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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 30, 2022 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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messaging always hit that point. congressman ronny jackson, good luck with your re-election. i hope you raise that point if that's what you want to use to win your election. thank you, congressman. >> absolutely. let's get the government out of our business. thank you. appreciate it, guys. >> ashley: thank you. >> todd: have fun with "fox & friends." it's going to begin in 3, 2, 1. >> todd: top agent now out of the fbi. republican lawmakers zeroing in on allegations that he tried to interfere with the hunter biden laptop investigation. >> they there just seem to be a limited number of these agentser to do their dirty work. >> taken to task over novak djokovic not being allowed to come in this country. >> how come unvaccinated immigrants allowed to come no this country and if tennis players are not.
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>> the 23-year-old rookie was actually wrestling with one of the suspects trying to steal his dodge challenger when the other man shot him. >> the u.s. housing market showing a steep decline in had you new home sales as prices remain high and mortgaged damage rates continue to go up. >> this is the effect of the biden inflation. >> greatest of all time. >> tennis super star serena williams first round of the u.s. open her daughter olympia sporting a matching outfit, cheers her on. ♪ cold one in my hand ♪ right now i really need a beer with my friends ♪ talk about way back when ♪ >> you are looking at miami. i mean, this is the new tech center of the country. give it up silicon, valley. everyone is leaving. taxes too high. homeless too plentiful. no one wants to live there anymore. that's what this miami mayor schwarz says come one, come all. the bigger news is my nephew
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jack is there going to college. so he went out there, didn't know anybody. getting to know people in miami,. >> steve: zero chance as a college student jack is watching this live. [laughter] >> ainsley: is he loving it? is this his freshman year? >> brian: no. he transferred i can't. get into details. like a lot of people wanted the freedom for people you might want to use of being in florida. >> ainsley: i don't know get vaccinated they shut you down. >> steve: wait, are you talking about freedom from his parents? >> brian: no. >> ainsley: freedom from the government. >> brian: s that watt bigger decision. is he loving it turns out, turns out a lot of new yorkers are moving to florida. there is a lot. almost all of them because the governor is pro-freedom. >> ainsley: down there. not ours. >> steve: no kidding. kenny chesney was just singing
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about beer. the big beverage news today, brian, you must be delighted. today pumpkin spoils latte officially comes back to starbucks. the big news is the price is a little higher. i was looking at the story today. i think there is a new drink that you might like even more. >> brian: which is? >> steve: starbucks apple crisp mac at toe. sounds like an apple pie. >> only thing i can say is it syrup. >> ainsley: we like it when the flavor is already in the coffee. >> brian: i got so many emails ainsley last week because we brought this up last week that they do have a way of imbuing the beans with the spice. whatever they do. >> ainsley: we like versus the squirt of the syrup because it is full of sugar. >> brian: anti-squirt. >> steve: you are getting a drink with three squirts in it this morning actually four squirts. >> brian: we have no choice until the technology catches up
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with did you know continue donuts. >> steve: no squirts, pumps. >> ainsley: also we are going go to build a bear and build bears for you pumpkin spice build a bear. >> brian: is that true? >> ainsley: yes, i was watching shannon bream's show last night. >> brian: you were up? what's wrong with you. >> ainsley: hayden wanted a tent. i got out king size sheets, how am i going to fill up the whole living room what am i going to do to put it in the middle. i went down to the basement and got my ironing board and put it in the middle. >> steve: as a tent pole. >> ainsley: i was in there sleeping. we ate dinner in there and did her homework so i didn't get a lot of veep. >> brian: that's like something the pilgrims would do. >> ainsley: you didn't do that growing up. >> steve: they weren't in a living room they were just out. >> ainsley: pillows and blankets and all the cushions from your sofa. it's really cool. it was fun. she is excited.
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>> steve: i think we have covered everything else. >> ainsley: now you know what our personal lives are like and that brian's nephew is at new school. >> steve: god bless him. >> ainsley: top agenting accusations of political bias. he is now out of the fbi. >> steve: tim tebow bo. >> steve: also known as timothy thibault. >> ainsley: the agent not the football player. >> steve: he tried to interfere with the hunter biden laptop investigation during the trump administration. >> brian: kevin corke joins us to awful the story and then we will expand on it kevin? >> >> thibault's exit comes as lawmakers facebook hand over the company communications on hunter biden. those have got an awful lot of attention since mark zuckerberg said this about his company's contact with the feds just before the 2020 election. listen. >> the fbi, i think, basically came to us, some folks on our
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team and was like hey, just so you know, like you should be on high alert, we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election. we have on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump of -- that is similar to that so just be vigilant. >> be vigilant meantime in their letter to the social media giant senators wrote in part the american people deserve to know whether the fbi used facebook or other social media companies as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about hunter. now, you will recall, that the biden story wasn't so much about hunter's lifestyle as it was about possible influence peddling and pay for play allegations involving then candidate joe biden on the eve of a presidential election. now, all this is happening as jeremy bash, an exintel official
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and tv pundit who falsely claimed that the hunter biden laptop story could be russian disinformation. he has always been appointed to a white house board that offers the president national intelligence advice which is getting plenty of eye rolls here in the nation's capital because bash, you see, gets this role despite being one of the 50 plus intel officials how will remember just before the 2020 election wrote a letter casting doubt on the authenticity of the laptop it claiming it all all the earmarks of a russian disinformation campaign but he still gets the position anyway. >> steve: he sounds perfect. if you are joe biden, don't you want that guy on the board? >> that's the guy. >> steve: and he got the job. >> brian: kevin, so important that you pointed out has nothing to do with his hookers and his crack addiction. has everything to do with his international business dealings that could involve the big guy. >> that's right. >> brian: his dad. people are getting into that and trying to get you off course and
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you didn't. thanks so much. >> ainsley: kevin is, it hard to follow the money because it's international? >> that's part of it. i think the other thing that happens a lot when you hear stories like this is people to end glaze over. you hear financial details and you if you are not familiar with it it's complicated. tough to follow. >> steve: thank you for making it very easy. >> you are welcome. >> steve: you bet. so let's get back to not the tim bow we know but the timothy thibault. it all started with chuck grassley's letter to the fbi, christopher wray. when wray was on capitol hill he said the allegations of political bias at the hands of fbi agents is deeply troubling. so this guy has been on leave for a month. and apparently what is suggested by the grassley letter is that he and an fbi is supervisor intelligence analyst by the name of brian oughtn't were allegedly involved in the scheme to
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undermine information that the fbi might have about the laptop. this will thibault ordered the matter closed without providing a reason. and this is the key. he closed the deal, without a reason which flies in the fails of fbi guidelines and subsequently tried to mark of the matter in the fbi system so that it could not be open in the future. and that's what got him in trouble. >> ainsley: yes. it seems very complicated or confusing at first. we saw chuck grassley in that senate committee meeting mentioning these two guys because the whistleblowers had told him these two guys are trying to -- they are biased against donald trump. they don't want this hunter biden story to come out. they are saying it's disinformation. that's according to grassley. he said the whistleblowerring told that the has to follow strict guidelines involved in investigations. he said that thibault did not follow those guidelines like you said he wanted this investigation close sod that no one else could see or reopen it.
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>> brian: ainsley, how the hell does this guy get to retire you? this guy in 25 years just for one year defies logic to think for one year he is off the reservation deciding to have his political views go be altered by his investigation. this guy goes in and suppresses a major story involving the future president of the united states. that is a big deal. he also tweeted out some horrible things about kentucky give kentucky to the russian federation, again, he also tweeted some respect for the lincoln project. they are corrupt, horrible people who have already been exposed as. >> ainsley: is he an fbi agent. he retweeted that lincoln project. >> brian: yeah. unbelievable. >> ainsley: interrupt you really quickly i will tell you what that said that he retweeted. psychologically bitter deeply unhappy man talking about donald trump. >> brian: this the is guy who is suppressing the hunter biden story that has direct financial links to the president, the
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future president of the united states where one in six people said if they knew about this hunter biden laptop and the contents of it not the drug addiction and not the hookers but how his dad was linked to it, they would have changed their vote and they need to know who is the one who briefed mark zuckerberg's executive mark zuckerberg himself maybe twitter and maybe all social media about the hunter biden laptop. they want to know all these details. how this guy is able to retire even though he was walked out in shame is unbelievable. just file him with peter strzok. follow him with clinesmith. follow whim jim baker. put him with lisa paige and all those others that if you are president trump, how can you back the fbi? how can you not question the sanctity of the raid? that's why you don't blindly black the blue.
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that why is law enforcement right or wrong. credibility if everything you think they do is correct. when you praise them, it means nothing. and which is 99% of the time. but you are going to tell me that this guy had just one bad year and one candidate just drove him over the top, donald trump? i'm sure that his record is checkered with a lot of dicey stuff. >> ainsley: that's what scares everyone can we not trust everyone at the fbi. >> brian: are we next? >> ainsley: look at peter strzok someone who gets fired and on a job all these different networks and lucrative book deal. >> brian: peter strzok you should be ashamed at cnn for hiring this guy. did you check his texts? he was biased working against a presidential candidate. reward he gets his pension and gets a network contract and yet you go to him every hour to find out the latest on donald trump when you know he hates donald trump and was maneuvering for him to leave and how to had a plan to place to do it. this is beyond big news. >> steve: these are the
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allegations made against this fbi agent who has been apparently sidelined for over a month. miranda devine who wrote the book on the laptop from hell talked a little about him last night with lara. >> he is just one of a kabul of fbi offices. many of them centered at the washington field office who have been playing these games since the very beginning of donald trump's entry into politics. you know, the crossfire hurricane, russia collusion hoax, that was the fbi. there just seemed to be unlimited number of agents and analysts there to do their dirty work. >> brian: what is the christopher wray you are the investigator fbi. under your watch the fbi is not being investigated. no one is looking over the shoulder of your agents to make sure they are doing a good job. is there an inspector general there? you need senator grassley at 89
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years old to go find out what's wrong? >> ainsley: christopher wray did say it was deeply troubling when he talked in front of this committee. >> brian: because it was brought up to him. he didn't say i have a problem with tim thibault it was brought up to him i heard about that that's troubling. >> ainsley: christopher wray head of fbi and merrick garland. have we heard from garland? has he commented on this. >> brian: please. >> steve: the doj and fbi operate, a lot of the stuff they do we never find out about. however, chuck grassley is the one who had had this whistleblower or whistleblowers. >> brian: ron johnson, too. >> ainsley: thank goodness for these whistleblowers because they are probably worried about the reputation. >> brian: they do a great job. >> steve: and that's the whole provision of how oversight works. you know, congress has oversight over the fbi and other things. and so it's good that they are keeping an eye and it sounds like one agent is at home early on this tuesday morning.
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>> ainsley: things happening whistleblowers helped get the bad guys out hopefully to clean up the system. >> brian: and then you just factor into the other story we have been covering is why would the fbi raid the mar-a-lago compound over records negotiating to get out. and if you are president trump and you know what's going on with six agents who should have been fired, resigned and living in disgrace, and now you find out this happens, and then you find out additional information leading up to the 2020 election, and you say to yourself, how can you trust anything? you do not blame him for wondering what is going on with the investigations and the scrutiny on him. how paul manafort ends up in solitary confinement. how michael foyt is ruined by fbi agents who happened to show up and roger stone on down. life ruins, life ruined, life ruined and focusing now on what they consider their big guy and that's president trump. that's why this exposure is so important. that's why the georgia election means so everywhere.
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this investigation would have continued had they held the senate. but to president trump's fault, he never went to bat for those senate candidates and therefore there were two upsets last november. >> ainsley: coming up a florida g.o.p. group's building is vandalized with a fascist message and doors glued shut. the shocking details coming up next. >> brian: serena williams set to play another round at the u.s. open. first round victory. what is likely her last tournament ever ♪ blow wind through my hair ♪ is the tide going to reach my chair ♪ sunrise there is a fire in the sky ♪ never been so happy ♪ never felt so high ♪ and i think i might have found me my own kind of paradise.
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>> ashley: one of the victims killed in sunday night's shooting spree supermarket in bend oregon being hailed as a hero. safeway employee and army veteran donald saved countless lives by tackling the gunman and trying to take away his ar 156789 he and one other man were shot dead before the gunman killed himself. police still trying to pinpoint a motive for the rampage. president biden's justice department now admitting he will had already reviewed some materials seized from former president trump at mar-a-lago. according to a court filing, a filter team had completed its review of material possibly covered by attorney-client privilege. the filing came in response to a federal judge's decision to hold a hearing this week on trump's motion seeks the appointment of a special master. the biden administration is reportedly paying to bus migrants to new york city. the el paso deputy city manager says fema grabs the cover the bill for the program. it's despite the white house slamming it as a political ploy.
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the revelation comes as the white house is called out for blocking at the present miss star smoke very much to fly to the united states and play in the u.s. open but allowing unvaccinated migrants to cross the border. >> somebody on a plane comes over unvaccinated it's not okay. somebody walks over the border in texas and arizona allowed to stay? >> that's not how it works. it's not like somebody walks over and. [laughter] >> ashley: our own bill melugin confirms he does see it every day. yes, they do it walk across by the hundreds. serena williams dominating the first round matchup of what is likely her last tournament ever. williams recently announced plan to evolve away from the game of tennis after the u.s. open and crowd sending off one of the greatest women's tennis players in stwil a 24 hours person tribute creating a display that
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spells out relove serena. her daughter also honoring by wearing a match up outfit. also wore the white beads in her hair which serena wore when she won the u.s. open for the first time. i actually remember those beads. i'm not a huge tennis fan but i remember that. >> venice was the first. playing out in oakland with them. >> steve: great match. started slow but obviously the crowd was obviously on her side there was one cut away. i think we are going it show you a little later on where two people in the crowd were talking -- you know, they were very intent on their conversation. it was former president bill clinton and who was sitting right next to him dr. ruth westheimer. they were deep in conversation, have no idea what they were talking about. probably don't want to know what they were talking about. >> ainsley: we do wisher is felony the best. i know she is talking about retiring. this is probably her last tournament. >> steve: trying to keep it vague. >> ainsley: she worked so halder for this and so cute to see her
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daughter. >> brian: talk about politics different game 23 minutes after the hour. the president of in the united states fundraiser came out and has this new phrase maga republicans. you are a maga republican. i like conservatives i don't like maga republicans going to change the country and they're semi-fascist. really? they're semi fascist? no one backed off the statement or walked it back over the weekend. calls to the white house he said what he said and i understand it that's the way republicans are. well, as usual, a responsible words so often pointed to what president trump and people go to town on it suddenly it makes president biden look like a tough guy. is he finally fighting saying things in my view totally irresponsible and we already seen the residue of it. >> steve: in fact, over the last 48 hours or so, somebody took a can of spray paint to the offices of the seminole county republican party and what they did was they spray painted eat
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and blur out the word fascist. and then there was an an arc -- see that a with the circle around it an anarchy symbol at the bottom. the door was super glued shut. >> brian: antifa says that all the time. >> >> steve: anyway, that's what is going on down in florida. the g.o.p. went to facebook to address this and said our office was vandalized over of the weekend. sunday into monday. our answer to hate clean up and move on. but then the instagram from the republican party was different. >> ainsley: yeah, the one down in florida the republican party wrote in one on instagram. number one chris says desantis supporters have hate in their heart. number two biden calls republicans semi-fascist the results dangerous democrat rhetoric polarizing our country and inciting criminal behavior. stephen miller the former senior adviser to donald trump. >> don't forget this is the party that locked people in their homes in blue states and
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blue cities. muriel bowser is depriving black students the right to attend school because they have not received a vaccination. this is an administration that has launched a political raid of its chief political opponents' home to seize and steal his property and his documents. so, what you are seeing is a classic technique of tyrants and authoritarians. where they use the methods of dictatorship while accusing their opponents of being fascists? this administration is violating our laws, including violating our immigration laws with impunity and helping murderous criminal cartels violate our sovereignty every single day. >> brian: ironically -- go ahead. >> ainsley: we heard the president speak in maryland to the dnc and that's when he said these fascist comments. semi-fascist comments. is he also going to be speaking in first of all on thursday during "primetime" he is going to have an address there is he
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ramping up his travel schedule because we are weeks away, two months away from the midterms and going to the polls and vote. third time in the state span of one week. we will see what he says about the republican party. if he goes after the maga or semi fascists. they are calling the speech the soul of the nation. will. >> brian: how do you cover an election? this seems to be a midterm election speech, a political speech. are the networks going to carry this? how can they? >> steve: you know what is he trying to do. he got the school debt forgiveness last week. so obviously he is going to in the ramp-up to the midterm elections is he going to be checking the boxes saying i did this, i did this, i did this. ultimately and we were talking to ronna mcdaniel about this yesterday, the republicans' message or the democrats' message about the republicans is they are the maga republicans. they are extremists whereas the democrats are going to say okay,
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you elected us, we delivered for you, and so, give us another two years or whatever. they. >> brian: they delivered for themselves a green energy package which is helping to up your energy bill and your gas prices more than many can afford. i saw one in six americans can a ford to pay their utility bill. it's going up every single month. why is that happening? maybe because you want to put solar panels on windmills where there used to be gas stations. >> ainsley: to your point the rnc spokesperson says he is pitting labels against each other. promprom tarnishing the promisef unit. >> brian: see if he figures that in the philadelphia speech. >> steve: we will see at lo of this rhetoric between now and the first day in november. >> brian: just gave facts. new york is going at texas and the president is sitting there going to scranton. coming up straight ahead, oregon hasn't had a republican governor in four decades. but, experts say this year's
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giewb torlg race is a toss-up? we will hear from the g.o.p. candidate who is tired of single party rule dash dash coming up, exclamation point. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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more time to remember. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to harm healthy parts of your body during and after treatment. these problems can be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have a cough; chest pain; shortness of breath; irregular heartbeat; diarrhea; constipation; severe stomach pain, nausea or vomiting; dizziness; fainting; eye problems; extreme tiredness; changes in appetite, thirst or urine; rash; itching; confusion; memory problems; muscle pain or weakness; joint pain; flushing; or fever. these are not all the possible side effects. problems can occur together and more often when opdivo is used with yervoy. tell your doctor about all medical conditions including immune or nervous system problems, if you've had or plan to have an organ or stem cell transplant, or received chest radiation. here's to a chance to live longer. ask your doctor about the combination of two immunotherapies, opdivo plus yervoy. thank you to all those in our clinical trials. >> ainsley: 23-year-old army staff sergeant ryan was one of
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the 13 service members killed from a suicide bombing at the kabul airport one year ago. >> i found out at 8:00 in the morning on friday my son tyler called me. he called me and said the words no parent ever wants to hear. the caller said, mom, ryan is dead. i didn't believe it. i didn't believe it. >> ainsley: his another paula knaus joins us now to remember her son. good morning to you. >> good morning. can. >> ainsley: it's been a year, i can't imagine your greefer and your loss. >> women, just hearing those words again just brings it all back. it was quite a shock. you know, the president asked me to see him on memorial day when
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i went up to see ryan. and the first words out of his mouth were i can understand if you are angry. america is angry. we are frustrated. and we are trying to understand where we have gone from in this administration. we have lost our way and we need to find it again. >> ainsley: tell us about ryan, what was he like? did he always want to be in the army? >> >> ryan was born to be in the armed forces. he was so athletic. >> ainsley: there is his baby picture. >> so determined. >> ainsley: sorry to interrupt. we are looking at his baby picture. >> ryan did a push up his first hour of birth. he was strong at 102 at birth. he came out as a whopper and he got himself in shame over the
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years, prepared his mind and he was prepared to do what he did. >> ainsley: wow. >> we just didn't want to lose him over something that was not necessary. >> ainsley: how hard is that? because, when we saw the images, we were reporting it that morning of people trying to get over the walls just trying to get on these planes and we knew that we were leaving so many innocent people that had helped americans behind. we were leaving americans behind. how do you grapple with that n now? >> ryan said to me before he left, he said, mom, i'll be right back. he knew that there was a timeline that had been given by the president to get everybody out safely. the problem is is ryan and the four that were with him for a special forces were there to try to keep order in the chaos. and if you can imagine, my son at 23, holding a bull horn,
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trying to keep order for hundreds and thousands of people coming through one gate. it would be a tank that only a strong, heroic person could accept as their job. >> ainsley: it's such a shame men like brian. >> i'm proud of him. >> ainsley: you should be. we're sad for your loss. survived by you his father and his wife. she is 23 years old. how is she doing. >> i haven't heard from alina in a while. she has been pretty quiet and you can understand. >> ainsley: of course. >> one thing i told ryan when he got married was, ryan make sure you do your deployments before you get married. you don't want to make her a young widow. and, yet, that's where we are today. and he didn't want to do it. he loved her with all of his heart. and so, i know that she is hurting like we are.
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>> ainsley: well, we are so sorry. thank you so much for giving our country your son. and i hope your faith is strong. i know mine is and i know you will get to see him again i believe you will if you have faith. i can't imagine your pain. we saw his baby picture. you raised him. you did a great job, mom. >> he was a great man. when all is said and done what we can hope for in life is to finish well. and ryan finished well. despite the obstacles in his way and we can be grateful for that. >> ainsley: absolutely. thank you so much, paula,. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you can watch -- you are welcome. -- examining the military withdrawal from examine 13 u.s. service members, stop what you are doing and look at their faces. they were killed a year ago in a suicide bombing in kabul
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afghanistan. we remember. we will never forget and we honor them.
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take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at >> brian: all right. for the first time since 1982, a republican could serve as governor of oregon. experts calling the three-way gubernatorial race a toss-up. our next guest says her state is fed up after a decade of single party control and ready for change. republican gubernatorial candidate christine grazen joins us now. how have you done it? we are looking at a three-way race what do you think is resonating as a republican. >> oregonians are ready for a change because of what we have all experienced. we very all lived through a decade of decline. we have had single party control in oregon for 10 years. my opponents in this race have linked arms with kate brown, the least popular governor in the nation to make our streets less safe to defund police. to say harm our schools and to
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make our state less affordable. oregonians are looking for change. >> brian: and, really we drill down on the cities and the embarrassment of what is happening in portland and seattle. >> yeah. in portland, in particular, it is a gorgeous place. it has been a gorgeous place until now. and now they are just struggling in its leadership. leadership matters and people know that they recognize that here. and they are asking for their leaders to step up, stand up, and help people be more safe and, frankly, be more compassionate to the people that are living on our streets. allowing them to live show any compassion for them either. >> brian: the big issue a lot of people are talking about the red wave, is it halted? is it slowed down because of the dobbs decision that put the question back to the states when it comes to abortion. where do you stand as a republican? >> i'm a pro-life woman and i have never shied away from my pro-life values. but here in oregon, we are facing significant challenges
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that we can work together on. abortion is, in fact, the only thing that democrats ever want to talk about because they are ashamed of their failed record in my state. and so they want to pivot to questions around abortion and choice. buff the truth is the reality is here in oregon, that there are significant issues that we need to work on together. and talking to oregon voters exclusively about abortion and choice is not the issue that oregonians are asking for leadership on right now. they are asking for leadership on our schools, affordability, criminal justice, community safety, and, frankly, we just need our beautiful state to function again. and that's what's been policing for far too long in oregon. >> definitely going to have to have cooperation if you are able to win. rose to the house relationship in 201. mom of three. going to be doing your job 100 hours a week while still doing that. i'm sure your family is on board. if you want to be tough on crime. if you want to lower taxes, it's
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all about the legislature. do you think can you win people over beauty of politics it's simple math, they need to work with me and i need to work with them to get things done. our constitutional balance state budget we don't print money in oregon. that means we have got to get that work done together. if they want to advance extreme policy agenda i'm going to stand up and veto it. if they want to come to the table and work with me, we will get things done together. i'm committed to that i'm anxious to work across the aisle. i'm not going to put up with any more extreme progressive policies that harm oregonians. >> brian: if you are going to win you will have to get democratic votes. make change in a great state struggling like so many others. christine drazan best of luck. >> you got it, brian. >> brian: ashley strohmier has been scheduled to give us the news. >> ashley: i have. we will start with this. form everywhere buffalo bills
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punter's parents speaking out after their son was accuse of raping a 17-year-old girl at san diego state university. they say he has been released from his job and our entire family continues to receive horrific threats of violence. we all have can canceled every member of our family. accuser detailing the aftermath. >> having to deal with this horrible, traumatic experience that i never asked for. my friend asked me what happened and i told her. i had just been raped. >> araiza one of three people accused in the gang rape case he was released by the buffalo bills on saturday. heavily armed and masked antifa protesters standing guard outside of a so-called kid friendly drag show in texas this after republican state lawmaker recently introduced legislation that would ban minors from attending shows. 20 children joined their parents at the event. counter protesters quickly showed up intense standoffs
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between those two groups. demandingest with point relocate or rename paintings and building named after confederate leaders this does include a painting at robert e. lee at a memorial honoring confederate troops. also calling for west point to remove a quote from leon honor plaza. the total cost of those changes is nearly $425,000. and those are your headlines. we will send it back to you, brian. >> brian: thanks, ashley. 13 minutes now before the top of the hour to a fox weather alert. hurricane season might be getting started after just the third august without a named storm in 60 years. the national hurricane center says two centers are brewing in the atlantic and could hit the u.s. later this week. earlier this week it was forecasted three possible hurricanes in the atlantic. and these storms could threaten your larkd celebrations. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean with more. janice? >> janice: excellent intro. of course fox has
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the latest details we are starting to see activity in the atlantic. we have a few days to track these storms. getting into peak season and these type of storms damaging hurricanes for the u.s. first storm system that is going to move through the or at least north of the lesser antilles over puerto rico. we will see if that moves closer to the u.s. in the next three to five days and then we have another wave off the coast of africa that also could develop over the next five days a 40% chance of development and fox has all your latest details and keep you up to date as we get to that long weekend forecast. meanwhile, it doesn't take a tropical storm to cause a lot of damage across texas, louisiana, and mississippi, brian. we saw all of the detrimental flooding over the last few weeks. we will continue to monitor, especially mississippi where the river is starting to crest and also moving downstream. over to you. >> brian: along with the illegal immigrants and the fentanyl there you go. thanks so much. appreciate it, yanice. still ahead on this show, summer
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steve u.s. housing market in the midst of significant pull back. red fin the rae company the ceo warns that the market is cooling fast and says deals under contract are being canceled. this as google searches for homes for sale sent 16% vest success last year. joining us with insight is rogers healy the ceo and owner of the healy company joins us from dallas. good morning to you how are you doing. >> good. >> steve: good if you are looking and also good if you are selling, right? >> no. it's kind of all relative. but, yeah, they definitely i-things have slowed down a little bit. but it's not -- the sky is not falling. we don't think the sky is going to fall. and if it is going to fall it's not any time soon. >> steve: you have got some tips play the short game. take advantage of price reduction season which we are in right now. >> yes, sir. yes, sir. so, right when school starts is when people kind of hit the panic button.
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maybe somebody that got too ambitious the last few months and didn't have the market and had a real estate agent that didn't lead them now or maybe they have hit the panic button and sell their house to do something else. the next month and a half historically is a slower time of year in real estate no matter the conditions. people need to take wind of the fact that we really have intentional seasons in residential r real estate normay august and september slow down take advantage of that. >> steve: touched on second tip which is it is stale seller's market. third tip don't think about this as a forever home. live in the house three to five years don't worry about 30 to 50. >> statistically people millennials maybe my age maybe again x you are not going to live in this house forever. normal statistics and the way it works out. you live there, get married have your first kid. by the time your second kid comes you probably outgrow the house that's why people like me have jobs there is never going to be a slow down of that think
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about the last few years as well more weddings than the early 80's probably going to have a new baby boom which means more space to live in. >> steve: indeed. also say find great vendor partners people who can help do you stuff. buy something that might need a little work. >> you make money in real estate on the purchase. on the acquisition. so i think if you can walk into something and have a little bit of a vision whether you are watching real estate tv all day or online googling different images, see the after product. have to have people work with give you good results. finding great vendors, a painter, electrician. those people are going to help you make money on real estate purchase. >> steve: don't wait for the bottom to drop out. so many millennials out there buying anything they can. >> yeah. how about that. the people that we have been making fun of are actually the ones driving the market. 70% of millennials believe in being a homeowner which is great. in the past they didn't have that as a goal. covid actually shifted that and a the second thing is 50% of
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home buyers across the country are millennials, that's only going to be bigger and bigger as time progresses. i think we are in a good place. >> steve: the only really bad thing is if you need financing, you know, as interest rates go up, that's going to squeeze a lot of people out of the market. >> yeah. but just shift your priorities. and if you think about little things that you can change and look at a dollar as really $100 and every dollar you save is more money as a down payment and gives you more security. it gives people a different sense of responsibility which i think is kind of good for us. >> >> steve: absolutely. thanks for getting up early in dallas and talking about the real estate market. >> my pleasure. thank you. >> steve: coming up, could chris rock make his return to the oscars stage. what they said about him host the show. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc
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ron rivera speaking about the incident. >> shows it can happen anywhere and to anybody. >> president biden is going to give a "primetime" speech on thursday to address the continued battle for the soul of this nation. >> steve: after referring to pro-trump republicans as semi fascist -- >> they use the methods of dictatorship while owe accusing their opponents of being fascist. >> greatest of all time. >> serena williams taking a win first round. her daughter owe olympic i can't supporting a matching outfit cheering her on ♪ play a song ♪ make me want to roll down my window down and crews ♪ down a back road going ♪ signs in the middle. >> ainsley: what a appropriate song florida georgia line and looking at jacksonville, florida,. >> not far from the georgia line. >> ainsley: not far from florida state georgia seminoles. brian, you spend a lot of time in that area.
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>> brian: rainy today i hit with wokv in the morning lucky enough to have that affiliate they said it's raining a lot. >> ainsley: today it's going to rain, 89 degrees, that means it's going to be humid with all the rain. right now 79 degrees. oh my gosh it's going to rain tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday. you are in florida and saving a lot of money on your taxes. >> brian: i have a big question. i have a going to watch the giants play the jaguars? they're going to be out playing jacksonville. >> ainsley: can they close the top of the stadium. >> brian: no, they can't. brian. >> ainsley: you go to concerts when it rains. >> brian: that's true. they are building a four seasons there and building a new facility to have the jaguars practice. they don't have to practice where they play. >> steve: need four season even though florida only has one season it's beautiful. >> ainsley: that's true. >> steve: talking a little while ago with janice, sounds like the possibility of tropical storms heading towards florida.
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we don't know exactly the cone of uncertainty very uncertain. florida could be impacted by that by the labor day weekend, unfortunately. >> brian: all right. if you are sell umbrellas good opportunity. >> ainsley: that's right, rick reichmuth. >> brian: he has ones that stop it from raining. does he have like some trick to it? isn't there something special about it. >> ainsley: i left mine in a restaurant one time i have got to get another one. >> steve: here is the thing about those umbrellas they gave us, our names are on them. i will open it up and total stranger will say hello steve doocy. >> ainsley: there are a lot of steves in the world but you are walking around with a umbrella that says ainsley, can i have it back? >> brian: if you were in a fridays recently, and you picked up an umbrella, it's probably yours, correct? >> ainsley: yes, except wrong restaurant even though i do like friday's. i like the waiters all the tags they wear. >> brian: bonus wings a lot of stripes. >> steve: a lot of flair.
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>> brian: that's all we need. >> steve: top fbi agent facing acquisitionizations of political bias now no longer working at the fbi apparently. >> brian: unbelievable. timothy thibault resigning as republican lawmakers zeroing in on allegations he tried interfere with the hunter biden laptop investigation successfully we could add. >> ainsley: kevin corke joins us live to tell us the latest. good morning, kevin. >> good morning, ainsley, steve and brian. now, former fbi special agent timothy thibault actually resigned from his post last week after facing intense scrutiny over allegations that he helped to shield hunter biden and, i guess by proxy, joe biden from criminal investigations into hunter's laptop and business dealings. the 25 year bureau veteran leaving the field office last friday, having already been on leave for a month after whistleblower claims that the fbi had obstructed its own investigation into the laptop. thibault's exit comes as g.o.p. lawmakers are demanding that
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facebook hand over the company's communications on hunter biden which have gotten a lot of attention since mark zuckerberg said this about his company's contact with the feds just before the 2020 election. >> the fbi i think basically came to us, some folks on our team and was like, hey, just so you know you should be on high alert. we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election. we have on notice that basically there's about to be some kind of dump ever -- that is similar to that. so just be vigilant. >> so, be vigilant says mark zuckerberg. but, in their letter to the social media giant, g.o.p. senators wrote in part, quote: the american people deserve to know whether the fbi used facebook or other social media companies as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about hunter. now, you will recall, the hunter biden laptop story really wasn't so much about hunter's lifestyle
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as it was about possible influence peddling and pay for play allegations. involving then 2020 presidential candidate joe biden. now, this is all happening as jeremy bash an exintel official and tv pundit who falsely claimed that the laptop could be russian disinformation has been appointed to a white house board that offers intel advice. you probably know this too. bash signed on to that infamous re-election letter along with 50 other intel officials casting doubt on the thawnt of the laptop, guys? >> steve: thank you very much. he was talking a little bit about mark zuckerberg. zuckerberg had told joe rogan last week on his podcast that apparently the fbi had had a vague warning to him and facebook about russian disinformation. so they are trying to figure out who exactly that came from and
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how vague was it because there was a lot of that talk. >> brian: right. going to be an investigation, get some answers. who exactly gave you the briefing? by the way no one is buying zuckerberg's explanation to joe rogan almost as if he sensed someone come out or someone tipped him off. miranda devine came by don't buy facebook's innocence saying we didn't do what twitter did, we didn't ban it, we just suppressed it they were the first and led the way and made it almost impossible to get that out. they didn't totally kill it remember, kayleigh mcenany, the press secretary, remember, she forwarded, she retweeted the "new york post" story. even though she had covid at the time. and they suspended her account. this is how pervasive it was. >> ainsley: mark zuckerberg said it told his crew the employees at facebook quote, you should be on high alert. you don't believe that? >> brian: i believe they were briefed but he says the order in which he was for one thing as np
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emerges or did you know the spey about the laptop and were the whole story in front of congress and repeatings it again in much more detail to joe rogan. and i think all of this is important in light of this guy tim thibault when it comes out he suppressed that story on hunter biden and links to the future president of the united states up until a month before and then there is massive moves on social media to make sure no one wrote about it or retweeted it or shared it on social media. you have to wonder, is this a rogue fib agent or somebody at the tip of the that
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we to chuck grassley and i think it's jim jordan too they are talking to. >> brian: why does he get to retire? he affected an election the way he wanted it. >> ainsley: we just learned this information yesterday. sources are saying that he was escorted out of the building but he was retiring. that he had been on leave for about a month. and he was escorted out on friday. but this is what sources are saying. steve: escort is normal. apparently we are being told. so the big question is, to reti. like this. so much we don't know right now. we know literally the tip of the iceberg of this whole case. but what will happen is he has
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resigned. now they will have an investigation. they will decide whether or not he should be terminated and that could end his pension. so, stay tuned. when we get more, we will let you know. >> ainsley: what about the other guy. his name was fbi intel analyst accusing him of, quote: scheming to undermine the derogatory information about hunter biden by falsely suggesting it was disinformation. >> brian: do you know what i think that a lot of democrats feel the same way we do about the outrage somebody being corrupt to effect an election either way? when bill maher said when he said on friday, is donald trump that bad where we are just going to accept the fact that you suppressed a legitimate story like the "new york post" story and this laptop story and you saw rob reiner sit there befuddled we don't know it's true. of course it's true.
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if you have been following unbiased media, which is tough to do you have to seek it out you know all this stuff is true. it's astounding and by the way klobuchar said the same thing. we don't know if it's true. "the washington post" and the "new york times" made a huge mistake not verifying that story. >> steve: sure, the laptop stuff is true. the disinformation, the big campaign as we have been talking for the last 18 months was launched by big tech and that's why there is an investigation into that and that's why it was so amazing what mark zuckerberg said the other day. meanwhile, we have talked on this program a number of times about how the mayor of new york city is complaining about the great governor of the great state of texas shipping all these migrants from texas into new york city. as it turns out, we are now learning according to a local media down in el paso, that the city of el paso is using joe biden administration money to send migrants from texas to new
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york city. so, in other words, while the mayor is really should be complaining about joe biden administration, which is using federal money to send migrants here. >> ainsley: yeah, the deputy city manager his name is mario castino he told these reporters, the federal government is covering the cost through fema's food and shelter grant. the city oem the office of emergency management will cover the cost and then they get reimbursed by fema which is the federal government. >> brian: couple of things. do you realize how bad this is? you have new york greeting these illi will immigrants broke the , shipped up here for free given telephones and hotel rooms, what do you think they are seeing in nicaragua, honduras, cuba, brazil, mexico? they're saying, honey, we have no choice. this is our chance to go to the
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best country in the world for free and we have a nice soft landing with 3% unemployment. so you are saying there is absolutely no repercussions. in fact, being rewarded for breaking our laws and those people that are waiting in line in immigration and paying the fees and playing the perfect game if you have a green card making sure you don't break any laws or you will be banned forever, they must be saying what suckers we are. in new york already 1800, probably a lot more, 35 buss in d.c. 180 buses, 7400 migrants and now we find out the federal government is paying for it. joe biden can you go to scranton but you can't run from this story. >> ainsley: the new york city mayor never complained about secret flights more than a year ago. >> brian: not a word. >> ainsley: didn't hear a peep saying illegal migrants were coming to the new york area until a republican governor in texas starts doing it and then he says migrants are being used as political pawns then the white house says the actions by governor abdomen down in texas are shameful. why? that's the double standard right
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there. we are learning that the federal government has been doing this for a long time. more buses from the federal government or flights or individuals than abbott ever did. but now they are complaining? >> brian: right. politics. >> steve: yesterday, in the white house pressroom, our white house correspondent asked the press secretary a question about the border but at the same time it are what is going on here in new york. yesterday the u.s. open opened and as it turns out, as you will hear in this answer, the u.s. is open for migrants but the u.s. is not open for. >> ainsley: one of the top tennis players. >> steve: in the world. watch. >> peter: how's come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated but world class tennis players are not. >> are you talking about -- which world class tennis player. >> peter: novak djokovic. somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane you say that's not okay. somebody walks into texas or
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arizona unvaccinated, they are allowed to stay? why? >> but that's not how it works. like we actually. >> peter: you know that's not what you guys want to happen but that is what is happening. >> it's not like somebody walks over -- that's not. >> peter: that's exactly what is happening. >> it's not that simple. it's not just that people are walking across -- across the border. we have -- we have a plan in place. >> brian: can we just show footage of people walking across the border? or ficiousd out of the river? what is wrong with her? >> steve: i don't think she watches the fox news channel because. >> brian: does she watch any national news? >> steve: yeah, on other channels they don't show. >> brian: look at that are they walking across the border? >> steve: not yet. but they will be, everybody in that line is going to be walking across the border. >> brian: that's eagle pass. they are here eagle pass. >> steve: there they are walking across the border. bill melugin who is at the border all the time responded to her yesterday with this tweet, he wrote: colleague peter doocy
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is 100 percent correct. that is exactly what is happening at our border. people are walking across. not sure how many more videos we have to show. multiple times a day to get this point across. and that doesn't even account for the more than half a million got-aways who slipped through since october 1st. so for the press secretary, if you have never seen them walk across the border. there it is. we show this almost every day because some people don't know and now you know. >> brian: what's worse? if she does know or doesn't know? if she does know or just flat out lied or if she doesn't know and she is pretending that she is a press secretary for the president of the united states? because you are not worthy of that job if you do not know that people are walking across the border between 2 million and 4 million. that's not a small invasion. that is a major invasion. and we're welcoming them in every city. is she following the mayor against governor fight in her
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own country. >> ainsley: one woman on one of these buses that official down in texas was saying, you know, fema was paying for it he said that there was a bus of 35 venezuelans, one of the moms said she brought her four grandchildren, son-in-law, barometer we decided to leave venezuela due. i wanted to give education to my children grandchildren. >> brian: we will at a for it. >> ainsley: breaks your heart, right? but we are going to pay for that and we are going to pay for all of them. they all have the same story. >> brian: they don't look famished. sadly we have seen people who are running for their lives and are true refugees. these people are just like hey, i have an idea, let's go to america for free. there is no enforcement. at the border. there is no immigration crack down. we get free schooling, we get nikeys, we get a cell phone and we get a hotel oroom. this is great. great country. as we are how much almost a trillion dollars over debt every year? >> steve: since this started with the talk of the u.s. open, i was watching serena last
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night. they won't let the tennis player in because he is unvaccinated; however, when i was watching, i saw one person wearing a mask. it was a camera guy behind serena. nobody else in a mask. >> brian: they shouldn't be it's outdoors wearing a mask? >> steve: it's still a cdc rule. >> brian: to wear a mask, when? >> ainsley: to be vaccinated if you are a foreigner coming to our country. if you are coming to play tennis. >> steve: not americans. >> ainsley: not down at the border. >> steve: it's a head scamper. >> ashley: we are going to start with this. headlines in washington where d.c. police released these images of the suspects accused of shooting washington commanders running back brian robinson multiple times. authorities belief they recovered the get away car used in sunday's incident and commanders' head coach ron rivera also speaking to the incident. >> this was a happenstance because he had just gone out to get a meal. and then he was in the middle of this very unfortunate situation. so, probably wrong place, wrong time.
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>> ashley: rivera not ruling out the possibility of robinson playing at some point this nfl season. the rookie revealed on instagram that surgery for gunshot wounds to his leg went well. businesses in san francisco are threatening to withhold tax payments over the city's homeless crisis. a group representing local businesses in the area say owners are fed up with the filthy conditions driving away customers. >> every day we wake up and have to help people on the street. we have to clean up feces on the street. we have to clear our doorways before we can open our businesses. and it's not fair. >> ashley: in a letter to city officials, the ground is requesting 35 shelter beds for homeless people. and elon musk submitting an sec filing on twitter confirming his lawyers sent a letter to the social media giant that he is formally terminating their merger agreement. the billionaire crites recent allegations he raised questions about the shortcomings of the
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handler's personal data. allegations include twitter running out of software. the whistleblower says executives withheld information about breaches of user data. now this though chris rock says he rejected an invitation to host the oscars in connection with year according toed arizona republic the stand up star being asked to return to hosting was like returning to the scene of the crime. had he accepted, rock would have hosted a year after will smith slapped him on stage over a joke about his wife jada pinkett smith. i was wondering if he was going to decline if they were going to ask again. >> >> steve: plenty of material but maybe they wouldn't let him do it. >> ashley: he may not just want to be embarrassed again. >> ainsley: upset with their response. >> brian: let him stay and gave him his award. >> steve: chris rock not going to do it. thank you, ashley. >> steve: still ahead on this tuesday, violent protests break out in green zone killing 15 people after a powerful cleric
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says he will withdraw from political life. the u.s. embassy is not evacuating. congressional candidate wesley hunt served in iraq. he is reporting for duty next.
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>> there is no evacuation going on at the dnc. no indication that is going to be >> brian: all hell is breaking loose in iraq. the white house insisting the u.s. embassy in baghdad is not evacuating despite missiles targeting the city's green zone. the raging after influential shiite cleric you know him
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muqtada al-sadr decided he does not want to be in politics anymore. his people stormed the palace forcing the president to run for his life. congressional candidate got the republican nomination certain to win wesley hunt. wesley, your reaction to the unrest in afghanistan in iraq al-sadr once our chief enemy is the least bad alternative and he just said i quit politics what do we make of this. >> this is the case of the enemy and my enemy now becomes my friend. weakness that we see from the biden administration invites war but strength deters war and this is the weakest president that we have seen in my lifetime. weakest president we have seen in modern history. i flew 55 combat missions in baghdad in 2006. i flew over sad der cities multiple times. i understand what service and sacrifice means for us. no one's service should ever be taken for granted and put in
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vain. we have a current president welcomed. world understands watching now just stormed and took it over. keep in mind. the iraqis are pushing back against the iranians what are we about to do for iran? alleviate all the sanctions cut an extremely bad deal as
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billions pour in, some from our banks and let them go sell oil in the world community. what do you think that's going to do to places like iraq? we are empowering bad actors. iran is a bad actor. allowing iran give them a path to have a nuclear weapon again after we know absolutely that they are going to target not only our allies, they are going to target us and target israel and target the world. also we look at the weakness we have shown with russia and vladimir putin and the ukraine. we have now empowered the energy policy as well. somebody like me right here in the energy capital of the world houston, texas, our energy policy for the last year has put the entire world at risk. >> brian: that's true. we could be flooding europe with much needed energy and natural gas. we are not even trying. and freeze to death this summer -- this winter. west point decided to take down all semblances of confederate soldiers including robert e. lee who had a rich history to the
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point where the union was trying to recruit him to lead their army. he chose the confederates. they're taking down his photo. what's your reaction? you went to west point. this makes me very sad not only did i go to west point my brother, sister and i all matriculated through. i lived robert e. barracks. i remember living under the threshold and filling myself up with so much pride. wow, we have come a long way and i am not defined by the name on bailing or by a statue or a photo. i'm defined by being an american. i'm defined by showing the progress and being the definition of the progress and a civil war and living in the barracks of a general that fought against the rights of people that looked like me. this is something that should be celebrated. this is amazing. and if the building or that name were anything different then i wouldn't have this perspective. we have got to stop this in this country. we have to understand that we are all imperfect and if we want
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to name every building and statue and road after a perfect person every building would be named jesus christ. let's talk about the progress we have made over the years. let's not white wash this and talk about the names on the buildings. talk about history and learn from it. >> brian: all of a sudden in 2022 we don't want to do what they decided in 1865. that is come together as a country and not forget about our past. >> exactly. >> brian: no one embraces slavery part of our past. robert e. lee fought bravely. he made that terrible decision to lead the wrong side of the war. wesley hunt, thank you so much. >> let's talk about it god bless you, brian. >> brian: for a guy who served our country and went to that school. >> appreciate it. >> brian: i want to talk about this. 1776. i love doing it through my five history books on stage have a good time and chance to meet you. with fox nation that's going to be part -- is co-producing this. albany new york at the on the 8th next week, my goodness at the egg in albany, new york.
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brandon mississippi november 12th. tulsa, oklahoma november 13th. newark, new jersey december 2nd. go brian hope to see you all in person and watch it on fox nation, too. sign up for fox nation. people that go you will have special deals there still ahead, getting served. the white house accused of covid hypocrisy after novak djokovic is banned from the u.s. open. >> peter: how come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated but world class tennis players are not? >> there are two different things. they are two different things. >> brian: wow. border patrol council president brandon judd doesn't think so. wrinkle guard penetrates deep into fibers, leaving clothes so soft, wrinkles don't want to stick around. make mornings smoother with downy wrinkle guard fabric softener. not flossing well? then add the whoa! of listerine to your routine. new science shows
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♪ >> steve: the white house taken to task over unvaccinated tennis star novak djokovic being within a banned from the u.s. open and the united states while thousands of illegal migrants cross the border every day unchecked and unvaccinated. >> peter: two different things, somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane. you say that's not okay. somebody walks into texas or arizona unvaccinated they are allowed to stay? why? >> but that's not how it works. like we actually it's not like somebody walks over. [laughter]
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>> steve: really? national border patrol council president brandon judd joins us right now. brandon, thousands do walk across every day. do you think she is simply doesn't know that? >> no. she does know it and i watched these people walk across the border every single day. we see it. it's disgusting what we are seeing and she knows exactly what's happening. she is deflecting. she is lying. she knows that the mainstream media isn't going to cover this issue. she knows by in large part nobody is going to care because they don't understand what's going on but she does recognize it as well that if the mainstream media would cover, this if the american public understood what was going on, they would be outraged. they would be outraged that somebody by rule cannot enter the country but individuals that violate the law can, in fact, enter the united states. and that's the hypocrisy of this current administration. they don't care that hundreds of
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thousands of people are dying because of drug overdoses because of these illegal immigrants that are coming across the borders illegally. the cartels then create the opportunities. they don't care what is currently happening. they know that it's not hurting them so they are going to continue to lie to the american public. >> steve: well, you know, the cdc currently does ban non-americans who have unvaccinated from coming into the country. that's why the tennis player can't come here. at the same time, she was suggesting that title 42 is keeping all these people out. that's not the case. how often is somebody being told, hey, you got to turn around because of title 42, which keeps us during covid times from letting you in the country? because right now, the way they want to get rid of it but right now it's tied up in the courts. >> no. we applied title 42 to less than half of the people that crossed the border illegally. only half of the people are turning back. we are releasing the rest of them into the united states. and, let's be clear, steve. we are not even testing these individuals. we don't know if they have covid
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let alone the rest of the diseases that come from around the world. we do not know what is crossing the border illegally. we don't know what any of these individuals have. yet, novak djokovic we would know. and again by rule he is not allowed in. these people are violating the law and they are still being allowed in. >> steve: sure. not only are they being allowed in, but they are also overwhelming towns in texas and new mexico and arizona that's why the government shipping people in by bus. a number of those buses are being paid for by joe biden. so while the mayor complains about governor abbott, he should be complaining about joe biden's administration that is allowing people in. >> no, absolutely. what's really funny about this is when it was being done in secret. when it was being done in the cover of night, these planes that were flying in at midnight and nobody knew about it, eric adams was very quiet about it he
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didn't say a word. but now that it's being done in the open, now that everybody can see it and his constituents can see it and they are upset about it, now he is care until -- going to continue to allow it to happen. now that his constituents are upset, now is he going to say something about it. it's insane what we are seeing in this country -- still on this tuesday, nebraska parents keep from creeping into education with a trend called microschooling? what's that? the teacher behind the movement joins us live to explain how it works and how it could help your kids, too. plus, another handout in pennsylvania. the democrat governor's plan to
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spend $500 million as a so-called fix for inflation. wait until you hear this. ♪
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this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments.
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they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. ♪ >> ainsley: nebraska parents fed up with the politics that kids are learning in school. they are taking a new approach called microschooling. the hybrid format lets children meet with the teacher and other students several days a week while still being home schooled, making education more personal while giving parents the power. our next guest created her own microschool, founder of e-3 modern learning rebecca kennedy joins us now. hey, rebecca. >> hello, how are you? >> ainsley: i'm doing great. thank you. tell us about your school, why you started this microschool in omaha how and how it works. >> i started the microschool. this is my second year. and i started it because i knew
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parents needed a different option for kids that think differently and want to -- want the nontraditional route. >> ainsley: how many students did you start with and how many are enrolled now? >> i started with last year my -- i had one student for a couple weeks and then through word of mouth i have seven right now at the most one microschool is only 10 kids. a one-room schoolhouse concept and the kids learn every -- so all the skills are every grade so they hear all the skills for each grade level. >> ainsley: they go to school wednesdays and thursdays and take the work home and complete with the parents so the parents are involved. i know you started this because you want the students to move at their own pace but mrs. also you want to take politics out of the school. what do you ask about political candidates or tell you how parents are voting or talk about something controversial? >> i just actually had this
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happen -- i just had this happen the other day, and i just -- one of them said something about some politics and i said we just, you know, we're just talked about that with mom and dad at the kitchen table. >> ainsley: why is that your approach? >> i don't think it's my place to give -- i am just hear to provide facts and let the kids make anything that is more politics that is more my opinion. i try to keep out of the classroom and let the parents teach their children that. >> ainsley: right. i'm sure the parents are happy with that they have chosen this different alternative because they weren't happy with the current public schools. i know you grew up in kansas. you taught in public schools. then you became a tutor. you were a straight a student valedictorian and star student. what do you say to the spokesperson of the nebraska department of education who says as far as the state is concerned, there is no such thing as a microschool. says it isn't really a school. just people helping a student
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learn different subjects. >> i would say that what i like to do is do more -- each student to meet their needs and personalize learning so that way they get -- reach their true learning potential. >> ainsley: rebecca, i think you are doing a great job. i come from a family of educators. thank you for what you are doing. you are pouring into the kids. you were nervous about starting the school. seems to be successful for the students that you have. thank you. >> yeah. thank you. and then i just want to say i'm actually from omaha, nebraska. >> ainsley: got it i read an article that said you were from kansas. i apologize. >> no. that's all right. >> ainsley: where can people find out more information about microschools? >> they can find out more information at e 3 modern >> ainsley: okay. god bless you. >> i have a website and facebook group. thank you. god bless you. >> ainsley: thank you. well, let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for
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our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> good morning, ainsley. everybody is excited to see you. what's your name. >> mike, alicia. >> janice: happy anniversary 25 years. >> yes, thank you. >> janice: where are you from. >> illinois. >> your name. >> judy, steve. >> how many years? >> 40 year anniversary. >> janice: where are you from. >> virginia. >> janice: westerville. thank you for coming to "fox & friends." good day to celebrate here in new york city. we do have showers and thunderstorms that could move through the area later on tonight. so 77 right now. the humidity, lots of it tomorrow. tomorrow will be better as that front moves through. we could see the potential for showers, thunderstorms, not only for the northeast, back through the ohio, tennessee river valley. we are also watching texas. you have gotten so much rain in the last couple of weeks. more rain in the forecast for not only texas, louisiana. mississippi we have had record flooding across some of these areas and unfortunately, that's not great news. we will continue to keep you up to date and there's that future track that could rain on somebody's parade later on today. fox will keep you up to date with all the details. you love ainsley? >> yeah.
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[cheers] >> janice: i love them all. tell them to come over to this side of the building and i will run out during the next commercial break. >> janice: sounds good. ainsley is coming out to say hi. >> great. awesome. >> ainsley: can you direct them? i only have a second. >> janice: i will bring them over now. >> ainsley: bad news for brian. not even the pumpkin spice latte is safe from the rising prices. sorry b.k. [sighs] >> ainsley: how much more it's going to cost him. open your wallet, brian. ♪ rocking that farmer's tan ♪ all the girls looking heavenly ♪ kick back and chill out
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#. >> at the present up survive higher prices. $2,000 to families making $80,000 or less. we estimate that about 250,000 families will apply for this. it's a $500 million operation expense. it's going to give families some room to get back on their feet. >> steve: more free money. >> brian: unbelievable. >> steve: democratic governor of pennsylvania facing backlash to fight inflation by giving away $2,000 to certain families. >> ainsley: spend more.
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"fox & friends weekend" co-host will cain is here to react. will, of course every family would love to have a $2,000 check in their mailbox. how are we going to afford this? >> will: well, he says they can afford it in pennsylvania. the question is as he alluded to, i'm going to bet it's why brian goes it's unbelievable is how does he rationalize this doesn't lead to increasing inflation? they are addicted giving away more of the poison as the cure. you give away free money, you will rise prices once again. it happens in everything the government gets involved in, healthcare to education, to housing. you subsidize it, you make it cheaper, you make it easier, prices rise. you get hyper inflation all those industries. now in pennsylvania governor wolf is going to subsidize life. $2,000 to deal with inflation. of course causing more inflation. >> steve: sure, exactly. it's simple economics. we have explained on the program why inflation does that to people. but, will, here's the thing. it sounds like the one thing that's standing in the governor's way are the
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republicans in pennsylvania and they said i'm not so sure this is a good idea. >> what a good way though to paint them as the bad guy. >> steve: 100 percent. >> will: that's what this is being about. the bad guy stands in the way of my free money. i'm going to print more money. we're going to spend more money. it's going to cause prices to go up. down the line. abstract you won't tie that back to me. all you will see is bad republicans standing in the way of me signing a check over to you. in essence then, i think we can go ahead and take the next logical step and diagnose it what it is a vote buying scheme not unlike forgiving $10,000 in student debt a few months before the midterm elections. it is like the pri in mexico handing out groceries in line before you vote. this is a vote buying scheme. >> brian: will, when i said unbelievable. does that count as my question? >> steve: that's more of a statement. >> will: i'm used to it. if you would like, hey, brian, if you would like, we should
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expand upon that how about we reverse roles and pretend it's saturday. brian, what did you mean by it's unbelievable? >> brian: that would be great. i will say this. it's an opportunity for dr. oz and mastriano to go out and define themselves on this moment that i'm not going to give away money but i'm going to provide you with an opportunity to be successful. that's what america is about. how do you feel about that? >> will: i don't think it's -- you know, to the conversation steve and i were just having, i don't think it's as difficult to explain to americans how inflation is caused. they are living through it right now. i think they can connect the dots in saying $2,000 equals more inflation. >> ainsley: we spent too much money, it caused ingalatian now we are going to spend more it doesn't make sense. >> steve: unbelievable that's where we started. will, thank you very much. >> ainsley: kathie lee gifford is here talk about faith, family and brand new book. >> brian: i was supposed to read it ainsley. >> ainsley: you weren't reading it so i had to do it.
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♪ ♪ >> a top agent now out of the fbi. >> republican lawmakers zeroing in on allegations he tried to interfere with the hunter biden investigation. >> it seemed to be an unlimited number of these to do their dirty work. >> being taken to task over novak joke of novak djokovic not being allowe. >> we are learning the city of
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el paso is using biden administration money to send migrants to new york city. >> president biden will give a prime time speech on thursday to address the continued battle for the soul of this nation. >> after referring to pro-trump republicans as "semifascist." >> they use the methods of dictatorship while accusing their opponents of being fascist? >> the 1-1. that is driven deep. number 50 for aaron judge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: you can see a surfer just waiting for a big wave coming up. as we look live down the shore, ocean city new jersey. >> brian: you can't go in the water without the lifeguard. what are you doing? >> steve: sure you can, absolutely.
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76 degrees, going for a daytime high of 83. ladies and gentlemen, this is the final tuesday before labor day. live it up. august 30th. >> ainsley: gosh, where did summer go? you can swim at your own risk, that's what they say on the signs. >> steve: it's when they have a red flag out. >> ainsley: red flag, don't go in. >> brian: one of the reasons a lot of people don't swim his sharks, and one of the reasons is because the water is too clean. >> ainsley: too clean? >> brian: yeah, it's getting warmer and cleaner, so good job, everybody. thanks, now we can't swim. >> steve: i think that regarded the hudson river. it could be to codify things. but nonetheless, whatever it is, they have been a ton of sharks. >> ainsley: we are also hearing because the water maybe warmer or cleaner, whatever it is, that different fish are coming closer. >> brian: and the sharks go to eat the smaller fish. >> ainsley: exactly, then they taste your ankle. >> brian: i don't know if we went over this, but do you know who can kill a shark?
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the killer whale can. i thought it would be a good fight. dolphins can intimidate sharks. killer whales kill sharks. no idea. it's been confirmed. >> steve: welcome back to "wild kingdom." [laughter] >> brian: not that wild. it's good to be a killer whale if you're in the ocean. nobody messes with you. >> steve: but they are not watching. >> brian: we are pretty sure. a top agent facing accusations of political bias is now out at the fbi. timothy tebo resigning, as lawmakers zeroing in on allegations that he tried to -- actually dead -- interfere with the hunter biden laptop investigation. >> steve: live from our bur bureau, griff, this is a different tim tebow. >> that's exactly right, not the football star, the special agent at the fbi 25 years. tebow was walked out of the building on friday, which is standard procedure according to
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sources speaking to fox news. tebow is resigning after shielding hunter biden from criminal investigations into his laptop and business dealings. tebow had already been on leave after a month, after whistle-blower claims the fbi obstructed its own investigation. now g.o.p. lawmakers led by chuck grassley are demanding facebook handover communications on hunter biden in the wake of mark zuckerberg's recent comments. >> the fbi basically came to us, some folks on our team, and was like, "hey, just so you know, you should be on high alert. we thought there was a lot of russian propaganda in the 2016 election. we have it on notice that basically there is about to be some kind of dump similar to that, so be vigilant." >> in their letter, republicans are right that the american people deserve to know whether the fbi used facebook or other
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social media companies as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about hunter. meanwhile, the former cia chief of staff under president obama and td pundit jeremy bash, who falsely claimed hunter biden's laptop could freshness information, has been appointed to a white house board that will offer president biden's intelligence advice. he will find, by the way, his name is among those who signed that now infamous pre-election letter with 50 other former intel officials, casting doubt on the authenticity of the laptop. one final note as for what is next for resigned agent tebow, the fbi has not commented on that, saying they do not comment on personnel matters. >> brian: it's unbelievable. they should. he might have affected a national election. they should be commenting on personnel matters, because he was walked out, correct? they did confirm that? >> they walked him out, but our sources tell us that when agents resign that they are walked out,
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that is standard procedure. the question now is whether there will be investigation into his departure internally, and it doesn't sound like the fbi will tell us which made that is headed. >> ainsley: sources are also saying he had taken a month off. >> brian: he left a month ago. >> ainsley: right, so i guess he came for a meeting and they escorted him out on friday. >> he had been on leave for a month, ainsley, you're right. it is important to note from what our sources tell us that he was a special agent in the washington field office, not the fbi headquarters. that washington field office is comprised of at least 13 agents. whether or not any other agents are under this scrutiny that tebow is, unknown at this point. >> brian: what do you think? >> it doesn't matter what i think. i just report the news and you decide. >> ainsley: was brian austin the other guy that the whistle-blower said was scheming? is he in that office, too? >> i don't know. fox news has not confirmed that,
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but clearly chuck grassley is demanding, and let's not forget too we have those midterm elections coming up if republicans take either the house or the senate. you can see they are calling some of these officials up to the hill. >> steve: absolutely. thank you very much. you mentioned brian otten, we know most of that stuff because of letters that chuck grassley has written to christopher wray. but christopher wray also appeared before congress. and answered questions about this team tebow. the thing about brian otten, he's been at the barrow for a long time. he's one of the analysts regarding crossfire hurricane, and he apparently, according to "the new york post" today and other reporting, he was one of the people who suggested that the hunter biden laptop was russian disinformation. before the election of 2020, aside from "the new york post" and fox news and the daily mail,
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we had been 50 intel chiefs, as griff just mentioned, saying it's all russian disinformation. that one guy is now on the board, so that is out there, but now we know it's not true. >> ainsley: everywhere i go i hear, please, tell steve that his son peter she keep asking these have questions of the white house because he's doing a good job. yesterday he asked a question that we have sat and asked for weeks. many people in our program have asked, why is it okay for all these illegals to come over the border and not have to be vaccinated, yet novak djokovic wants to come play in the u.s. open, he's already had covid twice, he doesn't want to get vaccinated, why can't he come over and play? why is it a rule for one set and not the other? peter asked the white house this. let's listen. >> how come migrants are allowed to come into this country unvaccinated but world-class tennis players are not? >> are you talking about -- were which world-class tennis player?
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>> novak djokovic. somebody unvaccinated comes around plain, that's not okay. 70 walked into texas or arizona unvaccinated, they are allowed to stay. why? >> that's not how it works. we actually -- >> i know that's not what you guys want to happen, but that's what is happening. >> it's not like somebody walks over. [laughs] that's not -- >> that's exactly what's happening. >> it's not just that simple. it's not that people are walking across the border. we have a plan in place. >> steve: to be clear, the cdc bands entry into the united states for unvaccinated non-americans, and -- >> brian: except for them. >> steve: those are all -- >> brian: not americans. >> steve: we don't know how many have been vaccinated but we know they don't really ask coming into the country, and that is why in the trump immunization they used title 42 to say, because of covid, you've got to go home, so a lot did. right now the biden
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administration wants to get rid of it and it's currently tied up in court. >> ainsley: so peter doocy is breaking news in washington all the time, and bill melugin is down there on the border. we talk about this all the time because he breaks news, he shows us images that other networks are going to show. he tweeted this in response, he listened to what the white house was saying to peter. "my colleague peter doocy is 100% correct. that's exactly what happening at the border. not sure how many more videos we have to show multiple times a day to get this point across. that doesn't even account for the more than half a million got-aways hoop slipped through e october 1st." >> brian: we are looking at a situation where, if you come from another country, you need to be vaccinated here. everybody else has lifted that, and because we are in this country allowing kids to finally to go to school without being vaccinated, we are allowed to live our lives without following up, and if you don't get a booster shot you're not allowed
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to go on the subway. all that stuff is done. how could the president not get pressured to lift that? and this could just highlight an overall policy which is caught up in very 2019. we are in 2022 now. for novak djokovic to have this type of problem and to have this not be solved, and have nobody ask this question, where are the u.s. open officials? where the interviews forcing the president's hand? it seems like everyone is complicit. the knuckle under and say -- if it was trump there would be a myriad of people parading into the white house demanding to change policies. you know what? they wouldn't have had to do, because he did it already. the former president was the one forcing college football to play again, forcing these conferences to get back in action again, urging the ufc to start fighting again. that's just the opposite of this administration. knuckle under, restrict, and
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prevent. don't worry, i'll write checks for you to supplement the income you use to have >> steve: so the u.s. is open to migrant, the u.s. not open to -- >> ainsley: the u.s. open. >> steve: unvaccinated tennis players and other people. we were talking to brandon judd, national border patrol counsel president on the double standard for migrants and people like that tennis player. >> he does know it, and i watch these people walk across the border every single day. she's deflecting, she's lying. she knows the mainstream media isn't going to cover this issue. if the american public understood what was going on, they would be outraged. they would be outraged that somebody by rule cannot enter the united states, but individuals that violate the law can, in fact, enter the united states. that's the hypocrisy of this current administration. only half of the people are turned back. we are releasing the rest of them into the united states, and let's be clear, steve.
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we are not even testing these individuals. we don't know if they have covid, let alone the rest of the diseases that come from around the world. >> steve: and he was responding from the very beginning to karine jean-pierre yesterday when peter said people are just walk into the country. and she goes, "people are not just walking into the country." that's why bill melugin said, yes, they are just walking into the country. he sees it every day. people are just walking into the country. >> brian: you know the last time this it administration talked about the border? when the border patrol agent was on a horse and they said, "look, they are whipping them, that's racist, they are from haiti, they are terrible. we are going to do an investigation and there will be problems." since the time, the vice president is in hawaii for three weeks, can go visit the space program that never launched, and the president can go to scranton and start screaming at people with his sleeves rolled up and tell everybody that he is fighting for the working class. meanwhile, most of the country doesn't even want him to go. so i am astounded that more
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people aren't asking about the border, because the video is so horrific. and it affects every state. and how in new york is the governor not being called out every day? how are we allowing this? why is this happening? >> steve: the people that are calling out the loudest, the democrats, are the democrats here in new york city who are saying, "hey, governor abbott, stop shifting people here." it's not governor abbott, it's the president letting them into texas. >> ainsley: they weren't screaming, they didn't have the loud voices until a republican governor started doing it. meanwhile, the federal government has been doing this since last august when we saw the secret flights coming in. >> steve: i have an idea. now you got me doing it -- novak djokovic. >> ainsley: [laughs] >> steve: had he actually come across our southern border. >> brian: no problem. with his tennis outfit and racquet. he has is one outfit.
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>> steve: that's all you need. >> brian: it would be different if we were actually saving people who are refugees. they are coming over like they just left men's wearhouse or the gap. they don't want to pay a mortgage payment in another country. this is come one come all. we can't absorb a million, 2 million people year. no other countries are doing this. >> steve: once upon a time, the staff to sign the guestbook and there were requirements, but not so much anymore. let's give it to ashley for some headlines. >> good morning. we will start with this. the justice department now admitting it already reviewed some materials seized from former president trump's mar-a-lago home. according to a court filing, a filter team has completed its review of material possibly covered by attorney-client privilege. the filing came in response to a federal judge's decision to hold a hearing this week on trump's motion seeking a payment of a
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special master. vice president kamala harris deflects when asked who will be paying for the president's $500 billion student loan hand out. let's listen. >> a lot of the same people who are criticizing what we rightly did to forgive student loan debt are the same people who voted for a tax cut for the richest americans. >> after failing to say who will be fronting the bill, harris argued that debt cancellation was necessary because student loans or stopping americans from pursuing the american dream. all right, starbucks is switching seasons today with the launch of its fall menu, including the iconic pumpkin spice latte. but it's not all good news, because it's going to cost you more than you may have thought. a grande a size drink now cost as much as $5.95, so basically $6, depending on the location. that's a 4% increase compared to 2021. hard pass from me. serena williams dominating the first round match up of what is
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likely her last tournament ever. williams recently announced plans to evolve away from the way, at game of tennis after the u.s. open. during the match, the espn broadcasts spotted bill clinton in the crowd seated with sex therapist dr. ruth westheimer, and the commentators in the booth where he clearly imposed by their conversation. so is brian. >> they are really involved in some sort of -- she is giving them advice. she just gave him advice. >> [laughs] >> bill, you shouldn't be doing that. >> why is his face getting redder? >> tennis legend john mcenroe -- thanks, guys -- pointed out that the former president blushed during his intimate conversation with the doctor. >> steve: if you're going to put somebody next to the former president, should it be the world's foremost sex therapist?
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we have had on the program, we have a pretty good idea of what she was talking about. [laughter] focusing on one topic. >> ainsley: it's just so wrong! based on his past, and he is sitting with her? >> brian: how far down the list is "who wants to come with me to the u.s. open" is dr. ruth westheimer? >> steve: she is a charming and funny person. >> brian: she is charming and funny. >> ainsley: i'm sure there's a lot of memes about that, guessing what she's saying. >> brian: fill-in the blank. something for me to read now. >> steve: somehow you'll be able to. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, a week after president biden referred to pro-trump republicans as semifascist, republican headquarters vandalized with that word. fox contributor leo terrell live next.
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by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. ♪ ♪ >> steve: president biden is set to address the soul of the nation. that the topic of the prime time speech he will give from philly days after suggesting that trump-backed republicans subscribe to semifascism. >> maga republicans don't just threaten our personal rights and economic security. they are a threat to our very democracy. they refused to accept the will of the people. they embrace political violence. >> steve: okay, and i we are seeing some vulgar fascism messages and graffiti across the front of a vandalized republican office building in florida. here with reaction, fox news contributor and former democrat, leo terrell. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve.
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thanks for having me. >> steve: you bet. a couple days after joe biden mentioned "semifascists," next thing you know, seminole county, the republican party, somebody took spray paint and wrote "fascists" there along with some expletives that we have fuzzed out. is that just a coincidence? >> absolutely not. joe biden's democratic rhetoric has divided this country based off party affiliation, and that violent rhetoric has resulted in violence from extremists on the left. steve, look what's happening in florida. the democrats are jealous of florida. that is a state with no income tax, no critical race theory, no defund the police, no kids going to school with masks. they are jealous of florida and they are embarrassed of california, new york, chicago, philadelphia, because they are progressive plans do not work. he doesn't go after chicago or los angeles. the democrats, kathy hochul,
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charlie crist, they go after florida because it represents the best of america and they don't like it. steve on the republican party of florida put out an instagram saying this. "number one, charlie crist says ron desantis supporters have hate in their hearts. number two, biden calls republican semifascists. the result? dangerous democratic rhetoric is polarizing our country and inciting criminal behavior." leo, i see the president talking about maga republicans, which he has done for a while, now he has amped up the rhetoric where he's talked about them being semifascists. we will hear that a lot between now and the first tuesday in november, because it is political season, and the democrats feel they've had a number of wins and they will remind people, hey, are you on our side or the extremist side? >> first of all, the characterization of 75 million americans being extremists, it's
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outrageous. remember, joe biden, steve, an inauguration day, he said he wanted to unify the country. that is a lie because he has just flown 75 million trump supporters under the. you call me former democrat, i left the democratic party and became a trump republican because they are radical, extremist. antifa, black lives matter, 500 riots over the last three years. defund the police, that's not america. that's chaos. that is exactly what joe biden is doing. politics, rhetoric. you know what? this is a president basically unwanted by his own party, but he's pushing the political agenda of the left. >> steve: and that's why he'll have that big speech on thursday night. i'm sure people will see it right here on fox. leo, sorry i mentioned you were a former democrat. obviously that got you a little hot under the collar. >> no longer, permanently, and i'm happier now. i'm smiling now, i'm not angry
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anymore. >> steve: you look a little angry, just occasionally. >> [laughs] >> steve: just saying. thanks, leo. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: you bet. coming up on tuesday, start your engines. the nascar field is set. the number one driver, chase elliott, will join us along side jeff gordon. coming upon "fox & friends" ♪ ♪ these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. your heart is at the heart of everything you do. and if you have heart failure, there's entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability
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♪ ♪ >> brian: nascar race or chase elliott clinches the number 1 seed in the regular season championship for the first time in his career. i was on his way to the playoffs. four-time nascar cup champion jeff gordon, 93 victories in his career, they both join us live. welcome to both of you. >> good morning. >> thanks for having us. >> brian: hey, jeff -- how good is chase? >> [laughs] is amazing. we are so thrilled to have him at hendrick motorsports. he is so smooth and calculated and has a great team, so no surprise that he won the regular-season championship and has a great chance of winning the second championship this year. >> brian: chase, what would it mean to you to win regular-season? a lot of people would feel the
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pressure to win it all. do you feel that pressure? >> not really, honestly. we have had a championship season in 2020. that year we didn't win regular-season, so for us it is about another great opportunity and an opportunity to try and do both in one year. that's a big one. if you can check both those boxes in the same season, it would be pretty cool. that's what we are after right now. >> brian: i hear you. take a look at the standings, chase elliott on top. these round out the top four. hey, jeff -- what do you miss most about racing? >> i mean, there is no doubt that the thrill of the speed of driving the car and the competition, nothing will ever compare to that. when i watch these guys have a race with this great battle at the end, making great moves, you get a little bit envious of not being out there still. but i am so busy, and i love the business side.
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i love being able to still be a major part of the sport of nascar through hendrick motorsports and all the activities that come along with that. and working with great guys like chase and our other three drivers at hendrick motorsports. >> brian: that's a pretty good attraction. something else you are passionate about his charity and i know you will take part in this, too, chase. that is fighting pediatric cancer. jeff, when did you realize that this was a because he wanted to get on board? >> it goes all the way back to my first crew chief, when his son was diagnosed with leukemia. but it has become a passion of mine, and it's the number one cause of death in children. not just in the u.s., but around the world. a child is diagnosed every 2 minutes in the world. there's a lot to be done there, and i'm very fortunate that the jeff gordon children's foundation has partnered up with phoenix children's here in phoenix, arizona, because of the great work they are doing to
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battle pediatric cancer. chase has a foundation and this weekend he'll be representing for his charity. >> brian: out of everybody pulling at you because of your star power, why was it important for you to go to this launch? >> to jeff's point, i want to try to make a difference in any way possible, big or small. it's a good opportunity for us to kick off our playoffs, that this is where our championship ends, in phoenix in november. it's a special place to me over the course of my career and obviously a great opportunity to, a, make a difference, and push these final techniques for our nascar season. >> brian: and your foundation? >> minds very similar to geoff's, supporting children's health care of atlanta. i'm from georgia and it has been very fun partnership. we have a big weekend coming up. i hope you guys can follow along
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and see some of that, but it has been a great ride. we have a paint scheme designed by a patient at children's this weekend that looks really cool, and like i said, it's just been a thrill to have them on board. this weekend was super special. last year we did the same thing and i expect this weekend to be just as fun. like i said, hopefully make a difference, big or small. it means a lot everybody involved. >> brian: chase elliott and former great racer-turned-executive vice president, jeff gordon. if you can't join them at the luncheon and you'd like to donate, i know you would, fantastic because, you can go to phoenixchildren' thanks, guys. go get 'then. meanwhile, kathie lee gifford is here. she's at with a brand-new book and joins us on the couch. a special thanks to our weather executive for helping with makeup. that woman does not need makeup, okay? ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: moments ago, another bus filled with migrants arriving here in new york city from the texas border. as migrant encounters are set to reach nearly 2 million this year, a group of republican women, including our next guest, are down at the southern border today facing these crisis head on. former state department state department spokesperson morgan ortagus joins us now from hidalgo texas. good morning, morgan. >> hey, ainsley. thanks for having me. >> ainsley: thanks for coming on and telling a story. why are y'all down there, what's the goal? >> like most americans i've been watching the fox news coverage of the border and what has gone on but i've never been here, so i wanted to come and see this firsthand. i am bringing eight women with me who are running for congress and senate. people like myra florez, who just won a special election,
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cassie garcia, monica de la cruz, tiffany smiley. these women are going to win their election and be leaders in the next congress in january. we are here to see firsthand is not only what's happening at the border. we all know that over 2 million people are being smuggled across this border and we know these cartels are making $13 billion. that's billion with a b this year. we are really here, ainsley, to highlight what's happening to latina women. this crisis is disproportionately affecting latino women. they are being raped, human traffics, and some of them, god forbid, are being murdered and sold for body parts. these republican women are here at the border to stand up and say enough is enough. >> ainsley: some of these women are not women yet, they are little girls. and that is really so disheartening and so disturbing to watch them come across unaccompanied without their parents. when you look at the numbers, the fiscal year 2022,
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unaccompanied minors, 1,845. to date, in total, in 2021, 113,761. that is up more than 13%. when you talk to those law-enforcement agents or you talk to some of these victims, what are they saying? >> you know, we will have a roundtable this morning and we'll be hearing from border patrol and law enforcement all day. we will also hear from the victims. ainsley, you just brought up the children suffering from biden and mayorkas' board policies. you and i are both parents to little girls, and last week my heart broke when i saw the story is a 3-year-old who drowned in the rio grande trying to get across. yesterday afternoon i stood at the rio grande i looked at that river, and i just can't imagine my daughter or your daughter, ainsley, facing that kind of untimely death. i think the statistics you read
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off are incredibly important, the scale of the problem is important. we know over 72,000 americans are dying from the fentanyl coming over this border, but we are here to put names and faces to the strategies. you'll hear that from me and all the members of congress running throughout today. >> ainsley: we can't wait, and we will continue to talk about it throughout the week. thank you. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: let's hand it over to ashley. she has headlines for us. >> one of the u.s. marshals top 15 wanted suspects arrested in el salvador after six years on the run. raymond mcleod is accused of murdering krystal mitchell in san diego back in 2016. marshals and authorities in el salvador captured him after receiving a tip that he was teaching english. the former marine was the first suspect to enter the top 15 most wanted list with a $50,000 reward offered for the capture.
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check this out, wild video shows a massive bill escaping its pen and charging toward the crowd and the florida state fair ro rodeo. they managed to take a few laps around the outside of the pan, but the handler on horseback eventually erupted in. with the help of more wranglers, they eventually got back safely without any crowd injuries. and start spreading the news, yankee slugger aaron judge hitting his 50th home run of the year last night. this is the second time he has reached a milestone in his career, after hitting 52 hummers in his rookie season back in 2017. also albert pujols making history hitting a home run, he passed barry bonds who hit home runs against 449 different pictures during his career to set a new mlb record. in those ear
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headlines. pretty cool. >> ainsley: very cool. let's check in with janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> good morning, ainsley. it's hot across the country, but i have to talk about the tropics, because all of a sudden it's been a very quiet season and things are starting to pop up in the atlantic. let's look at the maps and i will show you what's happening. the longest stretch without a named storm is happening. we are the third, for two and 22, 58 days without a named storm. but i think that's about to change. look at the atlantic we have two areas we are watching. one that will move north to puerto rico over the next couple of days and the other just off the coast of africa. the bottom line is you need to pay attention. for your latest details. heavy rain and the forecast from texas through louisiana, mississippi, and a cold front pushes across the northeast. we will be tracking all of it again with ainsley, over to you, and i know
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you've got a special friends coming up on "fox & friends" who i love very much! >> ainsley: we do! kathie lee is here! we love it when she comes to visit. thank you so much. sharing hope and faith, he or she is, kathie lee gifford. she's at with a brand-new book and shall be joined by rabbi jason sobel. they have written books before. there's a new movie coming out. it will be on the curvy couch with us. let's check in versus dana perino for what's coming up. >> dana: a great guest for the morning on a tuesday, ainsley. taylor had high neck from us. the white house denies immigrants are walking across the border, and while it's hard to believe that same it is real, we will update and analyze. an fbi agent resigns over the hunter biden laptop repression. they will give us their take on trump and biden, which leader motivates us voters. and the youngest pilot ever to solo around the world flew in his sister's footsteps. you will meet him this morning. we will see you at 9:00. k.
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every move you make, every step you take, i'll be watching you. the internet doesn't have to be duckduckgo is a free all in one privacy app with a built in search engine, web browser, one click data clearing and more stop companies like google from watching you, by downloading the app today. duckduckgo: privacy, simplified. ♪ ♪ >> ainsley: our next guests are diving into scripture like never before. >> brian: "the god of the way" is on sale today, and its companion movies in the theaters for one night only this thursday. >> steve: live in our studio right now we have coauthors
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kathie lee gifford and rabbi jason sobel. good morning to both of you. >> thanks for having us. >> steve: kathie lee, how did you get tangled up with this guy? >> a mutual friend set us up. this man saved christmas for me. am i allowed to say that? at rockefeller center, ike was hating it. i couldn't wait to get out of the city. when i met him, he said, "i will give you one great reason to love december." three hours at the pub and he regaled me with the real nativity story. as only rabbis no, because they study rabbinic lee, and they take you so much deeper into stuff. i was fascinated, so we wrote a book together about my experience studying it, but not being the scholar that he is. now i'm stuck with him. >> ainsley: how does this work? you are jewish. she's christian. >> ainsley: i'm jewish. so was jesus.
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>> ainsley: i do know that. you consider yourself jewish and not a christian? >> my father was jewish and my mother was gentile, jesus was jewish and all his brothers and sisters and his mother, and it never should have been separated from the old testament and new testament. it's a one story. >> ainsley: and this is number one in the messianic jewish sector category on amazon, right? >> i don't know. that's fantastic. >> ainsley: tell me how the two faiths come together in this book and why you do this. >> you can't understand the new testament without the old "jesus was a rabbi, his disciples were jewish." we want people to see the bible in high definition, so when you look at it from a jewish perspective, the way it was written, it brings the story to life. >> brian: how do jews due jesus? >> many >> many dmsa profit, not the messiah, the all
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the first followers of jesus were jewish and did, but there is a discrepancy. there's a joke that, is jesus the messiah? and one rabbi said, let's ask them when he comes back. [laughter] [laughter] more and more of the jewish faith are believing now that he is the messiah. >> steve: sell your book comes out today, the movie one day only on thursday. you have a passage from the book that you would like to read. actually, we'd like you to read it. >> show some b-role of the movie. i spent four years shooting this in israel and all over the pl place. this has magnificent performances in it, and i'll come out and scream after. >> brian: that's the producer-director in you. because you are in control. let's roll some b-roll, it's kathie lee gifford! >> my passion for understanding the scriptures is rooted in my desire to know what the hebrew in the old testament and the greek in the new testament
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actually say. too much damage has been done over the centuries by the erosion of the source text by sloppy and misleading translations. psalm 18: 30 says, "the word of the lord is flawless." that only applies to the original words the authors use." >> brian: so you have a problem with the translations over the years in the centuries? >> i sure do. shouldn't everybody? >> every translation is an interpretation. >> brian: 's of the dead sea scrolls or it? >> the dead sea scrolls are a key way to know what the accurate text reading is. we have different schools throughout time and you mash them up and see what is the most reliable. >> steve: kathie lee, we have some of the b-roll up now. >> that was in israel, i was directing nicole mullen, and we had people like larry gatlin in it, jimmy allen, and there is
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moses. me and moses hanging out at mount sinai. i've got larry gatlin who plays, "i stand here by the jordan!" it's amazing. he said, "i didn't come here to play golf. let's do this!" >> ainsley: i love the fact that you are so outspoken about your faith. i look up to you and so many people do. you've given me great advice over the years. when i was at my lowest point, you took me to dinner. >> i took you for a few lunches, didn't i? [laughter] >> i could see it coming. i said, that little girl needs to go out for some r&r with me! >> ainsley: and elizabeth has a beck and call you and said, ainsley's going for a divorce, can you give her some advice? that was really sweet of you. but how did you come to know god? >> i always wanted to be an
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actress and a singer since i came out of the womb and i came to know yeshuah, jesus come at a movie theater. there is a film called "the restless ones," and i was 14 years old, i guess. i had a choice to make, if i go to the world's way, and i felt that he was a little jewish girl sitting there, i felt like jesus was saying, "kathie lee, i love you, and if you follow me i'll make something beautiful out of your life." that's what we are trying to do with our film and book and we are getting wrapped. i know what that means. >> i think that i love how kathie brings her passion, and the scriptures and the stories are stories of promise. the way she brings them to life, through her music, it makes you feel it and understand it at a different level, which is entitled. >> people think this bible is a dead but come if there were ever alive at all. it's 5,000 years old, why should i dust it off?
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there are some feisty stories. >> no we are talking about him. >> no earpiece. >> he's working on it, though. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uhh... here, i'll take that! yay!!! ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar enter powered by protein challenge for a chance to win big! >> these things we go through in life are meant to stretch us in order to strengthen us. >> i love that you mention how we are living our lives today, e the pandemic struck, it has been an existential threat for millions of people. millions have died. a lot of people are looking for meaning. what is it all about? >> and people are fearful. they've never been so fearful in
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my lifetime, and i'm methuselah. they need answers. they are demanding them now, and they are tired of being lied to. so many people say, "i don't know what to believe anymore." people i believed in, i know i can't trust anymore. >> brian: i just know we are safe with novak djokovic not here. [laughter] he's not here, we will all be safe. rabbi, is it true the bible is written in aramaic? >> it's written primarily in hebrew and some portions we are in aramaic. jews in first century spoke primarily aramaic and some hebrew, as well as a little greek. >> brian: did you have to learn all those linkages to understand what it really says? >> it helps to learn it. he gives you the foundation to go deeper into the meaning of what it says. there's a lot of nuance. >> ainsley: you've worked together in the past. tell us your story. >> he is a rapping industry. >> i started out working as a hip-hop d.j. when i worked with all his famous people --
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>> don't ask him, he'll start doing it! [laughter] >> ainsley: let's hear it. >> hey, everyone, today's a great day. it's the release of "god of the way." if you read this book it'll transform you in a new way, so here we go one more time. god of the way will rock your life. [laughter and applause] >> all is forgiven, that was funny. [laughter] >> where did you grow up? >> i grew up in new jersey. the holy land. [laughter] for some! we are jews in new york. >> steve: congratulations. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you for having us, theu guys. >> steve: the book is on sale today and the movie companion is in theaters for one night only on thursday. to get tickets? >> go to fathom, please. and bring a friend come to bring somebody lonely and broken a new
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life. somebody who needs the light. >> brian: i usually sit there. isn't it a crater, and is in it so much higher up here? >> this is much better. >> brian: i shouldn't have to deal with it. >> he sits there five days a week and he's blaming it on the heat! >> so little time.3 >> dana: good morning, i'm dana perino. bill has some time off. good morning, trace. >> trace: i'm trace gallagher and this is "america's newsroom." the white house claiming migrants are not allowed to simply walk across the border unchecked but boy, the pictures tell a much different story. >> dana: the surge of migrants, many unvaccinated, clashing with the requirement that all foreign travelers to the united states be


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