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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  August 29, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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told keep your eye on the ball, eyes, eyes, eyes. any other advice? >> first question do you like to run? >> dana: yeah. >> that's a starting point. if not i can show you how to hit a golf ball. >> dana: i would love that. thank you and congratulations to you and serena williams. fun to watch. >> it will be must-see tv at 7:00 tonight the greatest show on earth. >> dana: i'll be watching. gillian turner is in for harris on "the faulkner focus". >> thank you, dana and trace. fox news alert. major reaction is pouring in this morning from both sides of the aisle. very strong opinions and reaction to the president's move for giving massive amounts of student loan debt. republicans are furious, democrats divided. this is "the faulkner focus", i'm gillian turner in for harris. critics are calling the hand-out unfair and also a blatant political stunt with
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the mid-term 71 days away. listen. >> it was mon mentally unfair. unfair to people who didn't go to college because they couldn't afford it. unfair to people who paid their loans back and unfair for people who got higher education in an area the government didn't make loans and just bad economics. >> it's clearly trying to buy votes. simply putting a future cost upon taxpayers so that joe biden can do something about his terrible mid-term elections. >> not all members of the president's party are on board or even on the same page. progressives are by and large praising the plan but moderate vulnerable democrats are not on board. listen. >> the answer is not to deny help to people who cannot deal with these horrendous student debts. the answer is not to do what republicans want to do, oh, it's unfair to this person
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because we're helping that person. >> i think a targeted approach right now sends the wrong message. a lot of people out there making $30,000 or 40,000 a year that didn't go to college and they need help as well and why i propose a tax cut for working people that will affect everybody. >> this white house isn't sure yet how much the plan will cost since they don't know how many americans will take advantage of loan forgiveness. a new penn wharton budget model says taxpayers could pay for a tab of over a trillion dollars. that's 12 zeros. peter doocy joins us from the white house with the latest. >> white house officials are also still struggling to explain who exactly is going to foot the bill for all this and they are not getting a ton of cover from the democrats. but there are some like senator chris murphy saying republicans see government as a vehicle to
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transfer wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich so they get really angry when democrats use government to do things to help regular people like cut the cost of drugs or reduce student loans. people with eligible student loan debt will need to wait until october to apply to have it forgiven and some republicans argue by october this program will have been declared illegal. something a president can't do without the normal appropriations process in congress. >> arbitrary cancel their debt with the stroke of a pen. not even going through congress. that's fairly illegal. it has hundreds of billions of dollars at a time when we try to bring inflation under control. this is a political shell game of money and i don't think -- it's a bad idea. even nancy pelosi said the president couldn't do this. >> now np says it's a bold step toward helping americans. white house officials claim it is no difference than ppp loans
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that were forgiven calling out house republicans on twitter who had ppp loans forgiven even though there is a huge difference, the ppp program was passed by congress. >> yes it will hold up in court like a 2020 election that the president won by over 7 million votes. >> these two things have nothing to do with each other. the 2020 election and the plan to forgive student loan debt but that's what officials are going with and that means a detailed explanation of exactly how it will all work remains illusive. >> president biden: let us know if you come across it. president biden was banking on student loan forgiveness being embraced by his own party. some democratic lawmakers said they won't byte. an advisor to bill clinton said this. >> bad policy. what is my party doing with this?
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they're not helping the people we're here to help, poor people and underprivileged communities and they aren't helping the politicians who run it. >> a new bloomberg piece has this headline. student loan highlight democrats' divide in tough election year. to break down the economics in all this let's bring in steve moore, economist for freedom works and former economic advisor to president trump. take a look at this, steve, from the "wall street journal." i will pull this up for you there. student loan forgiveness is really a bail-out for woke higher education. it will perpetuate the racket of selling degrees that aren't accompanied by marketable skills. so if we take this hypothetical as fact, right? how does that play out, this precise conundrum in the broader economy. why is it a problem? >> great to be with you. you're right americans are opposed to this policy.
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i would go beyond that. i do a syndicated show and we took call erls for two hours. people were really angry about this when we took calls. people think it is fundamentally unfair, unamerican, punish people who did the right thing and repaid loans and make them pay taxes for people who didn't. the other element of this that people aren't talking about is what the "wall street journal" covered in that piece you were talking about. that the kind of co-conspirators in the crisis have been the universities themselves, gillian. they have tripled their tuitions above inflation over the last 35 years. so basically what is happening, gillian, the more money we put into the pell grant and student loan programs all the universities do to respond to it is raise their tuition. it is like a dog chasing its tail. what i think the solution should be and maybe we can get a bipartisan consensus is
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somebody goes to stanford making $125,000 a year why isn't stanford on the line for that unpaid loan rather than taxpayers? >> bernie sanders says this levels the play field or goes towards leveling the play field and republicans are really only upset now because this helps the lower and middle class and they the end to like to really only beef up the upper classes. what do you say? >> that's exactly the opposite of what he is saying. first of all, realize that half of the workers in america never went to college. and there are people who are people who own small businesses oftentimes. people who work as plumbers or electricians or construction workers. now they have to pay higher taxes for somebody who went to college and is making $100,000 a year? this is rob-in hood in reverse.
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it is taking money from people who didn't go to college and putting it behind the people who didn't repay their loans. one other quick point. i believe if biden does this and they forgive $500 billion of student debt, this is the death of the student loan program because no one is ever going to repay a student loan anymore. why would you if you know the government will come along and bail you out? the whole program. democrats are killing the student loan program with this bail-out. >> let's talk about the i.r.s. quick. part of the inflation reduction act will beef up the organization. republicans are warning of the dangers of this tax agency an steroids. the white house is sticking to their original talking point. >> do you think it will be popular when the 87,000 new employees hired by the i.r.s. go around and start auditing people to pay for the inflation reduction act? >> it is very clear the i.r.s.
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commissioner was very clear on this saying on the record that this only will -- it will only apply to those earning over $400,000. >> karl rove op-ed says the truth is buried behind some confusing language. he writes it is clear what the administration was saying. more households of all income will be audited. more than 95% of all audits of individual returns have been of households earning less than $200,000. if the i.r.s. honor its word. whether people who earn less than $400,000. the white house says they aren't. they haven't laid out the mechanism by which they'll guarantee that doesn't happen. they have not shared the details with us. >> there was a way to guarantee
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it wouldn't happen. remember when this was debated on the senate floor and there was an amendment by senator from idaho, republican senator saying okay, let's have an amendment that says nobody who makes less than $400,000 will be audited with the new money. the interesting thing, every single democrat, every one of them from bernie sanders on down the line all voted against that amendment. so they could have solved this problem. they don't want to. why? this is the middle class country. the money is in the hands in the middle class. you want to get more money and feathers out of the chicken you pluck them from the middle class. not just the middle class. people forget what happened under barack obama where we have -- remember the name lois learner. they will go after middle class people and go after conservatives and republicans. they will weaponize the i.r.s.. this is not a conspiracy theory. they did it under obama when
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conservative groups and republicans were targeted. a lot of us as conservatives are nervous. i got out of it under the obama administration. i think that's something to worry about, too. >> our hearts go out to you, steve. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it as always. more questions are swirling about the investigation into hunter biden. one more tv host now is accusing the media and big tech of a conspiracy to bury the laptop story to hurt president' trump's reelection chances. >> this was the guy, the candidate, biden, at the time to be president saying he would bring everybody to go. then to call half of america fascist isn't leadership. >> what happened to the president's uniter in chief strategy? we'll look into that with jason chaffetz next.
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with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. >> the fact that the president would call half of america semi fascist trying to stir up the anti-republican sentiment right before the election is horribly inappropriate. insulting and people should be insulted and he should apologize. >> gillian: new hampshire' republican governor calling out biden for what he said. those remarks came at a dnc event in maryland signaling a more aggressive strategy as he emotion barks on a travel blitz ahead of the mid-terms. even the mainstream media is questioning the president's remarks. >> there no back pedaling on
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this. it also does become problematic because this is the guy who said he wanted to be a unifier. >> gillian: flashback to the president saying he wanted to be a uniter. >> president biden: i ran on the commitment to be president for all americans. i will work just as hard for those of you who didn't vote for me as i will for those who did. my whole soul is in this, bringing america together, uniting our people and our nation. >> gillian: let's bring in jason chaffetz fox news contributor and former utah congressman. thank you for being with us. what's driving this pretty dramatic or stark strategy shift from the president right now? >> well, joe biden has never been a great communicator but i think there has been so much chatter about joe biden and his ability to even be on the ticket next year. i also think that they've got
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to get out their base. as joe biden wants to travel and crisscross around the country, who wants to show up with him? he can't draw the kind of crowds that a donald trump or ron desantis or a tim scott could have. so he has to show that he has a little fire in his belly. but i don't think it will work. the people that actually win and lose elections for candidates are those in the middle. the idea that joe biden was going to be the uniter was all fiction. there is nothing in his record as president that shows that he has tried to unite the country, nothing. >> gillian: the rhetoric, what we just highlighted in the clip from the president is a pretty marked departure for him. the policies may have not been bipartisan by and large, but a lot of the rhetoric is toned down from him. now we're seeing if he won't
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run again in 2024, do you think this is just a bench warming strategy, fire up the base so that when somebody -- the next democrat takes the helm of the party everyone is juiced up to go? >> there are no more moderate democrats. the idea of fiscal discipline is something that is totally absent. they've moved closer to socialism than anything else and i think they are more scared of the aoc's of the world and the radical left than they are toward the person, the blue collar person who has a job and works and pays taxes. that is not where they have been trying to target people. they have been going to the ultra, ultraleft on some very radical policies. >> gillian: colorado secretary meanwhile is claiming the republicans plan to attack americans' right to vote if they prevail in the mid-terms tells the guardian, what we can
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expect from the extreme republicans running across this country is to undermine free and fair elections, strip americans of the right to vote, refuse to address security breaches, the country could lose the right to vote in less than three months. her opponent is pam anderson firing back saying the secretary is trying to change election laws to keep herself in office. which of those scenarios rings true to you? >> that is absurd to suggest that because republicans want to verify who is voting that somehow that is anti-democratic. that is an absolute scare tactic. there is nothing in that that holds true. it is fear mongering and shame on the secretary for trying to do that. the democrats are saying they need to change the election. conservatives and republicans have said look, trust but verify. we want you to verify who you
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are when you vote. everybody can vote. of course they can. >> gillian: why are democrats lasering in so sharply on the secretary of state races across the nation? >> you heard joe biden say it is not who votes but who counts the votes. when you have a lieutenant governor or secretary of state of gets to certify the elections they know they have to get their george soros-type spoerpted people out there and in those offices because they are the ones, as joe biden said, are the ones that are count the votes and determine the elections. >> gillian: let's talk about facebook for a minute. bill maher went off on the media and big tech saying they surpressed the hunter biden revelations ahead of the election. >> they were talking about hunter biden's laptop that was a story. now all the mainstream press has admitted it was a real story, a real laptop.
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he was selling the influence of his father. most political sons do. let's not pretend that wasn't going on. they buried the hunter biden story before the election because they were like, we can't risk having the election thrown to trump. >> gillian: this came after facebook founder mark zuckerberg dropped the bombshell the f.b.i. reached out to facebook ahead of 2020 and warned there might be russian disinformation about to drop. whistleblowers are telling gop lawmakers that f.b.i. agents were called off looking into hunter biden's business dealings. the comey/clinton document standard and trump. when hillary kept classified information on her private email service justice and the f.b.i. let her off. what do you say? >> yeah, i was the one who was issuing subpoenas trying to get that information when i was the chairman of the oversight committee. they did nothing to try to help secure what we knew was
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classified information in a non-classified setting. look, donald trump has a security clearance at the time hillary clinton did not have a security clearance when that happened. it was the inspector general for the intelligence community, the one that highlighted these types of things. the double standard is there. i applaud bill maher for stangd up and saying of course hunter biden is pedaling only one thing, his influence on his father in the white house. and it is absurd this mainstream media hants covered it. guys like rob rhiner who only read "the new york times" they don't know it's a story. where is the intellectual curiosity from the mainstream media and the f.b.i. suppressing this story? where is the justice in that? that needs a deep probe from congress absolutely. >> gillian: on that point, jason, f.b.i. and twitter now are making all kinds of
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commitments. launching programs, they say, to tamp down on misinformation and propaganda ahead of the mid-terms. if we are to use their record as an indicator what's to come the fairest question to ask if there is a chance in heck that they'll get anything right ahead of the mid-terms? >> that's not the role the department of justice. the department of justice is not to be the arbiter to tell the news organizations hey, this might be disinformation. and you know what? they were flat out wrong. it was a total lie. it was fiction. not as if they hit the nail on the head. they did the opposite. they skewed the election and it just always happens. every single time it just happens to go against conservatives and donald trump. why is that coincidence there? because of the bias that's there. director wray was hired to clean up that place and he is not the change agent this country needs in order to get the confidence back into the department of justice.
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>> gillian: we have to leave it there. thanks for chatting with us this morning. breaking news this hour, the d.o.j. is now revealing new information about documents seized in the f.b.i. raid at president trump's estate mar-a-lago. president's biden's botched afghanistan exit is in the headlines. what the administration has learned from it. >> president biden says he has no regrets about what he did in afghanistan. he is a fool if he really believes that. i regret the fact that the afghanistan is going to become another breeding ground for terrorism and most likely another 9/11 will emanate. >> gillian: jennifer griffin and senator joni ernst with her reaction will be coming up. stay with us.
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>> gillian: one year since president biden pulled the last u.s. forces from afghanistan and 13 american service members lost their lives in that process. there is growing concern in washington that american troops may yet have to return at some point. military experts say advisors told the president to keep a military presence in country. advice he ultimately didn't take. former secretary of state mike pompeo says americans are now today less safe because of that decision. >> sadly, the taliban is in full control of the country. to have had that debacle, embarrassed our country on the world stage we're more likely to be attacked like new york city was 20 some years ago and more likely to be attacked from that place today than we were just one year ago. >> gillian: jennifer griffin joins us live from the pentagon. hi. >> i had a fascinating interview on "fox news sunday" yesterday with general frank
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mckenzie who was the head of u.s. central command and oversaw the withdrawal from afghanistan. he made important points about what led to the chaotic withdrawal and plenty of criticism for decisions made by the last two the administrations both biden and trump wanted to get troops out. >> president of the united states owns the final responsibility for these actions. i believe we had two presidents of the united states that wanted to exit afghanistan and might not have had anything else in common but shared that view. it allowed the events that occurred to occur in the manner they did. >> general mckenzie and senior leaders at the pentagon recommended keeping at least 2500 u.s. troops in afghanistan. that would have allowed them to keep bagram.
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>> i advised against withdrawing. my recommendation and my opinion and it remains so today was we had the opportunity to remain in the country with a small force. we believe kabul would fall if we pulled out our troops. it was a question of when kabul would fall. we have been saying that really since the fall of the year before. >> he said he sent an intel assessment on august 9th suggesting the government of kabul would fall within 30 days. >> do you think troops will have to be sent back to afghanistan? >> i know this. it is in the best long term interest of the united states to not allow these centers of violent extremism to grow and expand in afghanistan. threat is growing in afghanistan and it is merely a matter of time. >> the full interview can be found on >> gillian: jennifer griffin at the pentagon for us thank you. today marks a year since the remains of 13 u.s. service members returned to american
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soil. they were killed in a suicide bombing at the kabul international airport. grieving families continue to criticize the president saying he has never said the fallen's names aloud. he included their names in a written statement. last year critics -- the father of one marine killed is now calling biden tone deaf and incentive. last week after issuing that statement he spent the day visiting his son, taylor, at his grave at arlington national cemetery. let's bring in senator joni ernst. it seems that the other urgent most compelling question for americans to grapple with is whether it is now inevitable that afghanistan will revert to
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being a safe haven for terrorists. you heard mike pompeo there saying it is likely that a 9/11-style attack will emanate from that country. what do you say? >> i do agree with secretary pompeo and we've already seen that al qaeda is colluding with the taliban in afghanistan. we just saw a strike several weeks ago that took out the leader of al qaeda as he was sipping coffee on his veranda in downtown kabul. we know president biden made many promises about afghanistan and he has broken every last one of them. first one that we would keep troops in the country until all americans were evacuated. that's false. we have evacuated over 800 americans so far without the security and presence of american troops. we have seen the taliban revert to their old techniques in dealing with women and girls in
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afghanistan. women and girls have very few rights any longer. another president biden promise that was broken. and he said that he would avenge the death of those 13 service members at abby gate and we have seen no action taken against isis-k. i will say the names of those service members and one in particular page, a young marine from iowa, my home community was killed on august 26, 2021. i know his family misses him so much yet today. yet we have an administration that put random deadline over their own advisors just as general mckenzie stated. advised against removing the troops, random deadline. it makes our country much more vulnerable than when we had those service members present in afghanistan.
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>> gillian: the white house insists that an outside, independent investigation into the events of a year ago found that what happened at abby gate could not have been prevented. is that true? what does that claim mean? >> i don't know what that claim means because of this random deadline, this pull-out without working in collaboration with our partner nation, it caused a frenzy at the airport. it caused so many people to randomly come up to those gates and attempt to come into the airport. and because of that very tenuous situation isis k-was able to take full advantage to destroy as many people as possible with the car bombing. and so i would say that this could have been prevented. it could have been prevented with careful planning and following the advise of the
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military commanders that were on the ground in afghanistan. we just heard from general frank mckenzie and his advice was not heeded by this president. and so i think that there are so many mistakes that have been made and yet the administration refuses to acknowledge those mistakes. and we know when that happens they are repeated in the future. so let's take care, let's heed the warnings of those that know the situation on the ground, and hopefully not ever go through something like this again in the future. >> gillian: it is not, senator, as you know, unheard of for an american president to go against the advice of his foreign policy advisors. it is slightly more unusual for a sitting president to go against the advice of sitting military commanders in the field, which it appears he did
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in this instance. to your best guess, your best knowledge why did president biden decide not to heed the military advice? >> well, that's a great question, gillian. and only president biden can answer that. i think the problem was that he had this random deadline. he set september 11 of 2021, the 20th anniversary of 9/11 for the withdrawal and we know how that is. when you are operating under a random deadline and not letting actions on the ground determine withdrawal. it went very badly obviously. and so we have a commander-in-chief who is not acting as a strong commander-in-chief and heeding the guidelines and the on-ground commanders for his decision making process. that is extremely unfortunate. we saw the death of the 13
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service members and 20 years of keeping stability in that region, protecting our american homeland by the great veterans on the global war on terrorism. we saw it all fold with this horrible withdrawal from afghanistan. so i want to say to all of our veterans of the global war on terrorism thank you so much for keeping our country safe for the past 20 years. they served admirably. their service is noted and we as americans appreciate it. i have not heard president biden quite clearly express that to all of the veterans that served in that region. but those veterans need to know and understand they did an outstanding job for our country and we appreciate them. >> gillian: i want to draw your attention to our other headline news this hour and that is republicans are raising questions now about the f.b.i.'s timing in the raid at mar-a-lago. new hampshire governor is accusing the department of
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justice as being politically motivated. >> president trump been out of office for two years. this is unprecedented. they had to have an unprecedented stage grew that they didn't have. they are on their heels and don't know what to do. >> a federal judge looks to approve the president's request for a special master and the dni will be assessing all the intelligence gathered in the evidence from president trump's home and will deliver those results in some form to congress. also breaking this hour the d.o.j. told fox news it examined documents and identified a set of limited set of materials potentially containing attorney/client privilege. all that being taken into consideration. do you think that the appoint of the special master at this moment in time is the right step, the right thing for the
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american people in transparency? >> well, i think we do need more transparency with this issue. this is unprecedented. and to think that the biden administration is out -- doesn't understand the blowback that they're getting from the american people. i don't understand. president trump has been out of office for two years. the timing of this when we have 40-year high inflation, when we have the highest gas prices that americans have seen during this administration, when we have an open southern border with all of the crises that have happened during this administration, they needed a little distraction. this was prime opportunity for this administration the pounce on president trump, make it about the raid rather than about the problems they have manufactured in the last two years. >> gillian: senator ernst,
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thank you for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> great to be with you, thank you. >> gillian: well, as campaign season kicks into high gear, some democrats are making a message of scorn for republican voters, plus this. take a listen. >> would you like to see him come down to campaign with you? >> we will get lots of help from lots of people. >> gillian: more democrats are dodging questions about campaigning with president biden. we have the power panel on that coming up next. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease
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>> we're here to say the era of trump and head on a bus and head to florida. get out of town. get out of town. you don't represent our values. you are not new yorkers. >> that's new york's governor kathy hochul attacking republicans at a campaign event. she is not alone. florida's candidate for governor charlie crist had a similar message for supporters of ron desantis. >> those who support the governor should stay with him and vote for him and i don't
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want your vote. if you have that hate in your heart, keep it there. >> gillian: take a listen to ron desantis hitting right back. >> we have so much support in florida and it is not because people have hate in their heart. they are thankful we saved their jobs and kept hir kids in school. people like hochul and crist are representative of the leftist mindset that they believe the conservative half of the country are second class citizens. >> gillian: let's bring in our power panel now. thanks to you both for being with us. mercedes, the message from kathy hochul is very much in keeping with the message from both sides of the aisle at least in washington lately, which is if you disagree with my political views you are
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misinformed and a terrible, illegitimate evil person. >> there was a day where you would stay focused on attacking the politician or attacking the policies but now i think the democrats have adopted a model where they attack the voter. as you saw with charlie crist in florida. that is not a winning strategy in any way for these democrats. i think when you look at new york, you are talking about that over 33,000 new yorkers left new york to go to florida because the policies are so draconian in that state. so i think the democrats -- i would re-evaluate the talking points especially when joe biden is going out there calling those maga republicans semi fascists. that's a complete insult and something that i think is anti-american and really he is no longer the one that is a unifier in this country.
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>> gillian: jason, i asked jason chaffetz a couple minutes ago what he thought accounted for the shift in strategy from the top down. seems to be emanating from president biden and carrying on to down-ballot candidates ahead of the mid-terms. we aren't so concerned with uniting and throwing that to the wind. what is behind that strategy? >> first of all, i don't necessarily accept that that's true. i think what he is looking for in all these democrats are looking for is fair minded americans to join on with policies that actually benefit all americans. so it is not about disliking or hating anyone. i can tell you as far as what charlie crist said, i can't say whether ron desantis has hate in his heart. what i can tell you is 70% of black floridians disapprove of him because he redrew
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congressional districts and went against the will of floridians. you have a situation where you have people who are these particular politicians are not in line with large numbers of floridians or new yorkers. and so what kathy hochul said was to those particular politicians you don't represent the overwhelming majority of the values of the state of new york and so maybe you should go elsewhere. so i think that it's not about saying, you know, that we're divisive. it is saying let's unite around the common values of the american people and a lot of those values are -- all of those values have to do with fairness and love of your neighbor. >> gillian: mercedes, you heard the governor there. she told lee zeldin to get out of the state and said he is not a new yorker. she may cast lee zeldin out but
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she can't cast out every republican in her state which she leads now. she is not just another politician running for office. she is the governor of the state. >> right. it shows gillian that you have red states and blue states. as we know, florida is becoming more of a red state. there is a great likelihood that ron desantis will be reelected in november. he has vast support coming from not only republicans but independents that we know will be the swing voters. he had such an impact in the school board races where we know many of these school board races that were sleeper races led by the left now are in control of conservatives and those that are really fighting for parental rights and the protection of their children against the leftist indoctrination of critical race theory or the gender confusion ideology and it is really where you are seeing more and more republicans being elected.
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so i think you are seeing two different cases here. new york has been democrat for quite some time. when it comes to florida we're seeing more and more republicans register or voters register to be republicans. >> gillian: mercedes, we have to leave it there. jason, i owe you one. catch you next time. join us at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow for the "focus." here is "outnumbered." only pay for what you need. jingle: liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with worry. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation. an answer that leads to even more answers.
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