a high end boutique have had enough. cvs. the local bodega, unless you are joe biden the bow dega. criminals are criminals but they are not stupid. they may be stupid to commit crime but if you give them a mask and an opportunity to hide their identity, look at what happened in chicago when they robbed joe pa thrill low the motor car company they took all of this stuff. what are they doing? masked up.
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high end or low end. the problem is the local stores, you know, including by the way these franchise cease, they can't afford the loss. who loses? walgreen's closes stores, starbucks. all these places are closing. communities lose. >> todd: this is a sad state of affairs. "new york times" article claiming that the american dream isn't what it used to be. one reporter writing a touch stone of political and social discourse nearly 100 american dream is being re-purposed. critics say distorted. here is the key part of this. particularly by republicans of color. i read this article. to me it seemed like a lesson in passive aggressive racism. why is it apparently okay. to say do that be racist if you are targets a republican minority? >> hard bigotry of low expectations abraham lincoln
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began that path to where we are today. you know what's happened, a economic issue, a community issue, a safety issue. we have more in problem no matter the color of our skin in america. we want safety. we want our kids to go good schools. now black people don't want to be control by a political what have i gotten for 50, 60 years, the battle to end end segregation, to be where we are today and what have they gotten? still living generationally in the same projects in these areas in america. now, let's be fair, over half of americans are cloves with mark americans or in some way mixed families live in suburban neighborhoods. that's the data. they have moved away from the problem but the problem still exists, democrats want them lock step and if you are of color, don't you dare step out. by the way, whites are color so which one are they --
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>> ainsley: jason sears, mayra floor reds the american dream under is under threat. welfare statement come in and offer communities of color and offer everybody, but really affected communities of color a lot of money and now, now, republicans are targeting these areas even more and saying what ronald reagan said. what are the most most terrifying words in the english language i'm from the government and i'm here to help. >> by the way, by the numbers, poorest people in america are white. go to some of these areas in appalachia. >> carley: i have been about. >> people who need help. they are looking at the same time. we need help. the american dream is whatever you want to be. the best carpenter, the best television host, that can go to you, todd. we don't want to hurt todd. but you can be who you are. i mean, look around us, even in this building, camera men,
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producers, bookers, people working here, whatever you are. they are telling people you don't deserve that and putting color to it it's insulting to the american people. it is good messaging i agree with you on this one. great messaging for the republican party to talk about policies and facts. >> carley: ending the show off on a high note we like that. >> todd: david, thank you. "fox & friends" right now. ♪ >> todd: president's approval sliding 74% of the country says we are heading in wrong direction. >> would you want president biden to come to campaign. >> hey i will welcome anybody. >> not exactly an invitation. >> you could see action against the justice department for unprecedented raid of his mar-a-lago home. >> they always overpursue him and make mistakes in trying to get him. that's what happened here. >> call it the single largest a rival from texas. hundreds lined up at lincoln hospital in the bronx to get


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