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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 27, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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new yorkers on wednesday and thursday night. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of hannity. greg gutfeld is next and he is going to put a smile on your face. have a great night. [applause] >> greg: happy thursday. is it all pretend or have they met little green men? it looks like mulder and scully were right. some nerd on my staff rode it so let's go with it.
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according to testimony we heard before congress yesterday, we are not alone. there are flying saucers. our planet is being visited by beings from another world and it is not just this freak. we call them ufos but the government calls them unidentified anomalous phenomenon, or uap, not to be confused with wap, or als. the star was a former intel officer. he made headlines last month's when he claimed they have been hiding debris and dead nonhuman pilots. they are likely in joe's garage next to joe's corvette. this time, he said it under oath
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and he is not a democrat. >> if you believe we have crashed craft, do we have pi pilots? were they human or nonhuman? >> nonhuman. >> so they are aliens, but they are dead. they probably killed themselves when they learned i was married. what does a biologic look like? we don't know. they are considered nonhuman. remember that creature, he was on earth a few years and then disappeared. i am pretty sure he is from the planet. here is what walter said on the show last week. >> i know the whistle-blower.
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he is a sincere guy. america may get its wish. they may see a congressional hearing and they out the existence of aliens and a blue beam comes into the room, vaporizes chuck schumer, et cetera. >> greg: he predicted a lot of that. is he right there? people are starting to act really weird. could they be responsible for this behavior? >> i love hot dogs. i love them with baked beans, i just like hot dogs. >> i am telling you right now that is not real.
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you if you can sit on this plane, i am not going to. >> good bipartisan cooperation and a string of -- >> is he okay? >> are you okay, mitch? do you want to say anything else to the press? >> greg: is that what he was talking about? why isn't this a bigger news story. a government official said we have alien bodies. that is the greatest story or the greatest hoax.
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we have sci-fi movies made about this moment and we are like, cool, let's watch barbie. if there is a chance it could be true, this is under oath. why is it the only thing anybody is talking about today? people flip out every time kim kardashian takes out her garbage. aliens are real but we are ignoring it. we finally got several ex-witnesses testifying in a hearing to the existence of ufos, the democrats and republicans take it seriously and everybody yawns like someone is showing them pictures of their ugly kids. maybe if we cared more or demanded more, we would get m more. have we become that board. what do we do after we hear about aliens? we go back to our phones.
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meanwhile, he claims people have been injured in efforts to cover up this technology. we call that the covid vaccine mandate. >> has anyone been murdered that you know of, or have heard of? >> i have to be careful how i answer that question. >> they are in our airspace but they are grossly underreported. >> are there common characteristics that have been cited by different pilots and can you describe what the convergence of descriptions is? >> we were seeing dark gray or black cubes in a clear sphere.
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the apex or the tips were touching the inside of the sphere. >> it is a circle full of black squares. [laughter] >> greg: sounds intriguing. how does it stay in air? it could be one of our trains. maybe it is the machine they used to lower joy behar into her pants. here is another ex-navy pilot when asked about his encounter. >> do you believe they pose a potential threat? >> yes. the technology we faced was far superior than anything we had and you could put that anywhere. if you captured one, you reversed engineered it, going to
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space, drop down in a matter of seconds, do what it wants and leave, there is nothing we can do about it. >> sounds like he is describing me at a starbucks bathroom. we cannot let flight technology fall into the wrong hands like the russians or spirit air. these guys served for decades and no one question their credibility. perhaps the government knows more than they have been letting on. if they cover up cocaine in the white house why wouldn't they hide extraterrestrials? allegedly this has been happening for decades without the public knowing. >> do you have reason to believe there are programs in the advanced tech space that are unsanctioned? >> i do.
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>> how does a program like that get funded? >> a misappropriation of funds. >> does that mean there is money in the budget set to go to a program but it doesn't and it goes to something else? >> yes. >> that seems like you need a follow-up question. should we be scared? sci-fi movies showed cities being destroyed by aliens. the dems are doing a better job than any green man could. if any beings are watching this now, here is my question, why the angle probes? more importantly, do you clean them afterward? >> he attacks culture like a rabid vulture. andrew doyle.
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like a hallmark movie, she was made-for-tv. casey. toads get high from licking her. cat. a cooling man asked him for tips on how to bust through walls. my sidekick. i feel like such a news man after doing all of those clips. it is easier than it looks. when you hear the stories, it is only like in america. is britain too boring? >> i am a bit jealous. i think -- why i don't believe you when you are talking about aliens, the wreckage that you have, why do they keep crashing?
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we are supposed to believe they have mastered interdimensional travel but they cannot park. have they only sent their women? >> i was just about to say that. >> donald trump one and 2016 by threatening to build a while to keep out mexicans. >> they might be here now and be invisible. have you dated an alien? >> probably. aren't we in a dome if you believe in aliens? we are already in one. i am dressed as i knew the aliens existed all along. i do believe in aliens. i am in the proper space. the powers that be were like, they want the epstein log. give them the aliens. >> there is the idea it might be
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a distraction but it looks like the republicans are into it. >> i wouldn't know. i don't participate in that garbage. you have been mistaken for a space alien because of a freakishly small body and a large head. >> i am so glad i came to work. what do you think? what you were saying earlier explains it. both sides are interested and that is why we don't talk about it more. there is no political advantage to talking about aliens. if we find out there are aliens, but if they found out they were woke, boom.
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>> that is the only issue. they don't know enough about the aliens to know how to politicize it. >> you know they are going to come down here, take over everything and act like they are oppressed. maybe they are libertarian and they don't want to let anyone know because they don't want to pay taxes. >> the moment they land, they are going to want to pay taxes. why does no one care? that is pretty compelling. >> if someone has to wait for the government to tell you there were aliens, you were already a. if you have been anywhere in a temple, you have seen a pyramid. you can tell by the designs, it
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was not 16 and a rock that built the pyramids. for 70,000 years we had a rock and stick and could not figure it out. >> the reason they drive back is because elon got rockets going, someone needs to swing by and make sure they can't get up here. remember the last time? the last time we went down th there? every bible, it is the same thing. the angels come down but you never hear about them going b back. we either ate them, fought them, or -- you know. so they left. we only find the dead ones because they would rather die. >> if we eat fellow earthlings, cows and pigs and ducks, what is
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to prevent us from eating? >> they are eating everybody. i am small, i have no bone density, i can't breathe this oxygen. we ruin the teacher, the teachers left and our technology is a dumber version of theirs. >> greg: if your skin is dark, are you avoiding a national park you can pay more but you can't get more. gold bond. champion your skin. my frequent heartburn had me taking antacid after antacid all day long but with prilosec otc just one pill a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours.
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for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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>> greg: if you are not white,
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should the outdoors because you fright? it is summer time and a lot of people are going outside to camp. nbc sees it as an opportunity to write another story about race. since when is the outdoors a safe space? you have all sorts of scary creatures. and who could forget the movie deliverance? my camp counselor lied when he said it was a date movie. apparently january 6, the
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pandemic, that led to the idea of camping and experiencing the outdoors, except there was a problem. one founder, people would go to camp grounds and there would be trump flags flying everywhere. god forbid those flags could attack you. i get the idea of getting out of the cities. it is not just black people looking for safe spaces. it is most of america. it is not trump supporter's murdering, beating, and robbing people. it is criminals. there are always other alternatives. i'm sure the democratic led cities will accommodate you. be careful. those things on the street are not pinecones. who do i go to first?
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>> probably an expert. charles isn't here, so you will have to go with me. >> went up i say it is funny. when you say it we go to the principal's office. first of all, news flash, when you go camping, you don't go to see people. nobody pitches a tent and puts a flag up unless you are playing capture the flag. you go out to be in the outdoors, the challenge of being in the outdoors. the animals are different. the deer look at you like what. the last thing you have to worry about is if you see another camper, you want to know, are
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you staying warm, do you have extra batteries and they are saying, i don't want to see you, either. you go out with your family to get away from it. >> do you camp? i feel like you might have camped as a child. >> i use to camp as a child. freedom is not free, thank you for camping for my freedom. i used to love to go. i am distracted. i was thinking about charles camping. what would he wear? the man does not have casual clothing. i already know, silk pajamas.
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>> i could not go to sleep in silk pajamas. >> you are not charles payne. he probably has a pocket square tube. >> are you av avoiding commenti? >> they want to break the stereotype of black people can go outside and then they say they already know everyone who has a trump flag would be the same type of person. we can all be better if all of us could stop seeing one thing about a person and deciding you know a bunch of stuff about how much you don't like that person or you know everything based off of one thing and all get along. >> aliens love to camp. >> that is why they don't stay. >> could in camping be a thing
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that unites rather than segregates? >> national parks were officially desegregated in 1945. why are we continuing the separation? i don't camp, i don't think about it. montana sounds lovely but that is not for me. if camping is white people stuff, i have lied on every government form i have filled out in my life. >> i have been to some campgrounds in england. it is very depressing. it is basically a park with a bench. >> the outdoors is racist. i find it disgusting. i hate that this happens. the only thing i think is maybe the right has got it wrong. black people find it difficult
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to be outdoors, maybe she was thinking of vampires. they did this in the u.k. we had a story about gay people can't go outdoors. we can. it is not like everybody needs a discotheque. it is people finding victimhood in everything. >> greg: are you homosexual? security! >> i will get my hat. it is a horrible thing. >> greg: a judge's smartphone addiction and a politician's lack of conviction.
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>> these are stories we probably did not read. a progressive texas congressman
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went on a first strike to support federal workers. the first strike lasted only eight hours. >> i did the same thing last night when i was asleep. why mock another person when i could be celebrated myself? >> he had this thing on his finger, to monitor his vitals. >> does he think he is the new mahatma gandhi? >> he is the gandhi of sweat. >> he is more efficient because gandhi spent years fighting the british empire. >> how did he get that finger thing? >> you had to buy them on ebay
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for $1,000. >> what does it tell you? >> the oxygen in your blood. my mom made me get one during covid. >> this reminds me when pri prince william was going over the coronation. you don't have to wear that to work. it is secondhand embarrassment. >> deeply humiliating. >> gregory didn't eat for a y year. muslims, ramadan, hunger strikes, because they care about something. there was the monk in vietnam who set himself on fire because the commitments of the beliefs
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were so powerful and strong. >> i will let you know why i am a hero. i may be 20 minutes a week. >> i was trying to get to my holy. i don't want to play anymore. >> this is very disturbing. in a video, you see a judge texting and scrolling on her phone during a murder trial. while people are giving testimony. >> what does it say? justice is supposed to be blind. >> and justice is blind.
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you don't need your eyes to h hear. >> we don't know what the research history was. you don't have a warrant or a subpoena. >> it looked like a shoe. >> she is texting somebody. >> that is a group text. i want to know what they are talking about. >> this guy is guilty. >> this is so boring. one of the victims kids is crying. grow up. she could sue me. >> it is something going on in her outside life. she needs to respond now or she never will again. >> she will have to put a statement out. it is just going to be a crying emoji.
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the thing we are missing, she was scrolling for hours. i want to know where she gets her battery life. >> this promotes my argument. >> robot judges don't have moods or hunger pains. they are not looking at instagram. you are a sports person. >> if she can text back when she is doing that, don't let a man tell you he is too busy. >> do we have time for this story? this will put us off the layers. dylan mulvaney is going on a college speaking tour and will charge up to 40 grand a speech. dylan is talking about female empowerment. this is literally mansplaining.
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>> is it? it is america. if you want to go pay to hear dylan talk. >> i thought dylan was afraid to leave her house. we reached out to budweiser, but everybody there is fired because of dylan. >> it isn't as crazy as when she did the tampon add. i will call you she. you don't have of regina. i would not take advice from you on that. if people want to pay for that, go ahead. i would love to be in power. >> for a little lady, dylan has big balls. >> you cannot help yourself.
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he will still owe budweiser $14 billion. you are the worst advertiser in the history of advertising. new coke is off the hook. >> at least he wasn't doing a talk on brand awareness. did he take a job from a biological woman? >> who is out there like, we need more dylan mulvaney? >> and the talks about female empowerment. nothing says female empowerment than doing a job that should have gone to a woman. deepfakes fake your brain. ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid.
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>> ai can create fake memories.
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in a new study, researchers were able to give people false memories by showing them deepfake clips of movie remakes that were never made. is this amazing? people remember things that did not exist. >> everything can be used for both. >> i feel like it is creepy how easy it is to convince something happened that did not happen. you could put adam sandler into every movie they haven't seen yet so they don't watch it. take him from happy gilmore and put that in "braveheart," replace the golf club with a sword. >> people are impressionable.
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>> i w was a woman online. >> does this interest you or scare you? >> scares me. i think i remember things a certain way. i thought i read an article about how the president's son had to go to court to fail -- for failing to pay taxes. maybe i have misremembered what went on there. makes you think things look differently, like logos. the spellings will be different, like froot loops.
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>> what are you talking about? >> a series of children's books. >> i want jack to fit on the door with rose. that would be a good deepfake. >> i wanted them both to die. my ideal ending was they are both there and these piranhas surround them and not quickly eat them, but slowly eat them. and no stuntmen. they have to be eaten. i am for reality. i don't like cgi. i don't have a question. >> i am just taking crazy pills. all they are saying is they will lie to you with pictures as opposed to lying like every
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fairy tale or legend is based on a lie or exaggeration and now, they put a fake thought of the movie in my head. your mom has been telling you that you are a favorite child, you are smart, you are good looking. the bad guy, the guy who cheated, he remembers she wasn't listening to them. >> every fight among spouses is remembered differently. >> this is not a skill. it is a waste of time and money. >> in relationships, you have cops have body cams? if you are married, you need a body cam. let's rewind. >> you could say, i'm sorry, i hurt your feelings. >> i would just like a fact and feeling check. >> you will be on tv and someone
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will claim you said something you did not and you can say, look at the clip, but they will not. trump would say there are fine people on both sides. people legitimately remembered it differently. i am all for surveillance. a surprise guest whose mug shots went viral but now she is on an upward spiral. y. ♪ stay off the freeways! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> the chaos queen is coming clean. we told you about the wonderful story of a kentucky woman whose mug shots from her arrests went viral. i think you can see a trend here. she seems like she is having a good time getting cuffed. she looks great. very happy. she is happy or getting arrested than i am watching cat cry. talk about overcoming adversity. she needs to go by the handle the queen of chaos 23. she says she has turned her life
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around and she is ready to share her story. how are you doing? >> i am doing great. >> are you easy going and just smile with everything or do you only smile when you are doing a mug shot? >> usually just the mug shots to make them mad. >> was that the strategy. that would upset the person taking the shot. >> my first mug shot, i started to smile and he said you needed to stop smiling and i just kept smiling and he took it. >> i don't even know where to go. or you on some kind of substance of the time? >> i was addicted to xanax
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during my college years. >> i don't know many people addicted to xanax. it is a downer. that doesn't make sense. you are smiling. i would think he would be on an upper. >> i don't know if you have been to kentucky, but most of the population is addicted to xanax. >> you are amazing. at your fourth or fifth arrest was there a point you realize, something is not going in the right direction? >> while i would be in jail, i would be like this is my last time going to jail and i would get out a week later and commit another crime. >> you are my favorite
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recidivists. weren't you ever scared in these jails? >> all of my jail visits were awesome because i was usually the youngest so they treated me like a newbie. they treated me like their kid. everyone took care of me. >> what got you to turn your life around? >> when i was bad on drugs, i started to look in the mirror and i didn't look like the same girl. what got me sober is how i was looking. i was looking terrible. that is what started my sob sobriety. >> how long have you been sober? >> january 18th, 2022. i stopped smoking weed about five or six months ago. i had to quit that for
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probation. >> you are the best. it is hard to get arrested when you are on pot. you don't break any laws, but it is interesting that xanax is what made you go crazy. i bet that is an underreported story. why did you choose -- were you collecting these mug shots? >> i wasn't collecting them. i have an album on my phone of all of them now. i don't even know who sent them in. but they sent them in and that is how i got my newfound fame. >> did you feel happy you were a hot mug shot? >> it did make me happy.
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i feel blessed to be on here. i was honored. >> you are one-of-a-kind. i'm going to ask you about your handle. chaos queen. you knew you were trouble. when did you decide to call yourself chaos queen? >> someone commented on my mug shot, they said i was the queen of chaos, a menace to society. >> are you working? are you in school? >> me and my boyfriend own our own general contracting business. i am a server, bartender, since i was 16. i love it. >> if they want to meet you, where can they meet you? >> i would disclose that information but i have so many
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stalkers, i don't know if that is a safe thing for me to do. >> a very smart. thank you. you are the queen of chaos. don't go away. we will be right back. and road-test evaluations... and the results are in. subaru is the 2023 best mainstream automotive brand, according to consumer reports. and subaru has seven consumer reports recommended models. outback, forester, solterra, crosstrek, ascent, impreza, and legacy. it's easy to love a brand you can trust. it's easy to love a subaru.
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>> fox news tonight is next. love you, america. [applause] >> good evening. this is america's late news. fox news at night. a wild scene breaking out at a street race in seattle. the crowd throwing objects, jumping on the hood of a squad car. an emotional hearing on capitol hill as a d transition are tells lawmakers her childhood was ruined because of gender affirming care.


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