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tv   Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream  FOX News  August 30, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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huge thanks to gutfeld for letting me be here, the audience, also gerri willis, johnny joey jones, jimmy failla, julie banderas. "fox news @ night" with shannon bream's next. i'm dana perino. on behalf of greg gutfeld, i love you, america. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ >> shannon: hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in wash washington. breaking tonight: the justice department has filed its response to the trump team's request for special master guide here. it contains serious allegations against the former president. we are reading through and will bring you late-breaking details.
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president biden looking to flip the script on republicans when it comes to crime the call to refund the police. could he be risking use of the unprecedented rate on mar-a-lago to score political points ahead of the midterms? will it work? our bream team panel. a university refusing to allow an lgbt club on campus. they say it's an issue of religious liberty. bombshell claims by the justice department in the formal objection to the trump team request for the neutral party to look to the documents taken from mar-a-lago. bill melugin. >> good evening. this doj filing came in moments ago. the doj filed this as their latest response tonight to former president trump's lawsuit over the fbi search of his home in their filing tonight, doj is saying that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the federal probe into the classified documents that were taken by the fbi from mar-a-lago.
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specifically here's what doj is writing. "in particular the government developed evidence that a search limited to the storage room would not have uncovered all the classified documents at the premises. the government also developed evidence that government records were likely concealed and removed from the storage room and that efforts were likely taken to obstruct the government's investigation." the filing arguing against the former president's request for a special master saying in part "plaintiffs filing to present three issues, whether plaintiff is currently entitled to return of any property, injunctive relief, the appointment of a special master." one, not only does plaintiff lacked standing to raise these claims at this juncture but even if his claims were properly raised, plaintiff would not be entitled to the relief that he seeks. there's going to be a major hearing in federal court in florida on thursday. that's going to be focused on
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trump's request for a third party court appointed special master to review the seized documents. the justice department revealed yesterday that their own filter team already went through these documents and found a "limited set of documents they believe to be privileged. "doj opposes the special master saying trump's team has made meritless accusations against the government and their motion for a special master. also new to my car former republican new jersey governor christine todd whitman former federal prosecutors have asked a federal judge in florida to allow them to file their own motion in opposition to trump's request to appoint a special master. their brief calls to request a waste of time. this is "the washington times" is reporting some rank-and-file fbi agents are calling for fbi director christopher wray to resign.
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this following a senior bureau official himself resigning while he was under scrutiny for suspected political bias when it came to the hunter biden laptop investigation. one of trump's attorneys reacting to that news tonight. take a listen. >> i'm really proud of the fbi whistle-blowers. the president is incredibly proud of those people that took the oath very seriously. the fact that they are saying something is wrong with what's happening in the fbi the fact that they believe in the constitution then they believe in the oath they took to defendant be the law-abiding people they are supposed to be. >> some democrats say they have major concerns about what kind of documents trump was keeping up mar-a-lago. >> i have concerns about the type of information that was at his home without having in the security. proper handling that could easily be compromised by a spy or someone who is in the home
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and just wants to sell information? >> shannon, earlier this evening, attorney general merrick garland issued a memo reminding employees about the apartment policy that limits their ability to have contact with any members of congress. a lot of news coming down tonight. >> shannon: glad to have you breaking it down for us. thank you. we have got a presidential pivot. president joe biden initiating a tough on crime message 70 days out from the midterms. white house correspondent kevin corke is taking a look at the details on the timing. >> i am counting each and every day. good evening, shannon. just over two months until the midterm elections. the president emphasizing the need for more law enforcement officers. that contradicts the message from many of the most liberal voices of the democratic party but that messaging is actually tailor-made for voters in pennsylvania which is where he
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was today. it can certainly be argued it's a reflection perhaps of polling which shows americans are increasingly concerned about crime and violence on the president's large. the latest survey showing 81% extremely or very concerned about violent crime. 51% saying that they disapprove of the job the president is doing when it comes to handling crime. but with time running out before america renders its verdict at the midterms, mr. biden is tracking to the center, talking tough on crime and taking aim at republicans for not backing democrats funding plans in congress. >> guess what. every single republican member of congress, every single one in this state, every single one voted against supporting law enforcement. they talk about how much they love it. they voted against the funding. flat out. >> to be clear, he's actually
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referring to the $10 billion american rescue plan that included far more than just democrat proposals for funding community policing efforts. by the way, to end today's remarks mr. biden unveiled $37 billion budget request for crime prevention, calling for the hiring of 100,000 officers over the next five years to slow the spread of violence and crime across the country. however, staffing shortages are bound for departments across america. in the south and the problem is particularly acute with the l.a.p.d. down 800 officers. a surge in homicides and robberies. we are on day seven without a clear answer from the white house on exactly how they plan to pay for the cancellation of between 10,000 and $20,000 in student loan debt really. fox news digital has reached out to the white house multiple times but the best we've gone so far from the administration is
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sort of a general answer suggesting the handout is fully paid for. >> shannon: we keep crunching the numbers. we shall. kevin, thank you. see you in a minute. plenty to dissect for the panel. kevin walling, marc lotter, former washington, d.c., homicide detective, fox news contributor ted williams. thank you for being with us. i want to start. we have a couple big stories but let's go back to the document the doj has found. thursday there's going to be hearing about whether or not there should be a special master, a neutral arbiter. doj says we've already gone through the documents. they are opposing on several grounds but one of the things they say is they say a trump lawyer "explicitly prohibited fbi agents from looking in boxes
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in storage in the storage room on their june visit." a lot has been made. we were cooperating. there are new claims that they were kept away from boxes they wanted to see. >> that's where some of the crux of the issue is. they have admitted they found privileged information which could include attorney-client privileged information. could be the property of the president or the former president. i would understand why they would be questioning whether the agents should be looking at all these boxes when there could be materials in there that shouldn't be provided to law enforcement. >> shannon: no think they have is they say that a trump lawyer. i'm having a hard time reading my writing. they say they never asserted to the fbi that he had declassified the records. what do you make about what we are learning?
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you know how a lot of this works. >> absolutely. i can tell you the president in the end of cannot just willy-nilly by the stroke of a pen declassified documents. i think one of the questions that i want answered is why in the hell did a president of the united states, former president of the united states, have to have these kind of documents in his basement? i have seen videos and i've seen pictures of these documents. these are documents that could hurt, harm the united states of america. i'm very troubled by that. that's the question. when it comes to a special master, i don't believe a special master is necessary. they told the magistrate judge who signed this warrant that they were going to have a filter team there. what they had was the filter team.
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the filtered out the attorney-client privilege information and i really believe that there is no need for a special master. >> shannon: kevin, his team will argue it's not just about the attorney-client privilege. there is executive privilege. they think the presidential records act is being completely disregarded. they say it's not just about what the team did. they think there are other things and need to be handled as well. >> we certainly have more questions than answers but two things are becoming very much clear. number one, the fact of the president never asserted privilege over these documents is inherent in this document. this 36 page document we have. i want to go separate occasions when those documents were taken from mar-a-lago, that was never exercised. that photo was so damning for anyone watching. when you see that classification of top secret. special, compartmentalized. it shouldn't be the white house, the pentagon or a secure area.
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double what the trump teams that were found is stunning. >> shannon: the former president's supporters will say he had the authority to declassify these documents as he chose. his side of the argument will be heard in court on thursday. we have this document from the doj. we'll be watching thursday with bated breath to see what we can get from that. we have the speech by president biden today were he is talking about issues of guns and crime. here's what "the new york times" headline says. biden calls out republicans on guns and crime. president biden took what had been political vulnerabilities for the white house, policing and rising crime, and portray them as strengths ahead of congressional elections. he is taking this issue that we know is great concern. he's trying to make it a democrat issue. will it work for the democrats? >> it could very well work.
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we are entering a political season with the midterms are right upon us. the republicans have always been considered the party of law and order. when we had january the 6th. we've seen all those police officers that were injured on capitol hill. we heard the republicans saying that these individuals, not all republicans, but some of them, saying that these were patriotic situations. i think what biden has done is turned the script around on the republicans. as you remember, it was the democrats who were talking about defunding the police. all of a sudden the republicans have fallen into a trap because what they are talking about is defunding the fbi. we need the fbi in this country. there are people internationally and locally that want to harm us. we need good law enforcement in
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this country. >> shannon: what about that? the president is trying to paint it as if the majority republicans, the majority of those who support former president trump don't think january 6 was that big of a deal. >> it's going to fall on deaf ears. we have months and months and months of clips of people saying defund the police. now you have the vice president of the united states bailing out the rioters from minneapolis during the summer of burning and looting and arson. it's not going to get argument that i think wins. i think everyone in the republican party, many have said this was a very dark day. those folks who crossed the line, who went to the capital and committed violence should face justice. trying to flip the script and say that the democrats are suddenly for police and for crime and safety. it's not showing up in any of the major cities in america. a lot of americans are really worried. it's the number three issue on
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their mind. it's not something that's playing in the favor of democrats. >> shannon: kevin mccarthy says when violent rioters were burning cities, kamala harris raise money to bail them out. when citizens begged for safety, democrats defunded the police. kevin, is it too little, too late? >> i don't think so. one of the main reasons i supported president biden to the democratic party and the general election. he's always stood by law enforcement. his son that he talked about. he's always been committed. talked about the three to $50 billion in aid to local and state governments to hire more cops. he's talking about hundred thousand more cops on the street as part of this package. this is an issue of grave concern. this president delivering on those fears and delivering for those communities. >> shannon: if both parties
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are pushing each other to be more supportive of law enforcement, the american people before. thank you very much. a republican senator demanding facebook turnover communications with the government concerning the hunter biden laptop scandal. this follows the admission by facebook's founder mark zuckerberg that his company censored the reporting of the story. republican senators sent a letter to zuckerberg monday saying "the american people deserve to know whether the fbi used facebook as part of their alleged plan to discredit information about hunter biden." mehta maintains the fbi's warning, they made no laptop of the laptop specifically, g.o.p. leaders say that they want to seek medication and the names of those privy to the exchanges. karine jean-pierre is facing backlash for her answer to white house correspondent peter doocy's question monday on
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the administration's covid vaccine policy regarding migrants at the border versus international travelers coming by plane. >> somebody unvaccinated comes over on a plane. you say that's not okay. somebody walks into texas or arizona unvaccinated, they're allowed to stay. why? >> that's not how it works. >> that's not what you want to happen but that's what's happening. >> not like over. >> that's definitely what's happening. >> shannon: customs and border protection is recorded more than 2 million arrests at the southern border this year. far exceeding the number from 2021. how is new york city dealing with the influx of nearly 2,000 migrants sent on buses from texas? they're moving them into hotels alongside paying customers. alexis mcadams has more. >> good evening. the number of migrants is adding up and as more buses pull in, there are less resources. in just the past three days more
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than 200 migrants were dropped off here in new york city. the latest round tuesday mor morning. >> today we welcomed two buses that came from texas with asylum-seekers. >> that's more than half-dozen busloads of migrants arriving to the big apple in less than one week. new york city just doesn't have room with her shoulders. turning to hotels who have paying customers. at this hotel that you're looking at across from central park, the city reserved more than 100 rooms for migrants. one woman who was staying there, telling fox 5 news that she checked out of the hotel after it had maintenance issues. >> they told us it was a water issue. i came back a few hours ago. security locks have been removed in the window was open. speak of the city says more than dozen hotels across manhattan are housing migrants. this comes as the mayor's office tells fox news that more than 7,000 asylum seeking migrants have been dropped off since
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april. >> for people just across the border. within 24 hours, they are put on these buses. >> texas governor greg abbott says they sent 1800 migrants. the national border patrol council president says this is just a small fraction of what border cities have been dealing with for months. telling fox news that new york's mayor should've complained to the white house sooner. >> as long as it does not affect them personally are going to continue to allow it to happen but not his constituents are upset, and i was going to say something about it. it's insane we are seeing this country today as far as illegal immigration and border security. >> the city says they will continue to accept migrants with open arms as they expect more buses in the coming months. shannon. >> shannon: thank you very much. coming up, panic at a bull riding performance when the star of the show escapes the pen. we are going to show you what happened next. one little boy gives a passenger
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lesson on airplane etiquette. today's best viral videos are next. >> shannon, congratulations on your new show the next stage in your career. if you thought about all of us out here on the west coast who have nothing to do it 9:00 to 10:00 at night? now we are going to have to wake up at 7:00 a.m. on sundays? >> shannon bream literally one of the nicest people in television. bar none. congratulations on your big move. fox news sunday is lucky to have you, as are we. can't wait to be working alongside you all the way through the election and beyond. congrats. i'd like to thank our sponsor liberty mutual.
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>> shannon: first up, the world's most iconic shipwreck, the titanic. now being seen in high definition. ocean gate expeditions releasing the first footage of the 110-year-old rack today. a veteran titanic diverse as he was able to view never before seen details, things like the name of the anchor maker on the portside anchor. you've ever dreamed of exploring the site, check it out. getting a fresh look at another historic site. what's become known as the spanish stonehenge. drought caused waters to receipt enough. the megalithic stones. it's only been seen four times in memory.
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>> [indistinct] >> shannon: stinky feet. that might be one of our favorite of all time. this young boy on a plane noticing a barefoot on his arm rest. he confronted the lady. she ended up apologizing and moving her foot. everybody was laughing and having a good time. his son entertains everyone with spontaneous observations. they are truth tellers, children. a photographer and ice on capturing video and photo funnel forming over a volcano. the photographer since he was hiking in the midst of volcanic activity when he notice this formation. visitors to the florida state fair became part of the action at a bull riding performance when the bull escapes the pen, triggering chaos. a voice urged guests to remain calm as guys in kabul has tried
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to capture the animal. one man lassoed the bowl. lassoed the bull. live on air, cat sort of attacked him. asking if he had taken his cat to work. it's not his cat. he was a guest in the house with cat lives. if you have any viral videos to share, send them to @foxnewsnight or @kevincorke. we will make sure you get all the viral videos. tonight even the former president is acknowledging that the temperature is rising across the country in response to the fbi's unprecedented rate of his mar-a-lago compound. fox news media analyst on host of fox's "media buzz," howard kurtz breaks down how the media is handling it.
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>> remember when donald trump said the temperature needs to be lowered in this country? the mercury is now rising. zuckerberg's admission that facebook suppressed the hunter biden laptop story in 2020 after being warned by the fbi of russian disinformation. "the new york post" story was accurate. it took the rest of the media more than a year to confirm it. trump writes on his truth social app that the fbi buried the hunter biden laptop string for the election. he says he would have won had it come out. that's more than debatable given joe biden won 7 million more votes. then trump drops the hammer. remedy, declare the rightful winner, him, or this would be the minimal solution, clear the 2020 election. have a new election immediately. in case anyone missed the point, it was this, the presidential election was badly and irreparably tainted by the fbi's fake description of the laptop
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from hell from facebook and the lame stream media. there is no provision in the constitution for overturning the election and putting the loser back in the white house. nor is there any permission for declaring a new election in the middle of the term. who would magically make that happen? conservative media have been largely avoiding the latest trump postings which are being talked up on msnbc. on the other hand i didn't see it on "the new york times" home page stay. could the media be dismissing this? with the 45th president under federal investigation by the justice department, he's been dominating the news once again since the mar-a-lago search. republicans want to make the midterms about inflation and president biden, not trump's grievances about the 2020 election. many news accounts are describing their frustration.
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lowering the temperature, that thermometer is about to burst. shannon. >> shannon: howie, thank you very much. [crunching] the one and only kevin corke is back for midnight snack. talking about the best milk shakes at fast food outlets. we always do our research. he is starting on his. i am not going to try to hide it. i've done all of my research. >> she is going for it. >> shannon: gone, baby. i was going to try to fake it. no, keeping it on this. >> as soon as i am done talking, this will be gone. >> shannon: wanted you find out? >> good stuff. if you're like most americans, good old-fashioned shake from time to time, it hits the spot. with that in mind, the folk set up rocks came up with their own. the best chocolate shakes. here's their top five. best chocolate shakes, fast food
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joints across america. they limited this to chocolate but they say it probably plays for the others. number one, five guys. number two, shake shack. in-n-out burger. love it. so good. every time i go home to california. chick-fil-a. you know how much we love to play. and dq. dairy queen. it's excellent. that got us to thinking what is your favorite flavor? vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookies and cream? weigh in on social media. we love to hear from you. honorable mention, coffee, banana, pineapple, creamsicle. so good. shamrock shakes. i have a couple questions. do you count a frosty from wendy's or a dq blizzard is a shake? >> shannon: they are separate fabulous entities of their own. separate categories. what about you? >> kevin: i kind of throw them in. i am that guy, i will eat them
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with a spoon but i will also eat them with a straw if given a choice. if you had to pick your favorite, it is? >> shannon: gosh, it's hard to go wrong with chick-fil-a. cookies and cream. >> kevin: if i had to pick i'd probably pick one that's not really shake, as you say. i love the blizzards. i love the oreo cookie blizzard from dq. but i would say in-n-out burger. >> shannon: did you ever go to tcb why? in college that's all i ate. i loved it. until i found out that yogurt could make you fat. i thought eating all the time would not hurt me. you can mix and stuff. shivers. >> kevin: i would go crazy on the toppings. it wasn't saving me any calories. >> shannon: i sucked this bad boy down. chocolate peanut butter. >> kevin: this is good old classic manila. >> shannon: classically you are. cheers. we've got some good news coming up.
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jewish university in new york asking the u.s. supreme court to intervene after an lgbtq group so they want full recognition on campus. the university says it wrap violates its religious beliefs. that's next. quick look at wednesday's forecast courtesy of nick coaster. >> i am meteorologist nick coaster. here's here wednesday forecast. take out the peak of the lower 48. we are going to focus on the west. it's not flooding or rain. it's excessive dangerous heat from california to nevada and even into the desert southwest. temps are meant to be easily in the triple digits. download the fox weather app or stream foxhunting from your favorite tactic tv device. see you there. >> shannon bream the supreme the least evil person on the planet. rock star from liberty university. we loved you at midnight.
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we are going to love you even more on sunday mornings. >> shannon, you are brilliant, you are kind. you are supportive. i know you're absolutely going to kill it on fox news sunday. giving me a reason to get up early. best of luck. >> shannon, you do know that fox news sunday is on in the mornings, right? going to miss you at night but we are proud of you. see you on sunday. trust safelite. we'll replace your glass and recalibrate your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly. don't wait--schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ do you take aspirin? plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore 325 liquid-filled aspirin capsule
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>> shannon: the country's oldest jewish institution of higher education has filed an emergency request with the u.s. supreme court to block a lower court order requiring the school to recognize the why you pride alliance. let's talk about how this could play in the highest court. eric baxter. welcome to the show. >> thank you, shannon. reporting
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saying the justice of the state supreme court in manhattan said the case was simple. the school was not a religious corporation. she cited two amendments of 1967 that the credit to be an educational corporation under the education law of the state of new york that was "organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes." how does the university now go to the supreme court and say it's an issue of religious freedom? >> this is a releasable case. it's a question of who gets to decide. does america's leading jewish institution get to decide whether to have a pride alliance club or jews for jesus club? or can the government tell them what to do. telling what kind of clubs to have on the campus. religious freedom protects the
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right form to make those decisions. the government shouldn't be telling religious schools what clubs to have. >> sh>> shannon: "new york post" some of the students and alumni who ed a we want to give support to each other and away all of te students had access to do. except for the queer students. "formal recognition gives students based on campus, access to email lists, promoting the club and oversight and guidance." if we are just been able to have a club from the beginning it would have been not a big deal. how does this to end up of the supreme court where the students that we just want to have a supportive environment for the things that matter to us? >> i want to be clear that yeshiva university loves and welcomes its lgbtq students. for years it's welcomed them. it's taken amazing steps to make sure there's a supportive
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environment where they can have the support they need until welcome. anti-bullying, nondescript nation policies on campus. it also has to uphold its values and it's a delicate balance that many families and religious organizations are walking where they want to welcome and except all with love but also uphold their religious values. the fact that there is disagreement on these types of issues, even important issues like this, it doesn't mean we can't learn to love one another and live together. the right of religious institutions and individuals to live out their beliefs is protected by our constitution and it's critical that even ideas that we disagree with or dislike we preserve and uphold people's right to live and believe, work according to their own religious values. >> shannon: the supreme court has asked for a response from the other side, the pride alliance, to have filed there by friday afternoon. this could move pretty quickly. do you want an injunction to stop the lower court has ordered
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the university to do, to give full recognition to the club or do you want the supreme court to take it on the merits. >> what we are asking for is just for the court to stay the lower court's injunction to give the courts time to review the appeal. yeshiva shouldn't be forced to act in a way that's inconsistent with its values while an appeal is still pending here were asking the court to protect its rights while the appeal is pending. yeshiva is one of the most intentintensely religious schoo. they observe the laws of kosher and sabbath on campus. they have personal spiritual advisors. if yeshiva university is not religious, a court hold that it's not religious, as happened here, something has clearly gone wrong and we are asking the court to uphold yeshiva's religious rates. >> shannon: this court has weighed in on a lot of religious freedom and religious liberty
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issues trying to find a balance with various rights and other groups. this sounds like one more case is going to go down the alley. will watch closely to see. thank you for your time and coming on. >> happy to be with you. thanks. >> shannon: coming up, as this is my last night anchoring "fox news @ night" before i transitioned over to hosting fox news sunday, the team apparently wanted to take a look back at some of the shows best moments and apparently some surprises. you and i -- i'm scared -- we'll find out what they cooked up. that's next. >> hey, shannon. wanted to thank you for five great years at "fox news @ night" and to congratulate you on taking the home of our flagship news program, fox news sunday. here's to being able to go to bed at a reasonable time. congratulations, shannon. we love you. >> congratulations. wishing you the best of luck. then with you many years. you are one of the most gracious, decent, honest, smart
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people that i've met in the tv world. it's always been a pleasure. >> hi, shannon. all of us here at noah's ark are going to miss seeing you on "fox news @ night" especially the giraffes here we look forward to seeing you every sunday morning on fox news sunday, after church of course. pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 16 weeks. the majority of people saw 90% clearer skin even at 5 years.
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>> shannon: it's been an amazing run but tonight is my night to say goodbye to my late-night television family. i am just going down the hall. speak to our esteemed colleague is moving on. shannon taking over as the host of fox news sunday after nearly five years of trailblazing news coverage here on "fox news @ night." with that, we thought why not? let's take a look back at just a few of the highlights. >> but now my friend, shannon bream, is next. i'm so excited for her pace, and thank you, laura. how long welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream in washington. hello and welcome to "fox news @ night." i am shannon bream coming to you live from jerusalem. >> we really do believe peace is possible. >> shannon: mr. president, welcome to "fox news @ night." >> hi, shannon. >> shannon: who is your favorite, chuck grassley, lindsey graham,
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mitch mcconnell? >> all of them. >> shannon: breaking news, sad news. we have learned president george president george w. bush has died. we will take you live to vietnam in minutes where the historic summit is happening. did he really propose five times? >> set fire to historic st. john's church. i have seen so many law enforcement, military. >> another explosion behind me due south. >> air raid sirens are going off in the ukrainian capital of k kiev. indicating there are likely incoming russian strikes set to take place. this is the first time we've heard the sirens. >> the good news for people like me is that the court is still 6-3. >> the student claims spirit airlines told her to flush her emotional support pat down the toilet. our legal eagles debate whether she has a case against the airline where she is just getting caught up in the hamster
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wheel. it looks like you have cocounsel. >> always bring in the ringer when you have a chance. >> dancing and 12 seconds. ten, nine, eight, seven. >> none of us wake up looking like this which you know. we have experts and magicians like melissa who does hair and makeup. >> that tastes nothing like bacon. >> that's awful. >> shannon: buffalo chicken wings owner. soda. it would not recommend. >> kevin: that's bad. scrapshe says serving the lord d her love of big macs. happy birthday. you deserve the very best. >> shannon: jesus and big macs. i can do that.
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if that's all it took all we will be in good shape. >> would be in great shape. we've had many adventures. >> kevin: we've had so much fun and i couldn't be happier for you. >> shannon: everybody in tv or any business knows it's a huge team effort. you see kevin and i. kevin is the most amazing partner in crime and you know i love you and i'm going to be down the hall. everybody behind the scenes from our producers and writers and researchers, college associates, tech crew, the floor manager, katie and the control room, eric. we have so many amazing people. these folks have been on this ride. we've been on this together. we launch the show five years ago and we've covered covid and wars and all these incredible things that have happened in history. these folks are not only the best coworkers but they are truly my friends, my family. i love them. i love you guys, "fox news @ night." for our viewers, you have joined
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us on this whole journey and we couldn't do it without them and we are so grateful for them. but i'm just moving a few hours away. i'm not leaving the family. kevin, thank you. >> kevin: thank you for all the great work you do and best of luck. i can't wait to see how well you do over there. we will miss you. bream team forever. >> shannon: the final farewell from washington. see you september 11 on fox news yeah, come on , you know, i love all my chickens. i love all my chickens. >> he has a really sweet kid, though. can fed yoel ru just fist bump?o everr notice how stiff crows co feel rough on your skin forwn softer clothes that are gentle on your skin? try down a free and gentle downhill, soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel wash with downy is softer and gentler on your skin. drepltle it's a. the unknown is not empty.
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