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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 25, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> carley: leader of al-qaeda killed living in luxury apartment downtown in the city and it raises a lot of questions on if we 8 be in afghanistan -- if we will be be back in afghanistan if the raise of terrorism increases. >> my plan is responsible and fair. >> forgive up 10,000ness loan debt. >> blasting joe biden for overreach. >> paid loans before. >> clock is ticking for the justice department as the federal judge awaits the redacted version of its affidavit to raid mar-a-lago. >> meanwhile, president biden denying any prior knowledge of the raid. >> how much advance knowledge did you have? >> none, zero. >> new memo from the nypd tells officers they can't congregate on city streets. this new order comes as mayor
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acre adams scolded officers for congregating together. >> totally unnecessary. totally petty. >> to be here on the number one late night show is also an honor we also had the remove the sippy cup. i don't spill unlike the normal host who is anything but normal. ♪ ♪ >> steve: out in ocean county, down the shore from where we are sitting right now here in i had midtown, manhattan, you have ship bottom, new jersey. it looks like 72 degrees, clear, sun is going to come up in the next hour. going for a daytime high of 84. by the way, if you are curious how many people you live in ship bottom? 1100. >> >> katie: sounds like a dangerous place ship bottom.
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>> katie: hold on to summer as long as we can. >> steve: absolutely. welcome to the fourth day of the weekday version of "fox & friends." katie pavlich in once again for ainsley who is on vacation. and brian kilmeade, after being up late last night up early today. >> katie: brian decided to match me today. >> brian: you were actually on gutfeld the day before i was on and insisted to de-conflict. and also when it comes to ships bought. i never followed up on this. didn't they find the santa maria outside haiti like one of columbus' three ships on the bottom of the ocean floor? can we look into that? >> katie: you know, brian, the history eleventh early in the morning is a little much. i'm not sure i can handle that. >> steve: look what a pretty day it is. katie, you are absolutely right. so close to the first of september, labor day. >> katie: have to look up the santa maria story now. >> brian: don't have to look far to get an opinion about what
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said yesterday. >> steve: is joe biden buying votes for $10,000 vote. keep in mind, you know, this is one of those things that has been on his checklist. he has got to motivate his base what they are doing is going to cancel student debt for 40 million americans. this really hacks off people who didn't go to college. why would they have to pay like $2,000 a person to pay for people who did go to colleges that they couldn't afford. going to hack off people who paid off their loans. going to hack off people, actually, they are already hacked off. people who took out student loans and ran up debt but then decided to take it to a private lender now with the private lender still on the look. they are not going to get the 10,000 or 0,000 and had pell grants. >> katie: here are some of the details on this program.
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$20,000 in debt cancellation, someone else paid for that. if you went to college on pell grants. $10,000 to non-pell granted recipients and only applies to individuals making under $125,000 or couples making under $250,000 and cuts monthly payments in half for undergrad loans. there is threshold there for income, $250,000 loan. >> steve: that's a lot. >> katie: taxpayers are going to pay for this. taxpayers who took out loans to start a business. if you went to a trade school, decided to go to that route to have a better return on investment in terms of making money after you got some kind of training or degree at a community college. the people who went toe a four year, five year school went to get a degree doesn't have a rush on investment that costs $100,000 for example, you will now be paying for that, regardless of whether you were the one who decided to be responsible, your parents making sacrifices not to go on family
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vacations so they could save for your college, they are also the one on the hook for this. >> brian: much better idea to cut interest rates. some of these student loans were 10%. that's like a loan shark. 10% on interest. that would be much fairer. why not auto loan or mortgage forgiveness. two years past the pandemic. you can't say it's an emergency. we already had a two year pause on making the payments. now in december they start again. for many people it will be less money. here's the president of the united states with his rationale. >> i believe my plan is responsible and fair. it focuses the benefit on middle class and working families. it helps both current and future borrowers and it will fix a badly broken system. these actions build on my administration's effort to make college more affordable in the first place. >> brian: what are you talking about? call up the university of michigan and no longer $70,000. that's something you work out with private colleges, there is
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the public colleges, there is the-there is a community college and there is a lot of people out there who say to themselves, you know? i got accepted to nyu, which i think is $84,000 a year. if i go there, i need direct student loan gainer steed student loan i'm not going to go. go a community college two years work at the same time, hopefully get an academic academic university go to hoekstra bad example; that is called a financial decision that we make every single day. you don't have an obligation to go to a $70,000 school. if you are lucky enough and your parents can afford it if you choose to do it. these are all your personal decisions. it's not the president's decision to say it's unfair to do this. it's a little expensive. i need to take out a loan. it doesn't seem fair they have to make this high payment every month. >> steve: i wonder if somebody watching this you know what? there is $10,000 worth of free
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money. i'm going to take out a student loan today. i wonder if that person is going to be covered. >> brian: they shouldn't be. >> steve: who knows, brian. the midterms are 65 days away. i think all bets are off about the rules. you know, nancy pelosi, i believe it was a year ago, said i don't think the president -- i think that would be illegal if that happened. and then yesterday, she apparently said no idea what gives the president authority, but apparently he has got the authority now. you know what they're basing this on? they are basing this on the hero's act. which was passed in 2003. the hero's act was passed to help military members who were fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq, so that they could then, through the education secretary, waive rules regarding student aid programs in the time of war or a national emergency. so, essentially, these students are getting a military benefit without the benefit of ever working in the military.
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keep in mind, donald trump did use it during covid, during a global pandemic, but, according to this administration, we're pretty much through that so is this going to be challenged by the republicans? yes. will it got supreme court, maybe. >> brian: title 42, i thought the president fought to get rid of that because the pandemic is over at the border. so the emergency is over when it comes to the border but it's -- we're right in the middle of it when it comes to school debt. >> steve: maybe that's the emergency. >> katie: quote emergency. also looking at this emergency which is inflation. the white house continues to argue that this will not cause inflation but there is disagreement about a that in terms of what this student loan relief will do versus the inflation reduction act which we know that title is also dishonest, past last week. this action by the white house is completely at odds with the talk of deficit reduction. it could add twice as much to the deficit as was just saved
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from the inflation reduction act. completely eliminating any deficit reduction and then some with the stroke of the pen. the president undid a year's worth of work. infrastructure plan the inflation wind out much of that funding because inflation made everything more expensive so it's difficult to build now. so, yeah. weigh not only have it being unfair to people who paid off their loans or people who made sacrifices not to take them out or just choose a different career path now to go to college. now we are seeing that another tax of heavier inflation will be levy idea on the same families. >> brian: committee from a responsible federal budget who is supposed to be nonpartisan. >> steve: exactly. i was minding my own business yesterday watching the neil cavuto show, cavuto on business the guy is brilliant. that's why he has been here 26 years. out of nowhere they do a fox news alert and then there is our white house correspondent
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talking to the press secretary for the president of the united states. peter doocy had a simple question. he asked it five times. where's this money coming from? who is paying for it? never an answer -- well, actually she gave answers but they weren't to his question. here is some of it. >> who is paying for this? >> what we are saying is the work that this administration has done, the work that the democrats in congress has done is actually there. >> but when you forgive debt, you are not just disappearing debt. who is paying for this? >> pause at the end of this year, which is going to matter, right? which is going to offset a lot of what we're doing as well. when you think about the $4 billion that is going to go back into as revenue back into this process of folks paying, paying, right, their college tuition, that matters as well. >> who is paying for it? >> i just laid out for you, no,
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peter. i just laid out for you are how we are seeing this process and why this matters. >> are americans? corporations? who is paying for it. >> katie: she didn't answer of ask a question. a lot absent from the conversation around this who is paying for it we know middle class and lower class will pay for it also talk from the president about how school has become more expensive. zero mention of the fact that that is a direct result of the federal government monopolizing student loans. there was no accountability for universities hiking up prices. the white house says we are going to make a list of people who increase their tuition and we will be really harsh on them and maybe talk to them about them raising their prices which they will do if they know people can just get loans to go to college with no accountability. also no talk of these massive billion dollars endowments that universities like harvard have and possibly have them put some skin in the game whether it comes to funding the student loans that they encouraged students to take out to go to
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their universities with little skin in the game when it comes to a return on investment once they get out of school and off of campus. >> brian: among the people who are not for this. larry surges worked for president obama and jason fuhrman former obama economic adviser saying this. pouring roughly half trillion dollars worth of gasoline on inflationary fire that is already burning, is reckless. doing it while going well beyond -- going well beyond one campaign promise, $10,000 of student loan relief and breaking another, all proposals paid for, is even worse. so i think that's important. also, there is a reach why waited 18 months. he could not decide if this was a good move or not. now he is realize go ahead there is a huge downside to this. he is hoping to get 18 to 25-year-olds to the polls. more than likely if i was a betting person i would bet or 30 to 35-year-olds going to the polls who are going to say great i ripped my last coupon out of
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my coupon book and now i feel like a total sucker. >> steve: okay. he has already forgiven the loan. they have got it. are they going to show up to vote? he is hoping they do. now, there is -- i saw an interesting thing. i was going around of the internet this morning. i was on cnbc for a moment. and i saw whoever gets this will not have to pay federal taxes but they may have to actually pay state taxes on the $10,000 because in some states, they count the forgiven balance as income. so, ultimately, if you get it, and you don't know whether or not your state is going to charge you, you better ask somebody who knows taxes, otherwise you could actually get into trouble with the government which is giving you the 10,000 bucks. >> katie: see if it's legal. see if they can move forward with doing this with the stroke of a pen nonemergency state. >> brian: someone has got challenge it meanwhile, coming up, we are awaiting the department of justice to file the redacted affidavit.
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green lighting the raid on donald trump's mar-a-lago home. a live report from washington ahead of today's deadline. will it all be redacted? >> katie: plus, the pittsburgh pirates rookie hitting the hardest hit ball in recorded mlb history. we will tell you how hard it came off the bat. ♪ what's wrong with being ♪ what's wrong with being ♪ will of dry eye disease. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation,
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♪ >> katie: the clock is ticking for the justice department as a federal judge awaits the redacted version of its affidavit to raid mar-a-lago by noon today. >> steve: is that it? let's take a closer look. no, it's not. meanwhile, we are getting a look
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at a newly released doj memo from 2019 that recommended against prosecuting then president donald trump. >> brian: we didn't hear much about the lack of prosecution. kevin corke joins us now. no one is obstructing him either. hey, search. >> good morning, guys. court watchers will be very busy watching the clock. has until noon to file file any opposed reaction to the approving the raid for mar-a-lago. magistrate bruce rinehart who you may recall actually recused himself from a civil course informing that -- involving former president trump signed off on the warrant to then raid mar-a-lago. is he giving the fbi until noon to file a redacted version of the affidavit because, quote: the intense public and historical interest. in an unprecedented search of a former president's residence. i will say. as for the current occupant of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, he continues to insist, nope, he didn't get a heads up about the
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raid beforehand. >> mr. president, how much advanced notice did you have of the fbi's plan to search mar-a-lago? >> i didn't have any advanced notice, none, zero, not one single bit. thank you. >> meanwhile the doj memo declining to charge former president trump with obstruction of justice has also been made public. it reads in part, quote: we conclude that the evidence is not, in our judgment, sufficient to support a conclusion yard beyond areasonable doubt that te is california's devin nunes on. that was. >> mueller, and his team, should be under investigation, perhaps maybe some of these fbi agents are involved in this latest raid on mar-a-lago. >> and that is certainly a possibility. don't know if we will find out that any time soon. but i can tell you this. court observers do say about that affidavit to expect it to be heavily redacted. citing sources and methods,
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sources and methods. we can still learn a little bit, however, about the judge's thinking on that, perhaps as soon as this afternoon. i will be around all day and if i find out more, i promise to tell you about it. >> brian: what's your extension so we can call you? >> you got my mobile b.k. >> steve: kevin, thank you very much. >> brian: interesting we went right from the mueller report in reading jared's book we had a week off and then next we had the impeachment. there president at the u.n. and everyone is going that phone call. and we quickly switched. >> katie: that's the thing about the biden situation. president trump was impeached over asking about hunter biden's business dealings in ukraine which we all know were corrupt and now president biden says he knew nothing about the raid at all. we'll see if that holds. >> steve: you know, it's interesting for the current president to say i had absolutely no knowledge ever it ahead of time. >> katie: brave statement. >> steve: yeah. we know that the attorney general was involved. the big question is who -- did
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anybody at the white house know? i mean, did the chief of staff know? did one of the liaisons know? did susan rice know? we don't know. only the white house knows. and right now they are not talking. we are going to be talking to lara trump. she is going to be coming up 7:40 eastern time right here on the "fox & friends" show. that's what she looks like he and you will see her live coming up in an hour and 20 minutes. >> katie: coming up right now, we have the wonderful carley shimkus. >> carley: hello, good morning to you. i have an update out of texas to talk with. the uvalde police chief fired by the district school board exactly three months after the shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead. chiever pete air did and dough faced fiercest criticism for botched response. showed responding officers waiting outside the classroom. the gunman was inside for more than an hour. he did not attend yesterday's school board meeting. a federal judge temporarily
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blocks a section of idaho's strict abortion law as part of the first post roe lawsuit by the biden administration. a.g. merrick garland's lawsuit argues the state's law conflicts with a federal statute to ensure emergency medical care. idaho's abortion law does not contain an exemption for when a pregnant person's health is at risk. the judge's ruling will now protect doctors who terminate pregnancies that pose health risk and revived law goes into effect today. ohio's largest public school district reaching a preliminary deal with columbus teachers to end their strike and bring kids back to the classroom. the district's board of education president announcing a statement we are happy to report we have reached a conceptual agreement with cea leaders and our children will return to in person instruction on monday. the columbus teacher's union is expected to vote on the agreement over the weekend.
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and pittsburgh pirates' shortstop o'neil cruz literally swinging for the fences. watch the pirate's rookie destroy a baseball clocking in at estimated 122.4 miles per hour. to right field. that is going to hit hard off the wall. look at that 122.4 miles an hour. >> carley: it's gone. the rookie now racker for the hardest hit ball in the mlb's stat history. previously held by yankees john carlos finton with 122.2. so by .2, guys, he beat the record. >> steve: brian, this is a sports guy question. they would only know because of the radar gun, right? >> brian: i didn't even know they were keeping that stat. >> carley: wow. >> brian: how fast it comes off the bat like that. >> carley: you learn something new every day. >> brian: pirates, hold on to good players.
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they can't hold on to anybody because they don't have any money. >> steve: they could pirate some. >> katie: thanks, carley. >> brian: last night i had a chance to dip into the magic of the gutfeld staff who put together the number one gutfeld show. gutfeld is out. i don't think it's a suspension. i think it's a well-earned vacation. here is the opening. they have the coolest audience. they have a great set-up. so there is a live audience. and here's the open last night. so maybe you want to visit it. >> i'm actually thrilled to be here. my whole life i love late night tv. you guys remember late night tv when it was great? [applause] he. >> brian: steve allen, johnny carson, jay leno that's what we grew up watching. for example when i was an intern 30 rock i interviewed david letterman before he had his beard and he used to be funny. i have gave him that t-shirt for me to be here on the number one late night show is truly an honor. no secret i co-host "fox & friends" best morning show on
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all of cable news. [applause] and because of that i got to confess, i don't really watch the show. in fact, i did not even know greg was full time and had a show of his own. nearly half the couples who got married last year reduced their guest count with some even having to uninvite people or as republicans call it being liz cheney. thomas jefferson had to be removed from his own school like aunt jemima from aunt jemima. hope not. removing a founder from his own creation is a math of improvement. after all watching gutfeld right now without gutfeld. >> steve: good job, brian. >> brian: it was a fun show. that's a great staff. and they just -- there was two skits in the twinning that were complicated. >> steve: gutfeld's success is based on the staff? >> brian: yeah, no question. >> katie: they have great team. >> steve: just like we are.
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we owe our team. you know, we also have a studio audience. we have chris here. we got carley. >> carley: yeah. >> katie: i'm just glad you are awake. need coffee? really late last night. like. >> brian: they tape at 6:30. no matter who sits on the couch, it's the number one show. so i have do think the producers are the key. >> steve: king of late night. >> brian: they have great time. it was fun to do. greg will be back soon. dana is tonight and friday is pete hegseth who will probably where gel. >> katie: probably lots of gel. >> steve: do you get a comp day? >> brian: i think i get a trip to aruba. or go and keep my receipts. >> steve: why aruba? >> brian: it's an island we could easily buy. >> katie: dessert island it's deceiving. >> brian: i hope he is watching not us. >> steve: just later to make sure everybody is taking care of
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the store. gooded job, brian. dramatic rescue at mississippi nursing home after heavy rains caused flash flooding. we are tracking the new threat for more severe weather today find out where. >> brian: the homeland security secretary is set to visit the southern border just hours from now this as we witness the deadly toll of the biden's open border policy. texas congresswoman mayra flores joins us live.
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>> brian: back a fox news alert. it's about weather. flooding forces a mississippi nursing home to evacuate. about 40 people evacuated. the national weather service issued warns after some areas of the state received as much as a foot of rain yesterday. water overtook had highways forcing some to their cars. multiple centers support displasd by the floods. check in for more on this with meteorologist adam fox for our fox weather forecast. adam? >> good morning, brian. that rain you were just seeing video of across mississippi. from the same system that brought very heavy rain across dallas a couple days ago. the gulf states continue to battle rounds and rounds of heavy rain. shower activity around georgia. set up that will allow this to pop up every single afternoon. now, the rain yesterday, 1,000 year rainstorm as rains getting up to close to 8 inches would hit that threshold and we saw rains and in just three hours
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getting up over 8 and a half inches in some of those locations. obviously, absolutely sat temperature rate offed ground and any additional rain could be a cause for flooding. flood watch in place from texas stretching back over to portions of alabama. i will leave you with this. this is additional rainfall that's on the way, at least a couple inches throughout that entire reasoning. ground already saturated we will be watching. those are your weather headlines for now. tossing it inside to you, carley. >> carley: thank you, adam. more news to get to here. new memo from the nypd tells officers they can't congregate or have conversations on city streets. it says officers cannot, quote: engage in unnecessary conversation with other members of the service while on posts. a retired nypd lieutenant commander of the detectives also weighs in. >> this is absolutely unnecessary. it's totally petty. i think time would be better focused on the uncontrolled crime in the city. that fact that nationwide police recruiting is down 65%.
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and that they're putting nypd academy classes in that are a third full because they can't fill the seats. >> carley: this new orders comes just weeks after mayor eric adams scolded officers for, quote. congregating together earlier this month. >> fbi whistleblowers telling senator ron johnson that the agency intentionally delayed its investigation of the contents of hunter biden's laptop. in a letter to the doj, johnson says, quote: these whistleblowers told fbi leadership told employees you will not look at that hunter biden laptop. johnson believes the fbi only started revising the infamous atlanta after joe biden won the 2020 election. california set to hold a final vote today total ban of the sale of new gas lien powered cars by the 2035. part of a broader plan announced by gavin newsom in 2020 for a gradual phase out. meanwhile in washington, house republicans warning of the possible dangers of a push
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towards electric vehicles saying that such a change could strengthen beijing. setting market share of chinese companies in the ev battery industry. and are you ready for monday night gulf? tiger woods and rory mcilroy are launching a new teen focused tech driven league that will debut in 2024 as a partner of the pga tour. the super star releasing in rendering of what it will look like. players will hit longer shots on a similarity before chipping and putting on the actual green behind it the big announcement comes as commissioner jay monahan says liv golfers will not be welcome back on the pga tour. they sued us. i think talking about any hypotheticals at this point doesn't make a lot of sense. those your headlines, brian, over to you. >> brian: unless they win. and then we will see what happens. that doesn't look like a great idea. i mean, does it? looks terrible. >> steve: looks like top golf.
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>> brian: tiger woods playing top golf, great. where are the nachos. aremaker can you say set tomayoe southern border after a baby. and two drowning on trek from mexico to the united states. scenes like this, suspected smugglers physically fighting border patrol agents and horrifying our next guest. this is happening in california, by the way. congresswoman mayra flores from texas joins us now. congresswoman, what in in the order -- rank the order of things that are most important to the people that elected you. >> good morning and thank you for having me. the most important thing here in texas, 34 is the economy and border security. i'm wondering what is it going to take for this administration to care about what is happening here in south texas? how many more children have to die? how many more immigrants have to die for this administration to care about the immigrants
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because they continue to put policies that encourage people to come here to the united states, knowing the dangers, knowing that they are going to have to go to literally hell to come here to the united states. it's really disgusting and outrageous what's happening here in south texas. >> brian: no one has to tell you the reality. that's probably what your husband tells you when he comes home at night when he is not working overtime because he is a border patrol agent. 2 million encounters taken place in 2022 closing out this quarter. is it enough to bolster our border or as a congress person, can you get -- can you possibly rally other congress people to pressure mexico and other central american countries to enforce their borders? >> absolutely. it's all in our hands. >> we need to come together. look, border security shouldn't be political. it really shouldn't. we need to come together and secure the border. if we really care about immigrants, that's exactly what we would do. i am an immigrant myself.
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i want every child have the same experience that i had when i came here to the united states at 6 years old. we need to focus on legal immigration. how can we improve the legal process so more good people are able to come here to the united states legally. and not have to go through so much trauma. women and children getting abused and pay thousands of dollars to criminal organizations to come here to the united states. how we are going to end this? by securing the borders. i am so frustrated because this shouldn't be political. when did securing the border become political? >> brian: i know, under this administration. >> it's so disappointing. >> brian: you are one of the republicans who signed this letter to secretary mayorkas saying this these documents are not secure documents and easily forged copied or manipulated. given the fact that american citizens are constantly reminded that their ids will soon need to be real i.d. compliant to board an airplane. extremely tubbing that tsa
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allowing illegal aliens to use to board planes. they are getting on with warrants. not we have no idea who is landing in our cities. the mayors don't know. the governors don't know. and we don't even know who they are. how is this okay? not okay. mayorkas doesn't deserve to have this position. is he putting the american people in danger. is he putting immigrants in danger as well. like you said. we don't know who they're. come together to secure the border and keep the american people safe. i don't know how it is it became political. it is so frustrating to people here in south texas.
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>> brian: real quick it became local because now the governor of texas, abbott. is fighting with mayor adams as we expect maybe four or five more buses today full of illegals through texas to new york city. what's your message to the mayor here who is saying this is inhumane? >> it's inhumane. it has been inhumane what is happening in south texas. now he understands what we have been going through. now he has a better understanding. i'm glad that he is seeing what we have been seeing for years here in south texas. and, by the way, these immigrants are not being forced to go to new york. >> brian: of course not. >> they are wanting to go new york. so, how -- why are they not welcoming them in being, you know, supportive like they were a few years ago. >> brian: i know you have a big battle to keep that seat against congressman gonzalez, so, best of luck there. and by the way why wouldn't you come to new york. >> thank you so much. >> brian: phone and beautiful hotel room and get nike's so
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what else do you need? congresswoman, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, we are breaking down the true cost of president biden's student loan handout. how even those living debt-free will end up paying the price.
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as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. ask your rheumatologist about rinvoq relief. rinvoq. make it your mission. learn how abbvie could help you save on rinvoq. >> katie: president biden canceling $10,000 worth of student debt for those making less than $125,000 a year and erasing up to 20,000 for some low income borrowers. the entire plan coming with a price tag $300 billion for taxpayers. here to react is personal finance expert and finance professor at the university of san diego, danry cot toe. you are a finance professor. you know there is not a free lunch. >> thanks for having me. you are so correct. someone is going to pay the tab
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for the bailout. let's call it what it is. it is bailout. that's going to be me and you, 300 million of us who are not impacted directly. right, 40 million borrows, 300 million of us are going to pay the tab. one estimate i saw last night was about two grand or so for the average taxpayer over the life of this thing. i guess that number will change someone has to pay the bill. >> katie: after price $2,000 per taxpayer as a result of president joe biden's handout on their. you know, this brings up a larger conversation about stay tuned loans in general. not all degrees are created equal. don't you think we should be talking about this idea of return on investment. if you are a small business owner or maybe you are a contractor you take loans out for things like welding
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equipmentor a truck and take that into account what return on investment that will be for you by the time you pay off that equipment. the same is not done when it comes to taking out hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt. is that a conversation that people need to start having? >> i'm glad you said that. because you are absolutely correct. we really as consumers, americans are the best consumers on the planet. we spend days looking at the ingredients in our mini wheats. we don't spend enough time, as you said, focused on return on investment when it comes to what is arguably one of the larkest investments we will ever make, college. college is a great way for us as a society to advance. there is no question. the value of higher education is undisputed. we as shoppers, we as consumers. we as families need to do a better job to understand that value and figure out ways to pay for it beyond just waiting for a government bailout. smart families do this all the time around the kitchen table, katie. we don't need the federal government to come in and rescue us. what we need is a reform of the
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system. we need fixing the system not necessarily forgiveness. >> katie: yeah, as we know. it's not just that -- it's going to cost taxpayers around $2,000. it's also inflationary as well, which is a tax on everyone. dan, thanks so much for your time this morning. jealous you are in san diego. >> you got it, thanks, katie. >> katie: sounds good. all right. coming up. pier outrage. new pier in the shape of a cross. some are come out against the religious symbol being built in their backyard. ♪ from prom dresses to workouts and new adventures you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b.
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i had no idea how much i wamy case was worth. c call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> steve: fox news alert. there you have on manhattan's west side second bus this hour of migrants from the southern border has pulled in from texas. the new arrivals come just one day after a record five buses rolled into midtown manhattan. how many today. stay tuned. as you can see right there they are receiving applause from the reception line and there are a number of children arriving to new york. >> steve: all right. more on that in a little bit.
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meantime down the shore, a jersey shore town is set to begin construction on a new pier that looks like a cross. but some complain religious symbols have no place in a public space. one resident saying, quote: the cross-shaped pier feels like christian bullying and i'm deeply concerned. michael badger president of the ocean grove camp meeting association which owns the land and joins us now live. hey, michael, good morning. >> good morning. >> well, it looks like -- it definitely looks like a cross. was that the idea? >> it's not what we started an old pier that was here super storm sandy took it away in 2012. gave us a chance to reenvision what we were doing here. and the old one had a private clubhouse at the end. we are like we would love people to be able to go all the way to the end. one night i was out here kind of thinking about it you almost have to wait your turn to get to
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the end because there is always like a romantic couple ahead of you. and so then we are like wouldn't it be great if there was more ends so then, of course, we are a christian organization, we are like hey, that looks like a cross, doesn't it? that's pretty cool, that's how it all started. >> steve: i understand some people are complained but the plan is still to construct it we should point out it's privately owned by your organization. but it will be publicly available has the aclu been notified called and said hey, you can't do that? >> i haven't heard yet. there has been lots of rumblings. people are saying that, you know there will be be attempts to delay the project or maybe get involved in how it is, but we have the permits from the new jersey department of environmental protection. this private organization christian nonprofit that has been around for 153 years. way back in the day they bought
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all the land, the beach, they built first boardwalk and pier. and we still have christian symbols around town we plan on building it opposition, we will be polite welcome people. i want to come and enjoy a day. you get to walk out over the atlantic ocean. you don't pay anything. we are paying the 1. # million dollars. there is no government money enjoy yourself at the boardwalk. >> steve: you told one of our producers a pier in coney island is similarly shaped ultimately, nobody has had a problem with that. >> yeah. it kind of -- the level of disappointment, i guess, is the best term, is kind of surprising. you know, there are secular piers out there. it's really useful because it gives you more places to stand. it gives you, you know, the ability maybe to fish in
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different places. we are going to put, you know, things that measure wave hyatt and tides and all the rest. more places for emergency equipment. it's a good design. >> it will be stronger because super storm sandy wreaked havoc along the new jersey coast line. thank you for joining us and telling us about your new pier. >> can i just ask if people want to support the pier, just go to ocean because we night need some money in the days to come but i really would appreciate just come and enjoy ocean grove have a good day. >> steve: i have been there. it's beautiful. thank you, michael. college football returns this weekend. so does tailgating. but it's more costly. we will show you how to save a buck when you are tailgating out of the truck. ♪
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♪ >> joe biden strike his plan to forgive student loan debt. >> my plan is responsible and fair. >> they are goings to cancel student debt for 40 million americans. who pays? the american taxpayer. >> what is it going to take for this administration to care? >> today, department of homeland security secretary mayorkas is expected to make a stop in texas. >> as of wednesday texas governor greg abbott has sent more than 1500 illegal immigrants to new york city. >> a new memo from the nypd tells officers they can't congregate on city streets. the order comes after mayor eric adams scolded officers for
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congregating together. >> this is absolutely unnecessary. >> for me to be here on the number one late night show is truly an honor. we also had the stage crew remove the sippy cup because i do not spill unlike the normal host who is anything but normal. ♪ i'm hooked on a feeling ♪ each high on believing ♪ that you're in love with me ♪ >> brian: call the city. you are looking at the oldest city. the much geraldoed st. augustine, florida, also the site of a 315-year-old for the. the first thing i did on what made america -- what made america great on fox nation, you got go to st. augustine if you haven't yet. one of the main reasons why spain will not invade us again because they know they can't get
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by us on that for the. they were never going to take back florida because of this for the. steve one of our anniversary show saint about st. augustine. the fountain of youth. >> brian: you want to live forever just go there and use the water fountain. >> steve: and they have plenty of water there. >> katie: cute little town. i have a friend who went to flight school outside of st. augustine. >> steve: want to give a name a shoutout. >> katie: the pilot. jackie anderson. a pilot now. she went to flight school. she is incredible. >> steve: who is she flying for? >> katie: american, i believe. good for her. >> steve: thank you, jackie, for giving katie a story for the cold opening. >> katie: thank you very much. >> steve: thanks for joining us on this thursday. president biden has announced
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his plan to relieve thousands of dollars student debt price tag at least $300 billion. >> brian: even democrats are warning about the impact of inflation. >> katie: jacqui heinrich joins us live from the white house with the latest. jackie, good morning. >> good morning, katie, brian, and steve. yeah, white house officials don't want to say the answer that we already know, who is paying for this? the plan benefits 43 million borrowers, including 20 million who have their debt wiped out completely. up to $10,000 in federal loans. 20,000 in pell grants. people making up to 125 grand a year. 250,000 for couples. everyone else gets another pause on payments until december and then your monthly payments will also be capped at 5% of your discretionary income. but, there's no handout if you already paid back your loan. >> people that already paid their student loans. >> right. >> they don't get anything out of this deal? >> right.
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>> katie: thinks this is perfectly fair. some democrats don't. congressman chris pappas said i supported expanding pell grants, affordable community college and those entering vital professions like nursing this announcement by president biden is no way to make policy and side steps congress. last year speaker pelosi said she didn't even think this would be legal. but biden's education secretary found a law passed after 9/11 ensuring people are not financially worse off in times of war, military operation or national emergency. and the administration is arguing now that the national emergency is the pandemic. but this administration just argued that the pandemic is over, at least at the southern border, when they motioned to lift title 42 and, yet, when the president made this announcement, he rambled on for six minutes before ever mentioning the pandemic. first hitting on college being too expensive, his dad never going to school, and debt keeping black and hispanic people from home ownership. back to you guys.
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>> brian: right. very interesting the way he handled that he wasn't the only one. we also have michael bennet, a democrat who came out against it tim ryan came out against it jared goldman. >> larry summers. >> larry summers, treasurer obama years. a lot of democrats not on board with this. >> yeah. this looks like something i think they are afraid of blowing back on them in the midterms. because not only is this going to potentially have a massive inflationary impact, it's going to undo, according to a lot of experts, any deficit reduction that came out of the inflation reduction act which was the president's achievement. and then, also, it's benefiting a few people but it's not benefiting others. including those who didn't go to college or went to a trade school that would not have this kind of benefit. so, it might have an uneven sort of impact. >> steve: yes, absolutely. >> katie: jacqui, thanks for joining us this morning. >> thanks, guys. >> steve: speaking of democrats who are angry and brian detailed
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a couple of them, remember, there are a lot of democrats super progressive who are really angry because they wanted $50,000. >> katie: yes. >> steve: they didn't want 10,000. they wanted 50,000. this is just 20% of what they want. maybe they think of it as a down payment. what i thought was absolutely on the nose about what jacqui just said, she was referring to joe biden. came out and did some rambling. >> katie: he did. >> steve: that is why the president is teleprompterrized at all times unless he goes off. >> katie: that's why he is at delaware a lot waves at cameras. >> steve: might be one in the rec room. james cordon had an observation about our rambling president. >> here is president biden giving a nice simple outline of his plan. >> sayioy you are going to be a cleaning man and i say, dad, but, what does that matter? i mean you can still get fired if you are a college man. and i remember going down after a baseball game, i went to a
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good school up in claimant, delaware, on the pennsylvania border, and i walked in and i had my spikes because the reason i was going down, your dad works in an automobile agency you get a great advantage you get a new car to go to a prom or a good used car, i think i'm joking, i'm not joking. i went down in my 51 plymouth beach towels for seat covers. i went to see the guy's name was charlie dechevaer who was the vice president of farmer's bank which was a state owned bank that did a lot of financing of people who wanted to purchase a car. so we went to charlie's and asked to borrow the money. he said, they won't lend it to me. [laughter] by the end of that story, you know what? forget it, we will pay. we will pay. [laughter] >> steve: farmer's bank, new car for prom you heard about this
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and baseball. supposed to announce the big student loan forgiveness, first, a couple of stories. >> katie: so unclear they had to have susan rice come to the white house press briefing afterwards trying to explain what was in this. >> brian: she does not like going front and center. >> katie: karine jean-pierre had to explain who is paying for this. didn't answer the questions on. that was the argument that they made was if you are not paying for your student loans then you have more money for things like a house, which means a mortgage so, they are arguing people who aren't paying off the loan they took out first for school should now be signing up for even more debt you in a mortgage. >> brian: right. keep in mind, katie, they have not -- no one has paid anything yet since the pandemic started they don't start paying again until december and, steve, to your point, the naacp, cori bush and others have said that is so unfair because it only benefits white people that the people of color on average oh $52,000 a
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year not $10,000 a year. the average white person owes $12,000 a year. so, again, we bring race to iniquity and the president of the united states who behind the scenes reportedly was reluctant to do this until late. >> he didn't make his legal case right now. he just said it's an emergency. we have got do this. instead he talked about baseball and his dad which makes sense. it's never dad to talk about the prom. we have been over this. >> steve: if you had a good prom. for the former -- for the president, that was 50, 60 years ago. >> brian: it was in black and white. >> steve: the prom was? people used to dress very formally. >> brian: everything was in black and white back then. father knows best. >> steve: tuxedos. one other thing he is also doing is he is extending the don't have to pay your loan back four
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months past the midterms. that started during the pandemic because so many people were not working here is the thing, unemployment for college grads is at record low number. they don't need that unless the democrats need their votes. oh, that makes sense. >> katie: jacqui was saying they are trying to argue this is a crisis clearly saying different things. there is another crisis that's at the southern border but is now arriving in new york city as we have seen overred past couple of weeks. two more buses arrived this morning with illegal immigrants from texas. these are the buss that governor greg abbott has packed full of food and water and shipped off to new york city, which is a sanctuary city run by mayor eric adams who previously said everybody and anybody is welcome since these people started arriving, shaking the hands of those, that nice man in the suit. ready to get their healthcare, their free phone, their nice hotel room in times square. he has changed his tune on.
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that was. >> brian: put them on a tour bus after this so they can understand about the city they going to get for free. >> steve: the gray line. as they were getting off. we saw them earlier live as we were watching the feed from the port authority new york and new jersey. the person screen right. actually were applauded as they got off. we do understand and a lot of kids apparently on these first two buses. and according to the city of new york, who one of their representatives there had some comments to the press, there are expectations of 200 more migrants today. and then when you look at the number of migrants who have been bused into new york and washington so far, to washington, greg abbott has said 175 buses, with about 7200 migrants here in new york city, 25 or more buses with about 1500 migrants. and, as we just saw, a number of
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those are children, however, on our southern border. border patrol is reporting a really high number of adults posing as children because, if you are a child, an unaccompanied child, you immediately get to be processed rather than immediately be turned around. so far i believe that since october, 65 -- 6 -- almost 700 adults posing as minors. and the "new york post" has got a great story about this. there are people in their -- in mid to late 20's saying yeah, i'm 14. >> katie: this is not something that's new. last year i was in arizona doing a ride along with the pinal county sheriff's department and there was a high-speed chase and they were telling me that a lot of these guys who look like they are younger purposefully do not carry identification so they can simply say they are a certain age. >> steve: i'm 12. i don't have a driver's license. >> katie: they get processed either here or sent back based
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on the enact they are minors. that is a tactic that they are continuing to use. one of the many. >> brian: cuban migrants are pouring in. 175,000 in fiscal year 2022. again, as much as we want to show you what's going on in new york city, and as much as they foolishly are welcoming peopling saying hey it's great you are here. we have so much extra taxpayer money it's going to work out fantastic. guess who else is watching, honduras, guatemala, all these countries, el salvador have refugees pouring into our country mexico and say this is the time. we are never going to get a president this compliant again. come one, come all. and now this whole idea of getting on a bess, i don't think we have 10 people. now get 70 kids or families on the bus, about because free trip to new york. how could i turn it down? >> steve: sure, especially during the tourist season. here's the thing, brian, as we feature and when we see a bus we take it live as maybe 50 people
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get off. >> katie: that's a low number. >> steve: number of people coming into new york city on the buses. people coming into mexico from texas is 10 or 20 times that every day. >> katie: millions of people over the last two years. >> brian: number one issue for those running for house seats and senate seats, any seat in texas, outside the economy, is illegal immigration, no one has to tell that to congresswoman mayra flores whose husband is a border patrol agent. she had joined us earlier. >> how many more children have die and immigrants have to die for this administration to care about the immigrants because they are continuing to put policies that encourage people to come here to the united states, knowing the dangers. i am an immigrant myself. i want every child to have the same experience that i had when i came here to the united states at 6 years old. we need to focus on legal immigration how can wouldn't improve the legal process so more good people are able to come here. it has been interesting what is happening in south texas.
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border security shouldn't be political it really shouldn't. we need to come together and secure the borders. steve: her husband's boss, secretary mayorkas going to be heading to the del rio sector today, i'm sure he is going to be talking to the patrols, he will get an earful. he will go back to washington and say yeah, they don't like it, but, boss, i'm just following orders. >> katie: open borders, inhumane borders you are seeing it every single day. embolden multi billion dollars industry making more money trafficking humans than they are trafficking in drugs. >> a woman that's pro-human carley shimkus. >> carley: yes i am, brian. good morning to you all. i got some headlines here. a man accused of of an armed carjacking has been shot after police say the victim was able to gain control of his gun. authorities say an elderly man was unloading groceries from his car when the suspect approached him at gunpoint after a brief struggle the victim was able to turn the suspect's weapon against him. firing a bullet that grazed the
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suspect's torso. police say the victim will not be charged. georgetown university is requiring students to mask up during in person classes this fall. the school also mandating masks on its public transportation services; however, the mandate does not apply to informal gatherings like the library and other study areas. last year the state reinstated the mandate because of, a, quote, significant increase in covid-19 cases. the sec is launching an investigation into twitter's spam accounts. the move comes after an explosive whistleblower's claim that the company was misleading federal regulators about the number of fake accounts. elon musk, who is attempting to pull out of the $44 billion agreement to buy twitter because of those bot accounts sharing this cryptic tweet: give a whistle, give a little whistle. in a social media giant staff
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exodus also continuing as twitter executives say over 18% of their employees have left in the past month. at this point typically this figure is between 15 and 16%. brian, listen up. pumpkin spice season is upon us. your favorite time of the year. >> brian: absolutely. >> carley: get your sweater on. buzz offering $1,000 to pumpkin expert willing to taste test and review fall items for trader joe's? how about that. you can apply online true next fry day. cracker barrel menu items on august 30th, you will be able to try 8 new seasonal dishes including kickin' ranch fryeed chicken. build a bear is also releasing a scented bear for fall. your fuzzy friend can smell just like a pumpkin spice latte. i know what i'm getting you for christmas. >> brian: absolutely. i don't want to have to build it i want something put together car i will build it for you.
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>> if you could show me the scientist that can imbue the taste in the bean, i at this point in time brewed. syrup tastes sugary. i want it brewed in there. >> katie: after labor day. that's the key. >> steve: brian wants a seed that tastes like a pumpkin could that possibly be a pumpkin seed? >> brian: could it be? >> steve: carley, thank you very much. the other thing, brian, you can have pumpkin spice on everything. because, if you ever go to a grocery store? >> katie: yeah. pumpkin by spice. >> steve: exactly. it's that big. mccormick's sells it. it's 3 bucks. >> katie: nutmeg with pumpkin spice. >> steve: i will bring you pumpkin spice tomorrow. >> brian: not going to be the same. you have to wait for the sprinkles to dip into the coffee. >> katie: it's a powder. >> brian: i want something that's there from day one.
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the water comes. in the beans get the water. it comes down to the filter and into the cup. >> katie: we will work on it you can put that pumpkin spice in the brew basket. >> brian: ted, can you work on that? thank you. >> katie: in the meantime still ahead we mark one year since the taliban takeover. our next guest worked with pete hegseth as a an afghan translator and feels like former country is dying in front of his eyes. they join us together next
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shingles. some describe it as pulsing electric shocks or sharp, stabbing pains. ♪♪ this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks. a pain so intense, you could miss out on family time. the virus that causes shingles is likely already inside of you. if you're 50 years or older, ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingles.
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♪ >> brian: our next guest is an afghan translator who worked with our own pete hegseth and other u.s. forces from 2007 to 2014 before becoming an american citizen three years ago. now one year after the botched
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afghanistan withdrawal he says he feels like he is watching the nation die in front of his eyes and there is nothing he can do. that translator joins us now along with our good friend "fox & friends" co-host pete hegseth. welcome to both of you guys. saboor, we hear it's bad, we see it's bad. what are people telling you is happening in afghanistan? >> well, good morning, and thanks for having me on the show. pete, it's great to be with you again. you know, afghanistan is back to where we started in 2001. you know, you have massive starvation going on, humanitarian crisis in terms of economic and poverty at its peak. girls education, women's rights. all of those things are troubling issues that we are dealing with in afghanistan that no one is paying attention or kind of being put on the side. one of the hardest things to see all of this where we are with afghanistan in particular is with regards to how, you know,
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international community and all of russ kind of turning a blind eye on afghanistan because and that's an opportunity for a lot of the terrorist. you saw what happened with terrorist back on afghanistan and trying to get back to where we originally started in 2001. >> brian: pete, on so many levels, this must be frustrating to you because you fought there for a reason to give afghanistan a chance to grow and live up to whatever their potential is. but, at the same time, do you really want to help out a government that has no interest in helping their people? >> yeah, and you know, abdul said a year ago we were going through this and helping get his brother and family out there. is no taliban 2.0. they are not going to change their stripes. we know exactly who they are. they are going to target their political opponents as they did and as they continue to do both through weaponizing food and hunting down people. this last -- we are a year from this when this happened. we recently abdul, saboor and i
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and others are reflected on this the chaos, the lottery system, know vets who advocate for you the ad hoc system. some of the men who pulled abdul's brother out, ha bib, were ones that were killed and wounded at abby gate almost a year ago today. it was chaos and facial that has led to the taliban as abdul said. taking over as if americans were never there. and we betrayed, allies like abdul and ha bib who worked with us daily and thank god in america now and great americans in the future. but we left a lot behind. >> brian: saboor, the way we left has everything to do with the hell that is afghanistan now. don't you agree? >> >> i think a lot of the decisions that were made were not properly managed or done in the poor management system that led to where we are today.
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obviously, what pete is talking about in terms of the allies at u.s. and a lot of the soldiers that were deployed in afghanistan had the veterans even today, if you ask them, they have made a promise to hold and to bring safety to a lot of the allies. this is a reflection of what the united states has made a promise to the people of afghanistan, and particularly those who have been allies. and here we are trying to uphold that promise but also a sense of moral and ethical obligation towards a lot of those guys while leaving them behind to the enemy. and they can do whatever they want like it's a football game and playing with people's life. there is an active civil war going out northern resistance. obviously, this country, this particular group, does not know or clearly don't know how to run the government system in afghanistan that a led to a lot of the chaos. >> brian: real quirks pete, your final thoughts to weigh in on this from the veteran
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perspective, the way we lost and the way the veterans still have to get the people out? the state department and this administration seems to have gotten a pass. >> pete: they did. they don't get a pass from vets. this administration turned their backs on allies and on the sacrifices of 20 years. yes, i wanted to end the war as well. but it didn't have to be this way. all those men and women in uniform who were there and the chaos and did their best god bless and those 13 whos lost their lives god bless them. those names we will never know thank you for fighting shoulder to shoulder for us 20 years. prerogatives in washington that led to this failure. decisions that were made to rush it, to collaborate with the taliban, that led to american deaths, and a stain on america's reputation in the world which will reverberate for decades. thank you for all those vets, all those afghans and others who fought to the end. the afghan special forces that will not be forgotten but now we have a new enemy in afghanistan.
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>> brian: yup. a lot of people think we are going to end up back. saboor, thanks so much. pete, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> pete: thank you, saboor. >> brian: meanwhile, straight ahead the white house plans to wipe out thousands of dollars of student loans for some borrowers, experts warn we are still going to feel the cost even if you live debt-free. a panel of college grads react next your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or active psoriatic arthritis and... take. it. on. with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop irreversible joint damage. and rinvoq can leave skin clear or almost clear in psa. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer;
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>> steve: president biden says he is canceling up to $10,000 of federal student loan debt for certain borrowers and up to $20,000 for people who got pell grants. i believe my plan is responsible and facial. it focuses the benefit on middle class and working families. it helps both current and future borrowers. and it will fix a badly broken system. these actions build on my administration's effort to make college more affordable in the first place. >> steve: how do people who did it the right way and paid their debt or paying off the tent, how do they feel about what the president is doing? let's talk to them. samantha smith a teacher and college grad with student loans. kohl lyle is a marine corps vet and a beneficiary of the gi bill and dana hall mccain a college
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graduate with no student loans. good morning, everybody. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: samantha, let's start with you. i know you feel that this simply is not fair to people, is it. >> it really is not fair at all. i just feel that responsible people are being punished and the people that want hands out are really getting away with so much these days. >> steve: when you say responsible penal, do you mean people who paid their debt or people who worked their way through college or what do you mean. >> i really mean both. people who don't work going to hand out and also people going through with college and paid their debts already, they have already paid the price. and right now they are going to continue to pay for people who are getting handouts. i know i'm one of them. i have private loans, more than $100,000 and for someone like me, i don't qualify but you bet your bottom dollar i will be payable. i have a variable loan. so it's increasing with the
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inflation and now it's just going to go up even more. >> steve: it sounds like yesterday when joe biden was making the announcement you were probably yelling at the tv. >> oh, yes. i have been angry since the moment he made this part of his campaign speech. and i really never thought it would go anywhere. >> steve: sure, okay. cole, the president says the authority the white house rationale is the authority he can do this comes from the hero's act of 2003. and that was to help members of our military who were fighting wars in afghanistan and iraq at the time. so, in other words, it was a benefit for members of the military like you. you used gi bill. but now, a lot of people with no military are going to benefit. >> yeah. and my personal story, you know, i use the gi bill to go school. i was self-aware enough out of high school to know that i wasn't ready for college.
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if i eventually wanted to go back to school i would have that benefit. so i signed with that implicit understanding i would have that i utilized it. turns out college is so expensive i still had to take out 10,000 in student loans which i have since paid. the relates is the organization i represent, mission roll call, we did a poll of veterans and over 6,000 of them, 77% of them said they oppose student loan forgiveness and we really weren't seeing that perspective anywhere in the national debate surrounding this i thought it was important to include. >> steve: okay. and, dana, regarding you, and your situation, i understand just like me, you had jobs during college because you wanted to get out of there paying your way as you went along. >> yes. and immediately yesterday when i heard about this policy i thought of my parents and my brothers and myself. my parents were first generation college students who worked out their own education by the sweat of their brow. my brothers did the same. one of the ways that we did that
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by making really responsible choices about the college path that we would take. we didn't choose the very expensive ivy colored dream school. we chose the more pragmatic state school that was affordable that would allow us to work our way through. and then we chose career paths and major programs that had decent return on investment so that we would be able to support ourselves on the back end. this policy doesn't do anything to fix the systemic problem. we are making unwise loans. like bailing water out of the boat without plugging the hole in the bottom, essentially. >> steve: sure, exit round question, it's the lightning round, just a real quick answer from each one of you. i want to know whether or not the president is doing this about 65 days away from the midterms for political purposes, to help the democrats. so, salesman that let's start with you. is joe biden simply trying to buy votes? >> of course. when we look at the things that he has done for other countries,
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he puts all of his attention and money and time into other places. this seems like this is the first time he is trying to help american people. but what he doesn't realize is he is actually utter hadding many of them and i think the timing has a lot to do with that. >> steve: cole, political? >> you know, steve, i work for a nonpartisan organization. i'm going to stay away from the politics. but i will say even harvard economists that work for president obama have said that this will negatively impact the economy. so, make your own assumptions. >> steve: okay. trying to be switzerland there. dana, you get the final word. >> i think it would be pretty naive to assume there is not a political motive behind this policy. political or not, it's just bad policy. >> steve: okay. samantha, cole, dana, thank you very much for starting your day with "fox & friends." telling us about how you feel about the big program joe biden unveiled yesterday. thank you. >> thank you, steve. >> thank you. >> steve: you bet. still ahead on this thursday, the department of justice is expected to submit a redacted version of the mar-a-lago search
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affidavit later today, as joe biden insists he had no prior knowledge of the probe. lara trump weighs in on. that was plus, chris lane will take the stage tomorrow for our all-american summer concert series. if you would like to be in attendance go to to reserve a free v.i.p. ticket. ♪ welcome to subway's biggest refresh yet. they're drafting 12 new subs for their all-new subway series menu. you've never seen subs like this before chuck. meteoric meatiness, and chowtown cheesiness... let's go to our panel for more appetizing analysis. the new monster's bacon has consummate craveable crispiness! the new boss is a perfect ten. (♪ ♪) wait, what are we talking about? gronk! thank you for... nothing. (laughs) the new subway series. what's your pick?
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alice loves the scent of gain so much, ♪ cent beads. try spring daydream, part of our irresistible scent collection. >> mr. president, how much advanced notice did you have of the fbi's plan to search mar-a-lago? >> i didn't have any advanced notice. none, zero, not one single bit. thank you. >> katie: president biden denying any prior knowledge of the fbi raid on mar-a-lago, despite smoking gun evidence showing the white house had been working with the national archives for months. meanwhile, the doj has until noon to file a redacted copy of the affidavit used to justify
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the raid. the justice department also releasing a 2019 memo advising former attorney general barr against prosecuting then president trump with obstruction in robert mueller's russia probe. fox news contributor lara trump joins us now. great to see you this morning. so, the first question is, do you believe joe biden when he says he had no prior knowledge of the raid? >> >> katie, i don't think anyone believes joe biden. just like we didn't believe when he said he didn't have conversations with hunter biden about the foreign business deals which we know was a lie. just like the zero percent inflation they are trying to suggest is happening in america right now. we know it's a lie. it's ridiculous to assume that the current president did not know about an fbi raid from his own department of justice on the last president and a person that he may be running against in the upcoming 2024 election. what an outrageous statement from joe biden.
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i don't think anyone believes that. and, if you do believe that then who is in charge at the white house? who is making these calls? it is very concerning on all fronts and completely insane. >> katie: i know attorney general merrick garland said he personally approved the warrant to go do this raid. doj has been -- judge has asked the fbi to come up with redactions after saying the affidavit, which the trump team wants to be released in full, doj wants it to be completely sealed. a judge has said you can't seal the whole thing. you have to make redactions. what are you expecting when it comes to what kind of information we may see by noon today? >> well, unfortunately, i'm not totally confident that we are going to get a lot of information. i'm sure they are going to try redact as much information as possible. but it would be in the best interest of america for us to get full and complete transparency. my goodness, when 48% of independents do not trust the fbi, you guys just showed that poll earlier in the show, that
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is really alarming statistic. these are independents, not republicans, we cannot function as a country if we don't have faith in one of our fundamental institutions like the department of justice. and, gosh, it looks more and more everyday like this was a political attack on donald trump, just like they have all been in the past. so, i think for the good of the future of america, we should get a fully transparent, unredacted version, but, katie, i'm not confident that's what we are going to get. i'm sure they are going to try to conceal as much as possible. >> katie: what about the leaking we are seeing from the department of justice about what is in this affidavit? i mean, they conveniently have everything that's in it and, yet, we haven't seen it but yet, we have these little nuggets of narratives that the department of justice has put out to the media that conveniently bolster their argument for why they had to carry out of the raid. >> yeah, it's funny how that works. it's funny that these are the same folks in the media, they are leaking to, who also received the little drips of
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information during the russia collusion hoax, this seems like a coordinated effort and it is very concerning. i will tell you, as an american citizen to see that this is happening. of course, they are trying to clear their name. they have egg on their face at this point at the department of justice and the fbi. nothing should have warranted a raid on mar-a-lago in what we saw a couple of weeks ago. you can't justify that. they know that and so i guess they are trying to control the narrative. the truth is the american people see through this. they see what a political attack this was on donald trump. just like all of the other ones, and in the end, i'm sure he will be cleared just like he has been in the past. >> katie: we will be waiting to see how much black ink is on that affidavit by noon today. lara trump, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> katie: carley, over to you. >> carley: new york's highest court agreeing to hear harvey weinstein's appeal to overturn 2020 conviction for sex crimes. his legal team feels there were issues with the previous trial and will attempt to prove his
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innocence this time around. this comes two years after the disgraced movie mogul was convicted of multiple charges and sentenced to 23 years in prison. well, are the driver of a stolen mazda getting stuck at madrid train station while trying to lose the cops. whoops. the suspect reportedly stole the car from a nearby parking lot after the owner left the keys in the ignition. authorities say the driver later tested positive for cocaine. what a story. a parking spot with a back the blue design is paint the over by a florida high school. why the student and her classmates allowed to come up with unique parking lot designs upcoming school year. the claiming the senior did not submit the idea ahead of time for pre-approval. the student denies the schools claims and she has since been allowed to repaint her parking spot with a thin blue line. those are your headlines, katie,
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back down to you. >> carley: all right, still ahead, football fans are crying foul as the price of tailgating goes through the roof. we are live with tips to tackle inflation just in time for fall kickoff. ♪ ♪
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>> everything from tvs to coolers and you can find all of those great deals. this is a time to shop at the end of september. camping stuff is going on sale. >> they have a lot of labor day sales coming up so a lot of great deals. i will bring you over to my tailgating section. now, grilling is expensive, up 22%. so forget the grill at your tailgating party. we will do this and tortilla chips. this is protein chips right here. we will do the nacho bags. have you seen these? it will take the bag and cut it. it is a little bag and come on around and you can use the condiments over here. we have got tomatoes -- switch with us. >> you make your own nachos. >> one of the things worried about propane. >> exactly. >> this is the reason for finger foods. >> exactly. and grams of protein and also
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low carbs, these are walmart, low nacho and cheddar shredded, and i love this because it melts well. and actually nondairy cheese that taste like terry, i swear to you. it is free with soy, nut and gluten. >> beer is expensive. 5%. and the wine isn't. so i don't care if you get your wine in a box. stick it in a jar and orange juice. we will throw in the oranges. we use our fingers. put it in the fridge for an hour, two hours to be delicious. >> if it is hot outside, very delicious. >> tailgating is expensive. gas prices may be don't have a football team near you you can home and that's what i like to call it. i made some snack trays here. these are with farm rich, crispy
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dill pickles. boneless chicken bites, and might be delicious. i like to spray a little oil and put in the air fryer and they get crispy like the restaurant style, wonderful. available in your freezer section and a serving tray like this. it is to throw in the fridge and have whatever you have to shove on a tray. >> frozen, defrosted, and then go to the stadium. >> exactly, the air fire ready to go. so crispy, delicious. >> >> a great tailgating idea. >> and art show nypd memo tells officers to stop talking to each other. why the union says you cannot be serious! ♪ ♪ the less they'll miss.
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♪ ♪ >> responsible and fair. >> president biden has released his plan to release thousands of dollars in student debt for a price tag of at least $300 billion. >> people are being punished, the people who want handouts are getting away. and a new memo from the nypd says they cannot congregate on city streets. the order comes as dr. mayer eric adam scolded officers for congregating together. >> this is totally unnecessary
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and totally petty. >> the justice department and federal with a redacted version two mar-a-lago. >> president denying any knowledge of the raid. >> what an outrageous statement. i don't think anybody believes it. >> i have a good feeling. >> harvard university is hiring bill de blasio and expected to share lessons about his time city hall strategies for managing covid-19. ♪ ♪ >> brian: good morning, the one in new york city. it is a beautiful day thursday morning and chris will take the stage tomorrow morning for the all-american concert series and go to fox & for a vip ticket and free barbecue, which is really a lot of meat. >> i know you say end of summer,
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but the pumpkin spice lattes come for brian kilmeade. >> brian: happy day. >> ainsley: great concert. >> steve: she brought out the little chicken bites and brian was asking if they had the pumpkin spice because you love pumpkin spice. >> brian: i don't think it should be sewer syrup, but it should be in the beans. >> >> steve: pumpkin flavor is bigger than coffee. >> ainsley: it is. >> steve: have you heard of pumpkin pie? >> ainsley: pumpkin pie. >> brian: that is true. >> steve: you get pulp in real pumpkin pie and evaporated milk which is confusing to me because it should be empty. >> ainsley: anyway two more concerts in the summer series and it would be a great time. barbecue, you can't beat that. >> brian: 2 minutes after the
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top of the hour president biden announcing to release thousands of $ of student asked for a price tag of just $300 billion. >> ainsley: even democrats or warning about the impact on inflation. >> steve: jesse heinrich joins us live and people are trying to figure out who exactly is going to pay for all of that? >> no kidding, good morning steve, katie, brian and we know the answer to these questions but the education secretary was just on cnn and refused to lay out even a range what this could ultimately cost. then yesterday, and the press conference, press briefing, karine jean-pierre repeatedly dodged questions over who is paying for it. >> and you forgive debt, you are not just disappearing debt. and you think about the $4 billion that is going to go back into revenue and into this process of folks pegging their
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college tuition, that matters as well. we are doing this the smart way. >> katie: the plan benefits 23 million who will have their debt wiped out with $10,000 in federal loans or 20,000 if you take out pell grants and you qualify if you make less than $145,000 a year or $250,000 as a couple. everyone else will have the payments paused until december right after midterm but no handout if you didn't go to college or trade school or if you paid back your loans. the president thinks this is perfectly fair, but some democrats disagree. i have supported expanding the affordable community college and loan forgiveness for those with vital professions like nursing but president biden is no way to make policy and sidestep congress. last year speaker pelosi said she didn't even think this is legal. the biden education secretary in 9/11 ensuring people are not in
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times of war and military operation for national emergency. now the administration is arguing, the pandemic even though they just argued the pandemic was over the southern border to lift title 42. so you can bet the challenges are all but certain, guys. >> steve: jackie hats off to you. you have been reporting for and a half minutes and someone has the vehicle in reverse nearby. what the heck is going on? >> it is cleanup day apparently over here. >> hey, it is cleanup day a lot there at the white house. all right, thank you jackie. >> why was she watching cnn? >> katie: clearly did this to try to gain some votes ahead of the midterm elections, but democrats, obviously, tim ryan
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ohio said it sends the wrong message to millions of americans who didn't go to college were paid off their student loans. both sides of the political aisle. >> steve: and jackie was just talking about if you went to a trade school, you don't get it forgiven, which would suggest the biden team, you know what people who learn the trade >> don't vote democrat. >> brian: well, they use to. no doubt about it if you are a moderate or so-called moderate trying to run as a moderate you don't endorse and michael bennet, tim ryan, you have larry summers with a dollars and cents guys for the build back better that got jammed down our throats that this was a bad idea. so they have jason furman who used to be obama treasury advisor. he says this is a bad idea. this is why joe biden was really hesitant to do this. because it is homage to the
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left-wing party which will never be placated. as you see cori bush came out and said i want all of this forgiven. i'm talking $50,000 of aid because up on average black women over $52,000 and white men and women an average of 12,000 so only helping white people so again, this is what president biden started. >> steve: 50,000, tim horton said $1 trillion price tag. instead, 10,000 plus if a pell grant. that is half a trillion dollars at this point. the authority is the hero's act passed in 2003 for people who serve in afghanistan and iraq who are fighting wars. it was meant as a military benefit. and yet these particular graduates and people with student that don't necessarily have to be in the military. we did have a panel of two or three different people.
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one guy a former marine reacted to whether or not this was fair and they were unanimous. it is not. >> i feel responsible people are being punished and the people that want handouts are really getting away with so much these days. >> the organization i represent mission roll call moby did a poll of veterans and over 6,000 of them 76% of them opposed student loan forgiveness. we were not seeing that perspective anywhere in the national debate surrounding this. >> this policy doesn't do anything to fix the systemic problem. we are making unwise loans and it's like bailing water out of a vote without plugging the hole in the bottom. >> katie: she is absolutely right in the data one cycle of students through the college system. we will be right back where the level is right now. and look, i can just take out loans and not repay them with zero consequences to someone who
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didn't go to school or trade school or took out loans to start their own business for return on investment that way. they are the ones. >> brian: 76 days to midterms is what this is about and 21% of the country thinks we are heading the right direction so quickly we have to identify segments and decide how do i get them behind me as quick as possible? and also a hot button which seems to be his legacy. they say, the lasting legacy is climate change and a lasting legacy will be student debt. that seems to be the hot button for joe biden. he gets angry and storms out and never answers questions and leaves it to susan rice to clean up but meanwhile the other big story and that his crime in america. almost every city is out of control. car hops disempowered and outnumbered. the academy cannot be filled up at the last thing you want to do is make your police force feel unappreciated and warned them not to talk to each other.
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that is what the former nypd captain/turned mayor is warning everyone. adams does not like when the cops congregate, god forbid they actually talk about would be criminal, talk about tactics, give people advice and say, by the way, i will make you work. they don't want that. >> steve: this is a memo went out to officers and people in senior management in the new york city police department. and they said, "going forward to officers do not congregate or engage in unnecessary conversation with members in the service while on post as police necessity. keep in mind, we have a feeling he was feeling this way because social media video on august 6th where he was out on the streets and chastised cops who were talking to each other. here is the thing about new york city. this is a very dangerous place. if i were a police officer, i would want someone standing next to me like that. that right there congregation of
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cobs, oh, my goodness, don't let the mayor see that. we should keep in mind in the month of may, mayor adams order police officers to do solo patrols appear to go by yourself in the subway system. and that was in effect for one day until someone, i believe, a platform in brooklyn was assaulted while working. they said, you know what maybe not such a good idea and you don't have to work alone but now the word is don't congregate or look like you are standing around gapping. >> katie: it does seem like the mayor standing around the thing that youtube video on their phone is one thing but when it comes to officers and groups when crime is so high, it is important for them to know and communicate what is going on. the association president patrick lynch is speaking out about this and said "the order is unnecessary and pretty soon there will not be enough cops to congregate anywhere in the city because these miserable working conditions and low pay or forcing them to quit in droves. it is another thing they are
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being criticized for after a laundry list of things while quite frankly, demoralized because they see them back out on the streets because of the progressive prosecutor. >> brian: if you talk to a police officer retire to, the one thing they miss is hanging out with the guys and girls and hanging out with the others on the force. so, you are eliminating that. if anyone should under stand, a former captain. but i ask where is the police chief? shouldn't the police chief be saying this? >> katie: you would think. >> brian: we have not heard anything from her ever. i don't know if overwhelming, the media and a lot behind the scenes, but i haven't heard anything from her. >> steve: we would love to see the police chief pushed back and i can handle my police force, thank you. stop demoralizing the people. but think about it the mayor is her boss. and hey, boss, you are wrong. maybe she's had that conversation behind closed doors
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but we haven't heard it. >> katie: bill de blasio the police chief did speak out against the kind of directive narrative that is being there handed down about the police force. so maybe the current police chief should step up and defend her officers. >> brian: oftentimes in sports, you see the captain speak up against the coach to consolidate the team to keep the team united because you know what the goal is? for the coach and the players to win. the mayor's goal and police chief goal and men and women's goal is to keep everyone safe. how they do it has everything to do with the policies. >> steve: brian, to your point they work as a team hear the cops out on the streets work as a team for public safety. oh, within 5 feet of a cop, i will get written up. this is crazy! you talk to the retired lieutenant commander and detectives earlier in the program and have this observation about what the mayor is seeing now.
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>> this is absolutely unnecessary. but is totally petty. i think it is time to be focused on uncontrolled crime in the city. the fact that nationwide police recruiting is down 65%. they are putting nypd in because they cannot fill the seats. >> brian: that is the story in new orleans over the weekend. there are about almost half down, half of the number of people are actually on the force that need to be an carjacking out of control in philadelphia and new orleans. chicago and believe me, it is not great year either. so the last thing you want to do necessary resource and demoralized. >> katie: instead of writing up cops for standing too close together, may be chasing down criminals assaulting people and leaving them brain-dead on the streets of new york. >> steve: unfortunately the soft-on-crime policy, it is more likely a new york city police officer will get in trouble for talking to another cop rather
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than actually stopping someone and arresting them. >> katie: that is the culture, not great. carley, you have better news for us? >> another controversial law enforcement story and this time with dhs. department of homeland security alejandro mayorkas to visit rio sector of texas have the importer today. he is expected to talk to dhs personnel on the front lines to see their current operations at the border. that will be awkward. meanwhile, earlier this morning two migrant buses arrived in the big apple from texas. new york city reportedly expecting two additional buses telling 200 migrants by the end of the day. listen to this dollar general stock prices rise after a strong second quarter as more people turn to budget shopping and skyrocketing inflation. the rose 1.4% before the market opens raising sales forecast for the full year. the reported sales of
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$9.4 billion, almost a billion dollars more compared to last your second quarter. dollar general says the sale increases were primarily driven by new stores. trucking video out of l.a. shows police officer taking immediate action to save a child who stopped breathing. they officer was meeting with parents at the lapd's station when he heard another parent yell out. the officer quickly took a child into his arms and patted him on the back which is a form of cpr for small children after more than 2 minutes. the officer could sense a heartbeat. the boy is hospitalized and expected to make a full recovery. and the hulk is an honorary police officer in upstate new york. ♪ ♪ from green to blue, sworn in as
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an honorary syracuse police officer. actually a deputy in california for 17 years before he began his highly successful acting career. there you go, making a full circle in life. >> steve: does he live there now? >> katie: i don't know may become i guess so. >> brian: can you make an arrest? >> katie: should kill o'neill as one too, right? so is dean cain. >> steve: herschel walker has a bunch of them. brian, earlier we were talking about pumpkin pie and that is the one thing you can count on being pumpkin. >> brian: don't say it... >> steve: it is made of mashed winter squash. pumpkin pie filling actually can squash. >> katie: oh, my goodness, that is quite the fact. >> brian: off to a bad start because of the crust. >> steve: i think it is easier to grow a squash probably and harvest then a pumpkin.
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>> brian: a squash is hard to sell. >> katie: apparently. >> steve: what are you going to buy squash pie or pumpkin pie? >> brian: used in the tournament of the last century. unbelievable. don't even look up cranberry sauce. >> steve: it is actually cranberry. >> katie: all right, coming up family up 18-year-old killed in a hit-and-run demanding justice after the killer walks away free because of a plea deal. we will hear from them up next. ♪ ♪ or active psoriatic arthritis and... take. it. on. with rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that tackles pain, stiffness, swelling. for some, rinvoq significantly reduces ra and psa fatigue. it can stop irreversible joint damage. and rinvoq can leave skin clear or almost clear in psa. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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♪ ♪ >> brian: a new york hampton hit-and-run driver will walk away free one year after fatally striking a teenager.
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18-year-old was walking to a party last august when he was hit from behind by daniel campbell who fled the scene in his suv. now, he will not serve jail time as part of a plea deal. the families pleading for accountability. his mother and father join us live along with his cousin who was with him that night. all three of you. tell us about that night because you had taken him there to try to introduce him to people from new york. >> yes, he was about to start nyu in september. we were on a vacation to the hamptons. we always take a family vacation and i wanted to introduce since we would both be in new york together. we went to this party. i should try to get into this party and there were so many
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people, hundreds, hundreds and thousands of people on the streets. cops everywhere so we never got in. in the hamptons, that there is very low cell surface. so we were finding our way, trying to find cell surface and we were walking along the side of the curb on the road. and with 15, 20 people and a car came behind us very, very, very fast pace and struck him. he was lying on the grass. i looked up and they were gone. >> steve: somebody got the license plate number. then the cops into that that guy's house and he thought he might have hit somebody. >> so daniel campbell had been driving the car.
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and he tried to come back and save him. >> brian: your son died. it was a terrible, terrible story. when it was time for this man, daniel campbell to be held responsible, what happened? >> you mean on august 5th? >> steve: when the police looked into it. and it turns out there were nine people in the vehicle. >> there were ten people in the car total. >> steve: now after adjudicated, they decided he would not serve any time in jail. >> yes. >> steve: you don't feel that is fair, to you? >> that has shocked us and already lost a child. daniel campbell hit and fled from the scene. not only did he flee from the
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scene, he didn't call 911 for medical assistance to help my child. this obit is like saying my child's life did not matter to him. what matters is for him to get away. if those two girls did not take the license plate, we would never know who did this. so to me the shock, how can somebody take that be set free and not even realize what he did? it is like saying people do what you did but it's not okay. that is my child. >> steve: absolutely. and as a father, i know you are both so frustrated. did daniel campbell ever reach out to the family and say, "hey, i am so sorry. it is dark." or anything? >> he has never reached out or apologized. he has reached out to our lawyers. >> steve: what would you like to -- i'm sure you would like to have a conversation. what would you like to say to him?
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>> i would like to tell him if you hit somebody, every life counts. every second is important. you could have saved my son's life. >> steve: what would you like to say to him? >> i would like to ask him why did you kill my son? my child is a human being just like you, you know. you just don't hit someone and leave them like this and let them fight for their life on the street. i mean, my son was on the safe side of the road. it's not like he was on the road itself. there were so many children behind. it was not a road which only had one or two kids and couldn't see. there were so many kids. it is just not right. >> steve: what would you like to say to the judge who decided that he would get no jail time? >> i would like to say that i believe in the justice of
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america and i am sure, i'm sure that we will get a fair trial. >> steve: you thought he might get six months in jail but you were shocked when you found out zero. >> initially the d.a. asked 1-3 years. the judge had decided six months. i don't know when he decided to not give him any jail time. and shocked. we are reliving this life again in the hip was so hard that my son actually flew 6 feet, 7 feet high in the air and 10 feet away. it was like he was just dead at the same time. >> steve: i know it happened just a year ago. it must have been the worst year of your life. >> it has been. i live with this -- i have anxiety attacks.
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and the thought of seeing my son with all the machines at the hospital seen. it has been a horrific and tragic thing. and nobody should go through this. and how does that work here? >> steve: good question. >> if you hit somebody, just run. because you might get away. and the worst thing is he tried to flee. he tried to leave the county. he tried to leave the county and he had no remorse and getting snap chats up my son getting killed. there were ten people in the car. what were they thinking? >> steve: a terrible year. i know this was hard to tell. i thank you all for joining us. thank you. visit the website, as you can see right there for more information. he was 18.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: all right come a fox news alert, releasing revised second quarter gdp dropping 6.6%. last month and the second drop
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in traditionally marking every session. that is old school with a white house trying to redefine purity here to react in reality money host charles payne. charles, before we talk about that, revised slightly better in a little bit less. >> a look at the details but listen the bottom line factor back negative gdp prints. and here's the interesting thing, may be three? so we started out this quarter with the atlanta fed thinking 2.5%. yesterday, we dropped to 1.4%, the same thing in the second quarter. initially, we thought 2.5%, 3.5% growth but slowly but surely the economic data came in the number started getting lower and lower until we got a negative number. this is absolutely mind-boggling. i think the debate over whether it is a recession or not is a dumb debate because it is up to
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the individual. everyone watching the show and by the way i've done research and any folks to decide whether a recession, things like that, so fine, when when ever a time stamp, hopefully to be over, the whole thing because as much as a year after the fact, but definitely heading the wrong direction and we've got this meeting tomorrow jackson hole with his speech by herman jay powell. >> brian: who is it? >> herman jay powell. >> brian: financial minds, right? >> he is the guy to give us a hint how aggressive the federal reserve to fight inflation. this is a grazing balancing act, they have to fight inflation because if they let it run too much, it will imperil the economy to the point you start thinking levels but if they go too far, levels, but they, by
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the way, the jobs got so much more difficult yesterday with a stroke of a pen. president biden keeps pushing free money into the economy. and they are trying to get people to stop spending money. why do prices go up? economics 101, chasing too few of goods. stop, take a break! this is crazy. >> brian: $10,000 of loan forgiveness and you have to wonder if i'm 18 and about to go to college, should i worry about paying back my loan? if i'm 42 am i a sucker for making the payment? >> you are an american who does the right thing that you feel like a sucker though but i feel bad for these kids, 18, 17, 16, tenth or ninth grade, your college by the time you go there there, much higher. tuition will be higher but all
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of these things, president obama kicked out the middleman and you know what the government can do this better than private sector. we will rubber-stamp everything. and all of a sudden, student loans became the number one data out there and skyrocketed through the roof. of course, no discipline and always a hint, a wink-wink. we will forgive this at some point. it is a mistake. >> brian: charles, this thing also was about the interest rates, 10% above but how do you get away with doing that? >> listen, the government was making a pretty good amount of money and they will lose cash mail even before this almost $200 billion because of all of forgiveness being done. but that is where the private sector should have a greater voice because the private sector will have guardrails. right now, president obama kicked out the middleman, greater salaries. it has been the wild west.
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>> brian: and the administrators, that class is growing and most vote for the democratic party and has a lot to do with what is going on right now. >> they are the elite class, and president biden, by the way have been put above everyone else in this country. you should see how much money they have gotten in the last two years. it is mind-boggling. >> brian: thank you, charles. making money with charles payne, unbelievable at 2:00 today and there is charles. >> thanks. >> brian: law enforcement from texas county overwhelmed by the surge of migrants that they no longer respond to emergencies. and sounding the alarm next. ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ the tenth pick is in the new all-american club. that's a “club” i want to join! let's hear from simone.
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every single day. our next guest say illegal crossings can top 3,024 hours and are taking a major toll on law enforcement. frank joins us with an inside look. frank, we are not hearing local law enforcement so overwhelmed by illegal immigration crisis with thousands of people coming over every day but they are unable to respond to domestic calls that people are making. >> the yes, that is correct. we are having a lot of issues with the surgeons of migrants coming across an averaging 3,000 per day on a daily basis. and our 911 system a push to the limit locally answering calls for service, dealing with the migrants from the community and a lot of them coming to the neighborhoods wandering around, knocking on doors 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.
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the police department, they are having to respond to 90% of the calls coming in due to the migrants, to the high number of migrants crossing the border here. time and time again, we are finding out our response times for service such as motor vehicle accident or someone wanting to make a report. they are having to wait longer times for officers to respond to get there due to the number of people crossing the border on a constant basis. >> katie: it seems like the flow will not stop anytime soon and it just gets worse but you think the numbers are more like 6,000 people crossing every day because a number of people go undetected. homeland security alejandro mayorkas will be in texas today. if you could talk to him and ask him first a change in policy, what would you say? >> i would tell him if i have a chance to talk to him, let the border patrol do their job like they were allowed to in the
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past. the border patrol has always been in the past, great men and women, great agents that do their job. right now their hands are tied. they are just receiving people processing them and releasing the majority into the united states. that needs to stop here they need to go back to what they were doing before and apprehending these people, processing them and expediting them or removing them from the u.s. here that will stop with the people coming across because the policy they have in place right now. they are allowed to come in and that is causing a lot of issues on the border. new york is complaining because they received 1,500. that was what was received by 12:00 at eagle pass. sometimes more people. that is the number of people that give themselves up. right now radio traffic a group
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of people coming in and border patrol looking for local law enforcement. right behind me right here is a group of 20 people that crossed about 15 minutes ago. right here where i am standing, they are averaging 25 to 50 people per hour. so the numbers they see in new york is nothing to what we see her. >> katie: as you said, taking up your local resources for those that need 911 to be answered and have emergency response for them. constable, thank you so much for your time. >> you are welcome. thank you very much. >> katie: fox news alert, flash floods forcing residents in mississippi and mississippi nursing home to evacuate. more than 40 people rescued. the water overtook highways and for some to their car routes in the state opening centers for people displaced by the floods pure cheap meteorologist at a cross with the fox weather forecast, adam. >> that flooding is not over appear the same system that dropped a ton of rain over dallas continuing to make its move slowly across the gulf
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state flooding mississippi last night. likely more flooding on the way. that was a thousand year reign event as we sow 8.5 inches in some locations in just three hours. nowhere for that rain to go and you suddenly see rain piling up and flitting becoming an issue. flood watches for extreme eastern texas to the florida panhandle including pensacola over toward panama city beach. that direction as more rain with widespread everything in the grain. a couple of inches of rain on the way. some of the yellows and oranges. maybe two to three more but nothing like we saw yesterday but again we will attract more rain across already soggy southeast. those are your weather headlines, carley, tossing it to you. my bad, you. >> katie: thanks, out of. a hero's best friend with an organization helping other service members recover with the help of a special canine, but first let's check in with
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bill hemmer coming up at the top of the hour. >> nice to see you. a judge will make a decision on a trump affidavit and it will happen today but how much will we see might be the question of the day. meanwhile the white house can't answer a straightforward question. who pays for the student loan decision? the buses keep rolling in new york as the migrants cross the border. governor greg abbott joins us live in the paw prints of dinosaurs found in the heart of texas. wait until you see these guys. wait until you see these guys. dana and i will share it with you and 12 minutes at the top of the hour. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences. now as you're thinking about all the vaccines your teen might need make sure you ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination.
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♪ ♪ >> brian: tomorrow marks one year of the suicide bombing at the airport that killed service members. >> steve: among those injured kelsey lenhart who is paralyzed from the blast. >> katie: after hearing of her injury, worked with the foundation he cofounded and rescued 22 to obtain and train a service dog for kelsey. >> so we first have blood pressure issues that are huge. that is something you can do when you have those issues is lifting up your leg and okay, maybe lift my leg up and i will get videos of you working on things. so kind of cool to see him
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working towards being able to do that. >> katie: john joins us now. john, thank you for being here today. so the va doesn't cover the cost of a service dog here that is where your organization stepped in, especially a year after the withdrawal from afghanistan left 18 service members severely wounded. tell us about your work. >> hi, and i am a former navy seal, combat veteran and now cofounders of the foundation, which provide service dogs for all sorts of disabilities for veterans all over the country. >> brian: how did you link up with kelsey? >> so, kelsey was a really interesting story in that she was relieved referred to us from another marine that knew about us. and the extent of her injuries, not many organizations can cover those kind of disabilities but our organization, really specialize in helping
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disabilities other organizations might not be able to do. >> steve: tell us what the dog will do for a vet? >> okay, so in kelsey's case her being paralyzed from the waist down, he is trained in opening doors, objects with her legs. providing new pressure therapy are some of the test he is trained in. >> steve: that is amazing. >> katie: john, these allow for veterans to be more independent, right? and some of the things they used to do in a different way. kelsey is now able to swim. she is able to do biking, shooting. now you guys are doing triathlon. her first triathlon in chicago. and her service dog will be right alongside with you guys. >> yes. funny story, but actually my first triathlon too. when we were integrating last,
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going through physical therapist and challenged to do a triathlon. it was like, if you do it, i will do it with you but only expecting her to have to do it that when she did it, well, great. i guess i have to get my swim trunks on and get ready. >> katie: all of you to do it, right? >> brian: how much does it cost to train a dog to do extraordinary things? >> that is a great question. what we tell people is the foundation, we tell them it is $22,000, but the reality is we are usually helping veterans with extensive disability so the price point does go over that. >> steve: absolutely and at the bottom of the screen you have provided 36 dogs since 2182 beds. it takes a year to a year and have to train them. so ultimately i know there are people watching right now and i bet you wouldn't mind if they would go to your website maybe
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donate a couple of dollars to help train dogs. >> awesome, that would be great. they can go to www.rescue22foundationdaughterwo rk.theycanfindustheyare,instagrf acebookandallthedifferentsocials . >> katie: good luck to you, triathlon and may be a challenge as well. pretty amazing. >> brian: think you, sir. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. don't move.
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>> all right. >> thank you for joining us, katie. >> i will be here tomorrow. last day of the week. ainsley is back next week. >> i'll be on "the five" tonight playing myself. >> have a great thursday. see you on friday. >> bill: good stuff. thanks, good morning. quote, reasonable and fair. that's what president biden calls his plan to cancel student loans. begging to differ are republicans, tax experts and some of the borrowers who stand to benefit. the list is longer. good morning, i'm bill hemmer. hello at home. >> dana: good morning. i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." this is sending some pretty bad signals to a lot of americans and yet the democrats are full steam ahead. you will see they can barely answer any questions that americans have about it. the president announcement is drawing criticism


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