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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  August 26, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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next week and i will not be going to napa. i will be going somewhere else. i will have a very important report to bring back to you guys the day after labor day. tucker carlson is up next. always remember one thing. i am waters and this is my world. they wait until friday to do it but the biden administration is finally releasing a version of the documents they use to justify the police state raid on donald trump's home two weeks ago. unfortunately it's heavily redacted. we will tell you what is in the warrant and what they seem to be hiding. here's a clue, a lot. but first good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. happy friday. every year since 1970 the state
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department has public a document called world military expenditures and arms transfers. you probably have not read it but it is interesting. it's a detailed accounting of global arms sales. what weapons were sold and where they wound up after they were. the u.s. government publish this report in the interest of transparency and then continue to publish it through multiple politically charged scandals and conflicts that would include the iran contra, two separate wars in iraq and all 20 years that we occupied afghanistan. report like this would be especially useful to have and would be critical to have as the biden administration sends billions in high-tech military equipment every month to corrupt oligarchs in eastern europe. where are all the weapon systems going? we should know the answer to that, but we don't know. this year four the very first time in half a century the biden administration has stopped releasing that information. they never explained why they stopped. they just stopped and no one pushed them.
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you would think this would be a scandal or if there is no one thing the news media exists to do is to fight further release of relevant government records. because in a democracy you have a right to know what is being done in your name. not anymore. that information is classified, mr. citizen. you do not get to find out where those billions of dollars of weapons that you are paying four are going. what are they doing with them? you don't get to know. you don't get to learn about anything. about ashley biden sharing with her father. you can get arrested or that. you don't know how many fbi assets were in the crowd on january 6th and what they were doing. you don't get to read the affidavit justifying the fbi indefensible raid on the home of joe biden's primary political opponent. you don't even get to know why you are not allowed to know because that information has been redacted too. are you a russian agent? stop asking. it didn't used to be this way at all. it's unrecognizable. a lot has changed in a very short time. it turns out looking back 18 months, the 2020 election was
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the most consequential election of our life time. you assume joe biden was incapacitated and couldn't change much. he was incapacitated, but the people behind him most definitely are not. they are more ideological and more aggressive than ever. now it turns out among those people is our largest and most heavily armed federal law enforcement agency, the fbi. the fbi is not allowed to insert itself into domestic politics. that would violate the u.s. constitution. it is completely illegal. but per several years it has become increasingly clear if that is exactly what the fbi is doing, actively working on behalf of the democratic party. mocking the rule of law, subverting our democracy from within. far more effectively than ever foreign government could. if that sounds like an overheated plan and it does sounds like an overheated plan, you should know it's entirely true. we know that four of fact. here's how we know and we
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learned that yesterday. weeks before the 2020 election the fbi pressured social media companies to kill the story of hunter biden's laptop. why? that was the story that might have prevented joe biden from becoming president. that happened. we know this not because the new york times times investigated it. they didn't bother. they didn't bring you a special report giving you the details. the new york times times would never do that even if they knew it to be true, and they may. we know this instead because mark zuckerberg of facebook blithely admitted almost parenthetically during an interview with joe rogan. watch this. >> there was a lot of attention on twitter during the election because of the hunter biden laptop story. you guys censored that as well. we took a different path than twitter. basically the background here is the fbi i think basically came to us and some folks on our team and said, just so you know, you
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should be on high alert. we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election. we have on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump that is similar to that. just be vigilant. >> oh. zuckerberg, just to be clear, you saw it, but let's unwind. zuckerberg was asked why did you censor the story about hunter biden's laptop. he said some folks from the fbi came to us and indicated there was about to be a dump of russian propaganda. there is a rewriting of history going on in which some are claiming, some on facebook are claiming, actually, that the visit from the fbi had nothing to do with the hunter biden laptop. the answer was in response to a question about the laptop and censorship of it. the answer was russian propaganda. neither of those terms has an agreed-upon meaning. they don't actually mean anything. what is russian propaganda?
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is it true? that should be the only question that any news or information company including facebook ever asks. is it true? truth is the defense. it is russian propaganda. again, a term without meaning. we wanted to know more. we reached out to mark zuckerberg after that interview and he responded to us, to his credit. zuckerberg confirmed the fbi did not put any warnings about russian disinformation or propaganda in writing. of course they didn't. nothing in writing. that makes sense if you are the fbi. you wouldn't want to put that in writing because you were lying. at the moment the fbi was warning facebook about a propaganda dump that obviously would include hunter biden's laptop, they had hunter biden's laptop in their possession. they knew perfectly well it was authentic. we have looked at it and it is instantly obvious this israel. of course we now know inconclusive but butt he it is that laptop is not censored
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because it was propaganda, whatever that means. the fbi should never be in the information control business anyway. it was censored because it might hurt joe biden and the fbi is the government agency that pushed foret to be censored. has that ever happened in the united states ever? that is the definition of police state behavior. independently decides they are going to determine the outcome of a supposedly democratic election. why is it nearly two years until we learn this? it turns out facebook is a very political place. the founder of facebook mark zuckerberg paid hundreds of millions of dollars to affect the outcome of the election as they famously report on that. the democratic party operatives were working within facebook. on october 14th the facebook communications official and
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democratic party operative called andy stone claimed facebook was censoring the story because of facebooks standard process to reduce the spread of misinformation. whatever that means. that was their initial explanation. it wasn't until late october that mark zuckerberg the ceo of the company publicly mention the fbi his involvement were the first time. he said we relied heavily on the fbi is intelligence and alerts both through public testimony and private briefings they gave us. he testified to that. at the time mark zuckerberg didn't mention anything but the fbi warning facebook about russian propaganda specifically. why didn't he say anything? that is odd. and october 2020 right before the election, weeks before the presidential election, every media outlet in the country and candidate joe biden himself were using the very same line. it's russian misinformation. it's propaganda. and not surprisingly or coincidently, dozens of, quote, former intelligence officials were saying the same thing.
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we cannot play this enough. here it is. >> when you look at this computer store owner in delaware who allegedly received hunter biden's laptop, that is more in line when you think about somebody who's a useful idiot. that's the entry point that is a classic indicator of a potential presence of disinformation. >> right wing media has focused on hunter biden, his laptop, the intelligence officials have warned is likely russian disinformation. >> law enforcement is actively investigating whether the alleged hunter biden e-mails are linked to any foreign interlocks. >> we are supposed to believe that hunter biden in a drunken stupor dropped off his laptop and apparently qanon repair office? >> those are just shells who will say what they are told to say in the person will not take them seriously. we miss the bigger story. we will admit that. at the time we imagined what this lie that the laptop was
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russian misinformation was being pushed almost exclusively by democratic partisans. but that's not true. it was much worse and much more threatening to our democracy. in fact utterly corrosive of our democracy then that. our media attributed these two former intel officials who had a letter about russian disinformation. it wasn't former intel officials spreading the live. it was members of the u.s. government. federal bureaucrats and people who. we're federal agencies, senior fbi leaders who are still at the fbi. they lied and they knew they were lying. they never took steps to validate this claim that it was russian propaganda or russian disinformation. on this show in october 2020 we interviewed one of hunter biden's business pounders. he verified the authenticity of that laptop. he had first hand information and texts and e-mails on his phone and also on the laptop. we reached out to tony last night and we asked him a very
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simple question. did anyone from the fbi ever call you or your lawyer to find out send your name is all over the laptop, if those texts and e-mails were real? if they wanted to know this was russian disinformation they would call you. but not one of them ever did. they knew it wasn't russian disinformation. they knew it wasn't propaganda. they knew it was real and they lied about it. he told us in october 2020. >> on may 13th that e-mail was sent from james gilliard to me. i didn't generate that e-mail. james gilliard generated the e-mail. in that e-mail james gilliard goes through intimate detail of what each individual request from a compensation perspective and how the equity in the enterprise would be divvied up. very important. may 13th. that e-mail was generated by somebody else to me. in that e-mail there is a statement where they go through the equity.
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biden is referenced as 10%. it says jim. and then it has 10% 4 the big guy held by h. i 1000% sit here and know that the big guy is referencing joe biden. that is crystal clear to me because i lived it. i met with the former vice president personally multiple times and i had been reading and talking with hunter biden and jim biden and rob walker and james gilliard. >> to note the obvious, that is not some cable news mouth breather who is giving his stupid partisan opinion about hunter biden's laptop. that is hunter biden's former business partner that can prove he was his former business partner. no one disputes he was his former business partner. his name is all over the laptop. and yet somehow the fbi, the agency that sent a dozen agents to investigate a rope and a nascar garage. the agency that used hundreds of agents to hunt down grandmothers from the election just as
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protest on january 6. that same agency couldn't spare a single agent to make a telephone call to tony to ask questions about the laptop. you claim it's propaganda and misinformation. why don't you call the guy on it and ask him? they didn't bother. this is what the fbi has become. an agency that seeks to exert control over the information that you read in the media. what is this? it is terrifying. again, this isn't speculation. we just had it confirmed in public yesterday. these are people whose main goal is to ensure that they never lose power in washington. interfering with our elections. not so much about hiding information. resorting to force because they know they can get away with it. jill biden's chief political opponent right now biden says he will run again with it will be donald trump. and so they are targeting them.
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is anyone noticing this? the computer repair shop owner who first obtained the laptop says an fbi agent threatened him so he wouldn't go public with the laptop. in case you have forgotten, watch. >> the fbi met with me at my home and asked me about my concerns. i voiced my concerns. i then shifted to say, i just want this out of my shop at this point. just get it out of my shop and give me a phone number i can call should somebody can look forward or harass me. they said we can't do that. when they showed up, instead of bringing the tech guy they brought a subpoena. they said we are just going to take everything. i was a bit uncomfortable and a little nervous but excited at the same time. i cracked a joke and said when i write the book i will leave your names out of it. that's when agent mike turned around and said it's in our experience nothing ever happens to people that talk about these
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things. >> in a free country, no one who obeys the law is afraid of law enforcement. that is true. no one should ever be afraid of the fbi except people who know full well they have committed federal crimes. period. in this country, let's be honest, everybody is afraid of the fbi. you know what happens to you if you tweak the nose of the fbi. or if you annoy joe biden. you get rated and hauled in and get band on social media. as jen psaki said last year, we are flagging problematic post for facebook. it's the white house the same administration which oversees the fbi telling social media companies who is allowed to speak. it happened to alex berenson and donald trump. it happened to the new york times post and the people running the fbi, the people who did that, are still there. this is a huge problem. it cannot be ignored any longer. john ratcliffe is the former director of national intelligence and knows an awful
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lot about this. thanks so much are joining us tonight. you may know enough that this wasn't shocking to, but four a lot of people this was legitimately shocking. the fbi shows up at our biggest news outlet, which facebook is, a news outlet. they say in effect don't print this story because it might hurt joe biden. >> tucker, i was surprised to hear mark zuckerberg say that because what he related the fbi told him was exactly the opposite of what my conversations with the fbi director himself at the time were about. what we knew when adam schiff in october 2020 talking about hunter biden's laptop as russian disinformation, using his platform as the chairman of the intelligence committee to mislead voters about that, we knew that simply wasn't it wasn't russian disinformation. there was no intelligence and discussion between my office, the director of national
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intelligence, the fbi and the attorney general at the department of justice, we all agreed we need to counter this. i put out a statement and was backed up by both the department department of justice and fbi that this was not russian disinformation. so to hear contrary to what the fbi director was saying and the official position of the fbi that agents were acting in contradiction to that in dealing with facebook or telling if whistleblowers are to believe, telling fbi agents to suppress information about hunter biden's laptop and to amplify damaging information about then-president donald trump. that is entirely inconsistent with what we all knew, and what you now know and the public knows, that this wasn't russian disinformation. hunter biden's laptop was real. unfortunately, a lot of folks misled the american people about that and the american voter
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about that two weeks before a presidential election. >> that is election interference, is it not? i don't know what else it would be. >> the app, it is election interference. to the extent that these allegations are true that the fbi agents were knowingly putting bad information out there, it absolutely is. the troubling part about this, tucker, is the fbi is the primary domestic authority four enforcing election security and making sure that people don't interfere with the american voters and american elections. if they are engaged in election interference, we have a problem. that's why so many americans mistrust the fbi at the current time. that is really unfortunate. >> much more destabilizing anything russia has ever done i would say. john ratcliffe, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> the biden administration was forced to release the search warrant affidavit four their
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politicized raid on joe biden's main political opponents house. what is in it? a lot of it is redacted. not all of it. we will tell you what we know. less andrew tate. there is a particularly interesting section that we haven't put on the air yet. but the importance of self respect really caught our eye. it is short, but worth watching. we will be right back.
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in a democratic form of government the elected people have all the power because obviously they were elected. they speak for the population. and the branch of government the president has the final say because he is the elected one. all the bureaucrats work four him. they have to obey him because he speaks with a population of the country. that's how the country works. and the federal government the president has the constitutional authority to declassify whatever he wants. they don't have to follow procedure by congress. separation of powers. they establish this back in 1988. we learn today when the doj affidavit the fbi is looking into the, quote, unauthorized possession of documents at mar-a-lago under the espionage act. today if you think about it
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four-minute joe biden was asked how that is possible. he doesn't know. he doesn't know anything including what day it is. he responded by mocking the question. [indiscernible] >> i just want to know idisk declassified everything in the world. i am president. i can do that. come on. i am not going to comment him. i don't know the detail. i don't always want to know. i let the justice department take care of that. >> i don't know the details. i wasn't coordinating with the white house. it was coordinated with the white house. it was. they are liars. what is in this affidavit, this heavily redacted affidavit released today. the person we go to her questions like that is among other things the chairwoman of the republican national lawyers association and joins us. thanks for coming on. what have we learned from this document? >> well, it is heavily redacted. i would say about 50% is
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redacted. what we have learned is pretty consistent with what merrick garland came out and say, namely, that this is a dip dispute about documents. what is really striking when you read the unredacted portions of the affidavit is that this is indeed a dispute. there are two sides of the dispute. there are major chunks left out in what the doj told this judge, this magistrate judge. four example, there is no discussion in here about what you just said, namely, the power of the sitting president of the united states to declassify documents which i think is very clear. there is no discussion about the presidential records act, which gives the former president significant chunk of time to go through the records he possessed and went through and then determine what should be made public up to 12 years after he leaves office. this is a very one-sided presentation of facts. but it isn't completely silent on details. i think the doj maliciously left the name four example of some of
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president from's allies specifically called out and named as somebody who has commented on the president declassification practices during the time he was in office. this puts a target on cash's back and has been the subject of much glee and hand rubbing on the other networks. i think this is a great example if you are a lover of civil rights in the constitution of how the united states department of justice can be used to weaponize and target political enemies. it is an abuse of that process to do that. but that is what we are seeing in this affidavit. >> really quick in one sentence. we were told that joe scarborough among others had dangerous nuclear secrets in this document. have you seen any indication that that is true? >> tucker, the people that run the doj fetishize these markings in all this bureaucratic stuff they put out there. they have to do to justify their existence. no, there is no evidence of that
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in the unredacted affidavit, tucker. >> thank you fur that. great to see you tonight. early this week a man called andrew tate was basically erased from the internet by all the big tech companies and some financial companies too. we wondered why. who is this guy? we sat down and talk to him. what don't they want you to hear from andrew tate? we played you a bunch of it last night. there is one part we haven't played about self respect and why that is so important. we thought it is worth showing it to you. we will when we come back.
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hi, i'm karen. i lost 41 pounds with golo and i've kept it off for a full year. i've been dieting for decades. with golo, i can enjoy my life. i don't feel like i'm restricted, i feel like i'm just living my life. whenever you see huge multinational companies coordinating to hurt a single individual, you get a little taste of the future. may be your future. we watched carefully earlier this week win within a matter of hours virtually every social media company decided to shut down a guy named andrew tate. we are not experts on andrew
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tate. we wanted to hear what they don't want you to here. so we sat down and had a long interview with him which is on fox news. we played part of it yesterday. there was one line that we wanted to bring you because it was interesting and made us think about it. here it is. andrew tate. >> you said people don't have enough respect four themselves to analyze the ways they were lied to. that's an interesting sentence. what does it mean? >> it means that if i was fooled, if i was one of the people on social media who was generally purporting the idea that people should be locked in there homes nearly indefinitely because of a common cold, if i was fooled like that, i would feel deep shame. and i would really take some time and look in the mirror and analyze who managed to trick me to such a degree, how my mind got so poisoned, how i got played to such a level. i would feel deep shame because
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i would understand my words have repercussions and that i have been purporting a worldview or narrative which has been generally destructive. i would sit there and be upset and angry and sad. i think i cannot believe they managed to do that to me. i cannot believe that i bought into it and did it to other people. unfortunately, there are people out here who a year ago were running around screaming at other people in the street to where a mask who are now not wearing a mask themselves despite the fact that covid still exist. they don't have enough self-respect or enough respect fur the truth to even feel sorry or shameful fur what they use to do. it's incredible to me. don't you have any ounce of honor? look what you have done to the world. you were screaming in peoples faces. now you are out here without a mask on yourself. it's truly amazing the dissidents that people experience. it's the same now. there are people watching videos of me saying i'm a misogynist. no matter how many times i
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proved them otherwise, because the daily mail said the word misogynist, it simply must be true. these people are so deeply stuck inside the matrix that it's difficult. what can we do as rational adults? you must struggle with this yourself, tucker. how many times have you tried to tell the truth to people? it's crazy. it's a crazy world we are in. i don't know how i even got here. now i'm on your chauffeur being a misogynist. it's mindbending. >> i spoke to a young man i know who says that he first became aware of you a couple years ago and people in his social circle became aware of you fur the same reason which is because you were the only people on the internet raising questions about the effects of ssri on young people. tell tell us your view on that and why that topic? >> throughout the years i have been on the internet and i have
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had a whole bunch of opinions. some controversial, some otherwise. i have always been a person who spoke my mind. i say some things that people heavily disagree with. i am antidepressant so i don't believe in antidepressant drugs. i don't believe in trying to take pills to alter your mood because you feel anxious or unhappy or depressive. i was anti- a bunch of things when it comes to covid in the vaccine and such. i have been anti- a bunch of things. i have been talking my personal view and personal experiences. i was never looking to go to war with any large tech giants on any serious level. i was just like everybody else on the internet saying what he truly believed. i truly believe we live in a world now where information warfare is the true warfare. a narrative control is the true narrative control. sorry, narrative control is the true weapon that the people in charge of the world need to create and protect by making
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sure they can control what people see and how people think. they can genuinely affect reality in realtime. anybody who is a danger to that narrative on any level, four them, the risk isn't worth the reward and it's better to do that person absolutely. i don't know how i ended up in that category. like i said, i am inspiring men to go to the gym and train hard and have standards were themselves and speak up forward themselves. the forgotten young men of the world. >> whatever you think of andrew tate or thought you thought of andrew tate, a lot of it is true. if you have been fooled by whatever story they told you on the internet or on television, whether it was about blm or covid or ukraine, it's okay. all of us are fooled from time to time. have higher standards were yourself. admitted. feel the shame that these and people feel when they have been fooled and when they fooled other people and stop doing it. the whole interview is available on tucker carlson. today it is on fox nation.
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tate told us there is one platform willing to host him and that is rumble. we talked to the ceo of rumble. he joins us now. thanks for coming on. everybody cancels this guy because he is a criminal of some kind, an on charge criminal. but you charge in and sign him up. why did you do that? >> when you take a look right now if you go to google and search andrew tate and video, you are going to get all the platforms that abandoned him showing content. you are not even going to get the content from him of what he is saying. this goes to that narrative control he was saying. it is very correct. it is completely stacked against him. you cannot see what he says. you have no idea what he is talking about because you are only getting what they want you to get. the only place he is right now is on rumble and you cannot find it when you search were andrew tate video. that's a huge problem. what we are standing of four at
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rumble is allowing people to say whatever they want, whether we disagree or agree with what they are saying. that's a fundamental write that we have to give to everybody in america. what our democracy stands on. the country was founded on freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. they told you and everybody that this guy was completely off limits. he's a criminal and anybody who would watch it is also a criminal. we're you intimidated at all when you publicly came out and said you were signing him up? scenic know. i will not get bullied like that. if you see what is happening on the internet this is transcending politics. now we are transcending politics. you have people like the milk boys getting canceled. you have people like jake paul and aidan ross screaming from the top of the hill pork free speech. people are waking up to what is going on now. we are happy to be in the middle of it. i don't know how it will shake out in six months but andrew
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tate showed up on our platform yesterday and did a live stream today. he had 100,000 people watching him concurrently. this is a major moment right now in the tech world and how it shakes out in the next six months will be very telling. we have major influencers out there now finally waking up to this and it is now transcending politics. >> you cannot have a free society without free speech. it's that simple. thank you. >> thanks for having me. the washington post was caught lying again. that's a daily occurrence. this was about a pro-life activist. one of the most brazen examples of manipulation of the truth by the media we have ever seen. we thought we would talk to that person smeared by the washington post, and we will, straight ahead.
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mac when elaine riddick was just 14 years old the state of north carolina eugenics board forcibly sterilized her. the state accused her of being feebleminded and promiscuous. she had just been. horrible story.
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days after she gave birth to her child they prevented her from having children again and sterilized her. since that episode she has become a pro-life activist. you have no idea of that from the washington post. the post just published a piece inverting the truth and titled she survived a forced sterilization and now she fears more could occur post row. the article equates forced sterilization with bands on abortion and paints riddick as a fervent supporter of roe v. wade? is she? we would like to get facts on the story. we are speaking directly to elaine riddick. she's the director of the rebecca project four justice. things were taking the time to come on the show. i will be totally direct with you. are you as the washington post says, a supporter of abortion and of roe v. wade? >> i am a pro-lifer and i am against abortions. i have been all my life.
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i have been fighting eugenics and abortion and planned parenthood since i was 19 years of age in 1971. i am 68 years of age now. i have never in my life ben vore abortion. >> how could the washington post put you with the picture on our screen. i don't know if you can see it. put you in a story as a pro- abortion activists when you run an organization that opposes abortion. how could that have happened? do you know? >> the only thing i can say is that they were trying to win some pointers. i don't know how they did it, but it was a live. again, i have never been four abortion. i am the person that has always been educating black women about having abortions and going to planned parenthood and having them looking wounds and their
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bodies. i have been the one that is educating black women about killing their babies and having their babies lynched in their rooms. i don't know how the washington post could have written that article because it was false. it is not true. i am a pro-lifer and will always be a pro-lifer. i would never ever stand four killing up innocent children, innocent babies. i would never ever do that. that is against my policies because, number one, when they sterilized me the same day that i had my son, they lynched my womb. i had to live with that all of my life. why would i be on their side? they killed and aborted every single baby that i could have had at one time. i had just had a baby by cesarean birth. while they had me open, they gutted me open like a hog, and
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while they had me gutted open they sterilized me at the same time. >> that is horrifying. that was the eugenics board which was created with the help of planned parenthood which the washington post supports. have you asked the washington post to correct this lie that they printed about you? >> i did ask them to retract the lie that they printed about me. they did retract some of it. i also wrote them a letter and asked them to print the letter that i had written and they have not printed that letter yet. >> it is really an amazing story. i appreciate you coming on. thank you very much, elaine riddick. >> thank you and thank you four fur having me. marjorie taylor greene has been one of the most direct and vocal members of congress against sterilizing children, chemically castrating them in the scope more broadly. before that, twice in two days someone has tried to kill her,
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truly. calling the police saying there is an active shooter in her home so officers would show up with guns drawn and very potentially shoot her to death. a sitting member of congress. marjorie taylor greene joins us after the break.
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just after midnight this wednesday morning several police officers arrived with guns drawn at the harm of congresswoman marjorie taylor greene in georgia. they arrived because someone had called the police and said falsely that a man had been shot several times in a bathtub in her house. then again on thursday morning at 3:00 a.m. police received another report about, quote, a male possibly shooting family members and then himself at marjorie green's house. the point of all of this, these lies, was to get the police to show up and shoot marjorie taylor greene. this is an attempt to kill a sitting member of congress or
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political reasons. everyone seems to be ignoring the story. we think it is a story. marjorie taylor greene is a member of congress and she joins us tonight. thanks were coming on. who did this? do we have any idea? >> we don't know, but it's under investigation and there's multiple layers. federal law enforcement is working with local police. tucker, i have to tell you i am so grateful four hour local police because they handled it in such a professional way. but we already know what can happen and washington especially at the federal level where we are seeing the department of justice and fbi. they are being used as political weaponry against political enemies. whoever is doing this to me seems to be a direct result of the legislation that i introduced last week that protects children's innocence act. they called in and confessed to the 911 call center saying that they were a trans kids activist and they are angry at me or trying to stop these awful
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surgeries, hysterectomies, double mastectomies, castration of children. this should not be happening, but they are so angry at me from trying to protect kids that they are willing to have me killed and definitely working hard to do that. >> so here is someone who is attempting to murder a sitting member of congress, a federal official as you are, four political reasons. if there is a reason we have a justice department is to respond to stuff like that. has the justice department jumped on this with all four paws to find out who did it? >> they are working on investigating it. the person that did this used some sort of computer system. they didn't call directly from their phone. they called in using some sort of system like text to speech type of program where they called in and you cannot hear their voice. we don't know what the phone number is. it is all under investigation
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and they need to find this person. you know they will not stop. this is politics today. it is now political war. i have to tell you, tucker, i am actually angry at what they have done. i am more resolved than ever and i will not back down. >> i believe you there. what's it like to be woken up at 3:00 in the morning with police officers with guns drawn? >> it is terrifying. it is terrifying. sound asleep, you hear a knock at the door and see flashlights. you open the front door to guns drawn. you are shocked. you don't know what is happening. the police are having the same situation. they don't know if they are responding to a horrible incident where someone has been killed or possibly could be killed. they are there to do their job and they quickly figured out that i was swatted. it has happened twice now. >> if you thought it was a home invasion and showed up with a gun you would have been shot to death. >> absolutely. >> it is a shocking story.
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congresswoman, thank you were coming on. >> thank you, tucker. >> that conversation with andrew tate, we played you part of it. you can stream it. we will be back at 8:00 p.m. the sworn enemy of lying smugness have the best weekend. the best nonpolitical happy weekend with the ones you love. we will see you monday. welcome to this special edition of hannity. i am jason in for sean. tonight after weeks of speculation and selective anonymous leaks, the affidavit used in the mar-a-lago rate has officially been released to the public. unfortunately, magistrate judge bruce reinhart allowed the doj to go wild with redactions. keep in mind judge reinhardt is an obama donor who recused himself from a prior


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