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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  March 5, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PST

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looking forward to that. rachel: khan today has a new -- dante has a new single, and his next single drops on march 10th. it's called demon. thanks for being here. >> the album is press play. >> yeah. pete: dante bowe, great to have you. >> thank you. pete: thanks for joining us. go to church, everybody. rachel: bye! ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone. thanks so much for joining us. welcome to "sunday morning futures," i'm maria bartiromo. today, the protected. the biden family influence peddling kept under wraps at the fbi and doj for years. no matter the evidence, america's attorney general sees nothing. >> i promised to the leave the matter of hunter biden in the hands of u.s. attorney for the district of delaware who was appointed in the previous administration. i have pledged not to interfere with that investigation.
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maria: so why not name a special counsel? coming up, the chairman of the house judiciary committee, part of two hearings this upcoming week on government overreach. ohio congressman jim jordan on why he's sill waiting for responses from the doj which sent is america's top law enforcer to ukraine this week instead. then, communist china hitting america from all sides, air, the ground through the southern border, the deadly drugs like fentanyl, yet joe biden is laughing it off. >> you talk about the children being taken away from their parents? my children were taken away from me. it should not be politicized. >> the interesting thing is that fentanyl they took came during the last administration. [laughter] maria: coming up, former white house adviser steven miller reacts fresh off of cpac with president trump. >> we're now in a marxism state of mind, a communism state of
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mind which is far worse. we're a nation in decline. our enemies are desperate to sop the us because they know -- to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them. maria: and the 2024 race is on. coming up, businessman vivek ramaswamy throws his hat in the ring and joins us live. all of this in the face of weakness on the world sage. biden's latest medical issue a reminder of his fragile state. former white house physician ronny jacksonon the risks -- jackson on the risks to national security. it's all right here, right now on "sunday morning futures." ♪ ♪ maria: and we begin this sunday morning with the cover-up of the origins of covid-19 and the gop investigation if now underway. the energy department last week confirmed what we first reported to you on this program back in february of to 20 20 -- 2020, that covid-19 most likely
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originated from a lab leak in china. this follows the same conclusion reached by the fbi. arkansas republican senator tom cotton was first to break the news on the origins of covid-19 right here on this program. >> this virus did not originate in the wuhan animal market. epidemiologists who are widely respected from china who have published or studied in the international journal the lancet have demonstrated that several of the original cases kid not have any contact with that food market. we also know that just a few miles away from that food market is china's only biosafety level iv super-laboratory that researches human infectious diseases. maria: following cotton's appearance, the pushback from the mainstream media was immediate. major news publications such as "the new york times" and washington post were quick to dismiss it and attack senator cotton. instead of standing up to the chinese communist party which at
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the time was are refuting it while also refusing any investigators into that wuhan lab. the ccp also had cornered market for protective equipment such as masks and plastic gloves which we also reported at that time. on television cnn and msnbc were also quick to attack tom cotton's comments, instead backing the narrative from the ccp. >> tom cotton a couple of days ago spouting conspiracy theory that the chinese made this virus up. >> the 1980s i remember when the far left trafficked in rumors about hiv having been invented in cia labs. far right has now found its own virus conspiracy theory. >> senator tom coton the close9 -- can cotton the closed his office this morning, calling it the wuhan virus as he did so and he has, of course, been out in public if talking about conspiracy theories as to where the virus came from. >> i've seen this kind of, you know, stuff peddled in the right-wing media --
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[laughter] and i still try to keep an eye on it, but it's still stunning to read it many a triple-byline piece of reporting about the intelligence community being asked to go make it true because trump wants it true. >> we are left with the reality that fauci opens his mouth with fact, and trump opens his mouth with anything that seems to make the virus small and not a problem. maria: dr. fauci still insists covid-19 did not originate from a lab, telling "the boston globe," quote, i don't see any data for a lab leak. this after the nih funded ecohealth alliance which sent that money, the funding, to the wuhan lab for gain of function research. senator cotton spoke with me on thursday on fox business' "morning s with maria" about the initial response to the originsn the early part of 2020 was a conspiracy of silence among liberals and the media and the federal bureaucracy and democrats in congress to try to
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suppress the common sense, evidence-based conclusion that so many arkansas ans has reachedded that they were responsible because of their negligent practices in this lab for unleashing this pandemic on the world. that's the only conspiracy theory that was circulating around. and unfortunately, you still see that that conspiracy of silence. maria: yes. to this day, communityist chew -- communist china has not been forthcoming and has not been held accountable for the virus which has killed nearly 7 million people worldwide according to the world health organization. joining me now is the chairman of the house judiciary committee, ohio republican congressman jim jordan. thanks very much for being here. you've got two upcoming hearings this week, the subcommittee on covid and, of course, the weaponization of government. what are we going to learn, do you think? >> first of all, on the covid issue, understand january 31st, 10:32 p.m., 2020, right at the
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get go dr. fauci gets an e-mail which says the virus looks engineered, not consistent with evolution their theory. the next day he gets another e-mail from a doctor -- can these are. >>s he's handed out tax dollars -- i don't know how this happens in nature, it would be easy to do in a lab. that same day, february 1st, 20 to, so, again, right at the start, dr. fauci organizes a conference call. he and dr. collins get on there with all these virologists, and three days later everybody changes their story. the same guy who said this would be easy to do in a lab says, oh, you're crazy if you think it came from from a lab. the same guy that says this looks engineered, he changes his story. and three months later those two same doctors, dr. anderson and dr. gary, get a several million dollar grant to continue their research. so the fundamental question is twhiefs dr. fauci so consumed with making sure the narrative wasn't about the lab?
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i think it's because they were doing gain of function research there, he didn't want that out, and that was the narrative that everyone on the left bought9 into even though the facts and common sense maybe most importantly pointed to the lab leak theory. maria: i mean, this is something that we should all agree on -- >> yeah. maria: -- let's get to the bottom of this disease, in the, you know, virus that killed 7 million people across the world. i don't understand the media immediately going with this democrat narrative and the ccp narrative rather than forcing for an investigation. >> yeah. twhient just give us the facts, be transparent is us -- with us? understand with this virus they have told us all kinds of things that turned out to be false. they told us it didn't come from a lab, now it looks like it sure did because the department of energy, fbi, everyone says it came from a lab. they said it wasn't gain of function research, sure looks like it was. they said it wasn't our tax dollars used at that wuhan institute of virology, yes, they were. and then they told us the
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vaccinated couldn't get it, couldn't transmit it, there was no such thing as natural immunity, so time and time again hay told us things that were not accurate. again, the fundamental question is, why? what was -- was it politics motivating or what? but i always tell people, i always say we're americans, we're big boys and girls, we can handle it. maria: right. >> it's supposed to be a government of the people, by the people, for the people, so tell we, the people, the truth. quit lying to us. maria: but this subject dovetails into your other informations, because you've got the -- investigations, because you've got the weaponization of government. and you see how the narrative on all of these subjects is just driven by potentially compromised administration or federal agencies. what are you expecting in terms of this twitter files hearing that you're also holding next week? >> we're going to have two journalists matt tiey by and mro come and talk about what they've seen. elon musk made available what he
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described as a crime scene where you could talk about how government was pressuring the big tech companies to prime and prep them and shape the narrative. and that's exactly what they did. maybe the best example is the laptop story in the runup to the 2020 presidential election because the head of trust and safety at twitter, he has every testified, sworn declaration where he said in the runup to that election, i had weekly meetings with the dni and the department of homeland security. they told me there was likely going to be a hack and dump operation, it was likely to come in october of 2020, and it was likely to involve hunter biden. think about that. they told him what was going to happen, when it was going to happen and who this was going to the involve. and then, of course, along comes "the new york post" story just days before the presidential election. now, for me, the fundamental -- maybe they get the timeline because we're used to the an october surprise every four year, but they got the time, the method and the person. how did they know concern it's like these guys are clairvoyant, this is amazing.
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how did they get it? because they had the laptop in the their possession, and they are prepping all of big tech and, frankly, all of mainstream media to buy into what inevitably is going to the happen. something's going to leak on the hunter biden laptop the issue. and then when it come, they suppressedded that story and everyone, big tech, big media all join in. and the clincher on the deal was five days after that new york post story the, guess what happened? 51 former intel officials, october 19th, five days later, sign the now-famous letter where it says this story has all the classic earmarks of a russian information operation. and the deal was sealed, and that whole story got suppressed. ask we all know it would have impacted the outcome, i believe, of that most important election we have, the presidency. maria: so election interference. when you often the fbi having the laptop, they had the laptop, they knew about the influence peddling. they knew about the biden family taking tens of millions of
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dollars from communist china. how much of this is a china story as well? >> i think it is, and that's exactly what chairman comer is working on in the oversight committee. what we're work on is the link with these agencies that i think were suppressing free speech rights of the american people and using big tech to accomplish that. yeah, this is as wrong as it gets. this isn't the first time, it seems, that the fbi meddled in an election. 2016, we know about the dossier and spying on president trump's campaign. 2018 it was the mueller investigation that was going on. 2020 is what we just talked about, the biden laptop. and in 2022, 91 is days before the election, they raid president trump's home, and they know about joe biden having the same -- having a classified document concern before the election, and they don't tell us about that. so maybe just stay out of the elections, fbi, and let let the american people decide who we want -- maria: but you're getting stonewalled again. the a.g. will not put a special counsel can -- you've been calling for a special counsel on
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this infliewfns-peddling story. you're waiting on what from your requests? >> all we've said is why aren't there a special counsel for the hunter biden issue? a number of us have inquired because, you know, these are -- special counsel when there's a conflict. and there certainly seems to be a conflict when you've got a u.s. attorney investigating the son of the, you know, former candidate for president, current president of the united states, why isn't there there a special counsel? we want to know how was that decision made that there's not a special counsel there, because it seems like there probably should be. that's what we asked in the letter we sent this past week. maria: i want to ask you what you're going to do the about all of this. let's take a short break and talk about that. we continue our conversation with the chairman of the house judiciary committee, congressman jim jordan. we'll with right back. ♪ sprinkler on. and now i'm sending mixed signals... to your garage. but, if you haven't bundled your home and auto, unpacking this isn't going to be too much fun.
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cole hauser is an award winning actor. beyond his impressive career, he is a proud supporter of the tunnel to towers foundation. i was able to spend some time with cole and his family
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to reflect on those who have sacrificed so much to defend our freedom. you know, as i started to be more and more successful, i was like, how can i help? but when i heard of the tunnel to towers and i met brandon in idaho and his family, i was like, wow. there's actually a charity where we know where the money's going to go. you saw all the stuff we put in these homes? i was i was blown away. why should americans help tunnel to towers foundation? i mean, is there any better organization to help the people that has fought for this country and freedoms that we have? and you're going to join us on that mission. thank you. hey, i'm cole. hauser. i want you to join me in supporting our nation's heroes and their families. it's only $11 a month. go to maria: welcome back. we continue our conversation this morning with the chairman of the house judiciary committee. congressman jim jordan is with me. before we went to the break,
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talked about what you're going to do about the stonewalling. i should point out that tennessee senator marsha blackburn asked merrick garland why he's stonewalling your efforts, and he denied it. what are you going to do if you continue to get stonewalled? >> well, we think we laid a lot of the groundwork. you have to do in the, send lots of letters before you go through the subpoena process. i think we've sent more subpoenas than the res of congress so far. we're just drying too dote -- trying to get the information. so we're trying to lay it out and do what we have to do to get that information. we want the facts on the table to that we can propose legislation and then also use the appropriations process to change the behavior. think just about the fbi, what we've learned in the past few months. first of all, we learned a year and a half ago that they were targeting parents. then a few weeks ago we learned they were targeting traditional catholics. and now we learn, the story that fox broke, we learn where the threat tag used after the, the
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threat tag put on people used after the dobbs decision was actually being turned to go after and investigate pro-lifers. after the dobbs decision what was happening out there was hundreds of churches and crisis pregnancy centers were being attack thed, but yet according to a whistleblower under oath he said they were encouraging him to look into pro-life leaders. that makes no sense. those aren't the people who are protesting now, they appreciated the dobbs decision, frankly, something heavy been working for for a long time. so we want to get all the facts for those issues and other things like what we talked about before with the twitter files. maria: tell me about the whistleblowers. how many whistleblowers are you interviewing? are they going to come public? >> we have talked -- three of them are. those are the ones who were willing to come public and sit down for a transcribed interview. there are actually a couple dozen others who haven't been willing to come public. they have met with our staff. our staff has interviewed them. if they're willing to come public, we'll do similar to a
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deposition which is urn oath, you ask them questions, you get the transcript and everything else. three of them have done that, and we've learned some very valuable information from those three like what we just described mr. to' boyle old us how that threat tag was used and was turned to go after to-life. maria: so what are you going to do if you're not getting the information that you're requesting? stephen the miller, who we're going to the speak to in a little while, he said the gop needs to use the appropriations process. >> yep. maria: is that what your plans are? >> definitely. i mean p as we go through -- look, we're going to focus on the attacks on the first amendment and a number of areas there whether dhs and the disinformation governance board, what we saw from fbi coordinating and colluding with big tech to suppress information and shape and mold the narrative, we're going to look at all that. we're also going to look at this disparate treatment, this different standard that we see from the fbi where they treat proof o to -- pro-lifers one way and protesters a different way. we're going to kind of focus there, and and then we're going
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to look to propose legislation. and in the end, the real power of congress, the legislative branch, is the power of the purse. we're going to have to use that both on all, this issue where we think the government's been argument thing the very people it's supposed to serve, but also on the border. i think we're going to have to look at ways to use the appropriation process to deal with the border situation which is one of the other key areas the judiciary committee has jurisdiction on. maria: so what you're suggesting is you'll hold back funding to the fbi. >> or say this funding can't be used for x or limit the funding overall. those are things you have to do or you don't have the leverage to change, again, this egregious behavior we're seeing from these agencies. maria: real quick on the border, 5 million plus illegals apprehended on joe biden's watch, another 1-1.5 million gotaways. you're going to come out with potential legislationsome. >> yeah, we are. that'll be in about a month. we're working on that. we think it'll be multiple bills that will crease the situation. and understand this, this administration do decided on day
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one, january 20th, 2021, they decided they were going to open the border because joe biden announced we're not going to have remain in mexico, we're no longer going to build a wall, and we're not going to deport anyone coming in for an immigration violation. and as a result, people know hay they won't have to the wait in mexico, there's no wall to get over, and when they get in, they're not going to be deported. shazam, you see this influx of people which was, i think, you know, anyone can understand when you have those policies in place, you're going to get this. so we're going to try to firm up the policies that were in place under president trump with legislation. maria: all right. we will lee it there. we'll be watching, mr. chairman. thank you. >> you bet. thank you. maria: ohio republican congressman jim jordan. we'll take a break. when we come back, first it was information disinformation, now it's the equity. texas republican congressman and former white house doctor ronny jacksonon why biden named obama's former national security adviser susan rice to oversee all of those agencies on the initiative. her expanding role when we come
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back. back. ♪ ♪ ing into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> if joe biden is being puppetted by the forces behind him, by the far left, by the bernie if movement, by the elizabeth warren movement, by the obama movement. he's absolutely just a puppet as a president and being told what to say and to continue with the party line. maria: well, that was north carolina congressman greg murphy, co-chairman of the gop doctors' caucus. he was with me on friday's "mornings with maria" as the progressive wing of the democrat party continues to push president biden to the far left. last month bind appointed susan -- biden awe appointed susan rice to lead the white house sere thing committee on equity, overseeing all agencies when it comes to equity. biden said in a statement, the committee's focus will be to,
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quote, advance a whole of government approach to racial equity and continuously embed equity into all aspects of federal decision making. joining me now is texas republican congressman dr. ronny jackson who sits on the house foreign affairs committee. dr. jackson was also white house physician for both presidents trump and obama. and, congressman, it's good to see you this morning. thanks so much for being here. >> thank you, maria. appreciate you having me. maria: first, your reaction to susan rice running all agencies as it relates to equity. it gives her power over the chair mentioner i guess, of those agencies -- chairmen, i guess, of those agencies. your thoughts. >> why did this happen to start with? i've asked myself how did susan rice end up back in the west wing running domestic policy? i know the dynamics of the west wing pretty well, and she was the national security adviser during the obama administration. so to go from being the national security adviser to domestic policy counsel is not a promotion, it's not something
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someone would normally do. it's a step down. but why would she do that, you've got to ask yourself, and the reason is because the biden administration from day one has been nothing, has been about nothing but their e woke social agenda and their domestic policy. that's really all they care about. that's what this administration is going the try to make their legacy. that's, you know, biden gets pushed in that correction. they don't care about what's going on overseas, national security and these other issues, hay don't care about our southern border. they honestly don't care about the day o'day suffering of the american people -- day to day suffering of the more than people as long as they can push in the woke social agenda. and this equity in the biden administration equals racism. it's not equality, it's ec questionly are. it's trying to make sure that everybody concern well, not everybody, people in certain racial groups have certain outcomes. that's not what this country's about, and that's literally all they talk about. so i think that there's an agenda here. i think that susan rice is, was chosen for that job because she can be very militant, and she's
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aggressive, and they wanted somebody many there that had a hook, that also had a hook with the obama administration that could come into the biden administration and push this woke social agenda. and there's an entire industry that's evolved around this. maria: yeah. >> you know? it gets people political power. of they're spending potentially billions and trillions of dollars on this, on these equity issues. where's all that money going? so people are getting really rich based on this new, you know, industry built around equity and racism in the white house. maria: congressman, i want to ask you your thoughts from your medical background. unfortunately, president biden had a cancerous lesion removed from the president's chest last month. the doctor said that this is a common form, the lesion tested positive for carcinoma, but he's okay. but i wonder about the conversation about his capacity. you have been talking about the
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president's cog any -- cognitive abilities being a national security risk. tell us more. >> well, look, maria, i'll start by saying that biden is the cancer, you know? he's what needs to be removed, not the lesion. but this is just another effort from his position and from his medical team to distract. they're going to the talk about this, today gave us a bunch of useless information about his cholesterol and stuff no one cares about. all we care about with regards to president biden, 80 years old who's got some obvious cognitive issue, is an assessment of some sort of we want something on the record to prove to us he's cognitively capable of doing this job. and it's almost a moot point at this stage, because we all know he's not. our adversaries and our allies overseas know that as well. i was at the munich security summit, and i was astonished that i heard people from other countries mocking him and making fun of him. we are literally the laughingstock of the rest of the world right now, and this is a dangerous time for us to not have influence and respect
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overseas and not have a strong commander in chief and head of state. we've got powder kegs, the russia-ukraine thing, china-tie warning north korea, iran. there's a lot of big issues that could potentially drag us into conflict, even world war, and this is the man that's leading or failing to lead. but it's a dangerous situation, it's a big national security risk. you have to have somebody that's in this role that's 100%, and there's no way this man's even close to the 100%. we'll be lucky if this man's 50% right now with his cognitive ability that he needs to have to be our commander in chief. so i think the democrats made a big mistake mistaking him their nominee and, unfortunately, now he's our president, and we're having to deal with it. maria: obviously, we wish president biden only the best as it relates to -- >> sure. maria: concern this cancer lesion that was removed. we all feel that way and pray for his -- >> right, absolutely. maria: what you're talking about is something different. you're talking about the cognitive abilities that have been questioned because of all of the gaffes.
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and you are just back from the munich security conference as well. kid you feel a sentiment -- did you feel a sentiment around our friends across the world about this issue? >> oh, absolutely. like i said, you know, i don't think that they really think that biden's in charge. i mean, that's a common thing you hear, who's really running your government? it's obviously not biden. they don't think he's really pulling the strings, and i'll be honest, i don't think he is either. i think there are people within the west wing like susan rice and others that are really making the decisions behind the scenes. he's a puppet at this point, and you're right, you know, i'm worried about -- can i'm not criticizing him, he's old. he's 80 years old. there may have been a period of time, you know, 20 years ago when he was cognitively fit to hold this office, but that time is past. that window of opportunity for him to be our commander in chief closed some i'm the ago, and he's not fit right now cognitively to do the job he's being asked to do. unfortunately, there are certain people that are in the wes
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wing -- west wing that their job and their role in the white house depends on him being there, and so he's being pushed to run again, and i just think it's a bad decision. maria: yeah. look, we wanted to talk to you about in the. you're a medical doctor. dr. ronny jackson, thank you, congressman. we appreciate your time the. we'll be right back, stay with us. ♪ ♪ pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. oh, ♪ i'm going to somewhere, anywhere. ♪ ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. ♪ if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and you know it, ride your bike. ♪ ♪ if you're happy and, you know it, then
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oh yeah. yes. isn't this great? yeeaahhhh!! ♪ yeah, i could do a cartwheel in here. oh hey! would you like to join us? no. we would love to join you. ♪ >> the question is, is the family compromised. and you're talking about the flow of money, tens of millions
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of dollars, to this family. there's no discernible service. >> the white house really bungled this when there were questions raised about hunter biden selling these paintings for, you know, as a first-time painter for up to clash 500,000 -- $500,000 each. and so their solution at the white house was to just make it nontransparent. maria: that was "the new york post" columnist miranda devine and peter schweizer, president of the government accountability institute, on questions surrounding the biden family and exactly how they've accumulated so much wealth despite president biden serving in the federal government for 40-plus years on the senate salary of around $150,000 a year and a vice presidential salary of approximately $230,000 a year. as the federal investigation into with hunter biden's business dealings continues for a fifth year, on thursday america first legal revealed that the obama administration had concerns about hunter's appointment to the board of ukraine energy company burisma
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despite having zero experience in the oil sector and his salary for the board seat of more than clash 80,000 a month -- $80,000 a month, about a million dollars a year. it was also learned that during joe biden's time as vice president, his office coordinated directly with hunter for media requests. joining me now is the former white house senior adviser and president of america first legal, stephen miller. it's good to see you, thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. maria: so what do you plan on doing about this? >> as you mentioned, we've already had explosive revelations in the first batch of documents that we obtain thed as a result of our lawsuit against the national aver kentuckys. we've seen -- archivesup we've seen in these documents that clearly hunter biden violated the foreign agents' registration act as well as the fact that joe biden and his office were directly involved in managing burisma-related affairs. and furthermore as you mentioned, the obama administration had clear ethical concerns. so how you put that all togethel
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together and you have a criminal scandal unhike any we've seen in the recent history of this country. my organization filed a complaint with the koj alleging and asserting the violation of the foreign agents' registration act by hunter biden. now remember, the department of justice tried to put paul manafort in jail for life on the assertion that he was an unregistered lobbyist for ukraine. now, in reality we know paul manafort was actually providing advice to ukraine and not lobbying on their behalf, but hunter is walking around completely free having committed this very plain black and white violation. but the real question we have to get to is how kid this supply of -- did this supply of money funneled in to hunter subsidize the decisions and the lifestyle of joe biden? how was that money influencing joe biden and enriching joe bidensome that's ultimately what we're going to try to get to the bottom of, and that's what the house of representatives are
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going to try to discover both james comer as well as other oversight committees are going to try to dig into how the foreign funds were influencing the decisions and enriching the lifestyle of joe biden. maria: and jim jordan, the chairman of judiciary, just said there's been an information of hunter -- investigation of hunter biden going on five years. >> really it's quite astonishing. and what this comes down to is the department of justice, they need to investigate not the technical violations of hunter. they need to make the big investigatory decision to look at the influence-peddling operation of the biden family. now, as we discussed before, this is not what the department of justice did with the clintons, and it's not what they're doing with the bidens. and this needs to happen. and the house of representatives needs another the everything in their power to force that issue to the fore, to say you cannot have a vice president, now a president, who's compromised by foreign cash. maria: yeah. you know, or it's interesting
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because there are so many decisions that the commander in chief, president biden, has to make regarding china, regarding russia. and we're asking ourselves whether or not those decisions are being dictate thed on the fact that he's compromised. so you have this story this week that russian billionaires who shopped for u.s. property, they were shopping for property in the united states with hunter biden, they dined with hunter biden, they were friends. those two russian billionaires had managed to cardiology any u.s. sanctions -- dodge any u.s. sanctions. they're tied to president vladimir putin, but they don't have think sanctions. -- don't have any sanctions. bat arena is the one who sent hunter biden money at one point. >> yeah. i mean, this is a truly terrifying scandal, and one has to imagine what kind of blackmail files, what kind of exorganization the files foreign countries -- extortion files
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foreign country, entities and billionaires have on joe biden and the biden families. if he's been living for decades in part off of riches funneled by foreign governments to members of his family, then he has been engaged in years of tax violations in all likelihood and other financial crimes that, if uncovered, would put him in jeopardy of significant criminal penalty. that's at least what it would appear to be based upon how, as you put that, how he's been living relative to the fact that he has been, supposedly, a public servant for decades. so if there is a scheme where foreign governments are hiring members of his family, extracting favors,s giving them that cash and that way is working its way into biden's home, staff and lifestyle the, you know, 10% for the big guy, right? then that would mean that biden is in significant criminal jeopardy. maria: well, look, you've said in the past you think the gop if should use the appropriations process to hold back funding from these agencies unless we
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actually see the law followed. you just heard the chairman of judiciary, jim jordan say, yeah, we are going to use the appropriations process. we will hold back funding for the fbi, we will, you know,al rotate funding differently -- allocate funding differently. what else should be done, in your view, because you toll me you think every agency should form an oversight agent agency. >> yeah. two things. one, as you mentioned and as jim jordan has commit to do and as other republicans in the house have committed to do, the power of the purse is the most important power congress has to bring the administration into obedience. it is the greatest, most forceful authority that they have, the spending power. additionally, every single committee in congress must be converted into an oversight committee. whether it's the education committee, the energy and commerce committee, the transportation committee, the foreign affairs committee. every single committee. they all have oversight subcommittees, they all have significant oversight powers.
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the ways and means committee, another camp. and so other -- another example. every committee needs to take depositions, transcribe interviews, subpoena after subpoena, criminal contempt referrals. in every single instance. this project is too large for any one committee or two committees. the whole machinery of the house of representatives must be turned into an invest story bod. that's the only way we'll expose the truth. you name it. maria: yeah. there certainly is a lot of content to cover, that's for sure. stephen ors it's good to see you. >> great to see you, thank you. maria: former white house senior adviser and the president of america first legal, steven miller. quick break, and then the race for the white house is on. republicans seeking to reclaim the executive branch. tech entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy is here live on his bid for the gop nomination. ♪ ♪
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>> the number one hinge the i would do is stop giving porn aid to our enemies -- foreign aid to our enemies. we give $46 billion in foreign aid. you're basically talking about a billion dollars going to iraq are. you look at china, we're giving china money for the environment, are you kidding? we shouldn't be giving them a single penny. maria: and that was republican presidential candidate and ambassador nikki haley speaking with me last weekend on her major campaign priorities. she joins a field that includes president trump and technology entrepreneur vivek ramaswamy, vying for the gop presidential nomination. ram swami launched his bid last month and has made a number of campaign commitments including ending affirmative action, stopping u.s. dependence on china and term limits for elected federal government officials. joining me right now is the man himself, vivek ramaswamy is the cofounder and chairman of strive asset management, it is great to
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see you u vivek. -- to see you, vivek. >> good morning, maria. how are you? maria: i'm doing well. we've been talking about -- [audio difficulty] the chairman of the house judiciary committee, jim jordan, trying to hold the other side to account. you also have major issues regarding foreign policy. what are your plans there? >> so, look, i think one of the top priorities is make sure the people we elect to run the government are the ones who actually run the government. and for me, that starts with the presidency. you want to often the actual reform, there's a lot that the u.s. president can coeven by executive order. -- do even by executive order. that's why i've said i'm going to the end affirmative action in america because lyndon johnson created it by executive order, i can end it by executive order, and i'm surprised not a single republican has ever, i think, run on that premise, abandoning climate religion that shackles the united states while leaving china untouched. these are things that the u.s. president can lead the way on,
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but it requires somebody who aches a strong view of the constitution and says these are things i don't need permission from congress to do, managerial and bureaucratic reform will liberate9 this company. and i think it's time to get rid of that managerial class. maria: well, unfortunately, the biden administration's main priority is the climate change agenda. this is a whole of government approach, and it has impacted the national security of being oil independent, energy independent. >> absolutely. i mean, you think about actually handing $40 billion to ukraine with one hand at the same time biden was lobbying after the e. e.u. there from its russian oil import ban, the reason is because we've shut our own fossil fuel industry in the foot. the dirty little secret, maria, the climate religion has nothing to do with the climate. it is all about power, control, dominion and apologizing for america's own success. and the reason why is that this religion looks the other way when metro-china picks --
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metro-china picks up the concern also hostile to nuclear energy which is truly bizarre because that's the best form of carbon-free energy production known to the mankind. nuclear energy might be too good at solving their alleged problem. what they really want to do is punish america and establish this ayen ca of global equity which also allows china to catch up to the us. and i think it's important we have a president who sees through that. republicans dance around this issue delicately. i say expressly we need to abandon climate religion in america. maria: yeah. let's take a short break and have more with vivek ramaswamy. say with us. ♪ i've been maintaining. the weight is gone and it's never coming back. with golo, i've not only kept off the weight but i'm happier, i'm healthier, and i have a new lease on life. golo is the only thing that will let you lose weight
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maria: welcome back. we are back with republican presidential candidate vivek
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ramaswamy who is efforting the nomination from the gop. vivek, how are you going to do this? you need money, let's face it. a lot of big donors have gotten behind ron desantis, governor of florida. president trump has seen an enormous many reaction from individuals, individuals donating to the former president. i'm reading here pro-esg chuck schumer was the top recipient of blackrock donations in 2022. it's about money. how are you going to raise enough cash to actually make a difference in the 2024? >> well, or maria, i'll tell you what i didn't do which is what most candidates do which is ring a tin and beg a bunch of donors for permission to run. i've been privileged to live the full arc of the american dream, i've had success, and i'm investing heavily in the campaign. but that's not even what lifts us up. it's actually a grassroots uprising of small dollar donors that want to take this america first agenda to the next level. vivek, that's my name,
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what we're actually seeing is a wave of support even in the fest week that we've been in this race. it's been overwhelming, drawing people who, yes, identify as republicans, but even more importantly, people who are part of this pro-american movement. that's really what's going to lift this all the way to the success. and what we've seen in iowa to new hampshire is i think voters are hungry for substance, they're hungry for someone to lead the way not on some biographical brawl between two individuals. no, they're hungry for the what and the why. and we are already leading the way in defining that agenda with specificity and solutions. that is why i'm in this race. maria: so how much money do you immediate? >> i think whoever wins this race, they're saying well over a billion dollars. it's going to be one of the most expensive presidential cycles, but it's going to be driven by the message and the substance. the good news is i'm in a position to actually kick start this such that money is not going to be our issue. the message and the vision is what -- maria: president biden had a
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message right before the election, this most recent election, and that was he was going to the forget young people's student debt. and today, two years later, we're still talking about the push for college loans to be canceled. the supreme court also looking at in the. your thoughts in terms -- at this. your thoughts in terms of forgiving student loan debt. some people say that's going to cost $400 billion, could go all the way up to a trillion. >> it's a bad idea all the way down. it is a regressive tax. democrats in the name of progressive taxation are actually creating a regressive policy. not a lot of people know this, maria with, barely over a third of american adults who actually even have a four-year college education. so you're redistributing money from people who didn't get that opportunity to people who did. maria: yeah. >> it's just a symptom of what the department of education does in this country every day -- subsidizing four-year college education which is also why i've said i'm going to shut down the department of education. maria: shut down the department of education, okay.
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vivek, it's great to talk with you. we will continue the conversation. republican presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy joining us this morning. thank you, sir. that's going to do it for "sunday morning futures. " i'm maria bartiromo. catch us again here at 3 p.m. on fox news. tomorrow join me for "mornings with maria" 6-9 a.m. ian on fox business smsz have a great sunday.
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