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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  August 15, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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lifetime. this is a key election so we can reverse the decline of this country and give us a new birth of freedom. >> now it's time to restore it. governor, great to see you. thank you so much. i want to thank all of you for watching. remember it is america now and forever. peat is in for watters and is next. welcome to a special edition of "jesse watters primetime". i am pete hegseth filling in for jesse on this tuesday. we begin in georgia where last night so-called justice was weaponize against a former president. >> a fulton county grand jury returned a true bill of indictment charging 19 individuals with violations of georgia law arising from a
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criminal conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in this state. the indictment brings felony charges against donald john trump. >> it was so important we had to wait until midnight. among the 19 included in the indictment is trump ozzie for me former attorney rudy giuliani and former chief of staff mark meadows. trump is facing 13 counts in georgia now bringing his grand total, look at that number, to 91 criminal charges across four indictments. never in american history has there been one. they have now brought 90 plus 1. 91 against there most feared political opponent. the former president has been charged with the racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations act which is what prosecutors used to go after gangsters and mob bosses.
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it carries with it a 20 year penalty. we know the left will not stop until they put them behind bars. >> the grand jury issued arrest warrants for those who are charged. i am giving the defendants the opportunity to voluntarily surrender no later than noon on friday the 25th day of august. >> they want to do arrests, but i showed such restraint, so measured of me. trump's legal team responded this morning. >> we know there were issues and fulton county. right? we know. it is not a question. there was election issues and the integrity of our election is in question at this very moment. when he says i want to look into it, i don't trust it. we need to look into it. that's his obligation as a president. >> fulton county da fanny willis is looking to get this case before a jury in less than six
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months. real fast. what comes next for trump? why is he being charge like a mafia kingpin? let's ask former federal prosecutor rhett tolman. thanks for being here. i have been waiting to hear from you and get you to sound off on this as a prosecutor. what do you make of this prosecution, this case right here, and how it compares to the others that donald trump now faces? >> pete, thanks for having me on. nice to see you again. i will tell you that my assessment of this case is a frankenstein that mary shelley would have been repulsed by. it needs to be displayed. it needs to be torn apart and the creator needs to be run out of office. i don't say that lightly. you are using a rico statute that is aimed at organizations that conduct themselves purely for corrupt reasons and engaging in criminal behavior and conduct
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that we are trying to root out under the guise of some legal business. that is what rico is all about. i have brought those cases. my last rico case was against a very complex gang operating as a virtual cartel. this is the best or does asian of a statute that we put into place to root out very complex corrupt organizations. someone like fanny willis is using it for political reasons. i look like every overt act that they alleged and to me, it is a shame that somebody with a legal degree is trying to analyze a lawful election challenge under the lens of criminal law. >> you are treating a campaign like a cartel. you mentioned these overt ax that are listed. i had a chance to look over most of the 98 pages.
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it's amazing. tweeting about what is on tv or calling your house or state representative. watching a georgia hearing. can you send me a phone number. that is all followed by an overt action of furtherance of the conspiracy. the trump team believed the election in georgia was wrongly decided. we are seeking evidence. every one of those actions are stacked. adding those on does that help the case or heard it? they are just loading it up. you mentioned frankenstein. there trying to make frankenstein look beautiful, i guess? >> make no mistake. what they are used to do when they charge a conspiracy, they are use to outlining conduct that shows the objective of the conspiracy is being carried out by co-conspirators every day. that is why you have often in a conspiracy charge you have somebody that drove a vehicle that contained methamphetamine in the back and drove it to a different location and then gave
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it from point a code to point "b" and gave it to an individuals that distributed. that is your rico charge were you are alleging overt ax. here they have confused, because they are not operating with a true criminal enterprise, they are trained to list all of the behavior of lawyers and a client trying to use the legal system to object to and like an election. they are making the mundane actions day in and day out actions of a legal challenge the components of a compares a. that is scaring you, me and the american public that we will start doing this day in and day out. >> it scares me. real quick, does it stick in court? can it hold up? >> i think there is a lot of maneuverability in georgia on this case. i know a jury will probably convict president trump, but there is a lot of maneuverability. what i mean that, motions have
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been filed and elements have to be met by the prosecution. i don't think they really care. i think they just wanted this day to be in front of the cameras, to be able to say they have indicted him. a 98 page indictment looks imposing. but look, whipped cream on manure is still manure, pizza. >> yeah. they wanted the alvin bragg moment and they got it. you prosecuted these and broke it down for us. thank you for your insight. we appreciate it. >> donald trump, a former president and current front runner who has never been arrested before in his life is facing 91 felony charges. that is 700 years in prison. even moses would not make it out alive. 700 years for daring to contest the 2020 election. having some documents at his home and filling out a business ledger in new york. these charges were crafted to completely disable trump.
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the rico charge we just talked about in georgia, were it to stick, is unpardonable because it is a state charge. look who crawled out of chappaqua to celebrate. >> madam secretary, fancy meeting you here. i cannot believe this. this is not the circumstances in which i expected to be talking to you. >> nor me, rachel. it's always good to talk to you, but honestly, i didn't think that it would be under these circumstances. yet another set of indictments. >> hillary was sitting in the msnbc green room all night waiting for her one shining moment. you see, trump destroyed the clinton dynasty, rearranged the republican party party and changed american politics forever. he is the first candidate and president to call out endless foreign wars to end and cheap illegal immigration that big business secretly wants and take on the d.c. bureaucratic deep state.
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because he doesn't owe them anything. and they don't control him. and because of that fact, they are all about control. they have been trashing him since 2015. >> he needs to be medicated and hospitalized. at this point he is just going to kill all of us. >> we can say his words have absolutely emboldened white supremacist. >> he has given oxygen to a racist. he is clearly trying to ignite a civil war in this country. >> he said today america first. it's not just a racial, the hill area and background. >> the russians offered help and the campaign accepted help. the russians gave help and the president made full use of that help. >> this was day after day and night after night. you remember it. first they slandered him and then they framed him. then they impeached him twice. now they arrest him four times. why not upped the ante? biden called this shot last year before any of the indictments
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had officially dropped. >> we just have to demonstrate that he will not take power. if he does run, making sure under legitimate efforts of our constitution, does not become the next president again. >> he will not take power. i repeat, don't let trump have a second term by any means necessary. joe biden, the democrats, and frankly the washington you know party know what will happen if trump gets back into office. trump isn't going to play politics. he will fight even harder. smoking out every corrupt anti- american swamp creature in d.c. and that starts with the bidens as he said today. that's exactly why all of these indictments are happening now. make trump look like a criminal, then next year in 2024, trapped the leading republican in court,
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drain his resources. the da in georgia says this trial will start in six months. he's got the new york case, the d.c. case, the florida case and a civil case all in an election year. here is the strategy. protect basement biden and his fair policies by arresting trump, your political opponent. got to ask, would any of this be happening if trump decided not to run? it's just that he is a threat. trump is crushing the gop field and is tied with biden in the polls, which means trump is winning. we know how polls work. the indictments did not deaden trump's base the way biden thought. it only helped him. people are smart. they see exactly what is happening. maybe voters don't think the former america first president deserves to die in jail. maybe they think 700 years is a little excessive for a political opponent.
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or maybe they are old enough to remember all the other elections where democrats said the election, stolen. >> we are talking russian interference. that is what i am scared about. i am thinking an illegitimate president that didn't really win. how do you fight that in 2020? >> you are absolutely right. >> the trump that actually wins, lost the election and was put into office because of russia's interference. >> you can run the best can pain and even become the nominee. and you can have the election stolen from you. >> i believe he knows he is an illegitimate president. >> those are all three years after trump won. he tried after to figure out where the votes were, if it was right. they are worried about it three years later. it is only illegal if you are trump. this is why it is so important. anyone who supports him, because while they are doing this to
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trump right now, if it works, they will come for his supporters next. just wait. charlie hurt is a fox news contributor and a great guy to talk about this. charlie, that feels like the stakes to me. tie him up in court, target your political opponent. they are operation warp speed on this. >> you are exactly right about this. this is the insurance policy that we first heard about from six years ago with the fbi. this is just the seventh or eighth writer on that insurance policy. they have been doing it since before donald trump got elected. they started back in 2016, 2015 with the use of the obama administration using our intelligence services to spy on our political opponent at the height of a campaign. it is all about politics. you are exactly right. most people see through it. i think democrats are dangerously overstating how much
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a lot of independents who don't particularly like trump and maybe voted for biden last time. democrats think those people hate donald trump. they don't hate him. they look back and say i was a lot better off under that guy. those people will turn. i think democrats don't want to realize that and are probably too invested in there corrupt operation to even care what those people want or think. the best example of this is fani willis herself. she got elected in 2021. her first goal was to begin investigating donald trump, which she did. i think it's really interesting during that year her county saw over 200 homicides, over 250 in her county. fulton county is the most violent, dangerous county in the state of georgia.
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and this was her priority. this is what she has spent her time doing. why did she announce it now? she could have announced her charges two and a half years ago. the reason she announced it now is because just this month she announced her reelection bid to. this is all politics as you pointed out. i think it will backfire in a very bad way for democrats. >> i think it really could. charlie hurt, as no one can, one shot you nailed it. good to see you. coming up, homeless vagrants, fentanyl and nancy pelosi. what a mix. ) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good. #1 isn't a status earned overnight. it's earned in every wash, and re-earned every day.
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welcome back.
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lahaina residents are rummaging through the rubble hoping to find anything that survived the now deadliest u.s. wildfire in over 100 years. the place they once called home, now unrecognizable. >> as you are leaving lahaina, my grandma has property there. the entire property is gone and that property held a lot of our family. >> it is all gone. >> it is all gone. homes have been laid to waste. many calling the scene in maui a war zone. over 2000 buildings have either been completely incinerated or severely damage. and an overwhelming majority being personal homes of lahaina residents. now while it aid is being sent and electricity almost fully restored and search and rescue is underway, mezey residents don't feel enough is being done. >> i want people to know there are people out here suffering. we need donations.
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we need people shipping things out here. we need families fed. yeah, we need so much help. >> 99 have been killed in this wildfire and that number is expected to climb as hundreds are still missing. authorities are encouraging residents with missing family members to take dna test to help in the identification process. while the town of lahaina faces its most difficult crisis ever, the spirit of ohana seems unbreakable as people have been opening their doors and homes to neighbors and sometimes strangers who have nowhere to go. hotels and airbnb have also opened their doors to provide shelter to the residents of the once historic landmark town. >> the soul sole of lahaina is rich and strong. i think that is what we want to see. we will not get a lot of the old buildings back or a lot of the historic landmarks and the old lahaina back. but whatever we can salvage, that is what the people want.
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they want the best of what reminds them of the old lahaina. >> joining us from maui cohost of "fox & friends" weekend will cain. your coverage so far has been phenomenal of the reality. it's one of the few reporting on what is happening there. the shot behind you remind you of the sheer beauty of that place, which is the contrast of the devastation. set the scene as you have been there a couple days and what you are seeing. >> you are absolutely right, pete. it's the paradox of paradise and paradise lost. i can tell you that to my knowledge we at fox are the only national media in west maui. west maui is isolated, physically and in terms of information from the rest of the world. telephone service is rough. the only reason we got here is that my family has been here for something like 40 years and we have property to get through the security checkpoints. the mayor of maui yesterday tried to kick us out of west maui saying it is a media free zone. it is not.
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there is a first amendment and the united states constitution. this is america. what you just said is perfect. i will show you something. i am just about 2 miles from lahaina. this is the beach behind me. i am about to go around this corner called the point. i will get the first look of lahaina. right now i am coming to you on the gemini boat. my buddy owns this boat. we will get a look at lahaina from front street. that will be on fox & friends tomorrow morning. it is ohana. it is community. that is the story. i have seen things that will make you believe in america. it's incredible what citizens, not the government, what citizens are doing for one another. >> you mentioned the inspiring nature of what citizens are doing in contrast to government. where is the leadership? you heard joe biden today say some remarks about doing everything they can from the federal government. what is the sense on the ground of where the leadership is coming from, if at all, other
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than from each other? >> so, you are in an informational black whole. i don't know that joe biden's message have reached the people of west maui. i will say this. $700 will be sent to the families of lahaina. i just did some quick math. there is about 13,000 or was about 13,000 residents of lahaina. times $700 that is $1.9 million. i think this week we announced another $40 billion for ukraine. i am not sure where we are at this point, but it something like $140 billion total for ukraine. last i checked this is the united states of america as his east palestine, ohio. i don't know why it's so hard comparatively to rally for america and so easy comparatively to support ukraine. >> the forgotten men and women on an island. forgotten today by the administration, distracted by so many other things. real quick. the death toll.
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the search and rescue is ongoing. while you are providing aid for people, we are still trying to find out if people are alive. that is still ongoing? >> yeah. honestly, that's a really hard piece of information to grab your arms around and get a hold up. it's about 100, but there are so many more missing. i talked to families and said are you missing someone? anecdotally, not a lot of people say i can't find this person or that person. on the other hand there is talk of search in the ocean. the dive teams are looking for bodies. there are bodies that were perhaps burned not beyond recognition, but existence. how do you know if someone was there if they no longer even have evidence that they were there in lahaina? fox audience has been amazing. you know this firsthand. my friends and i, families long time here in hawaii, have put together something that we guarantee will go directly to families. i would love you guys to continue to help. fox has raised $1 million for
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family and i will personally guarantee it gets to them. it is help mahle or help the people of maui at gofundme. you just filled my heart. >> it's amazing. it's what the government has said it will do so far. turns out like you said american citizens rallying around each other. you have done a phenomenal job. we will look for that reporting in the morning on fox & friends. god bless. >> appreciate you, brother. coming up, joe biden has a big green sock machine and he is not afraid to use it. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza. (vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging.
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and francisco's leadership turned a once beautiful city into an abyss filled with crime, drugs and homelessness. you know that. right now what you are seeing on your screen is nearly 50 people abusing fentanyl outside of the san francisco federal building.
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it is so dangerous at that location, they are telling nancy pelosi, her fellow employees and hundreds of other federal employees to work from home for the foreseeable future siting conditions at the federal building. yeah, conditions. it is simply too dangerous to go to work at the building full of feds. too much crime and too many drugs. san fran even needed to stop the construction of a one point to billion dollar tower do to a rampant crime and homelessness. so how did a city like this succumb to such a disgrace? it is not just nancy who flushed the city down the toilet. kamala harris was the da of san francisco for six years. she could have helped to prevent this, but she failed, like she does at everything. and san francisco is not the only liberal city that has been torn down by awful leadership. according to a household pulse
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survey the city of seattle now has the highest percentage of residents among large u.s. metro areas who felt pressure and feel pressure to move due to their safety. with drug use and gun violence with some of their biggest concerns. seattle is in desperate need of help. it's people want to out to. what does the white house do about this? well, you guessed it. they send in kamala harris. but not to talk about crime. how about electric school buses? >> this work was designed to dramatically expand solar and wind energy production, to lower energy costs for working families, and to put millions of electric vehicles on the road including thousands of electric school buses so that of course, our children, can have clean air to breathe. this is all to do what we must do to meet the challenges of
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this moment. >> you know because our kids will get on the electric buses. the people want safety, but kamala harris wants electric school buses. sounds about right for her. safe to assume these new school buses will not be locking up criminals or cleaning up streaks are getting drugs off the streets. instead kamala harris tells other to meet the challenges of this moment because we know she never will, sadly. about 100 parents protested outside a new jersey courthouse this afternoon. the state's democrat governor phil murphy is suing to stop one district from acquiring schools to notify parents if their child wants to change their gender. imagine the horror. fox news correspondent nate foy is live with us in freehold, new jersey with the latest. nate, help me out. >> reporter: hake, pizza. good evening. superior court judge promised a decision on the state's efforts
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to banish these temporarily for now. he said that decision would come shortly but did not define what he meant by that. we will be watching for the rest of the week for a ruling to come down. today in court the state argued that irreversible harm would be done to transgender kids if the school facilitated that child coming up to their parents as transgender. they communicated with the parents back at home. on the other side of this you have the middletown school board president who says how can parents help their children if they don't know what is going on? >> i truly do believe that the policy now in place with the state if lifted will help the children not only throughout the state and middletown, but the whole country. that's what we need. we really need to help our children. >> pete, today we saw protesters on both sides of this. about a hundred parents of kids supporting the school boards and roughly 10 transgender activist.
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governor phil murphy's administration claims the policies violate the state antidiscrimination law. state attorney general said today this was after the hearing in part, quote, these new policies mandate disclosure based on certainly protected characteristics without even assessing the individual needs or concerns of the child. however, the policy and middletown schools explicitly requires an assessment of an individual student's circumstance. parents who elected school board members to represent their values tell fox news this whole thing is ridiculous. >> this is for our middle school and under age group. these are our babies. these are minors. these are children who need their parents to be aware. >> pete, these policies impact children as young as five years old. the judges decision will have a immediate impact because school starts in new jersey in about three weeks. we send it back to you.
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>> hold on. did i hear you right at the beginning of the report? you said allowing parents to be part of the conversation, the state argued allowing parents to be part of the decision would cause irreversible harm to kids? is that what the state argued for real? >> that is exactly right. that is what was said in court today. the state argues that the irreversible harm in this challenge would be done if the parent wasn't ready to provide a supportive environment for that child. again, the grades vary depending on the district. some are k-8 and others are k-12. kindergarten kids are part of this state policy at just five years old. send it back to you. >> kindergarten kids. huberty blockers, physical altering surgery sounds like irreversible to me and the training starts when the parents are involved. thank you. let's turn it over to a parent who has been at the front line of the war on kids. ian pryor joins me now.
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the deck is stacked against these parents in new jersey who simply want a common sense policy that says let us be involved. if the state is this heavy-handed about pushing this radical policy all the way down to the individual school district level, what are parents to do? >> it is really interesting because you are seeing these cases all over the country. the way they usually get to the court is a parent will challenge the school's policy saying you cannot tell the kids. the teachers cannot tell the parents that the kid wants to be transgender. the courts are usually blocking these from going forward on a standing issue. because your kid isn't transgender and you haven't actually been harmed from a secret being kept from you, we will dismiss it on standing. here you have the exact opposite. you have the school board and these other courts say this should be a political process. you have the political process playing out. the elected officials that were chosen by their district putting in place a policy that
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vindicates parents parental constitutional rights. now you have the state coming in saying we don't care about your constitutional rights. we care about the antidiscrimination law. forget the constitution. >> so, forget the constitution and your kid could change genders without you knowing and we think that's the right policy? and if we don't you are causing irreplaceable damage to your kid? it's inconceivable. i'm grateful for people like you fighting back on the front lines. parents elect school boards fight that state and those policies and if you have to get the heck out of new jersey because they want your kids in kindergarten. ian pryor, thank you so much. coming up, joe biden just bought a multibillion-dollar vacuum and wants to use it. iseae skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor that can deliver clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur.
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administration still thinks they made the right call. >> the decision to withdraw from afghanistan was an incredibly difficult one but also the right one. we ended america's longest war. >> joe biden made two things clear after he botched, completely botched that withdrawal. one, this was an unmitigated success. and two, any afghan national who helped the u.s. in that war would be welcome to our country with open arms. remember that big airlift? we know number one was a lie from the get-go. we saw it before our eyes. 13 dead americans is not a success by any measure. it's an abject failure. now two years later we know the second part was a lie too. this is habib. for years he worked alongside u.s. special ops as an interpreter. he survived two ied explosions and was shot multiple times. he also became lifelong friends
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with green beret john polaski. i had several interpreters in iraq and afghanistan. you get to know each other quickly and share the risk. you certainly don't want to leave them behind. but that is what joe biden did. he left habib and so many interpreters like him behind. his name ended up on a taliban kill list. eventually habib fled to turkey where he is living illegally and under the radar for fear of being captured and tortured. john did not think he would see his friend habib again until the two were recently reunited this summer when john traveled to turkey to visit habib in secrecy. the next step, bring habib to america. if joe biden won't make good on that promise, john will. john has begun fundraising to bring habib to the united states, the land he fought and nearly died for. retired green beret john polaski joins me now.
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john, thank you for your service. i understand your connection to habib and what he went through on the battlefield and your desire to get him home. when you hear the biden administration say we are committed to bringing all these guys home. what do you say based on your experience? >> my question is, win will the commitment be fulfilled? we have been working with many policymakers, many different nonprofits. the special immigrant visa which is meant for people like habib unfortunately has a number of loopholes. those who were the fighters in the afghan wore are un- eligible for coming over on the visa. there was some legislation that was recently put in front of the senate and the congress, the afghan adjustment act. language would have included those who served alongside special operation forces, female tacticians, females who fought alongside the men and women of the united states. fortunately both sides failed to
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get those votes. we are calling on congress, congressional leaders and the biden administration to fix this. it is absolutely not right what we do is to leave those behind. >> john, you saw our administration fail us relying on the taliban tele- band for security. dropping the bomb on the wrong target of civilians and not killing the bomber before killing americans. what happened was a failure in the exit of afghanistan. why have you not quit? your not going to allow yourself to fail. you will follow through. why our individual debts and guys like you doing everything you can to fill in where the government failed? >> i mean multiple reasons. one, habib saved my life and multiple other lives. in one instance we went around a corner and my afghan counterpart captain was going around a mud wall and a spew of machine-gun fire came out and shot and killed him in front of habib and
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i. he credits me for saving my life and many other members of my team. that was just one instance. these guys are with the best americans out their every single day putting their lives in front. i say second where we are cultural only in america, recently we heard from admiral mullen. he is talking about the youth coming of age to enlist in the united states military. they are instructed by their leaders, mentors, teachers and coaches. there are better options out there. i disagree with those coaches and mentors and teachers. everybody that has an opportunity. smart people and parents should encourage people to enlist in the military. we need to fill those seats. we are running 75% of our recruiting effort in the army right now. how is that sustainable for a mission for us? >> that is true. the pentagon better figure out its priorities because they are
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sending the wrong signals to the dudes out there who would otherwise very quickly want to sign up and do what you did. thank you for so much for your service. we are praying for habib. thank you. up next, joe biden has got a plan to fight climate change. and it sucks, literally. tter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living.
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5:54 pm
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5:56 pm
texas and louisiana better make room because the biden administration is coming and they plan on sucking the carbon out of your air. the rural south is about to be the guinea pig for carbon sucking technology. and it will only cost you a mere $3.5 billion. primetime is calling it the big green suck machine. the texas project led by occidental petroleum corporation have giant machines that will be used to suck greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere. it's like a vacuum cleaner for
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the clouds. the way they plan on disposing that carbon is brilliant. just look under your feet because that is exactly where it is going. that's right. what's carbon get sucked up by these government-funded vacuums, the company plans to bury it. because burying carbon in our earth doesn't have any possible side effects, right? turns out carbon can leak and once it leaks you have contaminated the surrounding area and the water supplies and that sucks. that's not the only wonderful trait of this new technology. sucking carbon out of the air takes a lot of energy. so much so that capturing 1 billion tons of carbon would require using every piece of green energy we have ever produced including nuclear. it's expensive to suck carbon too. it's around $100 to collect just 1 ton. if we capture a billion tons of carbon of will cost around $100 billion. that's a return on investment for you. but to spend this much, the technology has to be proven, a
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track record of success. well, no. a united nations panel said in may that the suckers are technologically and economically unproven and pose unknown environmental and social risks. the biden administration is so hell bent on being the leader of green energy they will blindly bankroll experimental programs, bury the results in perfectly good soil and burned through money to make their point. the reality is their point is void of any real change. it is just a giant virtue signal that this time actually sucks. and americans are left picking up the pieces of a failed nationwide energy program, paying more and praying every day that the next sip of water is not contaminated with carbon. they really must think we are the suckers. let's bring in babylon be writer and author of elephants are not birds, ashley saint clair. sorry we have so little time.
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$3.5 billion for unproven technology sounds great, right? >> it sounds fantastic. there are people that are home that are foolishly worried about feeding their families and paying rent. they should be celebrating that joe biden is doing important things like spending $3.5 billion on a giant suck machine. you should stay home and don't worry. it will all be taken care up. and stop having those babies. >> don't have babies. stopped eating meat as well. but if we do, it can create more big green carbon sucking machines. it kind of works for him. >> yeah. the climate crisis is the new covid. the sky is falling. you need to stay home and let us suck. that's what they want to do. just let them suck, pete. >> just it's also a nickname for washington, d.c. it's called the big green suck machine. ashley saint clair, thank you.
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great response. i understand why you right at babylon be. that is all for tonight. thank you for watching jesse watters primetime. im pete hegseth, have a great tuesday night everybody. sean hannity is up next. welcome to "hannity". as we begin tonight we have breaking news. a former high-ranking fbi special agent whose name is charles mcgonagle. he just pled guilty to violations and with u.s. sanctions and laundering payments from a russian oligarch. here is the important part. charles was not just any rank-and-file member of the fbi. no. senior agent had a


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