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tv   Tucker Carlson Tonight  FOX News  November 7, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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>> i have heard this a thousand times. >> keith from ohio says, can i see your shoes? >> well, i don't think that my hamstrings are that flexible. [laughter] it's not that kind of show. tucker carlson is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tucker: we welcome you to "tucker carlson tonight." we are hearing that donald trump may make an announcement tonight in ohio, of course, we will monitor that and bring you what happens. and has this election been free
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and fair like we saw two years ago? well, joe biden got more votes than any president ever, 81 million, at least. every single one of those is entirely real. no cheating of any kind. every male in ballot belong to a real person. no dro dropbox stuffed, nobody coached dementia patients devote the democratic line, even vladimir putin decided to stay out of that election. mark zuckerberg spent $400 million to control the mechanics of the election, but for the very best reasons. he wants to keep voters say from the deadly coronavirus. his reward is in heaven. and in case you're wondering, voting machines around the country reported on the legitimate result with flawless precision. machines counting each candidate and doing so accordingly. can you see the software that would prove that that happened?
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well, no, you can't. as from the body camera footage, you don't have necessary clearance to see it, but you can know that they are 100% safe and reliable, that is why government officials have told you again and again that the 2020 election was the most secure in american history. believe it. and if you don't believe it and so that summation is the official media approved view of the last election. it was perfect, don't ask questions. so given that, we are a little bit surprising. the publication helping to control the rest of the media on behalf of the joe biden administration. we are surprised to discover that actually voting machines are not safe at all. electronic voting machines, politico said, are easily hacked and manipulated, which is why real countries like france have
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banned them and used paper ballots instead. and there are real risks, they told us, that hackers could tunnel into voting equipment. trying to undermine the vote of tuesday. think it's entirely possible because many states use wireless modems to transmit unofficial election night results. they use telecommunications networks that are vulnerable to hackers and malicious actors could exploit them to tamper with unofficial data, corrupt voting machines, or compromise the tallying of official results. well, rigged voting machines? take vote totals? underground tunnels subvert modems? isn't that the crack in talk? insane, possibly criminal, it would've been an assault on
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democracy, but things have changed. twenty-four hours before democrats are expected to lose the midterm elections, politico is letting you know that elections are fake. not just because of rigged electronic voting machines, there's bigger problems, somehow despite the best efforts of google and facebook, some of joe biden's critics have been allowed to speak in public. that means that it is possible that their dangerous opinions may be impacted the minds of some evil voters, tricking them into not loving joe biden. this is known in the business as misinformation. if left untreated it can develop into disinformation. >> the other different kinds of falsehoods out there related to election day, such a go viral on that day, and this is where there is an important distinction between misinformation and disinformation.
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>> to make this disinformation is created to deceive, misinformation is the opposite, not deliberate. tucker: first we learned that the voting machines are hacked, wow, and then we learned not just disinformation but it is coming from inside the house area and it's terrifying. on msnbc we learned that immunities of color are suffering the most. >> some have said that it's not as enthusiastic as it was last time. >> i listen as i watch my kids
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watch nba highlights in whatever they watch on youtube. >> he is saying that there's a lot of gullible mexicans out there, anderson cooper. >> the number of hispanic eligible voters from many communities are cluttered with disinformation, many from social media. >> sitting in the home where used to bake bread with republicans, who i have now scee radicalized. >> this disinformation with captions in spanish now. >> one of the challenges is that
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so much is spread on the messaging platform whatsapp a. tucker: we didn't realize that anderson cooper hated hispanics, we thought that he loved them. those mexicans and their conspiracy theories. which if you think about it is within itself a kind of conspiracy theory. anderson cooper knows that nonwhite voters are rejecting the democratic party and record numbers. but why are they doing that? we know that they can't be thinking for themselves and throwing own conclusions like adults. they are not capable of that, it is impossible. so there must be disinformation afoot. stacy abrams agrees. but she's no racist. this is what panic looks like. these are people who know that they are about to get crushed, and they are desperate to pretend that they are not responsible for it.
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they don't hate us, that is disinformation. the guardian announced it that if you don't eliminate freedom of speech in this country and oppose more censorship to fight disinformation, voters might try to opt out of the current utopia, at that point we will have a civil war. >> black churches and synagogues will be bound, pedestrians will be picked off by snipers and city streets. they printed that. and when it comes to abc news, they let us know in a story tonight that a red mirage, artificial gop vote lead will likely recur on tuesday. early election night results might not indicate final tallies, and that is okay.
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and in other words to the readers, john federman is going to win and so with that in mind since they have already talked about this, how are republicans going to respond? we have our guest here who joins us tonight. and i can't imagine the ruthlessness and hysteria. on the left tonight, you know that they are going to be putting in efforts to tamper with the results or fight over the results and how are republicans going to respond? >> thank you, tucker. i'm happy to report that republicans are poised to watch what's happening tomorrow and to take legal action, we have already been doing that for the last couple of years and they have deployed 38.
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election senior lawyers in 19 states and then there are 50 more and hundreds more paid staff of campaigns being organized. so every battleground state is saturated with lawyers. and we are here to make sure that everything is run according to the law. not just what democrats make up at the last minute. and as you mentioned, the democratic party is so hysterical about the likely losses tomorrow that the department of justice announced late today that they are sending lawyers to all the counties where they are thinking that they are going to lose, including the heaviest populated counties in arizona. the republican national committee has engaged in almost 80 losses in this cycle. i have followed many of these in multiple states. so we were under this for the last 40 years, that prevented
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the republican national committee from engaging in operations, since we have been able to do it after some other special elections, it has been a success. i am confident, voters should be confident when they go to the polls that there are lawyers watching the results very carefully, and not let democrats get away with the efforts to misinform the public and interfere with the results of the election. >> thank you so much for that. tucker: you just heard, because we just played you the clip, anderson cooper said a lot of hispanics, latinos, voting republican, but they think that that is because they have been brainwashed with disinformation. there's probably no county more symbolically important than miami-dade county. south florida. new polling there indicates that
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ron desantis may win miami-dade county. so how did ron apparently shift miami-dade republicans? what is going on here exactly? and actually ron desantis joins us tonight. governor? >> hey, how are you? >> thank you so much for coming on. it does seem possible that you will win miami-dade county, which would not have seemed possible two years ago. so what exactly is going on and why? >> i think there's a number of factors, first, i was the governor that was saving their jobs, their businesses, keeping their kids in school during covid-19. the democratic party opposed me
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on every single one of those policies, they wanted basically indefinite lock downs, school closures, that is not good for blue-collar people. we also have been very strong on crime. i immediately called out the national guard, we were not going to let that happen in florida. we are a law and order state, i think that that is important. and i think that we reflect values raising kids. including making sure that the kids would not be sexualized in elementary school, that could be things like gender ideology being out of the classroom, but it's left that wants to put it in there. so i think you see latinos, blue-collar people saying hey, we are representing them. we are standing up for them, their jobs, their education and safety as well as their families. >> i once saw a famous republican tell members of congress that they wanted to win
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and if they wanted to they had to move left and you are saying that they have to move to the right? >> yes, absolutely. including on immigration. century city's, they thought it would not be approved down here, and yet hispanic voters in florida have the highest approval rating for our policy to ban sanctuary cities. we did the transports to martha's vineyard, people thought that this was going to be so bad, and yet the voters understand that the border is out of control. so i think it's on all of these issues, but clearly the republican establishment with open borders, amnesty, to appeal with hispanic voters in the united states, it was wrong then, it's clearly been proven to be wrong now. >> they have been saying it for 30 years. an amazing experiment and democracy. thank you so much. >> thank you.
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>> it is hard to trust the polls anymore after the last couple of elections, but some have turned out to be pretty accurate. craig is from a different time and he has seen a lot of perspective that you value on the eve of an election. okay, not going to embarrass you here with how many elections you have seen. definitely a lot. where do you think we are right now? >> i think that -- and first, thank you for having me on tonight -- i think that we are in the midst of a red surge. maybe not a raid but a red surge that will punish democrats in power and reward republicans. but there is a caveat. there is a sacred covenant between the middle class and our government, and that is we keep
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our streets safe in schools open in a way of life intact, we will send our children to far off battlefields. and they are going to play a political price for it. tucker: you are saying that that is a result of this broken covenant? >> yes, i think so president trump gave the republican party partyand everlasting gift, inveg the party from an elite country club, wall street association type, to a great middle-class entrepreneurial mainstream party. those folks look to the republicans for solace and
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comfort and for protection as well. and it disappoints them time and time again. asian voters, black americans, others coming our way to vote for the first time ever. so it is a monumental shift, i hope the republicans don't blow it, but unfortunately you miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. tucker: you have seen 50 years. okay, thank you so much, we appreciate you. >> with pleasure. tucker: donald trump showing up in ohio to support j.d. vance. and doctor marc siegel has been following politics, he has an assessment about john fetterman
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when we return. ♪ ♪ ♪
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think i might look into one myself. stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive $1500 off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special low monthly payment financing. >> john fetterman lived off his parents until middle age, his
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only real job was a symbolic mural position in pennsylvania, which he proved not at all. so the basis of that, he's running for senate against his opponent. and it's lucky if you can see him form coherent sentences. >> there was information that said that your wife said it's time to take a step back and to heal and maybe make a run for the senate and six years? what do you say to that? >> i would just say that my doctors believe that i'm fit to serve, that we are -- that we are ready to serve. tucker: so the doctor he's referring to is a doctor that is clearly lying to the rest of us.
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but we are likely going to talk to an actual doctor, doctor marc siegel, who is going to assess the situation. what is your view of that, doctor? >> well, tucker, good evening. we talked about how concerned i am and others are about the impact of his stroke, comprehension, ability to make decisions and executive function, which you have to do daily. juggling many balls at once, many of us have concerns and have been calling for records for transparency, which he has not shown. he has shown some courage, but no transparency. but what we haven't talked about is his heart, and there's a lot of information about his heart. 2017, this doctor in pittsburgh said that his legs were swollen and his heart was weak, he put him on medication, and john fetterman didn't show up to another doctor for five years in
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a pacemaker and a defibrillator and, and he himself said it was due to a blood clot to the heart, that is significant because a study out of a journal called stroke, it is a journal to looks over 6000 people from great britain have found that if your blood clot comes from the heart, you have about less than a 60% chance, more than a 60% chance of either not living five years or having another stroke within those five years, greater than 60% chance. so i say to the voters of pennsylvania tonight who are ready to check the box tomorrow, should consider a statistic like that.
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and that could mean that he wouldn't survive the term to be on and you know, this happened in may, they have time to put a real candidate in. thank you so much, doctor marc siegel. >> thank you, tucker. tucker: washington state, seattle, on some of the most pry places in the world. the state of washington elections and patty murray has served five times and thank you so much for coming on. we haven't been paying a ton of attention to this, but if you say that a republican could win in washington state statewide, why do you think that this is happening? >> i've been connecting with voters over the last 18 months, connecting on common ground.
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i have been to the largest homeless encampment in the heart of seattle. i went there to learn about roadblocks of getting help, why we are allowing this. why we are allowing individuals to poison themselves in front of our eyes. and she said things to me and here i am in the heart of seattle. i said i don't know what attack ads are watching, but i'm here to serve. >> and she said you know, boys voted democrat and always voted for patty murray, and i'm honored to be voting for you. to make it was a special moment because here's a democrat and republican, the standing in the heart of the city together, and we want what is best. that is why we are gaining ground. my message is resonating with democrats, independents and republicans and we need to turn
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crisis into hope. this is about the future of our children. senator patty murray continues dangerous rhetoric that continues to divide us. i am here to unite us. tucker: no one ever mentions that, it is the first thing you mention, tiffany smiley, if you win on the basis of that it will be so affirming to see. tiffany smiley, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, tucker, i appreciate it. tucker: thinking of a race nobody expected, the arizona governor's race. coming out of the woodwork and kari lake. kari lake will explain more as
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she prepares for the election day and all that came before right after this.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. when you have to get wheeled through the airport because you're too heavy to make it and you have extreme pain, you have to make a change. golo enabled me to make that change. golo is real and it changes your life.
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tucker: republicans didn't know the word inflation, but republicans taught them that. taught them to be upset about that, the democratic party. but according to people talking about inflation, it is real, it's higher than it's been in nearly 40 years. how high is it? and what effect will it have on elections? charlie is our fox business correspondent and he joins us tonight. how real is it? >> inflation is real, yeah, i get it, the sun is coming up tomorrow. here's the thing, tucker. this whole notion really gives to the notion that the democrats are part of the working class.
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and they don't have that backup. and they don't care about the middle class, the working class, this is a big tax on them, and it's probably going to cost them tomorrow. so if you look at one issue that drives people crazy people can't fill up for gas, they have to eat according to one democrat, what did he say? you know, eat chef boyardee. that was the solution they came up with. and joe biden, by generic raisin bran. think about how tone deaf they are.
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you know, the 1970s, we are old enough to remember that. why there was a revolution with a massive revolution regarding inflation. tucker: you are exactly right. thank you for joining us. >> you're welcome, thank you. tucker: no one ever expected the arizona race to be hotly contested in the last 10 years, but that is what it is thanks to kari lake. and kari lake is a huge step because she comes from the media. thirty years, so she can explain it. so it should not surprise you that her office was attacked in a politically motivated attack. police and bomb squads work called to her campaign headquarters for a suspicious piece of mail with white powder. and there is debate over whether
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the fbi is testing. so thank you so much for coming on tonight, kari lake. there are all kinds of versions, what is the truth? >> the truth is that we had delivered at our office a couple of envelopes that had white powder in them, one of them the staff opened up and realized it was a problem, threw it in the garbage can and then another staffer grabbed it and then all of a sudden we had several people exposed to it. and there will a couple of bomb squads, and we were told that they took them for testing. this is the first time, maybe you know more about it than i do. i have been busy campaigning and we have been monitoring and so far so good.
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and we are just lucky that our staffers are okay. tucker: what kind of coverage is this in the state. >> i did see it get some coverage and this is minor compared to what i'm going to go up against when i win this race. and i don't think threatening letters will be the worst of it. i think there's more coming, but we are ready for it. we will not be intimidated. we have big issues facing us, we have those terrorists in control. i'm upset that these letters
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were sent, i care about my staff, i know that there will be more threats to come, and we will steer them down. because we will secure arizona. >> thank you so much, kari lake. >> thank you for having me. tucker: here is a race it's gotten very little attention in the state of new hampshire. it is a mixed state right now although it used to be republican. maggie haskell was set to win, but now her opponent showed up and he seems to be leading in some ways. thank you for coming on. another race that i think very few people understand that.
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he joins us now. >> thank you for having me, tucker. we didn't have the app economic issues, juggling with inflation, blackouts, shortages of natural gas, diesel, already experiencing shortages, with some of the small businesses there, and it's just terrible. so i transitioned through this in campaigning and went through myself with high electric bills, oil bills, high sc food bills, y listening and learning from the people, you know, we were able to be able to relate and the
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senator hasn't done any town halls, she does zoom because, you know, to replace her in person appearances and she brings people like jill biden and elizabeth warren to lowlife and her flat campaign and it just can't be done because it is status quo, more of the same and it is a moral imperative for her to get voted out of office so that we can go down there, so that we can fix this mess. >> well, cory booker is someone she brought to new hampshire. >> yes, sir. tucker: good luck tomorrow, don bolduc. >> thank you so much, god bless you, tucker, thank you for the opportunity to be on your show. tucker: another whistleblower has come forward with new details about the business dealings that joe biden was
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involved in as he was vice president. we have those details next. plus several campaign events on the selection eve. ron desantis speaking to supporters in florida, on the southern part of the state. on the right we have donald trump campaigning for j.d. vance in the state senate race. we will be right back
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i d d so my y quesonons eouout hicacase.y y son,
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♪ call one eight hundred, cacalledhehe bars s fillion ♪ i d d soit was the best call eouout hii could've made. call the barnes firm and find out what your case all could be worth.uld've made. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ >> we have done several hour-long interviews including with this young man. he watched the overseas influence in progress. and this person was on a conference call including joe and hunter biden, including his business partner in the late senator harry reid and his son. it was an overseas license for a gaming company called oko
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global. the daily mail spoke to the whistleblower. >> i was involved with oko global. there was a conference call, i overheard it incidentally and on it is joe biden, hunter biden, jeff cooper, harry reid and his son. the reason they were talking about it is that this is a gaming and gambling company. what they were talking about specifically was how it is going how they have gotten this going for a license. the thing that was outstanding or obvious more than anything else is that joe biden was directly involved in this. and it was like a member of the
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board of directors may be because of his permanent position i would even describe him as the chairman of war. >> so the sitting vice pres president. so this is direct personal firsd personal knowledge? >> that is exactly correct. they were on the phone, this group, and joe biden was asking revenue projections for the company, when the website would be live, he seemed concerned, the whistleblower said, what money they would be making, from this company. that is the vice president of the united states. tucker: that's a crime, that is a felony.
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>> the senators investigating hunter biden on and hopefully that will be followed up now. and that will really kickstart things, they said, in this particular conversation. >> that's unbelievable. well, i would not be surprised. well, josh boswell, thank you for your reporting, as always. >> thank you, tucker. tucker: summing up exactly what we are looking at here, so many races, presidential race, governors races and the entire
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house of representatives. dana perino has more and she joins us. great to see you. what do you think is going to happen tomorrow and why? >> and the president's party, has almost always lost seeds in the midterm. the question is just how many seats. looking at the house, the recruiting on the house republican side has been really phenomenal. a number of different types of candidates that you see will be the most diverse class by far, just some good quality individuals that have sometimes taken 68 years to convince to run, i definitely think that you'll see the house turn to the republican majority, then to the senate. we are hearing tonight even just
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some caution from republican saying that these races are very close. on the gov governor side of thi, thankfully you just had kari lake as a guest. her candidate she was running against just terrible. so the democrats have a lot of thinking to do after the election results. we start tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. we have a great team and it's going to be a good night. tucker: it's interesting. you think because this is, as you said, part of a long-term cycle, one direction and then another mama you think that it is a little bit over the top to be calling this a referendum to bureaucracy since it is recognizable patterns? >> yes. thank you for picking up on that. that's what i mean, indeed, i think the democrats, because they are so desperate, they have ignored what the people have been telling them, worried about inflation, the economy, jobs, their mad about what happened to them during covid-19, on behalf of themselves and businesses and also on behalf of their children.
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this is the first election where they have their say after covid-19. and the democrats are being hyperbolic about the end of democracy. i did this thing today, and this republican running in new york 2025 is challenging democratic incumbent, and the refugees were there, canvassing, never voting for a republican before, changing their minds because of crime and education. also inflation. those are the three things. tucker: this is democracy working, i would say. dana perino, thank you so much. >> i'm excited to see the picture. tucker: see you tomorrow. so the president recognizes there's lot for him to get out the vote, surpr unsurprisingly t going very well, we have the video for you that we are going to show you right after these messages. tomoko. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> here's the deal. >> tucker: gays and gentleman, here's the deal. that was the president last tuesday. his messaging is not better. yesterday in yonkers, biden nearly fell over. >> we put a cap of $2,000 a year on prescription drugs for seniors. no matter what the cost, 2, 10, 15 -- oops. it's -- anyway. >> tucker: make it end! here's good news on the way out. we told you last week against leaders true the vote, katherine englebreck were put in jail. they made allegations about voter fraud and refused to reveal to a court their source.
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they went to jail. a federal appeals court reversed the decision and sprung them from behind bars. godsspeed to them both. we'll be back during fox's election coverage for a bit tomorrow. that starts at 6:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. we recommend it highly. it's going to be an interesting night. here's sean hannity. >> sean: thanks, tucker. an interesting day tomorrow. welcome to "hannity." it is officially here. the moment is upon us. tomorrow is election day in america. you will decide the balance of power in the washington swamp. at this hour, we're monitoring tonight's massive trump rally and it's massive. it's in ohio with j.d. vance. there's expectations of a big announcement. we'll dip in live. dr. oz will joins us with his final thoughts from pennsylvania. we'll bring you the latest polls from acros


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