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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 1, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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i just don't believe there are people who think that and, if they do maybe they're being completely brainwashed by a media that covers for him but good heavens, there's got to be some awareness and awakening in this country about the job he is doing that is just about to destroy this great republic. >> let's keep in mind that the poll i referenced does seem to be outlier among the universe of polls that are out there right now. one other final point, it gives bind an edge in the popular vote but there are a lot of polls in the swing states that ultimately decide the election where donald trump is leading. got leave it there governor huckabee we appreciate your time. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ >> brian: 6:00 a.m. on the east coast thursday, february 1st, this is "fox & friends." look who is back. we will talk to her later. brand new video shows suspected illegal migrants land on san diego beach and run like hell as a rec center turns into a
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migrant shelter in boston. lawrence jones is live there this morning. >> ainsley: plus, all new video this morning showing the kansas city chiefs party host in handcuffs after three of his friends were found frozen to death in his backyard as we learn he has now checked himself into rehab. >> steve: so much news about that. plus, the house of representatives passing a bill to ban hamas terrorists from entering our country. but two members of the squad voted against it. >> ainsley: what? >> steve: those two. "fox & friends" starts right now for the first day of february and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: hashtag. ♪ >> ainsley: we begin with a fox news alert. three people are dead and nine others were hurt in a construction site clasp last
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night in idaho boise airport. a hangar being built suddenly buckled sending a crane crashing down. >> steve: five of the injured people. the fire department called it a catastrophic incident. listen to this. >> we have accounted for everybody that was in or around the collapse area. we did have some that were challenging and that there was hoists and so forest that our technical rescue team made entry and able to rescue those people. >> brian: we will follow that authorities are working to determine what caused the collapse at the privately owned site. airport operations were not affected. >> steve: i was just reading the local paper in noisy. the new hangar was for the jackson jet center right next to the airport itself. at the time that it happened about 5:00 yesterday afternoon, apparently there were about 30 people who were working on it. and apparently the crane -- i
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cracrane in the middle and builg folded collapsed in the shape of an m. a number of victims were on a hoist at the time that the structure fell. >> ainsley: does it seem like construction workers maybe that were building this hangar. >> steve: yeah, absolutely. five of the people taken to the hospital are still in critical condition at this hour. >> ainsley: like a private -- i know it's a private hangar next to the airport is this to house private planes? >> steve: that is unclear. i know it's a private business and the airport operations at the boise airport were not impacted. you can see right there the crane folded in half while they were trying to put it together. but something went haywire. >> brian: three minutes after the top of the hour. number one story, this issue likely number one in your house is illegal immigration in america. the breakdown of our border, we always focus on texas and arizona. >> we cannot forget about
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california. of the second video, very similar to what we saw a couple of days ago. you have an operation now where these illegal immigrants take this boat. they beach it in la jolla, if you haven't been to san diego, it's probably the nicest city in san diego. it is rich, it's upper class. these clips are unbelievable. if you don't hit a seal in on the way in you will be surprised. these guys beach it. there are cars waiting for them and though go running in. they are now gone. >> ainsley: that first video you saw. the most recent one shows that boat with suspected illegal immigrants landing on the san diego beach. and then the last week video we saw of the boat full of the undocumented migrants landing on the beach in san diego, too. running into this wealthy la jolla neighborhood. >> the average house is more than $2 million. you can see it's a beautiful residential area. this county spent $3 million caring for illegals. they are allotting another 3 million. last year over 300 migrants were moved into the san diego airport bowers the shelters there ran out of room. this is the largest border city
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in california. >> steve: this channel is one of the only places you will see these images. bill melugin essentially got that individual yeio right there. this is the new stuff. do you know who took this? a guy named jack and he was out there in san diego with a go pro. he is apparently a lifelong san diego resident and he took these images. obviously what is going on, in addition to essentially beaching the boats, and it's becoming more and more common, is the smugglers, the human smugglers are stealing the boat. it's not their boat. they can't buy a boat and do that. that doesn't make business sense. they are stealing boats. doing that last week, ainsley when you were talking about the la jolla situation. that particular -- when they ran into that upscale area, naturally just like californians, good samaritan swimmers swam out to pick up the track that the illegals had left
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behind and a lot of the trash included fuel cans that were leaking into the water. but this is just a new way of getting the migrants who pay thousands of dollars per head in some cases tens of thousands into the united states those are what you call got-aways. those are the people we don't know if they have backpacks full of fentanyl. we just don't know. it's more and more common. >> good to know we're running out of fighting age the men. all young men who are running for their lives. runs that actually give their story and, again, what are they doing here? why aren't they staying in their own country. in california they are not going to even be pursued. >> in san diego they are releasing a lot of these migrants into the neighborhoods. they said from october to december of last year, 2023, the average -- on average they were releasing 637 per day. that doesn't include the ones that cross over illegally and get in the cars and get away. >> brian: huge gang problems
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there. a lot of them go right from one gang to the next gang. >> steve: my brother-in-law lives right there on the water right next to the tracks. and it's a problem. it is a significant problem. meanwhile, we have been talking about the migrant situation. last week, when we flew out of new hampshire we wound up taking off from the airport. lawrence and i were at boston logan last week. and lawrence, we were talking about and you are in boston right now, we were talking about how boston logan is being used to house migrants. today is the last day they are going to do that. they have a lot of bad publicity, now they are moving them some place else, right? >> yeah. not only are moving them. they have moved them and, according to our law enforcement sources. they moved them in the middle of the night. and if you look at the door behind. this it may be hard for our camera guy nate the great to actually see it. there is a sign on the door that says not open to the public. the interesting thing about that, guys, the public is paying for this.
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and nothing paint the picture more than when you look at the poverty rate here in boston. it's at 17%. and this community, roxbury community it's over 28%. so have you got a lot of the residents that are frustrated not because they are not compassionate to migrants and they don't understand people wanting a better life. they are saying they are currently struggling right now. trying to make ends meet. and their tax dollars are going to provide for illegal migrants, guys. >> but they are not putting them in nice places. not going to but the them in the rich section put them in the working class section. rich people don't want illegal immigrants they want to say they are welcome here but not near them. right, lawrence? >> lawrence: that's the agitation when you talk to the black and latino community that are here in this country legally. they are saying why are they still considered the both the barrel when it comes to these politicians? and, of course, you know the people are the money are saying no. we don't want them.
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meanwhile they are donating to all the campaign saying that they are so compassionate but when push comes to shove, they want something different. and, you know, when you talk to the residents out here as well, when you talk about their struggle and everything -- their kids don't have a quality education. we have already talked about the poverty. so, again, what are they going to do about this? and are they going to fix the communities first before they start providing for the migrants? that's yet to be determined. >> ainsley: it's happening everywhere a few weeks ago we did the story in brooklyn. wasn't one of the best new year's. wasn't the wealthy area. don't come to school we will use your gymnasium second floor to house migrants. >> steve: because it's really cold. it's cold in boston, too. thank you very much, lawrence, for going back up there. >> brian: going to roxbury where 45 population are black. 28 are hispanic and latino, 48%
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are white. there might be vineyard moment suddenly the illegal immigrants have come home to say hello and they don't want to meet them. meanwhile to another fox news alert. new video obtained by fox news digital shows the host of the kansas city chiefs watch party in cuffs moments after three of his friends were found frozen to death in his backyard. >> steve: plus, we now know that that host apparently has checked into rehab after the tragedy and a source close to his family says he is facing his addiction head on we don't know exactly what he is addicted. to say. >> ainsley: brooke singman is here with the latest. even though we saw him in handcuffs. the police say he is not 100 percent being investigated this is not a homicide. >> that watch party host jordan willis later released by police. we are now learning that he checked himself into rehab soon after. sources tell his family after the shocking loss of three close
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friends under extremely tragic circumstances jordan recognized that he had a problem with addiction. it's been nearly a month since the tragedy and the families are still demanding answers as they await the results of toxicology reports. >> it's very odd, speaking of the time fing everything. well, since so much of this is relying on jordan, i fear that we may not get the full truth because of this story that is ever-changing all the time, the initial investigation itself like did they do a toxicology on jordan himself as well to maybe see if the same things were in his system that would be in theirs? >> willis is not facing any charges at this point. and police insist that the deaths are not being investigated as homicides. guys? >> brook, thank you very much. remember we were talking last week about the fifth friend who left after the 11:00 and he told the cops last time i saw them alive they were all sitting on the couch watching jeopardy. apparently, he allegedly texted
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other friends about drug use at the house. and so that -- there you can see the host right there, jordan willis being handcuffed by cops. apparently got in the cruiser, the cuffs were not on him. but, nonetheless, it all comes down to the toxicology report. what, exactly, if any drugs were, in their systems at the time. >> ainsley: dr. baden a few days ago he said they definitely have the toxicology results back they're probably not just releasing them to the public. >> steve: they are probably trying to figure out who they got the drugs from. >> brian: one of the spouses said my husband was not addicted to drugs. this does not make any sense. >> ainsley: they have kids. >> brian: one was found in a chair sitting outside. a lawn chair. >> ainsley: a neighbor said two of the men were arriving at the house two 30 packs of beer. >> steve: it was a football game. >> ainsley: i wonder if they went outside to have a cigarette or something. sitting in the chair maybe out
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there. it's 30-degree weather. they were found several days later. >> brian: go to another house next door neighbor it's a rental house. >> ainsley: i think they passed out or something. >> brian: probably drugs. >> steve: we need more answers. >> ainsley: now to your headlines starting with a fox news alert. the u.s. launching self-defense strikes on houthi targets in yemen overnight. the military action comes as the biden administration officially blames an iran-backed militant group, the islamic resistance for the attack in jordan that killed the three u.s. soldiers over the weekend. white house officials say the u.s. is not looking for a war with iran. but the military response could last for weeks. there have been at least 166 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east since october 17th, and happening today, grieving parents are going door-to-door on capitol hill. they are urging lawmakers to rein in big tech. this comes one day after meta's ceo, mark zuckerberg was forced to apologize to the families
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during yesterday's hearing on child safety online. >> would you like to apologize for what have you done to these good people? [applause] >> ainsley: he was asked to apologize and he stood up and turned to the parents and he did. the parents telling lawmakers social media has led to the deaths of their children. zuckerberg insist meta is working to block harmful content. clorox, the latest business in oakland, california to hire security to protect their employees, the company hired additional guards to escort workers to their parking lots, transit hubs, and even restaurants and coffee shops. also in oakland, one denny location is shutting its doors after 54 years. the company claims the surge in crime is the reason why. didn't you work there at denny's? you went on a date or something at brian. >> brian: did i not go on a date at deny's. who goes to a breakfast place?
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>> ainsley: let me get to this story. actor alec baldwin pleading not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in connection with the 2021 rust movie set shooting. cinematographer halyna hutchins killed when a prop gun with a live round wecht off. initial charges dropped last year. prosecutors refiling following results from new analysis on that gun. baldwin repeatedly denied pulling the trigger. he faces up to 18 months in prison if he is convicted and new overnight. a private signature nasa cargo craft just arrived at the international space station with tons of supplies and scientific hardway it. did hall more than 8,000 pounds of supplies. >> the craft launched from spacex falcon 9 rocket out of cape canaveral florida. now to a fox weather alert. satellite images show a so-called pineapple express
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spending off the west coast. flooding strong winds today. flood alerts issued for more than 20 million people. some areas seeing wind bust gusts up to 70 miles per hour. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> janice: we are definitely following that story and the heat across the country. over 250 million enjoying above average terse, 10 to 25 degrees where it should be this time of we're. potentially record highs plains and upper midwest. where is that colder air? we might see some of it next weekend into next week that might give us some more wintry weather and colder weather as we get into the mid february region. here's our forecast today as ainsley mentioned. we have the stream of moisture that originates from hawaii, all of this three-point line moisture moving into the west coast. that means heavy rain for areas that don't typically do well with heavy rain that is the coast of california and burn
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areas. and mountain snow sierra nevada and rockettes. here is the future radar. new storm moves in this weekend. it's going to travel across the plain states and another one as we get into monday. there is the storm track. then, if we get that cold air we will start to see a are little more wintry weather for areas that are really enjoying springtime weather this week. steve, ainsley, brian, over to you. >> steve: you are right. punxsutawney phil tomorrow might be wearing a swimsuit. >> janice: i have never seen that happen. i suppose anything is possible. he just gets really mad when people wake him up. >> ainsley: what time does that happen? >> janice: 7:30ish. >> brian: are you leaving in the morning? january leaving right after this show. brian likes to keep tabs on me. >> brian: give you an apple tag. >> ainsley: i love your covering there. you see the same people there. same people come every year. >> janice: one lady i have a present for you guys. i will show it to you later. but she knit these things that
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i'm going to give you for groundhog day. >> steve: i have seen it. >> janice: it is adorable. >> it is adorable. >> do you wear the same outfit? >> steve: something we will all wear. >> janice: tune in to see if i wear the same thing this year. >> steve: i remember. >> janice: brian, will you wear a hat, maybe? >> brian: no. i don't wear hats. >> ainsley: gloves would you wear them? >> brian: i would do gloves. >> steve: it's really cute. i saw it in the hall. >> brian: hopefully a rug. >> steve: first day of february, president biden finally set to visit east palestine, ohio, as the white house dodges questions whether or not it was, you know, what took him so long and would he drink the water there? >> this is not about some sort of like political stunt here. this is not about -- this is not what this is about. >> steve: he will take a bottle of water. our next guest has family from
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east palestine and says the catastrophe marked an inflection point for trump, not biden. that's next. >> ainsley: and the ceo of tiktok tells ted crews kids in china have a different experience bowers the app. is not available there. >> there is not a difference between what kids see in china and what kids see here? >> senator, tiktok is not available in china. it's a separate experience there. >> ainsley: not good for their kids but fine for ours. >> brian: fantastic. >> ainsley: pete hegseth will join us. >> brian: wouldn't talk about whether to ban it or not. calling a foul after a video of him without a shirt on reveals a dad bod. this is going viral. what does it say about a country where the best player is not in that great of shape? >> steve: it was great ♪ hey, you,
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♪ and hopefully save lives. when my son brian died in a drunk driving accident, i put out a video about it and try to stop young people from drinking and driving. no other family has to go through what we did. tiktok has the power to change society, and i think that's where the power of tiktok lies. if you save one person, that's one more person that can change the world too. right? ♪ ♪ ♪ is this yours? you ready? surprise! i don't think you can clear this. i got this. it's yours now. it's odd how in an instant
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>> when the president is in east palestine, will he drink the water there? >> i mean, look, what i can tell you is the president's focus has been to do everything that he can to support this community from day one.
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we get what is going on on the ground. that's why we had epa. that's why we had dot and hhs and fema on the ground. you know, this is not about some sort of like political stunt here. >> brian: really? okay. that puts that story to rest. the white house dodging questions on president biden's upcoming visit to east palestine this month. one year since the devastating toxic train derailment as many people question the timing. woman has family from east palestine she says it will be remembered as trump's inflection point. on the trump point, what do you mean trump's inflection point? >> so last february 22nd, when donald trump decided to go east palestine, he wasn't particularly in the best place in the polls. particularly among republicans. they were so exasperated after what happened with the senate race. the senate races and not winning
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in -- with candidates that he had supported. so there was sort of a malaise among trump voters. and desantis was, you know, sort of neck and neck with him in that moment, in that time period. he shows up in this town, and i mean i wrote it down, i still have it in my reporter's notebook, if he resurrects his career, if he resurrects his moment and becomes the top of the polls, it happened that day. because he showed up. >> brian: gotcha. >> brian: president comes a year later hasn't picked a date yet. what is this all about. a year. doesn't it highlight he doesn't know what is going to hit him? what is he actually up to in doing this? >> so, yes. it absolutely highlights that he never showed up before. and i don't think this is necessarily about him.
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but i think it's about senator sherrod brown, the democrat ha has represented that state in the senate since 2006. but also senator casey, because the town of darlington right across the state line is up -- east palestine is on the state line is also up for reflection. and he, i suspect, i don't know, this will probably highlight that senator brown had shown up and senator casey had shown up and he is trying to uplift them with the working class voter. >> brian: we will see what happens. here is the biggest question. how are they doing? how is the land? can you drink the water? are these kids back in school? can they sell their house if they chose to? >> yeah, you know, there is a real sense of being stuck right now. >> this is a town that has always had generational treasure, right? it's not one of those towns that was on its knees. it's a very beautiful town, very picturesque. however everything about the moment before february 3rd is
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now tainted by what happened on that day and the subsequent controlled burn. people cannot sell their homes at the value they would have had on february 2nd, 2023. and. >> brian: real quick, are they going to hug it out or do you think the president has a check or something that will try to turn this story his direction? >> i think it's too late to turn the story in his direction. what he is going to attempt to do is turn it into a direction positively for brown and positively for casey. i suspect that's what risk is about. >> brian: beth those candidates have their hands full running for re-election. celina all over this story. great grandfather born in east palestine, knows the story too. thank you so much putting it in perspective while waiting for the president to give us a date. >> thanks for having me.
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>> brian: go over to steve for headlines. >> steve: this just in. the european union has agreed to a 50 billion euro aid package for ukraine. the deal comes despite weeks of threats by hungary to veto the move. the european council president posting on x that the deal quote looks in steadfast long-term predictable funding for ukraine. eu is taking leadership and responsibility in support for ukraine. we know what is at stake, they say. still nothing from our congress. meanwhile, a $78 billion tax bill is legged to the senate after clearing the house overnight in a bipartisan vote. did you hear about this? the bill would temporarily expand the child tax credit and make it easier for families to qualify. the democrats wanted that it also allows for more tax breaks over time. and revised tax breaks for businesses that republicans passed back in 2017. so both parties got something
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they wanted. kansas city chiefs quarterback patrick mahomes reacting to a not so flattering image of him going viral. i don't understand what the trouble is. >> brian: great shape. >> steve: he is the greatest of all time. in response to the shirtless -- i'm from kansas city. in response to the shirtless photo from inside the nfl mahomes write, quote: yo why do they have to do that like that. why do they have to do me like that, rather. hashtag dad bod season like i got kids. the father of two celebrating the chief's afc championship win ahead of fourth super bowl appearance in five seasons where i predict the kansas city chiefs will once again win. but then again i'm partisan. all right. coming up, boston turns recreation center underprivileged. brian you are there too. >> brian: did you want me to join you? >> steve: i don't know.
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lawrence is in boston at a migrant shelter. and that is coming up. but, first, squad members cori bush and rashida tlaib both voting new on a measure barring hamas terrorist from entering the united states. terrorists. they are okay with it. apparently. pete hegseth wished he was surprised and he is coming up next. ♪ for fast sore throat relief, try vicks vapocool drops. with two times more menthol per drop, and powerful vicks vapors to vaporize sore throat pain. vicks vapocool drops. vaporize sore throat pain. the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body.
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pete, you know, let's just examine they are hamas terrorists. okay, hamas murdered all those people. and they are terrorists. i don't think i would let either one of them in but both of them were okay with them. >> absolutely, it's actually very forward-looking for them. they are looking out for higher education. who are going to be the guest lecturers at harvard and columbia and university of michigan without hamas terrorists? we're in short supply or special guests at their democratic socialist of americans fundraisers between the two of them. the nickname for their group has been and they sort of denied it the hamas caucus. the squad. two of them have just come out and said well, we are okay with hamas entering the united states. they say the law is redundant, steve. that's their argument. they are saying it would already be on the books that these people would not be allowed in. really? have you seen our immigration system? by the way, if hamas members
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wanted to get into our country, just get a one-way ticket to mexico city and that's currently the easiest way to get into our country. i wouldn't -- it doesn't actually bar them because of our open borders, but it is demonstrative of their upside down world which says no, the real terrorists are the united states of america or the idf and the freedom fighters are the hamas terrorists who massacred 1200 innocent people. that's their world view and elected members of coming and voters continue to vote for them. it's who they're and we should believe them at this point. >> steve: tlaib put out a statement last night afterwards. and do you know who she blames for this whole thing? republicans, of course. she writes it's just another republican messaging bill being used to insight anti-arab, anti-palestinian and anti-muslim hatred that makes communities like ours unsafe. itit's very clear we don't want hamas here. we don't want terrorists here. it's that easy.
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>> yes. or if you want to represent of muslim community stand up and say yes, we are pro-muslim, pro-arab, pro-palestinian but we are anti-hamas. and we want to be very clear about who we are and who we aren't. and she failed that test. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about something else that happened on capitol hill yesterday, the senate judiciary committee brought in some of the big shotsed from the social media companies that we know that their products give a dopamine rush to everybody who uses it. particularly the kids. here, listen to what senator cruz asked the ceo of tiktok about. and then we will just wonder what exactly are they doing? listen to this. >> on tiktok, in china, you are promoting the kids science and math videos, educational videos and limit the amount of time kids can be on tiktok. in the united states you are promoting to kids self-half videos and anti-israel
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propaganda. why is there such dramatic difference? >> senator that, have just not accurate. >> not a difference what kids see in china and what kids see here. >> senator, tiktok is not available in china. it's a separate experience there. >> steve: tiktok is not available in china because the chinese understand what mind control it has. >> excuse me, excuse me, senator, your question answers itself. why would we poison our own kids when we can poison yours? our biggest geopolitical foe because it's like maximus in the gladiator in the arena say are you not entertained? haven't we given you this amazing app. tiktok where your kids can dance and trans themselves and be distracted so you don't have to parent them while we teach our kids science and math on a different app. because, of course, that's what we would do. the fact that we allow this is one of many but actually near the top of the list most foolish things we are doing in our society. we are not parenting.
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we are handing our kids these and then we are handing them nonsense that's manipulating their brain. like giving a soviets a portal into our kids in the 80's it's insane. >> steve: you have got kids and i got kids. i don't like my kids -- your kids are young. my kids. >> pete: you don't like your kids? >> steve: my kids. >> pete: i'm just kidding. >> steve: i know. mine are just a little bigger than yours. but, ultimately, you know, what is going on with our kids and education, that's what your poison ivy special is about. and it's going to run sunday at 10:00 p.m. we are all going to be watching, pete. >> pete: these two topics we did perfect. what are our kids learning and influences do they have. saw after october 7th. pro-hamas entities. how did we get here? where is the money coming from and why can't you trust these i've isy league institutions on fox sunday night. check it out. >> steve: my kids could actually baby-sit your kids.
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i will find out when peter doocy has a couple of days off? >> peter: any time. any time. >> all right. coming up on this thursday, boston has turned recreation center serving underprivileged kids into a migrant shelter. they are not helping those kids right now. lawrence jones is outside the shelter as the community asks why this isn't happening in more affluent areas. but, first, the california crime crisis getting personal for governor newsom. the employee at a target who blamed him directly to his face for his soft on crime policies. >> didn't realize she was talking to the governor. and farmer wants a wife. back with season two. the cast joins us coming up. >> ready to do a little farm work? >> i'm missing three but it's okay. >> what are we getting ourselves into? ♪
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♪ >> janice: good morning, everyone. let's take a look at the temperatures later on today we're going to hit some highs that, you know, are way above average, 15 to 25 degrees where they should be this time of year. 74 in dallas. 50 in chicago. 56 in billings tomorrow. 61 in kansas city. that warm air kind of hangs around as we get into the weekend. feeling more like the end of march, early april for a lot of these areas. 60 degrees in billings, 48 in
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chicago. when is that cold air going to come in? maybe not until the next couple of weeks. we will keep an eye on that we are watching the west. we have this pineapple express, deep three-point line moisture coming three three there is yot today. warm temperatures. we have a moisture starved not going to be a big deal. the west coast is where we are watching the worst of the weather today. fox weather cot dom for all the latest details and i will go over to lawrence right now. >> lawrence: thanks, j.d. as the migrant surge worsens house speaker mike johnson told the president he had the full authority to secure the border. watcher. waves of illegal immigrants are now overwhelming our communities. just since the time i was elected speaker, less than 100 days ago. more than 700,000 illegals have
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been welcomed into our country illegally by the biden administration. i read the president of the united states the law, the black letter law on the phone about two and a half weeks ago. i said, mr. president, it says very clearly you have all the tools and the executive authority necessary to reverse the catastrophe that you have created. >> lawrence: this as sanctuary city residents become increasingly frustrated with the surge. boston residents now blasting the state-backed plan to move migrants from the city's logan airport to the rec center that we're at right now used by under privileged kids in the community. we got gillian grace with us right now. jill, let's talk about the legal aspect of this real quickly. >> can they do this? >> so massachusetts is the only state in the country with what is called a right to shelter law. so massachusetts legally is obligated to provide citizens and now non-citizens with shelter. but the problem is we don't have
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enough housing in the state to accommodate everyone. certainly not in the city of boston, that has a very tight housing market. >> grace, i want to go to you because, as radio talk show host, you are talking with folks every single day. what's been the response so far? >> the response has been outrage and really i give the people of rocks burry, the residents here so much credit because they have been very outspoken and the questions they are people don't understand it until it starts effecting their every day lives. like you said, lawrence, the resources here are being taken away from these young children. it's not right and people are speaking out. >> lawrence: it's such a good point because you have got the poverty rate obviously in this area, a little bit over 28%.
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is there anything from a legal perspective that could go against that? they are targeting the poor of the poor in the community. they didn't move these migrants to the rich neighborhood. >> yeah, i mean i think every policy choice has tradeoffs and politicians often pick the people to burden that don't have as much political power that aren't going to speak out. i mean, i'm sure people would be up in arms if it was a wealthy suburb. and it was their kids that are impacted. so i think so long as we have the right to shelter laws on the books, we're going to have to make these tough policy choices and now we are seeing the people that are, unfortunately, impacted the most. >> lawrence: grace, what are going to be in your prediction the political ramifications? i mean, this is election year. i have never seen minority residents so upset. do you think this is going to be the one issue that's going to shift this election? >> yeah, i do. i think the polls are already showing that. typically we are talking about the economy, that's the number one thing.
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right now looks like illegal immigration is going to trump that as far as the politicians here go, you have governor march healey, you have mayor michelle woo and they can't address the elephant in the room. they can't say what everyone is thinking which is this is untenable situation brought to you courtesy of joe biden. and they don't want to say that because it's political posturing and they are afraid to. everybody can see that's the problem here. >> jill, they are going after texas now. the administration is suing them. they are saying that texas is the problem and texas is essentially saying we just want you to share the burden. >> yeah, i mean, i think people here are now seeing what texas deals with on a daily basis for years. and the real issue is the executives' failure to enforce the law. i think adherence to the rule of law should be a baseline, a. political, nonpartisan issue. it once was for a long time in this country. so hopefully we can return to all agreeing that, enforcing the laws on the books are necessary.
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>> lawrence: real quickly, grace, what about your mayor? does she have responsibility when it comes to this issue as well? >> yeah, there is a lot of finger pointing going around. the mayor says she needs more resources. lawrence you know in this is what the politicians are saying we need more money as if that is going to fix the problem. money is not the fix here. enforce the law. it doesn't require money it requires common sense. especially here in massachusetts our politicians are definitely lacking. >> lawrence: i think a lot of people agree with you as well. i will send it back to you in new york. >> brian: lawrence, thanks so much. same story different city and people willing to speak out. thanks, lawrence. let's talk a little business news. let's begin here. california governor gavin newsom stunned to learn that retail workers blame lax laws for california's retail theft epidemic. during a zoom event he talked about the time he witnessed a shoplifter stealing from the target. he asked the clerk in the checkout line why they didn't stop the thief.
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the worker said the governor lowered the threshold. there is no accountability. newsom says he will try to spell out the law but the employee wasn't buying it because the employee knows the truth. how about that? several target workers reportedly fired after buying stanley cups. violated policy buying the cups before customers could. the move follows hundreds of shoppers racing through the aisles. the stanley craze will soon slow down after the company revealed some of their products may contain lead. that's not the reason you want a slow down. fisher-price is bringing back their wake up and learn coffee mug baby toy after it sold out initial release. bear resemblance to the same viral cup. while it cannot hold water or apple juice. it does feature music and likes. plus it is so much cheaper than the stanley cup that's going for only $10. we will follow these stories as
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they develop and i hope those other workers at target get other jobs. coming up, all new video this morning shows the kansas city chiefs party host handcuffed mommy's after his friends were found dead in his backyard and we are learning he has checked into rehab himself. details top of the hour. plus, big show ahead. we are bragging. congressman jim jordan that's the head shot he submitted and governor kristi noem who says hey i want to be vice president? what's the big deal? ♪ i guess that's why they call it the blues ♪ time on my hand ♪ could be time spent with you ♪ laughing like children ♪ living like lovers ♪ rolling like thunder ♪ under the covers ♪
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>> steve: good morning, everybody. almost 7:00 on the east coast. live from new york city. it is thursday, february 1st. >> brian: can you believe it. >> steve: dry january is over. welcome to "fox & friends." new video shows the kansas city chiefs party host in handcuffs after his friends were found frozen to death in the backyard. and we now know he has also checked himself into rehab but we don't know what he was addicted to. >> brian: plus today parents are urging lawmakers to rein in big tech. this was unbelievable hearing. one of the moments mark zuckerberg told to stand up and


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