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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 10, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PST

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weekend long. >> todd: joe, do you condone pasta and pizza eating? >> huge on this. congratulations on another anniversary of your 29th an anniversary. >> ashley: thank you. i feel 29. >> todd: i don't mean to put a kibosh on it but you are going to have a snowy birthday and that's what you wanted. >> ashley: thanks, guys. with that "fox & friends" starts right now. have a good weekend. ♪ ♪ >> the bodies of two americans brutally murdered in mexico back in the u.s. >> cartel says it has dealt with the members. these members acted under their own decision-making. >> he didn't deserve it. sweetheart. >> does this have any chance of passing. >> biden is previewing his new budget. it features almost $5 trillion in new taxes. >> they want to raise taxes on you. they unleashed record inflation deeply sorry, i am. >> the railroad ceo apologized for the toxic waste disaster in
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east palestine. >> biden took for not visiting. >> it's not just a lack of leadership, it's a lack of action. >> creating blacklists. >> fires on capitol hill as two of the journalists who brought us twitter files testified before lawmakers. >> an american population accustomed to the right to speak best defense against the industrial complex. >> he gives it up borders alexander off the mark. survives and advances. ♪ be proud of what makes you country >> you used to work there. >> i did. san antonio, texas. i worked at a cbs affiliate there. do you know when i moved there everyone was like are you going to go to the rodeo i'm like i don't think so. and then i moved there and the rodeo is huge. you grew up in the midwest. >> steve: yeah. >> ainsley: you understand how important the rodeo it is and how fun it is.
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>> steve: absolutely. >> ainsley: and then i fell in love with a counsel. >> ainsley: dowbs. >> ainsley: they walked out and now i get it. >> brian: thought you meant dallas cowboys. >> steve: something you mean be guy in a hat and shirt and whole things. >> ainsley: strong and wrestling the animals. >> steve: punching the doggies. will cain, you look amazing this morning. is he live right now at the american rodeo just west of dallas. >> will: that's right, thank you, steve. i feel amazing. i feel like a man. >> ainsley: right? gives you power. >> will: i am here at the american rodeo in arlington, texas, that's right. just 30 miles west of dallas. right between dallas and fort worth for what they call the super bowl of rodeos, guys. this is the best cowboys. from almost every discipline in every single professional circuit along sort of like the u.s. open, an open competition where you can qualify as well as compete against the best cowboys
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for over potentially a millions. they say more than has been given out at the kentucky derby over the same time span of this rodeo's existence. i don't know if you have the video. globe life field the home of texas rangers. in order to turn this into a rodeo 720 tons of dirt and then, a lot of horses, a lot of cattle, a lot of cowboys. >> steve: are you going to be riding any of them today? >> ainsley: roping and riding? >> will: you know, steve? i have done this enough to attempt to get that done on camera and almost everywhere i have gone no, no, no. liability. so, no, i'm not going to be on any livestock that i know of. shannon, can i get on something today or tomorrow? "fox & friends" is saying yes. will you guys ask the executives on the second floor, i will come out of a chute. >> brian: sign something. will, do you know what you are doing? do you know the rodeo or something the assignment editor gave you?
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>> i know the rodeo, yeah. i mean, throughout my life growing up i have been to county roadios and awesome rodeo in covid-19 wyoming, national finals rodeo in las vegas. pbr madison square garden, brian, i know rodeo. >> ainsley: what people don't know unless you move to texas it's so fun because the kids have all the rides outside. then you go indoors and you watch the mutton busting, the roping and all of that. and i don't know if they call it halftime, there's a famous country musician that comes out and sings. alan jackson did when i was there. >> will: this one is darius rucker and sheryl crow. do you know what, ainsley, probably no better event. everyone loves bull riding. everyone loves mutton busting to see an 8-year-old strap on to a sheech and hang on about as fun as it gets. >> steve: will is going to be there all morning long. folks, by the end of the show, we will see if we can clear him
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to get on a bull or something. that's going to be something to look forward to. live from arlington, texas. will, thank you very much for putting on the get-up. very nice. giddy up. >> ainsley: so cute, will. we like the hat. president biden proposing a massive 6.8 tr ld budget that calls for nearly 5.5 trillion in tax hikes. >> steve: here's the thing. if that plan passes, it could cause the national debt critics say to swell to $51 trillion in the next decade. that's a number we're unfamiliar with. >> brian: alexandria hough it. good to see you. >> personal income tax rate in nearly 40 years. stands virtually no chance of passing congress. instead appears to serve as a challenge to republicans pushing for spending cuts. of the president is confident about it. announcing the plan yesterday in front of union workers in
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philadelphia >> the plan to revise president biden's plan continue to crease government spending does so by bringing in $5.5 trillion in taxes from the wealthiest americans imposing a 25% minimum tax on billionaires. including this also is increasing taxes on those making more than $400,000 a year. raises the overall national security spending to 886 billion. 6 billion would go towards support for ukraine in europe. 3 billion to fight climate change in poor countries, including at well 100,000 new police officers, $26 billion to strengthen the border. built in as well a pay raise for federal workers. and while the plan commits to 350 new border patrol agents to keep things in perspective, it also increases the e.p.a. by 2400 employees, and who can forget about those 87,000 irs
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agents. republicans say none of this adds up. >> the problem is he is spending more. it's not a revenue problem. it's a spending. and what does this budget do? raise more taxes, spends more money, creates probably the biggest government we have ever seen in the history of the united states. >> well, the white house claims that the plan will reduce the deficit by $3 trillion compared to current spending levels. republicans are expected to have their own budget proposal ready in the coming weeks, steve, ainsley, brian. >> brian: all right, alex, thanks so much. you look at the projected biden budget it will be by 2023100 percent of the g.d.p. if you look at the deficit. we will be paying more money to the deficit, interest on the deficit than we will for the entire defense department. the troops get 5.2% raise. 40 million to combat fentanyl. 17 billion to combat violent crime. 6 billion to support ukraine. and, get this, when it comes to e.p.a., they have a ton of money
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for the e.p.a. they are going to add 2400 e.p.a. workers but only 350 border agents. if you look at pollution but not watching our border. >> steve: here's the thing as alexandria started her report, this thing is dead on arrival. the republicans run congress. they are not going to let through. there are scary parts about it though. there is something in there that nobody has ever seen before and essentially the president and the white house are taking a page from bernie sanders and elizabeth warren and their wealth tax and what they suggest is and i know a lot of people have stocks with their 401(k)s and stuff like that. there would be a 20% minimum tax on unrealized capital gains. and what that means is if you own a stock, right? usually you pay tax on it after you sell it. what this would do is you would have to pay tax on your stock if it goes up and you don't sell it. that is crazy.
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also, there is one other thing, and that is while a lot of congress and a lot of republicans are talking about the insolvency of security, not one page is dedicated, not one word about saving social security. >> ainsley: limit the amount you could put in retirement account like a roth ira. let's say you -- this effects every american if you are a homeowner. if you sell your house and make $30,000. normally you take that 30,000 and reinvest it in your next house and don't have to pay taxes. >> steve: 30,000 on the next house. >> ainsley: he wants to eliminate that pay taxes on whatever you make, whatever you benefit from selling your house. >> brian: that is definitely going to hurt real estate. ted cruz looked at this document last night. visited sean hannity and here's what he had to say. >> the sad truth is the socialists are in charge of the white house. joe biden certainly isn't. but the people he is surrounded him with, they have a very simple approach to everything. they want to spent money. they want to raise taxes on you.
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they have unleashed record inflation. there budget that biden put out would create a $50 trillion national debt. do you know what is not in this budget? funds to secure our southern border. they want to fund 87,000 new irs agents. but they don't have funtdz for significant numbers of new border patrol agents. they don't have funds for significant number of new d.e.a. agents to stop the fentanyl crisis, the over 100,000 overdoses that happened last year on biden watch. this is a tax and spend budget and amazingly, some of the taxes, they got $5.5 trillion in new taxes in this budget. >> brian: let's see what kevin mccarthy comes up with. he says he will have a budget. it's a political document. this is where your priorities are. and see what kevin mccarthy will do. keep in mind the republicans box themselves out they said no, we are not going to touch medicare and not going to touch on or about security. i imagine that goes to veterans benefits and transfers to
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medicaid because they think it's politically too tough. if you have 60% of your budget already spent, how do you possibly get your fiscal house in order. >> ainsley: easy for a president who has several different houses, a beach house, another house for him to tax everybody else who is struggling in the middle of inflation to raise beings thats. eliminate the tax breaks for oil and gas. green energy. that's all he cares about. >> steve: what he really cares about is re-election in 2024. so, brian, to your point, it absolutely is a political document. that's why it's dead on arrival. it shows the priorities of the white house and of this president. "the daily mail" has a headline right now, if you go online. it says in his budget, it mentions equity, 63 times. transgender 8 times. fentanyl, twice. >> ainsley: only twice. >> steve: it shows you the priorities of this administration. we will talk to you about this morning and throughout the day. meantime a lot to talk about. >> ainsley: chaos on the hill
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over those twitter files. >> brian: crazy. >> asked me who gave. >> i asked you who gave it to you once you said they were your sources i then asked you if you had ceremony with elon musk. >> ainsley: he is a so-called journalist she says. insults flying during the hearing of the weaponization of the federal government. >> brian: sounds like chris rock hurt someone's feelings with his new special. >> y'all know what happened to me getting smacked by sug smith. it still hurts! will smith practices selective outrage. >> brian: why will smith is now playing the victim. we'll talk about it. make the music louder ♪ ♪ so look at him ♪ check the flavor of the rhythm i wrote ♪ while i got a chance here ♪ let me clear my throat ♪ oh ♪
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arc ash we begin with this, the bodies of two men kidnapped and killed in mexico now back in the u.s. and officials will conduct a second round of autopsies. the heart broken father of shaeed woodard remembering his son on what would have been his 34th birthday. watch. >> she brought him along for his birthday. they were born a month apart. they have been close like brother and sister ever since. he didn't deserve it because he was a sweetheart. he had a big heart. >> meanwhile, in mexico, the cartel says it has dealt with the members involved and responsible for the murders sharing this picture of five men tied up and blindfolded. the g.o.p. is calling on the white house to take action, but the president of mexico is slamming these efforts saying he will not, quote, permit any foreign government to does not take orders from anyone. doctors are revealing senate
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minority leader mitch mcconnell being treated for a concussion after a fall washington, d.c. on wednesday night will tripped attending a private dinner. he is expected to be in the hospital for a few days for observation. now too bit of march madness before the ncaa tournament ever starts late in the second half of the iowa state baylor game play was briefly delayed due to a protruding nail. crews had to hammer it back into place to get things back on track following the stoppage the cyclones defeated baylor 78-72 beating barys for the third time this season. add varcheses to the semi-finals of the big 12 tournament for the first time since 2019 national ranch day and hidden valley ranch reviewing a unique way to flavor. ice cream flavor with hints of buttermilk and herbs. company says he best paired with something salty like crushed
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potato ships. you can wash your hands with ranch. that's right. teamed up with soap to reveal a ranch scented hand soap. i'm going to pass might be somebody else's thing. >> steve: the hand soap would smell like you just ate something with ranch. we love those flavors maybe just not as soap. >> ainsley: i like ton a salad but not ranching dressing ice cream. >> steve: we have to try it van loons is great stuff. >> ainsley: they get us to talk about it. national ranch day. i felt like a ranch where you have horses. >> ashley: i thought the same thing when i saw the slug. >> steve: is a that why we sent will to the rodeo. >> ainsley: maybe it worked. >> steve: better be covered with ranch dressing after the show. >> ainsley: thanks, ashley. >> brian: the second g.o.p. hearing on twitter files erupts as journalist matt taibbi refuses to reveal his source as
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well he should. >> steve: democrats smearing the witnesses responsible for exposing the government's role in any censorship of twitter. >> ainsley: todd piro joins us with the latest. >> todd: this was a spectacle two journalists testifying on capitol hill as republicans try to get to the bottom of government censorship of conservative speech. independent journalist matt taibbi refusing to reveal his sources to democrats firing back at them for questioning his credentials. watch. >> this isn't like a matter of date given to these so-called journalists before us now. there are many legitimate questions about musk got the financing to buy twitter. >> i have been a reporter for 30 years. and a staunch advocate of the first amendment. ranking member plaskett. i'm not a so-called journalist. you asked me who gave me. >> i asked you who gave it to you and once you said they were your sources i then asked you if you had spoken with elon musk. did i not ask you who those sources were. >> you consider mr. musk to be the direct source of all of
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this? >> no. now you are trying to get me to say that he is the source. >> todd: masterful job by taibbi. jordan slamming the left calling the line of questioning a clear violation of the first amendment. he says democrats are skirting around the real issue. the federal government's heavy handed relationship with big tech. watch. >> our government built a cozy relationship with big tech. primed him for a hack and leak operation. they funded the think tank and if that's not weaponization of government, i don't know what is. >> todd: another journalist michael shellenberger also testifying he was responsible for another batch of twitter files and says the censorship goes far beyond social media. >> at first we couldn't figure out why it was that you had dhs and that's the and all these white house interfering and making demands on the social media platforms to censor people and then we realized it was actually well-organized, it could say coordinated. >> this hearing marks the second
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g.o.p. proceeding into the weaponization of the federal government. back to you. >> brian: pretty amazing thank you, todd. so much in this that needs to be debated and spoken about. including lawmakers trying to manipulate twitter, fbi trying to intimidate twitter. twitter pushing back. getting $3.4 million from federal government from your tax dollars in order to research, ban, shadow ban and find out who these people are that the fbi wanted to deal with. mike shellenberger made it clear. i voted for joe biden. matt taibbi goes i come from a long line of liberal families. a lot of people consider me a liberal journalist. he goes i'm just a journalist. they tried to marginalize him if they were conservatives just there because jim jordan had him over for lunch one day. they missed the whole story, which is the exposure of the manipulation of one of the main twitter -- social media platforms in the world during our most critical time, an election. i thought the rubber would hit the road when it came to who
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they might have voted for. they just focused on sources. elon musk for billions and said take a look at what went on. he just revolutionized social media and possibly opened the door to honesty when it comes to social media from here on in. and maybe gave them a way to attack frazier. but, instead, they just go after the guys that came forward. >> ainsley: said so-called journalists both looked at each other. matt taibbi which you didn't see in that piece. matt taibbi said so-called journalist i have won the national magazine award. eye of stone award. written 10 books for "new york times." "new york times" best sellers. just so happens they don't like what is he reporting on. they don't want it exposed that twitter was censoring because they didn't like the story. and shellenberg said it's not a coincidence that they hire the former fbi guy to come and work at twitter just when the hunter. >> brian: james baker august of 2020.
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>> steve: let's see if they get a smoking gun. you know,. >> brian: they got smoking guns. >> steve: we just saw that back and forth about timing. meanwhile, speaking of timing. it was crazy timing if you were watching the oscars last year. you saw chris rock, the host make a joke and next thing you know will smith came up and slapped him. well, we did not hear from chris rock about how he felt about it until he had a netflix special. it was last week. we saw it. it was great. 8 minutes of it. here's a portion of chris rock talking about the slap heard around the world. >> yawrl know what happened to me, getting smacked by sug smith. people it didn't hurt. it still hurts. i got summertime ringing in my ears. but not a victim, baby. you will never see me on oprah or gayle crying. you will never see it. will smith practices selective
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outrage. practices selective outrage because everybody knows what the [bleep] happened. everyone who really knows knows i had nothing to do with that [bleep]. i didn't have any entanglements. she hurt him way more than he hurt me. >> steve: she is will smith's wife, jada pinkett smith. and apparently will did not like the fact that he brought up jada in his special and, in fact, said that was below the belt. among other things. >> ainsley: so, we have got the oscars on sunday. i don't know if you are going to watch it. i didn't watch last year. i don't really watch these award shows. sometimes i will catch a blip of it. >> steve: they have to mention this. they have got to do something. >> ainsley: show you all the highlights on monday if you are like us and won't watch it. our team will and we'll get all the highlights for you. >> brian: here is what will smith evidently how he felt of
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chris rock's mention of him. will is embarrassed and hurt by what chris said about him and his family. he didn't watch it. but he had people tell him what chris said. [sighs] >> brian: everywhere when you look online and social media. so will and jada have seen comments about it. could he strike again? >> ainsley: listen to this year the academies announce they have a special crisis team to avoid any similar beatdowns to sunday's ceremony. a designated team they're on the ready to spread into action at march 12th. >> brian: tom cruz and john travolta. >> ainsley: the rock. >> brian: could be the rock. >> steve: will smith is lucky that chris rock did not press assault charges. after the slap chris rock tried to call will smith and talk about it. will never picked up the phone. so, instead, he put out a youtube video and instagram and apology. and will felt that that was
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enough and he wanted chris to move on to everybody else can move on as well. now, chris rock said i have gotten everything off my chest. i'm fine. so they have both moved on until sunday when we're going to see something regarding it. you got to hope. >> brian: great actor. i guess he is kicked out of the academy for 10 years or something i'm not sure. i know the pete rose ban is that a temp let? >> steve: lifetime. >> brian: russell brand. >> ainsley: changed his life. went to rehab and sober now and found god. >> brian: i joe rogan and watched him on hbo. i watched him last night because i do not like greg gutfeld. >> ainsley: greg, please use that tonight. >> brian: ruffle brand talking about the career. >> principles from a faith in god. you cannot love god and not at least operate in good faith in your dealings with other people.
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you have to move beyond contempt of the opinions of other people that you are involved with. you have to be engaged in conversation. so lovingly and openly. i remember continually because i'm a stand up comedian that i don't know more than other people about their lives and suffering and there will be reasons they have their perspectives and point of view. i'm interested in open conversations with a variety of the people. the obvious thing not a culture war but a culture truth to allow people to live traditional lifestyles if they want to. progressive lifestyles if they want. to say why are we arguing about it anymore. it cannot be one centralized authority the right to oppress people on the basis of racial, cultural identity. all the while this is happening not addressing the important economic issues that many, many people are suffering unduly. >> ainsley: they say he canceled cancel culture he walked away from stardom greg gutfeld said he walked away from it like hunter biden strolling away from a stripper's baby. >> brian: which is true.
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>> steve: always a joke. >> brian: based on a true story which makes it funny. >> ainsley: that poor baby though. i shouldn't laugh. anti-men and anti-italian. allegations mayor of boston italian dining rules. costing restaurants thousands of dollars in fees. the owners seeking millions in damages. , next. reaching for the bar, just to reach for pads. waiting for the sunset, just to wait for the stall. discover gemtesa. a once-a-day pill proven to reduce all 3 key symptoms of oab: leakage episodes, urgency and frequency in adults. do not take if you have a known allergic reaction to gemtesa or its ingredients. tell your doctor right away if you're unable to empty your bladder
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>> steve: student owners in boston's north end are suing mayor michelle woo claiming her outdoor dining regulations discriminate against them because of their heritage calling the rules anti-men and anti-italian. last year north end's restaurants the only ones in boston had to pay thousands of dollars in fees to expand outdoor seating but were given a shorter outdoor season than the rest of the city. does that seem fair to you? it doesn't seem fair to our next guest. joining us now are four restaurant owners suing. christian sill vets industry along with george, frank and pat men doze i can't. guys, good morning to you thank you for having us. >> steve: christian, start with you. describe how this is anti-italian and antiman. >> well, she is singling out one specific area of boston which is the north end which is mostly
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italian neighborhood. the north end in the city of boston is one of the biggest and most tourist-friendly areas in the city. >> steve: absolutely. >> we are at a disadvantage when people are coming to visit this area and there is not a place to dine outside. you are pushing these people away to go to other establishments and taking business away from us we are mom and pop friendly area. take food from our family. everything we do is huge for this city. and what she is trying to do is put a stop to it in italian, predominantly italian neighborhood. >> steve: right. frank, i know last year north end restaurants and my daughter went to boston college so we have been to your area a million times. north end restaurants were charged $7,500 to take part in the program as well as monthly fees of about $500 per parking
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space i know it cost you 15,000 bucks. but what has really angered you guys is that businesses, restaurants a mile away didn't have to do it. >> yeah, that's right, steve. we just want to be treated equally. we have families. we need to be able to provide for them. between the three of us we have 10 little children that we have to take care of. we just want to be treated equally and given the same opportunities as everybody else in the city. >> steve: george, how do you feel about what this mayor is doing to you guys? >> this mayor is being at the drum of the progressive democratic party and attacking an ethnic italian neighborhood of business people who have prospered. we are a perfect example of good story here in boston. we have a neighborhood of working class people who have lifted themselves out of the claws of government and poverty. and we run a great enterprise here in the north end.
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we want to be treated fairly. we do not want to be discriminated against. she is pinpointing a group of people who all live in the same area. who all have the same dissent and who are all running the same type of businesses. >> steve: we have a soundbite. we will play the mayor explaining what is going on. >> conditions that we anticipate this summer from what we have seen over the last few summers make it so that we can't stand behind a proposal to stake up the entire street this year. >> steve: so, pat, essentially what she is saying is your outdoor dine something taking up too much space so you have to pay for it. >> it's totally unfair, steve. you know, we do not understand why she is doing this. it's the second year in a row that we are totally discr discriminated for no reach at all she says garr back this,
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that and other things. 2-67s all lies. coming up with whatever excuse they can to to hold us back. >> steve: yeah. well, listen, guys. thank you very much for all of you joining us. you know. we know that restaurants are coming back. they are not all the way back and this certainly doesn't help you. christian and jorge and thanks pfrank and patted as well for getting up with us. >> thank you for having us. >> god bless you. >> >> steve: have a good weekend. >> another train derailment in alabama just before the norfolk southern ceo sat down on the hot seat on capitol hill. >> i want to begin today by expressing how deeply sorry you i am this derailment has had on the residents of east palestine. >> steve: coming up, an ohio family demanding real answers, not just apologies, answers. are they safe coming up next
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♪ >> i want to begin today by expressing how deeply sorry i am for the impact this administrator has had on the residents of east palestine and the surrounding communities. i am determined to make this right. norfolk southern will clean the site safely, thoroughly, and with urgency. norfolk southern will get the job done and help east palestine thrive. >> ainsley: just hours before the ceo alan shaw testified before congress 30 cars on another norfolk southern train derailed in alabama yesterday, thankfully no injuries, no hazardous leaks, meanwhile the company is now being investigated for yet another hazmat concern. a train traveling through north carolina last month and despite shaw's vow to help east palestine new survey shows
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residents are still suffering from the toxic train derailment. here to react are east palestine residents gayle and wayne. good morning to both of you i know you told our producers you spent your life savings to buy houses in this area. >> we cleaned out our 401(k) and bought four homes in the area. our property values have dropped drastically. we are kind of suffering here. mr. shaw says that he is going to make things right for east palestine but he has done nothing for the homeowners. >> ainsley: one of your houses is an airbnb, right? what happened with that? are people coming to the house? are they renting the house. >> no. everybody has canceled. you know, we did offer it to the e.p.a. to stay here and they didn't take us up on our offer. >> ainsley: really? wayne, this is a punch in the gut, right? you all have worked so hard in your lives. you finally got to the point where you could buy four houses
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to make some money. what happens now? >> we just live it out. we have no choice. >> ainsley: how are you able to afford four houses? >> a good 401(k) got us there and i repair houses. i buy them cheap and fix them up really nice. >> ainsley: gayle, how about your health? how is your health? >> i have been sick since we got back from the evacuation. i did see our family physician -- well, actually it's our nurse practitioner and she told me i have an upper respiratory infection and it's no, sir clearing up. >> >> ainsley: it started right after this train derailment? >> yeah. >> ainsley: wayne y'all have children. your daughter had to move out because of her children. >> she is going to. >> ainsley: go ahead? >> she is in that process right now of moving out. >> ainsley: and what happens with her house? who is going to buy her house? >> it will be empty.
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>> ainsley: it will be empty. just sit there. >> yeah. >> ainsley: yesterday when you heard the testimony of the ceo what was your reaction? >> he is limited to what he is say by his whole organization. i mean, there are certain things he can't contribute to fixing unless he has the authority and the company behind him. so he was just answering the best he could but there was no -- there was no commitment to fixing everything that he caused in east palestine. >> well, he says that he is committing $20 million for reimbursements, hopefully y'all will see some of that inno. thank you so much, i'm so sorry for you all are going to. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: glad you have each other you are all so cute. check in with janice dean for fox weather forecast. >> janice: good morning. lelots to talk about. couple of storm systems. one across the northern plains and by the way still very cold across the northern tier of the country in towards the northeast. setting things up for a wintry weekend into early next week.
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so we have got two storms. one in the west. one across the upper midwest and the great lakes. blizzard warnings for the northern plains. and then we also have winter weather advisories stretching towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. this is our first round the storms, our first round of snow for the northeast. new york, you actually could get a little bit of snow on the tail end of this on saturday. and then the west coast, epic amounts of rain and snow, especially today. it's very rare to see an extreme flash flood threat for this region. so, a lot of rain in the forecast, which is ultimately a great news. we are really putting a dent in the drought. but it's going to cause flash flooding and rock slides and mud slides. people are urged to pay attention to local weather forecast. here is our nor'easter, sunday night into monday and tuesday a slow moving area of low pressure. interior sections definitely a lot of snow. along the coast we still have some forecasting to do because some of the computer models are showing a little bit of snow or a lot of snow for the i-59
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corridor. so, hayden, stay tuned because we could get some pretty big snow totals. we'll see. put the spoon under the pillow this weekend. >> ainsley: your boys will be excited, too. >> janice: one thing is it is going to have a tremendous impact on the northeast whether or not it's snow. plan in advance. travel delays and cancellations. >> ainsley: okay. >> janice: maybe your couch for me monday into tuesday. >> ainsley: bring the boys in. go to central park. i have two sleds. >> janice: i love it. >> ainsley: coming in, boy meets congress? >> if i win, and you guys vote for me, i would say to each and every one of you hey, thanks. >> ainsley: boy meets world actor ben savage all grown up and looking to take congressman adam schiff's seat. will cain is learning the ropes at the american rodeo. there he is.
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♪ holds the answer to all my dreams ♪ i know one thing ♪ god calls me ♪
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>> on this friday morning heading down to the great state
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of texas rodeo where will cain has a front row seat. just watch. >> welcome to the american rodeo. came from south carolina for this rodeo? >> yes, sir. >> what's your favorite event you are looking forward to seeing? >> the bull riding. >> watch the people ride the horses and the cows. >> the super bowl of rodeos. top cowboys from the prca, pbr looking for $1 million payout. two time champion here at the rodeo. what event are you the dominant champion. >> bare back ride. >> what makes it snecial the size of the payout. >> you know, the payout is awesome but also the top guys in the top stock. >> will: bulls right here. buck skin. rome, am i getting all the colors right? >> pretty much right on now. >> will: still got it. look, a horse for brian kilmeade. 'or perfect. >> i'm here with mo brinks playing. mo from yellowstone.
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>> suggesting things isn't my job. that's yours. >> what are you doing here at the american rodeo? >> i love it. we have always raised our horses when we were kids and last one always had to do dishes. >> i have had this happen 25 years since i was working on a ranch in montana. lost a little shape. >> like he is born in it. i think i was born in it. these are vintage boots here back in the day, zach? >> champion of this rodeo in all five disciplines get a champion boot. look at your get up. you good look. >> yeehaw. >> brian: nice straight face on that little guy. will cain live with us from arlington, texas with one of the top female break away ropers hali wirms. hey, will. >> ainsley: you need to turn your microphone on, will. >> steve: we just lost it.
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>> ainsley: at least we got to see that story. and we got to meet your horse. >> brian: did i get to see -- so weird they travel. they traveled that horse very well. but now want to try it again? >> steve: we fixed it. hey, will, we can hear you now. >> will: okay. you can hear me. that's good. it's like my debut on "fox & friends" nobody could hear me. brian not too upset with me. i was saying i hope brian is not too upset the. i have that set land pony set aside. cutest little thing. you introduced her. hazel little williams, 19 years old. break away roper. >> her dad was 8 time champion wild card round won't be riding this weekend but going to be a top fiver next year. right? >> hopefully that's the plan. >> break away is sort of calf roping. guys rope it and step off and go tie the calf. we rope the calf around the neck and rope pops off:
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>> will: speed race. >> it is. you get out behind the barrier and you are good. >> will: your house as fast as you can, catch the calf, rope them, you hali uses a pink rope. today i'm going to use auto pink rope. hali is going to show me how to rope. i do not know how to rope. she is an expert. she is going to show me. so, will you show me? we got a dummy over here. a little calf dummy. we are going to try to rope him and hali here she comes. going to show me the game. look at that now, you had to go all aggressive and fast on me, hali. i don't know. hold on, ainsley, hold on. let me meet get my rope in order. >> i saw you ride that horse looked pretty good. >> how many times did i do it off camera? [sighs] >> ainsley: try it again. >> brian: that calf is a loser. totally in your face,. >> what's going on with my rope.
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>> will: one more. >> ainsley: go closer. hali was closer than you were. >> will: she was? >> ainsley: almost. [mooing] >> will: all cowboy all hat no cattle. hali hali, thank you so much you almost made me expert off camera. as is the case fool on camera. >> brian: famous break away roper. >> ainsley: so many questions about mo from yellowstone. >> steve: to two more questions with him. >> brian: no citizenship no problem. new york city now looking to send illegal immigrants to college. finally, the millions. >> ainsley: can they send my daughter, too? >> brian: take all our money, why not?r any otheadr countries want to ce , here's a little number you'll never forget.
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today, we're producing renewable diesel that can be used in existing diesel tanks. and we're committed to increasing our renewable fuels production. because as we work toward a lower carbon future, it's only human to keep moving forward. bodies brutally murdered back in theist. >> cartel dealt with the mexico. these members acted own decision making. >> he didn't deserve it. he was a sweetheart. >> does this have any chance of passing? >> yeah. i think a lot of it does. >> biden is previewing his new budget. features almost $5 trillion in new taxes. >> they want to raise taxes on you. they have unleashed record inflation. >> deeply sorry, i am. >> the railroad ceo apologized for the toxic waste diseas err
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