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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  March 30, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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and able to help the community heal. when we saw the devastation in mississippi from the west side of the state to the east side of the state, this was a big storm. >> jacque: a little criticism that he hasn't made it yet for east palestine. pressure is on to make that trip as well. >> bill: have a great day. we have to run. have a good day. see you on friday. here is harris on "the faulkner focus." >> harris: we begin with a fox news alert and noticeable silence from the white house. the i.r.s. and treasury secretary. this follows no answers on the tax man's unannounced visit to twitter files journalist matt taibbi's home. that visit came the very exact same time he was testifying before congress. so he is on the hill talking about censorship on social media by the federal government. mostly of conservatives, of course. at the same time the i.r.s. goes to his house? yeah, that's a coincidence. i'm harris faulkner and you are
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in "the faulkner focus." well, many people are saying there is no way this could actually be a coincidence. lawmakers say it is an example of all-out intimidation by the federal government. republican congressman jim jordan is the chairman on the subcommittee of government weaponization. >> we still do not have the answers from the i.r.s. about that unlikely coincidence. it appears to be the latest example of the weaponization of the federal government against the american people. >> harris: matt taibbi testified to that committee on the government's censoring information on twitter. the white house with a game of dodge ball yesterday. >> i was wondering if you could respond to this taibbi visit by the i.r.s. and say whether it is part of a campaign to harass or intimidate related to the journalism. >> i have refer you to the i.r.s. >> harris: i.r.s. has not responded to a fox business request with an explanation.
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we'll have house oversight chairman comer questions as he comes up in "focus" in a minute. fox business correspondent edward lawrence is live at the white house for us. >> think about this. it's been three weeks since the i.r.s. agent visited the journalist taibbi's house and no more information about why it happened. not even the ultimate boss of the i.r.s. could tell lawmakers that. janet yellen testified before the house committee claimed ignorance. >> what are the chances of that being just luck that the i.r.s. appeared at someone's home while he is testifying about weaponization of government before congress? i think it's one in a million or less. >> it is certainly something that i would want to look into. i'm not aware that i.r.s. agents do that except, as you said, in cases where there is an
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investigation. >> house jude chairman representative jim jordan gave the i.r.s. of april 10th to hand over documents related to the field visit at taibbi's house. all documents and communication between the i.r.s., treasury and other executive branch related to the house call and wants communication from revenue officer james nelson, who made the visit. >> we want those communications because context is critical here. the day before matt taibbi testifies he learns that the f.t.c., a different agency wrote twitter and said who are the journalists you are talking to and named mr. taibbi and shellenberger by name. they testified the next day in front of our committee. >> i.r.s. refused to comment directly about this to fox business and directed us to their general website about how the i.r.s. contacts taxpayers, harris. >> harris: edward, thank you very much. republican congressman james
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comer of kentucky, chairman of the house oversight committee in "focus" now. great to see you today. first of all, do you believe that this was a coincidence that the f.b.i. went to a journalists home at the same time that journalist was testifying on capitol hill? >> no, i do not. >> harris: i.r.s., i'm sorry. >> no, i do not. another example of this administration weaponizing the federal government. the odds of the i.r.s. visiting matt taibbi the day after he testified to congress about government abuse and government corruption and government overreach, it's one in 10 million. then just look at what the government is doing to jim jordan and myself, the two lead investigators in trying to determine at what level the government has been weaponized. they are attacking us every day in the white house, press secretary on oversight retweets outside groups. ill a billboard outside my house
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attacking me that's paid for by democrat dark money groups because i have the nerve to investigate whether or not this administration is corrupt or not when we are following the money trail by china to the bidens. i do believe it was intentional. another abuse of power by our federal government. >> harris: look, i just want to break it down and make it simple for people to remember and understand what's happening now. this is not okay. you are talking about being targeted outside your home, too. we saw with bret kavanaugh. we've seen what that can look like in this country. we can't have -- that's not a protest, that's intimidation. >> it is 100% intimidation. i have a message for this white house. this isn't going to stop. we will get the facts for the american people and the american people can see and make decisions for themselves about what level of confidence they have in this administration and this federal government. we have what has become a fourth
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branch of government and that's these federal agencies and federal bureaucracies that are out of control. no checks and balances and they have bureaucrats who continue to flex muscle and intimidate any conservative who wants to stand up to them and shine a light on their abuse and overreach of power. >> harris: some of us in the media are standing up and sounding the alarm and from all over. across the spectrum. we have to. you can't have the chilling of not only free speech but the ability to hold the powerful accountable. one advocacy group tweeted this. if the i.r.s. visit to matt taibbi's house had anything to do with his recent testimony a disturbing attack on press freedoms. let's hope the government quickly and credibly explains. they have to speak on this, congressman. >> i agree. thank god for your good work, harris, thank god for fox news,
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but we have a lot of mainstream media outlets that are turning a blind eye to the bad behavior but encouraging it. it's despicable. to have a fair democracy here in the united states. to have adequate checks and balances you have to have a media that holds politicians accountable. right now the majority of the media is focused on donald trump and republicans and republicans that have the audacity to call out government overreach and government abuse of power. we are oh -- seeing that every day. the list goes on and on and it has to stop. that's one of the main priorities of this republican majority in the house of representatives. >> harris: i want to move to some brand-new polling by fox news and share this with you. 40% of voters polled say they believe both former president trump and current president biden's son hunter broke the law when it comes to hunter's foreign business dealings,
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nearly 75% say he did something illegal or at least unethical. as more evidence points to the president's involvement, the same poll shows more than half believe biden did something illegal or at least unethical. the biden family's china cash grab still is unfolding. the house oversight committee, which you chair, you are digging through treasury department document now. 150 sars, suspicious activity reports on hunter biden and the president's brother, james. catch me up first of all, respond to the polling there and catch us up on what's going on right now in investigating. >> i'm glad to hear that poll is around 75% that suspect something illegal or unethical happened with the bidens. i promise in two months it will be nearly 100% when we start reporting more of what we are finding. this is really bad. these suspicious activity reports point to a clear trend by the biden family to try to
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hide the fact that they were getting enormous sums of money from communist china. we have businesses that aren't allowed to do business with a lot of state-owned entities but here you have the biden family that, you know, clearly going places where they shouldn't have been going especially when you are selling access to the federal government. i think that the american people will be very concerned about whether or not this white house is compromised because there is no rhyme or reason why the biden family has taken in millions of dollars. we have proven they have taken in over a million dollars. this is the tip of the iceberg. if you look at what the president's lawyers said they said it was a legitimate business deal. that's not true. there is no business there. the business is the bidens taking money from china is what the business is. >> harris: quickly, what's worse, the amount of the dollars that you are telling us about or the sur -- nature that we
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couldn't see them. >> they tried to hide them. they have a lot of llcs. i don't think there is a lot of legitimate business with the lcc. we disclosed the bank records on one lcc. the american people can see the facts and judge for themselves whether or not it was ethical. >> harris: congressman, i want to speak on the terrible tragedy in your district, the army has confirmed nine service members were killed when two helicopters collided during a routine training mission. it shows you the dangers of what read enes -- read enes looks like. can you give us thoughts on what is happening going forward? >> all we know is two
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helicopters crashed near fort campbell late last night. five members on one helicopter and four on the other. a terrible tragedy. when you look over the last 20 years, every action by the u.s. army was led by troops from fort campbell. they are always the first ones on the ground. this is a very, very important military base to our national security. my thoughts and prayers go out to the family and all the people that were tragically affected by this crash. >> harris: a lot of gratitude to the families and those who serve at fort campbell as you said. always the first ones in on some of the biggest missions. congressman, thank you so very much for being in "focus." we pray for your state today. >> thank you. >> harris: the gun control debate literally raging after the nashville school massacre. this went down in the halls of congress.
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critics say the president is only widening the divide in this country on the issue. and new fox polling, democrats are down on biden, really down. it could mean big trouble for democrats in 2024. >> more republicans want joe biden to run in 2024 than do democrats. and i think that's because republicans are wise to the fact that we're watching a crumbling presidency and economy before our eyes. i want you to know something. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. a va home loan is unique. it's different than other loans because it allows you to borrow up to 100% of the home's value. that extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves.
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>> harris: pretty classic comments from the president when he met greece's prime minister yesterday. not the first time he has claimed this.
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>> president biden: nickname i got when i won by 3100 votes when i was 29 years old for the senate seat. they started calling me joe biden-opilis. >> harris: the "new york post" calls out his racially diverse and trying to relate to various ethnic groups. >> president biden: everyone in town was either polish or italian. i grew up feeling self-conscious my name didn't end in s scrags i. i was raised in the puerto rican community at home. i may be a practicing catholic. used to go to 7:30 mass every morning in high school and college before i went to the black church. i may be irish but i'm not
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stupid. i married dominic's daughter and have italian in me now. >> harris: we are waiting for the moment for the president's announcement on a re-election bid. new fox polling amidst democratic primary voters must be disappointing to see at the white house. a majority of people surveyed want someone not named joe biden. david avella, gopac chairman. marie harf former state department spokesperson under president obama. marie, what's the challenge for biden to be more supported by democrats for running for a second term? >> i think when the rubber meets the road here democrats will line up behind him especially when you look at his average approval rating is higher than donald trump's average approval rating, higher than ron desantis's average approval rating. a lot of people are fed up with government in general and don't like washington in general. elections are contests, choices
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and at the end of the day joe biden still matches up very favorably against the likely republican nominees and democrats care about winning. that's why they'll line up behind him. >> harris: you notice marie didn't go to the great things about joe biden. she went to trump and desantis. >> i can do that, too. >> harris, the president is not only confused about his heritage but confused about the policies that will get america moving forward and it is why you see americans expressing their frustration that life is getting more expensive, less safe, and harder. that is particularly true of independent voters who now almost 80% of independent voters disapprove of how this president is handling the economy. you add that with the group of democrats who would like to see someone else and republican voters and you set the stage for
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a 2024 that should the president get a primary challenge, it will insure the next president in 2024 will be someone other than joe biden. >> harris: let's move to this. things can get -- jamal bowman and republican congressman tom massey mixing it up. [shouting] >> you don't do anything to save the lives of our children at all. cowards. respond to the question why the hell don't you do anything to save america's children? explain that all the way up to election day of 2024. i'm talking about gun violence. >> there has never been -- in a school that allowed teachers to carry. >> more guns lead to more death.
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look at the data. you are not looking at any data. you will not answer my question. don't stop me talking. >> i'm not talking to you anymore. you are just screaming. >> i was a middle school principal, in cafeterias protecting kids every day of my career. >> there has never been a shooting, never been a shooting -- we've got guns to protect us and he doesn't believe kids shouldn't have somebody to protect them. >> harris: that was a power panel. we'll break for breaking news right now. the fiery train derailment in minnesota has prompted evacuations and so much more and the governor is getting ready to speak. the train was hauling ethanol and corn syrup and detrailed and caught fire in minnesota early this morning. nearby residents have been told to evacuate from their homes. we'll check back in as soon as
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the governor walks up. we are not quite ready to go there. no one will forget for some time both of you, david and marie, what just played out in the halls of justice on capitol hill. david, what were we watching? >> perhaps congressman bowman is showing his frustration over democrats who had congress for two years and the white house that they didn't pass the legislation that he believes would impact -- be most impactful. it shows another vulnerability for the president. americans ultimately are very critical of the president and how he is handling the crime issue, which is increasingly on voters' mind and want to see something done. you have covered this. part of it goes to the prosecuting attorneys not prosecuting gun crimes. >> harris: all right. both of you, i will ask you to sit back. we worked out whatever technical difficulty it was. the governor of minnesota now
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where they have had the fiery train derailment. >> out in uniform fighting the fire itself to make sure after that's done what it will take to reconstitute air resources and the equipment used in this and brings to light things that we have ambulance crews out there that it's very difficult to make sure that we are staffing them and we have the necessary equipment. special thank you to all of the volunteers, the american red cross. we've become accustomed to take the red cross for granted. you simply don't have to ask or call anyone. they are simply there doing the work. i don't think we should take that for granted. these are folks that are dedicated to making their communities work. once again, at this point in time you will hear exactly what the derailment was, what was on the vehicles, what's the next process with that. at this time no reported injuries. as i said due to the manifest and information as it stands, no toxic exposures on a timeline
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you will hear from burlington northern to get this thing cleared up and business as usual and get you back in your homes. i want to introduce you to katie farmer, the ceo of burlington northern. bring her team out here. i got to witness a lot of these and reports that came out afterwards. the response from burlington northern has been unprecedented on their response calling. we were in contact with them before 6:00 this morning, quite early. the federal government was this contact and calling with them. i think it shows the commitment to the community, commitment to transparency of what happened here and what the cleanup looks like after that. we'll hear from matt and katie from burlington northern and the way this works is that we have federal and state regulators, folks who work together. the industry experts inside burlington northern sante fe have experts in fire safety and
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cleanup on this. we rely on their expertise working with the national department safety board and our emergency management. a team effort of coordinating together what's the best and safest way to do this. it is important for all of you to hear exactly how burlington northern is thinking about this and what the next steps are. matt and katie, turn it over to you. >> we appreciate it. good morning, everybody. i'm matt garland. vice president of operations with the bnsf railway. >> harris: the governor said they will let you know what's coming out, they moved a lot of people out of the way. we want to know how are those people doing and what are they experiencing? that's really important after everything that we've seen from east palestine, ohio to the barges yesterday in kentucky. from one thing to the next. we understand things happen and we're covering all of it. we want to make sure the right
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questions are being asked. we'll watch it and bring it to you. we'll go back as the news warrants. my team will monitor that news conference. the labor department is issuing its final gdp numbers for 2022. the government has revised the figure down for the third time from 2.7 to 2.6 which follows a 3.2 rise in the third quarter. we're going in the wrong direction. the economy grew 2.1% in all of 2022. for all that back and forth we're still going south. americans are losing confidence in the economy. why is that? they are facing also painful inflation, nine consecutive interest rate hikes and those two big bank collapses recently. new fox polling showing 90% of people surveyed said they are either extremely or very concerned about inflation. 77% say that the condition of
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the economy is fair or poor. 64% disapprove of how president biden is handling the economy. he is not doing a good job. 35% say they approve of the job that he is doing. meanwhile, the president kicked off a multi-state -- it's 20 days -- of investing in america. a tour he is on boosting support for his economic vision. people don't like it. republicans are skeptical, too. >> thanks to president biden's massive spending spree it began with the american rescue plan and continued to escalate with the investment and jobs act creating chips and science act and the inflation reduction act. mostly the administration double down on reckless spending with the latest 6.8 trillion. >> we've heard a lot about historic investment and rush to green agenda that they advance with hard earned taxpayer
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dollars. >> harris: mcmorris there. let's give some numbers to match what she was talking about. huge spending numbers, 1.9 trillion going to the american rescue plan. 1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. that's just the tip of the iceberg. fox business anchor david asman in "focus" now. do we see proceeds from the trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars? >> ask the american people. three the best judge and the ones who have to live with these policies day-by-day and frankly living paycheck to paycheck. as you showed from the polls they are saying no, they aren't seeing the results. you add it all together, all of the spending, the president puts it all under the umbrella of invest in america. inflation reduction act which is a joke. we haven't seen -- it was all about climate. not inflation. chips bill, first one, american rescue plan. you add it together comes to $6
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trillion. that's like two years of a budget a couple of years ago. and i don't know if we've had -- pull back to 2021. the economy grew in 2021, the year that biden came into office, by almost 6%. low inflation when he first came in. that's what biden inherited. then he began to spend like a drunken sailor and we got stagflation. high inflation and low growth. that led in 2022 to an economy that grew at 2%, now the fed came out and said we are probably not going to grow above 2% for the next several years. we're on a bad trajectory right now and day-by-day it looks worse for people because as inflation has come down a little bit. interest rates have come up and how the fed is trying to kill inflation. that means a whole new slew of problems for the american people. >> harris: are you worried about
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banks? >> absolutely. svb failed because of the fact that it had all these woke policies that look good on paper but don't pan out. >> harris: they spent money and energy on that and had a board with only one person with banking experience on it. >> worse than that, the supervisors, the people that we pay for to look over the banks every quarter because they are woke central bankers and the supervisors, guess how they are doing it? attacking now the regulations, not the regulators. the regulators dropped the ball. the ones supposed to be supervising the banks, the ones we pay for. they are now blaming the white house is saying we'll have all the new regulations for small banks. >> harris: that allows them to hit trump. they think that whatever he did with regulation is something that they can campaign on between now and 2024. don't miss it. it's the politics. >> can i say simply the ftx, bernie madoff and sbv had
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something in common. they had a similar failure of regulators to keep an eye on the ball because they were getting too close, the regulators were getting too close. >> harris: fox polling shows some 68% of those living in households earning fewer than $50,000 annually could only miss two paychecks before having big trouble paying their bills. it's 44% of those earning more than $50,000. that's a lot of people that are two paychecks away from suffering. >> unfortunately things could get worse before they get better with regard to a recession coming. what happens if they are also looking at concerns about keeping their job? if you are living paycheck to paycheck you can't afford to miss one paycheck. >> harris: let me slow you down. what we hear from the white house is job growth is good and the numbers come out and -- but you see something deeper that you are looking at. what is it?
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>> it's the fact that we aren't growing as fast as we can and there are no plans by this administration to increase growth. in fact, just the opposite. the worst thing you can do for growth is to tax it. if you want less of something, you tax it more. biden just came out with his new economic plan, which isn't going the pass because we have a republican congress. it shows where his mind is. he wants to increase taxes by $4.7 trillion. at a point when businesses are getting scrunched, he wants to take 4.7 trillion out of their pockets and that means that they will have to cut their job force in order to do something like that. or go out of business. >> harris: and that means that the number is 400,000, which is that earning number. do you know who i told that to before he was ready to support the president? mr. manchin. he called me a liar and watch the white house take that number
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down to those earning $4 hundred thousand and above. and the president comes out, no, it will only be millionaires and billionaires. i said watch it happen. >> you were right and he was dead wrong. at least he admits he was wrong. he admitted it in the "wall street journal." he has been in politics for dozens of years. he should have known the tricks that were going to be played. >> harris: i do like his optimism. >> he was wrong and basing his bet on our money. that's what really ticks me off. >> harris: doesn't everybody in washington? remember the biden administration's failed attempt to ban gas stoves? big outrage over that. they eventually settled on tough efficiency standards instead. a house measure passed today pushes back on those measures calling them too restrictive. it was bipartisan, by the way. and the author of the amendment says not enough democrats got on board. so a little bit of infighting over the gas stoves.
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telling fox they have shown themselves to be complicit. republicans are leading this attempt to dismantle american energy and will continue to empower americans to choose what appliances belong in their kitchens. another battle in biden's war on appliances. this time air conditioners. big backlash to that already we know. a new op-ed says the common thread in all these environmental proposals is making ordinary people's lives worse and more expensive. >> let's ban air conditioning in washington, d.c. let's see how they like it. >> harris: it's hot in the summer. >> the people hurt most by this. let's just talk about air conditioners for a second, are older people, older people who don't have central air conditioning and need these room by room air conditioners that they are targeting now. they'll go up in price and they are the most susceptible to strokes and other illness east as a result of the heat. it's terrible. two months ago gas stoves we
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were told that if you believe that the administration will try to ban gas stoves, you are right wing fanatic. they will never do that. as it turns out, last weekend we get this headline from the "wall street journal," new york poised to ban gas stoves in new buildings as part of an all-electric mandate. so they are doing it right now state by state. >> harris: david, what happens? because it happens all the time from coast to coast and these big states and big cities, blue led. what happens when the grids can't take the pressure of all of this electrical add-on we are doing but we don't change our grids to use less fossil fuel and coal. >> add to that all the new electric cars that we will have because the mandates in places like california and new york. we will have rolling black-outs and brown-outs. we'll have more deaths as a result of people not being able
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to do anything. the food in their refrigerator will go bad. they will have heat strokes, etc. >> harris: the high-priced foods. >> nancy pelosi will probably have a separate generator to keep her ice cream cold. >> harris: so will joe biden. jenny's, they can give gifts if they want. >> jennifer granholm our energy secretary behind this no gas range push, she has a gas range at home. she had to admit it in front of congress. >> harris: the facts always bite you. we've seen the resistance all season long players and entire teams nixing nhl pride nights. the league is reconsidering them all together. the league is deciding to change the rules for thursday night football.
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you may think that's not a big deal. well, many claim it puts players' safety at risk. the commissioner is defending the move saying there is no data to back that up. we talk about that more in "focus" next. ♪ -that's it? -yeah. progressive's home quote explorer makes it easy to compare home insurance options. cool. what do we do now? we live. save time and money with progressive's home quote explorer. what you do afterwards is up to you.
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>> harris: a fox news alert here. russian security forces have arrested an american reporter for the "wall street journal." accusing him of spying on russia. authorities say they've detained 31-year-old evan gershkovitch in a city 100 miles outside of -- 1,000 miles outside of moscow and it's in a mountain range area. they accuse him of trying to obtain secret information for the united states. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot has details on them snatching up an american. greg. >> yes, disturbing and developing news about a colleague of ours, the reporter for our sister newspaper the "wall street journal" evan gershkovitch has been arrested in russia by the intelligence
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agency, the success or to the kgb and charged with spying. the kremlin said gershkovitch is suspected of espionage constituteing state secret of one of the enterprises of the russian military industrial complex. the journal knocked it down saying the "wall street journal" vehemently denies the allegations from the sfb and seeks the immediate release of our dedicated reporter evan gershkovitch. we stand in solidarity with evan and his family. he was arrested yesterday as you noted in the russian city of yekaterinburg east of moscow. he was snatched and he was in a closed hearing today in moscow and shuffleed off to prison. he has formally charged, pled not guilty and is in pre-trial
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detention until at least the end of may. this is obviously going to increase already high tensions ten the u.s. and russia. as moscow continues its war in ukraine. gershkovitch is the first american journalist to be arrested on espionage charges in russia since the cold war. he could face up to 20 years in jail. harris, through tough restrictions on journalists in russia right now. but so far the few remaining western and american reporters who are there have evaded crackdowns. the concern of a lot of people right now is that could be changing. state department is saying they are aware of the reports and waiting for more definitive word from them. >> harris: i would hope the state department would be aware of the reports, right? we are reporting. are they going to be able to get our person out? our american reporter. has there been any indication there might be a move like what they did for the wnba player
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britteny griner and make a prison swap or do something to get this reporter home? >> it is early days, harris. that is already being thought about. there are a lot of russians being held by america that moscow would love to have back. but there is always a blowback when you do these swaps. i think right now the attention of the u.s., the "wall street journal," and other organizations somehow get this guy free. i've read his reporting. it is solid. he had an article on tuesday in the "wall street journal" where he just uncovered the bad state of the russian economy right now. i have to believe just that got the folks in the kremlin fuming. might have been a reason why they decided to bring him in. he was telling too many facts. >> harris: we pray and hope he stays safe while our government figures out how to get him home.
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we have other people there, too. so we don't want to forget about former military there. there is a lot going on. the government hopefully here at home is working on getting our people home. leave none of them behind. greg, thank you. >> thank you. >> harris: you know you have hit a pothole of sorts when the most valuable player and latest quarterback to win the super bowl is sparring with the nfl commissioner. all over a proposed nfl rule change to would allow teams to play two thursday night football games in one season. the quick turn around from sunday to thursday has been a long-term issue. recovery time for players between the games is cut nearly in half. nfl players on social media called the new rule if it happens awful. a league that continuously says it is all about improving player safety continues to put the health of its players at risk. ridiculous. that sentiment is shared by other players and coaches.
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>> we play a very physical, hard game. you have the linemen in there banging and the runner banks and the linebackers. that can put players in harm's way. >> harris: patrick maholm from kansas city there summed up his feelings on the matter in a tweet with one thing. the face palm emoji. roger goodell argued there is no science to claim there is increased risk to players. >> we've always been looking at the data with respect to injuries and the impact on players. i think we have data that's very clear it doesn't show higher injury rate. but we recognize through the weeks, i hear from a lot of players directly, too. they love the ten days afterwards. in fact, they call it a mini
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buy. there is benefits on that side. >> harris: a former nfl sideline reporter and host of sideline sanity with a podcast. talk to me about how they put this rule in motion? is it worth the risk of having players where they sit out on something like this? >> well, you ask an interesting question how do they put this rule in motion? the tight end from the san francisco 49ers, a colorful and great player tweeted out something that said who voted for this? i didn't. he mentioned the nfl players association, the union on behalf of the players. i would not be surprised to see a challenge put forth by the players union about this. no matter with roger goodell hears them talking the mini buy, to put it on teams twice in a season is really -- it is unprecedented. for him to say there is no data that supports it would lead no no injuries, you don't have the data yet. no teams have had to do this
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yet. they don't know. intuitively i think we all know this is a really tight turn around. for people who say hey, it is their job, don't complain. you are making millions of dollars, do you want to see your favorite team lose a player because they weren't recovered fully and were put in a thursday game twice and go down with an injury? >> harris: the most popular teams will be done to do this. buccaneers and patriot and others who won super bowls. those would be chosen more readily. some players say they don't mind. this is not one. former defensive end for the houston texans and arizona cardinals j.j. watt also called out safety but then raised the issue of the fans quote, unquote, people spending hard-earned money to see their team play. who is paying to change their
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plans? what is your thought? >> that's an interesting point as well. if you decide that -- this is why the flex has not come into play yet. teams will know ahead of time whether or not they are playing on thursdays. so the flex plan has not come into play yet. they won't surprise anybody with this. if you go and want to see j.j. watt had been playing and he was your favorite player and couldn't play because he was injured that's like guys in the nba taking a break. i think one thing to note, you mentioned this. mathematically if this happens not all 32 teams are subject to this. only 29 teams last year, last season played on thursday night football. three did not. vikings, lions and giants did not. they got a little vacation. so if other teams are playing twice this year, mathematically it means not every team will be subject to this and that's not really fair. >> harris: talk to me about the money. i always think that has to be
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the bottom line. >> you always have to follow the money, right? this is a league that are committed to player safety but committed to making money for their owns. thursday night football the ratings dropped. match-ups were dogs. they want better match-ups on thursday night football to get people to stream. the only way to insure better match-ups to inshoe you are the sure -- insure the better teams play twice. >> harris: i was guessing but i guess i hit it on the head. big names pushing against things. tom brady didn't like something and he spoke up. it matters. nhl rethinking pride nights. this season players and teams decided not to participate multiple times. it all began with the philadelphia flyers player in january who refused to wear the team's pride jersey.
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since then at least six teams as a whole decided to get rid of the special sweaters all together. nhl commissioner said i think that's become more of a distraction now because the substance of what our teams and we have been doing and stand for is really being pushed to the side for what is a handful of players basically who have made personal decisions and you have to respect that as well, end quote. >> you do have to respect that. some of these we've noted are russian players with family back home and we know russia is capable of. you said that in the segment before me. these players may be chastised by home governments for wearing these kinds of jerseys. i don't think having a pride night requires player to wear jerseys. my guess is following the money when you put out additional jerseys they end up being for sale as well. you open a new sales.
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look, this is why teams have so many different jerseys now. it is merchandising? i don't think having a pride night in an arena requires that all your players must wear jerseys. freedom of speech goes two ways. you get to say what you want to say and not say what you don't want to say. by wearing these sweaters some of these guys or religious or political reasons back home and families at risk don't want to do this. gary betman needs to listen to that. >> harris: quickly, what's the pushback? who has the power in this situation, the team or the player? >> well, i this i the teams have the power but i think you cannot ignore an individual's rights to not wear the jersey if they don't choose to wear it. it has become a distraction. the distraction is not worth the wearing of the sweaters. >> harris: i have to cut it
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short. breaking news here. great to talk with you. show you this quickly. a group of protestors in the national capitol building wanting gun control. we'll bring you more on this as we get. we're covering the breaking news. as always we remember the hero police officers and the precious lives of people lost. the back drop in politics. "outnumbered" after the break. "outnumbered" after the break. with a lower payment newday home loan. that can save you hundreds of dollars every month. plus, this newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value so you can put even more cash in the bank during these uncertain times. next on behind the series... that run with the champ was magical. i mean the tender chicken, the peppercorn ranch...
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hold my wand. don't wave it at anything. get the best price by booking direct at mmm! yeah! what did i say!?! >> hello, everyone, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany here with harris faulkner and emily compagno. joining us is "fox news sunday" shannon bream and georgia congressman and host of doug collins podcast, doug collins. we begin with growing questions over why the biden deparstice a investigating the na


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