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tv   Your World With Neil Cavuto  FOX News  August 14, 2023 1:00pm-2:01pm PDT

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i wonder if she was going to drink it or bring it home as a souvenir. this is my question. perhaps she can let us know. all right. thanks for being with us today on a monday. here we go. a whole week ahead. the story goes on. we'll see you tomorrow at 3:00. "your world" starts in a few seconds. thanks for being with us. i'll see you tomorrow. >> can you say with certainty that david weiss is going to unearth any connections between the president and his son's business dealings? >> i'll continue what i've said before. the president was not in business with his son. >> the white house taking its first questions since david weiss was named special counsel in the hunter biden investigation. karine jean-pierre said nothing has changed. we'll ask north carolina republican dan bishop more. welcome.
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i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. this is "your world." first to david spunt at the justice department with the very latest. david? >> karine jean-pierre answered question after question. she didn't say much but added a little more here. watch. >> i will say this. you've heard this from the president. he loves his son. and he is proud of him overcoming his addiction and how he's continuing to build his life. i don't have anything else to add to that. >> so today david weiss begins his first full week as special counsel, the same david weiss that saturday in a courtroom with hunter biden and prepared to enter a plea teal with him. the case will move toward trial in washington d.c. or california where hunter biden lives or possibly both. >> if the now special counsel decides not to go by the deal, it will money that he or they decided that something other
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than the facts and the law are coming in to play. >> hours ago, republicans released a transcript of an interview from july 17 with former fbi agent unnamed who claims that that planned interview with hunter biden in december of 2020 was sidelined after the fbi reached out to the secret service and transition team. the interview was supposed to take place weeks after the election. it never happened. the agent described the situation as unusual. he was asked a question and in your career of 20 years, have you ever been told that you had to wait outside of a target's home until they contacted you? the answer no, not that i recall. there's been times that we waited for something else to happen but not from the point of view the target of the subject of the investigation. also asked if the change was based on political considerations, the agent responded "i couldn't answer that. i don't know why the change or why we were instructed of the
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changes." this whistle-blower or this fbi agent i should call him, former fbi agent is unnamed at this point. whether or not david weiss will testify, he was supposed to the end of september, possibly early october, things have changed now that he's been elevated to special counsel. charles? >> thanks. so what does my next guest maybe of the justice department legal maneuvering. i want to bring in dan bishop. he's also a member of the house judiciary committee. representative, you know, in many ways, you have to say okay, maybe a brilliant move on the part of democrats. republicans screamed for a special counsel. you got one. now what are you complaining about? >> wow. the order of operations means everything, charles. it's not that they appointed a special counsel months ago or even 1 1/2 years ago when it made sense to do it, they have done it only after whistle-blowers appeared and laid on the record facts that
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stunningly indicated that the justice department has played a part in protecting hunter biden. and that's inexplicable. this appears to be the latest maneuver to continue the protection scheme. so we have a situation where we expected to have weiss testifying before the judiciary committee in short order. that had been promised. so suddenly now after representing that he didn't need that authority but changing his story three or four times, thaw now have had this appointment of somebody in the justice department, also contrary to the regulations. the regulations contemplate someone outside the justice department taking these positions. it's not unprecedented. it indication that they're stone walling. >> they're stone walling and republicans will have to figure out which fight to fight. if you go after all of these
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issues, you may help them run out the clock. what is your plan? you still call weiss, i suppose and do you expect him to be forthright and still testify to the same degree? >> you know, charles, i don't have really expectations. we should pursue his testimony with a subpoena with enforcement by contempt resolution if necessary. i'll tell you, charles, the front and center for me is this latest indictment by the doj of trump for speaking his mind in ways that were not approved by official communications. that is the most egregious attack on the first amendment that we've witnessed in my lifetime. so i think that's the biggest thing. i've said before and i'll continue to say, congress should defund that effort. >> it's interesting. politically these things are working in favor of the republicans. to your point, because of the testimony, the whistle-blowers and everything else, something that the media was to say hey, it's a fringe issue.
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everyone understands it's a real issue. it was intriguing that karine jean-pierre went down the path of concerned dad, addiction. that's what we can see sort of circling the wagons around hunter and his behavior and the an ticks that he created. connecting his actions with that of his father, joe biden, i would u.s. respect the committee will still bring in the bookkeeper and other folks? >> look, i think we should -- it's been my view that we ought to have a staff as big as the january 6th committee and sceneding subpoenas to everybody in the picture: we need to get to the bottom of it. the oversight committee is changing bank records and larger amounts of flowing through the biden family from powers abroad. the focal point is to make sure the american people understand that that indictment is a direct attacks on the first amendment in a way that has never been
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seen in history before. >> a lot of things have happened, first time for sure. representative bishop, thanks. i want to go to georgia where former president donald trump could be facing his fourth indictment. jonathan serrie is in atlanta. what are you learning there, jonathan? >> yeah, moments ago, we saw one of the witnesses walk up the courthouse steps behind me. he's a journalist that shortly after the 2020 election walked in on a meeting of alternate republican electors that had tried to certify georgia's election in favor of then president donald trump. even though he had narrowly been defeated by joe biden. initially he was scheduled to testify on tuesday, but this afternoon on social media, he posted change of plans. i'm going to court today. they're moving faster than they thought. today the grand jury heard from two former democratic state lawmakers including former senator gen jerdan that
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adidn'ted a post election hearing with mr. trump's attorney. in that meeting, rudy guliani tried to convince legislators to overturn the election based on discredited allegations of improper vote counting in fulton county. district attorney foni willis launched her investigation after a leaked phone call in which president trump asked brad raffensperger to find enough votes to overturn his election loss in the state. analysts believe willis will leverage georgia's broad racketeering laws against the former president and his associates as she has in other cases involving multiple players. >> d.a.foni willis because she became the top prosecutor, schell well-known for bringing racketeering charges for an alleged test cheating scandal.
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>> on social media, mr. trump posted how can they charge me in georgia? the phone call was perfect. witch hunt. another witness, a former lieutenant governor, jeff duncan, a republican, he was scheduled to testify on tuesday. he too has been told to report to the courthouse today. thanks, charles. >> another smash and grab job by a mob in california caught on video. why are these incidents piling up? and new numbers showing americans are spending an extra $700 a month on goods and services than they did two years ago. republicans say it will be president joe biden paying the price. what is your plan to counter this if you're elected? >> stop spending money we don't have. buying things we cannot afford and pressing a world that is the not impressed.
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>> two things, charles. president biden has led us down the wrong trail. it's because of president biden's inflation. he printed trillions of dollars, solving a problem that was solved before he took office. 52 consecutive paychecks losing, spending power. that is devastating. i will restore confidence in our economy by trusting the american people with their money, which means reducing taxes, not increasing taxes. it means focusing on the working class families in our nation. like the single mother that raised me. she needs her resources. >> charles: republican presidential candidate tim scott is set to visit iowa tomorrow with the first gop debate on fox now just nine days away, he's not the only one taking president biden on over the economy. to fox's alexis mcadams with the latest in des moines.
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alexis? >> that's right. tim scott not the only one talking about the economy and how people's pocket books are doing. presidential hopefuls on the ground in des moines at the packed iowa state fair. one of the main topics was all about money. listen. >> what are they telling you they care about? >> they want to see bidenomics reversed. it's clearly middle class people are having a more difficult time getting ahead. we'll do that. we'll have full energy independence. >> trump was also on the ground at the iowa state fair. only there a short time but did he create quite the buzz. we saw vivek ramaswamy, mike pence and nikki haley also working the crowds, too, talking to voters ahead of the fox news debate. >> it's great to see average americans. what they feel more than anything is the economy. they talk about how expensive things are. they feel like they're not
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heard. >> that's what voters that we talked to on the ground are saying. they think the country is heading in the wrong direction and spending more on the basics than ever before especially here in iowa. we're told tim scott will be here tomorrow. we're hoping to catch up with him one-on-one as well as asa hutchison. back to you. >> charles: meanwhile, the president will be in wisconsin tomorrow doubting the inflation reduction act signed in to law a year ago this wednesday. but about that reduction part, moody's saying americans are spending $709 more a month on everyday goods and services than they did two years ago. add that to the president's low approval rating on the economy and what does it add up to for the 2024 race? i want to get the read from danielle litman and crystal knight. dan, let's start with you. a lot of times when president biden talks about things and he's touting his record, it's so weird in the sense that it goes completely against what the vast majority of americans feel.
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you've got to wonder if it's adding insult to injury. >> i think biden feels like they've done everything that they can to try to bring down inflation. they haven't done more stimulus packages and the rate has gone down significantly to, you know, much lower single digits and they're happy that the election is in november of next year. so they have a year plus to tell the american people hey, the worst is behind us. we're trying to address the remaining inflation and look what we've passed. we passed climate change funding, we passed chips act funding to get people to get employed in semi conductor plants. we dealt with infrastructure, roads and bridges. so they're trying to say give us more time. we'll turn the corner. >> charles: the problem is americans know now that all of the american sparked the biggest inflation we had in four years. all of that spending on construction has not yielded any
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manufacturing jobs. not sure if you saw the lost jobs report. we're losing construction jobs. my thing is again, you can tout things, but it's not happening on the ground. it's not really working in real life where people are paying more money for the same stuff. more money doesn't help me if my grocery bill goes up. >> you're right, charles. more money doesn't mean higher spending or higher inflation. what it does mean is that people, you know, are experiencing higher rates when they're going to get their basic goods and services. this is something that we talked about on saturday. it goes back to the messaging that this administration is doing not only in the various states across the country but nationally around what the economy -- how its grown and how its affecting each voter day by day. that is something that they have to hone in on. >> charles: yeah, messages is one thing. real life is something different. when you do things that triggers inflation that is seen once in a
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generation, wall street economists thought we would never have inflation that high to brag that it's halfway down from where it was, it's still sky high. let's talk about this. ron desantis was in iowa playing bumper cars with his family. how much more of this does he need to maybe perhaps to get a bump in the polls, dan? >> he needs to show he's a real guy, he can hang out with the american people, he can listen to what they want out of a. and he needs to subtly criticize trump without antagonizing trump's voters. he needs to flip a lot of them. he's not shown that evidence yet. his personality doesn't have a lot of winning traits to get people to his side. a big story in "the washington post" about how there's all of these florida congressmen and aides that say hey, we were
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coerced in to endorsing desantis. >> charles: it's been tough. crystal, who do the democrats prefer? would they like to go against desantis or former president trump? >> they would like to go against former president trump. we know what he's capable of. he's a tested candidate. we don't know about ron desantis. while he may enjoy popular support in his home state, even with unpopular policies, we don't know if he would enjoy this popular support across the country. we know what we can hit former president trump on. he has these three indictments, a fourth that is looming in georgia. so we already have the message and the testing around former president trump. i believe that more democrats would prefer to see a trump rematch between him and biden. >> charles: i don't know. the indictments seem to be helping him. switch gears. dean philips ramping up calls for president biden to step aside. maybe another current governor
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try for the nomination. crystal, there's more rumblings like that. everybody is trying to hold the team together. there's some governors out there looking their chops. >> absolutely. we're going to continue to see calls for president biden to step down and for other folks to get in to the race. ultimately we already know that president biden will become the nominee. he's the president. it's unfathomable to think there's another candidate that would step up and represent the democrats in a 2024 election. people may continue to make these calls and encourage other folks to get in. many folks will not. >> charles: dan? >> i think democrats want to avoid a messy primary. it's hard to give up the trappings of power when you have a grand mansion washington d.c. air force one, marine one, 1,000 people working for you. it's going to be hard to tell any president, hey, you should retire when your own vice president is pretty unpopular. democrats are not clamoring for
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kamala harris these days. >> charles: they're probably telling newsome what you just told me. hold on, cowboy. hold on, cowboy. dan, crystal, thanks very much. florida republicans urging the white house to separate ukraine funding over there from disaster relief that is so sorry needed here. does jared moscowicz agree? william la jeunesse is in maui where the recovery efforts are ongoing. william? >> the search for victims here continues as maui tries to continue from the deadliest wild fire in more than a century. details coming up.
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♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> charles: shocking new video shows another mash and grab job by a mob in california. why does this keep happen something the death toll in hawaii climbing. what officials are say about recovery efforts. we're back in 60 seconds.
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>> charles: to the hawaii wild fires. 96 people killed. the death toll is likely to rise. william la jeunesse is in maui with the latest. william? >> charles, they brought in more cadaver dogs. they're looking at a five square mile area where they're trying to sift through the remains of all of these homes. 2,700 structures. they're trying to speed it up. i'll try to several you there's several fires that did burn in maui. the one i'm at is in up country. they lost a dozen homes here. the focus is down near the beach. basically the town no longer exists. the number 1 challenge is housing. they have 5,000 individuals that need somewhere to live. >> right over there, i was born and raised here. i was planning on raising my
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3-year-old daughter there. >> lahaina was a small nice place. >> the state has secured 500 hotel rooms. two major resources just up from lahaina has shut down because there's no access there. it's not that there's more rooms available. they're trying to take the vacation rentals, people are making hundreds of dollars a night and turn them in to long-time housing. another challenge is getting through the rubble, getting and finding out about 1,000 individuals that remain unaccounted for. they're trying to reduce the number by contacting the individuals or hopefully finding their remains. police are asking for dna swabs because of the difficulty of identifying human remains. >> the remains we're finding is through a fire that melted
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metal. we have to do rapid dna. >> so local distribution centers are filled with clothing and food. they're using boats and caravans up until yesterday to deliver that aid. they have now instituted a road block and placards to even enter that area. i can also tell you, charles a lot of second guessing going on. not only why did the power companies not turn off electricity when power poles went down and also why did the state not act investigate their state of the art early warning system that could have been activated to let people know of advancing flames. a lawsuit has been filed. the company that won a $13 billion lawsuit against pg&e in northern california is here and help file that lawsuit on behalf of victims. back to you. >> charles: hawaiian electric stock was down huge. thanks, william in maui.
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viewers would like to help those impacted by the hawaii wild fires, you can go to florida senator marco rubio calling on congress to swiftly pass disaster relief funding and considering military aid for ukraine separately. my next guest is calling for the disaster fund to be replenished. jared moskowitz is with he now. $44 billion earmarked for ukraine and $12 for disaster relief. the numbers have to change. should we carve out this disaster relief particularly as americans in maui are suffering? >> first, thanks for having me and thanks for talking about this issue. it's so important. senator rubio and i filed this
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legislation, him in the senate, me in the house to replenish the disaster relief fund. the biden administration has proposed funding to the same levels that we asked for with other items as well including ukraine. i support the biden package, but to be clear, for some reason we can't pass that, i agree with the senator. we should separate out the disaster relief fund aid. i believed that should be a bipartisan issue and shouldn't be tied to other things, if necessary. so i don't want to get that hold up among the politics of the other issues. >> charles: who would hold this up right now? the images, the numbers, the toll, the humanity. feels -- where would the pressure come from not to expediate this? >> i filed the funding for it. neither bills are moving in neither chamber.
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listen, i totally agree with you. we should be funding fema. fema helps people in their time of need. helps people in these disastrous situations. whats going on in hawaii now. the worst fire event in over 100 years. we haven't seen anything like this. an entire town has been burnt to the ground. this is when government has to work. this is when both parties have to come together to help people. so i'm willing to obviously separate it out, if necessary. but i'd like to see this done as swift as possible. fema needs to have all the resources that it needs to make sure the response is not recovered. >> charles: congressman, i want to ask you about the special counsel appointment for the hunter biden case. >> look, you know, i've been consistent on this. if hunter has done something beyond the tax and gunnish european, those facts need to come forward. he needs to be held to account.
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nobody is above the lay. democrats are saying that 20 donald trump. we need to be consistent on that with hunter biden, which is why we're not saying the appointment of the special counsel. 30 plus senators, lindsey graham, ted cruz and more. david weiss has proven that he's a good prosecutor. if hunter has done something wrong, he needs to be held to account. >> charles: although there's some legitimate questions about david weiss. we have to leave it there. thanks very much. it's an admirable thing that you're trying to do with fema. and billions for iran for five americans. that deal is in the works. why it's fuelling fears from our closest allies in the middle east. a mob ransacking a high end retailer in california. is a crackdown ever going to come in we'll be back.
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>> charles: the biden administration facing backlash over the plan to iran deal. jennifer griffin has the latest from the pentagon. jennifer? >> hi, charles. the biden administration has given a green light for south cree to unfree $6 billion of iranian assets that were frozen under sanctions in exchange for five americans that were held as pawns by tehran. essentially hostages of the iranian government. we've been following the stories of these five americans for more than six years. some were nabbed by the regime while visiting family in iran. the deal to get these americans home includes releasing some iranians held in the u.s. for breaking sanctions. a former army ranger that worked under the trump administration
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conducting hostage negotiations for the state department and had success of getting release of americans light brittney griner, some republicans are saying after they releases, there will be more hostage taking. any money that is in the hands of the ayatollahs could be used for iran's nuclear program. israel's position is known according to which a rangements that do not dismantle iran i nuclear structure will not stop their nuclear program and will only provide it with funds that will go to terrorist elements sponsored by iran. the top democrat on the house armed services committee pushed back. >> those other countries under the trump administration have already given iran that money with no strings attached under a
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special payment system that was set up under the trump administration. >> in other words, iran would get the money from south korea anyway, so the negotiators at the state department are trying to get americans home in return. among the americans slated for release, a 51-year-old arrested on a business trip to iran. another man arrested while traveling to iran in 2018 and an environmental activist arrested in 2018. two americans families that chose to keep their families secret. they've have been released to house arrest and south korea would have to transfer the money to qatar, which has been a mediator in the talks. the five americans have been released to house arrest in tehran while final details are being worked out. charles? >> charles: jennifer griffin at the pentagon. thank you. now to the white house and what the administration is saying on this. fox news' jacqui heinrich has
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the very latest from today's briefing. jacqui? >> the white house is maintaining this is not a ransom payment. they're pointing out there's no u.s. taxpayer dollars involved here. that's not how critics of this administration see it. mike pence called it the largest ransom payment in american history. >> president biden made a payment hoff $6 billion to iran. they intend to use the resources for whatever they want. we know what they use the money for. it's to support malign influences across the region, support terrorism around the world. >> that concern was echoed by the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu as jennifer griffin just mentioned. the israelis said any deal with i ran that doesn't put a halt to their nuclear program will fund terrorist activity by that state. the white house denied that the move has anything to to with their efforts to deter iran from
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acquiring a nuclear weapon. >> will it harm the u.s.-israel relationship at this time? >> this is about bringing home u.s. citizens. that's what this is about. it's not about anything else. >> now, the intelligence committee chairman mike turner said over the weekend that iran is now a couple weeks away from having enough enriched uranium that it could result in iran producing a weapon. preventing that from happening has been israel's singular goal. today the white house would not say whether this deal at all impacts the relationship between the u.s. and israel as they try to prevent that from happening. the israelis refuse to comment. so that's where we're standing right now, charles. >> charles: jacqui, stay drive. it just started coming down. we've showed you images of
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cartel members crossing in to the united states with guns. some may have been arrested but the problem is not going away. right, bill melugin? >> charles, good afternoon. two of the cartel members we can confirm have been arrested crossing illegally about 45 minutes away from where i am right now and bringing weapons across the border. coming up after the break, we'll have the photos from that bust, which included the help of a texas k-9. we'll be right back. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he's a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog's food from kibble to the farmer's dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there's no magic involved. (dog bark) it's simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need— instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog.
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>> charles: the texas department of public safety say they have arrested two mexican cartel members. bill melugin is in texas with the latest. bill? >> charles, good afternoon to you. this is a major update to a story that we first brought to you last week. this happened last saturday. photos of three armed cartel gunmen crossing the border illegally in texas in the rio grande valley. texas dps now confirming to fox two of the gunmen have been arrested after they were caught crossing illegally with weapons again. let's go to these new photos
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courtesy of law enforcement. showing the two mexican nationals in custody. both guys are confirmed members of a cartel, the northeast cartel. this was a joint op between texas dps and the federal government. you can see they had six magazines of ammo with them including one mag with military grade green tipped ammo for extra armor penetration. they found two rifles discarded in the nearby river, with the help of a texas game warden k-9. one was an ak-47 and the other was an m-4. both guns were loaded. one had a round in the chamber already. texas dps hailing these arrests showing importance between the state of texas and the federal government working together. they released a statement that says there's no greater public safety and national security threat than the mexican drug cartel. this join effort highlights the importance of collaborating with
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local, county, state and federal agencies for one common goal. keeping our state and country safe. back out here live, the reason texas dps is saying that is because last week joaquin castro called on the biden administration to have border patrol end all cooperation with texas dps here at the border because congressman castro isn't happy with governor abbott and his operation lone star with the razor wire and the buoys deployed. governor abbott says if you don't have the troopers helping out cartels like that won't get caught. back to you. >> charles: they'll have a field day. thanks. let's get to kenny county texas sheriff. every time i hear about you, you talk about two things. protecting the constitution and protecting people. how are you going to protect people when there's magazines with armor piercing ammo, rounds in the chamber. how can you protect your
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citizens? >> what we need to co is make sure that we cooperate, we talked to dps, we talked to border patrol, customs. every law enforcement agency and get this type of information first hand, not two, three, five day later. we need to know when it happened, how it happened so we can better prepare ourselves and try to come up with a game plan. >> charles: what would the game plan be? >> of course, my guyses are armed. we have bulletproof vests, in force and we need to be more observant and talk to border patrol and get them get that conversation going. that way we the move south and try to intercept also. >> charles: how critical is it that you pain taken these relationships with all law enforcement? you stress the urgency factor of getting this information out. joaquin castro would like to self that.
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>> he's not sitting in my seat. he's looking out for his own personal interests. >> charles: i would hope his interests are the same as other texans. >> i would hope so, also. but i'm here on the very front line. i have to stand up and tell my constituents, the people in my county what is going on and where we're seeing it and how we're seeing it. i try to keep an open dialogue with the people of kinney county and other law enforcement. but it's people like mr. castro trying to put an end to this. it's just going to hurt us more. >> charles: i have less than 30 seconds. how is it going so far? the images are getting more frightening by the day. >> yeah, they are. more and more frightening by the day, which goes to show us that the cartels are in charge of this. they have access to come back and forth across, they are established in every city. they have ties to italy, france, spain, portugal. they are a worldwide
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organization now. >> charles: a multibillion dollar organization. thanks for your service. we'll catch up soon. >> thank you, sir. >> charles: we're trying to reach congressman castro. out to california. to john han hunt on what's being down to track down the suspects. jonathan? >> the los angeles police department says they're investigating and will bring all of the robbers to justice. we'll tell you how many have been arrested so far after the break. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief
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>> a flash mob of thieves hit a los angeles nordstrom's store stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars of merchandise. >> charles this latest incident happened after 4 p.m. saturday broad daylight at high end store at high end mall about 30 miles northwest of downtown l.a. police say about 50 were involved in the robbery that was organized and planned the mob dressed in black forced their way into the topanga mall taking
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up to $100,000 worth of goods. it's the latest of smash-and-grab robberies, a store in glendale was hit on august 8 with about $300,000 and august 1st gucci at westfield city mall near beverly hills. >> what has occurred is unacceptable and those that are committing these crimes will be held accountable. >> that's the l.a. county district attorney, george g gascone promising just advertise but officers have not yet made a single arrest we are aware of. >> thanks jonathan so are the soft on crime policies to blame?
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i bring in former lapd lieutenant saying they'll be brought to justice is not a laughing matter. this guy promises you the world and hands you a map. he can make all the promises he wants. he's a big part of the problem. he's handcuffing the police and they can't do anything about this and look at the figures, about a hundred thousand, 300 thousand dollars, it's ridiculous that we have to go through this extent and wait for the stores to ramp up their security and start locking everything up. meantime, who is paying for? everyone is paying for this because the stores are going to pass costs to the consumer. >> it would be on the money the society when you see this rampant lawlessness it just can't be good for society.
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if i'm watching this as a kid and say can i go down to nordstrom's and snatch stuff and no one is going to stop me what's the message? it feels like those folks in charge are seducing kids into doing this stuff. >> absolutely and you're right charles what they're doing is enticing them actually telling them go ahead and do it because this criminal justice system across this country is geared for the criminal not anybody else. it's not geared for the law abiding citizens. it's geared for the criminals because they come out and commit the same crimes over and over and some of them are serious felons. in new york city the reinvolving door of justice is turning the police are handcuffed and the focus is not on the right people. i don't know what it's going to take for people in california seattle new york chicago to understand your elected officials are doing nothing.
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d.a.'s like bragg in new york city no good for the city and they're not good and they're doing the wrong job. nobody holds them accountable. >> those kids don't realize the road they're going down. joe appreciate your knowledge and wisdom. neil is back tomorrow but you can catch me every day 2 p.m. fox business and you want to catch me see if you made money. here's "the five." >> i'm dana perino with judge pirro brian and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." democrats in the media doing damage control for hunter biden after his sweetheart plea deem unravels and special counsel named. first overseas business dealings getting another look by delaware u.s. attorney david weiss, the
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never endingeg


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