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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 20, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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however, kim seems to need to show his stuff again. he says it is all about deterrence. >> john: as he always does. amy, thank you. >> dana: he always wants to get in the news cycle and you'll see it there. great to be with you, john. see you this week. thank you so much. >> john: see you again tomorrow. >> dana: ill oh he see you then and later on "the five" as well. harris faulkner is up next. here she is. >> harris: they had to have known it was coming. biden family under investigation. at the center of it for now millions of dollars from a chinese emergency firm. however, the crack in the armor of the biden family legally. the big payday is just the tip of the iceberg. the house oversight committee is diving deep and finding more foreign business deals that are sketchy involving the now first family. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus."
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the committee says bank information will show some dozens of deals now. so far, records show hunter biden, the president's brother james, his daughter-in-law and one other unknown for now, unnamed, unknown biden received payments from the chinese firm. here is the chairman of oversight comer. >> right now it looks like the biden family just pocketed this money. this is one deal we have 11 more to go and i'm confident we'll get more bank records in very soon. the white house hasn't been truthful about this from day one. i don't think they dreamed we would get bank records. i have bad news for the white house. this is just the beginning. we'll get a lot more bank records and they will have to continue to back pedal and come up with a reason why the biden family has received millions of dollars from our adversaries. >> harris: bank records. the ultimate in financial receipts. when asked about it, his family
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members getting that foreign money, here is what president biden said. one sentence. that's not true. in "focus" republican congressman jim jordan of ohio chairman of both the house judiciary committee and new subcommittee of weaponization of the federal government. we'll get into that with him and a member of oversight. a very busy person. let's start with these 12 other business deals. what are we learning? >> i think there are a couple of questions. who is the unknown biden? second, what was the service they were providing that warranted receiving all this money? these millions of dollars? what work did they do and what service? like here shows up millions of dollars. what did they do for it? those are the fundamental questions and what the committee is trying to get at. i would point out they are called suspicious activity reports for a reason. the activity in these bank accounts is suspicious. so much so that the treasury
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department puts together these reports that we're finally getting access to and beginning to go through. so those to me are the fundamental questions and what comer wants to get to the bottom of so the american people have is truth. >> harris: even the left don't like the biden china money trail. let's watch. >> it doesn't smell good. a guy whose name is walker who gets 3 million from a chinese company and proceeds to wire it to people named biden. one is hunter, a company that belongs to the president's brother james biden and another to beau biden's widow. again from a lay person it doesn't look good. >> harris: it doesn't smell good, she said. that's code for how will we cover him and cover this? >> yeah. it doesn't look good and it is suspicious. it's suspicious according to the united states treasury department. to janet yell en's agenty so
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said it looks suspicious and why they put together the reports we'll go through. >> harris: let me ask you about something in terms of suspicious activity reports. how common are they? how common would it be you have north of 150 on a single individual? what are they? >> i think this volume of suspicious activity reports is probably somewhat unprecedented. i'm sure there are legitimate reasons people can explain. no problem. we thought it was suspicious, now maybe not. when you have this number all about this family. i think this account, the one that mr. comer talked about a lot where the $3 million. he said before that there was very little money in this account. all of a sudden here comes there are 3 million. then it is paid out to people all with the same last name one being the unknown biden. that's a concern. again, i think the american
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people are entitled to know what was going on here. >> harris: we're about to break news with you. we are first to receive and publicly report a letter that you have sent out that starts this way. you are reportedly about to engage in an unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority. this is the case against former president donald trump and the new york district attorney could choose to indict trump, charges would relate to hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels in the lead-up to the 2016 presidential election. andy mccarthy with this a bit earlier. >> i think it is clearly a misdemeanor. one that shouldn't be brought. the attack on bragg here shouldn't be a defense of trump. it looks like it is a falsification of records. but the attack on bragg ought to be that no one who was not donald trump would conceivably be charged with this.
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>> harris: house speaker kevin mccarthy tweeted this over the weekend. i'm directing relevant committees to immediately investigate if federal funds are being used to subvert our democracy with prosecutions and you head up one of those committees that would be talked about by mccarthy. we're now ending for you the embargo on this. tell me about this letter and what you are seeking. >> this letter comes at the direction of the speaker for the house administration and oversight committee chairman and judiciary committee sending it to mr. bragg saying we want to talk to you and know what's going on and see the communications that have taken place between the federal justice department and your district attorney's office in manhattan. understand, harris, first they went after president trump on russia, then a phone call with zelensky, then tax returns and then after business records and his children and now it's some misdemeanor alleged bookkeeping error from the prosecutor who
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initially didn't want to do this. he had people resign because he wasn't going to do it. no one else would bring the case. d.o.j. didn't braying the case. new york didn't. the previous prosecutor in the district didn't bring the case. mr. bragg didn't want to bring the case but got pressured from the left. the one thing that changed that i think has changed his mind is president trump announced he would run for president again. suddenly here they go. now they come after him for some alleged bookkeeping error? you have to be kidding me. we want to know what kind of federal involvement may have taken place and did it stem from the mueller special counsel investigation getting to this point as well. >> harris: you hit the nail on the head. i want to ask about what happens if federal money was used. actually paying off stormy daniels as hush money as we would call it is not illegal in the state of new york. as i've read it.
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how does the federal money pay a role if federal dollars were used for that? >> federal dollars may be involved talking with the district attorney's office. federal funds there. but i think what do -- was he supposed to use campaign money? you can't do that. this is a ridiculous case that they are bringing. i think the people of this country understand it is ridiculous. we want to talk to mr. bragg. we are asking him for the communications he has had for the federal government and we want an answer by thursday of this week. >> harris: if federal dollars were used by bragg or anyone in his office to go after trump, what happens? >> well, that's a concern for us. we want to know what kind of communications may have taken place between the justice department and -- remember, the justice department didn't bring this case. they weren't going to do it. no one would do it until mr. bragg came along. that is a real concern here. so this is the same district attorney where there is record
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crime in new york, where he down grades most felonies to misdemeanors. felony cases he brings he loses half of them and now he is going after the former president and a guy who announced for president and who is his star witness? key witness? michael cohen. he has lied and came if front of the oversight committee and lied six times in front of congress. that's their star witness for the case that no one else would bring. if this isn't going after political pontes opponents and using the government to do so, i don't know what it. >> harris: thank you for breaking the news on this. we'll see what happens with the letter to alvin bragg. good to see you. >> thank you. >> harris: republican lawmakers want the biden administration to wake up to the illegal immigrant crisis. critics with big shades and a vice president who decided it's a good time for a fancy party.
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and axis of authoritarian ace many. xi and putin send a message to the whole world and to us. >> he wants russia to win. if russia loses, china loses. that's what we have to come to grips with here. these are partners in common goals to replace the united states leadership in the world. >> harris: how president biden should respond as the world is watching and putin's war against ukraine wages on and his buddy from china drops in. pete hegseth in "focus."
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>> it's become clear from u.s.
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government reports and from journalists that china is supplying weapons, munitions, all kinds of other support. what you'll see in the coming days and weeks is more evidence of chinese support. what you are seeing is really quite clearly this axis of authoritarianism who are a threat to freedom and civilized people around the world. >> harris: an accused war criminal vladimir putin and xi getting together inside russia. their first sit-down since russia's brutal invasion of ukraine coming days after the international criminal court issued a war crimes arrest for putin. he can't leave his country. the visit is part of china's plan to counter the united states and establish a new world order with beijing at the forefront. it poses a critical leadership test for president biden. will he pass it? does anybody trust him to?
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lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle saying it is now important for the president to stand up, have backbone and show some strength. >> joe biden has put a kick me sign on uncle sam's bank. when america recedes from the world it creates a void of leadership and not filled with peace and stability and understanding. it is filled with our adversaries working against our interests. >> this is just another example of why you can't say you are tough on china if you are weak on russia and the fight in ukraine. >> harris: and that was a democrat. white house correspondent peter doocy is live outside the white house right now. >> the latest bulletin from the meeting is xi told putin they are close friends and that china should have close relations with russia. we are also seeing now on camera with the translation putin
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heaping praise on china. >> china has made a huge leap forward in its development and the whole world it is of the a genuine interest and we're jealous of it. >> the two will talk about xi's peace proposal as western leaders who back ukraine worry china could provide lethal support to the russians to be used in ukraine against ukrainians. >> the ramification of the strength of this relationship, despite the obvious failures russia has had during this war. >> the west is not putting forward a peace plan at this time. basically saying nothing will happen until putin pulls out. as for a biden call with xi, we hear a lot of this. >> there has been no logistics or no setting it up. we maintain that we will have another discussion with president xi. the president wants to do that. wants to keep those lines open. at the appropriate time we'll reach to see if we can get a
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call on the schedule. >> over the last two years president biden tried to deter putin and xi at different times by saying if they do x, y, z, they are standing on the world stage will suffer. it appears that both men are ignoring that warning because it appears they are teaming up, harris. >> harris: it appears they are. when you drop in to see your buddy who is an accused war criminal, you are close. peter, thank you. pete hegseth, co-host of "fox & friends" weekend. you heard admiral kirby speaking then and peter's reporting. he knows the most important people talking now are the militaries of these countries. he knows that russia won't take our call. their military won't take our military call. he knows that china and the american military aren't talking now. he was an admiral. he doesn't mention it.
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>> well, when we do talk to their military it is chairman milley saying we won't attack you. here is the thing. so much of the conversation is centered around the war in ukraine. and the nature in which pundits and captured class in washington, d.c. talk about it. china wants it that way. china is happy to partner with russia. this he know there is a big dog. they are the ones making the big play for world domination. russia is useful to them right now. they want to tie the west down. they want to tie our weapons systems down and tie our attention down through military conflict in ukraine while they use economic means, legal means, medical means, cultural means and xi has been globetrotting the world for a last 3 or 4 months after securing his third term trying to consolidate more allegiance around the globe to replace the united states. one theory says ukraine is the front line in the war against
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russia and china. another theory that says the more we slow walk and drip into increasing conflict in ukraine, the more likely a miscalculation is made and it escalates but china is free and clear and can make its own calculations in taiwan and elsewhere after watching the balloon float across the country and afghanistan fall apart and ukraine be a slow motion what. what is the end state there? >> harris: i lean on military intelligence for this. the balloon went over military installations and where we had ballistic weapon sites and wanted to see some things and it was able to see some things. we don't know how much of that was piped back. i would assume if we consider it, quite a bit. the other point of the military is what we learn about what china can do as it gets ready to take taiwan with the enormous navy now. something that we talk about all
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the time. when these countries get together with what they are both capable. yeah, russia is awful against ukraine but they are still killing people and still getting drones from iran. >> yep. they'll find friends. the point of finding friends is to replace the united states as the arsenal of freedom in the world by creating other avenues to circumvent that process. >> harris: we cannot have it. >> we are letting it happen now and the frustrating part. they look at the biden administration and so no coherence and little trust in military leadership to execute properly under this administration. china sees that and they are building a military specifically designed to defeat the united states through technological means and hypersonic missiles. understanding our nuclear capabilities. united states and military industrial complex builds a military to fight the last war and we aren't seeing the whole
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picture. you ukraine doesn't necessarily prepare us for that. >> harris: illegal immigrants continuing to pour across america's border in record numbers. republican critics say it's past time for the president to wake up. >> if joe biden and democrats would spend time on the southern border like republicans did last week they would see the same thing we did. his policies at the border aren't just a failure, they are an unmitigated disaster. >> americans should be frustrated, fed up with their federal government right now to have a completely open southern border. we don't know who is coming across the border. >> harris: we do know this is happening. adding to all the criticism. the white house so-called border czar kamala harris is taking some heat for a glitzy star-studded party marking women's history month at her d.c. residence. she can mark it but her john is to concentrate on the border. she was posing with bridgeerton
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star who posted on insta -- doesn't she have a border crisis to work on? another can you name two things she has done to make you proud of her? pete. >> i can't. i won't try. she had a champagne brunch with other ladies at the white house guarded by the secret service and a big old wall that got bigger recently. they invested in it. while the people on the southern border. it's an invasion, a full-on invasion. no idea who these people are, what their intent is. the amount of people coming across on the terror watch list is growing by the year. we know only the ones we intercept, not the gotaways, known or unknown gotaways. this administration is like beating your head against a wall saying why don't they care?
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they clearly don't. it is clearly their strategy in an attempt to change the dynamics inside the united states and reject trump who had the border secure and to declare it all more humane when we know there are over 20,000 kids we can't find that they have rushed through the process as assumed to following protocol. kamala harris was never going to take it serious. she wants to take photos with celebrities instead of helping real americans under crisis now. >> harris: the part that pierces the heart as well is that some of those people coming across the border believe the cartels when they say they will have a better life. some don't survive the journey. it is all a lie. all right. today marks 20 years to the day since the united states and allied forces launched the shock and awe campaign in iraq. the war that ran from 2003 to 2011 will define then president
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bush's legacy and change the middle east geopolitical landscape. as a member of the army national guard pete volunteered to serve in baghdad where he held the position of infantry platoon leader and civil military operations officer. pete was awarded the bronze star and other commendations for his service in the iraq war. no tea -- not to talk about you too much in third person but i want people to understand how much sacrifice there was. we lost 4,550 service members and military contractors. so many of you served mightily and what are your thoughts on this day? >> can't believe it's 20 years. i was a senior in college in 2003 when it kicked off knowing i would be a second lieutenant in the army. i didn't know how much this war would define my life, a generation of war fighters.
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i did one small fraction of one rotation and so many did so much more. you can look at the geopolitical ramifications. there are many. many that are bad the way the middle east has unfolded ever since. i choose to look at the herroism of the guys i served with on the ground who i stay in touch with to this day who laid it all on the line for their fellow men and women on their left and right and the country they love trying to give the iraqi people an opportunity and a future. it turned out how it turned out but grateful for the heroism of so many americans. it changed my life in so many ways that will never be the same. >> harris: my dad said i would rather they just said thank you. we always try our mightiest no matter what the politics are in washington. pete. thank you.
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>> absolutely. >> harris: thank you to the families of all the thousands we lost. god bless you. >> god bless. >> harris: the drumbeat continues. some liberals are saying it is time to move on from president biden. that's an interesting drumbeat. >> some say it is time to give it to the next generation and we would be loving on joe. joe, please, head this direction. >> harris: well, the democrat party's divide on biden's likely 2024 election is on display. many are wondering if he has what it takes for the grueling schedule of a white house bid. ♪ lomita feed is 101 years old. when covid hit, we had some challenges. i heard about the payroll tax refund that allowed us to keep the people that have been here taking care of us. learn more at
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physically up to it. this campaign is expected to be much more grueling than 2020 at the height of the pandemic when biden did most of his campaigning from his basement. one democrat insider told the hill it will put the president to the test. another said the more he is out there, the more likely he is to make a gaffe to which i say really only one? former democratic presidential candidate andrew yang with this. >> i think there should be a competitive primary in the democratic party. joe biden said in 2020 i am here to be a bridge to the next generation. that is what he should be at this moment. [applause] if he does not, then we are punting on this entire succession challenge and it could emerge at a very inopportune time. >> harris: biden will be a bridge just a really long one.
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our panelists are here. so gianno, is the president breaking his promise? >> absolutely he is. that was part of the reason he said he ran. he wanted to make sure that trump didn't win but would get out. i agree with andrew yang. when you look at the recent polling showing that 71% of americans believe the country is on the wrong track. they agree that you have progressive like aoc who won't say if they support him or not. looking at the economy. it is not a rosie picture. fentanyl and the meeting of xi and china. not a rosey picture. he is running to say what? he doesn't have a set of accomplishments the american people are buying. >> harris: do you get back in because it's ego? does biden think he is the only one who could ever beat trump?
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what happens when these guys get stronger, desantis, pompeo, you will run biden forever? he will be a century old. >> i hope not. >> harris: it's not possible. >> that he will run as a 1,000-year-old. as the president says all the time don't compare me to the almighty but the alternative. right now former president donald trump is the likely republican nominee based on every polling. that has actually encouraged the president to take a really strong look at running again in 2024. >> harris: is he the best one to beat whoever is on the other side whether trump or not? you need stamina. >> he won 8 million more votes. it is hard to beat an incumbent president and he did it. >> harris: he spends almost a third of his time in delaware now and not campaign season. former white house press
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secretary jen psaki is taking on republicans' fight against wokeness and whether voters will embrace it. >> it seems like blaming woke politics for problems big and small has become a one size fits all response for republicans lately. for republicans wokeness is public enemy number one. they clearly think it is a winning message ahead of 2024 and makes you think are they on to something? my gut here is no. you don't need to be too worried about the war on woke. the republican crusade may not be as potent as they hope. sounds like you can let your woke flags fly. >> harris: gianno. >> i know there is a big issue with wokeness. new website stop up that i encourage people to take a look at. it is a real issue. i interviewed a far left commentator who didn't know what woke meant. i lot of americans don't know
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what woke means at this time. they are throwing in a combination of a bunch of different trash and saying americans should buy it when americans want tradition. they want to ensure their kids get a quality education and not infusing it with the hard left lunatic education if they want to call it that. that's not what our country stands for and why a lot of americans are against the woke agenda we see from the far left. >> harris: what's interesting about jen psaki a few months ago she was the person right before the mid-term elections who said you better concentrate on crime or you will lose the election. democrats listened to her and they did ads and everything. did end up helping them. right now the president and his family are under investigation for no fewer than a dozen shady deals that got federal attention. they are called suspicious activity reports sparring these investigations for millions of dollars flowing from china. there is no woke in that.
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does she have democrats focusing on the wrong shiny object? >> it is an interesting question. she is an excellent communicator and excellent press secretary. wokeism and the nature of being woke is a catch-all on the right. banks are too woke. curriculum is too woke. to guyana's point earlier the he gone me -- economy will be the number one issue. if democrats can focus on those issues and bat down the -- and focus as the president wants to do over the great record and make the case to the american people. republicans are talking about the nature of wokeism we'll have another good election night as we did in the mid-terms. >> harris: you are trying to give advice to your party and pointing to the fact the other side sounds loony birds for talking about this stuff.
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not the same thing as what she did before the mid-terms saying you have to shift gears to crime. gi gianno, last word. >> at this time looking at the overall democratic party they are in trouble and they really are. they don't have a message that is resonating with the american people and republicans need to take full advantage of that and do what they were elected to do in the house of representatives to know that republicans are the ones who should be leading our country forward. >> harris: good to see you both. bill maher joining the core use criticizing san francisco's reparations plan for black residents. he blasted the idea for madness that the city can't come close to affording. speaking of woke, wait until we get to it. new york city mayor is backing president biden. >> president biden is a blue collar president.
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i like to believe i'm a blue collar mayor and he is a plain talking producer. it is unfortunate the noise that is getting in the way of what he has to do. >> harris: mayor of new york city finding a car that he find safe on the subway after all the crime we continue to see talking there with the host. well, whether anyone will buy it, this democrat race to change the narrative on crime as 2024 approaches. jason rantz in "focus" next. my name is joshua florence, and one thing i learned being a firefighter is plan ahead. you don't know what you're getting into, but at the end of the day, you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> harris: the high price tag of homelessness. california has spent $17 billion over the last three years to get people off the streets. that works out to be $1 hundred thousand per homeless person. that money is not solving the problem. senior national correspondent william la jeunesse is live in los angeles. whatrd to -- hard to believe they spent $17 billion. >> by looking outside you go where is the money going? california is home to 10% of the u.s. population but 33% of its homeless. taxpayers are fed up because no matter where you spend or what they spend, the problem is getting worse.
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the tents paid for by taxpayers are everywhere. you look at the multiple layers of bureaucracies, duplicate services and critics call it homeless, inc. >> we have more encampments in every city in california. we're seeing more human devastation on the streets. we've seen homelessness actually increase during the three-year period. >> where does the money go? many homeless are on federal disability. typically pays $8 hundred to $1800 a month. most qualify for food stamps, daily meals at shelters. cities build apartments, average cost in l.a. and san francisco $750,000 per unit. there is also housing vouchers, subsidies and shelter beds. case managers help with medical care, mental health, drug and alcohol treatment. transportation and safe place to park if they are living out of a car. bottom line is lawmakers want
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more accountability and less bureaucracies before throwing more money at the problem. back to you. >> harris: thank you very much. new york city mayor eric adams leaping to president joe biden's defense as republicans are going after him over raging crime. here is the mayor over the weekend taking a page out of biden's recent script on crime an policing. >> gave the appearance that democrats are soft on crime. no, soft on crime is the republicans who use to put money in his crime bills to make sure we get the resources to our police departments. >> harris: as we get closer to a likely 2024 announcement from biden here is that script. >> president biden: congressional republicans should pass my budget instead of calling for cuts in services or defunding the police or abolishing the f.b.i. as we hear from the maga republican friends. maga republicans are calling for defunding police departments and defunding the f.b.i. maga republicans are calling for
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defunding. they are defunding. defunding the f.b.i. >> harris: can't say it because it's not true. jason rantz, seattle radio host. jason, you know republicans have said it forever. they will try to flip the switch and redefine what they've done by building crime like a wall in their cities. >> it's rather pathetic and very transparent. every en someone with a casual relationship with the news knows it with as the democrats who have been pushing to defund the police. for eric adams to take that position, the nypd was defunded so it is ludicrous. people understand what's going on. on this particular issue they felt it, as individuals who live in the cities when they take their kids to the park they don't feel safe. have had cars broken into and maybe known someone who has gotten assaulted or almost got assaulted. we see this all the time and when it happens to them or
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someone they love, they start paying attention. there are a lot of people paying attention against the crime surge. >> harris: you saw jen psaki in the video had been the one to plant the seed democrats need to focus in on crime and they did for a period of time and videos come back and the problems come back. they didn't solve the issue, they ran some ads. >> they did run ads. at the end of the day, like i said, people know what's going on in their own communities. they were on the right track when they decided to say they should focus on crime. the problem for the democrat party is the more they focus on crime, the larger the spotlight on their crime policies. while they are talking about it. they talked about it for a bit
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they didn't start pursuing the policies. they pursued those policies. we have d.a.s and prosecutors going light on crime. they aren't republicans. we had i think it was on friday, maybe thursday, there was a san francisco lawmaker who called for defunding now saying we need police in our community. it is so embarrassing. i wish they would apologize for what they did and take a sane position. you can disagree on policy. and on how to approach the crime crisis. at least acknowledge there is a crime crisis. your policies were responsible and let's work together and find a solution. >> harris: we hear it from mayors across the country cantrell before she started flipping people off. no kidding, we have the video. upset about crime in the city saying we need all hands on deck. more police, federal money and after things were defunded. in chicago, for example.
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big questions are lingering about will voters learn from the departure of lori lightfoot and reject brandon johnson who wants to go even further, abolish the police. he wants to go further. the guy on the right, also a democrat, more moderate vallas got a few percentage points higher when they both beat lori lightfoot. your thoughts. >> this will be really important for people who don't closely follow the nuances of this particular race in chicago, they might end up pursuing a candidate who is far worse than lori lightfoot. i get the sense that people on the ground -- i get the sense that right now they are paying a lot more attention than they maybe otherwise would. sending lori lightfoot to retirement sent a big message. it is hard for me to imagine that they would go with someone
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who is so much further to the left than she was. i just don't see that happening. but there is probably a lot of people who don't see it happening which might be an excuse for people not to vote. they need to make sure to go up and vote. >> harris: if not enough people vote you get what you get who the people who went to the polls wanted. maybe they didn't want to be safer. maybe they wanted something different. bill maher tearing into san francisco's potential reparations for slavery. proposals include a $5 million payment to black residents and complete clearing of personal debt. black americans who also reportedly get an annual income of at least $97,000 for 250 years and will be allowed to buy homes within the city limits for $1 a home. here is bill maher. >> why are you talking against the woke craziness? it's crazy.
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is it not crazy? they said it would cost -- san francisco doesn't have a history of slavery or anything like that, you know. it would cost every citizen left $6 hundred thousand each. this is madness, is it not? >> harris: you know what political debate i want to see in the season of 2024. jen psaki and bill maher. he hates it because it will make them lose and she hates it because they can't fight it. >> when you shine a spotlight on the crazy, you get a better picture of what the democratic party has become and makes independent voters or moderate democrats feel more uncomfortable aligning themselves with the crazy ideas that are coming out there. when you think about reparations in particular. this was not a slave state. there wasn't anyone there who was connected to someone impacted by slavery in
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california. what you do with reparations is acknowledge people are victims. no greater sin to an individual than to convince them that they're a victim. instead of addressing the issues they need to, they blame someone else. >> harris: who will prove who has more slave blood than someone else? it is disgusting. thank you, jason rantz. "outnumbered" after the break. at newday we make it easy. our newday 100 loan lets you combine your first mortgage, your second mortgage, your high-rate credit cards, personal loans and car loans into one, low monthly payment. so you can save hundreds every month. and at newday, there's not one dollar upfront to apply. give us a call. ever better. it's when disruption hits your supply chain and ryder makes sure you're ever delivering
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♪ ♪ >> harris: happy first day of spring, he asked! we made it, who needs that groundhog? this is "outnumbered." i'm harris faulkner, here with my cohost emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany, joining us fox news contributor with lisa boothe, and fox news contributor marc thiessen it's going to be hot. we begin with republicans rallying around form


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